Writing Assignment Anth

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ANTH 201 Spring 2013

Writing Assignment
Due date: May 28
at 8:00am
Bel! yu !ill "ind se#eral resear$h tpi$s% &u shuld sele$t one resear$h tpi$ "rm the list%
See re'uirements (el! the tpi$s%
1% )a$e: *)a$e+ is a $ultural $nstru$tin% The $hara$teristi$s peple use t $lassi"y di""erent
*ra$es+ #ary (et!een indi#iduals and ppulatins% ,lease as- 10 peple t pr#ide yu !ith the
num(ers and names " human ra$es .H! many di""erent ra$es are there/ What are the names "
human ra$es/0% &u d nt need the names " yur parti$ipants r t 'uestin them any "urther%
,lease reassure them that this is "r a $lass e1er$ise nly% A"ter yu ha#e $lle$ted yur 10
respnses2 ans!er the "ll!ing 'uestins: 3s there a $mmn denminatr in the manner in
!hi$h ea$h persn $lassi"ied human ppulatins/ Why are the $lassi"i$atins systems in$rre$t/
&u shuld pr#ide an e#lutinary e1planatin t e1plain the "la! in the $lassi"i$atin% 4r
e1ample2 i" the (asis " the $lassi"i$atin re#l#ed arund s-in $lr2 e1plain the e#lutin "
#ariatin in mdern human s-in $lr%
2% 5#er$r!ding: The ppulatin $risis is a $ntr#ersial tpi$% D yu thin-2 as d sme2 that
#erppulatin is a -ey pr(lem in the !rld tday2 pre$ipitating ther ma6r pr(lems/ Why/
What ther ma6r pr(lems are lin-ed t the ppulatin $risis/ 3s there a slutin t the
pr(lem.s0/ 5r d yu thin- the !rld $an sustain the $urrent and e#en larger ppulatins% 3" the
later2 h! !ill !e deal !ith su$h num(ers " peple in terms " "d2 !ater2 spa$e2 ppulatin2
and inter$ultural $n"li$t/ .ta-en "rm ,ar-2 M%A% 20110
3% Altruism: Altruisti$ (eha#ir (ene"its the "itness " the re$ipient at the $st t the "itness "
the a$tr% 7in sele$tin !uld "a#r altruisti$ (eha#irs that $$ur (et!een $lsely related
indi#iduals i" it !ere mre geneti$ally pr"ita(le "r the a$tr t help relati#es% What "a$trs
!uld a""e$t the de$isin t help -in r nn-in/ Wuld peple al!ays $hse t assist their -in
#er thers/ What ther "a$trs !uld a""e$t their de$isin/ Why/ 8ndu$t a sur#ey " 10
peple and present the "ll!ing situatins% &u are !el$me t add t the pairings (el!2 (ut
this shuld get yu started and supply yu !ith sme usa(le data% ,lease reassure the parti$ipants
that they !ill remain annymus and that this is t (e used "r a $lass assignment nly% A"ter yu
ha#e $mpleted yur sur#ey2 analy9e the respnses and ans!er the a(#e 'uestins% &u shuld
l- at this "rm an e#lutinary perspe$ti#e%
Situatin: T! huses are n "ire% 5nly ne persn $an (e sa#ed% ,lease sele$t the persn "rm
ea$h huse that yu thin- mst peple !uld sa#e "irst "r ea$h " the $m(inatins (el!% 4r
e1ample2 in the "irst s$enari the $hi$e is (et!een a relati#e .huse A0 and a stranger .huse B0%
Whi$h d yu thin- !uld (e sa#ed "irst/
Huse A Huse B:
1% a relati#e a stranger
2% "emale relati#e male stranger
3% male relati#e "emale stranger
:% a yung "emale relati#e an elderly "emale stranger
;% an elderly "emale relati#e a yung "emale stranger
<% a yung male relati#e a elderly male stranger
=% an elderly male relati#e an yunger male stranger
8% a !ealthy relati#e a pr stranger
>% a pr relati#e a !ealthy stranger
:% Aggressin: Aggressi#e (eha#ir is "und in human and nnhuman primates% 3s this an
e#l#ed (eha#ir/ Are humans naturally aggressi#e/ 3s there a geneti$ lin-/ What $uld (e
sme $nse'uen$es t identi"ying a geneti$ lin- t aggressin/ 3" it?s nt geneti$2 !hat are sme
alternati#e e1planatins t human aggressin/ &u shuld use a $rss@$ultural $mparisn t
in#estigate this tpi$%
;% Turism: Many peple tra#el arund the !rld in an attempt t e1perien$e di""erent $ultures%
They ta-e turs " #arius $ultural attra$tins and pur$hase repli$as " $ulturally imprtant
"igures% 3n sme $ases2 theses (6e$ts !ere n$e rare and $arried $ultural signi"i$an$e% But2 n!
these items are mass prdu$ed and #alued "r the mney they generate% 3s it (e$ming a
$mmdity/ H! des the (uying and selling " $ultural sym(ls a""e$t the identity " thse
!h sell them and thse !h (uy them/ ,lease pr#ide spe$i"i$ e1amples " $ultural as a
$mmdity "rm at least three di""erent $ultures% &u shuld in$lude the $ultural signi"i$an$e "
the (6e$t%
1. Sources: &u are re'uired t use a minimum " 3 sources "rm any $m(inatin " peer-
reviewed journals (a.k.a scholarly journals)% The li(rary data(ase is an e1$ellent !ay t l$ate
these sur$es% ,lease -eep in mind that !hen yu use ideas2 $mments2 resear$h2 r anything else
"rm an utside sur$e2 yu must $ite the sur$e and in$lude it n a re"eren$e page .use MAA r
A,A "rmat0% A"ter yu ha#e in$luded the re'uired 3 sur$es2 yu $an use any type " additinal
sur$e e1$ept #ides and !e(sites r material !hi$h la$-s the name " an authr%
2. Originality eport (Si!ilarity "nde#): The riginality reprt generated (y Turnitin must (e
(el! 10B .the re"eren$e page is nt in$luded in the $al$ulatin0% The #er@use " 'utes !ill
in$rease the per$entageC there"re2 the use " 'utes shuld (e minimal% Material "rm sur$es
shuld (e paraphrased and $ited%
3. $ages: : pages "ull " te1t% The use " ta(les2 images2 graphs2 and $harts des nt e1$use yu
"rm !riting "ur pages " te1tD With the e1$eptin " margins2 the pages must (e $mpletely
"illed !ith te1t% ,lease insert page num(ers%
%. &e#t: Times Ne! )man
'. (ont: 12
). Spacing: Du(le spa$e
*. +argins: 1 in

Su,!itting the paper: &u shuld su(mit the paper #ia the Turnitin lin- in the "lder "r the
!riting assignment% &u $an resu(mit the paper as "ten as yu li-e until the due date% This !ill
all! yu t $he$- the 5riginality )eprt (e"re yu su(mit the "inal #ersin% A"ter yu su(mit
the "inal #ersin2 yu shuld #eri"y the paper has (een a$$epted (y $he$-ing *My Erades+ "r an
e1$lamatin mar-%
-rading: &ur paper shuld (e !ritten in a $lear and $n$ise manner% &ur thughts shuld (e
!ell@de#elped and e1pressed (y using prper grammar2 spelling2 and pun$tuatin% Students not
meeting the minimum re'uirements utlined a(#e shuld e1pe$t a grade " a *8+ r l!er%
The paper is !rth 100 pints%

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