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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE July 30, 2014 Contact: Steve Mitchell


Moolenaar, Mitchell in Dead Heat
Mitchell 37.7% -Moolenaar 37.3%
LANSING, Mich. With one week to go before the Republican Primary Election John
Moolenaar and Paul Mitchell are in a Dead Heat for the Republican nomination in Michigans 4

Congressional District.

According to the new Mitchell Poll, Paul Mitchell leads John Moolenaar by .5% (37.7%-
37.3% with 17.5% undecided and 7.5% going to Peter Konetchy). The automated survey of
almost 300 likely voters in the August Primary Election was conducted July 29, 2014 by Mitchell
Research & Communications, Inc. and has a Margin of Error + or 6% at the 95% level of

The results of this poll show the lead Paul Mitchell build early on in this race has
eroded. One of the key factors is undoubtedly the fact that Moolenaar has been endorsed by
Congressman Dave Camp and Attorney General Bill Schuette. The fact Moolenaar has been
able to close the gap over the last few weeks indicates that Mitchells lead was largely based on
Name Identification. Now that Moolenaar has started to spend money the race is a toss-up,
Steve Mitchell, chairman of Mitchell Research & Communications, Inc. said.

Usually the candidates with the highest name identification and the highest favorability
end up winning. According to this poll 92% of voters are aware of Paul Mitchell, 56% have a
favorable impression of him verses 29% who have an unfavorable impression of him. By
comparison only 88% of voters are aware of John Moolenaar. However, 59% have a favorable
impression of him verses 23% who have an unfavorable impression of him. The higher
favorability for Moolenaar bodes well for his campaign. This race is far from over, concluded

Page 2 of 2 Mitchell Poll Release, July 30, 2014

A look at key demographics in the governors race shows:

By Absentee Voters:
o Mitchell lead Moolenaar 50.9% -33.3% among Absentee Voters

By Election Day Voters:
o Mitchell trails Moolenaar 34.1%-38.4% among Election Day Voters

By Gender:
o Mitchell trails Moolenaar 36.5%-37.2% among Men
o Mitchell leads Moolenaar 38.9%-37.4% among Women

By Area:
o Mitchell leads in Clinton, Montcalm, Isabella 42.9%-34.3%.
o Mitchell trails in Clare, Mecosta, Gratiot 29.5%-36.4%.
o Mitchell and Moolenaar are tied in Ogemaw, Gladwin, Midland 37.7%-37.7%
o Mitchell trails in Wexford, Missaukee, Roscommon, Osceloa 34%-41.5%
o Mitchell leads in Saginaw and Shiawassee 41.7%-37.5%

This poll was not paid for by any of the candidates or any organization supporting the
candidates in this election.

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