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I will study the way that is blameless. When shall I attain it?
I will walk with integrity of heart within my house.

It is that time of year that teachers and students return with earnest to their work in education. For the
teachers and instructors they are busy studying education requirements and organizing their
educational plans for the coming year; readying themselves to present the best possible recipe for
learning in their classroom. Students, on the other hand, are preparing to search for new discoveries
and challenges that will help them grow in the coming academic season; are gathering supplies and
readying themselves for times of study that might sometimes challenge them beyond their

King David was not immune from learning lessons himself. As we read in the Psalm, he found it
necessary to continue to look outside of himself to learn what it was that God required of him in order
to remain faithful not only to God, but to the people that he was called to lead as a nation. From his
words, we can see that even in the moment of leadership he recognized that he himself was not free
from making mistakes. A misstep here or a failure there and he might have traded away his integrity
in being what he was called to be as a King. The point is that David recognized that he could have
easily overlooked his own personal responsibility to be just. He could have said something along the
lines of, I am King and what I say goes. No, David did not settle for the easy way. He spent time and
effort in examining his motivation, and he asked God to help.

The same is true for each of us. Whether we are the teacher or we are the student, it is important to
recognize that our personal responsibility and integrity is worth more than a short cut.

Remember this, just because you may not be in a classroom does not mean you are not the teacher.
Just as David was the leader of a nation and others looked to him for direction, we are all a teacher of
something to someone. If you are parent or grandparent, you are teaching your children. If you are an
employer or supervisor, you are teaching your employees.

But what is it we are teaching with the way we live our lives? Are we living the way that is blameless
and are we interested in attaining it? Are we walking with integrity in our heart or are we just along for
the ride? My prayer is that we are living into the promises of our Risen Lord and following his
example. Be the teacher you have been called by Christ to be in this broken world.

See you at church! Pastor John

The Holy Bible: New Revised Standard Version. (1989). (Ps 101:2). Nashville: Thomas Nelson Publishers.
Trinity Presbyterian Church, PC(USA)
Jonesville, LA
August 2014

Trinity News
Tradition in the Four Rivers Region since 1856

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June Worship Services
While Pastor John was away, Trinity had several
from our church step forward to both lead us in
worship and share the Word with us.

June 8 Pentecost Sunday
Sermon Rev. Louis Sklar;
Worship Leader Elder Alma Womack
June 15 Fathers Day
Elder Allan Bean
June 22 Disability Inclusion Sunday
Sermon Ruling Elder Beth Parish;
Worship Leader Ruling Elder Craig Edwards
Childrens Message Kacie King
June 29 One Nation, Under God
Sermon Elder Emeritus Dot Lazarus;
Worship Leader Elder Mike Wilson
We thank all who stepped in to help with worship during
Pastor Johns time away.

Choir News
The choir will meet for a summer practice session on
August 13 at 5:30 PM to review music for the fall.

Mens Fellowship Breakfast
Wake up men and join us Tuesday, August 12 at
7 AM. The hot food and fellowship will be ready to
help you start your day right.
Presbyterian Women

Presbyterian Women will not meet in August.

Game & Movie Night, August 22, 5:30 PM

Please join us for a fun night as we play Jonah
on the screen and set up the tables for games.
We will have dinner ready. Just bring you, your
family and your appetite for adventure!

Regional Meeting of the Presbytery, August 10
On Sunday, August 10 from 3-5 pm at First
Presbyterian Church at 1201 Stubbs Avenue in
Monroe. The Presbytery at this gathering will share
reflections about the recently concluded GA.

Attending the meeting to share information and
answer questions will be our GA commissioners, the
Stated Clerk and the General Presbyter.

The business of the General Assembly does reflect
changes that affects the church on all levels; locally;
regionally and nationally.

This is an opportunity to better understand just what
that means and how we may be affected by changes.
Those interested in attending can carpool to this
meeting. Please let Pastor John know if you would like
more information or would like to attend.

Session Meeting this month will be on Sunday,
August 17
at 8:45 AM.

Health and Medical Concerns:
Eula Aswell; William Atkins; Nell Blevins; Houston
Book; Harold Bordelon; Henry Bordelon; Jim
Brallier; Connie Collins; Madeline Denny; Betty
Farmer; Jimmy Farmer; Alton Griffin; Susan
Hammett; Judy Hewitt; Mark Hamilton; Joe Hill;
Eric, Katie, and Baby Knox Little; Melvin &
Georgia Marx; Mary Mason; Joyce McDonald;
Jacelyn McFarland; Robbie McMillin; Nancy
Pierce; Robin Poole; Grayson Ross; Amy
Rowland; Nathan Rowland; Myrtle Rushing; Debra
Scott; Maxine Smart; Mary Davis Smith; Eula
Smith; Marie Smith; Emma Tarver; Buddy Tyler;
Kristen Upchurch; Jimmy Wade; Kyle Watson &
Family; Cheryl Keeth White; Rodney Williams;
Lucy Wilson; Alice Winegeart; Nan Wood; & Betty
Humberto Gonzales and his family.
Joe Mitchell
In Sympathy:

Prayers for the families of Shelby
Beasley, Donna Hill, Charlie

We pray for these families and all whose loved ones
passed from this life during the past month.

We pray for our country and our leaders.
We pray for the victims of the Malaysia Airlines plane
that went down in the Ukraine. We pray for peace there
and that the remains of all the victims will be returned to
their families.
We pray for peace in Gaza, the West Bank, Israel and
Palestine. We pray for an end to the violence and for
families to be reunited.
We pray for continued peace in Indonesia, Syria, Iraq,
Iran, Afghanistan, North Korea, and Libya.
We pray for our men & women in harms way.
We pray for Trinity Presbyterian Church and all
Matthew Bean, Rusty Bean, Scott Bean,
Matt Begnaud, Kacie King Dunn, Joe Hamilton,
Justin Lacroix, Eric Little, Nicholas Parish, Ray
Santillano, Crystal Smith.
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Notes of Love and Thanks
I would like to thank the church for everyones
continued thoughts and prayers as Jim continues
to recover from surgery at home. Thank you
everyone who helped with VBS when I could not
be there to help. Thank you all so very much!
Love, Martha Brallier

From Joe Mitchell:
Please pass along my appreciation to the good
folks at Trinity for their prayers and support for
Humberto Gonzalez. It took 3 years, but his wife
and 3 children are with him in the Methodist
Manse in Shenandoah, Iowa, where he began his
pastorate on July 1. They are so happy to be
together and relieved that this ordeal is over.
I will travel to Peru again on July 24 and plan to be
there for 5 weeks. Projects include painting the
interior of the pastors home, taking 35 deaf
students on a field trip, taking 45 staff and children
from the orphanage in Cusco on a day trip,
funding the maestro for the orchestra at the
orphanage for 6 months, and helping update
equipment at the school for the deaf. Thanks for
your continued prayers. - Blessings, Joe

A special thank you to Gregory Scott for rolling
the Least Coins for Presbyterian Women and to
Judy Sanson for having the plaques engraved for
our Memorial Wall Plaque in the parlor.

Congratulations to Paul Parish

Paul Was accepted into the Youth Challenge
Program of the Louisiana National Guard. Paul
will be leaving on August 17
to begin the 5
month program at Camp Minden. While
participating in the YCP, he will complete his

We will have a sending off BBQ
party for Paul on Sunday,
August 3 after worship in the
fellowship hall. For more
information regarding what is
needed for the dinner, please
contact Donna Tiser.

July Birthdays
1 Al Pilson 13 Ginny Daggett
25 Emily Bean 26 Donna Tiser
27 Dot Lazarus
August Birthdays
3 Susie Swayze 3 Alma Womack
6 Anna Kate Bean 10 Kacie Edwards
14 Allan Bean 14 Bubba Edwards
14 Robby Swayze 15 Joe Taylor
16 Gail Bean 22 Charlie Bean
23 Margaret Hill 25 Becky Swayze-
31 A. J. Swayze Taylor

At this date, Katlyn Cotton is still at George
Washingtons home at Mount Vernon in Fairfax
County, Virginia. Her six-week internship was
over July 3rd, but the Maryland Field School in
Historic Preservation asked her to stay an
additional five weeks to continue the excavation
at the Mount Vernon home. She will return to
LSU on August 9
, just in time for the fall
semester. During her free time on weekends, she
has traveled every inch of Washington by metro,
exploring all of the historic sites. Katlyn earned 6
hours of credit for the course which will be
transferred to LSU, where she will be a senior,
majoring in Art History and Historical

Brady Bean, a member of the Block Bears
baseball team was chosen 2
Team, All District
in 3 1-A playing outfield for the Bears.
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On Sunday, July 27
we had a special VBS
outreach worship service where we invited back
our VBS class to join us in worship. We sang
along with the VBS video and Hannah Cottan
sang a solo of Jesus Loves Me. Pastor John
helped remind all of us to obey God, trust God,
love God, and share Gods Love with others.VBS
Class of 2014
Slade King
Holden Sarvis
Lucy Tiser
Margaret Lee Tiser
Anna Kate Bean
Emily Bean
Maddy Claire Bean
Jacob Bean
William Bean
Shelby Davis
Sam Davis
Peyton Akins

Teachers and
Dot Lazarus
Donna Tiser
Beth Parish
Margaret Hill
Gail Bean
Kacie King
Craig Edwards
Allan Bean
Verda Mophett
Betty Doyle
Gregory Scott
Paul Parish
Pastor John

Special Guest
Robert Allen

We welcomed twelve children to VBS this year as
they had fun participating in the many activities,
snacks and games prepared for them. A special
thank you to all the area leaders and volunteers who
worked hard to organize our event and to all who
were on hand to assist the children and help them
with the fun activities and to ensure everyone was

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Happy 80
Birthday to our
Elder Emeritus Dot Lazarus
Thanks so much for
all of the birthday
wishes from friends,
family, even my kids
who were once in
my Christmas
musicals. I had two
fabulous "80"
birthday parties; one
with the Golden
Girls and yesterday
on my actual birthday, at the Hammett Camp on Black
River Lake with all of my family. It really was "worth
being 80!" Love all of you. Dot

Summertime Birthday Celebrations
for the Bean Family

Summer brought a slew of birthdays to the Bean
Clan who celebrated at Slinkee's in Alexandria:
Allan Bean, Gail Bean, Lacy Bean, Abigail
(Bean) Davis, Emily Bean, Anna Kate Bean,
William Bean, Sam Davis, Jacob Bean, Shelby
Davis, Maddy Bean, A. J. Edwards and not
pictured, Charlie Bean.

Garrett Jones and Regan Arender
On June 14, 2014, Garrett Jones of
Gilbert and Regan Arender of Baskin
were married in a double ring ceremony
at Mangham Baptist Church in Mangham, LA. They
have made their home in Winnsboro. Garrett is the son
of George and Candy jones and grandson of Catherine
Jones and the late Dr. Jimmie Jones.

Knox Swayze Little
Baby Knox Swayze Little was born to Eric
and Katie on June 18 and weighed 7 lbs 12 oz.

Peyton Alexander Graves
Mike Wilson shared the news that he and
Robbie are grandparents again. Peyton
Alexander Graves was born on July 17
Vanessa and Chris Graves of Pineville and
weighed 7 lbs. 2 oz. He was welcomed home by
Brooklyn, Catheryn Belle, and Gabriel.

Pastor John and Debra Scott
On July 15, Pastor John and Debra celebrated
their 25
Wedding Anniversary.

Gregory organized a
special party at El Nopal
on July 20
church which was
attended by many from

Debra and I would like
to thank Gregory and
those who were able to
attend the dinner at El Nopal. It was a special
gathering and we appreciate the opportunity to
share it with you. We thank everyone for the
cards, gifts and well wishes that we received in
honor of our anniversary together.

Pastor John and Debra
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Trinity Presbyterian Church, PC(USA)
401 Third Street, Jonesville, LA 71343
Distribution: Dot Lazarus, Catherine Jones
Editing: Adrian White, Dot Lazarus, Rev. John Scott

Tradition in the Four Rivers Region since 1856

For more information related to articles and submissions in the church newsletter please contact:
Mrs. Dot Lazarus 318-339-9842 Email:
Pastor John Scott 318-403-9512 Email:
Trinity Presbyterian Church, PC(USA)
Jonesville, LA
August 2014

Trinity News
Tradition in the Four Rivers Region since 1856

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