Accounting (Financials, Controlling)

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Accounting (Financials, Controlling)

To get an impression how DBM works with accounting see also the DBM SAP Library
Documentation as well as note 9303!"
SAP #ills the #iel$ %&'() with the DBM 'r$er* an$ split number in SD an$ Accounting"
Processing the Controlling Area
+ou can use this proce$ure to e$it the settings #or the controlling area #or each #iscal year" The
system re,uires a -ersion 0 #or the current #iscal year"
". /n 0ustomi1ing #or 0ontrolling2 choose General Controlling Organization Maintain
"3 &n$er 0ontrolling Area Settings Settings for Each Fiscal Year2 create a -ersion 0 #or the
current #iscal year in the same way as #or the e4isting entries"
Creating Cost Elements
Be#ore creating 0ost 5lements please rea$ SAP note 1003330"
Primary cost elements ha-e to be create$ #or costs an$ re-enues taken into account in
"3 'n the SAP 5asy Access screen2 choose Accounting Controlling Cost Center
Accounting Master Data Cost Element Individual rocessing Create rimar!"
0reate the primary cost elements 600000 an$ !.0000 7i# not alrea$y a-ailable8"
"! 'n the SAP 5asy Access screen2 choose Accounting Controlling Cost Center
Accounting Master Data Cost Element Individual rocessing Create Secondar!"
0reate the secon$ary cost element !0.00 with cost element category !3 #or acti-ity
allocation 7i# not alrea$y a-ailable8"
Copy Cost Element group
0ost element group DBM9DB is a DBM template an$ $eli-ere$ in client 000" /t is use$ to
structure all cost elements poste$ to the DBM internal or$er in the reporting cost analysis" /# you
want2 you can copy the structure to the current client2 where you can integrate your own cost
elements 7see also #urther e4planation un$er /n#ormation System8"
". 'n the SAP 5asy Access screen2 choose Accounting Controlling Cost Element
Accounting Master Data Cost Element Grou" Change# After$ards choose on the
screen in the menu E%tras Co"! from Client"
Creating Cost Centers
+ou nee$ this proce$ure to create a cost center #or the acti-ity allocation posting #rom the cost
center to the DBM internal or$er"
". 'n the SAP 5asy Access screen2 choose Accounting Controlling Cost Center
Accounting Master Data Cost Center Individual rocessing Create"
"3 0reate a cost center :orkshop #or e4ample"
Creating and Assigning an Activity ype and a Price
54ecute the #ollowing steps in the stan$ar$ system;
". 0reate an acti-ity type 7assignment o# an allocation cost element2 in other wor$s2 a secon$ary
cost element8 an$ maintain the acti-ity price #or speci#ic cost center"
The labor -alues are poste$ #rom the cost center per#orming the acti-ity to the DBM or$er on
the basis o# this acti-ity type an$ price" The acti-ity type an$ the pro-i$ing cost center are
store$ in 0ustomi1ing #or Dealer Business Management 7DBM8"
"3 0reate -ersion 0 #or the current #iscal year 7see; Processing the 0ontrolling Area8"
+ou must $e#ine a plan price #or the newly *create$ acti-ity type an$ appropriate cost center"
". /n 0ustomi1ing #or 0ontrolling2 choose Cost Center Accounting Master Data Activit!
&!"es Create Activit! &!"es M'(T #or e4ample"
"3 5$it the master $ata #or the acti-ity type on the tab page Basic Data as #ollows;
/n the #iel$ ATyp category 7acti-ity type category82 enter the -alue . 7manual entry2
manual allocation8
/n the #iel$ Allocation cost elem2 choose the appropriate allocation cost element by using
the <! help"
/n the #iel$ Acti-ity &nit2 enter = #or hours"
/n the #iel$ 00tr categories2 enter > 7all cost center types8"
"3 'n the SAP 5asy Access screen2 choose Accounting Controlling Cost Center
Accounting lanning Activit! Out"ut'rices Change"
"! 5nter the #ollowing $ata;
<iscal +ear
Acti-ity Type
0ost 0enter
"? Sa-e the $ata #or the price"
!e"ining #um$er %anges "or &nternal 'rder ypes
The internal or$ers assigne$ to the number ranges 7$eli-ere$ as stan$ar$8 ha-e alrea$y been
copie$ by the Business 0on#iguration Sets 7B0 Sets8"
". /n 0ustomi1ing #or 0ontrolling2 choose Internal Orders Order Master Data Maintain
(um)er *anges for Orders"
"3 0heck the number range assignment #or the #ollowing or$er types;
This or$er type is #or the hea$er internal or$er on the #irst le-el o# a DBM or$er"
@.00 internal or$er A DBM 7internal number assignment8
These or$er types are #or the internal or$ers #or bill*to parties on the secon$ le-el o# a DBM
@300 internal or$er A DBM A -ehicle 7internal number assignment8
@3.0 internal or$er A DBM A e4ternal bill*to party 7internal number assignment8
@330 internal or$er A DBM A internal bill*to party 7internal number assignment8
@330 internal or$er A DBM A collecti-e internal or$er 7e4ternal number assignment8
Processing and Activating the %esults Area
:ith this proce$ure2 you process an$ acti-ate the inter#aces #or rofita)ilit! Anal!sis +CO,A- an$
#or the controlling areas assigne$ to your operating concern"
". /n 0ustomi1ing #or 0ontrolling2 choose rofita)ilit! Anal!sis Structures Define O"erating
Concern Maintain O"erating Concern"
"3 Benerate the cross*client an$ client*speci#ic part #or operating concern S00. on tab page
5n-ironment #or e4ample" /n most cases you will create your own operating concern with your
own characteristics an$ -alue #iel$s"
"3 /n 0ustomi1ing #or 0ontrolling2 choose rofita)ilit! Anal!sis Flo$s of Actual Values
Activate rofita)ilit! Anal!sis to activate the interfaces for CO,A"
Assigning (! Condition ypes to )alue Fields
+ou can use this proce$ure to assign -alue #iel$s to rofita)ilit! Anal!sis"
". /n 0ustomi1ing #or 0ontrolling un$er rofita)ilit! Anal!sis Flo$s of Actual Values
&ransfer of Incoming Sales Orders Assign Value Fields"
"3 0hoose Maintain Assignment o# SD 0on$itions to 0'*PA Calue <iel$s"
"3 Make the #ollowing entries #or the operating concern S000. #or e4ample;
0on$ition type 70Typ8 Calue #iel$ 7Cal"#l$8
@P)A 5)L'S
@P)T 5)L'S
@SBP 5)L'S
@SML 5)L'S
Creating a Pro"it Center
/# you want to use pro#it center accounting2 you ha-e to create pro#it centers" +ou always nee$ a
$ummy pro#it center an$ you might want to ha-e a pro#it center #or e-ery workshop or e-ery
manu#actury 7'5M8 or any other $epen$ency to assign pro#it centers" /# you assign this pro#it
centers in DBM 0ustomi1ing2 the system copies the pro#it center to the customer $ocument when
the DBM or$er is in-oice$ 7see also #urther e4planation un$er Pro#it 0enter 0ontrol8"
". /n 0ustomi1ing #or 0ontrolling choose rofit Center Accounting Master Data rofit
Center Create Dumm! rofit Center#
"3 /n the #iel$ Dummy Pro#it 0enter2 enter (AP*!U++, #or e4ample"
"3 /n 0ustomi1ing #or 0ontrolling choose rofit Center Accounting Master Data rofit
Center Define rofit Center"
"! /n the #iel$ Pro#it 0enter2 enter -'%.(/'P #or e4ample"
!e"ining Account Assignment "or Posting Costs in
+ou $e#ine #or each plant 7D workshop8 which acti-ity type is use$ #or acti-ity allocation #rom the
workshop cost center to the internal or$er o# the DBM or$er" +ou also $e#ine which cost center is
cre$ite$ $uring this process" +ou can restrict the selection by speci#ying the material group as
well as the plant" The material group must be $e#ine$ in the material that is use$ #or the labor
-alue items in the ser-ice or$er" /n most cases the cost center will $epen$ on the plant an$ the
acti-ity type on the material group"
". /n 0ustomi1ing #or Logistics 54ecution2 choose Dealer .usiness Management +D.M- Order
Account Assignment Define Account Assignment for Cost ostings in Orders"
"3 5nter the #ollowing $ata;
Material group 7labor -alue D 908
0ost element 7the column cost element is not use$8
Acti-ity type
0ost center
"3 Below is an e4ample o# how you coul$ make settings;
Plant Material
0ost element Acti-ity type 0ost center
000. 90 M'(T :')ES='P
!e"ining &nternal 'rder ype "or 0ill*o Party
/# the system shoul$ create a separate internal or$er #or each bill*to party $uring in-oicing2 the
Collective Internal Order indicator should not )e set in the Customizing settings for the D.M
order t!"e# At the time o# in-oicing2 the system posts the re-enue an$ costs to these bill*to parties
accor$ing to the split -alues 7see also #urther e4planation un$er 0ollecti-e 'r$er 0ontrol8"
". /n 0ustomi1ing #or Logistics 54ecution2 choose Dealer .usiness Management +D.M- Order
Account Assignment Internal Order for .ill,&o art! Maintain Internal Order &!"es for
.ill,&o arties"
"3 5nter the #ollowing $ata;
0ontrolling area
DBM or$er type
Account assignment category 7use only in case o# internal DBM or$er processes8
/nternal or$er type 7@3.0F @3308
/nternal billing $ocument 7#lag can be set in internal DBM or$ers to let the system post
internal re-enues8
"3 Below is an e4ample o# how you coul$ make settings;
DBM or$er
/nternal or$er
/nternal billing
000. 3000 @3.0
000. !000 0. @330
000. !000 03 @330 G
000. !000 .0 @330
000. !000 .. @330
000. !.00 .0 @330
000. !.00 .. @330
!e"ining Parameters "or (ettlement %ule
:ith billing the DBM or$er settlement rules are create$ #or the internal or$er #or bill*to parties2
which you can settle to 0'*PA 7#or #urther in#ormation see also note 9!!3H?8"
". /n 0ustomi1ing #or Logistics 54ecution2 choose Dealer .usiness Management +D.M- Order
Account Assignment Internal Order for .ill,&o art! Define arameters for
Settlement *ule"
"3 5nter the #ollowing $ata;
DBM or$er type
'perating concern
0haracteristic 7$e#ine$ #or your operating concern8
Source structure
Source assignment
<iel$ #rom DBM or$er 7 i# necessary2 you can appen$ your own characteristics to the
communication structure FDBMF0'9/'90'M8
"3 Below is an e4ample o# how you coul$ make settings;
DBM or$er
0haracteristic Source
DBM or$er
3000 S00. E(D() @. . E&(()
3000 S00. E(D() @. 3 E&(()
3000 S00. E(D() @. . CT:5B
3000 S00. E(D() @. 3 CT:5B
!000 S00. E(D() @. . E&(()
!000 S00. E(D() @. 3 E&(()
!000 S00. E(D() @. . CT:5B
!000 S00. E(D() @. 3 CT:5B
!.00 S00. E(D() @. . E&(()
!.00 S00. E(D() @. 3 E&(()
!.00 S00. E(D() @. . CT:5B
!.00 S00. E(D() @. 3 CT:5B
Collective 'rder Control
To mo$el $ealer processes2 a$$itional obIects were $e-elope$ on the basis o# 5)P" 'ne o# these
key FDBMFobIects is the DBM or$er" A $isplay transaction has been $e-elope$ #or the #ollowing
Ser-ice or$er
Cehicle or$er
Parts or$er
An internal or$er on the #irst le-el acts as a cost collector in the backgroun$2 in other wor$s2 the
users $o not ha-e to manage an$ track these costs themsel-es" The DBM or$er an$ the internal
or$er are linke$" :hen the in-oice is create$2 all cost an$ re-enue collecte$ on this le-el is
reposte$ to the secon$ le-el an$ here the balance will be 0"
/n the DBM or$er split2 the system $i-i$es the postings between se-eral bill*to parties" :hen an
in-oice is create$ in the backgroun$ #or e-ery bill*to party an$2 $epen$ing on the 0ustomi1ing
settings2 an a$$itional internal or$er is create$" This means that an internal or$er also e4ists #or
e-ery bill*to party" :hen in-oicing takes place2 the system posts the re-enues an$ costs to these
bill*to party internal or$ers accor$ing to the split -alues" /# you so wish2 you can use 0ustomi1ing
settings in the DBM or$er to $etermine that a separate internal or$er is ('T create$ #or each bill*
to party2 but rather the costs an$ re-enue are poste$ to the appropriate collecti-e internal or$ers
accor$ing to the 0ustomi1ing settings2 #or e4ample2 in accor$ance with the business transaction
7-ia or$er control8"
/# you set the Collective Internal Order in$icator in the DBM or$er type2 the system posts the costs
an$ re-enue to a collecti-e or$er when in-oicing takes place an$ the costs an$ re-enue can then
be #orwar$e$ to an$ settle$ using rofita)ilit! Anal!sis +CO,A-# The collecti-e or$er that is
$ebite$ with the costs is $etermine$ with criteria techni,ue;
". De#ine 0riteria Table
+ou shoul$ normally be able to use the e4isting criteria table"
"3 0heck Access Se,uences
+ou shoul$ normally be able to use the e4isting access se,uences"
"3 Assign /nternal 'r$er
". 'n the SAP 5asy Access screen2 choose Accounting Controlling Internal Orders
Master Data S"ecial Functions Order Create" /n the #iel$ 'r$er Type2 enter @330"
A#terwar$s maintain in the #iel$ 'r$er DBM90'LL50T #or e4ample"
"3 /n 0ustomi1ing #or Logistics 54ecution2 choose Dealer .usiness Management +D.M- Order
Account Assignment Internal Order for .ill,&o art! Collective Order Control
Define &a)le of Criteria"
"3 0heck whether you can use the stan$ar$ criteria table"
"! /n 0ustomi1ing #or Logistics 54ecution2 choose Dealer .usiness Management +D.M- Order
Account Assignment Internal Order for .ill,&o art! Collective Order Control
Define Access Se/uences"
"? 0heck whether you can use the stan$ar$ access se,uences"
" /n 0ustomi1ing #or Logistics 54ecution2 choose Dealer .usiness Management +D.M- Order
Account Assignment Internal Order for .ill,&o art! Collective Order Control
Assign Internal Order#
"H Assign the internal or$er with the #ollowing entries;
0ontrolling area
DBM or$er type
Account assignment category 7A008J 7optional8
:arranty category 7optional8
/nternal or$er that was create$ manually be#ore 7use or$er type @3308
"6 Below is an e4ample o# how you coul$ make settings;
DBM or$er
000. 3000 DBM90'LL50T
&nternal 'rder Account Assignment
+ou can $e#ine account assignment categories like new -ehicle2 use$ -ehicle2 scrap an$ so on
which are a-ailable in internal ser-ice or$ers 7!0008 or internal ser-ice or$ers with re-aluation
7!.008" <or each account assignment category you can $e#ine which account assignment obIect
is $ebite$2 #or e4ample2 internal or$er or cost center" The account assignment category which is
#oun$ in the internal ser-ice or$ers is $etermine$ with criteria techni,ue;
". De#ine Table o# 0riteria
+ou shoul$ normally be able to use the e4isting criteria table"
"3 0heck Access Se,uences
+ou shoul$ normally be able to use the e4isting access se,uences"
"3 Assign Account Assignment 'bIect #or /nternal 'r$er
". /n 0ustomi1ing #or Logistics 54ecution2 choose Dealer .usiness Management +D.M- Order
Account Assignment Internal Order Account Assignment Define Account Assignment
Categories for Internal Order"
"3 0heck whether you can use the stan$ar$ account assignment categories"
"3 /n 0ustomi1ing #or Logistics 54ecution2 choose Dealer .usiness Management +D.M- Order
Account Assignment Internal Order Account Assignment Define &a)le of Criteria"
"! 0heck whether you can use the stan$ar$ criteria table"
"? /n 0ustomi1ing #or Logistics 54ecution2 choose Dealer .usiness Management +D.M- Order
Account Assignment Internal Order Account Assignment Define Access Se/uences#
" 0heck whether you can use the stan$ar$ access se,uences"
"H /n 0ustomi1ing #or Logistics 54ecution2 choose Dealer .usiness Management +D.M- Order
Account Assignment Internal Order Account Assignment Assign Account Assignment
O)0ect for Internal Order#
"6 Assign the account assignment category with the #ollowing entries;
0ontrolling area
Sales organi1ation
DBM internal or$er types
Account assignment category
0ost 0enter
0ost 5lement
/nternal 'r$er
Bill*to party
<unction mo$ule 7FDBMF0'9/(T9B5T9C5=/0L5 is $eli-ere$ to $etermine the -ehicle
internal or$er8
"9 Below is an e4ample o# how you coul$ make settings;
S'rg Plant 'r$er
AA0 (o 0hg 0ost
0ost 5l" /nt"
000. 000. 000. !000 0. . G :ork
000. 000. 000. !000 03 . G :ork
000. 000. 000. !.00 .0 . F
000. 000. 000. !.00 .. . G F
&nternal 'rder Account %evaluation
+ou can $e#ine here a link between a DBM or$er type #or re-aluation an$ a 0' pro$uction or$er
type which posts the re-aluation o# a new or use$ -ehicle automatically to the -ehicle stock"
". /n 0ustomi1ing #or Logistics 54ecution2 choose Dealer .usiness Management +D.M- Order
Account Assignment Internal Order *evaluation Define Order &!"e for *evaluation"
"3 Assign the or$er type with the #ollowing entries;
DBM or$er type
0' pro$uction or$er type
0ost element 7use$ #or primary cost reposting #rom -ehicle or$er to 0' pro$uction
Mo-ement type 7use$ #or taking the -ehicle #rom stock into the 0' pro$uction or$er8
Mo-ement type 7use$ #or $eli-ery o# 0' pro$uction or$er into stock8
"3 Below is an e4ample o# how you coul$ make settings;
DBM or$er
0ost 5lement Mo-ement
Mo-ement type
!.00 0P0. use your own
cost element
3. .0.
!.0. 0P0. use your own
cost element
3. .0.
Pro"it Center Control
+ou can $e#ine here how the pro#it center is $etermine$ with lean con$ition techni,ue" /# the
system creates an internal or$er on the #irst le-el or on the secon$ le-el 7bill*to party82 the pro#it
center is #ille$" +ou re,uire these settings only i# you wish to use Pro#it 0enter Accounting"
"! De#ine Table o# 0riteria
+ou shoul$ normally be able to use the e4isting criteria table"
"? 0heck Access Se,uences
+ou shoul$ normally be able to use the e4isting access se,uences"
" Assign Pro#it 0enter
"H /n 0ustomi1ing #or Logistics 54ecution2 choose Dealer .usiness Management +D.M- Order
Account Assignment rofit Center Control Define &a)le of Criteria"
"6 0heck whether you can use the stan$ar$ criteria table"
"9 /n 0ustomi1ing #or Logistics 54ecution2 choose Dealer .usiness Management +D.M- Order
Account Assignment rofit Center Control Define Access Se/uences"
".0 0heck whether you can use the stan$ar$ access se,uences"
".. /n 0ustomi1ing #or Logistics 54ecution2 choose Dealer .usiness Management +D.M- Order
Account Assignment rofit Center Control Assign rofit Center"
".3 Assign the pro#it center with the #ollowing entries;
Distribution channel
DBM or$er reason
Material group
Pro#it center
".3 Below is an e4ample o# how you coul$ make settings;
Plant Distr" chl" D-" 'r$" reason Mat"
Pro#it ctr"
000. @3 0. 0. :orkshop
&n"ormation (ystem
=ere you can maintain your own report #or cost analysis2 i# you $onKt want to use the DBM
template" The report is shown in the DBM or$er un$er the menu Boto 0ost Analysis 7see also
#urther e4planation in the /MB Acti-ity Documentation Define *e"ort arameters for Cost
Anal!sis as well as notes 6H.0. an$ 933??.8"
". /n 0ustomi1ing #or 0ontrolling2 choose 1ogistics E%ecution Dealer .usiness Management
+D.M- Order Account Assignment Information S!stem Define *e"ort arameters
for Cost Anal!sis"

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