1989 Issue 2 - A Call For Help From A Church in South Africa - Counsel of Chalcedon

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A Call for Help from a

Church in South Africa

' . . .
the Swazi people and Shangaan people.
Furthermore, kaN yamazane borders on
Gazankulu, SwazilandandMocambique-
an area with infinite possibilities for
the extension of the Kingdom of Hea-
ven. The work is unfortunately hindered
by a shortage of money.
(KANY AMAZANE -The Reformed Church
[Gereformeerde Kerk] Next to the Kruger Park
The consistory ensures that members
make appropriate contributions. Never-
theless, the male members of the
church are relatively few and 16.8% of
the confirmed members are still scho-
lars. It is understandable that not more
than R4 000 has been collected upn to
Approximately 26 km east of Nelspruit
lies the town, kaNyamazane . l'he name
"kaNyamazane" means 'the place of
wild animals.'
This Reformed Church (Gereformeerde
Kerk) and parsonage are situated be-
tween the mountains on the western
side of town.
The present minister, Rev. P.W.
Sibiya, was inducted into this church in
1983. In those years the total number
of confirmed members was 36. Prior to
1983 the congregation was without a
minister since the death of the late Rey.
Mogashoa, who was called from
Potchefstroom to kaNyamazane and died
of diabetes about three weeks after his
Owing to the devoted zeal of the present
minister, the number of church mem-
bers is increasing steadily. At present
there are 119 confirmed members (of
which 20 are still scholars) and 174
baptised members.
The congregation is divided into five
wards namely: kaNyamazane Easf and
West, Pienaar, ManKayane andMatsulu-
all being part of the self governing
state of kaNgwane.
' .
In 1983 there were only4 members of
the consistory (2 elders and 2 deacons),
apart from the minister. Now there are
6 elders and 4 deacons - praise .the Lord!
Statiscally speaking, there is hope of
further growth and extension. The num-
ber of baptised members holds out a
potential promise for the future.
This small congregation is in the
unique position that 2 ministers (father
and son) are members of the church.
Rev. G.B. Sibiya was called by the
consistory in accordance with Article 7
of the church Order; "No one shall be
called to the Ministry of the Word,
without his being stationed in a
particular place, exce,pt he be sent to do
church extension work" Rev Sibiya Jr.
is supported by the three Reformed
churches of Witbank.
After combination with Nelspruit had
been terminated, assisting kaNgwane
became the full responsibility of Nel-
spruit. Contributions were given
With the assistance (sustentation) of the generously but the needs gradually in-
Refurmed Church r----------------------------------------------,
Nelspruit, the con-
gregation recently
extended the
church's infrastruc-
ture by attaching a
study and garage to
the parsonage. Elec-
tricity was also in-
stalled. The niem-
bers of the congre-
gation did the plas-
tering and painting
inside the church.
. we are thankful to
the Lord for the ex-
tension of the wrod
to Temba hospital
in KaBokweni near
White River.
The Consistory of the Refonned Church at kaNyamazane In
front of the church. Front row, left to right: Elder S. Malu
lcke (clerk/cashier), Rev. P.W. Slblya, Elders W. Zitha and
E. Mabila. Back row, left to right: Deacon P. Lublsl, Elder
S. Bctha. Absent: Elders S. Lubisi and S. Twala; Deacons R.
There is however, one cause for worry.
Premises in the Pienaar area are urgent-
ly required because many members
living there, are without transport. For
many years church services and cate-
chism classes have been held under the
most trying circumstances.
Besides the Reformed Church kwaGuga
near Witbank, the Reformed Church
kaNyamazane is the only church which
can minister to the spiritual needs of
Twala and M. Mulsi.
creased to such an extent that the congre-
gation can not satisfy these anymore.
Classis Lydenburg established a Mis-
sionary assistancy fund but as the
churches belonging to this classis are
generally small, there is still a great
need in spite of this admiable gesture.
A joint assembly of the consistory
kaNyamazane and the mission commis-
sion of the Reformed Church Nelspruit,
Page 2 ~ The Counsel of Chalcedon, February-March, 1989
was held to discuss the possible solu-
tions to the problems of this church.
Besides other possibilities, it was de-
cided (with the approval of the consis-
tory of Nelspruit) to prepare an article
concerning this matter for publication
in "Die Kerkblad" (the official magazine
of the Reformed Church in South Afri-
ca). It is hoped that other consistories
and wealthy church members would be
capable of rendering financial assistance
to these Christians.
Further information can be obtained
from: Mr. S. Maluleke, The Clerk, Re-
formed Church kaNaymazane, P.O. Box
203, KANY AMAZANE, 1214, Repub-
The Counsel of Chalccdon, February-March, 1989
lie of South Africa.
P.S. The most important present needs
of the kaNyamazane Church are the fol-
1. Vehicle for Minister 10,000 dollars.
2. Erection of a new church building in
a nearby area 20,000 dollars.

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