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7 Points to Increase Your Rank in Jannah:

1-Going to the Masjid frequently. "Shall I not inform you of something

that will erase your sins and raise your rank in Paradise? Perfecting
wudu in a difficult situation, increasing your footsteps to the Masjid,
and waiting for one salah after finishing one. That is the best defense,
that is the best defense, that is the best defense." Hadith.

2-Seeking Islamic knowledge. "Allah raises those who believe from

amongst you, and those who seek knowledge, ranks in Paradise."

3-Reading Quran. "It will be said to the person who was a constant
companion of the Quran when he enters Paradise, 'Read and raise your
rank!' So he will read and raise his rank until he reads the last verse
that was with him." Hadith. Therefore reading 5 verses a day = 5 levels
raised. A distance that would take us 500 years to travel in real life takes
only 5 minutes if we read the Quran.

4-Saying "Laa Ilaaha ill-Allaahu wahdahoo laa shareeka lah. Lahul-

Mulku wa lahul-Hamdu yuhyee wa yumeetu wa huwa 'alaa kulli shayin
Qadeer" 10 times in the morning you will be given 100 good deeds, 100
sins will be erased, and you will be raised 100 levels in paradise. The
same goes for the evening as well.

5-SHOP! Say "Laa Ilaaha ill-Allaahu wahdahoo laa shareeka lah.

Lahul-Mulku wa lahul-Hamdu yuhyee wa yumeetu wa huwa hayyun
laa yamootu bi-yadihil-Khairu wa Huwa 'alaa kulli shayin Qadeer" one
time when you enter the market you get ONE MILLION GOOD

6-Close the gaps b4 Salah. Pray like the sahabah. "Whoever closes a gap
(for prayer) Allah will raise him a rank in paradise and a house will be
built for him in paradise.

7-Spread what you know. "The person who encourages good is like the
one who does it." If you teach someone the marketplace dua and they
enter the marketplace and say that dua, you get the reward for it even if
you were at home watching TV. And then imagine if that person goes and tells
someone else, and then that person goes and teaches someone else. All those good
deeds come soaring right back to you!

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