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Rare Motivational Quotes

Its aways down to you and the choces you make. Work on the thngs
you can change and never dwe on the thngs you cant. You
chooseresuts or excuses ts aways down to YOU no one has ever
gven ther BEST and regretted t. GO HARD NO EXCUSES.
"No one sad ths woud be easy, |ust know that nothng beats the feeng
of accompshment.
Turn those dreams nto ACTION acton turns nto resuts sooner or
ater you w be vng the dream.
"Theres no substtute for consstency.
Once you earn to qut, t becomes a habt. KEEP GOING!!
"Hardwork can out-do genetcs!!
"Whatever doesnt k me had better start runnng
Our fears dont stop death they stop fe.
"Do t now. Sometmes ater becomes never.
"Kck yoursef n the ass, or someone ese w.
"The pan of dscpne s far ess than the pan of regret.
Im not teng you ts gong to be easy Im teng you ts gong to be
worth t.
"Tears w get you sympathy, sweat w get you resuts.
"Dear tomorrow, do whatever you wanna do ... I have aready ved my
today and I am not afrad of you anymore.
"If we understood the power of our thoughts, we woud guard them more
cosey. If we understood the power of our words, we woud prefer sence to
anythng negatve. In our thoughts and words we create our own
weaknesses and strengths. Our mtatons begn n our hearts where we
can aways repace negatve wth postve.
"You can have resuts or excuses. Not both
"You w never know your mts unt you push yoursef to them.
"Pan s |ust weakness eavng your body.
"I was not devered nto ths word n defeat nor does faure fow through
my vens. I am not a sheep watng to be prodded by my shepherd. I am a
on and I refuse to tak, wak, to merge wth the sheep. I w not hear those
who weep and compan for ther thoughts are contagous. Let them |on the
sheep. The saughterhouse of faureIs not my destny.
Good thngs come to those who wat greater thngs come to those who
are wng to work for t
"Set sma goas for yoursef and meet them. You are responsbe to
take care of yoursef. You shoud be your prorty!!
If were growng, were aways gong to be out of our comfort zonedea
wth t!!
"Faure does not mean defeat; to succeed you must fa frst.

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