Biology F4

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1) Water molecule diffuse into the root hair cells by osmosis.

The soil has higher concentration of

water than the cell sap of root hair cells. The water molecule from the soil diffuse across the semi-
permeable of the root hair cells. Mineral ions needs by a plant are transported into the root hair
cells by active transport. This process required energy in the form of ATP. This is because the
concentration of mineral ions in the root hair cells is higher than its concentration in the soil.
Transport of mineral ions passing through the plasma membrane is against the concentration

2) Oxygen diffuse into the red blood cell by simple diffusion. The concentration oxygen in the lungs is
higher than the concentration oxygen in the red blood cell. Oxygen diffuse across the plasma
membrane down the concentration gradient. Oxygen combines with haemoglobin in the red blood
cell to from oxyhaemoglobin

3) Glucose of the fatty acids are simple molecules that are the products of digestion of
carbohydrates, fatty acid and lipids. In the ileum, concentration of glucose is higher than in the
blood. The concentration of fatty acids in the ileum is higher than in the lacteal. Glucose diffuses into
the blood capillaries of villus by facilitated diffusion. Fatty acids diffuse into the lacteal by simple

F4C3 : Movement of Substances Across the Plasma Membrane
1. (a)i) The action of enzyme is specific. Only specific key can fit into certain lock. A region with
very precise shape for contaction between substrate and enzyme is called active site. The
substrate fits into the enzyme is like the key that fits into the locks. After substrate fits into
the enzyme, an enzyme-substrate complex will be formed temporarily. Reaction will take
place at the active site to release the products. The products may have a different shape
from the original substrate. Therefore, they are repelled from the active site. Then the active
site is free to receive another substrate. [5M]

ii) When concentration of the substrate increases, the rate of reaction increase up to a
certain concentration substrate. At this level, the rate of reaction become constant even
though the concentration of the substrate increased. This condition is due to limited number
of the enzyme molecule. The concentration of the enzyme become the limiting factor. [5M]

or ii) Rate of reaction catalysed by enzyme increase if the concentration of enzyme
increase. The rate of enzyme reaction increase until it reaches a maximum level. At this
level, the rate of reaction becomes constant even though the concentration of enzyme
increase. After reaching the maximum level, the rate of reaction does not increase because
of the limited number of substrate molecule. The concentration of substrate become the
limiting factor. [5m]

b)i) Extracellular enzyme is produced in a cell, the packed and secreted from the cell. It catalyses its
reaction outside the cell. An example is amylase. The instruction for making the extracellular enzyme
is transcribed from the deoxyribonucleic acid. (DNA) to ribonucleic acid (RNA) in the nucleus. The
RNA the leaves the nucleus through the nuclear pore and attaches itself to the ribosome located on
the rough endoplasmic reticulum. When the synthesis of the enzyme is completed it is encapsulated
in a transport vesicle which fuses with the golgi body. In the golgi body, the enzyme is further
modified before being packed in a secretary vesicle. The secretory vesicle transports the enzyme to
plasma membrane, where it fuses with it and the enzyme is released outside the cell. [10M]

ii) Intracellular enzyme is enzyme synthesized and retained in the cell for the use of the cell itself
such as ATPase. Extracellular enzyme is enzyme synthesized in the cell but secreted out from the cell
to function externally such as amylase. [2M]

1. (a) Carbohydrate
It is a compound synthesised by plants through photosynthesis. It is involved in the building of plant
cell wall. It is present in various types of forms including monosaccharide, disaccharide and
polysaccharide. Polysaccharide is the storage of carbohydrates. Example glycogen is the stored in
the animal cell of starch is stored in the plant cell. Monosaccharide include glucose, galactose and
fructose. They release energy when oxidised during respiration. Glucose is the main energy source of
a cell. Lignin is dead cells of plants. Function is to give mechanical strength.
It is the main compound of the cytoplasm of plasma membrane. Protein is present as keratin in hair
and nail. Carrier protein in the plasma membrane functions in the transport of substances across the
plasma membrane. Enzymes, antibody of many hormones are proteins. Hormone function to
regulate the chemical process and cell metabolism, such as digestion. Enzyme act to catalyse
metabolism reaction of the cell antibody defends the body from pathogenic attack. Protein also acts
as a source of energy during storuntion. [10M]

(b) Enzyme are used as biological detergents. Example, protease degrades coagulated proteins into
soluble short chain peptides. Lipase degrades fat or oil stains into soluble fatty acids and glycerol.
Amylase degrades starch into soluble shorter-chain polysaccharides and sugars. Enzyme are used in
the baking industry. Example, protease is used in the breakdown of proteins in flour for the
production of biscuits. Amylase is used in the breakdown of same starch to glucose in flour for
making white bread, bun and rolls. Enzyme also used in the medical filed. Example, trypsin is used to
remove blood clots and to clean wounds. Various other enzymes are used in biosensors. [10M]

7. a) The importance of water is a polar molecule and act as solvent. Water can transport medium in
the blood, lymphatic, excretory and digestive systems and in the vascular tissues of plant. Water also
act as a medium for biochemical reaction. Water helps in lubricant. Water regulates body
temperature. Water as a major component of photoplasm. [8M]

7. b) i) The basic units of nucleic acids is nucleotides. If include carbon, Hydrogen, Nitrogen, oxygen
and phosphorus. Nucleotide consists of nitrogenous base, pentose sugar, and phosphate group. It
have 4 nitrogenous bases, A (adenien), G (guanine), C (cytosine), T (thymine). Nucleic acid have 2
types. Example, DNA and RNA. DNA is double stranded nucleic acid, 2 strands of polynucleotides
twisted around each other to form a double helix. RNA is shorter and single polynucleotides. [10M]

ii) DNA carry genetic material that inherit from their parents. It also control the active of cell.
RNA play a vital role in protein synthesis. [2M]

8. a) Enzyme are protein which produced by living cell. Enzyme are organic catalyst. It remain
unchanged of the end of reactions. It do not destroyed by reactions they catalysed. It alter or speed
up the rates of chemical reactions. Enzyme are specific in their action. It have specific sites called
active site to bind with specific substrates. It needed in small quantities. The reactions are reversible.
Enzyme are sensitive to temperature. It can be slowed down or stopped by inhibitors. Enzyme
inactive when the temperature is low. It active in the optimum temperature. Enzyme are denatured
when the temperature is higher than optimum temperature. Enzyme also sensitive to the pH value.
The reaction of enzyme is most active at its optimum pH. [10M]

C4 : Chemical Composition of the Cell
1. a i) The significance of mitosis is replace cells that are damaged. Maintain the number of
chromosomes. Production of new cells for the growth and development of an organisms. The
significance of meiosis is produces haploid gametes. Process of nuclear division to produce the
daughter cells. Each containing half the number of chromosomes of the parent cell. This ensure that
the diploid number of chromosomes is maintained from one generation to the next. [5M]

ii) The differences between both these proses is synapsis of homobgous . Chromosome does not
occur in mitosis but occur in meiosis during prophase 1. Crossing over between non-sister
chromatids does not occur in mitosis but occur in meiosis during prophase 1. Number of cell division
is 1 in mitosis but number of cell division in meiosis is 2. The number of daughter cells produce in
mitosis is 2 but 4 daughter cell is produced in meiosis. The genetically identical to the parent cell and
each other in mitosis but the genetically non-identical to the parent cell and to each other in
meiosis. [5M]

b) Apical meristem mitosis which involved prophase, metaphase, anaphase and telophase. In
prophase replicated chromosomes condense, became shorter, thicker, and visible under a light
microscope. Each chromosome consists of sister chromatids that attached at the centromere.
Nucleolus and nucleus membrane disappear. In metaphase, chromosomes line up at spindle
equator. In anaphase, anaphase begins with centromeres split. The sister chromatids are drawn to
the opposite poles by the contraction of spindle fibres. In telophase, when 2 sets of daughter
chromosomes reach the poles of the cell. Nuclear membranes reforms around each set daughter
chromosomes. The nucleoli reappear in each nucleus and the chromosomes uncoil and become less
visible under the light microscope. 2 daughter cells are produced. Telophase may lead straight into
cytokinesis. The cell plate divides the cell into 2 daughter cells.

1. a) The mechanism for reproduction by mitosis occurs with control and regulation. Each cell that
form the multiple cell will have the same number of chromosomes. If the cell cannot divide, the
organism will not grow or repair injured tissue. If the cell cannot be controlled, the cell will continue
to divide. Interphase is the catical storage in the regulation of cell division. If the factors are
conducive for the cell to divide, the all will double each of its chromosome and continue with
mitosis. If there is no cell division stimulating factor, the cell will not divide. Mistakes that occur in
the genes that inhibit the cell division process can cause the cell to continue dividing uncontrollably.
Thus, phenomenon cause cancer. [8M]

b) Cloning is a process producing clones. A clone is a group of cells or a new enzyme produced a
sexually. A clone has genetic characteristics similar to its parent. [12M]
- Large number of clones can be produced in a shorter time
- Crops such as wheat which is resistant to herbicides, pests/disease can be produced.
- Do not need pollinating agents
- Cloned plants produce flowers and fruits in a shorter period
- Can produce higher and better quality yields
- Cloning decreases genetic variation. If there are changes to the environment, the clones could be
destroyed easily.
- The resistance of the clones towards pest and diseases is the same. If there is a new disease/pest,
all the clones will be affected & die.
- Cloning prevents natural selection. New clones may undergo mutation which can endanger
mankind and the environment.
- Mutation can occur during in-vitro cloning producing clones that are not the same as their parents.
6. d) [10M]
Phase Meiosis I Meiosis II
Prophase -DNA replication
-Homologous chromosomes pair
-Crossing over may occur
-No DNA replication
-Homologous chromosomes do not pair up
-No crossing over
Metaphase -Bivalents line up at spindle
-Individual chromosomes line up separately
at the spindle equator
Anaphase -Centromeres do not divide
-Chromosomes move to opposite
poles of the spindle
-Centromeres divide
-Chromatids move to opposite poles of the
Telophase -Total of two haploid daughter cells
are formed
-Total of four haploid daughter cells are

5. a) i) Enzyme are specific. Enzyme will not destroyed at the end reactions. Enzyme needed in small
amount only. Enzyme are biological catalysts that increase the rate of a biochemical reactions.
Enzyme are proteins which produced by living cells.

ii) Enzyme are specific because there is a close relationship between the shape of the active site
and the shape of the substrate according to the lock and key hypothesis.
Some enzymes are capable to catalysing only one particular reaction, (eg : sucrase catalyses only the
hydrolysis of sucrose and not the hydrolysis of maltose or lactose). Some are capable of catalysing
only a few closely related chemical reaction while some others only require the substrate to have a
certain type of chemical bond.
- Trysin which is a protease secreted by the pancreas is specific as it breaks the amino acid chain
only at points where 2 particular amino acid, orginine and lysim are next to each other.
- The amino acid chains of most proteins (eg : beef, chicken meat, egg, soya) have arginnic and lysine
next to each other.
-There, many proteins can be partly digested by trypsin.

4. a) i) Diagrm 4 show prophase 1
ii) Chlasmata. Chromosomes exchange segments of DNA lead to the formation of new
combination of genes on the gamates

Meiosis 1 Phase Meiosis 2
DNA replication occur, homologous
chromosomes pair up, crossing over
occur, diploid chromosomes.
Prophase No DNA replication occur, homologous,
chromosomes does not pair up, no
crossing over occur, haploid occur.
Bivalents line up at spindle equator Metaphase Individual chromosomes line up separating
at the spindle equator.
-centromeres do not divide
-chromosomes move to opposite poles
of the spindle
Anaphase -centromeres divide
-Chromatid move to opposite poles of the
Total of two haploid daughter cells are
Telophase Total of four haploid daughter cells are

5. b)
Mitosis Aspect Meiosis
Occurs in somatic cells. Place it occurs Occur in reproduction cells
Does not occur synapsis Synapsis of homologous
Synapsis occur during prophase 1
Does not occur crossing over Crossing over between non-
sister chromatids
Crossing over occur during
prophase 1
Division occur one time Number of division Division occur 2 time
Two daughter cell are
Number of daughter cells Four daughter cells are produced.

8. a) Digestion is the process that break down complex food substances to simpler, soluble
molecules. Ruminants have 4 chamber, Rumen, Reticulum, Omasum and Abomasum. [2M]

b) Partially chewed food is passed to the rumen. Cellulose is broken down by cellulose produced by
bacteria. Part of the breakdown products are absorbed by bacteria, the rest of the host. Food enters
the reticulum. Cellulose undergoes further hydrolysis. The content of the reticulum, called the cud, is
then regurgitated bit by bit into the mouth to be thoroughly chewed. Helps soften and break down
cellulose, making it more accessible to further microbial action. The cud is reswallowed and moved
to the omasum. Here, the large particles of food are broken down into smaller pieces by peristalsis.
Water is removed from the cud. Food particles moved into abomasum, the true stomach of the
ruminant. Gastric juice complete the digestion of protein and other food substances. The food then
passes through the small intestine to be digested and absorbed in the normal way. [10M]

c) Similarites
- All consume plant matter.
- All can digest starch, protein and fats.
- All have a digestive system which contains stomach, small intestine and large intestine.
- All depend totally on symbiotic microorganisms (bacteria and protozoa) to release cellulose
- All have small and very long intestine.

Differences [10M] (Choose any 5)
Humans Rodents Ruminants
Omnivores Herbivores, some are
Single stomach chamber Single stomach chamber Four stomach chambers
Small size of caecum relative
to alimentary canal
Big, long and well-developed
Big but not well-developed
Bacteria present in the large
Bacteria and protozoa present
in the caecum
Bacteria and protozoa present
in the rumen
Do not having chewing cud Do not have chewing cud Have chewing cud
Cannot digest cellulose Can digest cellulose Can digest cellulose
Do not regurgitate Do not regurgitate Regurgitate food

9. a) i) In light reaction, chlorophyll absorbs and traps light energy to produce ATP, electrons and
chemical energy. Photolysis of water produces hydrogen ions and hydroxyl ions. Hydrogen ion
combine with electron to form hydrogen atom. Hydrogen atom, ATP molecules and NADH2 will be
used in the dark reaction. Light reaction occurs in grana

ii) Dark reaction occurs in stroma. In dark reaction, the process takes place in the absence of light
or does not need light. Carbon dioxide combines with hydrogen atom and is reduced to form glucose
and water. Glucose molecules undergo condensation, converted and stored to starch. Formation of
glucose and starch occurs in chemical reaction chain requires ATP. Chemical reaction need ATP
energy. [i&ii 10M]

b. [10M]
- Both occur in the chloroplast
- Both involve chemical reactions
- Both are catalysted by enzymes
- Both are related to photosynthesis
- Both occur during the day

Light reaction Differences Dark reaction
Photolysis reaction which requires
light energy
Type of reaction Biochemical reaction which does not
require light reaction
Grana of chloroplasts Location of
Stroma of chloroplasts
Photolysis of water Process
Reduction of carbon dioxide
Water and sunlight Raw materials
Carbon dioxide, H+, electrons ATP and
Forms ATP Energy Uses ATP
Yes Absorption of
In the presence of light only Time of
After the light reaction
Produces water and carbon dioxide Product output Produce glucose and water

Section C (pg84)
1. (a) Problem statements : Which invertebrates have higher oxygen uptake?
Hypothesis : Cockroach has higher oxygen uptake compare to woodlice.

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