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Vectors are used in science to describe anything that has both a direction and a magnitude.
They are usually drawn as pointed arrows, the length of which represents the vector's magnitude.
A quarterback's pass is a good example, because it has a direction (usually somewhere
downfield) and a magnitude (how hard the ball is thrown).

Off the field, vectors can be used to represent any number of physical objects or
phenomena. Wind, for instance, is a vectorial quantity, because at any given location it has a
direction (such as northeast) and a magnitude (say, 45 kilometres per hour). You could make a
map of airflow at any point in time, then, by drawing wind vectors for a number of different
geographic locations.

Source -


After conducting the experiment about the resolution of forces, we were able to determine the
resultant force by graphical and analytical method. For trial 1, the resultant force is 98g, 325 degrees and
96.35g, 327.3 degrees due SE respectively. For the trial 2, the resultant force is 139g, 319 degrees due SE
and 138.55g, 321.08 degrees due SE.

We determined that the last force would determine the static equilibrium of the given forces
which is the negative resultant of all forces. This static equilibrium would balance all the forces that
makes the ring that is attached to the force table become balanced.

Take note that resultant force is different from the equilibrant. Resultant is the sum of two or
more vectors while the equilibrant is the negative sum of the concurrent forces. Scalar quantities and
vector quantities do have magnitude but the vector quantities do have direction as well.


1.) Why is it important for the ring to be at the center? Since the mass hangers have equal masses, can you
disregard them in the experiment?

Having the ring at the center indicates that the forces are equal or balanced, if the ring was not
placed in the center, we can say that our static equilibrant is wrong which means it does not make the
forces stable or balance. If masses of hangers was to be disregarded, the experiment would fail simply
because a few shift of the masses would change the value of the resultant which affects the stability of all

2.) When a pull is applied on the ring and then released, why does it sometimes fail to return to the
It fail to return to the center sometimes because, maybe the equilibrant force was set on a wrong

3.) What is the significance of the resultants F1. F2, f3, to the remaining force f4? What generalization
can you make regarding their relationships?
F4 is the equilibrant force that balances other forces and brings it into equilibrium state.

4.) If the order of adding vectors changed will the resultant be different? Why?
No, because when it is graphed, it will show some angle and length of the resultant vector.

5.) Which method of determining the resultant is more?
A.) Efficient
B.) Accurate
C.)Practical or convenient to use? Defend your answer.

It is more efficient and accurate to use polygon method because it saves time and effort and also it
was seen in our data that it has lesser percentage error. In terms of practical use, its much better to use
the component method.

1.) Given the following concurrent forces:
F1=5 N, North; F2=7 N at 30 degrees N of W; F3=10 N at 75 degrees W ofS
A.) F1+F2
=sqrt{(0 + 7cos150)^2 + (5 + 7sin150) ^2 } = 10.44
= arctan(8.5/-6.06) = 54.51 degrees
180-54.51= 125.49
= 7.348 N, 125.49 degrees

B.) F2-F3
=sqrt{(0 .70)^2 + (5 .31) ^2 }
=arctan(total y/ total x)
=82.49 degrees
5.36 N, 82.49 degrees

C.) F3+F1-F2
=sqrt{(-0.69)^2 + (-0.31) ^2 } = 0.76 N
=arctan(total y/ total x)
= 180+24.19 = 204.19 degrees
= 0.76 N, 204.19 degrees

2.) Givn the following concurrent forces A,b and C, determine the resultant.

Resultant = 6i+4j+6k

3.) Given the following concurrent forces:
F1= 10 N at 37 degrees N of W
F2= 15 N, north
F3= 14 N toward the negative z axis
F4= (-8i+12j+4k) N
Determine the resultant.
X component Y Component Z component
F1 10 Cos(43) 10 Sin(143) 0
F2 0 15 Sin(90) 0
F3 0 0 14
F4 -8 12 4
Total -15.99 33.02 18

=sqrt{(-15.99)^2 + (33.02) ^2 + (18) ^2 } = 40.87 N

Sample computations:
Trial 1:
X component Y component
F1 125 Cos(50) 125 Sin(50)
F2 110 Cos(152) 110 Sin(152)
F3 115 Cos(236) 115 Sin(236)
Total -81.08 52.06

Magnitude = sqrt {(total X)^2 + (total Y) ^2)}
= sqrt {(-81.081) ^2 + (52.06) ^2)}
= 96.35 g
Angle = Arctan (Total Y/ Total X)
= Arctan (52.06 / -81.081)
= 327.3 degrees

Trial 2:
X component Y component
F1 65 Cos(30) 65 Sin(30)
F2 105 Cos(130) 105 Sin(130)
F3 100 Cos(195) 100 Sin(195)
Total -107.79 87.05

Magnitude = sqrt{(total X)^2 + (total Y) ^2)}
= sqrt{(-107.79) ^2 + (87.05) ^2)}
= 138.55 g
Angle = Arctan (Total Y/ Total X)
= Arctan (87.05 / -107.79)
= 321.08 degrees

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