To 3Rd Brown Sash

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16. Jump front sweep, Spin back kick, Back fist, Roundhouse kick
17. Trap, Roundhouse ,kick (same leg), Punch-Cover-Punch
18. Jump small hook kick, Spin hook kick, Back fist, Roundhouse
19. Jump side kick, Jump side kick, Jump and chop
20. Jump hook kick, Back fist, Roundhouse, Smash
23. Punch to a bo stance, 6 smashes, Block down, Front kick (repeat all on left side)
24. Punch to a bo stance, Smash, slide, 2 smashes, slide, smash
25. Punch bo, Twist and cut, Front sweep, Back Sweep-punch, Block down, kick
26. Punch bow, Grab, Break, Roundhouse kick
27. Block down, Double strike out, Pull to Horse stance-block up front, Hard block up,
Back hand punch w/head block, Hit kick, Hit kick
28. Block down, Double strike out, Pull to Cat stance-hands block, Hard block up, Back hand
punch w/head block , Hit kick, hit kick
29. Foot step back/elbow back, Smash hit, Turn forward smash hit, Pull to Cat stance-punch
w/head block, step to bo stance-punch, curl block, bo stance-punch, curl block
30. Foot step back/elbow back, Smash hit, Step through-block down, Double smash kick,
Punch-twist and cut, Sweep, Front kick, Punch (no punch on left side)
LO HAN CHIEN (Death fist of the angry god)
Feet shoulder width apart, Hands: In-Out-In-Down
Left foot up-Left arm blocks on top of Right, Step to bow, Right hand chop w/head block
Reverse bow, Left hand wipes opponent hand off right arm, Left block down, right head block
Left foot pulls in and kicks, Lunge-U-Punch
Horse stance-Right fist block down inside, Left fist head block (fist facing out)
Monkey stance-Left fist block down outside, Right head block (fist facing down)
Step and jump to the right-Arms circle up and "catch the seven stars of heaven"
Step to left bow stance, Right "spear hand" w/left head block
Reverse bow, Left hand wipes right arm, Left block down, Right head block
Left foot kick-Foot stays up, Right foot inside smash, Double smash back
Left foot steps to bow stance, Left arm blocks
Step to right bow stance, Right arm punch
Step to horse stance, Left arm punch w/right head block
Turn to the left, Block w/Face stance
Turn to right, Front kick w/right foot
Right bow stance, Punch w/head block, twist and cut
Sweep left foot up, Triple hit (with kick at angle)
Jump to left, Seep right foot up, Triple hit (with kick at angle)
Step right bow stance, Block and chop, Turn and step left bow stance, Block and chop
Right foot steps in, Hands pull in palm up, Hands down, Step out left
PEI HUANG CHI KAI PANG (Short stick of the northern beggar)
Step left bow stance-Left palm pushes out, Right foot step up-Stick hit up
Left hand strike to side, Look left, Raise left knee, Turn and hit w/head block into left bow stance,
Turn raise right leg, X-block and hit
Turn, Basic Spin (9x spin)
Jump back circle block hit, Jump forward circle block hit (clockwise)
Turn, Basic Spin (9x spin)
Turn, Pull to cat stance, Hook and stab, Flip stick
Jump-Circle-Hit, Jump-Circle-Hit (hit is forward and over head)
Jump back-Circle-Hit (hit is backwards and over head)
Turn 360 degrees and block stick up
Jump-Circle-Hit, Jump-Circle-Hit (low) into reverse bow, Jump up and back-Circle-Hit
Raise right leg, X-block and hit
Turn, Basic Spin plus 3 more spins, Hook stick under arm, Left foot step up,
Left foot step back-stick hit up, Right foot step back-stick rest in arm, Stick down,

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