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ELSEVIER Energy and Buildings 29 (1998) l-9

Quantitative infrared thermography in buildings

E. Grinzato a,*, V. Vavilov b, T. Kauppinen ’
a CNR-ITEF, Corso Stati Uniti, 4, 35127-Padova, Italy
b Tomsk Polytechnic Vniversiry, Savinykh, 3, 63402%Torn& Russian Federation
’ Vrr Building Technology, P.O. Box 18021, FIN-90571, Oulu, Finland

Received 16 May 1997; received in revised form 10 June 1997; accepted 10 June 1997


A methodology, based on the solution of the inverse heat transfer problem, for the detection and evaluation of flaws in buildings is discussed.
The temperature varying in space and time is recorded by a thermographic equipment and each point belonging to the inspected area is
analysed quantitatively. Data are processed to give a map of defects of the wall, based on the most suitable local thermal parameter. The
thermal-physical aspects of different defects are studied, along with the description of simplified models to interpret surface temperature data.
The building envelope is examined mainly in transient thermal regime. Testing procedures using periodic or pulse heating of the surface are
described. The theoretical analysis is used to predict temperature evolution and properly design the test. A detectability comparison among
different procedures is performed. Experimental results are reported for insulation deficiencies and thermal bridges evaluation, air leakage
detection and moisture content mapping. 0 1998 Elsevier Science S.A. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Building diagnosis; IR thermography; Insulation voids; Thermal bridges; Moisture mapping

1. Introduction A new generation of IR imaging instruments is entering

the market converting outdoor surveys into an useful and
exciting enterprise. Finally, recent moves of the American
For a long time, infrared (IR) thermography has been a
Society for Non-destructive Testing ( ASNT) and other Eur-
well known technique in mapping building envelopes defects
as thermal bridges, air leaks or abnormally moist spots [l- opean standardisation bodies, towards certification of IR ther-
41. Along with the use of IR thermography for the inspection mographers complete, by our opinion, modern fast-changing
of electrical installations, building area is rather well docu- IR thermography scene. However, we believe that the
mented [ 5-101. A new impetus to broaden IR thermography enhanced resolution, the automatic recording and processing
building applications is strongly supported by an increasing capability of novel IR equipment have not been fully
demand for low energy consumption and predictive mainte- exploited. A reason for this is the shortage of suitable proc-
nance of constructions. essing algorithms to interpret IR images. It is a matter of fact
Thermography is commonly considered as a qualitative that thermographic survey of buildings is mainly performed
method which is used primarily to indicate variations in ther- considering the objects working in thermal steady-state. In
mal resistance on a wall or roof. Most of the literature indi- this assumption, the used accept-reject criteria involves only
cates that if the thermal resistance or air tightness of a building the amplitudes comparison on the surface temperature pat-
are to be quantified, different investigations should be carried terns. Operator’s experience is crucial in the decision-making
out. The possibility to complement the huge amount of tem- process, and dedicated software to process thermograms are
perature measurements with some other data is an alternative still of a little use, until today.
approach ( [ 31, p. 92). Until today, only a few works dealing To pass to a more advanced level, the quantitative approach
with the quantitative evaluation of the heat flux across the leads to solve the inverse heat conduction problems in tran-
building envelope, starting from thermographic data, have sient regime. In such a way, an objective evaluation of the
been published [ 1l-131. defect importance could be achieved in a short time. A higher
understanding of experimental data requires complementing
* Corresponding author. Tel.: + 39 49 8295722; fax: + 39 49 8295728; surface temperature patterns with its time evolution. In fact,
e-mail: this is a common practice in thermal non-destructive evalu-

0378-7788/98/$ - see front matter 0 1998 Elsevier Science S.A. All rights reserved.
2 E. Grinzoto et al. /Energy and Buildings 29 (199811-9

ation (TNDE) of materials [ 141. Generally speaking, the applying artificial heat sources. In the first case, the heating
analysis of dynamic thermal processes in building construc- function will be approximately periodic. In the second case,
tions means a new concept of building IR thermography. there is much of freedom in defining this function. Square-
In this paper, we shall discuss physical aspects of this pulse and harmonic heating are the most usable techniques.
concept and illustrate them with some experimental results. The use of a radiant heat source allows to control precisely
The main goal is the setting up of novel building diagnostic this function both in time and space. On the other hand, a
procedures. Using a quantitative processing of thermal convective source eliminates the effect of the optical absorp-
images sequences, the identification and characterisation of tion coefficient of the surface, which in most cases gives much
different kinds of defects, buried in the building envelope, is more complex readings.
possible. In order to reduce undesired effects caused by uneven
heating, complex geometry and variations in object absorb-
tivity and emissivity, the time-domain treatment is forwarded.
2. Outline of the concept It is demonstrated that this approach enhances the detection
reliability by suppressing image cluster which is normally
Every building construction is naturally subject to varia- existing in trivial IR images analysed only by means of tem-
tions in outdoor-indoor temperatures, mainly due to the solar perature amplitude [ 15 1.
cycle. This means, the temperature pattern on a wall, recorded
by thermography, should be regarded as a function of spatial
coordinates and time. The analysis of thermal images will 3. Practical heating techniques
bring us to space and time-domain treatment of temperature
data. Sun irradiation is uniformly distributed. Unfortunately, the
The local thermal resistance (R = Z/h) of a building com- power density incident on the surface depends on the geo-
ponent is the most important thermal parameter to be consid- graphical location and surface orientation, season of the year
ered in our study. It relates to thermal conductivity (A) and and sky conditions. In southern countries, like Italy, the sun
the component’s thickness (I). It directly affects the pre- could deliver onto a normal surface, during summertime,
scribed heat fluxes through the envelope. This parameter more than 1 kW mP2. An example of daily variations in solar
relates to a stationary regime but does not reveal the reaction irradiation on the horizontal surface is shown in Fig. 1 for
of the object toward sharp variations of outdoor climatic Northern Italy [ 161. It is clearly seen that in a sunny day, the
conditions. Thermal diffusivity: a = A/C p (C is the specific solar function could be reasonably approximated with a sine
heat and p the density) or effusivity (b = ( ~QJ)‘.~) should function. High latitude regions like Finland or Russia are
be introduced when evaluating temperature variations in strongly limited to use the sun in the scheduled and long-run
time. IR surveys. There are only a few reports dealing with the use
Therefore, both the analysis of thermal bridges and the of solar radiant flux in NDE (e.g., roof moisture [ 171, delam-
characterisation of subsurface defects could be reduced to inated bridge decks [ 181, mine fields [ 191 detection).
solve the transient heat conduction problem. On the contrary, Heating a whole building with an artificial source may
air tightness tests and moisture detection presume analysis of create practical problems. On the other side, the heating func-
heat and mass transfer. In some cases, moisture concentration tion could be easily organised in a pre-determined and flexible
could be considered as a local variation in thermal properties way on a rather high power density. The total area is normally
of porous materials. Air leaks could also be treated as local constituted of a mosaic of elementary areas to be tested,
variations in heat exchange coefficients. This very simplified usually 0.5-l m’ each. In the practice, hot air sources or banks
approach allows to analyse differential equations of only heat of several incandescent IR lamps could be used.
but not mass transfer. Nevertheless, a local solution is In any case, the amount of energy must be carefully deter-
required and, therefore, a dense temperature mapping. mined in order to reach a level of the ‘thermal signal’ clearly
Focusing the problem of the building diagnostic, we shall distinguished from the ‘noise’ involved in the measure, but
regard any divergence between building ‘normal’ tempera- not too high to damage sensitive building components. The
ture and current thermographic results as a potential defect.
For instance, an insulation deficiency or a plaster detachment
(an air filled void) will be modelled as an internal, well
localised, different thermal conductivity. In its turn, a mois-
tened zone will be viewed as an area of smoothly changing
thermal properties of the bulk material.
By analogy with NDT in industry, the detection of defects
could be made by statistical rules, involving probabilities of
correct detection and false alarm [ 141. oom 6:OO 12:OO 18:OO 24:00
From experimental point of view, transient thermal Fig. 1. Variations in solar irradiation during three themographic survey on
regimes could be achieved naturally by solar irradiation or Northern Italy (45”N).
E. Grinzato et al. /Energy and Buildings 29 (1998) 1-9

second crucial point is the choice of the heating time and the Bricks Rockwool
duration of the temperature recording. All these points will
be further discussed on following paragraphs.
Another unpleasant problem when applying artificial b) 4

sources is the uneven energy distribution that could seriously

distort inspection results (see also p. 6). Recently, the use of
gas or oil burners for powerful, uniform and large-area heat-
ing is under discussion, although there is still a lack of par-
ticular experimental practice. Finally, artificial change of
indoor climate, e.g., opening windows, could be mentioned
Insulation Thermal bridge
as a rather curious technique which provides easy but low- Moistulre
energy excitation. Fig. 2. Physical models of defects in building inspected by IR thermography.

calculate the thermal signals over defects, that is the temper-

4. Inspection models in IR building thermography ature difference between defected and sound zone. These
results allow to properly design the inspection procedure for
The TNDE exploits the nature of the defect. In simpler each individual case.
case, defects generate themselves a heat flux (overheated
electrical joints, hot water leaks from buried pipes, etc.). In 5.1. Plaster-brick delamination
the other cases, the temperature of defects prior to a test is
equal to the surrounding material and a thermal stimulus is In the first example, a plaster detachment from a massive
needed to reveal them. In fact, the different heat capacity or wall has been considered. The defect has been simulated in
diffusivity of the defected volume modify locally the imposed cylindrical coordinates with an air-filled disk-shaped volume
heat flux. This classification fits well on building applications, (diameter 100 mm, thickness 1 mm). It has been placed
Air leaks between a room and the environment at different between the external plaster surface and a brick wall (Fig.
temperature belongs to the first category and there is no need 3). An advantage of the transient inspection, if compared to
for additional thermal excitation. However, the ‘visibility’ of steady one, is the time and energy saving. In fact, the transient
through-the-wall air leakage could be enhanced by depres- inspection is normally performed only on one side, therefore,
surizing the volume under test. only a shallow layer is heated. On the contrary, the steady
An interesting case is the identification of dump areas. procedure requires the gradient to be applied to the whole
Often, these zones are well seen in thermograms as colder wall. It is worth noticing that the defect depth is a crucial
areas due to evaporative cooling. So far, moist areas visibility factor which determines the temperature history in time, when
could be enhanced by heating the surface, due to high heat the heat flux is applied to the inspected surface. Obviously, a
capacity of water. Besides, the increased water content gen- delamination under internal plaster layer should be detected
erally enhances thermal conductivity, too. Therefore, atten- from indoors.
tion must be paid to balance different effects acting at the The graphs on the right of Fig. 3 show the ‘thermal signal’
same time. due to a defect (AT [K]). It is defined as the difference
Deficiencies in insulation and detachments between a mas- between the temperature of the surface above the defect ( Td)
sive wall and a covering layer do not produce or absorb any and the ‘normal’ one. The normal surface temperature (7;)
heat themselves but they can be seen due to a temperature is measured on a sound area submitted to the same boundary
difference trough the wall. conditions.
All these kinds of defects could be the object for transient To analyse stationary conditions, let us assume that
IR thermography and a varying heat flux will reveal the depth indoor-outdoor temperature gradient is about 20 K (it is often
of buried defects. The main goal of the proposed concept for reported that 10 K minimum gradient is needed to perform a
building thermography is forwarded to the detection of hid- thermographic survey). The calculated stationary tempera-
den structure irregularities. Physical models of the above ture signal over the defect (AT,“‘) is AT,“‘=O.l K, i.e., on
mentioned defects in buildings are sketched in Fig. 2. the limit level of temperature resolution achieved in modem
IR imagers. Moreover, our experience in practical IR inspec-
tion gives fluctuations of temperature over sound areas due
5. Basic procedure for the defects detection to various disturbances of not less than 0.245 K. This means
that detection of defects like the analysed one would be
The proposed concept will be illustrated with some exam- extremely difficult in steady state.
ples. Each kind of defect shown in Fig. 2 requires a suitable Transient inspection test could be organised by delivering
procedure to be detected. A numerical simulation of the mod- radiant heat flux onto the external wall from a suitable heat
els was performed using a dedicated package, developed at source, e.g., using bank of lamps. At the moment, we shall
Tomsk Polytechnic University [ 201. The program allows to skip detection problems related to uneven heating, reflections
E. Grinzato et al. /Energy and Buildings 29 (1998) l-9

(240 mm) Coordinate [mm]

-L b
c0 air temoerature

Fig. 3. Detection of a detachment of the plaster layer from the masonry wall using artificial thermal stimulus. The adopted physical model and the outdoor
surface temperature pattern, computed in time and space are also shown.

etc. in order to analyse ‘pure’ difference between transient the resolution range of modem IR imagers but, probably, its
and stationary regimes. We shall assume that a heat source identification will be difficult on the background of noise due
will provide about 1000 W m-2 of absorbed energy during to the structure itself [ 14,211. Moreover, detection will be
600 s. There is much to discuss about the optimisation of easier when solar irradiation (or air temperature) varies at a
such a procedure and a rather deep theoretical analysis is higher extent.
needed to design the heating function [ 211. In this example, The example above shows there are two optimum obser-
we shall only state that, starting from the time when the heat vation times during a day for detecting subsurface defects.
source is turned on, a temperature signal over a defect will
increase and reach its maximum value at 620 s. In this partic- 5.3. Thermal bridges Ifootprints’ on the su$ace
ular case, the optimum observation time ( 7,) is roughly equal
to the maximum absolute temperature on the surface, but this Thermal bridges are created by somestructural elements
is not a rule, for other values of plaster thickness r, will be (supports, panels,reinforcement, hooks etc.), aswell as by
shorter or longer. In general, the deeper the defect, the longer somedefects. For instance, a water-filled insulation porous
7,. Of course, it also depends on the thermal diffusivity of material it is generally more conductive than the dry one.
the plaster. The maximum amplitude of the transient signal To illustrate this statement,three caseshave been calcu-
is AT,” = 1.06 K that is significantly higher than in a steady lated and shown in Fig. 5 where a concrete-rockwool-con-
state regime (Fig. 3). Cretesandwich panel with a bar crossingthe insulation layer
is considered.It is clearly seenin Fig. 5a,b that a steelbar of
5.2. Insulation deficiency diagnosis minor diameter will create a negligible thermal bridge even
if a through-wall temperaturegradient of 20 K exists. On the
Fig. 4 illustrates the usage of solar radiation for detecting contrary, internal concrete strengthening elements will be
deficiencies on an insulation layer buried in a wall. The exper- quite good conductors of heat (see Fig. 5~). The increased
imental study reported in the next paragraph was prepared by heat flux produces warm areason the outer wall. In fact a
the following numerical simulation. temperature signal of 0.3”C is obtained for the concrete bar
Let us assume that solar energy varies harmonically with and extended panelswill create even higher signals.
maximum density 400 W me2 occurring about 13 h (summer
time), as shown in Fig. 1. In a sound area, temperature ( T,) 5.4. Moistened areas location
will vary harmonically from about 12” to 18.3”C above initial
temperature, which has been taken equal to zero. Over the Water which infiltrates into building envelopeswill create
defect, temperature (T,) will also vary harmonically with moistened areas where thermal resistanceof material will
slightly higher amplitude. Maximums in both sound and decreasecreating a sort of thermal bridges. Due to its higher
defect points occur at about 14 h, that is 1 h later the solar thermal capacity, moistenedareasarecharacterisedby a par-
noon (Fig. 4). The difference between Td and T, is a periodic ticular ‘dynamic behaviour’ that is usedin roof inspection
function which reaches positive AT,+ and negative AT,,- [ 17,221. To evaluate the magnitudeof the involved temper-
extremums twice a period (respectively at rm+ = 11 h and ature signals, the temperature distribution over a concrete-
rrll - = 23 h) . The temperature signal over the defect is within rockwoolxoncrete sandwichpanel hasbeencomputed.Both
E. Grinzato et al. /Energy and Buildings 29 (1998) l-9

400 W/m2

time [h]

Concrete (50 mm)

Fig. 4. Detection of the air-filled defect in rockwool insulation using solar irradiation.


(diameter I mm) (diameter 5 mm)

Fig. 5. Simulation of thermal bridges in rockwool insulation between two concrete panels.

covering layers are 50 mm thick and the insulation layer ( 100 6.1. Detection of covering layers detachment
mm) contains a volume with increased water content (Fig.
6). Both stationary and dynamic regimes have been evalu- Several tests have been performed on a segment of wall
ated. It has been found that even 50% moistened area located built reproducing ancient building in the Italian style. The
behind a concrete layer will create about 0.1 K temperature specimen ( 1.5 X 1 m2) was constructed of very old bricks
difference. Detection of such a small signal is hardly possible. and covered by plaster made according to ancient recipes.
Obviously, the case of surface moisture, e.g., in outer wall The scheme of Fig. 7a shows the location of artificial defects
finishing, would be more appropriate for IR thermography. buried in the plaster at different depth. The plaster cover
consisted of two layers of thickness 15 mm each. The deepest
defect (#3) is circular with a diameter of 200 mm and a
6. Experimental results thickness of 5 mm. It was contained in the layer attached to
the brick wall at a depth from the outer surface of about 20
mm. In the shallowest plaster layer, there were two defects,
Some experimental results are reported to understand bet-
2 mm of thickness both (# 1 and #2) at an estimated depth
ter potentials of the combined space and time-domain treat-
ranging from 11 to 15 mm (in fact, the cross-shaped defect
ment applied to thermographic inspection. In order to verify
consisted in its turn of two overlapping defects). Thus, defect
accurately results of measurements, we chose to work in very
thickness was double in the centre of the ‘cross’. The plaster
controlled conditions.
thickness was halved on the rectangular area placed at the
left top corner of the specimen (area #4). This defect is not
Moist area a target for this inspection, because it is clearly visible by eye,
5 (diameter 200 mm)
but it represents a severe disturbance, frequently encountered
in situ inspection of historical buildings.
The specimen was placed outside and oriented in such a
way that it was subjected to direct solar irradiation from 10
a.m. The maximum of incident energy on the vertical surface
-w Indoor-outdoor gradient 20 K (620 W mM2) was observed between 12 a.m. and 1 p.m. The
Fig. 6. Detection of subsurface moisture in rockwool. maximum surface temperature in a sound area occurred at
E. Grinzato et al. /Energy and Buildings 29 (1998) l-9

Fig. 7. Detection of defects inside a 30 mm plaster layer according to thermal tomography: (a) Defects location. (b) IR image at best observation time. (c)
Amplitude of the thermal signal. (d) Thermal tomogram of the layer up to 5 mm. (e) Thermal tomogram of the layer IO-15 mm. (f) Thermal tomogram of
the iayer 2&30 mm.

about 1:30 p.m. in good accordance with the theory. IR The thermogram digitised at the best observation time for
images were recorded with 10 min sampling time, using a defects # 1, #2 and the area #4 are shown in Fig. 7b. The
digital thermographic system. image in Fig. 7c illustrates as the amplitudes images itself,
A goal of this experiment was to apply a technique known enhance a little defects appearance, including the scarcely
as Thermal Tomography [ 14,15,21] using the sun as heat visible defect #3. Three tomograms in Fig. 7d-f exhibit the
source. The Thermal Tomography is based on the fact that specimen structure at different depths. The usage of space
the maximum of the thermal signal appears at a particular and time domain not only improves significantly the defect
time depending on thermal properties of the material and the location, but gives quantitative results on their geometrical
depth of the defect. Besides, the amplitude of the thermal features. In fact, the layer closer to the surface (Fig. 7d) is
signal decreases with increasing the distance of the defect free of larger clusters except for some minor artifacts. Two
from the surface. Therefore, knowing the material, it is pos- large defects, #l and #2, are clearly seen in Fig. 7e. The
sible to characterise the defect volume from the time evolu- deepest defect, #3, appears in the tomogram of Fig. 7f
tion of the temperature on the surface. together with the area #4. It is also worth noticing the artifacts
The whole sequence has been processed using the Thermal around the ‘cross’ and on the specimen borders, which are
Tomography algorithm which enables to ‘slice’ a specimen common for Thermal Tomography. They could be usually
according to time of the maximum signal (specified as rmi suppressed by establishing an amplitude threshold but in our
or r,-) and amplitude within prescribed values. case it would hide the defect #3. Image processing has been
E. Grinzato et al. /Energy and Buildings 29 (1998) l-9 I

performed using the ‘Termidge’ software developed at results and data convergence have been reported using Ther-
Tomsk Polytechnic University [ 201. mal Tomography with a periodic heating on a real building
Fig. Sa,b shows a good agreement between measured and u31.
computed data referred to the described experiment. Never-
theless, the evaluation of defects depth and volume was not 6.2. Integration of thermography and air tightnesstest
completely satisfying using simple theoretical predictions
coming from the model with harmonic heating. Probably, this At VTT Building Technology, outdoor IR surveys are per-
was due to the fact that real heating function in our outdoor formed in combination with air tightnesstests.The indoor air
experiment contains much more harmonics than the model pressureof the building under inspectionis firstly decreased.
and thermal properties of the plaster have not been measured Afterwards, air leakage trough the wall becomesvisible on
but recovered from the literature. On the contrary, good the indoor surfacedue to penetrationof cold air from outside.








---ems8 overbpq
-crws up
-cro* centor

Fig. 8. (a) Experimental surface temperature vs. time for the artificial defects reproducing plaster detachment. (b) Data given by numerical simulation of the
experiment on plaster detachment.
E. Grinzato et al. /Energy and Buildings 29 (1998) 1-9

Fig. 9. IR survey of a private house at Oulu, Finland. (a) source image before depressurization; (b) differential image.

In order to distinguish better between thermal bridges and air R=l A-’ thermal resistance Km2W-’
leaks, we produced a differential IR image, before and after a=h (cp)-’ thermal diffusivity m2 s - ’
pressure changes. An example is shown in Fig. 9. It is seen b= (A cp)“.5 thermal effusivity w so.5m-2
that air leaks are well seen on a rather uniform background, K-’
meanwhile thermal bridges are subdued.

7. Conclusions
This work gives some examples of application of quanti-
tative IR building thermography for diagnosis purposes. Gen- 111S.-A. Ljunberg, Infrared Techniques in Buildings and Structures:
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Here, the inspection of covering layers is mainly addressed. sian), Stroyizdat Publ.. Moscow, Russia, p. 238, 1987.
Detection of deeper defects, such as insulation deficiencies, r51 Infraspection Institute: Guidelines for Specifying and Performing
Infrared Inspections, 1st edn., USA, 1988.
is characterlsed with a lower thermal signal and needs further
161C. Johansson, Swedish training of building thermographers and Swed-
consideration. Thermal bridges and defects acting as an heat ish authorization schemes, SPIEVol. 1313ThermosenseXI1,pp. 118-
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a suitable temperature gradient through the wall is provided. [71 SIS, Standardization Committee of Sweden, Thermal Insulation:
Thermography of Buildings, Swedish Standard SSO24210,1986.
The use of a numerical model allows to properly design
the transient procedures regarding defects size and location. IsI R.A. Grot, S. Silberstein, Measurement Methods for Evaluation of
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But thermal characterisation ofdefects, especially whenusing 124, Nov. 1982.
solar irradiation, requires additional research. r91 J.M. Hart, A Practical Guide to Infrared Thermography for Building
Surveys, Building Research Establishm, Garston, Watford, USA, p.
92, 1991.
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