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Deana H. Jackson p.

EESL 650 Critical Reflection Paper
Summer 2014

1. Academic Language development of ELLs is affected by many factors related to the
background knowledge and previous learning. Based on your experiences in EESL 650, what
factors related to SLA and academic language development should math and science teachers
consider when designing instruction for ELLs in math and science?
When designing instruction for ELLs in math and science, I have learned that it is vitally
important to find out about their background knowledge as well as what they actually learned in
their previous educational experience. I feel while investigating this information there would
probably be some indication as to their proficiency in their L2. This is not to say that the level of
proficiency will be revealed however but a good indication as to where they stand. I also think
that knowing what stage of cultural awareness the ELLs are in is another factor in the
construction of the instructions. The emotional and behavioral symptoms of each stage of this
process can manifest themselves constantly or only appear at disparate times (Kersaint, G.,
Thompson, D. R., & Petkova, M., 2013, p. 25).
Another factor to consider would be the socioeconomic background of the ELL and his or her
family. For instance migrant workers children often change schools due to employment. This
affects the cognitive maturity and is a factor that teachers need to consider in their educational
planning. This could affect their eagerness to learn and be misinterpreted for lack of attention or
respect. It could even develop into a behavioral problem if not known.
2. A wide variety of techniques and strategies are known to promote academic language
development of ELLs. Based on your experience in EESL 650, what techniques and strategies do
you believe would prove most beneficial to academic language development of ELLs and most
practical for use by science and math teachers?
The strategies and techniques that I would utilize as most beneficial for my ELLs academic
language development in science and math are very similar. I would first utilize the students
prior knowledge and find a base for which I would begin. I would incorporate the strategy of
scaffolding through the use of thematic instruction. This technique would organize the academic
language in sequential order as the concepts are learned. Therefore facilitating learning based on
the progression of the ELL.
Another effective strategy would be integrating IPOT activities. This type of interactive learning
incorporates the four language domains of reading, writing, listening and speaking. Through the
use of these techniques an ELL has the opportunity to practice academic language as they
collaborate with their peers. IPOTs promote academic development by bridging cognitive and
linguistic learning. Through the use of these strategies, an ESL teacher can enhance the
development of an Ells academic language.
Deana H. Jackson p.1
EESL 650 Critical Reflection Paper
Summer 2014
3. Based on your experiences in EESL 650, how will you improve support of ELLs in math and
science through academic language development?
As an ESL teacher I will support my ELLs in math and science through the focus of academic
language in my instructions. I will provide various representations of language functions that are
mandatory for academic language development. With the consistent use of grammatical forms in
my teaching I will assist in their appropriate development of academic language. As the students
progress in their development I will enhance their language through the use of expanded
vocabulary. These tools and approaches provide English language learners with a concrete,
contextualized, and multimodal basis for the input they receive on their pathway to greater
proficiency (Beltran, D., Sarmiento, L. E., & Mora-Flores, E., 2013, p.48).
To support the authentic language and learning opportunities I will utilize the strategy of
scaffolding. This would occur through implementing visuals, manipulative, role play, chants and
games (i.e. cheetah math) that would eventually lead to a written outcome. As the ESL teacher I
would continue to facilitate support of ELLs through modeling and demonstrating explicit
functions targeted in the lesson. I will do this through guiding, questioning and engaging the
students in academic language application so that I can reinforce the students improved
4. Change in instructional practice is most directly affected by interaction between teaching
peers. Additionally, change in instructional practice is only sustained when supported through
intensive and ongoing professional development of knowledgeable practitioners. Based on your
experiences in EESL 650, how do you plan to share what you have learned about strategies for
teaching math and science to ELLS?
I would begin by sharing my Weebly website upon which my peers can view at any time. I
would like to share with them how they can develop their own webpage as well. Sharing
strategies with my peers such as IPOTs would be an easy way to implement learning in their
classrooms without having to create or develop the resources. Conducting a teacher in-service
that promotes strategies for teaching ELLs would give me the opportunity to facilitate
knowledge and experience to my colleagues. Providing informative as well as interesting
techniques and strategies to my peers will help educate future ELL students in my area.
With the cultural diversity expressed in our country, we as educators need to adapt our way of
teaching. With the strategies and techniques that I now possess from this course and others, I can
mentor my colleagues and help guide them through our ever changing society. Being culturally
aware can only strengthen us as educators and help us teach the students of today.

Deana H. Jackson p.1
EESL 650 Critical Reflection Paper
Summer 2014

5. Based on your experiences in EESL 650, how has your understanding of effective strategies
for teaching math and science to ELLs changed?
My understanding of effective strategies has absolutely changed. I only thought I knew what
type of teaching was effective but I really had no clue. Through the incorporation of effective
learning strategies I feel like I have the ability to not only be an effective ELL teacher but keep it
interesting and fun for all language students. This class and others that I have taken have given
me the confidence to take on an ELL student and make a difference in their world. As stated
earlier, the world is changing and we need to be ahead of the curve or we will lose our future.
These strategies that were taught to me will not only be effective in teaching ELL students but
also native speaking students as well. Incorporating them into my every day teaching will keep
me prepared for the potential of an ELL student. We must be able to teach the unteachable to be
successful in our field and I feel like I have added to my cache of teaching. With this knowledge
I am prepared to be a leader in education and help promote these teaching strategies that I have
6. Thoughts regarding my experience and any suggestions.
This internship was informative, enlightening, excruciating and interesting. I have learned a lot
from my fellow teachers and will be taking it with me when I start to teach this year. I loved the
experience of summer camp because it enabled me to expand my teaching knowledge and
prepare me to lead my students to the next level. I will be implementing the strategies and
techniques especially IPOTS to enhance my teaching as well as share them with my colleagues.
My biggest suggestion for the internship is the work load. At times it was overwhelming and
seemed to be too much to handle. It was and is valuable information but I feel that some of the
extracurricular assignments could be eliminated and the course would still maintain its integrity.
I thoroughly enjoyed your class and learned so much that I can utilize in my classroom. I want to
thank you for being real. I have the upmost respect and admiration for you and thoroughly
appreciate your concern for our transition into the real world.

Deana H. Jackson p.1
EESL 650 Critical Reflection Paper
Summer 2014


Beltran, D., Sarmiento, L. E., & Mora-Flores, E., 2013. Science for English Language
Learners:Developing Academic Language Through Inquiry-Based Instruction. Huntington
Beach, CA: Shell Education.
Kersaint, G., Thompson, D. R., & Petkova, M., 2013.Teaching Mathematics to English
Languages Learners. New York:Routledge.

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