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Khodorkovskys Lead Defense Attorney Vadim

Klyuvgant Issues the Following Statement After Guilty

On the other hand, within the Khamovnichesky Court the prosecutors allege about behalf in the
Russian Federation which the same oil has been stolen from the organization simply by
Khodorkovsky along with Lebedev, and as a result could not are already sold simply by Yukos. the
defendants had been permitted to speak in court almost without having restrictions, however the
judge blocked their particular lawyers from introducing exculpatory documentary evidence and also
refused to know many witnesses and also experts. In the finish of the trial, prosecutors further
confused their own case once they attempted to save deal with simply by lowering the volume
associated with oil allegedly stolen by simply approximately 1 third.
Today a new Moscow court located Mikhail Khodorkovsky and Platon Lebedev accountable for
embezzling a new staggering a pair of thirds with the total production of your Yukos Oil Business
more than any six-year period. Your new unlawful prison term is likely to be announced both this
week or perhaps shortly following your Khamovnichesky Court reconvenes coming from holidays in
mid-January. Prime Minister Vladimir Putin's the majority of current (but far from your first) public
intervention in the case and also undisguised pressure around the court arrived televised remarks
on December 16, 2010, eventually after a last-minute postponement of the reading with the verdict
in order to December 27, 2010. Illusions involving adversarial procedure and legitimacy were
developed by permitting the particular protection in order to file motions along with objections to
become able to serious procedural violations, however the particular judge routinely quashed your
great majority of these motions along with failed for you to react for the objections. The Actual
conviction is also impossible in order to reconcile with numerous decisions involving Russian courts
who have recognized the tax claims against Yukos. Prosecutors possess requested regarding 14-year
sentences for Khodorkovsky as well as Lebedev.
Verdict Destroys Hopes for that Rule
associated with Law, independent
Courts, Protection associated with
Property rights as well as Government
Anti-Corruption Drive within Russia
The authorities misleadingly attempted
to portray the method as legitimate.
Using the judge even now deliberating
around the case, the Prime Minister
directly pointed out the existing
charges and stated that
Khodorkovsky's guilt had been proven
within court and he must remain
throughout jail.
Absurd Conviction to Maintain Khodorkovsky in
Jail In spite of Prosecution's Failed Case
The trial along with its verdict are an empty
challenge - as well as indeed an affront - for you
to President Dmitry Medvedev's highly-publicized
efforts to ensure the rule of law and to reform
Russia's criminal justice system also to fight
government corruption. If upheld on appeal, this
verdict shall be considered a triumph associated
with corrupt officials controlling Russia's law
enforcement as well as judicial bodies, along
along with a setback with an entire country
which aspires but continually does not
The behavior with the prosecutors along with of the judge turned the particular trial in for you to a
fiasco. This is testament towards the energy of these corrupt officials whom zealously aim to justify
their own seizure, control as well as ownership regarding Yukos assets and furthermore to isolate
Khodorkovsky along with Lebedev via Russia's business as well as public spheres - and in addition to
keep these inside jail as long as possible to achieve these goals. There, the Russian authorities allege
that will it was lawful for you to impose grossly punitive taxes upon proceeds from the sale involving
oil owned, offered as well as accounted for by Yukos. the conviction within this 22-month mock
judicial procedure confirms your subservience in the judicial system throughout Russia to be able to
corrupt officials that always view Khodorkovsky like a threat and also which look to avoid his
scheduled launch throughout 2011. Had he been located not guilty however are already launched
inside 2011, a couple of months just before Russia's 2012 presidential elections. the defense and
additionally the defendants persisted for the end within doing something they can to be able to
document the actual complete extent of the mistrial, and also have publicly released online all
submissions rejected from the court.
According for you to lead protection lawyer Vandim Klyuvgant: "The trial would become a charade
associated with justice, the particular costs were absolutely false, nevertheless I worry the particular
sentencing will most likely be really real."
Defense Slams "Charade regarding Justice"
NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Lead Counsel Vandim Klyuvgant with regard to Mikhail
The verdict on this trial will be based on patently false allegations that are incompatible with the
first case against Khodorkovsky along with Lebedev as well as with the enormous tax claims in
which bankrupted Yukos to the benefit associated with individuals controlling state-run Rosneft.
Today's ruling also contradicts Russia's official place as it attempts to defend its remedy regarding
Khodorkovsky, Lebedev as well as Yukos before the European Court of Human Rights. The Actual
court supported the actual slanderous allegations regarding oil theft despite the fact that your so-
called "injured parties", production subsidiaries regarding Yukos, received not just total
compensation with regard to his or her production costs but additionally 2 billion USD income
coming from sales.
"This verdict diminishes Russia's legitimacy in the world stage as well as signals to policy makers as
well as investors that Russia's political leaders use the law while they discover fit," said Pavel Ivlev,
former corporate counsel to Khodorkovsky.
Politically it's notable which inside the the majority of high-profile trial in Russia, closely-watched
through the public as well as media just about all over the actual world, your court could
consequently openly ignore applicable procedural along with substantive laws also as fundamental
notions involving fairness. Regardless of filling occasion through reading from a 188-volume case
file, as well as parading numerous witnesses directly into court, prosecutors were unable (and failed
to even try) for you to prove how it had been entirely possible that Yukos covered its operating costs,
invested heavily throughout richesse expenditures and also acquisitions as well as paid out taxes and
dividends once the entire oil production of Yukos over a six-year period ended up being getting
stolen, as alleged inside the indictment. Khodorkovsky is serving an 8-year sentence, handed down
inside 2005, but dating via his arrest throughout 2003

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