Arabic With Husna - 1 - Introduction & Three Kinds of Words in Arabic

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Fundamentals of Grammar | Unit 1

Lesson Number: 1
Lesson title: Introduction & Three Kinds of Words in Arabic

Lesson Objective: Intention - Why are we trying to learn the Arabic Language?
- Allah chose this Language for his Last Message
- For us to pass any exams, we need to study the books
- Similarly human beings are in a test, in order for us to pass this test, we need to study the Quran
- Most important thing is our Intention, beyond the reason of pleasing Allah, we are studying Arabic
to Remember him and to pass his test on the Day of Judgement
- If we have the correct intention, Allah will make the Quran easy for us to remember

we promise that we have already made the Quran easy to

- Remember this Aayah/promise of Allah especially when you start to find things difficult
- A teacher can try to make things easy, a student can be smart, doesnt necessarily mean he will
remember. It is Allah who makes things easy.

Three kinds of Words in Arabic
Lesson Objective: Ism, Fil & Harf Definitions
- 3 kinds of words in Arabic
- Any Arabic word belongs to 1 of 3 giant families
- First job as an Arabic student is to know these families and figure out to which family a word
belongs to
- The 3 families are called Ism, Fil & Harf
- The definitions of them you have to remember forever and ever and ever. . .

- -Harf: a word that makes NO sense, UNLESS theres another word AFTER it. E.g. at, to, in, of. . .
(For example when you get in a cab, and the driver asks you where you want to go. You say I want
to go to. Your reply makes no sense, you need more information after the word to. E.g. I want
to go to the Hotel

- -Fil: is a word which is either stuck in the Past, Present or Future Tense.
Past Tense - I travelled
Present Tense - I am travelling
Future Tense - I will travel

- - Ism: could be a Person, Place, Thing, Idea, Adjective, Adverb and . . . more
Person Teacher, Student, Mother, Son, Muslims, People Etc. . . .
Place House, Mall, Library, Museum, Stadium, School, Playground Etc. . . .
Thing Lamp, Pen, Book, Table, Chair, Bed, Etc. . . .
Idea Anger, Happiness, Education, Knowledge, Islam, Love, Etc. . . . (Things you cant touch),
also Ideas/Concepts which will almost always begin with to followed by a Fil e.g. to + verb = Idea
(to travel does not have a tense, so it cant be a Fil, it is an idea, and would be regarded as an Ism)
Adjective Beautiful, Tall, Fat, Short, Ugly, Skinny, strong, weak, boring Etc. . . . (Describing word)
Adverb Quickly, Slowly, Sadly, Happily, angrily, (words which usually have ly at the end)
and More. . .

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