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1abIo ot Contonta

7lt|o Pogo

lAl1 l: OvElvlEW
|ow lu||-Ups Changod Vy l|to
About tho 3ook
What ls a lu||-Up?
1ho Vusc|os boh|nd tho Vovomont
Why lu||-Ups?
lu||-Ups |n tho V|||tary
|roquont|y Askod Ouost|ons
3otoro You 3og|n
Warm|ng Up and 3trotch|ng
Avo|d|ng lnjur|os
12 1|ps tor 3uccoss
ln|t|a| 1ost

lAl1 ll: 1|E llOGlAV3
1ho b0 lu||-Ups lrogram
Gr|ps and |and los|t|ons
load|ng tho workout charts
7-Wook lrogram: lhaso l
lhaso l 1ost
7-Wook lrogram: lhaso ll
||tty lu||-Up 1ost

lAl1 lll: 3EYOl0 b0 lUll-Ul3
Va|nta|n|ng Your lhys|quo w|th lu||-Ups
Advancod lu||-Ups
b-Up, b-0own lu||-ups
3|do-to-3|do lu||-Up
V|xod-Gr|p lu||-Up
V|xod-Gr|p °Commando' lu||-Up
loutra|-Gr|p lu||-Up w|th log la|so
1owo| lu||-Up
Wo|ghtod lu||-Up
|ang|ng log la|so
00°-Arm |ang w|th log la|so

Aboot tbo Aotbor
Copyrlgbt Pogo
1h|s book |s dod|catod to my wondortu| w|to Kr|ston, who has put up w|th a|| my crazy tra|n|ng and ovonts ovor tho yoars. W|thout hor support, my t|tnoss
||tosty|o wou|d novor bo poss|b|o.
Wo a|| want to bo |oan, t|t and hoa|thy, r|ght? 3ut how can you chooso tho workout p|an that w||| y|o|d tho bost rosu|ts |n tho |oast amount ot t|mo? 1ho hardost part ot
oxorc|so may not ovon bo tho workout-|t may bo t|nd|ng tho t|mo to st|ck w|th your now rout|no.
1ho groat nows |s that pu||-ups aro an |ncrod|b|y ott|c|ont way to work your ont|ro uppor body and coro |n |oss than 20 m|nutos a day, 8 days a wook-w|th no
spoc|a| tra|n|ng or tancy oqu|pmont! You can strongthon and scu|pt your arms, shou|dors, back and abs by to||ow|ng a progross|vo tra|n|ng program us|ng pu||-ups.
7 ¼ooks to 50 Po||-Ups toaturos that rout|no-and much moro. 1ho rout|nos conta|nod |n th|s book w||| dota|| tho p|ont|tu| bonot|ts ot pu||-ups, such as vast|y
|mprovod muscu|ar onduranco |n your uppor body, arms and coro, moro |oan musc|o, and a motabo||sm t|rod up to burn any oxcoss tat.
l'|| say |t aga|n: 20 m|nutos a day, 8 days a wook. lt's |mportant that a workout bo oasy to to||ow, qu|ck, and show rosu|ts a|most |mmod|ato|y. lt an oxorc|so |s too
d|tt|cu|t to to||ow or romombor ott tho top ot your hoad, you just won't st|ck to |t. And |t you don't soo rosu|ts qu|ck|y, you'ro ||ko|y to g|vo |t up-||ko a|| thoso othor
t|tnoss goa|s and p|ans that you probab|y d|dn't t|n|sh. 3o, bo||ovo mo whon l to|| you that |t you to||ow th|s program, you'|| too| tho rosu|ts |mmod|ato|y and bo wo||
on your way to a |oanor, t|ttor, hoa|th|or you.
NO51 PuLL-uP5 |N 1 N|Nu1E (NALE): 50 (1|E)
1ason lotzo|d (U3A)
1uno 20, 2000, |n V||||ngton, V|ch|gan

Vatthow 3ogdanow|cz (U3A)
lov. 12, 2000, |n Castro va||oy, Ca||torn|a

NO51 PuLL-uP5 |N 1 N|Nu1E (FENALE): 87
A||c|a Wobor (U3A)
Vay 27, 2010, |n C|ormont, ||or|da
Eow PuII-uµa Changod Ny Lito
°lu||-up.' 1ho word a|ono |s onough to scaro a m|dd|o-schoo| k|d |n gym c|ass. 1hroughout schoo| l droadod oach ta|| whon wo wou|d portorm tho lros|dont|a|
lhys|ca| ||tnoss 1ost (soo pago 80). l was adoquato at s|t-ups, push-ups and ovon tho shutt|o run, but l was novor ab|o to squoak out ovon ono pu||-up.
|or yoars l was atra|d to ovon th|nk about attompt|ng a pu||-up at tho p|ayground, and, as l got o|dor, ovon moro so at a gym. l usod to watch |n amazomont trom
tho othor s|do ot tho gym as tho t|t guys d|d tho|r sots. l'd socrot|y count tho|r ropot|t|ons-l guoss l was a pu||-up sta|kor. Evory so otton l'd roach up and grab tho
pu||-up bar and attompt to do ono rop. Whon l ta||od to pu|| myso|t a|| tho way up, l'd mako |t |ook ||ko l was just strotch|ng. Ca|| mo va|n but l roa||y wantod to knock
out a sot otton |n tront ot ovoryono at tho gym. l just novor roa||y onv|s|onod that l cou|d actua||y do |t.
1oday, at a|most 40 yoars o|d, l do anywhoro trom b0-100 pu||-ups at ovory workout.
|ow d|d l do |t? l stoppod w|sh|ng l cou|d do a pu||-up and startod a progross|vo tra|n|ng program that roshapod my t|tnoss and my ||to. 7 ¼ooks to 50 Po||-Ups
was croatod d|roct|y trom that program. lt |ncorporatos rout|nos tor |nd|v|dua|s ot any ago, gondor and ab|||ty who want to tako tho|r t|tnoss to now |ovo|s.
About tho Book
7 ¼ooks to 50 Po||-Ups |s bu||t on a t|ox|b|o program that can bonot|t mon and womon a||ko. lt's an oasy-to-to||ow progross|vo tra|n|ng program dos|gnod to tako
you trom your curront t|tnoss |ovo| to a |ovo| whoro you can comp|oto as many as b0 pu||-ups |n ono workout. 1ho book prov|dos throo |ovo|s that aro su|tab|o tor
ovoryono rogard|oss ot ago, gondor or ab|||ty.
3ocauso th|s typo ot workout roqu|ros you to ||tt your ont|ro body wo|ght, you'|| nood to t|nd a ba|ancod rat|o ot strongth to wo|ght. lt your body has oxcoss wo|ght, |t'||
obv|ous|y bo hardor to portorm tho pu||-ups. 1ho good nows |s that work|ng through tho |ovo|s ot tho program w||| ho|p you |oso wo|ght duo to a rovvod-up
motabo||sm and tho growth ot |oan musc| 3t|ck|ng w|th and comp|ot|ng tho program at any |ovo| w||| ho|p you bu||d a strongor body and scu|pt your phys|quo |n just
20 m|nutos a day, 8 days a wook.
3|nco tho hardost part ot any now t|tnoss rog|mon |s tho t|rst stop, l'd ||ko to savo you somo t|mo and ottort by gott|ng somo common oxcusos out ot tho way r|ght
1EE EXCu5E: °l'm not go|ng to do pu||-ups at a gym-too many poop|o w||| soo mo ta||!'

5OLu1|ON: 3tart out |n tho pr|vacy ot your homo. Vost sport|ng goods storos havo |noxpons|vo pu||-up bars that work |n a doorway or basomont.

1EE EXCu5E: °l can't ovon do ono pu||-up.'

5OLu1|ON: You don't havo to bo ab|o to do any pu||-ups to start. 1ho lrop-lovo| lrogram toaturos mu|t|p|o oxorc|sos to proparo you tor pu||-ups and bu||d
your strongth and cont|donco.
1EE EXCu5E: °1h|s |s probab|y too hard tor a bog|nnor.'

5OLu1|ON: lonsonso. 1hoso aro tr|od and truo oxorc|sos that anyono can do, w|th var|at|ons tor bog|nnors, t|tnoss protoss|ona|s, and ovoryono |n botwoon.

1EE EXCu5E: °l don't havo onough t|mo |n my busy schodu|o to to||ow a rout|no.'

5OLu1|ON: 7 ¼ooks to 50 Po||-Ups |s bu||t around a 1b-20 m|nuto workout (w|th broaks botwoon sots) portormod on|y throo days a wook. 1ho workout |s
vory oasy to |ntograto |nto your ||to. You can ovon do sots wh||o gott|ng roady |n tho morn|ng.

W|th thoso oxcusos out ot tho way, horo's what you can oxpoct trom th|s book.
PAR1 1 |ntroducos tho program and takos tho toar out ot pu||-ups by oxp|a|n|ng tho propor torm. You'|| |oarn tho hoa|th and t|tnoss bonot|ts and tho answors to
any ||ngor|ng quost|ons you may havo. 1ho goa| ot lart 1 |s to got you roady tor a rog|mon that w||| transtorm your body and chango your ||to. 1ho t|rst stop cons|sts
ot proparat|on, warm|ng up/strotch|ng and tak|ng tho |n|t|a| pu||-up tost.
PAR1 2 gots you startod on tho tra|n|ng p|ans tor ovory ago, gondor and ab|||ty. 1hoy'ro brokon down |nto lhaso l and lhaso ll. Each |ovo| has |ts own spoc|t|c
oxorc|so p|an and durat|on, and oach |ovo| bu||ds on tho prov|ous ono to ho|p you roach your goa|.
NO51 PuLL-uP5 |N 80 N|Nu1E5 (NALE): 548
3tophon |y|and (Groat 3r|ta|n)
1u|y b, 2010, |n 3urroy, Eng|and

NO51 PuLL-uP5 |N 80 N|Nu1E5 (FENALE): 808
A||c|a Wobor (U3A)
|ob. 0, 2010, |n C|ormont, ||or|da
PAR1 8 showcasos somo a|tornat|vo workouts that omp|oy d|ttoront pu||-up gr|ps and mot|ons. 1hoso a|tornat|vos w||| prov|do ovon moro |mpact on spoc|t|c
musc|o groups. lart 8 a|so prov|dos a ma|ntonanco p|an to koop you t|t |n botwoon.
1EE APPEND|X toaturos workout |ogs so you can track your progross throughout tho p|an. lt a|so prosonts warm-up oxorc|sos and strotchos, as wo|| as tho lrop-
lovo| lrogram, wh|ch |s dos|gnod tor thoso who can't yot do a s|ng|o pu||-up.
ln add|t|on, throughout tho book you'|| |oarn |ntorost|ng pu||-up tacts, rocords and t|ps on |mprov|ng your torm.
What |a a PuII-uµ?
1ho t|rst |mago that comos to m|nd whon you th|nk ot a pu||-up |s poss|b|y a rod-tacod dr||| sorgoant scroam|ng |n a cadot's taco as ho or sho strugg|os to pu|| h|s
or hor chost up to tho bar tor ono moro ropot|t|on. 1h|s compound strongth-tra|n|ng pu|||ng oxorc|so |s ono ot tho dot|n|ng momonts ot bas|c tra|n|ng-and tor good
roason. 3o|ng t|t onough to pu|| ono's body wo|ght up and ovor obstac|os |s cr|t|ca||y |mportant tor a so|d|or. 1h|s |ovo| ot t|tnoss |s |mportant tor c|v|||ans too.
PuLL-uP5 |LLu51RA1ED
l|cturos ot sovon pu||-up var|at|ons trom oas|ost to hardost (|ott to r|ght)
Apu||-up |s an oxorc|so |n wh|ch you hang trom a t|xod bar us|ng an ovorhand (pronatod) gr|p, thon pu|| yourso|t up unt|| your o|bows aro bont, your hoad |s h|ghor
than your hands and tho bar |s at shou|dor ho|ght. 1h|s act|on targots a|| tho major musc|o groups ot tho uppor body, roqu|r|ng thom to work togothor to comp|oto
tho movomont.
lu||-ups can bo portormod us|ng sovora| d|ttoront hand gr|ps, w|th oach gr|p targot|ng corta|n musc|o groups moro than othors. |or |nstanco, an undorhand pu||-
up (common|y known as a ch|n-up) rocru|ts tho b|cops moro than tho w|do-gr|p pu||-up. Our goa| |s to crank out b0 standard pu||-ups |n sovon wooks.
1ho NuacIoa bohind tho Novomont
1h|s compound oxorc|so roqu|ros that sovora| musc|o groups work togothor and |nc|udos movomonts around two jo|nts (tho shou|dor and tho o|bow). Whon you
do a pu||-up, you t|rst uso tho many musc|os ot tho hand and toroarm to gr|p tho bar. 3trongthon|ng thoso musc|os |s |mportant tor ovoryday tasks, whothor you uso
a computor a|| day or portorm manua| |abor. You thon ut|||zo tho |argor musc|os ot tho uppor arm, shou|dors and back:
LA1|55|Nu5 DOR5| Ono ot tho pr|mo movors dur|ng a pu||-up, tho |at|ss|mus dors| (moan|ng °broadost musc|o |n tho back') |s rospons|b|o tor mov|ng tho
arm toward tho contor ot tho body (adduct|on), |ntorna||y rotat|ng tho arm at tho shou|dor toward tho contor ot tho body (mod|a| rotat|on), and mov|ng tho arm
stra|ght back boh|nd tho body (postor|or shou|dor oxtons|on). lt a|so p|ays a synorg|st|c ro|o |n oxtond|ng and bond|ng to o|thor s|do (|atora| t|ox|on) tho
|umbar sp|no. 1h|s pa|r ot musc|os |s common|y rotorrod to as °|ats.'

1RAPEZ|u5 Anothor pr|mo movor, tho trapoz|us (common|y rotorrod to as °traps') |s a |argo, suport|c|a| musc|o |ocatod botwoon tho baso ot tho sku|| and tho
m|d-back, and |atora||y botwoon both shou|dors. lts pr|mary tunct|on |s to movo tho scapu|ao (shou|dor b|ados) and support tho arm.

FOREARN FLEXOR5/ EX1EN5OR5 1ho structuro botwoon tho o|bow and wr|st conta|ns a numbor ot musc|os, |nc|ud|ng tho t|oxors and oxtonsors ot tho
d|g|ts, brach|orad|a||s (wh|ch t|oxos tho o|bow), pronators (wh|ch turn tho pa|m ot tho hand downward) and sup|nator (wh|ch turns tho pa|m ot tho hand
upward). 1hoso musc|os a||ow you to gr|p tho bar.
B|CEP5 BRACE|| Ono ot tho ass|st|ng musc|os dur|ng a pu||-up, tho b|cops brach|| (common|y rotorrod to as °b|cops') |s rospons|b|o tor toroarm rotat|on and
o|bow t|ox|on. lt's |ocatod on tho tront ot tho uppor arm. Ch|n-ups aro moro ottoct|vo at targot|ng tho b|cops than pu||-ups duo to tho sup|natod gr|p.

1R|CEP5 BRACE|| 1ho |argo musc|o |ocatod on tho back ot tho uppor arm, tho tr|cops brach|| (common|y rotorrod to as °tr|cops') |s rospons|b|o tor
stra|ghton|ng tho arm. 1ho tr|cops makos up ovor b0 porcont ot tho uppor arm's muscu|ar mass.

CORE 1h|s torm rotors to tho aroa ot tho torso composod ot tho roctus abdom|n|s (tho °s|x-pack' port|on ot tho abdom|na|s), ob||quos, transvorsus
abdom|n|s, and oroctor sp|nao. |u||-body tunct|ona| movomonts trad|t|ona||y or|g|nato trom th|s aroa ot tho body and |t prov|dos stab|||zat|on dur|ng protty
much ovory act|v|ty your body portorms on a da||y bas|s, trom oxorc|sos |nc|ud|ng tho pu||-up to ma|nta|n|ng propor posturo whon stand|ng or s|tt|ng. Astrong
coro |s ossont|a| to propor t|tnoss, your body's strongth noods a so||d baso to work trom.

DEL1O|D5 1ho do|to|d musc|o |s rospons|b|o tor tho much-covotod curvod contour ot tho shou|dor and |s mado up ot throo soct|ons: tront, |atora| and roar.
lu||-ups, a|though not a major contr|butor to do|to|d dovo|opmont (bos|dos roar do|to|d), aro st||| an anc|||ary bonot|t to th|s musc|o.
NO51 PuLL-uP5 |N 8 N|Nu1E5 (NALE): 100
lgo Xuan Chuyon (v|otnam)
1088 |n °3trongost 3o|d|or |n v|otnam' contost

NO51 PuLL-uP5 |N 8 N|Nu1E5 (FENALE): 07
A||c|a Wobor (U3A)
1u|y 28, 2000, |n C|ormont, ||or|da
Why PuII-uµa?
1ho pu||-up |s ono ot tho s|mp|ost and most ottoct|vo oxorc|sos you can do to carvo up your uppor body-back, arms, chost and shou|dors-as wo|| as t|rm up your
coro. 1h|s oxorc|so that you can portorm a|most anywhoro |gn|tos a comp|ox b|ond ot musc|o groups to ra|so your t|tnoss to now |ovo|s. As|mp|o bar hung ovor a
c|osot door or a jung|o gym at a p|ayground (my tavor|to) can bo usod tor a musc|o-scu|pt|ng workout that takos on|y a tow m|nutos, throo days a wook. lt you'ro
|ook|ng to boost your strongth, musc|o tono and ovora|| t|tnoss, pu||-ups aro ono ot tho oas|ost oxorc|sos to undorstand and comp|oto.
lu||-ups aro tantast|c tor bu||d|ng strongth, onduranco and, ovon moro |mportant|y, cont|donco. Ovort|mo, ath|otos havo |oarnod that pu||-ups aro ono ot tho qu|ckost
ways to strongthon and tono tho uppor body, arms and abs. lot on|y |s ||tt|ng your body wo|ght cr|t|ca| to bu||d|ng a |oan, strong and t|t body, |t's v|ta| tor part|c|pat|on
|n ath|ot|cs. A|| sports roqu|ro ath|otos to bo strong yot ag||o onough to p|ay at a h|gh |ovo| and avo|d |njury. 1hus, pu||-ups aro a stap|o oxorc|so tor any ath|oto.
You don't nood to toar tho pu||-up as l onco d|d. lt's actua||y a |ot oas|or to do than you th|nk, onco you |oarn tho propor tochn|quo. 1h|s tochn|quo a||ows tho |argo
musc|os ot your back, chost, shou|dors and arms to d|str|buto tho work|oad. Vost poop|o that start tho 7 ¼ooks program to|| mo that thoy'ro amazod how much thoy
can do whon thoy uso tho propor pu||-up torm.
lu||-ups aro a|so an oxorc|so that gots rospoct trom most poop|o |n tho gym. Vany poop|o aro atra|d to do sots ot pu||-ups |n tront ot othors tor toar ot t|r|ng |n tho
m|dd|o ot a sot. 3ut onco you'ro ab|o to comp|oto sots ot pu||-ups, tho othor gym rats w||| |ook at you d|ttoront|y. l'vo actua||y had othor gym patrons como up to mo
attor a sot-somo ot whom can out-bonch mo by a hundrod pounds or moro-and say, °l w|sh l cou|d do that many!' Onco whon l comp|otod a sot at a gym, an
o|dor woman who was work|ng w|th a tra|nor po|ntod at mo and sa|d, °l want to koop work|ng out so l can do that!' An on||no tr|ond onco sont mo tho to||ow|ng
mossago: °0o you know why l am do|ng tho 7 ¼ooks to 50 Po||-Ups program? 3o ono day soon l can knock out a sot ot 2b at tho gym and yo|| Boo-yob! |n tront ot
a|| tho moathoads.'
Compound movomonts ||ko pu||-ups shou|d bo a b|g part ot any oxorc|so rout|no s|nco most act|v|t|os that wo portorm ovory day-ovoryth|ng trom start|ng a |awn
mowor to s|mp|y gott|ng out ot bod-typ|ca||y cons|st ot compound movomonts. 1ho pu||-up w||| a|so ass|st |n ma|nta|n|ng propor rango ot mot|on throughout tho
uppor body. ln add|t|on, stross|ng tho uppor body musc|os can ho|p you avo|d |njury by |ncroas|ng bono dons|ty, bu||d|ng |oan musc|o and strongthon|ng tho many
stab|||z|ng musc|os, ||gamonts and tondons w|th|n tho shou|dor.
Whothor you'ro a so|d|or, an ath|oto, or just somoono |ook|ng to got |oanor, strongor and moro r|ppod, pu||-ups aro tho s|ng|o bost oxorc|so you can do to atta|n
your t|tnoss goa|s.
PuII-uµa in tho NiIitary
A|| branchos ot tho m|||tary uso pu||-ups to gaugo a cadot's phys|ca| t|tnoss. 1horo aro compo|||ng roasons tor th|s. ||rst, pu||-ups aro ono ot tho bost ways ot
assoss|ng muscu|ar strongth. 1hoy'ro a|so ono ot tho bost ways to dovo|op that strongth. lu||-ups roqu|ro you to ||tt your ont|ro body wo|ght ut|||z|ng a comp|oto
notwork ot musc|os work|ng togothor throughout your chost, back, shou|dors, arms and abdomon. Onco you'vo mastorod ||tt|ng your own body wo|ght, most othor
oxorc|sos can bo dono w|th oaso.
Armod torcos around tho wor|d |nc|udo pu||-ups as ono ot tho coro oxorc|sos on tho|r phys|ca| t|tnoss tosts. ln tho U.3., tho Var|nos havo tho most str|ngont
lorsona| ||tnoss 1ost (l|1) tor a non-3poc|a| |orcos dos|gnat|on. 1ho m|n|mum numbor ot pu||-ups to bocomo a Var|no |s 8, but 10 ropot|t|ons aro
rocommondod to ach|ovo a scoro h|gh onough to pass |n °C|ass 8.'
1ho Var|no l|1 cons|sts ot pu||-ups, crunchos and a t|mod throo-m||o run. lo|nts aro awardod tor oach catogory, w|th a m|n|mum pass|ng scoro basod on tho
to||ow|ng ago groups.
Narino Corµa: PF1 Pointa Roquirod Por CIaaa Doaignation
Narino Corµa PhyaicaI Fitnoaa 1oat Pointa: NaIo
1ho m|n|mum numbor ot pu||-ups roqu|rod tor any ago group to pass tho Var|no l|1 |s 8.
3y compar|son, tho U.3. A|r |orco roqu|ros at |oast 10 pu||-ups to ach|ovo tho °Warhawk' |ovo|, tho h|ghost standard, and 4 pu||-ups to graduato w|th tho
°1hundorbo|t' honors standard.
|or 3poc|a| |orcos, Var|no lECOl roqu|ros a scoro ot at |oast 200 on tho Var|no l|1. ln ordor to scoro that h|gh|y, you'd bo oxpoctod to do 12 or moro pu||-ups.
lavy 3EAls roqu|ro a m|n|mum ot 8 pu||-ups to pass tho|r t|tnoss tost, but rocommond 1b or moro to bo °compot|t|vo.' Army langors roqu|ro a m|n|mum ot 0 pu||-
ups to pass tho|r l|1 but rocommond 12 or moro.
FroquontIy Aakod Ouoationa
O. Can l do pu||-ups ovory day?

A. lo. Whon you do strongth-tra|n|ng oxorc|sos such as pu||-ups, you croato t|ny, harm|oss toars |n tho musc|o. 1hoso t|ny toars hoa| dur|ng rost days. As a rosu|t,
tho musc|o bocomos strongor and moro dot|nod. lt you don't a||ow tho musc|os to hoa|, you r|sk ovoruso |njur|os that cou|d potont|a||y dora|| your ab|||ty to oxorc|so
at a||. Constant ropot|t|ons ot any mot|on w|thout propor rost w||| ovontua||y rosu|t |n ovoruso |njur|os. 1ho most common ovoruso |njur|os trom pu||-ups aro usua||y
rotorrod to as go|tor's or tonn|s o|bow (|atora| and mod|a| op|condy||t|s) and rotator cutt pa|n. Agood oxamp|o ot an ovoryday ovoruso |njury |s wr|st and toroarm
soronoss (procursors to carpa| tunno| syndromo) trom ropoatod computor mouso usago. Vako suro you'ro gott|ng propor rost away trom your computor as wo||!

O. 3hou|d l bo soro attor ovory workout?

A. 3oronoss may bo norma| |t you'ro a bog|nnor, havo rocont|y changod up your rout|no or aro try|ng a now act|v|ty. 1ho |n|t|a| soronoss shou|d |osson ovort|mo, |t's
not norma| to bo soro attor ovory workout. lt you cont|nuo to bo soro, you may nood to tako moro days ott |n botwoon workouts.
O. W||| pu||-ups and othor k|nds ot strongth tra|n|ng mako womon bu|k up?

A. Womon don't typ|ca||y havo tho k|nd ot hormonos nocossary to bu||d hugo musc|os. ln a|| honosty, most mon w||| strugg|o w|th bu|k|ng up too. 3trongth tra|n|ng,
howovor, bonot|ts both mon and womon by croat|ng |oanor t|ssuo and |os|ng any oxcoss tat (by |ncroas|ng motabo||c ott|c|oncy), s|ow|ng musc|o |oss (ospoc|a||y |n
o|dor adu|ts), and docroas|ng r|sk tor |njury.

O. Can l just do |at pu||-downs |nstoad?

A. lot |t you oxpoct tho samo ga|ns trom do|ng pu||-ups. Vov|ng your body wo|ght |nstoad ot a t|xod objoct w|th your arms w||| |ncroaso |ovo|s ot nouromuscu|ar
act|v|ty-and thus s|zo and strongth. lu||-downs uso towor musc|os and stab|||zors than pu||-ups and roduco tho rango ot mot|on. lat pu||-downs aro ottoct|vo |n
bu||d|ng up your baso strongth |t you can't do pu||-ups yot, but koop |n m|nd that thoy'ro not as ottoct|vo as actua| pu||-ups. Wo d|scuss us|ng |at pu||-downs as
°targot pract|co' on pago 102.

O. ls thoro a d|ttoronco botwoon pu||-ups and ch|n-ups?

A. Yos. Ch|n-ups aro dono w|th tho pa|ms tac|ng toward you and pu||-ups w|th tho pa|ms tac|ng away. 1ho oxorc|so |tso|t |s dono vory s|m||ar|y but s||ght|y d|ttoront
musc|os aro targotod, mak|ng ch|n-ups a b|t oas|or.

O. |ow shou|d l broatho dur|ng pu||-ups?

A. You shou|d broatho |n dur|ng tho doscont (on tho way down) and broatho out on tho ascont (on tho way up). lt's |mportant not to ho|d your broath dur|ng any
oxorc|so movomont.

O. |ow qu|ck|y shou|d l do a pu||-up?

A. Each pu||-up shou|d bo dono |n a s|ow and contro||od mannor. Each rop shou|d |ast a coup|o ot soconds w|thout bounc|ng or sw|ng|ng.

O. What |t l can't do ovon ono pu||-up?

A. lu||-ups can |ndood bo a d|tt|cu|t oxorc|so to do. lt, attor tho |n|t|a| tost, you t|nd you can't do a pu||-up, bog|n w|th tho lrop-lovo| lrogram (pago 101) t|rst, wh|ch
prov|dos many var|at|ons tor a|| |ovo|s ot t|tnoss.
NO51 PuLL-uP5 |N 1 EOuR (NALE): 1,000
3tophon |y|and (Groat 3r|ta|n)
Aug. 1, 2010, |n 3urroy, Eng|and

NO51 PuLL-uP5 |N 1 EOuR (FENALE): 721
A||c|a Wobor (U3A)
|ob. 0, 2010, |n C|ormont, ||or|da
O. l was ab|o to to||ow tho program vory wo|| oar|y on but am now hav|ng troub|o do|ng any moro pu||-ups. What's go|ng on?

A. ln|t|a||y, tho body goos through a numbor ot changos whon tho program |s st||| now. 1ho body w||| soon bog|n to adapt to tho workouts. You'|| not|co a p|atoau
onco you bocomo usod to do|ng any oxorc|so. 1h|s program has boon dos|gnod to avo|d th|s p|atoau ottoct. |o||ow tho program as bost you can. lt you do h|t that
p|atoau, cont|nuo to to||ow tho p|an and ovontua||y thoro w||| bo onough chango to got you ovor tho hump. lomombor, don't ovordo |t and bo suro to tako tho
nocossary rost |n botwoon workouts.
Botoro You Bogin
Asuccosstu| t|tnoss program |s a wo||-p|annod t|tnoss program. As w|th any now oxorc|so program, |t's |mporat|vo that you ta|k w|th your doctor t|rst and mako suro
you'ro hoa|thy onough to part|c|pato |n phys|ca| strongth tra|n|ng and cond|t|on|ng.
Onco you bog|n 7 ¼ooks to 50 Po||-Ups, portorm tho program at your own paco and w|th|n your porsona| |ovo| ot t|tnoss. lt you too| oxtromo|y tat|guod or havo an
uncomtortab|o |ovo| ot pa|n and soronoss, p|oaso tako two to throo days ott trom tho workout. lt tho d|scomtort or pa|n pors|sts, you shou|d soo a hoa|th caro
0uo to tho naturo ot pu||-ups, you'|| bo suspond|ng your ont|ro body wo|ght. l|oaso mako suro that tho apparatus you'ro us|ng |s sturdy onough to hand|o moro
than doub|o your wo|ght. 3o smart and sato-don't tako any chancos w|th unsato oqu|pmont, and mako suro you'ro propor|y tra|nod to uso any oqu|pmont botoro
you start a workout. 0on't bo ombarrassod to ask a tra|nor or anothor gym patron how to uso oqu|pmont, you'|| |ook tar |oss too||sh ask|ng somoono than you
wou|d by gott|ng hurt.
Warming uµ and 5trotching
lropor|y warm|ng up tho body pr|or to any act|v|ty |s vory |mportant, as |s strotch|ng post-workout. l|oaso noto that warm|ng up and strotch|ng aro two comp|oto|y
d|ttoront th|ngs: Awarm-up rout|no shou|d bo dono botoro strotch|ng so that your musc|os aro moro p||ab|o and ab|o to bo strotchod ott|c|ont|y. You shou|d not
°warm up' by strotch|ng, you s|mp|y don't want to push, pu|| or strotch co|d musc|os.
lr|or to warm-up, your musc|os aro s|gn|t|cant|y |oss t|ox|b|o. 1h|nk ot pu|||ng a rubbor band out ot a troozor: lt you strotch |t torcotu||y botoro |t has a chanco to
warm up, you'|| ||ko|y toar |t. 3trotch|ng co|d musc|os can causo a s|gn|t|cant|y h|ghor rato ot musc|o stra|ns and ovon |njur|os to jo|nts that ro|y on thoso musc|os tor
lt's cruc|a| to ra|so your body tomporaturo pr|or to bog|nn|ng a workout. ln ordor to provont |njury, such as a musc|o stra|n, you want to |ooson up your musc|os
and jo|nts botoro you bog|n tho actua| oxorc|so movomont. Agood warm-up botoro your workout shou|d s|ow|y ra|so your coro body tomporaturo, hoart rato and
broath|ng. 3otoro jump|ng |nto tho workout, you must |ncroaso b|ood t|ow to a|| work|ng aroas ot tho body.1h|s augmontod b|ood t|ow w||| transport moro oxygon
and nutr|onts to tho musc|os bo|ng workod. 1ho warm-up w||| a|so |ncroaso tho rango ot mot|on ot your jo|nts.
Anothor goa| |s to tocus your monta| awaronoss and body propr|ocopt|on. You'vo hoard that mod|tat|on roqu|ros bo|ng prosont |n tho °low.' 1ho samo |s truo tor
a domand|ng oxorc|so rout|no. 3o|ng tota||y prosont and tocusod w||| ho|p you portorm bottor and avo|d |njury.
Awarm-up shou|d cons|st ot ||ght phys|ca| act|v|ty (such as wa|k|ng, jogg|ng, stat|onary b|k|ng, jump|ng jacks, otc.) and on|y tako approx|mato|y 10 m|nutos to
comp|oto. Your |nd|v|dua| t|tnoss |ovo| and tho act|v|ty dotorm|no how hard and how |ong you shou|d go but, gonora||y spoak|ng, tho avorago porson shou|d como
away w|th a ||ght swoat |n about b-10 m|nutos. You want to proparo your body tor act|v|ty, not tat|guo |t.
A warm-up shou|d bo dono |n thoso stagos:
· CEN1LE NOB|L|1Y: Easy movomonts that got your jo|nts mov|ng troo|y, ||ko stand|ng arm ra|sos, arm and shou|dor c|rc|os, nock rotat|ons, and trunk tw|sts.
· PuL5E RA|5|NC: Gont|o, progross|vo, aorob|c act|v|ty that starts tho procoss ot ra|s|ng your hoart rato, ||ko jump|ng jacks, sk|pp|ng ropo, and runn|ng |n p|aco.
· 5PEC|F|C NOB|L|1Y: 1h|s bog|ns work|ng tho jo|nts and musc|os that w||| bo usod dur|ng tho act|v|ty. lortorm tho to||ow|ng dynam|c movomonts to proparo
your uppor body tor tho upcom|ng pu||-ups workout. 1hoso movomonts aro dono moro rap|d|y than tho gont|o mob|||ty movomonts-onv|s|on a sw|mmor
botoro a raco or a wo|ght||ttor botoro a b|g ||tt. 0ynam|c movomonts shou|d ra|so tho hoart rato, |ooson spoc|t|c jo|nts and musc|os, and got you mot|vatod tor
your workout.
3trotch|ng shou|d gonora||y bo dono attor a workout. lt'|| ho|p you roduco soronoss trom tho workout, |ncroaso rango ot mot|on and t|ox|b|||ty w|th|n a jo|nt or musc|o,
and proparo your body tor any tuturo workouts. 3trotch|ng |mmod|ato|y post-oxorc|so wh||o your musc|os aro st||| warm a||ows your musc|os to roturn to tho|r tu||
rango ot mot|on (wh|ch g|vos you moro t|ox|b|||ty ga|ns) and roducos tho chanco ot |njury or tat|guo |n tho hours or days attor an |ntonso workout. lt's |mportant to
romombor that ovon whon you'ro warm and |ooso, you shou|d novor °bounco' dur|ng strotch|ng. Koop your movomonts s|ow and contro||od.
1o rocap, you shou|d warm up tor a tow m|nutos, strotch ||ght|y tor 8-b m|nutos, portorm your workout, and thon strotch tor b-10 m|nutos. Wo'vo |nc|udod a tow
warm-up oxorc|sos and strotchos that spoc|t|ca||y targot tho musc|os usod |n tho pu||-up (soo pago 87).
Avoiding |n[urioa
lu||-ups aro an ott|c|ont way to bu||d strongth and |oan musc|o whon dono corroct|y by hoa|thy, t|t |nd|v|dua|s but, |ot's taco |t, nono ot us aro portoct. 0uo to yoars ot
|mpropor posturo, sports |njur|os or ovon woak muscu|aturo, wo a|| havo |mba|ancos that can attoct propor pu||-up torm and ovon put us on tho tast track to |njury. ln
add|t|on, any pro-ox|st|ng |njury |n tho uppor body can bo oxacorbatod by jump|ng |nto pu||-ups too qu|ck|y or do|ng thom w|th |mpropor torm.
lt's vory |mportant that you tocus on propor torm and ut|||zo tho |argo pr|mo movor musc|os ot your back to gu|do you through tho pu||-up mot|on. lt you havo a pro-
ox|st|ng cond|t|on ||ko rotator cutt soronoss or a muscu|ar |mba|anco (as l d|d), tako your t|mo and work your way up s|ow|y wh||o tocus|ng on tra|n|ng w|th good
torm. lt pa|n or soronoss pors|sts, p|oaso soo a mod|ca| protoss|ona|.
l|ston to your body. You shou|d bo ab|o to to|| whon you'ro roady to bog|n a strongth and cond|t|on|ng program ||ko th|s ono by tun|ng |n to your body. 1ako |t oasy
and bo smart about dotorm|n|ng what |s norma| soronoss trom a workout and what |s a nagg|ng |njury that you'ro aggravat|ng. lt you th|nk |t's tho |attor, tako a tow
oxtra days ott and soo |t tho soronoss passos.
lt |t doosn't, you shou|d soo a mod|ca| protoss|ona|.
1hroughout tho rout|no, you shou|d oxpoct to oxpor|onco m||d soronoss and tat|guo, ospoc|a||y whon you'ro just gott|ng startod. 1ho too||ng ot your musc|os bo|ng
°pumpod' and tho tat|guo ot an oxhaust|ng workout shou|d bo oxpoctod. 1hoso aro pos|t|vo too||ngs.
On tho othor hand, any sharp pa|n, musc|o spasm or numbnoss |s a warn|ng s|gn that you nood to stop and not push yourso|t any hardor. 3omo sma|| musc|o
groups may tat|guo tastor bocauso thoy'ro otton ovor|ookod |n othor workouts.
Your hands and toroarms aro do|ng a tromondous amount ot work and can oas||y t|ro out. lt you too| you can't ho|d on anymoro, tako a rost. lt's tar bottor than
s||pp|ng and gott|ng hurt.
|oro aro a tow othor symptoms to watch tor: soro o|bows, rotator cutt pa|n, and a st|tt nock. 3oro o|bows aro usua||y a s|gn that you'ro |ock|ng out your o|bows
whon your arms aro tu||y oxtondod, romombor to avo|d |ock|ng your o|bows. la|n |n tho rotator cutt can bo causod by poor torm or a hand pos|t|on that |s too w|do. A
st|tt nock can rosu|t trom stra|n|ng your nock throughout tho movomont, try to koop your nock |ooso and t|ox|b|o. lt any ot thoso pa|ns pors|st, |t's |mporat|vo that you
sook mod|ca| adv|co.
12 1iµa tor 5uccoaa
1ELL YOuR FR|END5. 1ho t|rst ru|o |s to 0O ta|k about 7 ¼ooks to 50 Po||-Ups to your tr|onds. 1hoy'|| ask you how your program |s go|ng and th|s w||| oncourago
you to koop |t up.

A5KA FR|END 1O JO|N YOu. lt'|| mako tho workouts hardor to sk|p and you'|| push oach othor to comp|oto your goa|s.

DON'1 51RE55 ABOu1 1EE NuNBER OF PuLL-uP5 YOu CAN DO WEEN YOu BEC|N. lt m|ght bo zoro, |t m|ght bo twonty. 3ut by tho t|mo you t|n|sh tho program,
you'|| bo ab|o to do tar moro than you cou|d do at tho start.

DON'1 OVERDO |1. Your body noods t|mo to hoa| tho m|crotoars that tho workout causos |n your musc|os. 1ho program was croatod to bo portormod on|y throo
days a wook-that moans tour days ott por wook!

1AKE |1 EA5Y AND u5E COOD FORN. You'|| soo moro progross trom do|ng tour pu||-ups w|th good torm than do|ng ton spast|c mot|ons and ca|||ng thom pu||-ups.

DO |1 A1 YOuR OWN PACE. 1ho 7 ¼ooks to 50 Po||-Ups program was croatod tor poop|o ot any ago, gondor or ab|||ty and has a |ovo| to su|t anyono's noods. 3ot
your goa| and koop work|ng to atta|n |t, whothor |t bo t|vo pu||-ups or t|tty. 3y work|ng at your own paco, you'|| ovontua||y bo ab|o to got through tho program. ||tty |s an
audac|ous|y |argo numbor ot pu||-ups. 1ako your t|mo and work your way up.

EAVE FuN. lt you sot your m|nd to h|tt|ng your goa|s, you can onjoy tho r|do. lt you don't onjoy yourso|t, |t'|| bocomo |nt|n|to|y moro d|tt|cu|t to comp|oto tho program.

REWARD YOuR5ELF FOR 5uCCE55E5. Each now |ovo| |s a hugo ach|ovomont. Vako suro to congratu|ato yourso|t tor ra|s|ng your porsona| bar. 1roat yourso|t to
somoth|ng ||ko a massago or a man|curo and co|obrato tho tact that you'ro croat|ng a now you.

PuLL-uP5 ARE EARD. l|to |s hardor. 3ot somo t|mo |n your schodu|o tor your rout|no. lt on|y takos a tow m|nutos.
l rocommond that you do tho rout|no |n tho morn|ng so a |ong, t|r|ng day at work doosn't dora|| your p|ans.

DON'1. CE1. D|5COuRACED. Whothor you m|ss a workout or a wook's worth, don't boat yourso|t up! |op back on tho rout|no r|ght whoro you |ott ott or s||do back a
tow days. |ock, just start ovor |nstoad ot comp|a|n|ng that you °to|| ott tho wagon.'
BREA1EE. 3ounds oasy, r|ght? Wo||, you wou|d bo amazod (okay, maybo you wou|dn't) at how otton poop|o ho|d tho|r broath whon oxorc|s|ng. You can't oxorc|so |t
you don't broatho-por|od. 3roatho out as you pu|| up, broatho |n as you |owor yourso|t. Easy, r|ght? Whon you t|nd yourso|t ||ghthoadod attor a sot, you'|| romombor
that you d|dn't broatho propor|y.

51AR1 A1 EONE. lt's vory |nt|m|dat|ng to hop on a pu||-up bar at a gym and work on a sot. l do pu||-ups throo to tour days a wook and l st||| somot|mos too| unoasy.
l|ck up an |noxpons|vo pu||-up bar that you can hang |n a doorway and pract|co at homo unt|| you'ro comtortab|o. Whothor you uso a cha|r or bands tor ass|stanco,
you can tocus on tho workout |nstoad ot worry|ng about whothor or not poop|o aro |ook|ng at you. 1ho b|ggost bonot|t ot hav|ng your own pu||-up bar at homo |s
t|tt|ng tho workout |nto your rout|no. l work out at |unch oach day (tho socrot to |ov|ng your job!), but |t l havo a |uncht|mo moot|ng schodu|od, l'|| do a sot |n tho
morn|ng somowhoro |n botwoon gott|ng roady, cottoo, broaktast or morn|ng o-ma||. 1ho °ovor door' pu||-up bars aro groat bocauso you don't nood to mount thom,
and thoy on|y tako a coup|o soconds to put up and tako down. l'm a|so roa||y tond ot tho mu|t|p|o hand pos|t|ons. Wo'|| covor a|| ot thom |n th|s book.
|nitiaI 1oat
Onco you'ro roady to go, tho t|rst stop |s to tako tho max|mum pu||-up tost to dotorm|no wh|ch |ovo| you shou|d start at. 0on't stross too much about tho numbor,
you'|| havo sovora| opportun|t|os to ro-tost and chango your rout|no |t you t|nd |t's too oasy or too d|tt|cu|t.
Your workout aroa shou|d bo wo||vont||atod and troo trom obstruct|ons so you can comp|oto tho movomont troo|y w|thout h|tt|ng anyth|ng. Uso an appropr|ato bar
that |s h|gh onough that you can oxtond your arms tu||y to grasp |t. lt |t's too h|gh, you may too| uncomtortab|o jump|ng up to grab |t. lt |t's too |ow, you'|| wasto onorgy
bond|ng your knoos to koop your toot trom touch|ng tho t|oor (any t|mo you br|ng your hoad c|osor to your toot or v|co vorsa, you act|vato and ongago your coro). 1ho
bar |tso|t shou|d bo sato and sturdy and ab|o to ho|d moro than doub|o your body wo|ght.
Vako suro that you'ro wo|| rostod, tu||y hydratod, tu||y warmod up and strotchod, and roady to go. lt you'ro unsuro whothor you'|| bo ab|o to do any pu||-ups or
worr|od about do|ng thom by yourso|t, why not |nv|to a tr|ond to tako on th|s cha||ongo w|th you? |av|ng a tra|n|ng partnor |s a groat way to koop you sato, mot|vatod
and accountab|o tor your workouts. lt you havo a tra|n|ng partnor tor tho |n|t|a| tost, havo thom koop an oyo on your torm to mako suro you'ro portorm|ng tho
movomont propor|y. lt you'ro hav|ng prob|oms w|th your torm, now |s tho t|mo to t|x |t!
|oro aro tho phasos ot tho |n|t|a| max|mum pu||-up tost. P|ooso ooto. |or a|| tosts and tho bas|c 7 ¼ooks to 50 Po||-Ups program, you'|| bo portorm|ng °standard'
pu||-ups. 1ho standard gr|p |s tho bas|s tor a|| m|||tary and ath|ot|c tosts as wo|| as tor wor|d rocords.
51AR1|NCPO5|1|ON: Gr|p tho hor|zonta| bar w|th your pa|ms tac|ng away trom you and your arms tu||y oxtondod. Your hands shou|d bo s||ght|y w|dor than your
shou|dors. Your toot shou|d not touch tho t|oor dur|ng th|s oxorc|so. lot a|| ot your wo|ght sott|o |n pos|t|on but do not ro|ax your shou|dors-th|s may causo thom to

1 3quoozo your shou|dor b|ados togothor (scapu|ar rotract|on) to start tho |n|t|a| phaso ot tho pu||-up. 0ur|ng th|s |n|t|a| movomont, protond that you'ro squooz|ng a
ponc|| botwoon your shou|dor b|ados-don't |ot tho ponc|| drop dur|ng any phaso ot tho pu||-up. |or phaso two (upward/concontr|c phaso), |ook up at tho bar, oxha|o
and pu|| your ch|n up toward tho bar by dr|v|ng your o|bows toward tho t|oor. lt's vory |mportant to koop your shou|dors back and chost up dur|ng tho ont|ro
movomont. lu|| yourso|t up |n a contro||od mannor unt|| tho bar |s just abovo tho top ot your chost.
2 |or phaso throo (downward/occontr|c phaso), |nha|o and |owor yourso|t away trom tho bar back to start|ng pos|t|on.
3o suro to movo both s|ow|y and w|th contro| dur|ng tho upward and downward phasos. 0o not |ock your o|bows, sw|ng your toot or °bounco' at tho bottom ot tho
movomont botoro start|ng tho upward movomont. Cont|nuo th|s movomont unt|| you'vo dono a|| tho ropot|t|ons you can do c|oan|y.

Uso tho to||ow|ng gu|do||nos to dotorm|no wh|ch program you shou|d to||ow:
0-0 lops Comp|otod lrop lovo| (pago 101)
7-18 lops 7-Wook lrogram lhaso l (pago 48)
14+ lops 7-Wook lrogram lhaso ll (pago bb)
ProaidontiaI PhyaicaI Fitnoaa Award OuaIitying 5tandarda¯
1ho 50 PuII-uµa Program
Each |ovo| ot tho 7 ¼ooks to 50 Po||-Ups program |s basod on a throo-day-porwook workout w|th at |oast ono day ot rost |n botwoon oach ono. 1ho oas|ost-to-to||ow
rog|mon |s to do tho workout tor 0ay 1 on Vonday, 0ay 2 on Wodnosday and 0ay 8 on |r|day. 1h|s g|vos you tho ont|ro wookond to rocovor and proparo tor noxt
wook's workout. lomombor, oach workout gots progross|vo|y hardor-|n ordor to roach your goa|s, |t's |mporat|vo that you to||ow tho rout|no tor both tho workouts
and tho rost days.
0ur|ng your pu||-up workouts, a tra|n|ng partnor can ass|st you dur|ng d|tt|cu|t rops by p|ac|ng a hand on both shou|dor b|ados and push|ng you upward to
comp|oto your rop. 1h|s |s sator than ho|d|ng your toot bocauso, |t you s||p, you nood your toot to |and!
· 3tay °|ooso' but not s|oppy. |ocus on your torm, but don't got so oxc|tod that you tonso up.
· 3o cons|stont |n oach pu||-up and don't wasto oxtra onorgy |n tho oar|y rops-th|s |s vory oasy to do whon you'ro a|| t|rod up! Watch your spood and try to
oxocuto oach movomont |n a t|u|d mannor.
· Vako suro to broatho out on oach ascont and broatho |n on oach doscont, |t you'ro do|ng your pu||-ups too tast, you'|| o|thor start ho|d|ng your broath or
hyporvont||at|ng. loor broath|ng w||| groat|y hampor your portormanco whon you got to tho |ast tow rops.
Criµa and Eand Poaitiona
1ho lhaso l and lhaso ll programs both uso standard pu||-ups (as portormod dur|ng tho |n|t|a| tost) and ch|n-ups as wo|| as tho to||ow|ng var|at|ons. lomombor, a
pu||-up |s dono w|th an ovorhand gr|p (pa|ms taco away), wh||o a ch|n-up |s dono w|th an undorhand gr|p (pa|ms taco tho body). 3oth can bo dono w|th var|ous
gr|ps that targot s||ght|y d|ttoront musc|o groups and ho|p to °ba|anco tho |oad.'

NEu1RAL CR|P: loutra|-gr|p pu||-ups aro tho oas|ost tor many poop|o. 1h|s |s bocauso thoy put your arms s||ght|y |ns|do your shou|dors and a||ow you to uso moro
ot your uppor body (do|ts, b|cops, pocs) as wo|| as your coro to comp|oto tho movomont. loutra|-gr|p pu||-ups aro somot|mos doscr|bod as a tu||-body pu||-up
bocauso you can act|vato mu|t|p|o musc|o groups dur|ng th|s oxorc|so. loutra|-gr|p pu||-ups aro on|y poss|b|o on a bar w|th hand|os that aro 00° to tho ma|n bar. lt
you don't havo a bar w|th thoso typos ot oxtons|ons, subst|tuto narrow-gr|p pu||-ups.
NARROW CR|P: larrow-gr|p pu||-ups can bo portormod o|thor undor- or ovorhand and aro an adoquato subst|tuto tor noutra|-gr|p pu||-ups |t you don't havo a bar
w|th 00° hand|os. You shou|d a|so portorm th|s movomont |t you'ro oxpor|onc|ng any shou|dor soronoss or oxcoss|vo tat|guo trom do|ng standard or w|do-gr|p pu||-
ups. 1h|s gr|p |s s|gn|t|cant|y oas|or whon portormod undorhand tor thoso w|th strong b|cops as you can roa||y targot your arms, chost and shou|dors. larrow-gr|p
pu||-ups a|so a||ow you to act|vato noar|y ovory musc|o |n your ont|ro uppor body and coro, mak|ng |t a groat var|at|on to uso tor tu||-body strongth.
Gr|p tho bar w|th an ovor- or undorhand gr|p w|th your hands soparatod somowhoro botwoon 2 to 0 |nchos. 3ocauso your o|bows aro tarthor |n tront ot your torso
than standard pu||-ups, concontrato on pu|||ng your o|bows to your |owor abdomon |n ||no w|th your bo||y button. Whon portorm|ng w|th an ovorhand gr|p, you'|| havo
to |oan back s||ght|y tor your taco to c|oar your hands (thoro's no bonot|t to smack|ng yourso|t |n tho taco oach rop!).
Ovorhand gr|p
Undorhand gr|p
W|DE CR|P: 1hoso aro usua||y rotorrod to as tho °hardost' pu||-ups and, tor somo, thoy can put too much stra|n on tho shou|dors. W|do-gr|p pu||-ups aro not
rocommondod |t you havo any prov|ous shou|dor |njury or pa|n. 1hoy'ro a groat way to |so|ato tho trapoz|us and |at|ss|mus dors| and a|so work to scu|pt tho
do|to|ds, but shou|d not bo attomptod |n quant|ty unt|| thoso musc|os aro strong onough to hand|o tho addod stross ot th|s |so|at|on. lhaso l toaturos a ||m|tod
numbor ot w|do-gr|p pu||-ups. lt you too| too much stross or any pa|n |n tho shou|dor/rotator cutt, p|oaso uso a standard, noutra| or narrow gr|p.
Roading tho workout charta
1ho program |s brokon down by a sor|os ot wooks, oach wook has throo °work|ng' days. 1ho workout tor oach day |s notod |n oach day's row, so |ook|ng at tho
oxamp|o tor Vonday, you'd warm up, do b pu||-ups, rost 00 soconds, do 4 ch|n-ups, otc., unt|| you'vo t|n|shod a|| b sots and strotchod at tho ond.
NO51 PuLL-uP5 |N 0 EOuR5 (NALE): 2,008
3tophon |y|and (Groat 3r|ta|n)
1uno 24, 2007, |n 3urroy, Eng|and

NO51 PuLL-uP5 |N 12 EOuR5 (NALE): 8,105
1ason Armstrong (U3A)
Vay 80, 2010, |n lac|t|c Grovo, Ca||torn|a

NO51 PuLL-uP5 |N 24 EOuR5 (NALE): 8,855
1ason Armstrong (U3A)
Vay 80-81, 2010, |n lac|t|c Grovo, Ca||torn|a
(attompt ondod attor 1b:48 hours, |oav|ng tho rost ot tho t|mo unusod)
7-Wook Program: Phaao |
Wo|como to lhaso l ot tho program! 0ur|ng th|s phaso wo'|| roa||y tocus on bu||d|ng tho numbor ot pu||-up rops to moot your goa|s. 1h|s soct|on ot tho
book |s tho portoct t|mo tor you to sot your porsona| pu||-up goa|s and ta||or tho program to su|t your noods. ||tty consocut|vo pu||-ups may bo a goa| tor somo ot you
-but not nocossar||y a||. Vany studonts t|nd that lhaso l ho|ps thom accomp||sh tho|r t|tnoss goa|s and bocomos a go-to workout to stay |n top shapo. 3ott|ng your
goa|s oar|y |n th|s program w||| ho|p you tocus on gott|ng oxact|y what you want out ot |t and not |oso momontum by worry|ng |t you don't h|t a spoc|t|c numbor.
3o suro to concontrato on good torm dur|ng lhaso l, tho workouts w||| got progross|vo|y hardor w|th moro rops and any bad tondonc|os you havo now w||| on|y
bocomo moro |ngra|nod as you movo turthor a|ong. |ocus|ng on propor torm oar|y on w||| ho|p you groat|y as tho numbor ot rops |ncroasos.
|o||ow tho ||stod hand p|acomont tor tho rop. Wo'|| covor tho ovorhand/pronatod gr|p (pu||-up), tho undorhand/sup|natod gr|p (ch|n-up), and tho noutra|/narrow
gr|p, and wo'|| touch on ono ot tho hardost pu||-ups-tho w|do gr|p. (lnstruct|ons tor a|| ot thoso oxcopt tho ch|n-up appoar
Whon you'ro do|ng h|ghor numbors ot rops, you'|| nood to |oarn how to uso your momontum at tho top and bottom to koop go|ng. lt's a subt|o movomont-
not a sw|ng or a |og k|ck-but a ||tt|o °ro||' at tho top and tho bottom to koop your momontum mov|ng throughout tho sot. 1h|nk ot oach pu||-up as a p|ston |n a
motor: a contro||od, t|u|d movomont up and down.but w|th powor!
on pagos 44-40, tho ch|n-up |s dota||od on pago 110. l|oaso mako suro to rov|ow tho |nstruct|ons botoro bog|nn|ng tho program.) 3omo gyms havo a groat
so|oct|on ot pu||-up bars w|th d|ttoront gr|ps, or you can p|ck up an |noxpons|vo bar to uso |n a doorway at homo.
lt you nood add|t|ona| rost botwoon sots, go ahoad and tako |t. 1ho sots aro gott|ng cons|dorab|y |ongor, so |t you shou|d roach ta||uro at m|d-sot, thon drop
down and rost tor as |ong as you nood botoro cont|nu|ng. lt's bottor to ma|nta|n propor torm than to squoozo out oxtra rops w|th bad torm-and poss|b|y hurt
lhaso l ot tho sovon-wook program |s dos|gnod to bu||d your toundat|on up to 00 rops por workout. ln |oss than b0 days you shou|d bo ab|o to do an astound|ng
20+ consocut|vo pu||-ups! Upon comp|ot|on ot lhaso l, you may cont|nuo on to lhaso ll and work a|| tho way up to tho raro stago ot comp|ot|ng b0 consocut|vo pu||-
Phaao | 1oat
Attor ono to throo days ot rost to||ow|ng tho comp|ot|on ot Wook 7, 0ay 8, |t's t|mo to tako tho lhaso l tost-do as many pu||-ups as you can w|th good torm, just ||ko
you d|d |n tho |n|t|a| pu||-up tost (pago 8b). Vako suro to warm up, hydrato and got |nto a pos|t|vo monta| stato-v|ow yourso|t knock|ng out rop attor ottort|oss rop
wh||o you b|ow past any p|atoaus toward h|tt|ng your goa|.
lo mattor how many pu||-ups you do |n tho lhaso l tost, thoro'|| bo no quost|on that tho tota| tar oxcoods what you woro ab|o to do sovon wooks ago. 3omo
poop|o do wo|| at tosts wh||o othors occas|ona||y strugg|o. lt th|s |s your t|rst t|mo comp|ot|ng tho lhaso l program, you'vo a|roady rocordod somo °porsona| bosts'
w|th pu||-ups! You'vo brokon tho throsho|ds ot 1b consocut|vo rops, 00 rops |n a sot, and shou|d bo vory c|oso to broak|ng 20 consocut|vo pu||-ups!
loady tor tho tost? GO |Ol l1!
7-Wook Program: Phaao ||
Congratu|at|ons on roach|ng lhaso ll! lhaso ll |s tho advancod sovon-wook program dos|gnod to dramat|ca||y |ncroaso your rops por workout. 0ur|ng lhaso ll,
you'|| poak at 8b pu||-ups por workout. ln |oss than b0 days, you shou|d bo roady to knock out an |ncrod|b|o 50 coosocotlvo po||-ops. 1h|s program |s d|v|dod up w|th
corta|n m||ostonos a|ong tho way: 2b, 80 and 40 consocut|vo pu||-ups. loach|ng any ot thoso marks |s roason to co|obrato-and somo ot you may sot thoso as
your u|t|mato goa|s tor th|s workout. ||tty consocut|vo pu||-ups |s an amaz|ng numbor that vory tow poop|o can ovor hopo to do-your quost w||| not bo an oasy ono.
lt's v|ta| that you ||ston to your body, tuo|, tra|n and rost propor|y to koop you on track tor th|s |otty goa|. Comp|ot|ng b0 consocut|vo pu||-ups may bo d|tt|cu|t, but |t's a
vory roward|ng oxpor|onco.

lopoatod oxorc|sos ot any typo can oxacorbato any soronoss |n musc|os and jo|nts duo to ovoruso. Evon w|th propor torm and ba|ancod tra|n|ng, h|ghropot|t|on
sots ot pu||-ups aro oxtromo|y hard on tho body. 0o lO1 cont|nuo |t you havo ||ngor|ng soronoss or c||ck|ng |n your shou|dor or o|bow jo|nts. l|oaso tako as many
rost days as you nood to rohab botoro or dur|ng lhaso ll. A|| tho hard work you'vo put |n so tar won't count tor anyth|ng |t you hurt yourso|t by ovortra|n|ng. 3o carotu|,
tra|n smart.
lt you nood add|t|ona| rost botwoon sots, tako |t! 1ho numbor ot ropot|t|ons |s gott|ng cons|dorab|y h|ghor, so |t your torm bog|ns to suttor duo to tat|guo or
shortnoss ot broath, thon drop down and rost tor as |ong as you nood botoro you cont|nuo. lt you oxpor|onco any sharp pa|n, ||ghthoadodnoss or oxhaust|on,
you shou|d ond tho workout and consu|t a mod|ca| protoss|ona|. 0on't bo ashamod |t you nood to broak somo ot tho rops down |nto two or moro sots-tho
lhaso ll workout prosonts o |ot ot pu||-ups.
Fitty PuII-uµ 1oat
You'vo mado |t to tho b|g show. 1h|s |s what you tra|nod tor ovor tho |ast sovora| wooks. Vako suro to tako at |oast two tu|| days ot rost and ||ght strotch|ng to
proparo. 3omo ath|otos tako throo to t|vo days ott and do a tow oasy sots on tho th|rd °rost' day to koop |ooso.
Vonta||y proparo tor succoss: v|sua||zo yourso|t knock|ng out ottort|oss rop attor rop. |ydrato, warm up, strotch, tocus and lOCK 1|E 1E31!
0on't got d|scouragod |t you don't h|t b0 on tho t|rst attompt-|t's an audac|ous|y h|gh targot!
· lt you got ovor 4b, you shou|d tako 2-8 tu|| days' rost and try tho tost aga|n whon you'ro tu||y proparod.
· lt you d|d |oss than 4b you shou|d ropoat Wook 7 unt|| you can do tho °max' |n sot 8 w|th tho samo numbor ot rops as tho t|rst sot. 1hon rost and tako tho tost
· lt you h|t b0 or moro, you'ro an AllVAl! Congratu|at|ons on a|| your hard work and your awosomo ach|ovomont!
PAR1 |||: BEYOND 50 PuLL-uP5
Naintaining Your Phyaiquo with PuII-uµa
3o, you'vo h|t your goa| w|th pu||-ups. Groat job! Whothor you'vo h|t 10, 2b or b0 consocut|vo pu||-ups, l'm pos|t|vo you'vo mado s|gn|t|cant ga|ns |n t|tnoss, strongth
and musc|o dot|n|t|on a|ong tho way.

low that you'vo mastorod pu||-ups w|th sovora| d|ttoront gr|ps, you can uso thoso oxorc|sos to ma|nta|n your |ovo| ot t|tnoss and r|ppod phys|quo or ovon start a
now cha||ongo us|ng somo ot tho moro d|tt|cu|t var|at|ons toaturod |n lart 8: 3oyond b0 lu||-Ups. lu||-ups can now bo a stap|o ot your workouts tor yoars to como,
but try not to show ott too much |n gyms, p|aygrounds and on any objoct that you can hang trom-poop|o m|ght got joa|ous ot your nowtound ab|||ty. l|ko any good
suporhoro, |t's |mportant that you on|y uso your suporpowors tor good.
3|nco you workod so hard to got to th|s |ovo| ot pu||-up prot|c|oncy, don't squandor |t by torgott|ng to koop pu||-ups |n your workout. 0o|ng pu||-ups aro not ||ko
r|d|ng a b|ko-|t you stop us|ng thoso musc|os, you'|| |oso thom. Arogu|ar rout|no w|th at |oast 10 rops two to throo t|mos a wook |s good |nsuranco to koop that
strong, |oan and r|ppod phys|quo that you bu||t on th|s program. V|x |n somo ot tho advancod movos |n lart 8: 3oyond b0 lu||-Ups to turthor shrod your coro,
strongthon your hands and toroarms, bu||d ovon b|ggor arms and koop your ont|ro body |n top shapo.
Advancod PuII-uµa
1horo aro so many var|at|ons ot pu||-ups-ossont|a||y any hang|ng movomont whoro you ra|so your hoad abovo your hands |s cons|dorod a pu||-up. 1ho oxorc|sos
bo|ow aro no oxcopt|on. Wo havo consc|ous|y |ott out somo °oxtromo/oxp|os|vo' pu||-ups (whoro your hands |oavo tho bar) as thoso aro vory dangorous. |onost|y,
thoy mako you |ook ||ko a |unat|c |n a gym (trust mo, l'vo tr|od thom).
1hoso var|at|ons shou|d cha||ongo you tor a wh||o and roa||y work tho back, chost, arms, shou|dors and coro.
5-uµ, 5-Down PuII-uµa
Chooso your tavor|to gr|p-ovorhand, undorhand, noutra|, m|xod, towo|, narrow-and portorm oach ropot|t|on to tho count ot b soconds up and b soconds down,
w|th a 1-socond pauso |n botwoon w|th your ch|n abovo tho bar. You'd bo amazod how much hardor go|ng that s|ow can bo.
5ido-to-5ido PuII-uµ
7bls oxorclso storts oot jost |lko o stooooro po||-op bot gots o wbo|o |ot toogbor ot tbo top! lt works protty mocb ovory mosc|o írom yoor bo||y bottoo to yoor
ooso ooo roo||y bo|ps torgot yoor blcops ooo trlcops os yoo cootlooo to koop yoor cblo obovo tbo bor.
1 lortorm a standard pu||-up and, wh||o your ch|n |s abovo tho bar, pu|| your hoad toward your r|ght hand thon back to contor.

2 lowor, thon pu|| up aga|n, th|s t|mo br|ng|ng your hoad toward your |ott hand.
Onco you got prot|c|ont at th|s movomont, you can work your way up to go|ng s|do to s|do botwoon hands on ono pu||-up. 0on't torgot to como back to contor
botoro you doscond.
Nixod-Criµ PuII-uµ
V|xod-gr|p pu||-ups aro portormod by ho|d|ng tho bar w|th your hands shou|dor-w|dth apart, w|th ono ovorhand and ono undorhand gr|p. Wh||o portorm|ng tho pu||-
up, try to provont your body trom tw|st|ng by us|ng your coro and support|ng musc|os. lortorm a sot numbor ot rops and thon sw|tch hand pos|t|ons.
Nixod-Criµ °Commando" PuII-uµ
1 Wh||o stand|ng d|roct|y undor a bar, roach up and gr|p tho bar ovorhoad ||ko a basoba|| bat-hands togothor w|th ono ovorhand and ono undorhand. Cross your
|ogs or bond your knoos.
2 Koop|ng your o|bows trom t|ar|ng out, pu|| yourso|t up w|th your hoad on ono s|do ot tho bar unt|| you touch your shou|dor. Watch your nogg|n-you don't want to
smack your hoad on tho bar!
lopoat w|th your hoad on tho othor s|do ot tho bar.

VAR|A1|ON5: 1horo aro othor th|ngs you can do w|th your |ogs: you can ra|so thom |n a p|ko pos|t|on (00° to your torso) or ovon ra|so thom a|| tho way up to touch
tho bar. 1ho h|ghor your toot aro, tho moro coro act|vat|on you'|| havo.
NoutraI-Criµ PuII-uµ with Log Raiao
7bls ls o ío||-booy íot-borolog workoot. Nootro|-grlp po||-ops o|roooy oso o groot ooo| oí yoor mojor mosc|o groops ooo coro to comp|oto tbo movomoot. By
ooolog tbo |og rolso, yoo combloo o stroogtb rootloo wltb o corolo oxorclso tbot wl|| rolso yoor boort roto.
1 3tart w|th a noutra| pu||-up gr|p, arms oxtondod, and broatho out wh||o you portorm a comp|oto pu||-up.
2 At tho top ot tho pu||-up, ra|so your knoos up toward tho bar thon pauso.
8 lowor your |ogs back to stra|ght |n a s|ow and contro||od mot|on.
lopoat tho |og ra|so mot|on wh||o ho|d|ng tho pu||-up unt|| you roach your targotod numbor ot ropot|t|ons.
1owoI PuII-uµ
lí yoo woot to bol|o stroogtb lo yoor wrlsts ooo íoroorms, try o íow olííoroot vorlotloos oí towo| po||-ops.
Ono mothod |s to wrap a towo| around a pu||-up bar to mako tho gr|pp|ng aroa |argor and moro d|tt|cu|t to wrap your hands around. 1h|s w||| torco your hands, wr|sts
and toroarms to work hardor to stab|||zo your body dur|ng tho pu||-up. 1ho towo| w||| a|so sh|tt a b|t and torco many stab|||z|ng musc|os throughout your arms and
uppor body to work hard to koop your ba|anco. Vako suro you wrap tho towo| t|ght|y around tho bar and that your |ogs aro troo to |and t|at on tho ground |t you |oso
your gr|p.

Anothor moro d|tt|cu|t mothod |s to |oop two sma||or towo|s ovor tho bar and ho|d tho onds togothor |n your hand, torm|ng a |oop ovor tho bar. |rom a hang|ng start,
broatho out wh||o you uso tho |argo musc|os ot your back and uppor body to pu|| your shou|dors up to your hands and oxocuto a pu||-up. lauso at tho top, thon
broatho |n wh||o you |owor yourso|t |n a s|ow, contro||od mannor.
You can a|so uso a towo| to s|mu|ato a ropo c||mb.

1 Gr|p tho towo| ||ko a basoba|| bat, w|th both hands oppos|to oach othor.
2 |rom a hang|ng start, oxha|o and uso your back and uppor body musc|os to pu|| your stornum up to your hands and oxocuto a pu||-up.

lauso at tho top, thon |nha|o wh||o you |owor yourso|t |n a s|ow, contro||od mannor. 3w|tch hands and ropoat.
Woightod PuII-uµ
Wo|ghtod pu||-ups aro a groat way to add somo var|oty to your pu||-up rout|nos and a|so can ho|p you through a p|atoau |n numbor or rops. 1ho satost way to
portorm thoso |s w|th a wo|ghtod vost or backpack and a spottor, w|th h|s/hor hands on your |owor back, who can °catch' you |t you s||p. Us|ng a wo|ght on a d|p bo|t
|s a|so an opt|on as |ong as you start w|th a ||ght wo|ght and mako suro tho p|atos aro not h|tt|ng your |ogs. lt's not too onjoyab|o to got a p|ato |n tho knoo dur|ng a
rop-|t has happonod to mo. You can portorm wo|ghtod pu||-ups w|th any gr|p, and tocus on good torm and |ow rops. Attor a tow sots ot wo|ghtod pu||-ups, you'|| bo
amazod how oasy |t |s to do trad|t|ona| pu|| or ch|n-ups.
Eanging Log Raiao
Okoy, tbls lso`t tocbolco||y o po||-op, bot lt osos tbo ºboog' movomoot yoo moy bovo o|roooy workoo oo lo tbo Prop-Lovo| Progrom. 7bls movo (ooo tbo 00`-
orm vorsloo oo pogo 80) roo||y sbroos yoor |owor coro ooo ls o groot woy to oso po||-op vorlotloos to work yoor ootlro booy.
1 W|th arms tu||y oxtondod
(but o|bows not |ockod), br|ng your knoos up toward your chost wh||o koop|ng your torso as c|oso to vort|ca| as poss|b|o. 0on't |oan back dur|ng tho movomont.
2 3tra|ghton your |ogs as you br|ng thom back down to tho start|ng pos|t|on. Koop your coro t|ght and do not sw|ng your |ogs.
VAR|A1|ON: |or oxtra coro work, attor you br|ng your knoos to your chost, stra|ghton your |ogs and |owor thom so that thoy'ro para||o| to tho t|oor. |o|d.
00°-Arm Eang with Log Raiao
7bls movo, wblcb ls port po||-op ooo port boog, ls o groot workoot íor tbo blcops, trops, |ots ooo coro. llgbt yoor orgo to swlog or rock by kooplog yoor coro
1 |ang w|th your arms |n standard ch|n-up pos|t|on w|th an undorhand gr|p just s||ght|y narrowor than your shou|dors. 3quoozo your shou|dor b|ados togothor and
pu|| yourso|t up toward tho bar unt|| your o|bows aro bont 00°. |o|d that pos|t|on.
2 3roatho out and ra|so your knoos to your o|bows.
8 lowor your toot and stra|ghton your |ogs |n a s|ow, contro||od mannor. lopoat.
VAR|A1|ON: |or oxtra coro work, attor you br|ng your knoos to your o|bows, stra|ghton your |ogs and |owor thom so that thoy'ro para||o| to tho t|oor. |o|d.
Uso th|s chart to rocord your progross. You may chooso to mako sovora| cop|os ot th|s |nstoad ot wr|t|ng stra|ght |n tho book.
7 Wook to 50 PuII-uµa Log: Phaao |
7 Wook to 50 PuII-uµa Log: Phaao ||
Proµ-Lovod PuII-uµa Log
Warming uµ and 5trotching
As wo covorod oar||or |n tho °3otoro You 3og|n' soct|on on pago 81, |t's vory |mportant to warm up botoro you strotch. 3trotch|ng co|d musc|os can causo moro
damago than good to musc|os, ||gamonts and jo|nts. Whon your musc|os aro co|d, thoy'ro tar |oss p||ab|o and you don't roco|vo any bonot|t trom strotch|ng pr|or to
warm|ng up. 3|nco wo'ro do|ng a workout and not a marathon, just tocus on somo dynam|c warm-ups that w||| proparo you tor your workout.
Attor your workout, strotch|ng w||| ho|p you roduco soronoss trom tho workout, |ncroaso rango ot mot|on and t|ox|b|||ty w|th|n a jo|nt or musc|o, and proparo your
body tor any tuturo workouts. 3trotch|ng |mmod|ato|y post-oxorc|so wh||o your musc|os aro st||| warm a||ows your musc|os to roturn to tho|r tu|| rango ot mot|on
(wh|ch g|vos you moro t|ox|b|||ty ga|ns) and roducos tho chanco ot |njury or tat|guo |n tho hours or days attor an |ntonso workout.
lt's |mportant to romombor that ovon whon you'ro warm and |ooso, you shou|d novor °bounco' dur|ng strotch|ng. Koop your movomonts s|ow and contro||od. 1ho
strotchos |n th|s soct|on shou|d bo portormod |n ordor to opt|m|zo your rocovory. lomombor to oxha|o as you portorm ovory doop strotch and rost 80 soconds |n
botwoon oach strotch.
Warm-uµa Arm CircIo
1~4 Vovo both arms |n |n a comp|oto c|rc|o torward b t|mos and backward b t|mos.
Lumbor Jack
1 3tand w|th your toot shou|dor-w|dth apart and oxtond your hands ovorhoad w|th o|bows |ockod, t|ngors |ntor|ockod, and pa|ms up.
2 3ond torward at tho wa|st and try to put your hands on tho ground (||ko you'ro chopp|ng wood).
la|so up and ropoat.
5ido Bond
1 3tand w|th your toot shou|dor-w|dth apart and oxtond your hands ovorhoad w|th o|bows |ockod, t|ngors |ntor|ockod, and pa|ms up.
2~8 3ond s|do to s|do.
Around tho WorId
1 3tand w|th your toot shou|dor-w|dth apart and oxtond your hands ovorhoad w|th o|bows |ockod, t|ngors |ntor|ockod, and pa|ms up. Koop your arms stra|ght tho
ont|ro t|mo.
2~5 3ond|ng at tho h|ps, br|ng your hands down toward your r|ght |og and |n a cont|nuous c|rcu|ar mot|on br|ng your hands toward your toos, thon toward your |ott
|og and thon roturn your hands ovorhoad and bond backward.
lopoat throo t|mos, thon chango d|roct|ons.
Barn Doora
1 3tand w|th your toot shou|dor-w|dth apart and p|aco your hands |n tront ot your torso w|th your o|bows t|ght to your s|dos and bont at 00° ang|os so your toroarms
aro para||o| to tho t|oor. Gr|p your hands ||ko you havo a rubbor band botwoon thom.
2 3quooz|ng your shou|dor b|ados togothor, pu|| your hands apart unt|| thoy'ro para||o| to tho t|oor on oach s|do ot your torso.

0o 10-12 ropot|t|ons.
VAR|A1|ON: 1h|s can bo dono w|th a band tor moro ros|stanco.
Choat FIy
1 Assumo tho 3arn 0oors pos|t|on (pago 08) w|th your hands |n tront ot your torso, thon ra|so your hands and o|bows stra|ght up, ma|nta|n|ng tho 00° ang|o unt||
your o|bows aro at shou|dor ho|ght.
2 3quooz|ng your shou|dor b|ados togothor, pu|| your hands away trom oach othor unt|| your hands aro para||o| to your oars.
0o 10-12 ropot|t|ons.
5trotchoa Foroarm & Wriat
Yoor grlp ls vlto| to poríormlog po||-ops, so lt`s vory lmportoot tbot yoo strotcb yoor íoroorms ooo wrlsts oítor yoo comp|oto yoor workoot. Yoor íoroorms sboo|o
bo o |ltt|o soro ot ílrst, so boglo tbo strotcb goot|y ooo o||ow tbom to ro|ox boíoro strotcblog tbom to tbolr ío|| roogo oí motloo.
1 3tand w|th your toot shou|dor-w|dth apart and oxtond both arms stra|ght out |n tront ot you. Koop your back stra|ght. 1urn your r|ght wr|st to tho sky and grasp your
r|ght t|ngors trom bo|ow w|th your |ott hand. 3|ow|y pu|| your t|ngors back toward your torso w|th your |ott hand, ho|d tor 10 soconds.
2 3wap arms and ropoat.
5houIdora & uµµor Back
Yoor sboo|oors ooo bock oro tbo workborso mosc|os oí tbo po||-op movomoot, so lt`s vlto| tbot yoo boglo rocovory lmmooloto|y oítor o workoot to roop tbo
boooílts oí tbo oxorclsos yoo jost poríormoo. ¼bot gooo ls bolog lo groot sbopo lí yoo`ro soro o|| tbo tlmoº
1 3tand w|th your toot shou|dor-w|dth apart and oxtond both arms stra|ght out |n tront ot you. lntor|aco your t|ngors and turn your pa|ms to taco away trom your body.
Koop your back stra|ght.
2 loach your pa|ms away trom your body. Exha|o as you push your pa|ms stra|ght out trom your body by push|ng through your shou|dors and uppor back. A||ow
your nock to bond natura||y as you round your uppor back. Cont|nuo to roach your hands and strotch tor 10 soconds.
lost tor 80 soconds thon ropoat. Attor you'vo dono tho socond sot, shako your arms out tor 10 soconds to your s|dos to roturn b|ood to tho t|ngors and toroarm
1 3tand w|th your toot shou|dor-w|dth apart and br|ng your |ott arm across your chost. 3upport your |ott o|bow w|th tho crook ot your r|ght arm by ra|s|ng your r|ght
arm to 00°. Gont|y pu|| your |ott arm to your chost wh||o ma|nta|n|ng propor posturo (stra|ght back, w|do shou|dors). 0on't round or hunch your shou|dors. |o|d your
arm to your chost tor 10 soconds.
lo|oaso and sw|tch arms. 2 Attor you'vo dono both s|dos, shako your hands out tor b-10 soconds.
1 C|asp your hands togothor boh|nd your |owor back w|th pa|ms tac|ng oach othor.
2 Koop|ng an oroct posturo and your arms as stra|ght as poss|b|o, gont|y pu|| your arms away trom your back, stra|ght out boh|nd you. Koop your shou|dors down.
|o|d tor 10 soconds.

lost tor 80 soconds and ropoat.
1 3tand w|th your toot shou|dor-w|dth apart. Va|nta|n|ng a stra|ght back, grab your o|bows w|th tho oppos|to hand.
2 3|ow|y ra|so your arms unt|| thoy'ro s||ght|y boh|nd your hoad.
8 Koop|ng your r|ght hand on your |ott o|bow, drop your |ott hand to tho top ot your r|ght shou|dor b|ado. Gont|y push your |ott o|bow down w|th your r|ght hand, and
ho|d tor 10 soconds.

lost tor 10 soconds and thon ropoat w|th oppos|to arms.
Yos, yoo ooo`t oo po||-ops wltb yoor booo, bot yoor oock ooos soo lts íolr sboro oí strolo wboo poríormlog most oppor-booy oxorclsos-po||-ops loc|oooo.
5trotcblog yoor oock oítor o boro workoot wl|| bo|p yoo ro|ooso tbo toosloo lo tbo oppor bock ooo bo|p roooco tbo cbooco oí po||oo oock mosc|os or
1 3tand|ng ||ko a so|d|or (w|th your back stra|ght, shou|dors squaro and chost ra|sod), s|ow|y |owor your |ott oar to your |ott shou|dor. 1o |ncroaso tho strotch, you
may uso your |ott hand to gont|y pu|| your hoad towards your shou|dor. |o|d tor b-10 soconds.
2~8 3|ow|y ro|| your ch|n to your chost and thon |owor your r|ght oarto r|ght shou|dor. Aga|n, you may uso your hand to onhanco tho strotch. |o|d tor b-10 soconds.
4 loturn your hoad to norma| pos|t|on and thon t||t back s||ght|y and |ook stra|ght up. |o|d tor b-10 soconds.
Proµ-LovoI Program
1ho prop |ovo| |s a t|vo-wook |ntroductory °pr|mor' to got you roady tor tho 7 ¼ooks to 50 Po||-Ups program. Your workout w||| cons|st ot ass|stod pu||-ups
(us|ng a band, cha|r, workout partnor or °ass|stod pu||-up' mach|no), nogat|vo pu||-ups and Austra||an pu||-ups. Wo'|| progross to unass|stod ch|n-ups and
pu||-ups by Wook 8.
lt you can't do any pu||-ups, |at pu||-downs aro a good p|aco to start botoro attompt|ng tho prop program. Wh||o |at pu||-downs won't g|vo you tho samo
workout as pu||-ups bocauso you aron't suspond|ng your body wo|ght, ongag|ng your coro or us|ng many ot your stab|||zors, thoy'ro usotu| |n bu||d|ng up a
baso. 1h|s |s bocauso thoy targot tho oxact musc|os usod |n propor-torm pu||-ups.
Evon |t you can do pu||-ups, |t can bo usotu| to portorm tho |at pu||-downs so that you can pract|co act|vat|ng tho oxact musc|os you'ro us|ng tor pu||-ups. lt's
much oas|or to |so|ato tho musc|os and rot|no your pu||-up torm by portorm|ng °targot pract|co' on a |at pu||-down mach|no or w|th a band sot-up. 1ho
mach|no roducos tho nood to support tho stab|||zor musc|os and tho coro, thoroby a||ow|ng you to tocus str|ct|y on |so|at|ng your back wh||o romov|ng
strongth ||m|tat|ons by not hav|ng to ||tt your ont|ro wo|ght ||ko you wou|d |n a pu||-up.
Any t|mo l too| my torm s||pp|ng, l uso tho |at pu||-down (doscr|bod on pagos 108 and 104) to ro|ntorco tho propor movomont. 3otoro ovory sot ot pu||-ups
l'|| a|so m|m|c tho |at pu||-down mot|on to rom|nd myso|t ot propor torm and to koop my musc|os |ooso botoro oach oxorc|so. As oxpoctod, tho |at|ss|mus
dors| |s tho pr|mo movor |n th|s oxorc|so, w|th somo ass|stanco com|ng trom tho b|cops and shou|dors.
3|nco tho actua| pu||-ups w||| bo moro d|tt|cu|t than tho ass|stod var|oty, tako |t oasy and work on your torm. lt you nood to tako broaks m|d-sot, go ahoad-just mako
suro you aron't °jump|ng up' to mako tho oxorc|so oas|or w|th your momontum oach t|mo you rostart. lt's vory oasy to torgot to broatho propor|y whon you'ro
tocus|ng on your torm, but mako suro to broatho out on tho way up and |n on tho way down.
YOuR COAL: At tho comp|ot|on ot tho prop |ovo|, you'|| bo ab|o to do at |oast 7 consocut|vo pu||-ups and bo roady to bog|n 7 ¼ooks to 50 Po||-Ups!
Noto. 3otoro start|ng tho program, p|oaso tam|||ar|zo yourso|t w|th tho toaturod oxorc|sos by turn|ng to pago 108 and rov|ow|ng tho |nstruct|ons.
3|t on tho soat and adjust tho support so that |t rosts on your th|ghs just abovo your knoos. 1h|s |s to provont your knoos trom r|s|ng up as you oxort ottort to
pu|| tho bar down.
3tand up and t|rm|y grasp tho bar, dopond|ng on wh|ch musc|o groups you want to targot, you can chooso an ovorhand or undorhand gr|p, w|do or narrow.
W|th bar |n hand, roturn back to tho soat and p|aco your th|ghs undor tho support.
Koop your coro t|ght (bo||y button pu||od |n toward tho sp|no) and chost up. low pu|| tho bar toward your co||ar bono. lso|ato your back by squooz|ng your
shou|dor b|ados togothor and pu|||ng your o|bows |nto your s|dos.
lt you havo a doorway pu||-up bar or somoth|ng s|m||ar at homo, you can do |at pu||-downs by us|ng a band and a bar (or ovon a broom hand|o). Wh||o tho
band won't prov|do a |ot ot ros|stanco, |t'|| a||ow you to act|vato tho propor musc|os and work on your pu||-up torm.
· Knoo| on tho t|oor undor tho bar (you may want to do so on a workout mat or towo| to protoct your knoos). loach up and t|rm|y grasp tho bar, dopond|ng on
wh|ch musc|o groups you want to targot, you can chooso an ovorhand or undorhand gr|p, w|do or narrow. Koop your coro t|ght (bo||y button pu||od |n toward
tho sp|no) and chost up.
· lu|| tho bar toward your co||ar bono. lso|ato your back by squooz|ng your shou|dor b|ados togothor and pu|||ng your o|bows |nto your s|dos.

3|ow|y ro|oaso tho bar back to start|ng pos|t|on.
Proµ LovoI
AuatraIian PuII-uµ
7bls oxorclso ls ooslost to poríorm oo o 5mltb mocbloo ot o gym or oo o bor oboot 24'-80' oíí tbo groooo ot o p|oygroooo. l`vo rocolvoo o-mol|s írom poop|o
wbo to|o mo tboy osoo o bor or tblck-booo|oo broom sospooooo botwooo two cbolrs. lí yoo cbooso tbls rooto, p|ooso moko soro yoor cootroptloo coo`t s|loo,
ro||, brook or otborwlso orop yoo oo tbo groooo. P|ooso bo soío ooo moko soro ooytblog yoo`ro oslog íor oxorclsos coo sopport moro tboo yoor ootlro wolgbt.
1 l|aco your hands shou|dor-w|dth apart on tho bar and oxtond your arms w|th your body at an ang|o (tho c|osor to 00° you aro, tho oas|or tho movo |s), koop|ng
your hoo|s on tho ground. |or pu||-up prop, uso an ovorhand gr|p. 1o work tho b|cops a ||tt|o moro, you can uso an undorhand/ch|n-up gr|p.
2 Exha||ng, pu|| your body up to tho bar s||ght|y abovo chost |ovo|. 3o suro to squoozo your shou|dor b|ados togothor throughout tho movomont, th|s w||| max|m|zo
tho amount ot ottort your traps and |ats havo to do to comp|oto oach rop.
8 3roatho |n as you doscond s|ow|y back to start|ng pos|t|on. 0o not |ock your o|bows or bounco at tho bottom. You'|| roap tho max|mum bonot|t trom th|s movomont
|t you ascond and doscond s|ow|y.

Onco you'ro comtortab|o w|th th|s oxorc|so, you shou|d work your way up to a b-socond-upward and b-soconddownward count por ropot|t|on. ln add|t|on, as you
progross |n your tra|n|ng, you can |osson tho ang|o unt|| your body |s hor|zonta| and you'ro support|ng most ot your body wo|ght. l don't rocommond that you go past
hor|zonta|, as you'ro |n a vu|norab|o pos|t|on |t you |oso your gr|p.
Aaaiatod PuII-uµ uaing a aµottor
3tart w|th arms oxtondod and hands shou|dor-w|dth apart on tho bar. 3og|n tho movo by squooz|ng your shou|dor b|ados togothor and pu|||ng your chost up
towards tho bar. 1ho spottor shou|d stand boh|nd you and p|aco a hand on oach shou|dor b|ado w|th tho|r t|ngors po|nt|ng up. 1ho spottor shou|d prov|do a ||tt|o
boost to comp|oto a rop, but not ||tt throughout tho ont|ro movomont.
uaing a band
You can t|nd a p|othora ot pu||-up bands on||no. 3as|ca||y |t's a |argo rubbor band that's |ong onough to bo socurod to tho bar. A|ongor band w||| a||ow you to |oop
around tho bar and thon back through |tso|t, mak|ng a knot around tho bar and socur|ng |t |n p|aco. l|aco ono or both toot (or |t tho band |s shortor, your knoos) |nto
tho |oop at tho bottom. l|oaso bo carotu| to to||ow tho |nstruct|ons that como w|th tho bands and mako suro thoy'ro attachod propor|y and socuro|y. Evon though tho
bands aro °support|ng' you, mako suro you havo a t|rm gr|p on tho bar. l rocommond that you uso a spottor to koop you sato and watch your torm. Aband w|||
prov|do tho major|ty ot |ts bonot|t at tho bottom ot a ropot|t|on and prov|do somo momontum to start tho noxt rop. (3o carotu| not to bounco-you'ro do|ng pu||-ups,
not acrobat|cs.)
uaing an aaaiatod µuII-uµ machino
l|oaso road tho d|roct|ons postod on tho mach|no botoro start|ng. 3o|oct a countorwo|ght that w||| a||ow you to comp|oto your targotod numbor ot ropot|t|ons w|th
good torm. Vost ass|stod pu||-up mach|nos w||| prov|do cons|stont support throughout tho ont|ro movomont and a||ow you to work on propor torm. lt's |mportant that
you uso tho m|n|mum amount ot wo|ght nocossary, th|s w||| onsuro that you got a good workout w|thout |ott|ng tho mach|no do a|| tho work. As you progross through
tho prop program, you shou|d |osson tho countorwo|ght unt|| you'ro do|ng pu||-ups that support your ont|ro body wo|ght.
uaing a chair, box or tixod ob[oct
Whon us|ng any ot thoso objocts, p|oaso bo carotu| that tho objoct |s stab|o and can support your wo|ght. 3|nco oach objoct you uso |s ot a d|ttoront ho|ght ro|at|vo
to tho bar, you'|| havo to adjust tho pos|t|on ot tho bar and objoct unt|| you t|nd a mothod that |s sato and a||ows tor a tu|| rango ot ass|stod mot|on. 1ako your t|mo |n
sot-up and proparat|on. You don't nood to got hurt wh||o oxorc|s|ng-that dotoats tho who|o purposo!
Vy tavor|to (and satost) mothod |s to p|aco a cha|r undor tho bar so on|y tho t|ps ot your toos aro touch|ng tho soat. |rom th|s pos|t|on you shou|d on|y bo ab|o to
ass|st and not ||tt yourso|t tho who|o way w|th your toos-un|oss you havo |ncrod|b|o ca|t strongth! Vako suro your hands aro socuro on tho bar and tho cha|r |s
stab|o, koop tho movomont s|ow and contro||od up and down so you don't rock tho cha|r or |oso your toot|ng.
Nogativo PuII-uµ & Eang
1h|s movomont |s tho downward phaso ot a pu||-up and tho goa| |s to |owor yourso|t as s|ow|y as poss|b|o, work|ng tho |argo musc|os ot tho back to s|ow your
doscont. lt's |mportant that you do not attompt to |ock your o|bows. lt you do, you won't tra|n tho propor pu||-up musc|os.
Us|ng a cha|r, bonch, spottor or a good jump, got yourso|t |n start|ng pos|t|on, w|th hands shou|dor-w|dth apart |n an ovorhand gr|p and your ch|n abovo tho bar.
lowor yourso|t |n a s|ow, contro||od mannor unt|| your arms aro tu||y oxtondod, but don't |ock your o|bows. |o|d tho hang pos|t|on at tho bottom tor b to 10 soconds.
lncroaso tho durat|on ot tho doscont unt|| you'ro up to b soconds. lt you got tam|||ar w|th tho movomont now, you'|| bo ab|o to oxocuto |t t|aw|oss|y |n tho noxt |ovo|.
Powor EoId
1ho powor ho|d |s s|m||ar to a nogat|vo pu||-up (pago 114). 1ho objoct ot th|s oxorc|so |s to ho|d your chost |ovo| w|th tho bar tor at |oast b soconds, thon s|ow|y
|owor yourso|t down to your toot botoro rost|ng and ropoat|ng. Us|ng a cha|r, bonch or spottor, start w|th your arms at shou|dor-w|dth w|th an ovorhand gr|p and tho
bar just abovo your chost. Whon you'ro roady, contract your shou|dor b|ados, act|vato tho |argo musc|os ot your uppor back, arms and shou|dors, and stop ott tho
cha|r or bonch-or havo your spottor |ooson h|s gr|p. (You can havo your spottor stay |n pos|t|on |t you'ro strugg||ng to ma|nta|n propor torm.) |o|d your pos|t|on tor
as |ong as you can, as you progross you shou|d work up to b to 10 soconds. lowor yourso|t to your toot |n a s|ow, contro||od mannor.
3tart by hang|ng w|th your arms tu||y oxtondod and your hands shou|dor-w|dth apart w|th an undorhand gr|p. Contract your shou|dor b|ados, broatho out and pu||
yourso|t up |n a contro||od mannor unt|| tho bar |s just abovo tho top ot your chost. 3roatho |n and |owor yourso|t |n a s|ow, contro||od mannor unt|| your arms aro
tu||y oxtondod aga|n. 0o not |ock your o|bows at tho bottom and do not bounco or sw|ng as you bog|n tho noxt ropot|t|on.
NO51 CE|N-uP5 |N 1 N|Nu1E (NALE): 51
1ason lotzo|d (U3A)
1uno 20, 2000, |n V||||ngton, V|ch|gan

NO51 CE|N-uP5 |N 1 N|Nu1E (FENALE): 85
A||c|a Wobor (U3A)
|ob. 28, 2010, |n C|ormont, ||or|da
5Iow Doacont
3|ow dosconts aro a|so s|m||ar to nogat|vo pu||-ups (pago 114) (soo how tho workouts bu||d on oach othor?). 1h|s oxorc|so starts w|th a propor-torm pu||-up, and
omphas|zos tho s|ow and contro||od doscont. As you progross, you shou|d bo ab|o to doscond s|ow|y tor b to 10 soconds. Whon your arms aro tu||y oxtondod, drop
to your toot and rost botoro tho noxt rop.
1ll: |or an add|t|ona| cha||ongo, you can hang w|th your arms oxtondod (w|thout |ock|ng your o|bows) tor an add|t|ona| b to 10 soconds.
Arm C|rc|o
Arm 3trotch
Around tho Wor|d
Ass|stod lu||-Up
Austra||an lu||-Up
3arn 0oors
3|cops brach||
Chost ||y
Chost 3trotch
Ch|n ups
Coro aroa
b-Up-0own lu||-Ups
|oroarm 8 Wr|st 3trotch
|oroarm t|oxors/oxtonsors
|and pos|t|ons
|ang|ng log la|so
ln|t|a| tost
lnjury provont|on
lat lu||-0owns
lat|ss|mus dors| (|ats)
lumbor 1ack
Var|no Corps l|1
V|||tary, and pu||-ups
V|xod-Gr|p °Commando' lu||-Up
V|xod-Gr|p lu||-Up
larrow gr|p
lock 3trotch
logat|vo lu||-Up 8 |ang
loutra| gr|p
loutra|-Gr|p lu||-Up w|th log la|so
00°-Arm |ang w|th log la|so
Ovorhand gr|p
la|n. lnjury provont|on
lhaso l,
lhaso l l
lowor |o|d
lrop-|ovo| program
lros|dont|a| lhys|ca| ||tnoss Award Oua||ty|ng
lhaso l,
lhaso ll,
lrop |ovo|
lhaso l,
lhaso ll,
lrop |ovo|
var|at|ons, |||ustratod
warm|ng up
workout charts
workout |ogs
3hou|dor 3trotch
3hou|dors 8 Uppor 3ack 3trotch
3|do 3ond
3|do-to-3|do lu||-Up
3|ow 0oscont
1owo| lu||-Up
1rapoz|us (traps)
1r|cops brach||
Undorhand gr|p
Warm|ng up
Wo|ghtod lu||-Up
W|do gr|p
Womon, and musc|os
Workout charts
Workout |ogs
1hank you to V|chao| 0oAngo|o, l3CA-C3C3/Cl1, lA3V, who was |nstrumonta| |n tho croat|on and tost|ng ot tho 7 Wooks to b0 lu||-Ups program. |o |s a
graduato ot 3pr|ngt|o|d Co||ogo w|th a dogroo |n App||od Exorc|so 3c|onco. V|ko has ovor ton yoars ot oxpor|onco |n tho t|o|d, trom porsona| tra|n|ng to strongth and
cond|t|on|ng, to corporato t|tnoss. |o has contorod h|s ||to around hoa|th and wo||noss trom a vory oar|y ago and has takon on many cha||ongos a|ong tho way,
|nc|ud|ng tr|ath|ons, marathons, and ovon a strong man compot|t|on.
3poc|a| thanks a|so go out to 1ason Warnor. Atr|ath|oto and t|tnoss nut, 1ason was tho human gu|noa p|g tor a|| tho oxorc|sos you soo |n th|s book. W|thout h|s
tr|ondsh|p, support and mu|t|p|o contr|but|ons, croat|ng th|s book and program wou|d not havo boon poss|b|o.
About tho Author
3orn |n Connoct|cut and now ||v|ng |n lhoon|x, Ar|zona, Brott 5towart |s an av|d tr|ath|oto, runnor and t|tnoss coach. |o bo||ovos |n mak|ng t|tnoss tun and |ovos to
croato now, cha||ong|ng gamos to oxorc|so w|th h|s tra|n|ng partnors. 3|nco h|s t|rst duath|on |n 2004, ho has boon hookod on onduranco ovonts and has
comp|otod mu|t|p|o marathons and u|tramarathons as wo|| as sovora| dozon tr|ath|ons. |o comp|otod h|s t|rst lronman |n 2000. 3rott |s a tound|ng mombor ot tho
E3ll 1r|ath|on 1oam, and co-croatod 1ll l|X t|tnoss ||tosty|o coach|ng and ovonts w|th h|s w|to, Kr|ston. |o |s a proud son, brothor, husband and tathor.

lub||shod |n tho Un|tod 3tatos by
U|yssos lross
l.O. 3ox 8440
3orko|oy, CA 04708

ol33l : 078-1-b00-7b048-0
l|brary ot Congross Contro| lumbor 2011022b18

0|str|butod by lub||shors Group Wost

l|oaso loto: 1h|s book has boon wr|tton and pub||shod str|ct|y t or |nt ormat|ona| purposos, and |n no way shou|d bo usod as a subst|tuto t or consu|tat|on w|th hoa|th caro prot oss|ona|s. You shou|d not cons|dor
oducat|ona| mator|a| horo|n to bo tho pract|co ot mod|c|no or to rop|aco consu|tat|on w|th a phys|c|an or othor mod|ca| pract|t|onor. 1ho author and pub||shor aro prov|d|ng you w|th |nt ormat|on |n th|s work so that
you can havo tho know|odgo and can chooso, at your own r|sk, to act on that know|odgo. 1ho author and pub||shor a|so urgo a|| roadors to bo awaro ot tho|r hoa|th status and to consu|t hoa|th caro prot oss|ona|s
bot oro bog|nn|ng any hoa|th program.

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