Bilberberg Participants Agenda 1999

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The 1999 Bilderberg Conference List...

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Here is a copy of the official Blderberg Meeting gu

on June 3.

Attendees at the Bilderberg Meetings

Honorary Secretary General
Halberstadt, Victor
Professor of Economics, Leiden University

Honorary Chairman
Davignon, Etienne
Chairman, SociŽtŽ GŽnŽrale de Belgique

I - Agnelli, Umberto - President, IFIL Finanziaria
E - Aguirre y Gil de Biedma, President of Spanish S
USA - Allaire, Paul A. - President, Xerox Corporati
P - Amaral, Joaquim Ferreira do - Member of Parliam
S - Aslund, Anders - Senior Associate, Carnegie End
P - Balsemao, Francisco Pinto - Professor of Commun
University, Lisboa; Chairman, IMPRESA, SGPS
S - Barnevik, Percy - Chairman, Investor AB
USA - Bayh, Evan - Senator (D-Ind.)
I - Bernabe, Franco - Managing Director and CEO, Te
CDN - Black, Conrad - Chairman Telegraph Group Ltd. 12-10-2001
The 1999 Bilderberg Conference List... Page 2 of 6

F - Boucher, Eric Le - Chief Editor, Le Monde

USA - Boyd, Charles G. Executive Director of the Na
CDN - Chastelain, John A.D. de - Chairman Independe
Commission on Decommissioning
GB - Clarke, Kenneth - Member of Parliament
N - Clement, Kristin - Deputy Director General, Con
and Industry
F - Collomb, Bertrand - Chairman and CEO, Lafarge
USA - Corzine, Jon S. - Ret. Senior Partner, Goldma
P - Cravinho, Joao - Minister for Infrastructure, P
GR - David, George A - Chairman of the Board, Helle
USA - Dodd, Christopher J. - Senator (D-Conn.)
USA - Donilon, Thomas E. - Attorney, O’Melveney and
TR - Ercel, Gazi - Governor, Central Bank of Turkey
TR - Ergin, Sedat - Ankara Bureau Chief, Hurriyet
USA - Feldstein, Martin S. -President and CEO, Nati
INT - Fischer, Stanley - Director, IMF
I - Fresco, Paolo - Chairman, Fiat S.p.A.
I - Giavazzi, Francesco - Professor of Economics, B
CDN - Godsoe, Peter C. - Chairman and CEO, Bank of
USA - Graham, Donald E. - Publisher, The Washington
NL - Grave, Frank H.G. - Minster of Defense
P - Eduardo Marcal Grilo - Minister of Education
USA - Hagel, Chuck - Senator (R-Neb.)
S - Hedelius, Tom C. - Chairman, Svenska Handelsban
N - Hegge, Per Egil - Editor, Aftenposten
CDN - Herrndorf, Peter A. - Former Chairman and CEO
Fellow, University of Toronto
USA - Hoagland, Jim - Associate Editor, The Washing
N - Hoegh, Westye - Chairman of the Board, Leif Hoe
President, Norwegian Shipowners’ Association
USA - Holbrooke, Richard C. - Ambassador to the UN
B - Huyghebaert, Jan - Chairman, Almanij N.V. 12-10-2001
The 1999 Bilderberg Conference List... Page 3 of 6

D - Ischinger, Wolfgang - State Secretary, Ministry

INT - Issing, Otmar - Member of the Executive Board
USA - Jordan, Jr. Vernon E. - Senior Partner, Akin,
Feld LLP (Attorneys-at-law)
BG - Kamov, Nikolai - Member of Parliament
TR - Kirac, Suna - Vice-Chairman of the Board, Koc
USA - Kissinger, Henry A. - Chairman, Kissinger Ass
D - Kopper, Hilmard - Chairman of the Supervisory B
GR - Kranidiotis, Yannos - Alternate Minister for F
USA - Kravis, Marie-Josee - Senior Fellow, Hudson I
INT - Leekanen, Erkki - Member of FC
CDN - MacLaren, Roy - High Commissioner for Canada
CDN - MacMillan, Margaret O. - Editor, Internationa
GB - Mandelson, Peter - Member of Parliament
USA - Mathews, Jessica T. - President, Carnegie End
USA - McDonough, William J. - President, Federal Re
USA - McGinn, Richard A. - Chairman and CEO, Lucent
P - Mello, Vasco de - Vice Chairman and CEO, Grupo
F - Mestrallet, Gerard A. - Chairman and CEO, Suez
UKR - Mityukov, Ihor - Minister of Finance
F - Moisi, Dominique - Director, IFRI
INT - Monti, Mario - Commissioner of the EC
P - Nabo, Francisco Murteira - President and CEO, P
D - Nass, Matthias - Deputy Editor, Die Zeit
NL - Netherlands, Her Queen Majesty the Queen of
ICE - Oddsson, David - Prime Minister
PL - Olechowski, Andrzej - Chairman, Central Europe
FIN - Ollila, Jorman - President of the Board and C
INT - Padoa-Shioppa, Tommaso - Member of the Execut
Central Bank
D - Perger, Werner A. - Political Corespondent, Die
GB - Porritt, Jonathon - Program Director, Forum fo
I - Profumo, Alessandro - CEO, Credito Italiano
CH - Pury, David de - Chairman, Pury Pictet Turrett 12-10-2001
The 1999 Bilderberg Conference List... Page 4 of 6

A - Randa, Gerhard - CEO and Chairman, Bank Austria

Rattner, Steven - Deputy Chief Executive, Lazard Fr
USA - Richardson, Bill - Secretary of Energy
USA - Rockefeller, David - Chairman, Chase Manhatta
E - Rodriguez Inciarte, Matias - Executive Vice Cha
S - Rojas, Mauricio - Associate Professor of Econom
University, Director of Timbro’s Center for Welfare
GB - Roll, Eric - Senior Advisor, Warburg Dillon Re
S - Rosengren, Bjorn - Minister for Industry, Emplo
P - Salgado, Ricardo E.S. - President and CEO, Grup
P - Sampaio, Jorge - President of Portugal
P - Santos, Nicolau - Editor-in-Chief, Expresso
D - Scharping, Rudolf - Minister of Defense
NL - Scheepbouwer, Ad J. - Chairman and CEO, TNT Po
A - Schenz, Richard - CEO and Chairman of the Board
Osterreichische Kontrollbank AG
D - Schempp, Jurgen E. - Chairman of the Board of M
DaymlerChrysler AG
DK - Seidenfaden, Toger- Editor-in-Chief, Politiken
USA - Shapiro, Robert B. - Chairman and CEO, Monsan
RUS - Shevtsova, Lillia - Carnegie Moscow Center
P - Silva, Artur Santos - President and CEO, BPI
E - Solbes Mira, Pedro - Member of Parliament, Soci
H - Suranyi, Gyorgy - President, National Bank of H
GB - Taylor, J. Martin - Formerly Chief Executive,
USA - Thoman, G. Richard - President and CEO, Xerox
USA - Thornton, John L. - President and co-CEO, Gol
Rus - Trenin, Dmitri V. - Deputy Director, Carnegie
F - Trichet, Jean-Claude - Governor, Banque de Fran
USA - Tyson, Laura d’Andrea - Dean, Haas School of
California, Berkeley
F - Vanhala, Matti - Chairman of the Board, Bank of
F - Vartia, Pentti - Managing Director, Research In
CH - Vasela, Daniel L. - Chairman and CEO, Novartis 12-10-2001
The 1999 Bilderberg Conference List... Page 5 of 6

GR - Veremis, Thanos M. - Professor of Political Hi

A - Vranitzky, Franz - Former Federal Chancellor
NL - Waal, Lodewijk J. - Chairman, Dutch Confederat
GB - Wolf, Martin - Associate Editor and Economics
Financial Times
INT/US - Wolfensohn, James D. - President, The Worl
INT/US - Wolf von Amerongen, Otto - Chairman and CE
TR - YŸcaoglu, Erkut - Chairman, Tusiad
CZ - Zantovsky, Michael - Chairman of the Committee
Defense and Security, Czech State
A - Zimmermann, Norbert - Chairman, Berndorf AG


GB - Micklethwait, R. Johnson - Business Editor, Th

GB - Wooldrige, Adrian D. - Foreign Correspondent,


A - Austria; B - Belgium; BG - Bulgaria; CDN -

- Czech Republic; D - Germany; DK - Denmark; E
Finland; GB - England; GR - Greece; H - Hungary; I
INT - International; N - Norway; NL - Holland; P
RUS - Russia; S - Sweden; TR - Turkey; UKR - Ukrain

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