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Mohammad Hamayel
Chapter One
“You may fancy why you are here inspector”

Lovecraft looked up at the director of Order 666 a thin looking fellow. Gray
thinning hair covered a scalp which at one point in time and space was amassed
by thick flowing locks. While thin his presence was ominous within the inner
circle of Order 666 for his days as a field inspector. Lovecraft fancied the thought of
Director Pensworth drudging a revolver through dark alleys and jumping across
rooftops with a smile.

“I may have heard a thing or two of what befell two other inspectors” Said
Lovecraft nonchalantly

“Those men had families Lovecraft” Replied Pensworth solemnly. Lovecraft

hated that look on his face it meant two issues, a baffling case and travel.

“How is that my matter?”

“We received telegraph from them a few days before their deaths, they were
working on something”

“Let me guess-” interrupted Lovecraft.

“They never mentioned what it was due to security risks, whatever it was
it must be why they were killed” Pensworth cut in before Lovecraft had a chance
to jump to any conclusions. The aging director looked to the floor and looked up
towards Lovecraft from behind his desk and added “your task is threefold; dis-

Lovecraft:Chapter One Lovecraft:Chapter One

cover whom the culprit behind the murders is, report on any circles them maybe him. His knowledge of what is deemed as the “Supernatural and Paranormal” was
a part of, and continue the investigations our field agents were undergoing before beyond most of his peers. And to think his career began as a simple book hunter.
their murders.” Pensworth reached into a drawer and produced a thick manila Scouring the old worlds of myth and lore to trace remnants of knowledge as old
envelope and placed it on the desk pushing it towards Lovecraft. “This is general as the city of Jericho. His travels also gave him the chance to educate himself in
information, contacts, addresses and the like to help you get started. It includes a several tongues. A factor most prominent towards his selection for the tasks given
train ticket” to him.

“A train ticket?” responded Lovecraft. Lovecraft looked around him at the dank barely lit cabin he was sitting in.
The Jew was quiet now. He wasn’t sure if he had fallen asleep or is merely reading
“To Rome, Italy”
to himself. The other man was still reading his paper. Satisfied, Lovecraft laid back
It was several hours later and Lovecraft was trudging along through the
into his seat. He had no luggage to carry. Nothing but his dark brown suit and coat.
aisles of a train. He hated the train. Slow, bumpy, and most usually decadent. The
He took out the envelope given to him by his superior. He looked at it as if trying
usual for moving members of Order 666 those were on assignment. In bare sight
to stare into its destiny. He began opening it casually albeit slowly. Emptying its
yet invisible, like the Order itself. Like the creed its agents followed. Failure to
contents he looked into the stack of papers that were resting in his lap. Placing
follow the creed had “harsh repercussions”. As it was stated, no one knew what
the envelope aside he began sifting through them. There was the usual, contact
exactly that meant. But no one knew of anyone who attempted to compromise the
points incase he needed a firearm, medical aid, and the like. A list of addresses
Order or rebel against it.
within Rome conventionally listed was the office of Order 666 in the city, as well
Lovecraft stood in front of a cabin. He slowly opened the door and entered. as the homes of the two inspectors whom were reported killed. His mind jumped
He was not alone. A rabbi sitting next to the window reciting from his text out to chains of thoughts listing his tasks as he read more on the briefing. The most
loud. Another man in dark garb sat across from him. Lovecraft looked with dismay prominent mention stated that the bodies of the two men were cadavered. Every-
and grunted. “It doesn’t get worse” he thought to himself. As he sat down the rabbi thing else was trivial, and spoke of the state of the city. Nothing not in the papers.
paused to look at him. The other man remained silent his face hidden by the news- The Nero Eagle Party of Italy was making moves within the city. Lovecraft scoffed
paper. Lovecraft sat down and eyed the Jew sitting across from him. He never liked at the fact such a man has been nothing but talk. But then again, Benito and his
them. But at the least they kept to themselves in their own little ghettoes. Fascists were not as strong as they claimed to be. Lovecraft shook his head in ques-

Lovecraft’s mind began to wander. Why had he been chosen for this assign- tion if Benito took control of Italy.

ment? It is not the first time he is chosen for such cases. Cases that he is told to be of He diverted his attention back to the papers. Yet something was amiss. The
utmost importance. Lovecraft’s own significance within the chambers of Order 666 room felt darker on the eyes, and colder on the flesh. A deafening silence besieged
was not of great position, though he does have a prestigious reputation following the cabin. Lovecraft looked towards the other occupants of the cabin. The rabbi

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Lovecraft:Chapter One Lovecraft:Chapter One

seemed to be unaware or completely frozen. Turning towards the other man. Love- up his papers and placed them in the envelope. The train should be in Rome in a
craft attempted to focus on the paper. Squinting to get a closer look. The room had few more hours, but he should divert his course towards Rome at his next stop. He
become colder and darker, and Lovecraft was breathing out mist. The man had couldn’t risk anymore attacks on his person. He walked out of the cabin through
dropped the newspaper exposing a deformed sculpture of several blank black eyes the aisles of the train deep in thought. Plotting his next course of action.
and sore covered flesh. The strange being had not even the slightest slit for a mouth.
It rose to its feet and produced a strange mechanism. Lovecraft jumped to his feet
just as the mysterious assailant pointed the intricate contraption towards him. The
assailant swung towards Lovecraft as he ducked under his arm and reached for
the weapon. Lovecraft struggled with the weapon from the hostile’s hands. The
assailant then kicked Lovecraft away who slammed into the cabin door. Lovecraft
reached into his coat and produced a pen. A beautiful ornamental fountain pen.
He threw a switch hidden on the side of the pen and a double edged six inch blade
lunged out. He slashed towards the assailants arm, but he wasn’t fast enough. The
assailant managed to dodge and charge towards Lovecraft. Lovecraft with his dag-
ger in one hand charged towards the assailant. Blocking his enemy with his left
arm Lovecraft engorged the blade deep into the chest of his assailant. He looked
into the eyes of his mortally wounded enemy and could not tell if he had perished.
He pulled the dagger out and resistively stabbed him in the stomach and chest.
When the assassin had fell a thick slime of strange colors began to creep out of
the body. Lovecraft took out a handkerchief and wiped the ooze off handkerchief.
Depressing the switch the blade quickly deconstructed itself and jumped back into
the pen which he replaced back into his coat.

Lovecraft looked at the corpse. He found the strange weapon that was with
the assailant and pocketed it. The room was becoming warmer, and light was re-
turning. The corpse of the being had begun to vanish. Leaving no remains, no
clothing, no particles, no proof of his existence, not even the newspaper. Lovecraft
stood their as the room’s temperature and lighting had normalized. The rabbi was
still reading his scriptures aloud. Lovecraft looked around the cabin and picked
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This is a sample from a upcoming book by the writer

Mohammad Hamayel.
This book was also layout, formatted and published by VDU.
All right are reserved to Mohammad Hamayel and VDU.

For more information you can contact:

Mohammad Hamayel at
VDU at

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