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Hello! How are you?

Teaching objectives: Children will learn to say Hello and Goodbye; to ask how someone feels and answer
how they are feeling.
Bonjour! - Hello!
Salut! - Hi!
Au revoir -Goodbye!
a va? - How are things?
a va! - Fine!
a va bien! - Things are going well!
a va mal! - Things are bad!
Comme ci, comme a - So-so

Numbers 0 - 6
Teaching objectives: Children will learn the numbers from zero to six and respond to the instruction to
Comptez! - Count!
zro - zero
un - one
deux - two
trois - three
quatre - four
cinq - five
six six

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What's your name?
Teaching objectives: Children will learn to say their name and ask others their names; they will respond
to the question 'Who is it?'.
Qui est-ce? - Who is it?
C'est Roller - It's Roller
C'est Florian - It's Florian
C'est Perrine - It's Perrine
Comment tu t'appelles? - What's your name?
Je m'appelle Violette - My name is Violette
Je m'appelle Dodu - My name is Dodu
et toi? - what's yours?

Numbers 7 - 12
Teaching objectives: Children will learn the numbers from seven to twelve; they will respond to the
question 'How much is that?'.
a fait combien? - How much is that?
sept - seven
huit - eight
neuf - nine
dix - ten
onze - eleven
douze - twelve
c'est le numro sept - it's the number seven

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What's this?
Teaching objectives: Children will learn some classroom nouns; they will respond to the question 'What is
New language content:
Qu'est-ce que c'est? - What is it?
C'est une fille - It's a girl
C'est un garon - It's a boy
C'est une table - It's a table
C'est une chaise - It's a chair
C'est un livre - It's a book
C'est un bonbon - It's a sweet
Merci - Thank you

Numbers 13 - 21
Teaching objectives: Children will learn the numbers from thirteen to twenty-one.
treize - thirteen
quatorze - fourteen
quinze - fifteen
seize - sixteen
dix-sept - seventeen
dix-huit - eighteen
dix-neuf - nineteen
vingt - twenty
vingt et un - twenty-one

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Where do you live?
Teaching objectives: Children will learn to say where they live and to ask others where they live; they will
recognise the words for French and English and may progress to saying their own nationality.
O habites-tu? - Where do you live?
J'habite Paris, en France - I live in Paris, en France
J'habite Londres, en Angleterre - I live in London, in England
J'habite Lyon, en France - I live in Lyons, in France
Je suis franais - I am French (m)
Je suis franaise - I am French (f)
Je suis anglais - I am English (m)
Je suis anglaise - I am English (f)

How old are you?
Teaching objectives: Children will learn to say their age and to ask others how old they are.
Quel ge as-tu? - How old are you?
J'ai un an - I am one year old
J'ai deux ans - I am two years old; three years old; etc.

Today's the day
Teaching objectives: Children will learn the days of the week and to respond to the question 'What day is
lundi - Monday
mardi - Tuesday
mercredi - Wednesday
jeudi - Thursday

vendredi - Friday
samedi - Saturday
dimanche - Sunday
C'est quel jour? - What day is it?

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What colour is it?
Teaching objectives: Children will learn colours; they will respond to the question What colour is it?; they
will understand adjectives of colour used in the correct order in a sentence.
C'est de quelle couleur? - What colour is it?
bleu - blue
blanc - white
rouge - red
un crayon vert - a green pencil
un stylo noir - a black pen
un bonbon marron - a brown sweet
un Tee-shirt jaune - a yellow T-shirt

My family
Teaching objectives: Children will learn the names of family members; they will answer the question
Have you any brothers or sisters? and understand other people answering the question.
Voici une photo de ma famille - Here is a photo of my family
Voici ma grand-mre - my grandmother
Voici mon grand-pre - my grandfather
Voici mes cousins - my cousins
Tu as des frres? - Have you any brothers
Je n'ai pas de frre - I haven't got a brother
Tu as des soeurs - Have you any sisters?
J'ai un frre, j'ai une soeur - I have one brother, I have one sister

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My pets
Teaching objectives: Children will learn the names of animals; they will answer the question Have you
any pets?; they will begin to use adjectives in the correct order in a sentence.
Tu as un animal? - Do you have a pet?
J'ai un chien marron - I have a brown dog
J'ai un cheval - I have a horse
J'ai un oiseau - I have a bird
J'ai un chat et une souris - I have a cat and a mouse
J'ai un poisson rouge et un lapin gris - I have a goldfish and a grey rabbit
Je n'ai pas d'animal - I haven't any pets
et toi? - what about you?

What date is it?
Teaching objectives: Children will learn the names of the months; they will understand and be able to say
some dates; they will answer the question What date is your birthday?
Quelle est la date? - What is the date?
janvier - January
fvrier - February
mars - March
avril -April
mai - May
juin - June
juillet - July
aot - August
septembre - September
octobre - October
novembre - November
dcembre - December
C'est mardi le neuf juillet - It's Tuesday 9th July
Quelle est la date de ton anniversaire? - What
date is your birthday?
Mon anniversaire est le vingt-quatre aot - My
birthday is 24th August

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Things I like
Teaching objectives: Children will express preferences and respond to the question Do you like...?
Tu aimes le sport?- Do you like sport?
J'aime le football - I like football
J'aime les animaux - I like animals
J'aime les chevaux - I like horses
Je n'aime pas les oiseaux - I don't like birds
Je n'aime pas les chats - I don't like cats
Je n'aime pas les souris- I don't like mice

What time is it?
Teaching objectives: Children will learn to tell the analogue times on the hour and answer the question
What is the time?; they will understand different times of the day.
Quelle heure est-il? - What's the time?
Il est sept heures - It's seven o'clock
II est trois heures - It's three o'clock
Il est huit heures - It's eight o'clock
du matin - in the morning
de l'aprs-midi - in the afternoon
du soir - in the evening
neuf heures - at nine o'clock

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How's the weather?
Teaching objectives: Children will learn some weather phrases and answer the question How's the
Quel temps fait-il? - How's the weather?
Il fait beau - Its fine weather
Il fait mauvais - It's bad weather
Il fait froid - It's cold
Il fait chaud - It's hot
Il pleut - It's raining
Il neige - It's snowing
Il y a du soleil - It's sunny

Holiday time!
Teaching objectives: Children will learn some countries; the points of the compass; to say where they are
going; to answer the question Where are you going?
O vas-tu, en vacances? - Where are you going on holiday?
Je vais en Espagne - I'm going to Spain
Je vais au Pays de Galles - I'm going to Wales
Je vais en France - I'm going to France
dans l'est - in the East
dans le nord - in the North
dans l'ouest - in the West
dans le sud - in the South

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