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Kim Beem < kimbeem1@gmail.

Public Information - Status of EEOC comlaint against Os!alt " #alt$
6 messages
Kim Beem <> Wed, Nov 27, 2013 at 8:53 !
"o: m#a$g%i@lco&$t'.com
(c: kbeem2@i$sig%t.)).com
*a$g%i + ,as a dete)mi$atio$ bee$ )eac%ed b' t%e --.( )ega)di$g t%e /)o$gdoi$g b' t%ose i$ t%e
0)osec&to)1s o22ice3
4eel 2)ee to )e0l' to 56eem2@i$sig%t.)).com
5im 6eem
%ang&i' (ark < !*a$g%i@lco&$t'.com> !o$, 7ec 2, 2013 at 8:13 !
"o: 5im 6eem <>
From: Kim Beem []
Sent: Wednesday, November 27, 21! ":#$ %&
To: 'ang(i, &ark
Cc: kbeem2@insig(
Subject: )*blic +n,ormation - .tat*s o, //01 com2laint against 0s3alt 4 Walt5
*a$g%i + ,as a dete)mi$atio$ bee$ )eac%ed b' t%e --.( )ega)di$g t%e /)o$gdoi$g b' t%ose i$ t%e
0)osec&to)1s o22ice3
4eel 2)ee to )e0l' to 56eem2@i$sig%t.)).com
5im 6eem
Kim Beem <> !o$, 7ec 2, 2013 at 11:28 !
"o: kbeem2@i$sig%t.)).com
9:&oted te;t %idde$<
Kim Beem <> !o$, 7ec 8, 2013 at 8:=8 >!
"o: m#a$g%i@lco&$t'.com
(c: !ic%ael ?%ea)e) <ms%ea)e)@$e/a)>
Page 1 of 3 Gmail - Public Information - Status of EEOC complaint against Oswalt & Waltz
1!"#1$ %ttps&mail'google'commailu#(ui)"&i*)ca!!+,3-e!&.iew)pt&searc%)starre+&t%)1$"'''
Just checking status on the EEOC complaint. I know there was a delay because of the Republican
government shutdown but this has gone much longer than usual.
[uoted te!t hidden"
%ang&i' (ark # $%anghi&' (ue) *ec +,) -,+. at /0., 1$
(o0 2im 3eem #kimbeem+&'
Cc0 $ichael 4hearer #mshearer&'
Ms. Beem,
There is no change in status of the EEOC complaint. Please be advised that if and when a decision is
reached by the EEOC, this office will promptly provide that information to the media outlets.
Mar !. "anghi
!ssistant Prosecuting !ttorney#Civil $ivision
%icing County Prosecutor&s Office
'( )outh '
,ewar, Ohio *-(..
Phone/ 01*(2 31(#.'..
Phone/ 01*(2 31(#.'.' 0direct2
+a4/ 01*(2 31(#.'*5
The information contained in this electronic mail transmission is intended by the %icing County
Prosecutor&s Office for the use of the named individual or entity to which it is directed and may contain
information that is privileged, confidential and e4empt from disclosure under applicable law. 6t is not
intended for transmission to, or receipt by, anyone other that the named addressee 0or a person
authori7ed to deliver it to the named addressee2. 6t should not be copied or forwarded to any
unauthori7ed persons. 6f you have received this electronic mail transmission in error, please delete it from
your system without reading, copying or forwarding it, and promptly notify the sender of the error by
reply email or by calling the %icing County Prosecutor&s Office at 01*(2 31(#.'.., so that our address
record can be corrected.
From: Kim Beem []
Sent: Monday, December 09, 2013 9:9 !M
To: "ang#i, Mark
Page " of 3 Gmail - Public Information - Status of EEOC complaint against Oswalt & Waltz
1!"#1$ %ttps&mail'google'commailu#(ui)"&i*)ca!!+,3-e!&.iew)pt&searc%)starre+&t%)1$"'''
Cc: Michael Shearer
Subject: Re: Public Information - Status of EEOC complaint against Oswalt & Walt
[Quoted text hidden]
Kim Beem <> Wed, Dec 11, 2013 at !02 "#
$o! %&anghi, #a'k% <#&anghi@lcount(.com>
)c! #ichael *hea'e' <m+hea'e'@ne,a'>
#'. &anghi!
"+ ,e kno,, (ou' cho+e to hide the com/laint. 0. the 1e,a'k "d-ocate had not /u'+ued at m(
'elentle++ in+i+tence that the 2+,alt3$hom/+on child +u//o't i++ue be looked into, 0 ,onde' i. ,e ,ould
e-en kno, about it toda( +o let4+ /lea+e not /'etend the'e ha+ been an(thing that 'e+emble+
t'an+/a'enc(. When it ,a+ /ubli+hed, 2+,alt /'o-ided a /'e++ 'elea+e that ,a+ g'o++l( mi+leading at
5ou' choice o. %i.% i+ cu'iou+ at be+t.
0t4+ nice that (ou intend to noti.( the media 67$ the media doe+n4t al,a(+ /ubli+h ,hat /eo/le +hould kno,
about /ublic o..icial+. 8o' exam/le, #'. *hea'e' ha+ cho+en not to /ubli+h in.o'mation 'ega'ding the lie+ in
the )ount(4+ 'e+/on+e to the 992), e-en though he ha+ the documentation. 0 belie-e ,e kno, that an(
/e'+on can 'e:ue+t the /ublic in.o'mation .'om (ou', ,ith o' ,ithout media c'edential+. "nd ,e kno,
0 am not on a .i+hing ex/edition. 0t4+ been o-e' ; month+ and a dete'mination +hould ha-e been made b(
no,. 0 ,i+h 0 could t'u+t (ou' and the media to do the 'ight thing but hi+to'( +ho,+ 0 ,ould be .ooli+h
to do +o. 04ll check back in a ,eek.
=im 6eem
[Quoted text hidden]
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