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Internet Safety & Issues In The

By: Jason Hogge
EDUC 201
Internet Safety
A federal law, the Children's Online Privacy
Protection Act (COPPA), was created to help
protect kids online. (KidsHealth)
COPPA helps keep anyone on the internet from
obtaining a childs personal information with the
childs parent(s) knowing about it and then
agreeing on it.
Internet Safety Cont.
When kids become old enough
to use the keyboard on a
computer, they have the ability
to gain access to the entire
An example of this going
wrong is that a child can try
to search for Legos and
accidently spell Legs. This
can lead to a website about
legs and possibly having nude
material on it.
Parents Getting Involved
Learn how to block websites you do not want
your children visiting.
Keep computers in a common area so you can
keep an eye when a child is using it.
Share email account with the your child so you
can see messages and other information.
Find out if online protection is offered at your
childs school if they have the ability to use the
computer unsupervised.
Chat Room Caution
Chat rooms are virtual online
rooms where chat sessions
take place. They're set up
according to interest or
subject, such as a favorite
sport or TV show.
Pedophiles (adults who are
sexually fascinated in kids) are
known to be found using chat
Legal Issues
There are four questions a teacher asks
themselves when they want to use certain
material are:
Copyright and Fair Use
Acceptable Use
Software Piracy

Copyright & Fair Use
Copyright is a form of
intellectual property that gives
the creator exclusive service
rights for a period of time.
As copyright law evolves in
the Digital age, new guidelines
will emerge. (Lever-Duffy &
McDonald 348)
Fair use is a section of the
copyright law that identifies
the criteria under which you
may be allowed to copy
anothers creative work.

Every child has the right to privacy.
For minors, their parents must give permission
to share any information about them to which
you might be privy as a result of your position as
their teacher. (Lever-Duffy & McDonald 349)
A teacher needs to take the steps to be aware of
protecting a students privacy.
Acceptable Use
Acceptable Use: The school or district policies to
help ensure that school technology made
available to students is used appropriately and
for academic purposes.
Children need to understand what is acceptable
to see on the internet and this is usually done
using a code of ethics for computer use. They are
a written anticipations and explanations of what
is to be expected and appropriate when using
Software Piracy
Copying software to share
with others or installing
software on multiple machines
when only one copy was
purchased is software piracy.
(Lever-Duffy & McDonald
This is the same as copying
music CDs and copies of
When you pirate software, you
are violating copyright laws.
Social Issues
The social issues in using classroom technology
can be seen in the following three categories:
The Digital Divide
Online Interaction
The Digital Divide
The digital divide is the gap
between those who have ready
access to and knowledge of
digital technology and those
who dont.
It becomes a social issue
because students will have the
ability to tell where people stand
as to making money. Those who
make enough have the
technology and those who do
not will not be as experience
using it.
Children can be ridiculed as
being poor or dumb when it
comes to technology use at
What is Cyberbullying?
Cyberbullying is bullying that takes place using
electronic technology.
It can take place on devices and equipment such as
cell phones, computers and tablets.
On these devices, cyberbullying usually takes place on
social media sites, text messages, chats and websites.
The 20082009 School Crime Supplement
(National Center for Education Statistics and
Bureau of Justice Statistics) indicates that 6% of
students in grades 612 experienced cyberbullying.
Cyberbullying Cont.
Words are not the only thing
that can be hurtful in
cyberbullying, embarrassing
pictures and videos can also
affect a persons mind.
Also another form a
cyberbullying that not many
people would think about
happens to people who game
Online Gaming
A 25-year-old member of our
editorial team shared an
experience he had where he
received a message on Xbox
Live that contained a trade
offer: he would send 1400
Microsoft Points (their virtual
currency) in exchange for nude
photo of the senders
girlfriend. Based on his
experience, people who play
more online multiplayer
games receive these offers
more frequently. (Yoursphere
Dealing With Cyberbullying
Steps To Take Immediately
Dont respond to and dont forward cyberbullying
Keep evidence of cyberbullying: Record dates,
times and descriptions. Also print screenshots.
Block the person who is cyberbullying.
Reporting Cyberbullying
Report cyberbullying to online service providers.
Cyberbullies usually abuse the terms of service so you
can report them to the cite.
Report cyberbullying to Law Enforcement
Threats of violence, child pornography or sexually
explicit messages or photos, stalking and hate crimes.
Report cyberbullying to schools
Cyberbullying can create a disruptive classroom
In many states, schools are required to address
cyberbullying in their anti-bullying policy.
Some state laws also cover off-campus behavior that
creates a hostile school environment.
Online Social Interactions
Children and young adults all too often do not
consider the potential repercussions of their
cyberspace social interactions. (Lever-Duffy &
McDonald 357)
People do not understand that posting pictures
or messages on the internet can be seen by
friends, family, schools and even future
employers, thus, risking a chance of getting into
a good line of work.
Ethical Issues
Ethical issues have some of the same qualities as
the other issues but in a different way. The three
points of ethical issues are:
Freedom of Speech
Academic Dishonesty
Freedom of Speech
Freedom of speech is the
ability to say what is on ones
mind but some things are
indeed facts.
Schools have the ability to try
and put a stop from students
being able to find material that
is opinionated and
The controversy of what is
appropriate on the internet
and if the government should
step in is a ever lasting battle.
Privacy: The Second Ethical Issue
Debates continue asking if the government or
any other office has the right to monitor what a
person buts on the computer and where they are
putting it from.
In schools, people agree that schools should
have the ability to see what sites their students
are using because it is their job to view if a
student is using inappropriate material.
Academic Dishonesty
Plagiarism and cheating are
not products of the digital age
but the use of technology has
made it easier for people to do.
Schools now have the ability to
install antiplagiarism
software that allows the
teacher to have papers
submitted by students
compared to other works on
the internet.
Teachers need to promote
academic dishonesty since
cheating has become easier
with the use of technology.
Final Thoughts
Remember, the internet is not as safe as most
would believe. There are real dangers out there
and parents need to make sure that their
children are safe.
Do not be a bully and if you know of someone
being cyberbullied, seek for help and let the
authorities handle the situation.
Everyone is different and there is no need to
make that person aware everyday.
Work Cited: Websites
"Internet Safety." KidsHealth. Ed. Steven Dowshen. The Nemours
Foundation, 01 June 2011. Web. 26 July 2014.
Kay, Mary. "Cyberbullying and Online Gaming: How to Protect Your
Child." Yoursphere for Parents Helping Families Live Healthy
Digital Lives RSS. Yoursphere, 9 Jan. 2012. Web. 26 July 2014.
Lever-Duffy, Judy, and Jean B. McDonald. Teaching and Learning
with Technology. 4th ed. Boston: Pearson/Allyn and Bacon, 2011.
Stopbullying. "Cyberbullying." Stopbullying. U.S. Department of
Health & Human Services, n.d. Web. 26 July 2014.
Work Cited: Images
Blankenhorn, Dana. Man with Laptop and Caveman with Fire. Digital image. The New Digital
Divide. Corante, 27 Apr. 2005. Web. 27 July 2014.
Connections EDUC 204 - OL. Cop Coming Out of Laptop. Digital image. Connections EDUC 204 -
OL. Weebly, n.d. Web. 26 July 2014. <
Damrau, Jackie. Pirate Stealing A Bag of Software. Digital image. Software Piracy: Are You
Legal? N.p., n.d. Web. 26 July 2014. <>.
Emily. Cyberbullying-Child. Digital image. Digital America. Digital America, 5 Mar. 2014. Web. 26
July 2014. <>.
Ortiz, Rona. Angel and Devil sit on mans shoulders debating to plagiarize. Digital image. Students
and Professors Respond to Plagiarism. Coyote Chronicle, 26 Apr. 2014. Web. 27 July 2014.
PageResource. Herbert The Pervert. Digital image. PageResource. PageResource, n.d. Web. 26 July
2014. <
Project Discovery. Internet Safety StockPhoto. Digital image. Internet Safety Curriculum. Education
Associates, n.d. Web. 26 July 2014. <

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