Student Learning Conversation

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Student Led

Learning assets
Learning asset strengths
My strength is being a collaborator because I can work with people better, for
an example I worked with someone to make an animation in ICT A. It was
about a random lego animation with comedy. We worked really well together
and it was really fun. The final product turned out really good and we were
proud of what we did.

Learning asset weakness
My weakness is being a communicator because I get quiet and can't talk
properly so people can't understand during when I do a presentation. It has
been a habit of mine and I try to get better every time but it still happens to

What type of learner am I?
I like to learn in quiet spaces
I listen carefully during shared reading and writing so I can complete
the task and understand it well
I like to listen to music while I work
I like to learn with my friends
Work samples
I created a charcoal art piece in term 2 for how my family
shows hope. I drew it carefully to make it look like hope. It is 2
hands together to represent my family praying and hoping for
good things. Im very proud on how I drew it.
For one of my goals which is Putting Yourself In The Story, I did a
graphic organiser that was called a Senses Web. In this, I had to think
what I would see, hear, touch, smell and what emotion I would feel.
The book was called Where does Thursday go I did a lot in it and
there were emotions that I felt connected to as well.
I did a character chart which is for the goal Character Development.
In this one I have to describe how he looks, what hes like, does, what
his personality traits. I did the character on one of the main characters
in my non negotiable for writing in term 2 which is called Stuck. The
character was always curious, competitive and second guesses
For maths I did a maths game of factors, the factor was 24, the aim of
the game was you have to collect the factors of 24 and not the other
numbers to get to the score of 100. It is set on mars and all the numbers
were like asteroids, comets and meteorites. You are an astronaut
collecting these to study them and you have to try to avoid the
METEORS or you lose a life.

In term 2, I was in a group to create a restaurant. There were 4 cuisines
Spanish, which was the most popular, German, Indian and
Singaporean. I was in the German restaurant, I chose to be a waiter
and I was eager to be waiting on the day. We had to make our own
order forms and aprons. We had to think what uniform to wear and
role play to practice what to say to our customers. It was really tiring on
the day, I was running back and forth and back and forth which made
me lose a lot of weight but it was a success.
In term 2, I enjoyed crafting. We made phone holders with felt and
thread. We had to learn how to do back stitch. One time I accidentally
stitched the part where I had to put the phone then I had to do the
stitch again. It wasnt that hard, the only hard part was stitching the
small felt.
I-time is one of my favourite subjects, its my favourite because its like a
mini passion project. One of the I-times I did was on DC Comics, DC
comics is my favourite book company. I did a survey to see which tech
superhero mascot was better which is Iron man from Marvel and
Batman from DC.
Learning goals
Each term I choose a goal from the Learning Assets that I focus on to help me with my learning. The teachers give us 6
or 7 to choose from each term that best match what we are learning. As a class, we will focus on them all but I get to
choose one that I would like to concentrate more on. This term I would like you to help me choose one for me to
focus on. We could even try to focus on it at home as well.
Self Manager
How can I best prepare myself for a presentation?
How can I help myself persist when it gets hard?
How can I locate reliable/trustworthy sources to gain the information I need?
How can I search for digital information more effectively?
How can we be more empathic thinkers?
How can I present my information in a way that captivates my audience?
Because we did so much amazing work in groups with our restaurants last term, we are not focussing on this in term 3.

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