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Examiners Report


"ARCH #$$%
Introduction 2
General comments 3
Comments on individual questions 4
2009 NEBOSH, ominus !a", #eridian Business $ar%, &eicester &E'9 '(!
tel) 0''* 2*3 4+00 ,a-) 0''* 2.2 4000 email) in ,o /n e0os1 2o r3 2u % 4e0site) 444 2ne0os1 2o r3 2u %
51e National E-amination Board in Occu6ational Sa,et" and Healt1 is a re3istered c1arit", num0er '0'0444
57s8)e-r6ts9I9IGC' 0903 E:5E;N<& !9<9;E!
2 E:5E;N<&
NEBOSH 751e National E-amination Board in Occu6ational Sa,et" and Healt18 4as ,ormed in '9+9 as
an inde6endent e-aminin3 0oard and a4ardin3 0od" 4it1 c1arita0le status2 !e o,,er a com6re1ensive
ran3e o, 3lo0all"=reco3nised, vocationall"=related quali,ications desi3ned to meet t1e 1ealt1, sa,et",
environmental and ris% mana3ement needs o, all 6laces o, 4or% in 0ot1 t1e 6rivate and 6u0lic sectors2
Courses leadin3 to NEBOSH quali,ications attract over 2>,000 candidates annuall" and are o,,ered 0"
over 400 course 6roviders in *> countries around t1e 4orld2 Our quali,ications are reco3nised 0" t1e
relevant 6ro,essional mem0ers1i6 0odies includin3 t1e Institution o, Occu6ational Sa,et" and Healt1
7IOSH8 and t1e International Institute o, ;is% and Sa,et" #ana3ement 7II;S#82
NEBOSH is an a4ardin3 0od" to 0e reco3nised and re3ulated 0" t1e ?@ re3ulator"
aut1orities) 51e O,,ice o, t1e (uali,ications and E-aminations ;e3ulator 7O,qual8 in
51e e6artment ,or C1ildren, Education, &i,elon3 &earnin3 and S%ills 7CE&&S8 in !ales
51e Council ,or t1e Curriculum, E-aminations and <ssessment 7CCE<8 in Nort1ern Ireland
NEBOSH ,ollo4s t1e GCSE, GCE, VCE, GNVQ and AEA Code of Practice 2007/8 6u0lis1ed 0"
t1e re3ulator" aut1orities in relation to e-amination settin3 and mar%in3 7availa0le at t1e O,qual
4e0site 444 2o , q u a l23 ov 2u % 8 2 !1ile not o0li3ed to ad1ere to t1is code, NEBOSH re3ards it as 0est
6ractice to do so2
CandidatesA scri6ts are mar%ed 0" a team o, E-aminers a66ointed 0" NEBOSH on t1e 0asis o, t1eir
quali,ications and e-6erience2 51e standard o, t1e quali,ication is determined 0" NEBOSH, 41ic1 is
overseen 0" t1e NEBOSH Council com6risin3 nominees ,rom, amon3st ot1ers, t1e Healt1 and Sa,et"
E-ecutive 7HSE8, t1e e6artment ,or Education and S%ills 7f ES8, t1e Con,ederation o, Britis1
Industr" 7CBI8, t1e 5rades ?nion Con3ress 75?C8 and t1e Institution o, Occu6ational Sa,et" and
Healt1 7IOSH82 ;e6resentatives o, course 6roviders, ,rom 0ot1 t1e 6u0lic and 6rivate sectors, are
elected to t1e NEBOSH Council2
51is re6ort on t1e E-amination 6rovides in,ormation on t1e 6er,ormance o, candidates 41ic1 it is
1o6ed 4ill 0e use,ul to candidates and tutors in 6re6aration ,or ,uture e-aminations2 It is intended to
0e constructive and in,ormative and to 6romote 0etter understandin3 o, t1e s"lla0us content and t1e
a66lication o, assessment criteria2
<n" enquiries a0out t1is re6ort 6u0lication s1ould 0e addressed to)
ominus !a"
#eridian Business $ar%
&E'0 '(!
5el) 0''* 2*3 4+00
Ca-) 0''* 2.2 4000
Email) in , o / n e 0 o s 12 o r 32 u %
Genera) (omments
3 E:5E;N<&
#an" candidates are 4ell 6re6ared ,or t1is unit assessment and 6rovide com6re1ensive and
relevant ans4ers in res6onse to t1e demands o, t1e question 6a6er2 51is includes t1e a0ilit" to
demonstrate understandin3 o, %no4led3e 0" a66l"in3 it to 4or%6lace situations2
51ere are al4a"s some candidates, 1o4ever, 41o a66ear to 0e un6re6ared ,or t1e unit assessment
and 41o s1o4 0ot1 a lac% o, %no4led3e o, t1e s"lla0us content and a lac% o, understandin3 o, 1o4
%e" conce6ts s1ould 0e a66lied to 4or%6lace situations2
In order to meet t1e 6ass standard ,or t1is assessment, acquisition o, %no4led3e and understandin3
across t1e s"lla0us are 6rerequisites2 Ho4ever, candidates need to demonstrate t1eir %no4led3e
and understandin3 in ans4erin3 t1e questions set2 ;e,erral o, candidates in t1is unit is invaria0l"
0ecause t1e" are una0le to 4rite a ,ull, 4ell=in,ormed ans4er to t1e question as%ed2
Some candidates ,ind it di,,icult to relate t1eir learnin3 to t1e questions and as a result o,,er
res6onses reliant on recalled %no4led3e and conDecture and ,ail to demonstrate an" de3ree o,
understandin32 Candidates s1ould 6re6are t1emselves ,or t1is vocational e-amination 0" ensurin3
t1eir understandin3, not rote=learnin3 6re=6re6ared ans4ers2
Re('rrent Pro*)ems
It is reco3nised t1at man" candidates are 4ell 6re6ared ,or t1eir assessments2 Ho4ever,
recurrent issues, as outlined 0elo4, continue to 6revent some candidates reac1in3 t1eir ,ull
6otential in t1e assessment2
#an" candidates ,ail to a66l" t1e 0asic 6rinci6les o, e-amination tec1nique and ,or
some candidates t1is means t1e di,,erence 0et4een a 6ass and a re,erral2
In some instances, candidates are ,ailin3 0ecause t1e" do not attem6t all t1e required
questions or are ,ailin3 to 6rovide com6lete ans4ers2 Candidates are advised to al4a"s
attem6t an ans4er to a com6ulsor" question, even 41en t1e mind 3oes 0lan%2 <66l"in3
0asic 1ealt1 and sa,et" mana3ement 6rinci6les can 3enerate credit 4ort1" 6oints2
Some candidates ,ail to ans4er t1e question set and instead 6rovide in,ormation t1at ma"
0e relevant to t1e to6ic 0ut is irrelevant to t1e question and cannot t1ere,ore 0e a4arded
#an" candidates ,ail to a66l" t1e command 4ords 7also %no4n as action ver0s, e3
descri0e, outline, etc82 Command 4ords are t1e instructions t1at 3uide t1e candidate on t1e
de6t1 o, ans4er required2 I,, ,or instance, a question as%s t1e candidate to Edescri0eA
somet1in3, t1en ,e4 mar%s 4ill 0e a4arded to an ans4er t1at is an outline2
Some candidates ,ail to se6arate t1eir ans4ers into t1e di,,erent su0=sections o, t1e questions2
51ese candidates could 3ain mar%s ,or t1e di,,erent sections i, t1e" clearl" indicated 41ic1
6art o, t1e question t1e" 4ere ans4erin3 70" usin3 t1e num0erin3 ,rom t1e question in t1eir
ans4er, ,or e-am6le82 Structurin3 t1eir ans4ers to address t1e di,,erent 6arts o, t1e question
can also 1el6 in lo3icall" dra4in3 out t1e 6oints to 0e made in res6onse2
Candidates need to 6lan t1eir time e,,ectivel"2 Some candidates ,ail to ma%e 3ood use o,
t1eir time and 3ive e-cessive detail in some ans4ers leavin3 insu,,icient time to address all o,
t1e questions2
Candidates s1ould also 0e a4are t1at E-aminers cannot a4ard mar%s i, 1and4ritin3
is ille3i0le2
Paper IGC
"ana+ement o, internationa) sa,et- an& .ea)t.
4 E:5E;N<&
/'estion (a) Outline the e! feat"re# of$
(i) a hea%th and #afet! in#&ection' (4)
(ii) a hea%th and #afet! a"dit( (4)
()) Explain ho* the findin+# of an a"dit ,a! )e "#ed to i,&ro-e
hea%th and #afet! &erfor,ance( (12)
< 4or%6lace ins6ection involves t1e strai31t,or4ard 61"sical ins6ection o, a
4or%6lace, and9or t1e activities or equi6ment 4it1in it2 It is carried out 0" su6ervisors
and9or sa,et" re6resentatives at re3ular intervals and c1ec%lists are o,ten used2 51e
ins6ection loo%s ,or unsa,e acts and conditions and results in a s1ort re6ort o, its
,indin3s su33estin3 remedial action t1at s1ould 0e ta%en2
< sa,et" audit, on t1e ot1er 1and, is a s"stematic critical e-amination o, an
or3anisationAs 1ealt1 and sa,et" mana3ement s"stem, involvin3 a structured 6rocess
includin3 t1e use o, a series o, questions and t1e e-amination o, documentation, to
collect inde6endent in,ormation 4it1 t1e aim o, assessin3 t1e e,,ectiveness and
relia0ilit" o, t1e s"stem and su33estin3 corrective action 41en t1is is t1ou31t to 0e
necessar"2 It is carried out 0" trained auditors, 41o ma" 0e internal or e-ternal to t1e
51e ,indin3s o, a sa,et" audit ma" 0e used in a num0er o, 4a"s to im6rove 1ealt1 and
sa,et" 6er,ormance suc1 as) identi,"in3 stren3t1s and 4ea%nesses in t1e
mana3ement s"stemF identi,"in3 com6liance and non=com6liance and t1e reasons ,or
t1e latter t1us in,ormin3 and ena0lin3 remedial actionsF ena0lin3 com6arison and
0enc1mar%in3 4it1 ot1er similar or3anisationsF assistin3 4it1 t1e allocation and
6rioritisation o, resourcesF communicatin3 its ,indin3s to mana3ement and sta,, and so
3ivin3 an indication o, t1e or3anisationAs commitment to 1ealt1 and sa,et" and ,inall",
0" means o, su0sequent audits at re3ular intervals, assistin3 in t1e continual
im6rovement o, t1e mana3ement s"stem2
/'estion # Outline the e! e%e,ent# of a hea%th and #afet! ,ana+e,ent #!#te,( (8)
In ans4erin3 t1is question, E-aminers e-6ected candidates 41o c1ose t1e HSG *>
model to outline t1e 6art 6la"ed 0" eac1 o, t1e si- elements in t1e model, 0e3innin3
4it1 6olic" 41ic1 s1ould 0e a clear statement o, intent, settin3 t1e main 1ealt1 and
sa,et" aims and o0Dectives o, t1e com6an" and t1e commitment o, mana3ement,
,ollo4ed 0" or3anisation ,or 1ealt1 and sa,et" 41ic1 s1ould ensure t1e allocation o,
res6onsi0ilit" to a66ro6riate mem0ers o, sta,,, 4it1 t1e em61asis on ac1ievin3
com6etenc", control, communication and consultation2 51e ne-t sta3e 4ould 0e
6lannin3 and im6lementin3 t1at s1ould involve carr"in3 out ris% assessments, t1e
settin3 o, standards and tar3ets and t1e introduction o, a66ro6riate control measures
to ac1ieve t1em2 51at done, 6roactive and reactive monitorin3 s"stems 4ould need to
0e introduced to 6rovide data on t1e ac1ievement or non ac1ievement o, t1e
o0Dectives and tar3ets set2 Cinall" a revie4 and audit s1ould 0e carried out to c1ec%
41et1er 41at 4as 6lanned 4as actuall" ta%in3 6lace, to consider o6tions ,or
im6rovement and to set ne4 tar3ets 41ere necessar"2
> E:5E;N<&
Candidates 41o c1ose t1e OHS<S model 4ere e-6ected to carr" out a similar
e-ercise a3ain startin3 4it1 6olic", 41ic1 4ould 0e a66ro6riate to t1e nature and scale
o, t1e or3anisationAs 1ealt1 and sa,et" ris%s, include a commitment to t1e 6revention o,
inDur" and ill 1ealt1 and to com6l" at least 4it1 a66lica0le le3al requirements2 51e ne-t
sta3e, 6lannin3, 4ould include t1e introduction o, 6rocedures ,or 1aGard identi,ication
and ris% assessment and ,or identi,"in3 and accessin3 t1e le3al and ot1er 1ealt1 and
sa,et" requirements t1at 4ere a66lica0le to t1e or3anisation2 It 4ould also 0e
necessar" to esta0lis1 1ealt1 and sa,et" o0Dectives ,or relevant ,unctions and levels
4it1in t1e or3anisation2 51is 4ould 0e ,ollo4ed 0" im6lementation and o6eration,
41ere senior mana3ement 4ould 1ave to demonstrate its commitment, ensure
e,,ective lines o, communication t1rou31out t1e or3anisation and see% e,,ective
consultation 4it1 and 6artici6ation 0" t1e 4or%,orce2 C1ec%in3 4ould 0e concerned
4it1 monitorin3 t1e e-tent to 41ic1 t1e or3anisationAs 1ealt1 and sa,et" o0Dectives are
0ein3 met and t1e e,,ectiveness o, t1e ris% control measures t1at 1ave 0een
introduced 41ile a mana3ement revie4 4ould 0" an e-amination o, t1e results o,
internal audits and an evaluation o, com6liance 4it1 a66lica0le le3al requirements and
ot1er requirements to 41ic1 t1e or3anisation su0scri0es, assess t1e e-tent to 41ic1
o0Dectives 1ave 0een met and decide on ,urt1er im6rovement t1at 4ould need to 0e
/'estion 0 Outline *h! it i# i,&ortant that a%% &er#on# are a*are of their ro%e# and
re#&on#i)i%itie# for hea%th and #afet! in an or+ani#ation( (8)
#a%in3 all 6ersons in an or3anisation a4are o, t1eir roles ,or 1ealt1 and sa,et" 4ill
assist in de,inin3 t1eir individual res6onsi0ilities and 4ill indicate t1e commitment and
leaders1i6 o, senior mana3ement2 < clear dele3ation o, duties 4ill assist in s1arin3 out
t1e 1ealt1 and sa,et" 4or%load, 4ill ensure contri0utions ,rom di,,erent levels and Do0s,
4ill 1el6 to set u6 clear lines o, re6ortin3 and communication and 4ill assist in de,inin3
individual com6etencies and trainin3 needs 6articularl" ,or s6eci,ic roles suc1 as ,irst
aid and ,ire2 Cinall", ma%in3 individuals a4are o, t1eir o4n roles and res6onsi0ilities
can increase t1eir motivation and 1el6 to im6rove morale t1rou31out t1e or3anisation2
/'estion 1 .*o or+ani#ation# #hare the #a,e *or&%ace( Outline ho* the! co"%d
co/o&erate to achie-e +ood hea%th and #afet! #tandard#( (8)
In order to ac1ieve 3ood 1ealt1 and sa,et" standards in t1e 4or%6lace, t1e t4o
or3anisations could) 1old re3ular meetin3s, s1are in,ormation and ris% assessments
and avoid carr"in3 out incom6ati0le 6rocessesF 6re6are and a3ree Doint site rules ,or
t1e 4or%6lace ,or e-am6le ,or assem0l" 6oints and smo%in3 areasF set u6 Doint
6rocedures ,or t1e mana3ement o, visitors and contractorsF a3ree on 6rocedures ,or
t1e mana3ement o, tra,,ic and t1e movement o, ve1iclesF carr" out Doint ins6ections
and monitorin3 o, t1e 4or%6laceF dra4 u6 Doint emer3enc" 6roceduresF a3ree a 6olic"
,or t1e mana3ement o, 4aste and o0tain advice on 1ealt1 and sa,et" matters ,rom a
s1ared consultant2
* E:5E;N<&
/'estion 2 Give the rea#on# *h! ha0ard# to the hea%th of *orer# ,a! not )e
identified d"rin+ a *or&%ace in#&ection( (8)
51ere are a num0er o, reasons 41" 1aGards to t1e 1ealt1 o, 4or%ers ma" not 0e
identi,ied durin3 a 4or%6lace ins6ection suc1 as) t1e nature o, t1e 1aGard ma" not 0e
4ell understood as ,or e-am6le 4it1 t1ose arisin3 ,rom contact 4it1 0iolo3ical a3entsF
a lac% o, measurin3 equi6ment suc1 as ,or noiseF t1e ,act t1at e,,ects ma" 0e c1ronic
rat1er t1an immediateF t1e 1aGard not 0ein3 visi0le as 4it1 certain 3ases or t1at
arisin3 ,rom radiationF over ,amiliarit" as, ,or e-am6le, ,rom e-6osure to sunli31tF t1e
individual susce6ti0ilit" o, certain 4or%ersF a 6articular tas% 41ic1 4as not in 6ro3ress
and t1e 4or%ers not availa0le durin3 t1e ins6ectionF t1e un4illin3ness o, individuals to
admit t1ere are 6ro0lems 4it1 t1eir 1ealt1F t1e ,act t1at 1ealt1 is 3iven a lo4 6riorit" in
t1e or3anisationF t1e 6erson carr"in3 out t1e ins6ection concentratin3 on t1e more
immediate and o,ten sa,et" 1aGardsF and ultimatel" t1e lac% o, com6etenc" o, t1e
/'estion 3 (a) Give the ,eanin+ of the ter, 1&er,it/to/*or( (2)
()) Identify THREE t!&e# of *or that ,a! re2"ire a &er,it/to/*or,
AND give the rea#on# *h! in EAH ca#e( (!)
< 6ermit=to=4or% is a ,ormal documented 6lanned 6rocedure desi3ned to 6rotect
6ersonnel 4or%in3 in 1aGardous areas or carr"in3 out 1i31 ris% activities2
Cor 6art 708, candidates 4ere e-6ected to identi," t"6es o, 4or% 41ere a 6ermit=to=
4or% s"stem mi31t 0e required suc1 as 4or% in con,ined s6aces 41ere t1ere is a
dan3er o, 0ein3 overcome 0" ,umes or 3ases or 0" a s1orta3e o, o-"3enF 4or% on live
or 1i31 volta3e electrical equi6ment 41ere t1ere 4ould 0e a dan3er o, electrocutionF
1ot 4or% involvin3 4eldin3 or cuttin3 o6erations, 41ere t1e ris% o, s6ar%s ma" i3nite
near0" ,lamma0le materialsF maintenance 4or% on dan3erous 6rocess 6lant or
6roduction mac1iner" 41ere it ma" not 0e 6ossi0le to %ee6 t1e normal standards o,
6rotection in 6lace and 4or% at 1ei31ts2
/'estion 4 (a) Identify T"O ,ain &"r&o#e# of fir#t/aid treat,ent( (2)
()) Outline the factor# to )e con#idered *hen carr!in+ o"t a
ri# a##e##,ent of fir#t/aid re2"ire,ent# in a *or&%ace( (!)
51e t4o main ,unctions o, ,irst=aid treatment are, ,irstl", t1e 6reservation o, li,e and9or
t1e minimisation o, t1e consequences o, inDur" until medical 1el6 is o0tained and,
secondl", t1e treatment o, minor inDuries t1at 4ould not receive or do not need medical
Good ans4ers to 6art 708 4ould 1ave re,erred to t1e num0er o, trained ,irst=aid
6ersonnel and ,irst=aid ,acilities in relation to, ,or e-am6le, t1e siGe o, t1e or3anisationF
t1e distri0ution and com6osition o, t1e 4or%,orce includin3 t1e s6ecial needs o,
em6lo"ees suc1 as trainees, "oun3 4or%ers and t1e disa0ledF t1e t"6es o, 1aGard and
level o, ris% 6resentF t1e 6ast 1istor" o, accidents and t1eir t"6e, location and
consequencesF t1e 6ro-imit" o, t1e 4or%6lace to emer3enc" medical servicesF t1e
s6ecial needs o, travellin3, remote or lone 4or%ersF t1e need to train t1e ,irst aid
6ersonnel in s6ecial 6roceduresF and t1e a0ilit" to 6rovide continued cover over
di,,erent s1i,ts and ,or sic%ness, leave and ot1er a0sence2
+ E:5E;N<&
/'estion 5 Outline the ,ain hea%th and #afet! re#&on#i)i%itie# of$
(a) e,&%o!er#' (4)
()) *orer#( (4)
51e main 1ealt1 and sa,et" res6onsi0ilities o, an em6lo"er are to 6rovide and maintain
sa,e 6lant and equi6ment, to carr" out ris% assessments and to introduce sa,e
s"stems o, 4or%F to ensure t1e sa,e use, stora3e, 1andlin3 and trans6ort o, articles
and su0stancesF to 6rovide and maintain a sa,e 4or%6lace, includin3 access and
e3ressF to 6rovide a sa,e 4or%in3 environment 4it1 adequate 4el,are ,acilities, and to
6rovide in,ormation, instruction, trainin3 and su6ervision ,or em6lo"ees2 <dditionall",
re,erence s1ould 1ave 0een made to t1e res6onsi0ilit" to 6re6are and revise a 1ealt1
and sa,et" 6olic"F to coo6erate 4it1 and consult 4it1 em6lo"eesF to secure com6etent
1ealt1 and sa,et" advice and to coo6erate 4it1 ot1er em6lo"ers at t1e 4or%6lace2
<s ,or 4or%ers, t1eir res6onsi0ilities include ta%in3 reasona0le care o, t1emselves and
t1eir ,ello4 4or%ers and to re,rain ,rom misusin3 equi6ment 6rovided ,or t1eir 1ealt1
and sa,et"F coo6eratin3 4it1 t1eir em6lo"erF re6ortin3 accidents and dan3erous
situations to t1eir em6lo"er or ot1er nominated mem0er o, mana3ementF to com6l"
4it1 site rules and to re,rain ,rom ta%in3 alco1ol or dru3s durin3 and immediatel"
0e,ore 4or%in3 1ours2
/'estion % Identify EIGHT hea%th and #afet! ha0ard# re%e-ant to the ro%e of a %on+
di#tance de%i-er! dri-er. (8)
Healt1 and sa,et" 1aGards relevant to t1e role o, a lon3 distance deliver" driver
include) t1e duration o, t1e Dourne" and t1e 1ours o, drivin3F issues connected 4it1 t1e
route to 0e ,ollo4ed and t1e di,,erent road conditionsF t1e 4eat1er and ot1er
environmental ,actorsF inadequate ve1icle maintenance and t1e 6ossi0ilit" o,
0rea%do4nF t1e manual and9or mec1anical 1andlin3 o, t1e 3oods 0ein3 carried and
ot1er 1aGards associated 4it1 t1em suc1 as e-6osure to c1emicalsF 61"sical 1aGards
suc1 as e-6osure to noise and vi0rationF lone 4or%in3 4it1 a 6ossi0le a0sence o,
communication and su6ervisionF t1e lac% o, emer3enc" 6rocedures includin3 t1e
6rovision o, ,irst aidF securit" 1aGards includin3 t1e 6ossi0ilit" o, violence and
6s"c1olo3ical 1aGards suc1 as stress2
/'estion $ Identify rea#on# *h! *orer# ,a! fai% to co,&%! *ith #afet! &roced"re#
at *or( (8)
51ere are man" reasons 41" em6lo"ees ma" ,ail to com6l" 4it1 sa,et" 6rocedures at
4or% and 0etter ans4ers reco3nised most o, t1em suc1 as) inadequate resources
41et1er o, tools, equi6ment or em6lo"eesF unrealistic or ill=considered 6roceduresF a
6erceived lac% o, commitment to 1ealt1 and sa,et" 0" mana3ement and em61asis on
ot1er 6riorities suc1 as 6roductionF t1e lac% o, adequate in,ormation and trainin3 and a
6erceived lac% o, consultationF a 6oor sa,et" culture 4it1in t1e or3anisationF ,ati3ue,
illness and stressF lac% o, concentration 0ecause o, 0oredom and re6etitive 4or%
tas%sF 6oor 4or%in3 conditionsF mental and9or 61"sical ca6a0ilities not ta%en into
accountF inadequate su6ervision and a ,ailure to en,orce com6liance 4it1 t1e
6roceduresF 6eer 3rou6 6ressureF a ,ailure to reco3nise ris%s and ultimatel" a 4il,ul
disre3ard o, t1e sa,et" 6rocedures2
. E:5E;N<&
/'estion (a) Outline *h! an or+ani#ation #ho"%d ha-e a #!#te, for
the interna% re&ortin+ of accident#( (4)
()) Identify the rea#on# *h! *orer# ,i+ht not re&ort accident#
at *or( (4)
51ere are a num0er o, reasons 41" an or3anisation s1ould 1ave a s"stem ,or t1e
internal re6ortin3 o, accidents2 51ese include t1e com6ilation o, accident statistics and
t1e identi,ication o, trendsF to satis," le3al requirementsF so t1at an investi3ation ma"
0e carried out to 6revent a recurrence or to identi," 4ea%nesses in t1e sa,et"
mana3ement s"stemF ,or use in civil claims or to satis," insurance requirementsF to
1el6 in t1e identi,ication and reduction o, lossF and to in,orm t1e revie4 o, ris%
Cor 6art 708, candidates 4ere e-6ected to identi," reasons suc1 as) t1e em6lo"ee
0ein3 una4are o, re6ortin3 6rocedures or t1e ,act t1at no 6rocedure 4as in 6laceF 6eer
6ressure and a reluctance to ta%e time o,, ,rom t1e Do0 in 1andF 6ossi0le retri0ution or
0lame 0" mana3ementF to 6reserve t1e com6an"As or de6artmentAs sa,et" record
6articularl" 41en an incentive sc1eme is in o6erationF to avoid receivin3 ,irst=aid or
medical treatment ,or 41atever reasonF over=com6licated re6ortin3 6rocedures, and
lac% o, o0vious mana3ement res6onse to earlier re6orted accidents2

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