Technical Scenarios SRM

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Technical Scenarios

mySAP Supplier Relationship Management (mySAP SRM) is a solution that you can
implement in a heterogeneous system environment that includes SAP systems and/or
other Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems as backend systems. You must have
the components Financial Accounting and Controlling in your system environment.
here are di!!erent business scenarios that you can apply depending on your role as a user
and the kind o! business you "ish to conduct using mySAP SRM. You can deploy each o!
these business scenarios using one o! three di!!erent technical scenarios. hese technical
scenarios are listed belo". #or more in!ormation on an individual scenario$ !ollo" the
link provided.
You can choose$ !or e%ample$ to deploy the business scenario self-service procurement
using one o! these scenarios. he scenario you choose depends on the system in "hich
your purchasing department "ants to "ork and$ conse&uently$ "here you "ant the
!ollo"'on documents to be created.

The classic scenario
he shopping cart is created and approved in SAP Enterprise Buyer. he
remainder o! the procurement process takes place in the backend ERP system(s)
and all other !ollo"'on documents$ such the purchase order$ goods receipt/service
entry sheet and invoice$ are located there. (ith SAP Supplier Sel!'Services$ you
have partial supplier involvement !or the operational procurement business
scenarios "hen buying materials. here is no support !or services.
The extended classic scenario
he shopping cart is created in SAP Enterprise Buyer. he purchase order and
!ollo"'on documents are also created there and then replicated to the backend
system. he purchase order in SAP Enterprise Buyer is the leading purchase order
and cannot be changed in the backend system. )oods receipts and invoices can be
pre'entered in SAP Enterprise Buyer or entered directly in the backend system.
(ith SAP Supplier Sel!'Services$ you have partial supplier involvement !or all
your operational procurement scenarios. *n these scenarios$ you have supplier
involvement !or the purchase order and the purchase order response.
The standalone scenario
he shopping cart and purchase order are processed directly in SAP Enterprise
Buyer. You have no materials management !unctions in your ERP system and$
instead$ use those in SAP Enterprise Buyer !or all procurement processes. he
!inal invoice is sent to a backend accounting system. (ith SAP Supplier Sel!'
Services$ you have complete supplier involvement !or all your operational
procurement scenarios.
You can also run these scenarios in parallel. o do this you choose$ on the basis o! the
product category$ ho" you "ant the goods or services to be processed. his suits
customers "ho already have a productive materials management backend system$ but
"ish to handle the procurement o! some supplies locally and others "ithin the backend
system. his makes sense$ !or e%ample$ i! you have already de!ined a communication
inter!ace$ such as E+*$ to a particular supplier.
o do this$ you must de!ine the backend system you "ish to use !or each product
category by customi,ing the relevant settings in the mySAP SR- *mplementation )uide
(*-)) under SR- Server . echnical /asic Settings . +e!ine /ackend System !or
Product 0ategory. *! you "ish to use di!!erent rules$ you have de!ined these using the
/Ad* //P1+EER-*2E134)SYS.

he !ollo"ing table gives an overvie" o! the di!!erences bet"een each o! these scenarios
in terms o! "here the main processes occur.
Classic Extended Classic Standalone
Shopping 0art
SAP Enterprise Buyer SAP Enterprise Buyer SAP Enterprise
Approval SAP Enterprise Buyer SAP Enterprise Buyer SAP Enterprise
/ackend system SAP Enterprise Buyer
(leading system) and
backend system
SAP Enterprise
Goods Receipt /ackend system (can
be pre'entered in SAP
Enterprise Buyer)
/ackend system (can
be pre'entered in SAP
Enterprise Buyer)
SAP Enterprise
Invoice /ackend system (can
be pre'entered in SAP
Enterprise Buyer)
/ackend system (can
be pre'entered in SAP
Enterprise Buyer)
SAP Enterprise
Buyer (accounting
in!ormation sent to
backend system)
Classic Scenario

This scenario relies strongly on the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) backend system(s),
since all materials management documents, such as purchase orders, goods receipts, service
entry sheets, and invoices are located there.
You use SAP Enterprise Buyer to create the shopping cart and obtain approval if reuired. You
can also enter the goods receipt and invoice here. SAP Enterprise Buyer communicates this
information to the backend system !here the active documents are created.

This scenario suits customers"
#ho !ant a !ide user group, for e$ample employees not necessarily !orking in the
purchasing department, to be able to enter their reuirements uickly and easily. SAP
Enterprise Buyer%s functionality and ease of navigation allo! this, as it reuires only minimal
#ho !ant their purchasing department to operate solely !ith the functionality offered by the
backend system(s)
&or !hom a transfer of purchasing activities to SAP Enterprise Buyer is not viable
'f you !ant to conduct collective invoicing, you must use the classic scenario.


You have implemented SAP Enterprise Buyer and one or more ERP backend systems that
offer financial accounting and controlling functionality. You need to do this, as all materials
management documents, such as purchase orders, goods receipts, service entry sheets,
and invoices e$ist in the backend system.
You have defined the backend system you !ish to use for each product category by
customi(ing the relevant settings in the mySAP SRM 'mplementation )uide under SRM
Server* Technical Basic Settings * Define Backend Systems for Product Category. 'f you
!ish to use different rules, you have defined these using the +usiness ,dd-'n
You have defined the product categories for !hich you !ish to use the classic scenario
and you have maintained this at product category level using transaction
'f you do not define a particular scenario at product category level, the classic
scenario is used as a default.

Process Flow

7. ...
You create a shopping cart !ith your reuirements in SAP Enterprise Buyer.
3nce your shopping cart is complete, you press rder and this triggers a !orkflo! that
checks, on the basis of the settings you entered in 5ustomi(ing, !hether you need
approval for the items in the shopping cart.
3n approval, the system creates the follo!-on document in a particular backend system
based on the information you entered in 5ustomi(ing for SRM Server. /epending on
availability of the item or service you reuire, and on the settings you have entered in
5ustomi(ing, this follo!-on document may be a"
Purchase order
Purchase reuisition
You can also create a purchase order in 4,P Enterprise +uyer"
&rom the 4ourcing application, in other !ords, !hen an e$ternal
demand is replicated to 4,P Enterprise +uyer
0anually in 4,P Enterprise +uyer
,s a result of a bidding process that has been conducted in 4,P
+idding Engine
3nce the order has gone through and you have actually received the goods or service, you
create a goods receipt or service entry sheet in SAP Enterprise Buyer or in the backend
system. Regardless of !here you enter the information, the document is created in the
backend system.
You can enter the invoice for the goods or service in either SAP Enterprise Buyer or in the
backend system. Regardless of !here you enter the invoice, the invoice document is
created in the backend system.

Extended Classic Scenario
This scenario is an e$tension of the classic scenario. #hereas in the classic scenario, goods and
services are processed in the backend system, in the e$tended classic scenario, the procurement
process takes place locally inSAP Enterprise Buyer and the data is replicated to the backend
'f the data in the shopping cart is insufficient to generate a complete purchase order, you can
supplement the data manually in SAP Enterprise Buyer before it is transferred to the backend
system. The purchase order in SAP Enterprise Buyer is the leading purchase order. &rom SAP
Enterprise Buyer Release !"# !ith an 4,P backend system Release 8.9, the complete purchase
order is replicated to the backend. 't is a read-only copy and supplies the reference needed for
the creation of goods receipts, service entry sheets, and invoices in the backend system.

This scenario suits customers"
#ho !ant their purchasing department to save time and money by using the streamlined
purchasing functionality of SAP Enterprise Buyer
#ho !ant to use the full sourcing capabilities SAP Enterprise Buyer offers, yet !ho also
!ant to be able to confirm and invoice direct materials
#ho !ant the fle$ibility of being able to pre-enter confirmations and invoices in SAP
Enterprise Buyer
The e$tended classic scenario does not support purchase orders based on
procurement card functions, as these reuire the invoice to be local.

You have implemented SAP Enterprise Buyer and one or more ERP backend systems that
offer financial accounting and controlling functionality. You need to do this, as all materials
management documents, such as purchase orders, goods receipts, service entry sheets, and
invoices are also located in the backend system.
You have defined the backend system you !ish to use for each product category by
customi(ing the relevant settings in the mySAP SRM 'mplementation )uide under SRM
Server * Technical Basic Settings * Define Backend Systems for Product Category. 'f you
!ish to use different rules, you have defined these using the +usiness ,dd-'n
You have defined that the purchase order is to be created locally at first by activating the
e$tended classic scenario. Path in the 'mplementation )uide ('0))" SRM Server Cross$
Application Basic Settings Activate E%tended Classic Scenario.
,lternatively, if you only plan to use the e$tended classic scenario for specific product
categories, you have made the appropriate settings in the +,d' Control Extended Classic
Scenario. Path in the 'mplementation )uide ('0))" SRM Server Business Add$&ns for
Enterprise Buyer Control E%tended Classic Scenario.
You have defined your purchasing organi(ations and purchasing groups locally. (You do not
have to define backend purchasing organi(ations and groups. 'n the backend system, the
purchasing organi(ation is determined on the basis of the plant.)
'f you are connecting SAP Enterprise Buyer !"# !ith a backend system 8.9+ up!ards, you
must ensure that the backend system recogni(es the purchasing group !hen you create a
backend purchase order. You can do this in three !ays"
:se a purchasing organi(ation and group that is already kno!n to the backend
'f the local purchasing group has a purchasing organi(ation that does not have
a reference in the backend system, you must enter a valid backend-system
purchasing group for the R&5 user that created the purchase order. You enter this in
the backend system, in parameter E;) using transaction 4:<7.
/etermine a purchasing group in the customer e$ists of the +,P's
+,P'.P3.5RE,TE7 and +,P'.P3.56,1)E.
Process Flow

You create a purchase order in SAP Enterprise Buyer" This can be done in one of four !ays"
&rom a shopping cart that you have created !ith your reuirements
in SAP Enterprise Buyer
&rom the Sourcing application, in other !ords, !hen an e$ternal
demand is replicated to SAP Enterprise Buyer
0anually in SAP Enterprise Buyer
,s a result of a bidding process that has been conducted in SAP
Bidding Engine
'f the purchase order is incomplete, you can enter the missing data in SAP Enterprise Buyer.
3nce the data is complete, the system transfers the purchase order to the backend system.
The purchase order in SAP Enterprise Buyer is the leading purchase order. The purchase
order in the backend system is a read-only copy that enables goods receipt, service entry,
and invoice verification in the backend system.
The backend purchase order cannot be changed. 'f you !ish to make any changes to the
purchase order, you must do so in SAP Enterprise Buyer" 3nce you save these changes,
they are transferred to the backend purchase order.
You can pre-enter goods receipts (confirmations) and invoices in SAP Enterprise Buyer. This
data is then replicated to the backend system.

Standalone Scenario
This scenario handles the entire procurement process in SAP Enterprise Buyer" The shopping
cart and follo!-on documents are created locally and the !hole procurement process is covered
by SAP Enterprise Buyer" The invoice, ho!ever, is still handled by one or more accounting
backend systems. ,ll validations and approvals are handled directly !ithin SAP Enterprise
Buyer rather than in a backend system. 0igration tools are provided to bring materials
management data from 4,P backend systems into the application product master.
This scenario suits customers
#ho do not have a productive materials management system and !ant to
handle the entire process locally !ithin SAP Enterprise Buyer, integrating only to an
accounting system.
#ho do not necessarily !ant to create product master data, but rather allo!
suppliers to maintain their o!n product data in their catalog, thus relieving the
purchasing department of content management responsibilities.
#ho !ant to use the streamlined purchasing functionality of SAP Enterprise
Buyer for specific product categories, typically, indirect materials and services.
#ho !ant to alleviate the backend system of all purchasing activities by
transferring a specific group of users to SAP Enterprise Buyer.

You have defined that the procurement documents are to be created locally and that
account assignment is to be performed locally by activating the standalone scenario. &or
more information see the Supplier Relationship Management 'mplementation )uide
under SRM Server ' Technical Basic Settings ' Define Backend Systems"
You have defined one or more accounting backend systems. &or more information see
the Supplier Relationship Management 'mplementation )uide under SRM Server '
Technical Basic Settings ' A(E Settings )(ogical System* ' Distri+ution )A(E* '
Sending and Receiving Systems ' (ogical Systems ' Define (ogical Systems"

Process Flow
You create a shopping cart !ith your reuirements in SAP Enterprise Buyer.
3nce your shopping cart is complete, you press rder" This triggers a !orkflo! that
checks, on the basis of the settings you entered in 5ustomi(ing, !hether you need
approval for the items in the cart.
3n approval, the system creates the purchase order locally in SAP Enterprise Buyer .
3nce the order has gone through and you have actually received the goods or service, you
confirm this in SAP Enterprise Buyer and the goods receipt is created there.
You enter the invoice for the goods or service in SAP Enterprise Buyer" ,t this point the
accounting information is sent to the &' backend system and the invoice is processed
,ccount assignments are checked locally and there are no budget or commitment checks.

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