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Outsourced Strategies International 1-800-670-2809

WHO Reports Depression as the Top Global

Cause of Illness and Disability for Teens
A depressive disorder is an illness that involves the body
!ood and thoughts and inter"eres #ith
daily li"e nor!al "unctioning and
causes pain$ According to the Stan"ord
School o" %edicine over 9 !illion
A!erican adults su""er "ro! clinical
depression each year$ %a&or depressive
disorder has signi"icant potential !orbidity and !ortality
contributing to suicide incidence and adverse outco!es o"
!edical illness$ 'ith appropriate treat!ent 70-80( o"
individuals #ith !a&or depressive disorder can achieve a
signi"icant reduction in sy!pto!s$
)he latest report "ro! the 'orld *ealth Organi+ation ,'*O-
"inds depression as the !a&or cause o" illness and disability in
teenagers #orld#ide$ In its report on adolescent health the
.$/ agency also "ound that road tra""ic in&uries *I01AI2S
and suicide are the top three causes o" death "or teenagers$
)he report titled 3*ealth "or the 'orld4s Adolescents5 A
Second 6hance in the Second 2ecade3 is based on a revie# o"
health policies "ro! 109 countries$ )he authors not only
studied a variety o" published evidence but also "ocused on
consultations #ith children and adolescents "ro! across the
globe ranging "ro! 10 to 19 years o" age$
Outsourced Strategies International 1-800-670-2809
)he agency has pulled together a #ealth o" published evidence
#ith direct consultations #ith 10 to 19-year-olds around the
#orld to assess the health issues that a""ect the!$

)he report states that in 2012 an esti!ated 1$7 !illion
adolescent deaths occurred !ost o" the! "ro! causes that
could have been prevented or treated$ 8oad tra""ic in&uries are
reported to be the leading cause o" adolescent deaths globally
and the second cause o" illness and disability$
)he report also points to signi"icant progress since 2000 in
reducing deaths resulting "ro! co!plications o" pregnancy and
childbirth a!ong adolescents particularly in regions #here
!aternal !ortality rates are highest$
9I" adolescents #ith !ental health proble!s get the care they
need this can prevent deaths and avoid su""ering throughout
li"e: the '*O says in the release$ )he agency also notes that
teenage years are a critical ti!e "or laying the "oundations o"
good health in adulthood$ %any health-related behaviors and
conditions behind !a&or chronic diseases start during this
period o" li"e$
)he report is e;pected to help provide high-level attention on
the health needs o" 10 to 19-year-olds and serve as a
springboard "or accelerated action on adolescent health$
Outsourced Strategies International 1-800-670-2809
Reliable Mental Health Services ital in Ter!s of Ti!ely
Care "rovision
)he i!portance o" reliable !ental health services can never be
overe!phasi+ed$ %ental health services are rei!bursed #hen
providers sub!it !edical clai!s #ith the accurate diagnosis
and procedure codes$ <sychiatry billing involves the correct
use o" relevant ICD dia#nosis codes and 6<) <rocedure
711 2epressive disorder not else#here classi"ied
296$2 %a&or depressive disorder single episode
296$70 %a&or depressive a""ective disorder recurrent
episode unspeci"ied
=72$7 %a&or depressive disorder single episode severe
#ith psychotic "eatures
=72$9 %a&or depressive disorder single episode
=77$9 %a&or depressive disorder recurrent unspeci"ied
%edical billing !ay be challenging "or !ental health services
that include the "ollo#ing5
Screening and treat!ent o" the !ental health proble!
6ase !anage!ent and coordination
6onsultation #ith other service providers
.se o" tele!edicine "or providing services
Outreach and education$
Outsourced Strategies International 1-800-670-2809
<sychiatry !edical billing also involves the correct use o"
>valuation and %anage!ent ,>?%- 6<) codes such as 99201
@ 9920A or 9921A that is to be reported along #ith the I62
code in a depression clai!$ <roviders o""ering !ental health
services #ill "ind the support o" a reliable !edical billing and
coding co!pany i!!ensely help"ul$

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