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Running head: Sales Management Plan Part 1 1

Sales Management Plan for Employee Search and Hire Process Part 1
Sukhjinder Singh, Dipali Patel, & Katherine Huynh
MRKT 432-002
Dr. Melodi Guilbault
New Jersey Institute of Technology

Sales Management Plan Part 1 2

Sales Management Plan for Employee Search and Hire Process Part 1
Any organization or individuals seeking to employ workers need a plan to attract,
interview and hire qualified personal for the job. For this task a job search and hiring plan is
smart way to tackle this issue. Todays market lacks inter personal connections, it can be
extremely challenging to attract, connect with and hire the person right for the job. The use of
Internet allows the employers to reach far and beyond borders unlike ever before to find
qualified individuals right for the job. Though, it also creates the issue of spam with hundreds of
thousands of people seeking jobs its likely that many people will be applying for the job who
are not fit for the position. In order to reduce clutter and only attract the right individuals it is
important to report a job with the right description, qualifications required for the job and skills
desired by the employer in order to weed out any unwanted attention by unfit job seekers. This
plan allows employers to save time and makes hiring a little easier and avoiding unwanted loss
of qualified individuals in the mix with unqualified individuals. A proper Job advertisement
should at least include job description, qualifications required, skills desired, experience
necessary and extra steps needed to take by potential employees to successfully be considered for
the job.
Job Advertisement
Job Qualifications
The candidate needs to have a bachelors degree from a university with at least 30 credit
hours in courses on teaching, high GPA of 3.4 or above in primary studies, certification for
teaching in state, clean and clear background (including and credit issues), be available for finger
printing and drug testing and be able to stand or attend extended periods of teaching hours and
helping students stay comfortable in classrooms, this includes (keeping classrooms organized
Sales Management Plan Part 1 3

and clean during and providing any appropriate disciplinary actions required to keep classrooms
a safe environment).
Company and Job Chosen
Company chosen for this job description is BASISed a for profit educational training and
curriculum establishing company that also runs and operates state certified independent and
tuition run schools. The job title is of the primary education provider to the students that will
attend schools run through BASISed.
Job Description
We are looking for a state certified and highly qualified biology teacher with at least 30
credit hours in teaching as an undergraduate student and a high GPA in the field of their primary
studies. Newly certified candidates are encouraged to apply. Although, some classroom
experience is encouraged it is not necessary. Individuals are also encouraged to apply even if
they are not certified yet but hold a masters degree or a Ph.D. Candidates must show excellent
communication skills not necessarily in the classroom but in a professional manner. Candidates
will also need to demonstrate excellent learning skills since they will need to learn and adapt to
ever changing curriculum of a highly advanced educational system. Strong leadership skills
must also be demonstrated to qualify for the job, as a teacher you will be in charge of molding
the minds hundreds of children that require a qualified individual to lead them on the path of
success. Potential candidates should also have experience in using and analyzing performance
data to improve individual and overall student performance and establish and maintain effective,
working relationships with children, parents, and other staff members. This requires that
candidates be able to communicate effectively, both orally and in writing.
Advertising Strategy
Sales Management Plan Part 1 4

Effectively advertising job openings means making the most of your time, effort and
money. We are going to post the job ad online on and
and are two very well known employment websites. Both and are ranked as the top two best job search engines. In todays time, everything is done
over the internet and searching for a job is more convenient using the web. Posting our job ad
online will also be faster and help us save time. We can advertise our job ad and get qualified
responses the same day. This way the job posting goes live on the sites within minutes and we
can start receiving responses immediately. It is important for us to make cost-effective decisions
in searching for potential candidates for our job opening. These websites generally charge a fee
to post a job ad, but it is a reasonable cost for reaching out to such a wide targeted audience, fast
and easily. We want to get the most qualified candidate for this position.
Screening Process
Our screening process will consist of five steps in this order: resume and cover letter
screening, phone screening, in-person interview, reference and background checking, followed
by integrity and drug testing. In the resume and cover letter screening wed go over each
candidates resume and cover letter first and foremost. Wed see if they were qualified enough
for the job. If there are spelling errors, wed discard it. The position is for teaching, what kind of
example would we be setting if we let that slide? We would then have a phone screening. We
would develop a list of open-ended and pointed questions specific to the teaching job. The phone
screen would help us develop baseline knowledge of the candidate and determine whether he/she
represents a potential fit. After the phone screening we would call the potential candidate for an
in-person interview. This is where wed only invite our candidates, granted theyve past the first
screening. Wed go more in-depth with the questions wed ask our candidates. Wed have more
Sales Management Plan Part 1 5

than one interviewer there, just to have more than one opinion, and also to see how they react
with things like stress. The fourth step would be reference and background checking. Wed try to
speak with at least three professional references before making an employment offer to any
candidate. It would give us an insight of what to expect and to see if they were being honest with
us. Wed also do a background check on the candidate because of the fact that we wouldnt want
a criminal or sex offender working as a teacher for someone elses children. Last but not least,
we will do integrity and drug testing. Wed like to make sure that the candidate is an honest
individual. Also we wouldnt want someone that does drugs working as a teacher for someone
elses children. If the candidate can go through all of that, then we, granted that they understand
and can perform all of the responsibilities that they are entrusted with we will hire them.
The job and description chosen for this assignment was similar to many institutionalized
organizations that focus on providing education training and run education curriculums for more
than one school. Other requirements added were based off common knowledge and to ensure a
safe and comfortable environment for the students and the rest of the staff much like most
companies today. Drug testing, fingerprinting and requiring high GPA are all ways to ensure that
employers reach out and obtain the best possible candidate for their positon.

Sales Management Plan Part 1 6

"Basis Educational Group." Basis Educational Group. N.p., n.d.Web. 29 Mar. 2014.
Ingram, T., Laforge, R., Avila, R., Schwepker, C., & Williams, M. (2012) Sales Management
Analysis and Decision Making. Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe, Inc
The Best Ways to Advertise Job Openings. (n.d.). Work. Retrieved March 28, 2014, from

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