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PhD Seminar

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Introduction to Qualitative Studies with ATLAS TI

Stephan Billinger Strategic Organization Design Unit; Dpt. of Marketing & Management
Time and Date
February 4, 2009, from 10.00-17.30 in room O94, Syddansk Universitet (Odense)
Aim of the Seminar
This seminar gives a general introduction to qualitative studies with ATLAS TI, a software
program for computer-based qualitative data analysis. The seminar emphasises the benefits that
such an analytical approach offers, e.g. when interview data is available. The course also illustrates
how research design that considers systematic data analysis can not only be efficient and effective,
but also powerful for creating valid and reliable results. Topics include the introduction of
ATLAS TIs basic and advanced functionalities, as well as the softwares limitations. The seminar
also introduces examples and offers participants the opportunity to discuss their own research
projects and the applicability and usefulness of ATLAS TI in their own studies.
Everyone is welcome to join this introductory seminar. If you have a concrete research project,
please prepare a 5-minute PowerPoint presentation with three slides that briefly introduce (1) your
research project, (2) your research questions and research design, and (3) how you want to use
ATLAS TI. Please send these slides to by February 2, 2009. Some examples will be
selected and used during the seminar. You will be notified if your presentation is selected.
Sign- up
Please send an email to the PhD office by January 23, 2009:
Examination / ECTS points
There is no examination. You can receive 1 ECTS point for this seminar.
Readings for the class
Friese, S (2006). Software and Fieldwork. In: Hobbs, D.; Wright, R.: The SAGE Handbook of
Fieldwork. Sage: Thousand Oaks, CA, p. 309-332
Please check out:
Supplementary readings
ATLAS TI Manual:
Corbin J, Strauss AC. (2007). Basics of qualitative research: Techniques and procedures for
developing grounded theory (3 ed.). Sage: Thousand Oaks, CA
Miles, M.B.; Huberman, A.M. (1994). Qualitative data analysis (2nd ed.). Sage: Thousand
Oaks, CA
PhD Seminar
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February 4, 2009 in room O94

09.45 10.00h Participant arrival

10.00 11.30h General introduction
Objectives for the day
Overview of participants ongoing research projects
Qualitative research design and research methodology

11.30 11.45h Break

11.45 12.45h ATLAS TI Introduction part 1
Basic functionalities
What the tool can and cannot do

12.45 13.30h Lunch

13.30 15.00h ATLAS TI Introduction part 2
Advanced functionalities

15.00 15.30h Break

15.30 17.00h ATLAS TI Introduction part 3
How to get started
Participant examples

17.00 17.30 Summary
Advanced ATLAS TI workshops

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