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All Things Current: What you'll find in your July 30, 2014, edition

American Universitys 10-year operational and development plans ill remain in place despite a
co!rt victory "y nei#$"ors% a&ter t$e D'(' )onin# (ommission voted Monday to stand "y its camp!s
plan decision' *Nort$est (!rrent% D!pont (!rrent% +o##y ,ottom (!rrent-
.n response to nei#$"or$ood concerns% t$e .n#leside at /oc0 (ree0 retirement comm!nity in ($evy
($ase $as removed a controversial c!r" c!t &rom its latest e1pansion plans' *Nort$est (!rrent
T$e National (apital Plannin# (ommission is settin# o!t to st!dy options &or Pennsylvania
Aven!e2s &!t!re "eteen t$e (apitol and 3$ite 4o!se' *Nort$est (!rrent est% 5eor#eton
(!rrent% D!pont (!rrent% +o##y ,ottom (!rrent-
T$e D'(' 3ater and 6eer A!t$ority is cele"ratin# a ne one-acre #reen roo& atop its +ort /eno
reservoir% $ere it $osts a yo!t$ trainin# pro#ram' *all editions-
L.7UO/ L.(EN6.N5
Prominent Nort$est D'(' resta!rate!r ,o ,lair is considerin# openin# a ne &amily-&riendly
sea&ood resta!rant in 6prin# Valley% in t$e &ormer ($ic0en O!t location at 89:: Massac$!setts Ave'
*all editions-
5ypsy 6allys% t$e Americana and "l!es ven!e don "y t$e 5eor#eton ater&ront% aims to ease
nei#$"ors2 noise &ears as it see0s a ma;or increase in its alloa"le occ!pancy' *5eor#eton
A $oppin# 1< o!ld-"e at-lar#e D'(' (o!ncil candidates are no or0in# to =!ali&y as
independents% $opin# to ;oin &o!r party nominees on t$e Novem"er "allot' *all editions-
At-lar#e co!ncil candidate >is$an P!tta $as pic0ed !p a $i#$-pro&ile endorsement &rom an old
&riend ? s!r#eon #eneral nominee Vive0 M!rt$y' *all editions-
(omm!ters on 1:t$ 6treet s$o!ld e1pect a sle o& c$an#es in comin# mont$s% incl!din# a ma;or
constr!ction pro;ect% $i#$er-capacity Metro"!ses and optimi@ed si#nal timin# ? pl!s% over t$e lon#
term% a possi"le dedicated "!s line' *all editions-
T$e PN( ,an0 "ranc$ in ($evy ($ase $as pled#ed to close its par0in# lot at 10 p'm' a&ter
nei#$"ors complained a"o!t e1cessive late-ni#$t tra&&ic related to near"y "!sinesses' *Nort$est
(!rrent east-
OT4E/ NE36
Nei#$"ors o& t$e Em"assy ($!rc$ in (at$edral 4ei#$ts are =!estionin# t$e le#itimacy o& several o&
its city permits% sayin# t$e District #overnment erred in #rantin# t$em and s$o!ld rescind t$em'
*Nort$est (!rrent est% 5eor#eton (!rrent-
T$e O&&ice o& t$e People2s (o!nsel is callin# &or more lo#istical details a"o!t t$e plan to "!ry Pepco
poer lines' *all editions-
T$e ($evy ($ase advisory nei#$"or$ood commission is opposin# a sideal0 ca&e application &or
t$e American (ity Diner% citin# a loss o& pedestrian space' *all editions-
A rare sin#le-&amily $ome in t$e "!stlin# 3est End is on t$e mar0et &or A1%BBC%000% "lendin# a
classic e1terior it$ modern interior dDcor and a rear @en #arden' *all editions-
OP.N.ON *all editions-
EditorialE 3$ile e $ave no o";ection to 5iant2s re=!est to let c!stomers drin0 alco$ol $ile
s$oppin# in its ne (leveland Par0 store% t$e #rocery erred in 0eepin# its plans &rom t$e
EditorialE President O"ama2s s!pport &or D'(' state$ood% t$o!#$ meas!red% is a ma;or step &or t$e
District -- and $ope&!lly ill $elp prospects &or "!d#et and le#islative a!tonomy endorsed in a ne
6enate proposal'
6$eroodE T$e president2s $al&$earted s!pport &or state$ood is no matc$ &or con#ressional
/ep!"licans2 e&&orts to #!t District las'

6PO/T6 *Nort$est (!rrent% 5eor#eton (!rrent-
Nort$est 3as$in#ton Little Lea#!es 1F-and-!nder team 0noc0ed o&& (ap (ity C-F to capt!re t$e
D'(' (ity ($ampions$ip on G!ly FF'
T$e District mar0ed t$e reopenin# o& t$e Ta0oma (omm!nity (enter2s !p#raded tennis co!rts on
(rime report
Advisory nei#$"or$ood commission reports and a#endas
/eports &rom local citi@ens associations
(alendar o& t$e ee02s events
(lassi&ied ads and service directory
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