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Simple Present Present Continuous

I speak
you speak
he / she / it speaks
we speak
they speak
form of 'be' and verb + ing
I am speaking
you are speaking
he / she / it is speaking
we are speaking
they are speaking
he can run, sleep, cry
she may come, drive, see
it must eat, bath, drink
to wash, jump

do - he does, wash - she washes
worry - he worries
play - he plays
1) Dinah cries all day and all night.
2) Susie and Mary dance cha-cha.
3) Karim and I like to eat friend rice.
come coming
agree - agreeing
sit - sitting
travel - travelling
lie lying
1) What are you doing?
2) Why are you lying?
3) Where is she travelling to?
4) He is sitting right there.
5) They are running in circles.

Simple Present Present Continuous
in general (regularly, often, never)
Ali plays football every Tuesday.
present actions happening one after
First Ali plays football, then he watches
right now
Look! Ali is playing football now.
also for several actions happening at
the same time
Ali is playing football and Anne is
Signal words
every ...
never, first, then

at the moment
right now

1) He normally drives to school.
2) Henry always cries at touching stories.
3) Gina usually sleeps until late morning.
4) We often jog at the park.
5) Fiona and her sister seldom come to
the center nowadays.
6) Sometimes, my mother cooks porridge
with scallop.
7) She never learns after her mistakes.
8) First, boil the water.
9) Then, wash the vegetable.
10) Dean paints his house part by part every
1) He is coming back today.
2) Look! The cat is chasing after the
3) Susue is sweeping the living room
right now.
4) Rihanna is arrranging the tables at
this moment.
5) At that moment, the car is turning
to the right into Jalan Putih.
6) Listen! She is singing in high pitch.
7) May is exercising at the gym right
8) She is cycling outside now.
Note: The following verbs are usually only used in Simple Present:
be, have, hear, know, like, love, see, smell, think, want
1) I want to eat now. 2) We have to eat as fast as possible.
3)I like to know who is here. 4) She thinks about Halim a lot.
5)She loves to eat sushi. 5) I can smell the curry rice from here.
7)I have to be at the cinema. 8) I know I can do it if I try.
9) I like to hear what you will say about this. 10) I see dark circles under your eyes.
Timetable / Schedule or arrangement?
Simple Present Present Continuous
action set by a timetable or schedule
1) The film starts at 8 pm.
2) She runs in the morning.
3) Sam eats at the diner every evening.
4) May and Kelly learns English at night.
5) Wee and Jamie wash their hair
at the saloon every Saturday.

arrangement for the near future
1) I am going to the cinema tonight.
2) She is going back to college next month.
3) They are not returning the books
until this coming Saturday.
4)We are starting class this Monday.
5) Halim and his sister are sitting for driving exam this
coming month.
Daily routine or just for a limited period of time?
Simple Present Present Continuous
daily routine
1) Bob works in a restaurant.
2) She sleeps in the car.
3) Minnie sweeps the floor.
4) Carrie walks to school.
5) Minnie loves her cat.
6) Susie and her mother buys
7) My father climbs the stairs.
8) Lim cleans the shop
9) Deena mops the kitchen.
only for a limited period of time (does not have to
happen directly at the moment of speaking)

1) Jenny is working in a restaurant this week.
2) Jamie and her son are living near Pei Chai.
3) Fionas family is eating at Ah Soons coffee shop.
4) She is going for holiday at Greece.
5) May and her husband are celebrating their sons birthday.
6) Carrrie and her friends are running for charity.
7) Kim and Lim are learning jazz.
8) They are teaching at the center.
9) We are looking after his dog.
Certain Verbs
The following verbs are usually only used in Simple Present (not in the progressive form).
state: be, cost, fit, mean, suit
1) We are on holiday. 5) The shirt fits like glove.
2) It costs RM 2. 6) Gina is going to be 30 soon.
3) She does not mean bad. 7) She suits well in the red dress.
4) Both of you suit each other. 8) I mean well. Do not misunderstand.
possession: belong, have
1) Sam has a cat. 5) We belong to each other.
2) Lina and her brother have chicken pox. 6) They have a rich dad.
3) I belong to this club. 7) She has a Ferrari.
senses: feel, hear, see, smell, taste, touch
1) He feels the cold. 5) He touches the tiger gently
2) I feel that this is wrong. 6) I hear the gate opening.
3) She sees a dark shadow. 7) I feel something strange is going on.
4) Minie tastes something weird in the soup 8) Susie hears a sudden noise.
feelings: hate, hope, like, love, prefer, regret, want, wish
1) Jane loves pizza. 6) I love red roses.
2) I hate to scold you. 7) My mother prefers to eat out.
3) She hopes for the best. 8) My father hates the smell of herbs.
4) He regrets letting her go. 9) I want a car so badly.
5) The teacher hopes you will change. 10) She wishes for a boyfriend.
brain work: believe, know, think, understand
1) I believe you. 6) I know everything is wrong.
2) She believes in you. 7) She think highly of him
3) Gina believes everyhing he says. 8) We think he is up to no good.
4) I understand your stand. 9) Please understand us.
5) We know that you are innocent. 10) She understands everything you say.
Introductory clauses for direct speech: answer, ask, reply, say
1) I am watching TV, he says.
2) She answers, I am here.
3) Lina asks the teacher, What is that?
4) The teacher replies, That is a kind of fish.
5) They answer together, Rambutan.
6) She is not here, replies the secretary.
7) I do not know, answers the witness.
8) The police asks sternly, Where are you?

Exercise 1:
1) Look! He (leave) __________________ the house.
2) Quiet please! I (write) __________________ a test.
3) She usually (walk) __________________ to school.
4) But look! Today she (go) ___________ _______ by bike.
5) Every Sunday we (go) __________________ to see my grandparents.
6) He often (go) __________________ to the cinema.
7) We (play) __________________ Monopoly at the moment.
8) The child seldom (cry) __________________ .
9) I (not / do) __________________ anything at the moment.
10) (watch / he) the news regularly?
11) This (be) __________________ Marc.
He (wear) __________________ a t-shirt and shorts today.
He (eat) __________________ an apple at the moment.
Marc (like) __________________ fruits and vegetables.
He (eat) __________________ some every day.
Marc (know) __________________ that apples (be) good for his health.
12) This (be) __________________ Caroline.
Caroline (have) __________________ long blond hair.
She usually (wear) __________________ glasses, but now she (wear) ________ contact lenses.
Caroline (like) ____________ sports.
She (play)___________ handball every Monday and Thursday.
13) Joe and Dennis (be) ___________ best friends.
They often (meet) __________in the afternoon.
What (do / they) _______________at the moment?
They (play) _____________________ football.
They (love) _________________football.
Joe (practise) ___________ with his father every weekend, but Dennis (not / play)
___________________ football very often.

Exercise 2:

1 It (be) early in the morning.
2 Sally (get) out of bed, (open) the window and (go) into the bathroom.
3 Then she (have) breakfast.
4 After breakfast, Sally usually (cycle) to school.
5 After school, she (go) back home.
6 Sally usually (eat) her lunch at home.
7 In the afternoons, she first (do) her homework and then she (meet) her friends in the
8 What (do / she) now?
9 She (play) the guitar.
10 Her friends (listen) and some of them (sing) along.
11 When Sally (come) home in the evening, she (have) dinner and then
she (watch) TV.
12 She (go) to bed at about 8 o'clock every day.
13 I (be) very busy today.
14 At noon I (visit) my friend Tanya.
15 We (want) to have lunch together.
16 In the afternoon I (play) squash with Emily.
17 In the evening, I (meet) Rob.
18 We (go) to the cinema.
19 The film (start) at 8 pm.
20 Look! Jenny (go) to school.
21 She (wear) a raincoat and wellies and she (carry) an umbrella.
22 Jenny usually (cycle) to school, but today she (take) the bus because
it (rain) .
23 The bus (leave) at 7.35 and (arrive) at Jenny's school at 7.45.
24 The first lesson (begin) at 8 o'clock.
25 James (live) in a little village.
26 He (be) in his last year at school.
27 After school, James (want) to become a banker.
28 So this week, he (do) a practical course in a bank.
29 There (be) a bank in a nearby town, but James (have) to take the bus to get there.
30 The bus (leave) at 5.30 in the morning and (return) at 8.15 in the evening.
31 James (not / like) to spend so much time in town before and after work, waiting for the bus.
32 Therefore, this week he (stay) with his aunt, who (live) in town.
33 James usually (wear) jeans and t-shirts, but while he (work) for the bank now,
he (wear) a suit and a tie.
34 Today (be) Betty's birthday.
35 Betty (love) birthdays.
36 She (be) always very excited and (wake up) very early.
37 At six o'clock in the morning, Betty (hear) a noise.
38 She (get up) and (go) into the sitting room.
39 What (go on) ?
40 Look! Betty's cat Kitty (sit) on the table and he (play) with Betty's present.
41 Sue (be) a student from South Korea.
42 She (live) in Seoul and (study) medicine.
43 At the moment, however, Sue (live) in London.
44 She (do) a six-months practical course in the hospital.
45 In five days, Sue (go) back to South Korea because the next term at university (start) in
ten days.
46 Mary and Joe (be) in a clothes shop at the moment.
47 They (look) at some jeans.
48 Joe only (have) one very old pair of jeans.
49 So he (want) to buy a new pair of jeans now.
50 Right now, he (try on) a pair of blue jeans.
51 These jeans (fit) very well, he (say) .
52 But they (not suit) you, Mary (reply) . Try on another pair.
53 What (think / you) ?he (ask) Mary, when has tried on another pair.
54 Great! How much (cost / they) ?
55 Look! They (leave) the house.

Exercise 3:

1 Brian (cycle) 30 km every day.
2 Samantha (do) her homework at the moment.
3 My parents (shop) right now.
4 He usually (get up) early in the morning.
5 You (see / not) her every day.
6 The baby (sleep / not) at the moment.
7 I (read / not) a book now.
8 We (go / not) to school on Sundays.
9 He (watch / not) the news every day.
10 (you / go) on holiday by plane sometimes?
11 (they / play) computer games every day?
12 (she / eat) dinner at the moment?
13 What (they / do) right now?
14 (she / visit) her grandma very often?
15 Look! Jenny (go) to school.
16 On her back, Jenny (carry) her school bag.
17 The school bag (be) very heavy
18 Normally, Jenny (wear) black shoes, but today she (wear) red wellies.
19 And look, she (wear) a raincoat because it (rain) outside.
Exercise 4:
1 The lesson (start) at 9 o'clock.
2 He often (wear) a black cap.
3 I (meet) my friends in the youth club tonight.
4 My friend (move) house tomorrow.
5 My birthday (be) in September.
6 She (not / ride) her bike right now.
7 We (not / stay) at home tonight.
8 I (not / like) bananas.
9 They (not / know) the answer.
10 I (not / sit) in the garden at the moment.
11 When (arrive / the plane) ?
12 (visit / you) Jane in hospital today?
13 What time (get up / you) in the mornings?
14 Why (cry / she) now?
15 (swim / they) in the pool at the moment?
16 I (live) in London.
17 This weekend, I (visit) my friends in Kemaman.
18 The train to Kampar (leave) Segamat at 6.45 in the morning.
19 In the early afternoon, we (want) to go on a sightseeing tour.
20 In the evening, we (go) to a concert.
21 The concert (start) at 8 o'clock.
22 I (come) back to Kuantan on Sunday.
23 My train (arrive) in Kampar at 7.50 in the evening.
24 We (help) in the canteen this week.
25 Martin usually (drive) to work.
26 But today, he (take) the bus.
27 Listen! She (practise) the piano.
28 My friend (play) the guitar every evening.
29 He (not / spend) his holidays in Bali each year.
30 I (not / meet) Francis tonight.
31 They (not / fly) to London tomorrow.
32 We (not / work) this week.
33 The film (not / begin) at 7 o'clock.
34 (leave / you) the party now?
35 (have / you) any brothers or sisters?
36 (love / she) him?
37 Who (cook) dinner tonight?
38 (send / he) you an e-mail every day?
39 Maria (want) to improve her English.
40 Therefore, she (do) a language course in Kuala Lumpur at the moment.
41 She (stay) with a host family and (must) take the tube to get to her language school.
42 It (be) only a five-minute walk to the nearest LRT station.
43 The LRT (leave) at half past eight.
44 The first lesson (begin) at 9 o'clock.
45 In the afternoons, the school (offer) sightseeing tours in and around town.
46 Tomorrow, the students of the language school (go) to Kelantan.

Exercise 5:

1. Every morning, my dad (go).. for a walk in the park.
2. I (visit) . some old friends this week.
3. Dont make a noise. The baby (sleep) .
4. The kettle (boil) . Shall I make tea?
5. I (like) . this wine very much.
6. Dont forget to take your umbrella. It (rain).
7. She doesnt like to be disturbed if she (work) ..
8. My brother (work) . in Paris at the moment.
9. He (visit) . his grandparents about twice a year.
10. I (not believe) .. what he says.
Exercise 6:
1. Where's John? He (listen) ___________________ to a new CD in his room.

2. Don't forget to take your umbrella with you to London. You know it always (rain) __________in England.

3. Jean (work)____________ hard all day but she (not work)____________________ at the moment.

4. Look! That boy (run) ______________after the bus. He (want)__________________ to catch it.

5. He (speak) ______________German so well because he (come)______________ from Germany.

6. Shh! The boss (come)______________. We (meet) _________him in an hour and nothing is ready!

7. Do you usually (go)____________ away for Christmas or you (stay) ___________at home?

8. She (hold) _______________some roses. They (smell) ________________lovely.

9. Oh no! Look! It (snow) ________________again. It always (snow) ____________in this country.

10. Mary (swim) _______________very well, but she (not run) ________________very fast.

11. Do you (enjoy) ________________this party? Yes, I (have)____________ a great time!

12. Sorry I can't help you. I (not know)__________________ where she keeps her files.

13. What you (do) _________________next Saturday? Nothing special. I (stay) _____________at home.

14. I (think)___________ your new hat (look) ___________nice on you.

15. I (live) ___________ with my parents but right now I (stay) ___________ with some friends for a few days.

16. I can't talk on the phone now. I (drive) ___________home.

17. Where are the children? They (lie) ___________ on the beach over there.

18. You never (listen) ___________ to a word I say! You always (listen) ___________ to that mp3 player!

19. He (not understand) _____________________________ what you (talk)__________ about. He's foreign.

20. How much your suitcase (weigh) _____________________? It (look) _______________really heavy.

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