Choose The Word or Phrase Among A, B, C or D That Best Fits The Blank

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Which underlined part is pronounced differently?

1. A. plays B. reads C. swims D. stops
2. A. gate B. gentle C. goal D. girl
3. A. located B. cartoon C. shark D. disaster
4. A. another B. something C. birthday D. think
Choose the word or phrase among A ,B, C or D that best fits the blank :
5. Germany was the .. o! the 2""# $orld C%p. &he 1'
$orld C%p was held there.
A. trophy B. host nation C. continent D. to%rnament
#. (te)en (pielberg is one o! the !amo%s ......... . *e has made lots o! !ilms incl%ding jaw, Jurassic Park, Schindler's List,
A. stars B. directors C. actors D. m%sicians
+. All the !ans ,%mped abo%t in ...................... when their team scored the !inal penalty.
A. e-citing B. e-cited C. e-citingly D. e-citement
'. .t/s tr%e that................ rich lead a di!!erent li!e !rom the poor.
A. an B. a C. the D. 0
1. &he mo)ie on &2 last night made me ..
A. bore B. boring C. bored D. boredom
1". 3ele/ participated three $orld C%ps.
A. at B. in C. !or D. with
11. . watched an 444444444444 !ilm on &2 last night
A. to interest B. interests C. interesting D. interested
12. Germany was de!eated by Bra5il in the !inal match. Germany was the444444444444 in the 2""2 $orld C%p.
A. champion B. winner C. r%nner6%p D. second rank
13. &his kind o! m%sic was )ery .. in the 114"s.
A. pop%larity B. pop%lar C. pop%larly D. pop%li5e
14. &he cinema changed completely at the end 444444444444444444 the 112"s.
A. o! B. in C. on D. at
15. 7r. 8ohn has ,%st bo%ght 44444444444444 old ho%se.
A. the B. an C. a D. 0
1+. &he children were ...................... by $alt Disney !ilms.
A. !ascinating B. !ascinated C. !ascination D. !ascinate
1'. &he actress has a ...................... smile.
A. !antastical B. !antastic C. !ascinating D. !ascinated
2". &his morning . bo%ght 4444444 newspaper and a maga5ine. &he newspaper is in my bag9 b%t . don/t know where .
p%t 4444444444 maga5ine.
A. a:the B. a: a C. the: a D.the:the
Choose the item among A, B, C or D that best answers the question about the passage:
All o)er the world people listen to classical m%sic. Classical m%sic is di!!ic%lt to describe. .t means di!!erent things
to di!!erent people. (ome !amo%s classical composers were Bach9 2i)aldi9 *aydn9 and 7o5art. .n their m%sic9 they did
not tell a story or show strong emotion. They wanted to make a bea%ti!%l9 interesting design. &hey wanted to write
lo)ely so%nds.
Then composers started to interpret ideas. &hey told stories abo%t wars9 armies9 and soldiers. &hey wrote abo%t
religion. (ometimes they composed m%sic !or holidays. &hey told lo)e stories and showed strong emotion. (ome o!
these composers were Beetho)en9 (ch%mann9 Chopin9 7eldelsohn9 $agner9 and &chaiko)sky. Classical m%sic stays
with people a long time. Bach wrote abo%t 3"" years ago9 and &chaiko)sky wrote o)er 1"" years.
(ometimes people close their eyes to listen to classical m%sic. $hen they close their eyes9 they can see the
design. &hey can listen to the same classical m%sic many times and en,oy it. (ometimes it is di!!ic%lt to %nderstand. &he
listener has to think abo%t it. *owe)er9 we can all learn to en,oy some classical m%sic. .t is )ery important to people.
1. Bach composes his m%sic 444444444444444444444444 years ago.
A. tho%sand B. o)er 5"" C. abo%t 3"" D.5"
2. 2i)aldi wanted to 4444444
A. make a bea%ti!%l design B. show strong emotion C. tell a lo)e story D tell a story abo%t war
3. &he !irst classical composers wanted to 4444444
A. tell stories abo%t religion B. make an interesting design
C. write lo)ely so%nds D. Both B ; C
4. .n the line 3 o! the !irst para 9 the word <they= has the meaning o! being 6666666666666666666666666666.
A. classical m%sic B. di!!erent things C. di!!erent people D. classical composers
5. $hich o! the !ollowing statements is TRUE according to the passage>
A. Classical m%sic is )ery easy to describe. B. Classical m%sic has been born !or a long time.
C. ?nly 2ietnamese people en,oy classical m%sic. D. 3eople listen to classical m%sic while they sleep.
Complete the sentences with the words from the box.
integral part solemn mournful delights
tournament ointly audien!es ointly
1. (he was still444444444444444444 si- month a!ter her !ather@s death.
2. .n the early 111"s9 4444444444444444444 were able to en,oy the !irst long !ilms.
3. $orld C%p9 the international !ootball 4444444444444449 is held e)ery !o%r years.
4. &he 2""2 $orld C%p was 44444444444444 held by 8apan and (o%th Aorea.
5. *e is an 444444444444444444444 o! the team9 we can/t do witho%t him.
Rewrite the following sentences, beginning with the words given.
1. 7y brother likes science !iction !ilms better than horror ones.
7y brother pre!ers .
2. Cinema didn/t become an ind%stry %ntil 1125
.t was not .
3. &here were abo%t 1" to 1"" people at the concert last night. B ma"e #uestionC
*ow many ..
4. $e take a holiday once a year. B ma"e #uestionC
*ow o!ten..
5. (he went to school early. (he want to be on time. B!om$ine the senten!e using %to & IN'=C
(he .
#. (he went to the bookshop to b%y a dictionary B so thatC
(he .
+. *e didn/t come home %ntil mid night.
.t was not ...
'. *e didn/t know how to %se the mobile %ntil he was 2" years old. (Using %It )as not until*+
1. (he learnt Dnglish hard. (he wanted to take part in the Dnglish speaking competition (Using %To & infiniti,e*+
1". &he $orld C%p wasn/t held %ntil 113". (Using %It )as not until*+
11. &his old ho%se was b%ilt o)er ten years ago. B-h. #uestionC
12. $e are going to )isit *C7 City ne-t s%mmer holiday. B-/. #uestion+
Build up sentences based on the given words or phrases.
1. 2an Cao: born : Eo)ember 15th 9 1123.

2. &he !irst song: 2an Cao : write: 1131 .

3. &he match : played : 3p.m ne-t (%nday.

4. &he !ilm: &itanic: based: the tr%e story: the &itanic disaster: that: occ%r: 1112..
5. &itanic : be abo%t the tragic lo)e story : between 8ack Dawson : Fose De$itt B%kater.

Gie the correct form of words in brac!ets"

1. .t was not %ntil her mother BcomeC home that *oa BstartC .. to do her homework.
2. AG 7y bags are so hea)y.
BG ?h9 . BcarryC .. it !or yo%.
3. AG $hy are yo% wearing that bea%ti!%l dress>
BG Hes. . Bha)eC a party with Foger.
4. ./)e seen this !ilm three times and . !ind it Be-citeC ..
#ut the word in appropriate form of ad$ectie
1. *e was so.that he co%ldn/t sleep. BDIC.&DC
2. &he match was so...that she co%ldn/t wait to tell e)eryone abo%t it. BDIC.&DC
3. .t/sthat Ji5 chose Fome !or a holiday. B.E&DFD(&C
4. *is wi!e was so. to hear 3a%l had got a new ,ob. B&*F.JJC
5. 3atterson waswith my present. B&*F.JJC
0ut A1 An1 The or put Nothing
1. &his is easy K%estion
2. 3lease speak .little lo%der
3. 7ay . ha)e yo%rphone n%mber>
4. 7ay . ask yo% ..K%estion>
5. . ha)e ne)er seen ..LM?

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