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[ h ] n the twelfth consonant of the Bengali alphabet.

[ ha ] int expressing: a light noise caused by the concussion of a metallic object against a hard
thing. int. expressing: this noise made repeatedly or continuously.

[ haka
] a deceitful; swindling; knavish. n. a deceiver, a cheat; a swindler; a knave; a
trickster. same as (a. & n.). n. cheating, swindling; knavery.

[ haka
] int expressing a rapping noise as of a stick on the floor. , int. expressing
this noise made repeatedly and quickly. v. to make this noise repeatedly and quickly; to
shiver violently (in cold, fear, anger etc.). n. a spell of rapping noise made repeatedly and
quickly; a spell of violent shiver.
[ hakahaki ] n a kind of loom, a fly-shuttle loom.
[ hak ] v to be cheated or swindled; to lose (to) ( d- ); to be
defeated or outwitted; to be beguiled. v. to cheat or swindle; to cause to lose; to defeat or
outwit; to beguile. a. puzzling, confusing, perplexing; misleading ( p).
[ haga ] a given to deception or cheating or swindling; knavish. n. a trickster; a cheat; a
swindler; a knave; a member of a murdering band or robbers once prevalent in India, a thug.
n. a murderous band of robbers once prevalent in India, the thug or thuggee.
[ hana ] int expressing a light, clattering noise as of the concussion of a thin metallic object.
int. expressing this noise made repeatedly; nothingness or vacuity or emptiness ( ).
a. empty.
, [ hamaka, hasaka ] n style; glamour; affectedly artistic bearing; coquetry; conceit.
[ hmi
] int expressing the noise as of slap ping strongly. i i int. expressing this noise
made repeatedly and quickly.
[ hmi
] n a place; a seat on which one sits to take one's meal (a n i ); shelter
( D i ); accommodation, room, space ('i i i i, '); bottom
( i o); possession or source. i i a. living apart from one another (i-i i-i);
separated, disunited, disintegrated. D, n. change of place.
k [ hkura ] n a god, a deity; an idol; God; an overlord; a lord; a master; a man deserving
respect or reverence (k); an elder ( k ); a spiritual guide, a guru; a priest; a
teacher; a Brahman; a Brahman employed as a cook (n k); a father or a forefather; (of a
woman) a father-in-law (k). fem. k k (hum.) the patron divine or human has
forsaken; (hum.) displeased. n. a room in a dwelling house set apart for worship and prayer.
k i (fig.) an offender often betrays himself unconsciously. i n. the
husband of a sister of one's husband, a brother-in-law. n. a sister of one's husband, a sister-in-
law. n. a (paternal) grandfather or granduncle. n. a hall or building attached to or within
the precincts of a dwelling house set apart for worship and prayer. n. the daily worship of the
guardian deity of a family. n. a younger brother of one's husband, a brother-in-law. n. a
(paternal) grandmother or grandaunt. same as k, (chiefly poet.) k n.
authority, rule; supremacy, predominance; godhead, godhood; godlike deceit or fun or
assumption ('D k').

[ ha
] n (now obs.) a column of troops (' '); a party or multitude (' ').

[ ha
] n outward look or show, appearance ( ); a framework ( );
glamour; tricks and artifices ( ); style or fashion (e e ).
- [ ha-hamaka ] n outward show of glamour; deceptive show; false gestures;
pretences; affectation; parade.
- [ ha-ba ] n outward show; grandeur; decoration.
T [ h ] n joke; banter, persiflage, waggery. i n. light raillery, fun, a good humoured
teasing. T v. to joke; to cut a joke; to poke fun at; to banter. n. a merry person full of
amusing sayings and fond of practical jokes, a wag.
, D [ hh rda, hhpa rda ] n scorching sun.
D [ h ] a erect, upright, vertical.
[ hna ] n (used in comp. & coll.) a respect able woman, a lady (, u). □ in
comp. (used as a pfx.) of the second degree of parentage, grand (). ,, (coll.) n. a
(paternal and maternal) grandmother or grandaunt, (arch.) a grandam, a grandma.
[ hn ] a cold; chilly; mild, sweet ( ); cooled (p ). n. cold ( );
chill ( ). v. to cool; to cool down; to console or comfort or pacify or appease (
. ); to refresh ( ); to subdue, to bring under control ( );
to put down, to quell (d ); to put to silence, to kill, to do to death ( ).
v. to catch cold.
-Di [ hn-la i ] n cold war.
[ hma ] n a place, a resort (' '); possession or company ( ); shape, form,
figure ( , s ); beauty ( ); style, manner, fashion, posture ('D
u-n ').
[ ha ] adv without moving, motionlessly, fixedly ( ); incessantly or at a stretch
( u , j). a. incessant or consecutive ( d).
[ hra ] n a beck, a gesticulation. v. to make a sign with, to gesticulate with ( ).
- adv. (coll.) by means of signs and gestures, by hints and insinuations.

[ hsa
] int expressing the sound as of a violent slap. int. expressing quick and
repeated sound of such slapping. adv. making this noise repeatedly and in quick succession.

[ hsa
] a close, thick, compact, crowded ( , ).
[ hs ] v to cram, to stuff; to load; to press, to press down; to knead ( ); to beat
soundly, to thrash; to reprimand. a. thoroughly crammed or stuffed or loaded. n. act of
pressing repeatedly to stuff a thing; overcrowding.
[ hhara ] n act of seeing or noticing; visualization; vision, sight; attention, care (
); recognition; cognition; realization; discernment, act of finding; determination. v. to
see, to notice; to visualize; to treat with attention ( ); to recognize (
); to cognize; to realize; to discern, to find, to think out, to devise, to determine (
u ); to invent (d ); to anticipate (e ,). o v. to
come to or be able to see or notice or visualize or recognize or to cognize or realize or discern or
find or determine or anticipate. o v. to be seen or noticed; to be visible; to be recognized
or cognized or realized or discerned or found or determined or anticipated. same as

[ hika ] a fixed, settled (e ); appointed, specified ( ); right ( );
correct (a ); exact, precise (); just ( d ); proper, right ( , ); in
working order (D i); suitable, fit, fitting (e ); corrected or cured (
o ); arranged ( i); regarded, decided, judged, diagnosed (
o). n. fixity ( i); firmness ( ); regularity or certainty ( i);
natural healthy state ( i); total, sum, addition ( o); estimate, estimation ( );
discernment or determination ( u o). adv. certainly, surely ( ); for certain
( ); exactly, just ( ). int. exactly, right, that's it. v. to fix, to settle; to
appoint, to specify; to correct or cure; to repair or regulate or adjust (D ); to set to rights;
to determine or resolve ( ); to regard or decide or adjudge ( ); to
discern or find ( ). o v. to add, to tot up. o v. to be able to discern or find
( o). an error in adding; (fig.) a wrong decision; an error of judgment.
(just) as if, as though, as it were.
[ hikahka ] a exact, precise, just; firmly fixed or settled.
[ hikahikn ] n certainty; fixity; trace; whereabouts; fixed abode or address.
[ hikar ] n a small (and usu. globular) ball of stone or clay used in the bowl of a hookah;
an inferior species of pigeon pea.
[ hikarn ] v to rebound; to scatter or disperse ( kg D); to issue
in rays, to radiate ( ); to shine or dazzle ( ); to be dazed (
[ hik ] a employed for part-time or casual service, hired, part-time ( ); temporary (
); holding possession temporarily for a fixed period ( p); hired, hackney ( D); that
which is done on contract or on piece-system ( ). n. a work done by contract, a contract
( o); a sub-contract; lease ( o). a piece-work; a temporary job; a part-
time job. D a hackney-coach, a hackney-carriage. a hired servant; a hireling.
a hired maidservant, a char woman. p a temporary tenant. a hired or casual
labour or a hireling.
[ hikdra ] n a contractor. n. contractorship. a. relating to contract work.
[ hikn ] n an address (as given in a letter); one's fixed residence; trace, direction or
location ( ); a clue or solution ( ); fixity or limit ( ).
k [ hikuji ] n a brief horoscope.
[ huri ] n a mode and measure of a light classical Indian music.
[ huka ] int expressing the noise of a gentle stroke or rap ( o ). int. n.
repeated noise of gentle stroke or rap. int. n. same as ; the noise of a gentle rap; a
word denoting (usu.) the carpenter's or blacksmith's gentle manner of work.
[ hukarn ] v to peck, to nibble; to nibble at a bait. a. pecked; nibbled at.
, [ huk, hka ] v to hit esp. on the head ( D ); to hammer; to drive in by hit ting
on the head ( ); to strike against, to knock, to rap ( , D , ); to
slap noisily ( ); to beat or thrash, to scold or reprimand ( ). n. a knock
or impact; beating or thrashing, scolding or reprimanding. , n. repeated striking (on
the head); repeated (slight) collision or quarrel; mutual bantering.
, [ hugi, hui ] n a small container or carton (chiefly bowl-shaped) made of tree leaves
or paper, a cornet.

[ hunak
] n milk fever (also j).

[ hunak
] a brittle, fragile; (fig.) unstable or trivial ( , ).
[ humaki ] n a mode or posture of dancing.
[ huli ] n a flap to prevent an animal from seeing, a blinker; a blind.
[ hn ] a shameless, brazen-faced; knavish; deceitful; impertinent, impudent, saucy;
outspoken; disobedient, arrogant, obstinate, refractory.
, [ hnmi, hnm ] n shamelessness; rude disrespect, impudence, sauciness;
imperti nence, brazen-facedness; arrogance, obstinacy, refractoriness.
[ hni ] n a small loincloth without any decorated border.
[ hk ] v to touch ( , ); to reach, to reach and stop at (
); to come down to ( n ); to strike or dash against ( o e); to
be obstructed or impeded or prevented, to be at a dead end or at a knotty point (a );
to be involved in ( , ); to be involved in difficulty or danger, to be in a fix (
); to be felt or considered ( ). n. a difficulty, a fix ( D); financial difficulty
or want ( ); touch, contact ( ); act of accompanying a piece of music by
beating 'tabla' () ( ); a prop, a support, a lean-to ( o). a.
touching ( ). v. to look bad or uncomely. to speak haltingly.
n. mutual touching or contact. v. to cause to touch, to bring into contact; to cause
to reach; to cause to reach and stop; to bring to; to cause to strike or dash against; to obstruct, to
impede, to prevent; to stave off; to involve; to involve in difficulty or danger.
[ hkra ] n false vanity, vainglory; fastidiousness; superciliousness; snobbery. a.
vainglorious; fastidious; supercilious; snobbish. fem
[ h ] n a staff, a stave, a wooden pole, a heavy stick, a lathi; a wooden rod (esp. one
used for bolting a door). n. act of exchanging blows with lathis, a fight with lathis;
fighting. D n. a community of Indian robbers who used to kill pedestrians by beating them
with lathis; one of these robbers. n. act of flogging with a lathi; flogging. v. to flog
with a lathi or rod; to bastinado; to flog, to birch.
[ h ] a (used in comp.) legged (e = one-legged).
[ hl ] n a shove, a push ( o); a difficulty or a difficult task ( ); a hand-
cart or a hand-bar row. a. that which is driven by pushing with hands (D). v. to push,
to shove; to ignore or disobey ( ); to avoid or desert (' a a'); to expel
( ). , v. to outcaste, to excommunicate, to boycott socially.
(fig.) a cat in a mesh calls the mouse its brother. D n. a push-cart, a hand-barrow. n.
mutual or repeated shoving or pushing.
[ hsa ] n act of leaning; recumbence; anything to lean against ( ); a prop or
support; an insinuating remark ( ). o v. to lean against; to provide with a prop, to
prop; to make an insinuation against. v. to insinuate against.
[ hsna ] n act of leaning; recumbence; the back (of a chair or bench). o v. to
lean (against).
[ hna ] n the lip; the beak (of a bird). o, v. to pout lips in derision or
contempt. v. to pout lips in displeasure. - a. outspoken; (lit. & rare) harelipped.
, [ hkana, hkani ] n (coll.) reprimanding or flogging.
[ hkara ] n act of pecking or nibbling; a light kick with the tip of one's toes or shoe; act
of stumbling (against); reprimand; act of interposing a speaker with a small sharp cutting remark.
o v. to stumble (against); to be reprimanded. o, v. to peck or nibble;
to kick lightly with the tip of one's toes or shoe; to reprimand; to interpose (a speaker) or to chip
in with a small sharp cutting re mark.
[ h ] n a container or carton (chiefly bowl-shaped) made of tree-leaves or paper, a
[ hn ] n a light box on the chin. v. to box one's chin lightly.
[ hsa ] n (dial.) fullness, overfullness, fill ( ); (dial.) a swelling; (dial.) a blister
( D).
[ hy ] n leg; shank.

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