Qcaa Assessment Glossary 1

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The purpose of this glossary is to promote a clear and common understanding of specialised
assessment terms as they are used in QCAA publications.
Each explanation of a term complements the normal dictionary definition, building on the normal
meaning, rather than contradicting it.
Cross references: words in the explanations set in bold type are also listed in their own right.
Related terms: are grouped together, indented under the key term, e.g.
under assessment you will find both formative assessment and summative assessment
under folio (student) you will find exit folio and verification folio
Updates and revisions
This glossary will be updated periodically to reflect changes in terms and usage. Older versions
will be retained in the glossary, set in grey text (50% tint), to enable readers and writers to
understand earlier texts and the changes over time.
Term Explanation Context
ability/capaci ty What a person can actually do, not what s/he might be
able to do in future (see aptitude/potential).

accreditation The policy and procedures developed to implement the
QCAAs legislative function to accredit a syllabus or
guideline for implementation in Queensland schools
Senior phase
of learning
The process used to formally recognise national
qualifications not covered by nationally endorsed
training packages.
accredited course A structured sequence of vocational education and
training that has been accredited by a state or territory
accrediting body and leads to an AQF qualification or
statement of attai nment.
achievement The extent to which a student has demonstrated
knowledge, skills, values and attitudes as the result of the
teaching and learning process. Not the same thing as
ability/capaci ty or aptitude/potential.

aims (gl obal) Statements of the long term achievements as well as
attitudes and values that are to be developed by students
of a subject, but which are not directly assessed by the
Senior phase
of learning
approved subject See subject (approved).

QCAA assessment glossary
QCAA assessment glossary Queensland Curriculum & Assessment Authority
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Term Explanation Context
aptitude/potential What a person might be able to do in future (compare with
ability/capaci ty).

assess Apply or administer an assessment i nstrument or
assessment regime to make judgments about students

assessable element Valued features of the KLA for which evidence of student
learning is collected and assessed.
Early and middle
phases of
Task specific
assessable element
Significant and discrete aspects of the assessable
elements that are identified in order to make an
assessment judgment.
Early and middle
phases of
assessing school A school that provides senior secondary education to
students enrolled at the school and that assesses students
for any approved subjects.
Senior phase
of learning
assessment The purposeful and systematic collection of information
about students achievements.

anal ytical assessment The separate assessment of each of several criteria.
Each criterion is scored on a different descriptive scale.

authentic assessment Involves students applying and using relevant knowledge
and theoretical and practical skills to create a product or a
response to a meaningful problem or issue.

competency based
The process of collecting evidence and making judgments
on whether competency has been achieved, to confirm
that an individual can perform to the standard expected in
the workplace, as expressed by the relevant endorsed
industry/enterprise competency standards of a training
package or by the learning outcomes of an accredited
Gathering evidence about students achievements
throughout a course of study.

criteria based
J udgments about student achievement are made by
matching student work with previously identified criteria
and standards descriptors.
Until 31 November 2008. From 1 December see
assessment (standards-based).

Assessment whose major purpose is to determine the
nature of students learning as a basis for providing
appropriate feedback or intervention.

formati ve assessment Assessment whose major purpose is to improve teaching
and student achievement.

holistic assessment Assessment that uses several criteria concurrently. The
criteria are considered collectively, not individually.

Involves students demonstrating their skills and
knowledge in response to an assessment task.

school -based
Assessment devised, administered and marked by
teachers as part of the school curriculum.

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Term Explanation Context
J udging the quality of student achievement with reference
to pre-stated standards.
Replaces criteria-based assessment from 1 December

summati ve
Assessment whose major purpose is to indicate the
achievement status or standards achieved at particular
points of schooling. It is geared toward reporti ng or

Endorsed component of a training package that
underpins assessment and sets out the industrys
approach to vali d, reliable, flexible and fair assessment.
The tool or device used to gather information about
student achievement.
recorded observations of Year 11 students playing a
game of volleyball in Physical Education at Still Water
College in Semester 1, 2007
write-up of a field trip to the local water catchment area
by Year 10 students of Geography at Hidden Valley
Christian School in August 2010
the 1 April 2008 Year 3 class test of number facts at
Yorky Bend SS
the 1999 Senior External Examination in Chinese
the 2006 QCS Test
the 2008 Year 4 English comparable assessment task.

See also: assessment tool VET
assessment i tem A subset or part of an assessment i nstrument.
Optional components of training packages that
complement endorsed industry assessment guideli nes.
assessment plan Proposal submitted by a school, which outlines the way/s
the school will collect evidence of student achievement in
a selection of Essential Learnings (for school devised
Middle phase of
assessment regime An established system for identifying, gathering and
interpreting information about student achievement.
The assessment regime in the senior phase of learning in
Queensland is externall y-moderated school-based

assessment strategy A plan for the purposeful and systematic collection of
information about students achievements.

assessment task A particular type of assessment instrument, involving
students applying and using relevant knowledge and
theoretical and practical skills to create a product or a
response to a meaningful problem or issue.

techni que
The method used to gather evidence about student
recorded observations of practical performances
write-up of a field trip

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Term Explanation Context
class-room test
external examination
standardised test
centrally-devised and locally marked assessment task
assessment tools The instrument/s and procedures used to gather and
interpret evidence of competence:
Instrument the specific questions or activity used to
assess competence by the assessment method selected.
An assessment instrument may be supported by a profile
of acceptable performance and the decision-making rules
or guidelines to be used by assessors.
Procedures the information or instructions given to
the candidate and the assessor about how the
assessment is to be conducted and recorded.
Framework (AQF)
The policy framework that defines all qualifications
recognised nationally in post-compulsory education and
training in Australia. The AQF comprises titles and
guidelines that define each qualification, as well as the
principles and protocols covering cross-sectoral
qualification links and the issuing of qualifications and
statements of attainment.

Australian Quality
Training Framework
A set of nationally agreed quality assurance
arrangements for training and assessment services
delivered by training organisations. The first version of
AQTF was implemented in 2002. It was revised in 2005
and again in 2007, including the identification of
excellence criteria.
A subject devised from a QCAA-developed study area
specificati on for which a schools study plan is
Senior phase
of learning
Authority subject A subject in which a syllabus has been approved and
issued by the QCAA, a schools work program is
approved, student achievements are moderated and
student results may contribute to OPs and FPs.
Senior phase
of learning
backwash effect The influence of certain actions on other things. Often
used in the sense of assessment having a backwash
effect on curriculum.

benchmark A minimum standard for monitoring student
The continuous process of measuring and comparing
products, services and practices with comparable systems
or organisations both inside and outside the VET sector
for the purpose of continuous improvement.
certificate A qualification awarded to students who have achieved
identified knowledge and skills.

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Term Explanation Context
certification The act of issuing a qualification.
capacity/abili ty See ability/capacity.
comparabili ty The consistent application of standards by teacher
assessors across the state so that student achievements
of equivalent standards are recognised as such.

competency The broad concept of industry competency concerns the
ability to perform particular tasks and duties to the
standard of performance expected in the workplace.
Competency requires the application of specified skills and
knowledge relevant to effective participation in an industry,
industry sector or enterprise.
units of competency See units of competency. VET
consistency of
teacher judgment
Common interpretation by teachers over time, at both an
individual and collective level, of the match between the
evidence in student work and the standards.
Early and middle
phases of learning
The material outlined in a syl labus that should be taught
to students.

content (core) The material outlined in a syl labus that must be taught to
all students.

elective content The material outlined in a syl labus that may be taught to
students at the discretion of a school.

continua model A tool for making judgments about the quality of students
responses to an assessment instrument. It is composed
of assessable elements and task-speci fic descriptors
represented progressively on continua.
Early and middle
phases of
course A planned or prescribed series of lessons.
course of study An organised amount of learning described in a syllabus,
training package, subject, course or project that meets
the quality criteria.
Senior phase
of learning
criteria See criterion.
criteria sheet A tool for making judgments about the quality of students
responses to an assessment instrument. It lists the
properties or characteristics used to assess students
Senior phase
of learning
criteria and
standards matrix
A chart in a syllabus describing the qualities of AE
grades of student achievement.
Until 31 November 2008. From 1 December see
standards matrix.

criterion (pl ural
Property or characteristic by which something is judged or

curriculum (as
The selected traditions of knowledge, skills and practices
that education systems deem to be of value for
construction by, and transmission to, successive
generations of learners.

The sum of the learning and development experiences
that are offered by a school, formally and informally, in
class and out of class.

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Term Explanation Context

design brief Describes the methodology for collecting evidence of
student learning on QCATs. This brief provides a set of
parameters to maximise vali dity and reliability in the
creation and implementation of QCATs.
Early and middle
phases of learning
Diagnostic Net A process used during the earl y phase of learning to
monitor childrens learning and identify those children
requiring additional support in literacy and numeracy. It
includes diagnostic materials, moderation of teacher
judgments, development and implementation of
intervention programs to improve literacy and numeracy,
and reporting to parents/carers.
Early phase of
dimensi on (of a
Salient characteristic or property of a subject or KLA.
earl y phase of
See phases of learning.
Essential Learni ngs Describe the Knowledge and understanding and Ways of
working needed for ongoing learning, social and personal
competence and participation in a democratic society.
They identify what students should be taught and what is
important for them to have opportunities to know and be
able to do by the end of Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 in the KLAs.
Early and middle
phases of learning
exemplar/ model
An example of a student response to an assessment
instrument chosen to be typical of a designated Level of
Achievement or grade.

externall y-moderated
school -based
The assessment regime in Queenslands senior phase
of learning, in which teachers judgments of standards
of achievement are moderated externall y by panels of
teachers trained and appointed by the QCAA.
Senior phase
of learning
folio (student) A collection of student responses to the assessment
instruments over a course of study.

exit folio The student folio at the time a student exits from a
course of study.
Senior phase
of learning
verification folio The student folio at the time of verification. Senior phase
of learning
Field Positi on (FP) Additional rank orders that supplement an OP. The term
field refers to one of five areas of emphasis in the
curriculum in the seni or phase of learning. FPs are
used by tertiary institutions to provide greater
differentiation between students in an OP band.

Senior phase
of learning
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Term Explanation Context
grade A code representing the standard of student performance.

Guide to making
A recording device that informs teachers and students
about what is valued in students responses.
Early and middle
phases of learning
indicati ve response An example student response that is typical of a
designated grade or standard.
Early and middle
phases of learning
indicator A description of learning that is typical of a phase of
Early phase of
key competencies A set of general skills, understanding and abilities that
underpin performance in all types of work and life.

key learni ng area
One of the eight broad areas into which the curriculum
for Years 1-9 is organised.

learning account A learning account records a students enrolment and
results in the different types of learning that may lead to a
Senior phase
of learning
learning experience The activities teachers plan for students to achieve
objecti ves/outcomes.

learning proj ect An independent and unique short program of learning
created by a candidate for the QCE for the purpose of
developing identified employability or lifelong learning skill
Senior phase
of learning
community learning
A learning project undertaken in a community context
facilitated by a community organisation for which a
candidate for the QCE is a volunteer or member. These
projects target the development of identified lifelong
learning skills.
Senior phase
of learning
self-directed learning
A learning project undertaken by a candidate for the
QCE as an extension of an education or training
program provided by an eligible option provider. (Eligible
options and providers are defined by the Education
(General Provisions) Act, 2006, Chapter 10).These
projects target the development of identified lifelong
learning skills.
Senior phase
of learning
workplace learning
A learning project undertaken by a candidate for the
QCE in the workplace, where they are an employee.
These projects target the development of identified
employability skills in a real workplace.
Senior phase
of learning
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Term Explanation Context
Level of
Use capitals for
specific levels of
achievement, but not
for generic use:
The student
attained a Very
High Level of
What level of
should we award
this student?
The overall standard reached by students, described in five
levels of achievement:
Very High Achievement
High Achievement
Sound Achievement
Limited Achievement
Very Limited Achievement.
Senior phase
of learning
exit Level of
The overall standard reached by students by the time they
complete a course of study in an Authority subject or
Authority-registered subject.
An exit level of achievement is usually issued at the end of
four semesters of study, but may be issued at the end of
one, two or three semesters of study if the student is
exiting the course.
Senior phase
of learning
interim Level of
A decision about the overall standard reached by a
student at any time other than when they exit a course of
Senior phase
of learning
middle phase of
See phases of learning.
model response/
See exemplar/model response.
moderati on Procedures to ensure that teacher judgments of
standards achieved by students are comparable.

external moderation A set of formal procedures designed to ensure that levels
of achievement awarded in Authority subjects meet the
requirements of syllabuses, and are comparable from
school to school.
Senior phase
of learning
internal moderation Procedures administered by a school to ensure that
teacher judgments about standards are comparable
within the school.

social moderation A type of moderation in which groups of teachers meet to
reach consensus about the quality of assessment
instruments and the judgments of standards.

National Assessment
Program Literacy
and Numeracy
NAPLAN is a standardised test completed annually by
students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9, in all Australian states and
territories. Performance data are used for the national
reporting of students results in the areas of Reading,
Writing, Spelling and Language Conventions, and

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Term Explanation Context
objecti ve/outcome Statement of what students should be able to know and do
by the end of key junctures of schooling.

objecti ves (affecti ve) The attitudes, values and feelings a subject aims to
develop, which may be manifest in overt student
performance. Affective objectives are not assessed for the
award of exit levels of achi evement.
Senior phase
of learning
general objectives Objectives specified in the syllabus or SAS that the
school is intended to pursue directly and for which student
achievement is assessed by the school.
Senior phase
of learning
on-bal ance judgment A teachers decision as to the standard that best matches
the quality of a students work overall, either for a single
assessment i nstrument or across the entire course of

outcome/objecti ve see objecti ve/outcome
Overall Position (OP) A students state-wide rank based on overall achievement
in Authority subjects. It indicates where the student is
ranked in comparison with all other OP-eligible students in
Senior phase
of learning
performance criteria Performance criteria specify the required level of
performance expected in the workplace. They help an
assessor check whether a performance has been
achieved to the standard required.
phases of learning The periods of schooling that have specific and distinctive
developmental focuses. These are:
Early phase of learning: Years P3
Middle phase of learning: Years 49
Senior phase of learning: Years 1012

potential/aptitude See aptitude/potential.
principles of
To ensure quality outcomes, assessment should be: fair,
flexible, valid, reliable and sufficient.
project (learning) See learning project. Senior phase
of learning
qualification Formal certification in the VET sector, by an RTO, that a
person has satisfied all requirements of the units of
competency or modules that comprise an AQF
qualification, as specified by: (a) a nationally endorsed
training package, or (b) an accredited course that
provides training for that qualification.
quality assurance The planned and systematic process of ensuring
consistent application of registration requirements by
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Term Explanation Context
quality criteria The mechanism for deciding whether a course of study
can contribute to the Senior Statement and the QCE.
Senior phase
of learning
Certificate of
Education (QCE)
The certificate issued to students who have met quantity
and quality achievement requirements in the senior
phase of learning. The QCE is issued by the QCAA.
Senior phase
of learning
QCE Delegate
A person authorised as a representative of the QCAA,
who recognises learning projects (workplace,
community or self-directed) and who validates evidence
of learning.
Senior phase
of learning
Certificate of
Indi vidual
Achievement (QCIA)
The certificate recognises the achievements of students
who undertake individualised learning programs.
Senior phase
of learning
Assessment Tasks
Assessment i nstruments, which are authentic and
performance-based, designed to provide students in
Years 4, 6 and 9 with the opportunity to demonstrate what
they know, understand and can do in a selection of
Essential Learni ngs in English, Mathematics and
Middle phase
of learning
QCATs (centrall y
Assessment tasks developed by the QCAA that have
common requirements and parameters and are marked
according to a common Gui de to making j udgments.
Middle phase of
QCATs (school-
Assessment tasks developed by schools in accordance
with a design brief and assessment plan.
Middle phase of
Queensland Core
Skills (QCS) Test
A common state-wide test designed for Year 12 students.
It tests a set of generic skills identified in the Queensland
senior school curriculum. The QCS Test contributes
information for the calculation of OPs and FPs for tertiary
Senior phase
of learning
Curriculum and
Authority (QCAA)
A statutory authority with responsibilities for curriculum,
assessment and certificati on from P12.

random sampli ng Part of the QCAT procedures, in which the QCAA reviews
a stratified random sample of student responses.
Middle phase of
Part of the QCAAs moderation procedures, in which the
QCAA reviews a stratified random sample of student exit
Senior phase
of learning
recogniti on The legislative function to record results in recognised
studies on the certification of achievement issued by the
Senior phase
of learning
recogniti on of prior
learning (RPL)
An assessment process that assesses an individuals non-
formal and informal learning to determine the extent to
which that individual has achieved the required learning
outcomes, competency outcomes, or standards for entry
to, and/or partial or total completion of, a qualification.
Registered Training A training organisation registered by a state or territory
registering body in accordance with the AQTF 2007
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Term Explanation Context
Organisation (RTO) Essential Standards for Registration within a defined
scope of registration. A training organisation must be
registered in order to deliver and assess nationally
recognised training and issue nationally recognised
registration Queensland law requires young people to be earning or
learning until they turn 17 or until they achieve a QCE or
vocational qualification at Level III or higher. Young
Queenslanders have their details recorded on a learning
account during Year 10 or in the 12 months before they
turn 16.
Senior phase
of learning
reliability The degree to which the results of assessment are
consistent, dependable or repeatable.

report Summary statement (electronic or paper) that records
students achievements

review panels Panels of teachers who put into effect the QCAAs
moderati on procedures.
Senior phase
of learning
rubric A table that provides task-specific criteria to guide teacher
judgments of student achievement.
Early phase
of learning
rules of evidence These are closely related to the principles of
assessment and provide guidance on the collection of
evidence to ensure that it is valid, sufficient, authentic and
scaffol ding The process of supporting students to respond to
assessment instruments.

school moderator The school principal, or delegate, who takes responsibility
for the total assessment program of the school, and for
implementing it in such a way that achievement
information submitted to the QCAA is in keeping with the
QCAAs external moderati on procedures.
Senior phase
of learning
Senior External
A public examination administered by the QCAA to cater
for candidates who study Authority subjects outside the
school-based system.
Senior phase
of learning
senior phase of
See phases of learning.
Senior Statement A transcript of the learning account received by all
students who complete Year 12, regardless of whether
they have met the requirements for the award of a QCE at
that time. It records all contributing studies and the results
achieved. It also includes the QCS Test result.
Senior phase
of learning
set standard The standard of achievement that attracts credit towards
the QCE. In VET, the set standard is competence, in
Authority subjects and Authority-regi stered subjects it
is at least Sound Achievement and in many other courses
it is at least pass, or 4 on a 7-point scale.
Senior phase
of learning
special consi deration Variation of assessment conditions permitted for students
with identified special needs.

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Term Explanation Context
standard of
Synonymous with standard of assessment.
standard of
A fixed reference point used to describe how well students
have achieved the outcomes, objecti ves or Essential
Learnings in syllabuses. The descriptions of standards
of assessment are derived by groups of teachers and
subject experts describing the actual differences in
examples of student work.

standard of learni ng Statement of what students are expected to know and do
by the end of key junctures of schooling (outcomes or
objectives) and the scope of that learning (core content
or subject matter).

standards descriptor A statement (or list of statements) that succinctly conveys
the required quality of, or features in, student work in order
to be awarded a particular standard of achievement.
Senior phase
of learning
standards matrix A chart in a syllabus describing the standards for A-E
grades of student achievement.
Replaces criteria and standards matrix from
1 December 2008.

standardised test See test (standardised).
statement of
Issued by an RTO when an individual has completed one
or more uni ts of competency from nationally recognised
qualification/s or course/s.
statement of results A transcript of the learning account for students not
enrolled at a school. It shows all studies and the results
achieved that may contribute towards the award of a QCE.
Senior phase
of learning
student profile of
Records information about student performance on
assessment i nstruments undertaken periodically
throughout the course of study.
Senior phase
of learning
student script Student response to a particular assessment i nstrument. Senior phase
of learning
Study Area
Specification (SAS)
A syllabus for an Authority-registered subject. Senior phase
of learning
study plan A course of study outline that is a translation of the
requirements of a SAS into the context of a school. Study
plans are approved by the QCAA.
Senior phase
of learning
subject A course of study defined by a syllabus or SAS.
approved subject A school subject for which there is a syllabus approved
by the QCAA.
Senior phase
of learning
subject achievement
indicators (SAIs)
Indicators of students relative achievements within a
subject-group, within a school. SAIs are represented as
numbers between 200 and 400, giving a range of 201

See content/subject matter.
syllabus A document that prescribes the curriculum for a course
of study for schools and includes standards of learning
and standards of assessment.

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Term Explanation Context
task-speci fic
Statements for each task-specific assessable element
that convey the expected qualities of student responses at
each standard.
Early and middle
phases of
test (standardised) A standardised test is administered and graded
consistently for all students sitting the test. Students
receive the same test items and the same instructions
and, except for students granted special provisions, sit the
test under the same conditions. The same standards are
applied when marking student responses, resulting in
comparability of reported grades.

training and
assessment strategy
A framework that guides the learning requirements and
the teaching, training and assessment arrangements of a
VET qualification. It is the document that outlines the
macro-level requirements of the learning and assessment
process, usually at the qualification level.
Training Package
Use capitals for
specific packages, but
not for generic use.
A nationally endorsed, integrated set of competency
standards, assessment guidelines and AQF qualifications
for specific industry, industry sector or enterprise.
training program A program (also known as a learning program), developed
by an RTO, that meets the training and assessment
requirements of a qualification from a training package,
one or more designated units of competency, or an
accredited course. The training program may specify such
matters as essential and elective units, the sequence and
timing of training and assessments, and the resources
required. It may form part of a training and assessment

units of competency
Specification of industry knowledge and skill and the
application of that knowledge and skill to the standard of
performance expected in the workplace.
validation of
A process for ensuring that the way a unit of competence
or group of units is assessed, and the evidence collected
through these assessments, is consistent with the
requirements of the unit or group of units, of competency
and of industry.
validi ty (construct) The degree to which an assessment i nstrument
assesses what it was intended to assess.

validi ty (content) The degree to which an assessment i nstrument
accurately assesses a defined set of knowledge and skills.

validi ty (face) The degree to which an assessment i nstrument appears
to assess what on face value it purports to assess.

verification Occurs towards the end of Year 12 as part of the Senior phase
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Term Explanation Context
moderati on procedures, through which review panels
reach consensus on the standards exhibited in
verification folios.
of learning
work program A document approved by the QCAA that provides the
detail of how a school intends to implement a syllabus for
an Authority Subject.
Senior phase
of learning

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