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I n a r d w t a r n ~ a ~ ~ a r ~ a n e w The player has no opportuniQ to chamthe alevatIon d a

WOL that sldesllps Wore It enters the new Real. Therefam, It Is
kwadwi ~ d t l p h e x t t ~ ~ ~ ~ l k ~ . pos3Ible Pw s VTOLto sl ddi p Into terrain that causes it to
- v r o t s m a y ~ ~ H j a t ~ ~ ~ ~ emtio ti on crash. If W sideallp c b s not ~ S L I R Ina wash, a VK)t may
~ ~ a t ~ ~ d s , o r b ~ . ~ A ~ ~ ~ n r w l l b e r move normally {continue In tha d M o n of the facing change)
( g F ~ u p a n d d o w n m a ~ ~ ~ , a s J a n g ~ l t h a s s r A - after the failed turn. The sksllp costs no MP.
, a n d c a n n o r ~ b y a t ~ ~ ~
Bull- hex u n w Wey am la&
r n &@t t i ~ ~ ~ b @ mi&ewMb
m&~ md sink.
A V M L a t W i I nHexQ2A2k#msUwt t t
~ ~ ~ a t s r a r n k ~ l a n & # ? m W 3 P ~ ~
~ ~ ~ . H B r e o W l r T l K ~ I n h b x
Mia, t h e Y r O L c h a n ~ ~ 6 M # m a w a Q B ~ a t
R w H I m o v r ~ l f l d D H B X ~ S ~ v i ~ m e k ~ a ~
S k l l l l w i t h a ~ I Y o f 4 . ~ k e n a e d s d e 5
to sumdl the VTOL s wi m Info Hex a bm
W o o d s . B e c e u s e t h e t o p S o f ~ ~ a r r r a P ~ 2
LL a t ? d t h e ~ ? s 8 f ~ 1 , t h e ~ ~ l ~ s i n t h e
h8X. #m ~ h e d d h t b d t 0 ~ 4 h & t B
atrim- the turn, then It wid ha w tWm abm
the and m i d h w continued to mu3 noma&
lnla Iisx m 3 .
WOk t kt en@r a hex horhntatiy at ar b b w tlw elevation
be l of t he mi n l nthshexamconsl detwdtoh~l hn into
- -
the slde of that tmh &rld cmshed.
VrOLs take damae from crashing on wh-r side
A V r O L s t r r r t s t t s ~ l l a n d e d ~ a W Impeded the terrain. The darn* is equal to the number of
hexas that the VTOL moved in that turn times Its torin*,
2 ~ s r l d e ~ # ~ h U ~ 9 ~ x e s ~ . I f c o s t s t A B V r O L d W by 10 (mndad up). Group the d ma e into W r r t
i 3 M P t o t f s e h p ~ l n t h . ~ I U . m ~ ~ clusters, In the s m way as fw U?M damage. lhe a M n g
W M H , ~ M P ~ O ~ ~ O ~ I W W M , and3MPb p f w then rolls once on the VTOL HR bxtM Table k r each
cluster of damage. If the VTOL Is still funetlonal alter taking
damage from tiPe d, and R can nmal l y land In tki temdn
of the hex In which It washed, the VTOL Is consbred to have
landed In the hex and can mow as nomtal In tk &turn.
Otherwtse, the VTOL is considered destmyxl. Them L may
not attack in the turn that It crashes.
Explodorw: If a mOL takes internal structure damage from
a crash to any laation exwpt the rotors, It will explode as
dascrlkd in WOL Bphims, p. 58.
. .>
Regardless of the depth, a submarine expends only P MP to
enter a Water hex.
A submarine can move vertically at a oost of 1 MP per
depth level that It ascends or descends. A submarine can move
any number of levels up and down at crulslng speed In a single
Water hex as long as it has sufficient MP. A submarine cannot
descend to a depth greater than that of its hex or ascend above
the surface of the water (Level 0). In order to move horizontally
or change facing, the submarine must be at a vertical depth
level that is higher than the depth level of the hex it accuplss--
in other words, R cannot move along the bottom. If a submarine
is at the depth of the hex it occupies and/or enters, i t is consid
ered to be resting on the bottom. The depth of each submarine
must be recorded on its record sheet at the end of the
Movement Phase.
Naval mwement includes movement on and below the
water's surface. Surface naval vessels may only move through
Depth 1 or deeper Water hexes, at a cost of 1 MP per hex
i !
entered, regardless of depth. Unlike other units, naval vessels
moving on the surface can use flank speed in Depth 1 or deeper
For line of sight purposes, a surface vessel is at Level o i
(on the surface of the water).
Hovewmfk Treat hovercraft moving over water like surface
Armor (critical)
Turret Armor
Turret Armor4
Turret Armor (critical)
Armor (critical)
Turret Armor
Turret Ar mof l
Armor (critical)
Nds: If there is no turret, l hen all turret hits become
normal armor hlts.
A back, axle, or Irft fan has been destroyed; the unit
cannoZ move for t he rest of the game. If a hovercraft
suffers this h~t while over Depth 1 or deeper water, rt
sinks and is destroyed.
A drive, wheel, or air-skirt has been damaged;
-1 Cruising MP for the rest of the game.
3 If the vehicle is a hovercraft, an air-skirt has been
damaged; -1 Cruising MP for the rest of the game.
If not a hovercraft, no addit~onal effect.
4The turret locks in its current position and cannot be
moved for the rest of the game; it can only fire out of
its current arc. If there i s no turret, no additional effect.
* A result of 2 or 12 may inf ~ c t a critical hit. Apply
darnage t o the armor in that section in the normal
manner, but the a3acking player also rolts once on the
Determining Critical Hlts Table, p. 35.
Vehkles use the
standard rules for flrlng
arcs, multiple targets and
Whit madlflers. VeQlides
use slightly different rules
for t k l q damage.
The dl-rn shows the
Front, Side and Rear attack
directions for all vehlcles.
Vehlcks take hits to only four or five Eeons: Front, Right
Side, Left Slde, Rear, and Turret w Rotor (If applicable). When a
vehlcle takes a hit. roll 2D6 and consult the Hlt Location Table
for that type of vefilck to determine the locatlon that took
damage, using the appropriate column based on the attack
dlrectbn. Other results may also apply, as noted on the table.
Unlike attacks on Battleblechs, an attack against a vehicle
a m htts the side from which the attack came, or the turret.
Far example, a result of M against a vehicle's dght side wllt hit
the RmtSide armor, w internal structure If all the armor In that
location has h n destrow. A wuR of 1&22 would hlt the
turret, If then Is m.
Dle Roll (1D6) ResJt
1. Crcw Stunned (Fao actions for the rest
of this turn and 2 more turns)
2 Main Weapon Jams (No ftre from
largest systcrn for 1 turn:
3 Er~gine Hit (No movement for rest of
game: if a hovercraft suffers t h ~ s hrt
whilc over Depth 1 or dceper water.
:t sinks and i s destroyed.)
4 Crew Xllled (Vehicle out of game)
5 Fuel Tank Hi t !Vek~icle explodes)
6 Ammo/Power Plant Hit {Veh~cle
Naval unlts use all standard vehlcles rules, but they underwater operations and &he use qf tomdoes are descri
have unlque HR tocation and CWcal HR tables. Submarine In Underwdtw Opmfims, p. 88 in SpWd Case Rules.
, Hm#o W~ Me c h s mi veMcl quad welghs 4 tons. Do no2 reduce these w a g e s
m- m and Pnalntain. there I that have suffered casuattles,
-FlmpeMw can be thrown,
bW&M&ty u n b rarely last long -Inst BmleWchs. but
m s m W n w s Inflict enough d a me to turn the tide d To mum a vehicle during a turn, an Infamy untt must
m, wd-wme a ssrlcws threat In confined areas such -- _
start its Movement Phage in the same hex as the vahicie.
wmb and wban zones. --,l-The vehicle must spend 1 MP to mount the Infantry unit.
BattleTech provides rubs for fow types of infantty: foot, Mounted infantry may not fke weapons.
motorized, jump Wantry and battle m Infantry. If the vehicle wqing Infantry explodes during combat, all
The Infantry Units Tab& Ulustrater the W s of avalleble
infantry units mounted in the vehicle are also de-. If a
unlts, their W m m t Points, and the number of men h a fun
- vehicle suffers a Crew Killed crftical hlt result, a H Infantry mount-
~ u n i t o f ~ t y p e . ed in the vehlde are kllled. If a
Nonstandard baWe m o r W s vehkle suffers a Crew Stunned 1
we descrlhd h Wm Battle reedt, all Infantry mounted In
Armor Vsn'ants and Inner Sphere the vehlcle are stunned and
8atbte Suits, -8 61 and 83, canm act or
reamctlwb. move f m the vehicle until the
- B& bghnkrg the game,
the p@em should MI out the
appropllate recarU sheet for
unlt, lndicatlng #e unit's
type, weapons, and other
atatlstlcs. Use this record sheet
t oCe pt EgCk of t he ~ 0 f
m91 unft during the game.
Infantry have no faclng and
can mow in any M o n unless
blocked by impassable ternin.
henerd, mfantfymustpwthe
same MowemmtPoint cmts as
other units. Hwwer , Infantry
w~mdonl y1MPtowvteror
Ieae buildings, and they may
dimb up M o r stabs d W
~ d o f l ~ ~ ~ .
~ Y W
Foot tnfantry
=hick's crew has reoovered.
Infantry mounted in vehtdes
that am destroyed without
explcdlng may move and fire
nomwy in the turn after the
vehlcle was destroyed.
St aokl e A mounted
infantry unit does not count
toward stacklng limits.
An infantry unit may
dismount a vehicle only at the
end of that vehicle's m m n t .
A vehicle must spend 1 MP to
dismount an infantry unit. The
unit dlsrnountg in the same hex
as the mrrytng vehicle and may
not move or ntzrke atlacks in
the ttnn it dismounts. m k s
made %ahst the dismounted
Infamy magr-not mause Im
. -
mlt mmde as if the unit had . -;. ..:.
. .
- .,
Depth 1 or &wr water md may only cllmb 1 elwertim 1
. h&ed 0 h k s , raUm than the mw mn t of the canying unit. - :-:,::
per k.- Jump- infamy and jarmpcwabre be8-W armor nma p r -:
the ]wing for BBttlBMech$j with the eJcce(rtM that -
Battle armor unlts train to work closely wtth OmniMechc
In combat. Each OmniMech torso features handholds that
,. -. ,

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