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[ M E G A M A N B A T T L E N E T W O R K III ]
[ P L A Y E R ' S G U I D E ]

Version 1.0
December 31th, 2002


BY: Mimic (MimicMasterAx)

=====================[ T A B L E O F C O N T E N T S ]=====================

- Controls
- Game Menus
- Interface
- Allies
- Ally NAVIs
- Foes
- Foe NAVIs
- Items
- Upgrade Items
- Key Items
- Navi Customizer Blocks
- Navi Customizer Error Codes
- Story
- Walkthrough
- Jobs
- Virus Breeder
- Standard Chips
- Mega Class Chips
- Giga Class Chips
- Program Advanced
- Preset Decks
- Custom Decks
- Viruses
- Navis
- Elemental Styles
- World and Internet Layout
- Shops
- Numberman Codes
- Hacking Addresses
- Copyright Agreements
- History
- Contact
- Thanks To
- Author's Final Notes

==========================[ I N T R O D U C T I O N ]==========================

Welcome to my ultimate guide to MegaMan Battle Network 3. This is an action
and roll playing and strategy and collectable game. You assume the position as
Lan, a normal citizen in ACDC town who happens to be a Net battler, meaning
that he controls a PET, or Personal Terminal; MegaMan.EXE and can use it to
examine the contents of any electric system. Of course, most of the time will
be spent on the Net, where most of baddie virus programs manifest. Lan is
determined to become the best Net Battler of all times and save the world, for
the 3rd time.

The battles occurs with MegaMan. Lan can customize MegaMan and send him
Chips, which are special one-time weapons or tools. The battle ends as soon as
all the enemies' HP are down to 0 or if MegaMan runs or if MegaMan runs out of

I wrote this guide because of the fact that this is the third game in the
series that I felt the need of writing a guide for, and of the NUMEROUS
frustrating events that most of the gamers do not understand as of now (because
only the Japanese version is out and most of us cannot understand Japanese).

Enough said. Let's "Jack It In!"

==================================[ G A M E ]==================================


[A Button]
-> Confirm during selection
-> Use selected chips during battle
-> Select a chip during deck building

[B Button]
-> Decline during selection
-> Speed up the speed of display during conversations
-> Use normal attack during battle
-> Run in game

[L Button]
-> Talk to Lan / MegaMan
-> Scroll up during chip selection
-> Attempt to escape during battle
-> Rotate Navi Customizer Blocks

[R Button]
-> Jack inside a proximate system
-> Attempt to jack outside
-> Scroll down during chip selection
-> Explain in detail the selected chip
-> Rotate Navi Customizer Blocks

[START Button]
-> Pause during battle
-> Open up menu in game

[SELECT Button]
-> Toggle between selections
-> Input Password

[Control Pad]
-> Steer Lan / Megaman in game
-> Toggle between selections

----------------------------------[Game Menus]---------------------------------

[Starting Menu]
- New Game
- Continue

[In Game Menu]
- Chip Folder
- Select Deck
- Folder Edit (available to some)
- Equip selected Deck
- Sub Chip Folder (Items)
- Library
- Standard Chips
- Mega Class Chips
- Giga Class Chips
- Combinations
- MegaMan Status
- Modifier
- Style Change
- Capacities
- E-Mails
- Key Items
- Network
- Save
- Exit


In this game, Lan collect Zennies as cash and Bug Pieces as another source
of trading. He also collect Chips to enhance the battles MegaMan will be

The battles occur in such a manner. It starts out by selecting Chips that
were drawn from your deck of 30 Chips. Chips can only be selected with the same
type or the same number (* are wild chips). After pressing OK, MegaMan will
engage in a battle. Press A Button to use the selected Chips or press B button
to use normal attack. After the gauge has filled at the top of the screen,
press L or R to bring up the Chip selection screen again. Continue until the
enemies' HP are down to 0, and they are destroyed. If one wish to run, during
the selection screen only, one may press L to attempt. But it does not always
end up successfully.

After every battle there will be a reward screen and different kinds of
awards will be given based on how fast and how efficiently the battle was. If
there is 1*, 2*, 3*, 4* after the award name, it means that MegaMan is also
being given 1 / 3 / 8 / 10 bug pieces. Bug Pieces are won whenever MegaMan
destroys the virus DURING their attack. One can tell this because the enemy
will dash back before dissapearing. There are however some story linked
battles where you do not receive rewards at the end.

============================[ C H A R A C T E R S ]============================


Aragoma Torakichi
-> Punk looking high school kid from Akindo City.
-> Owner of KingMan

-> Lan's competition, cool looking hair dude
-> Owner of ProtoMan

-> Dex's younger brother

-> Lan's friend and competition, kinda little chubby
-> Owner of GutsMan

Doctor Cossack
-> Mysterious blond guy with a beard. Turns out to be Torakichi's uncle and
the creator of Forte.

-> Runs a Chip store, tall guy
-> Owner of NumberMan

-> Protagonist
-> Owner of MegaMan

Lan's Dad
-> Works at the Research Lab

Lan's Mom
-> House Wife

-> Ill child in wheelchair

-> Lan's friend, cute girl, next door neighbor
-> Owner of Roll

Ms. Mari
-> Lan's teacher at school

Network Assistant
-> Lan's Dad's Assistant

Obihiro Shun
-> A pale looking boy who is very friendly with Lan and his father. Was being
called the Gospel Kid before, now reformed and switched sides.

-> Lan's grandfather. Now resides in Proto to keep it from reacting.

-> Japanese suit girl. She owns a souvenir shop outside of the Bath House.
-> Owner of MetalMan

-> Chaud's father.

-> Lan's other friend; short, young girl.
-> Owner of Glyde

----------------------------------[Ally NAVIs]---------------------------------

-> Tall and thin Navi.
-> Yai's Navi

-> Tough looking chubby Navi with hammer hands.
-> Dex's Navi

-> Navi who looks like a King piece in a chess game.
-> Aragoma's Navi

-> Duh...
-> Lan's Navi

-> A tall Navi with blades on his shoulders.
-> Tamako's Navi

-> A robot-looking Navi with a huge, crystal head filled with circuits.
-> Higsby's Navi

-> Female Navi that hovers.
-> Mayl's Navi

-> Navi weaving a huge blade.
-> Chaud's Navi


-> Brown skinned nurse.
-> Owner of PlantMan

Saiko Rei
-> Weird looking person with white froth and a red pompom hat.
-> Owner of FlashMan

Kenichi Hino aka Hinoken
-> Red hair man with long beard.
-> Owner of FlameMan

Inukai Takeo
-> Fat guy with a scar on his left eye.
-> Owner of BeastMan

Sayama Noburu
-> Cowboy hat dude aka freaky clown aka DNN Grand Prix organizer.
-> Owner of DesertMan

-> Boss of WWW Organization, main antagonist
-> Owner of Forte

----------------------------------[Foe NAVIs]----------------------------------

-> Wild beast with claws.
-> Inukai Takeo's Navi

-> Chubby fish Navi.

-> This is a Dark Navi that can change elemental attack patterns.

-> Pile of sand from the ground, but also have hands and obstacles.
-> Sayama Noburu's Navi

-> A couple of drills put together.

-> A couple of sticks of flame.
-> Hinoken's Navi

-> Hi Tech looking Navi that moves very fast.
-> Saiko Rei's Navi

-> One of the strongest Navis there is. Too bad his on Wily's side.
-> Wily's Navi

-> A genie in a lamp.

-> Poison ivy looking Navi.
-> Anetta's Navi

=================================[ I T E M S ]=================================


-> Remove traps on the data chips.
-> Beach Area Sub-Chip Merchant
Numberman Code
Yokayoka Village Scientist

[Bug Pieces]
-> A form of currency in the virtual world
-> Battle Rewards

[Enemy Search]
-> Increase random enemy encounter rate.
-> ACDC Scientist
Hospital TV Sub-Chip Merchant
Numberman Code
Wily's Isle Hidden Console Sub-Chip Merchant

[Full Energy]
-> Recover all HP.
-> ACDC Area Scientist
ACDC Square Sub-Chip Merchant
Beach Area Sub-Chip Merchant
Hospital Area 4
Hospital TV Sub-Chip Merchant
Science Centre Scientist
Wily's Isle Hidden Console Sub-Chip Merchant
Yokayoka Square Sub-Chip Merchant
Yokayoka Village Scientist

[Mini Energy]
-> Heal 50 HP.
-> ACDC Scientist
ACDC Square Sub-Chip Merchant
Hospital TV Sub-Chip Merchant
Numberman Code
Science Centre Scientist
Yokayoka Square Sub-Chip Merchant

[Open Lock]
-> Use this tool to open any purple mystery datas (PMD) MegaMan encounters.
-> Numberman Code
Science Centre Scientist
Wily's Isle Hidden Console Sub-Chip Merchant
Yokayoka Square Sub-Chip Merchant
Bath House TV

[Shinobi Dash]
-> No random weak enemy encounters for a while.
-> ACDC Scientist
ACDC Square Sub-Chip Merchant
Yokayoka Village Scientist
Beach Area Sub-Chip Merchant

-> A form of currency in the real world.
-> Battle Reward
Some datas, anywhere

--------------------------------[Upgrade Items]--------------------------------

[HP Memory]
-> Increase maximum HP by 20. Total number
== ACDC Area 2 Merchant x2
ACDC Square Merchant x2
Science Square Merchant x3
Beach Square Merchant x3
Ura Square Merchant x3
Ura Internet 4 Merchant x3
Mayl's HP
School Network System
Numberman Poster
Jigoku Isle Boat Ramp Side
Hospital 3F Old Wood
TV Station System
Bath House Back Alley Quiz Man
Guardian Machine
Principal's PC Area 2
Zoo Computer Area 1
Yokayoka Area 2
Hospital Area 2
Hospital Area 5
Ura Internet 3
Ura Internet 5
Ura Internet 7
WWW Area 1
WWW Area 4
Secret Area 2
Virus Lab Scientist (Job 4)
Bath House Fat Guy (Job 6)
Yokayoka Area 1 (Job 11)
Ura Internet 2 (Job 22)

[Regu-Up 1]
-> Increase MegaMan's capacity by 1 MB
== 5-A Blackboard
Administer's Office
Principal's PC Area 1
Science Metro Station Garbage Can
Ticket Counter
Zoo Hidden Console
Dorm Area in Bath House
DNN Centre Pathway
DNN 2F Security Panel
Hospital Area 1

[Regu-Up 2]
-> Increase MegaMan's capacity by 2 MB
== Yai's HP
Vending Machine
Science Area 2
Zoo Computer Area 4
5-B Classroom Wall
DNN Centre 2F TV Room Graph Chart
Hospital Outside Air Vent
Patient Bed
Ura Internet 2
Guardian Machine
Wily's Castle
WWW Area 2

[Regu-Up 3]
-> Increase MegaMan's capacity by 3 MB
== Science Centre Metro Station (Job 2)
Beach Area 2
Quiz Kid in Bath House
ACDC Park (Job 10)

----------------------------------[Key Items]----------------------------------

[ACDC Area ticket]
-> This ticket allows MegaMan to travel to ACDC Area from any rail system.
== Science Centre

[Basement Key]
-> Use this to have access to the hospital's basement.
== Hospital 1F

[Beach Area Ticket]
-> This ticket allows MegaMan to travel to beach Area from any rail system.
== Yokayoka Area 1, E-Mail from DNN

[Break Needle]
-> With this item, MegaMan can pierce bubbles.
== Yokayoka Area 1

[Brown Doll]
-> Dolls for children.
== Old Man in Patient Room

[Cash Data]
-> No use for MegaMan. Just return it to Fatty.
== Yokayoka Area 2 (Job 6)

-> No use to MegaMan. Just deliver it to the Ghost Navi.
== Hospital 2F Patient Bed

[Dad's Letter]
-> Dad left this for Lan as a clue of his location.
== Hospital 2F Patient Room Bed

[Data Disk]
-> Mom gave it to Lan, and Lan must deliver it to Dad.
== Lan's Mom at Home

[Dex's P-Code]
-> This will enable MegaMan to open the cube blocking to Dex's HP.
== ACDC Park

[Family Photo]
-> A photo for a orphan girl in the school.
== Ura Internet 4

[Fire Data]
-> Bring this to a Navi in Science Area 1.
== Hinoken in Virus Research Lab

[Flame Data]
-> Bring this to a Navi in Dad's Lab Console.
== Hinoken in Dad's Lab

[Gate Key]
-> A key to Dad's Office through Dad's Lab.
== Hospital 2F Patient Room Bed

[Great Hammer]
== Ura Internet 7

[Heat Data]
-> Bring this to a Navi in Vending Machine.
== Hinoken outside of Science Centre

[Heritage Volume]
-> The treasure book that the girl's father left her.
== Girl in ACDC School 2F (Job 25)

[Hoken Deck]
-> Return this to the man in the administrator's office
== ACDC Area 2 (Job 13)

[ID Data A]
-> Allows MegaMan to open the lock in WWW Area 1.
== WWW Area 1

[ID Data B]
-> Allows MegaMan to open the lock in WWW Area 2.
== WWW Area 2

[ID Data C]
-> Allows MegaMan to open the lock in WWW Area 3.
== WWW Area 3

[ID Data D]
-> Allows MegaMan to open the lock in WWW Area 4.
== WWW Area 4

[Idle System]
-> Floppy disc that Lan must deliver to Higsby.
== Man in ACDC Metro System

[Jigoku Password]
-> Unlock ? door in the N1 Grand Prix round 1.
== Jigoku Area

-> Give this to Yai.
== Hospital Vending Machine

[Kakuchyo Memory]
-> Increase program Area by 1 row or column.
== Beach Street
Yokayoka Square (Job 18)

[Key Disc 1]
-> One of the keys for gates in the principal's office.
== Principal's PC Area 1

[Key Disc 2]
-> One of the keys for gates in the principal's office.
== Principal's PC Area 1

[Key Disc 3]
-> One of the keys for gates in the principal's office.
== Principal's PC Area 1

-> An item that will allow MegaMan to obtain the Proto object.
== Ura Square

[Kumo's Prophesy]
-> An ancient prophesy that foretell the legend of Kumo.
== Ura Internet 3

[Mayl's P-Code]
-> This will enable MegaMan to open the cube blocking to Mayl's HP.
== Mayl's house

[Metro Ticket]
-> Whenever Lan want to somewhere, he will ask for a metro ticket to that
== Metro Stations

[Official Pass]
-> This will allow Lan to have VIP access throughout the city.
== Science Square

[Okiaku's Cabin]
-> A bag belong to a man in the ACDC Metro Station, Okiaku.
== desk in the Lower Dorm Area in the Bath House

[Password A]
-> Important item to unlock one of the principal's PC gates.
== Principal's PC Area 2

[Password B]
-> Important item to unlock one of the principal's PC gates.
== Principal's PC Area 2

[Password C]
-> Important item to unlock one of the principal's PC gates.
== Principal's PC Area 2

[Password Tool]
-> Whenever the block configuration in the customizer gives an error, Lan
can now override the error with a password by pressing SELECT.
== Blond Man in Beach Street

-> This is the MegaMan.EXE file.
== Start

[Pet Case]
-> Contains Lan's PET whenever it is necessary.
== Dad in Science Centre

-> A medication for an escaped Dad.
== Mom in Hospital 2F

[Press Data]
-> An item that will enable people to press add-on data onto MegaMan.
== Dad's Lab System

[Safe PET]
-> Safe PET will prevent MegaMan from being affected by virus diseases.
== Dad's Lab

[Science Area Ticket]
-> This item allows MegaMan to use the virtual subway and have access to the
Science Areas.
== Science Centre

[Sofu's Letter]
-> A letter from the creator of Proto?
== Proto

[Spin Blue]
-> Now Lan can spin blue Navi Customizer Blocks with L and R.
== Numberman Code

[Spin Dark]
-> Now Lan can spin dark Navi Customizer Blocks with L and R.
== Ura Internet 4

[Spin Green]
-> Now Lan can spin green Navi Customizer Blocks with L and R.
== Numberman Code

[Spin Orange]
-> Now Lan can spin orange Navi Customizer Blocks with L and R.
== Girl in Hospital Area

[Spin Pink]
-> Now Lan can spin pink Navi Customizer Blocks with L and R.
== Beach Area 1

[Spin Purple]
-> Now Lan can spin purple Navi Customizer Blocks with L and R.
== Beach Street (Job 17)

[Spin Red]
-> Now Lan can spin red Navi Customizer Blocks with L and R.
== Numberman Code

[Spin White]
-> Now Lan can spin white Navi Customizer Blocks with L and R.
== Numberman Code

[Spin Yellow]
-> Now Lan can spin yellow Navi Customizer Blocks with L and R.
== Fat Lady in Yokayoka Village Metro Station (Job 3)

[Stamp Card]
-> Stamp on this card when completed various tasks.
== ACDC Area 1 (Job 24)

[Sub Memory]
-> This cannot be found in the Key Items screen. It's in the Sub Chips screen.
Basically this increases the Sub Chip carrying capacity.
== Hospital Area 3
Zoo Area 1 (Job 15)
Ura Internet 6
Samurai Armor in Bath House

[Tamako's P-Code]
-> This will enable MegaMan to open the cube blocking to Tamako's HP.
== DNN Centre

[Teared Paper]
-> What to do with this piece of junk?
== ACDC Park (Job 10)

[Ura's Password]
-> Password permitting entrance to Jigoku Area from Beach Area 1.
== DNN Centre (Job 12)

[Ura Rank 1]
-> The highest Ura Rank ever!
== Secret Area 3

[Ura Rank 2]
-> One of the ranks of the Ura NetBattlers League.
== DNN Centre Battle Console

[Ura Rank 3]
-> One of the ranks of the Ura NetBattlers League.
== Ura Internet 4

[Ura Rank 7]
-> One of the ranks of the Ura NetBattlers League.
== Principal's Computer Area 2

[Ura Rank 8]
-> One of the ranks of the Ura NetBattlers League.
== Ura Internet 3

[Ura Rank 9]
-> One of the ranks of the Ura NetBattlers League.
== Hospital Area 2

[Ura Rank 10]
-> One of the ranks of the Ura NetBattlers League.
== Jigoku Area

-> Used to block FlashMan's attack for Lan.
== 5-B Classroom

[Umi's Prophesy]
-> An ancient prophesy that foretell the legend of Umi.
== Ura Internet 6

[Victory Data]
-> Proof that MegaMan have passed the N1 Grand Prix round 1.
== Jigoku Area

[WH P-Code]
-> This will enable MegaMan to open the cube that leads to Hospital Area 2.
== Mamoru

-> No use to MegaMan or Lan.
== ACDC Area 1

-> Now MegaMan can open those WWW gates on the net.
== Hospital TV (Job 16)

[Yai's P-Code]
-> This will enable MegaMan to open the cube blocking to Yai's HP.
== ACDC Square

[Yama's Prophesy]
-> An ancient prophesy that foretell the legend of Yama.
== Ura Square

[Yokayoka Area Ticket]
-> This item allows MegaMan to use the virtual subway and have access to the
Yokayoka Village and Zoo Areas.
== Science Square

----------------------------[Navi Customizer Blocks]---------------------------

-> This is a new feature in MMBN3. In Chapter 3, Lan's Dad will introduce the
device to Lan. Lan can now upgrade MegaMan with a tetris-style board called
the customizer.
-> The grid Area (called the Memory Map) is where Lan may place Program Blocks
on. The line-arrow is called the Command Line.
-> The tetris pieces are Program Blocks and are characterized by shape, texture
and color. Smooth or solid shapes are tools/weapons that must touch the
command line in order for them to function. The texture blocks are a form of
temporary upgrade, which will add HP, strength or other add-ons to MegaMan's
structural integrity. They may not be put on the command lines. The
pieces also come in colors. White, Yellow and Pink pieces may be placed at
anytime, but other colors may only be placed if MegaMan is in one of his
Elemental Styles (for example, blue blocks may be placed when MegaMan is in
his aqua Form).
-> Two blocks of the same color MAY NOT touch each other or else glitches will
occur. Sometimes it will drive MegaMan to one side or another, or MegaMan's
buster gun will lost accuracy, or MegaMan's energy will be drained. Do not
work under these conditions.
-> On top of the Memory Map, it tells Lan the current Style MegaMan is in and
shows the colors of blocks that Lan can use.
-> After placing the blocks, select RUN. If some major errors occur, Lan
must reposition the blocks in another way.
-> There are some spin key items that will enable Lan to spin certain blocks.
-> After obtaining the Password Tool from the guy in the Beach Street Area,
whenever there is an error occurrence, Lan can press SELECT and override the
error with a password.

[Air Shoes]
_ _
|_| |_|

-> white, solid
-> MegaMan will hover over holes during battle.
-> Numberman Code

[Attack +1]
_ _

-> pink, textured
-> Increase Buster shot by 1.
-> Start
DNN 2F Security Panel

[Attack +1]
_ _

-> white, textured
-> Increase Buster shot by 1.
-> Beach Square Customizer Block Merchant

[Attack +1]
_ _

-> yellow, textured
-> Increase Buster shot by 1.
-> Hospital Area 2

[Battery Mode]
_ _

-> yellow, solid
-> Attract electric-type enemies.
-> Ura Square Customizer Block Merchant

[Beat Support]
_ _

-> white, solid
-> Only works in major battles (IE against Navis and story-based). Chips
that are Mega Class or Giga Class now perform more damage against enemies.
-> Ura Square Customizer Block Merchant

[Black Mind]
_ _ _

-> white, solid
-> Allow MegaMan to see the Ura Square.
-> Chaud at Virus Research Lab


-> blue, solid
-> Pressing B and Left and MegaMan will block attacks, reducing 1/2 the
-> Shield Style Lv 2 Upgrade

[Break Buster]
_ _ _ _

-> red, solid
-> Adds minor shield penetration effect to normal buster shots.
-> Guts Style LV 4 Upgrade

[Break Charge]
_ _|_|

-> orange, solid
-> Adds minor shield penetration effect to charged buster shots.
-> Black Man in DNN Centre

[Break Charge]
_ _|_|

-> purple, solid
-> Adds minor shield penetration effect to charged buster shots.
-> Guts Style LV 3 Upgrade

[Buster MAX]

-> pink, solid
-> Upgrade Buster Attack, Speed and Charge to 5. Automatical glitching.
-> Ura Internet 6 Customizer Block Merchant

[Charge +1]

-> pink, textured
-> Increase Buster charge speed by 1.
-> Zoo Computer Area 2
Beach Area 1

[Charge +1]

-> white, textured
-> Increase Buster charge speed by 1.
-> Beach Square Customizer Block Merchant

[Charge +1]

-> yellow, textured
-> Increase Buster charge speed by 1.
-> Hospital Area 5

[Collector's Eye]
_ _

-> pink, solid
-> Always let the battle reward be a chip or nothing, never zennies.
-> Wily's Isle Hidden Console

[Custom +1]
_ _

-> blue, solid
-> Increase initial custom chip amount by 1 in all battles.
-> Custom Style LV 2 Upgrade

[Custom +1]
_ _

-> yellow, solid
-> Increase initial custom chip amount by 1 in all battles.
-> Custom Style LV 3 Upgrade

[Custom +2]
_ _|_|

-> blue, solid
-> Increase initial custom chip amount by 2 in all battles.
-> Custom Style LV 4 Upgrade

[Energy Change]

-> white, solid
-> MegaMan can transform fire and aqua elemental chips into real elements and
use them to burn wood / put out fire.
-> Hospital Area 1

[Giga Folder 1]
_ _ _
_|_|_ _

-> purple, solid
-> Increase maximum giga chip amount in each folder by 1.
-> Ura Internet 7

[HP +100]
_ _

-> yellow, textured
-> Increase MegaMan's maximum HP by 100.
-> Zoo Computer Area 4

[HP +100]
_ _

-> white, textured
-> Increase MegaMan's maximum HP by 100.
-> DNN Van
Ura Internet 6 Customizer Block Merchant

[HP +200]
_ _ _

-> pink, textured
-> Increase MegaMan's maximum HP by 200.
-> Ura Internet 1

[HP +200]
_ _ _

-> yellow, textured
-> Increase MegaMan's maximum HP by 200.
-> Ura Internet 6 Customizer Block Merchant

[HP +300]
_ _ _

-> pink, textured
-> Increase MegaMan's maximum HP by 300.
-> Ura Square Customizer Block Merchant

[HP +500]
_ _ _ _ _
|_| |_|_|_|

-> yellow, textured
-> Increase MegaMan's maximum HP by 500.
-> Secret Area 2

[Humour Sense]

-> pink, solid
-> Lan / MegaMan will joke around when L is pressed.
-> Hospital TV (Job 16)

[I'm Fish]
_ _

-> pink, solid
-> Attracts Aqua-type enemies.
-> Beach Square Customizer Block Merchant

[Jungle Rando]
_ _

-> white, solid
-> Attracts Wood-type enemies.
-> WWW Area 3

[Oil Body]
_ _

-> yellow, solid
-> Attracts Fire-type enemies.
-> Hospital Area 1

[Press Program]
_ _

-> white, solid
-> Allow MegaMan to shrink and walk on blue-red wires.
-> Dr. Cossack outside of Mayl's House

[Proto Scope]
_ _

-> pink, solid
-> Allow MegaMan to see Proto signs.
-> Dad's E-Mail

[Quick Gauge]
_ _ _

-> pink, solid
-> The battle gauge will fill up faster.
-> Numberman Code

[Rapid +1]

-> white, textured
-> Increase speed by 1.
-> Start

[Rapid +1]

-> pink, textured
-> Increase speed by 1.
-> Ura Internet 4
Ura Internet 6 Customizer Block Merchant

[Rapid +1]

-> yellow, textured
-> Increase speed by 1.
-> Yokayoka Area 1

[Rush Support]
_ _

-> yellow, solid
-> Effective only in Major Fights (IE against Navis or Story based).
All chips now does 1.5 the damage.
-> Ura Internet 6 Customizer Block Merchant

|_|_ _ _

-> blue, solid
-> Press B + Left to reflect damage dealt back to the enemy, no matter
where it is.
-> Shield Style LV 4 Upgrade

[Regular +5]
_ _ _

-> white, textured
-> Increase MB capacity by 5.
-> Beach Square Customizer Block Merchant

[Regular +5]
_ _ _

-> yellow, textured
-> Increase MB capacity by 5.
-> Ura Internet 6 Customizer Block Merchant

[Saito Batch]

-> orange, solid
-> Enable Navi Operators to ???
-> Secret Area 3

[Set Grass]
_ _|_|

-> green, solid
-> This will set the battle field into grass panels.
-> Team LV Upgrade, Ground LV Upgrade

[Set Ice]
_ _|_|

-> green, solid
-> This will set the battle field into ice panels.
-> Team LV Upgrade, Ground LV Upgrade

[Set Magma]
_ _|_|

-> green, solid
-> This will set the battle field into magma panels.
-> Team LV Upgrade, Ground LV Upgrade

[Set Metal]
_ _|_|

-> green, solid
-> This will set the battle field into metal panels.
-> Ura Square Customizer Block Merchant, Team LV Upgrade,
Ground LV Upgrade

[Set Sand]
_ _|_|

-> green, solid
-> This will set the battle field into sand panels.
-> Numberman Code, Team LV Upgrade, Ground LV Upgrade



-> blue, solid
-> Press B + Left and MegaMan will activate a shield that will expel any
-> Shield Style LV 3 Upgrade

[Shinobi Dash]
_ _ _

-> yellow, solid
-> No random weak enemy encounters. By glitching this program (IE putting
it on squares not touching the command line), more enemy encounters will
-> Zoo Computer Area 3

[Super Armor]

-> red, solid
-> MegaMan will not become pause after attacked.
-> Guts Style LV 2 Upgrade

[Tango Support]
_ _

-> pink, solid
-> Only effective during Major Battles (IE against Navi or story-based).
MegaMan will be randomly healed from time to time.
-> Ura Square Customizer Block Merchant

[Under Shirt]
_ _

-> white, solid
-> Whenever an attack should be able to kill MegaMan, this block enables
1 HP left for MegaMan (works once every battle).
-> Start

[Weapon LV +1]
_ _ _

-> white, textured
-> Upgrade the weapon level by 1.
-> Numberman Code

[Weapon LV +1]
_ _ _

-> pink, textured
-> Upgrade the weapon level by 1.
-> Jigoku Isle Southern Gargoyle

[Weapon LV +1]
_ _ _

-> yellow, textured
-> Upgrade the weapon level by 1.
-> Ura Internet 6

--------------------------[Navi Customizer Error Codes]------------------------

Whenever an error occurs in the customizer block combination, if Lan have
the Password Tool, he can override the error. Here is a list of errors and
Note that errors that end with C and G are related since the Normal style
would report xxG while elemental styles will report xxC.

The input grid looks like this:

|A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O |
|P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 1 2 3 ok|

Error Code: A1
Password: G Y U 2 O P Z Q

Error Code: A3
Password: L O 1 3 Z X M E
Found: Black Guy in DNN Centre

Error Code: B1
Password: J H G I U T O P

Error Code: B2
Password: A L S K 3 W 2 R
Found: Science Square Message Board

Error Code: B3
Password: Y 2 U O M N C B
Found: Science Square Message Board

Error Code: B4
Password: 1 L S K U T O B

Error Code: B5
Password: B M 2 K W I R A
Found: ACDC Square Message Board

Error Code: C2
Password: U T I X M 1 L A

Error Code: D2C
Password: W S 1 F S 1 A Q

Error Code: D2G
Password: O I 1 U W M A N

Error Code: E1
Password: P 2 I 3 M S J L
Found: ACDC Square Message Board

Error Code: F3
Password: I T A 2 C R W Q
Found: ACDC Square Message Board

Error Code: G2C
Password: T I S 3 L A E J
Found: Ura Square Message Board

Error Code: G2G
Password: C V V D S 2 W R
Found: Ura Square Message Board

Error Code: H2
Password: U T I W 2 S M F
Found: Ura Square Message Board

Error Code: H3
Password: S K 3 L R O T 1
Found: Hospital 1F Drawer next to the TV

Error Code: S2C
Password: T U 1 A W 2 L L

Error Code: S2G
Password: A X 1 R T D S 3
Found: Black Guy behind the Zoo Caretaker Office

Error Code: S2S
Password: F 2 A A F E T G
Found: Navi hidden behind Pillar on Blue Panel in Ura Internet 4

<courtesy of Marshmellow Man and others>

===========================[ W A L K T H R O U G H ]===========================


NOTE: This version of the story is completely written by MarshMallow Man. Under
no circomstances may this be borrowed from this guide, since it is not

20 years before the setting of the game, Tadashi Hikari, grandfather of
Netto and Saito, was the top scientist in all of Japan, and probably the world.
After inventing networks and PETs, he embarked on his largest project to date,
a prototype internet society that would link every network together, the basis
of the future net society in which they all live. This prototype, called Proto,
had to be thoroughly tested and refined before it would be ready for the world
to use. And so for 10 years, it was studied and worked on and put through all
sorts of the most rigorous testing. Then, one day, all of the networks
connected to Proto for testing were suddenly went haywire. After careful study,
the scientists on the project concluded that it was not Proto which was
glitched, but another project that the science labs were working on, the auto
program navi project led by a brilliant young programmer named Cossack. The
project had designed the world's first automatic navi, one that could carry all
its own chips, access networks without human help, and even included a special
Get Ability program Cossack had designed that let the navi copy any chip or
program and adapt it to himself. That navi was called Forte. However, because
the timing of the testing of Forte coincided with the strange occurrence with
Proto, the scientists blamed Forte. The project was deemed a failure and Forte
found to be too dangerous, so sent the strongest Navis designed by the
Officials, the Navi Elite Unit, to delete him. Just in time, Forte was able to
save himself and escape, but he was horribly scarred from the battle (hence the
cloak he wears to cover the wound). Ever since that day he had been wandering
the net, fighting off viruses in daily battles for survival. Over time he
collected teh strongest powers he could find, challenging the most powerful
navis on the net, determined that he'd one day gain the ultimate power, and sit
in judgement of those pathetic humans who turned on him and cast him into the
dark recesses of the net.

Meanwhile, believing Forte to be gone, the scientists expected that the
problem with Proto would be solved. Really, it was on the beginning. For years,
a bug had been growing and multiplying inside Proto undetected, increasing in
power and even developing a sort of intelligence, a basic instinct. Like an
amoeba, it started absorbing and feeding off programs and navis, growing larger
and stronger. One day it showed itself, by devouring all the networks connected
to it. The scientists scrambled to find a way to destroy the bug anomaly, but it
was too powerful for the current technology, all attempts only made the
situation worse. Another scientist, Dr. Urakawa, developed a powerful hindrance
program, Giga Freeze, that could potentially freeze Proto, but this cure turned
out to be potentially worse than the disease, since only the most powerful Navis
could handle it, and one mistake in using it could freeze the entire net
forever. With his dream of networks becoming like a nightmare, Tadashi developed
the "Guardian", a barrier which would contain Proto until a solution could be
found. Feeling responsible, he attempted a daring operation that would place his
mind and even his soul into the Guardian, to watch over Proto personally and
ensure his monster would never harm the world. Finaly, after about a week of
devouring everything in sight, Proto's activity began to slow. Tadashi used the
time to put his plan into action. It was a success, and Proto was contained.
After the incident, which was later called the Proto Rebellon, Proto was sealed
away into the highest level top secret in the science network, protected by the
tetra code, sealed away, they hoped, forever. Cossack, saddened by the failure of
Forte, left the science labs and started an independant navi development company,
which would later become one of the most successful in the world. The dangerous
Giga Freeze was sealed far away from the mainstream society by Dr. Urakawa into
the enormous, shady network area known as the Ura Internet. Its obscurity would
later make it a popular hangout for the criminal population of the net, for whom
the original purpose of the area was unknown. The Giga Freeze would be protected
by the Ura Rank navis, some of the strongest in the net. If ever a day came when
the program would be used, only a navi who could climb the Ura ranks would be
strong enough to use the program.

Fast forward 10 years, to NetMafia Gospel. After failing in his attempt at
creating a Dream Virus to destroy his old rival's network society, Dr. Wily hid
out for a while to rebuild his ranks. One day in the net he came across a lonely
boy who had lost his parents. The boy, Shun Obihiro, had become quite wealthy
from his parents' death, but was angry at the world and lost in remorse. Wily
saw an opportunity, and began manipulating the boy into doing his dirty work for
him. he convinced the boy that the world was corrupt, and that he should take
control of the net, wipe out the old ways and create a new order. At first Wily's
plan was to use the boy to create chaos, but then Wily discovered information on
Proto, and developed a new plan to use Proto to destroy the Net for him. But to
break the Guardian program, it would require the assistance of an enormously
powerful navi. He decided the legendary navi Forte, who could copy any power, was
the perfect one for the job. Wily attempted to make his own Forte by fusing bugs
with special programs he had the boy gather for him. In fact, he sould be able
to make as many Fortes as he wanted. However, this ended in failure as well, as
bug fusion could not create a true Forte, but instead a multibug organism with
great but uncontrollable power. However, the attempt did catch the attention of
the real Forte, who took it upon himself to destroy the remaining copies of
himself running around. Wily struck a deal with Forte to help him destroy the
Guardian, convincing him that absorbing the Guardian's power would make him the
strongest in the world. Although he cared little for Wily or his plots, the
thought of such power was too tempting, and the two formed a wary alliance.

Also around this time, the rumors circulating of the mysterious black navi
caught the attention of Dr. Cossack, who took it upon himself to find Forte and
stop him if he was really still out there.


Skip a bunch and fast forward to the end of the game, Proto is stolen by
Wily and Proto Bugs have begun leaking out all over the net, creating paths to
blocked off systems, even into military computers around the world. However,
the core of Proto was still sealed. As Netto and his friends invade the WWW
base, Wily and Forte prepare to destroy the final Guardian and set Proto free.
Wily uses the Pulse Transmission System to plug himself into the net, and Netto
and Rockman come in after him. As they arrive, Forte shatters the Guardian with
his powerful Earth Breaker, and absorbs its power. Rockman and Forte do battle,
which Rockman wins. Forte is awestuck, but Wily is indifferent, remarking that
he was hoping the two would destroy each other, but no matter. He reaveals that
now that the Guardian was destroyed, Proto would flood the net, destroying the
network society and plunging the world into anarchy. He laughs as Proto absorbs
the battle-weakened Forte, but his joy is short lived when Proto swallows Wily
as well. Rockman and Netto use all their power to delete Proto, and to their
surprise, find a doorway where Proto stood. Inside, they meet the ghost of their
grandfather, who had met them only when they were babies. After a heartfelt
reunion, Tadashi gives them a letter to give to their dad before Proto begins
to collapse. Confident that the future of the world is in good hands, Tadashi
is finally ready to leave the mortal coil. He stays in the collapsing Proto
while Lan and MegaMan make their way out. While pausing for only a moment, the
two are swallowed by Proto, and Rockman decides to use the last of his power to
blow Lan free and back to his body. He bids his brother goodbye, and Lan is
expelled from the network. The others find him and the group returns for a
reunion with family and friends. Meanwhile, Forte barely managed to escape
death yet again, but this time he's extremely weak. To his surprise, he is
found by Gospel, the wolf-like partial clone of himself, who had regenerated
from bugs which were spread across the net after his initial destruction. More
surprising, Forte realizes that the creature wants to help him, and the two are
joined and begin to regenerate using bug power, forming the more powerful
Forte GS.

Weeks go by, and Lan is about to start the 6th grade. After going to sleep
on the day before beginning the new semester, his father arrives home with
Lan's new navi, which he installs into Lan's PET. When awakened the next
morning by a familiar voice, Lan is overwhelmed to see MegaMan alive and well
again, on a bright day of new beginnings.

-----------------------------[Chapter 0: Tutorial]-----------------------------

It's year 200x, and the world has developed advanced technology. Lan, a
ACDC town citizen/kid/student/Net Battler is at a Net Battler tutorial class at
the infamous virus research lab.

[Virus Research Lab]

-> Talk to the orange shirt kid.
-> Receive e-mail from BattleML.
-> Talk to every classmate.
-> Talk to Ms. Mari.
-> Enter the Virtual World.
-> Tutorial 1: Select 2 Cannon A, press OK, and use them to destroy the two
Mettool enemies.
-> Tutorial 2: Select Area Steal L, Wide Swipe L and use them to defeat two
Mettool enemies. Destroy the third Mettool in any way.
-> Tutorial 3: Select Recover-10 L X2 / A and press Add. Wait until the next
filled gauge and select any chip (Cannon A X2/ B to destroy the Mettools).

---------------------------[Chapter 1: School in Vain]-------------------------

Now that Lan regained his knowledge on Net Battling, he is set out once
more to train his MegaMan.EXE and become the N1 (Number 1) Net Battler of all
times. Starting out in his classroom and in his hometown.

[Classroom 5-A]

-> Jack Inside the front blackboard and examine the top left side for a
Regu-Up 1.
-> Go to park.

[ACDC Town]

-> Jack in Lan's dog house and find Barrier L (top-left).
-> Jack in Mayl's laptop and find 500z (bottom).
-> Jack in Yai's laptop and find Side Gun S (top-right) and Regu-Up 2
-> Jack in Yai's phone and find Panel Return A (top-left).
-> Jack in Dex's computer and find 200z (top-right) and Guts Punch B (bottom-
-> Go to Lan's room.
-> Receive e-mail from Dex.
-> Jack in Lan's computer.


-> Receive a Mini Energy in ACDC Area 1 (bottom-left).
-> Receive 800z in ACDC Area 2 (center).
-> Receive Copy Damage * in ACDC Area 2 (top).
-> Talk to GutsMan in ACDC Area 2 (right).
-> Receive Long Sword E in ACDC Area 3 (bottom-left).
-> Talk to Roll in ACDC Area 3 (center).
-> Receive a Wide Sword in ACDC Area 1 (top-right).
-> Go to ACDC square through ACDC Area 3.
-> Read all posts in the two ACDC square message boards.
-> Talk to Glyde.
-> Talk to Navi North of Glyde and accept the O X challenge.
-> Take the O card in ACDC Area 3 (top-right).
-> Talk to the Navi and accept the second O X challenge.
-> Take the X card in ACDC Area 2 (top-right).
-> Talk to the Navi and accept the third O X challenge.
-> Take the X card from ACDC Area 1, near Lan's HP (center).
-> NOTE: if one fail to return with the right card, one will be penalized with
a button challenge, in which buttons are shown on the screen and the player
must press the correct buttons for a number of times in a given time limit.
-> Receive Yai's P-Code.

[ACDC Town]

-> Talk to Lan's mom.
-> Go to Yai's HP through ACDC Area 2.
-> Talk to all three Navis.
-> Go to the school gate and talk to Dex.
-> Go to ACDC Area 2 and take the Gate Key near ACDC Area 3 entrance (top-

[ACDC School]

-> Enter the school and go to classroom 5-A.
-> Dex lost his floppy either in one of the left drawers or the blackboard.
Search the lower-left container, on the left-side drawers.
-> Head to the principal's office on the first floor (right).
-> Jack in the administrator office's network system and take the Stone Cube *
(top-right) and the HP Memory (lower-left).
-> Talk to Mayl in the main hallway and receive Roll R.
-> Talk to Yai on second floor, hallway.
-> Talk to Dex in classroom 5-A.
-> Take the umbrella in classroom 5-B.
-> Return back to the principal's office.
-> There is a Regu-Up 1 in the lower row, middle system.

[Principal's PC]

-> Talk to the Navi in the crossroad in Area 1 (center).
-> As Lan, go to classroom 5-B and turn on the light switch next to the door.
-> Take 600z next in the square MegaMan and the Navi is standing in.
-> Walk down one square, and left one square, take Key Disc 1.
-> Walk down one square and take Regu-Up 1.
-> Walk back to the 3 gates and open the lower gate using Key Disc 1.
-> The first chip is fake and contain a group of enemies.
-> At the end, take Key Disc 2.
-> Open the north gate using Key disc 2 and encounter another fake chip.
-> Take the Recover-10 * and Key Disc 3.
-> Open the east gate with Key Disc 3 and go to Area 2.
-> Talk to the Navi.
-> As Lan, head to the administrator office and open the lights.
-> On the square MegaMan is, there is a 1200z chip.
-> Go to north-west Area and take the Password C.
-> Go to south-west Area and take Spread Gun P.
-> The lower chip is fake but the other chip contains Password B.
-> Go back, but navigate south onto the pencil tiles, and head south to find a
HP memory.
-> The north part of the pencil tiles have Password A. Take it.
-> Return back to the Navi and head north to find FlashMan.

BOSS: FlashMan (elec 300 HP)
-> A high tech looking Navi.
-> Move fast, and hope that FlashMan do not break out his light bulb attack.
Staying on the second and third column will make sure FlashMan will never
use Area Steal. A bamboo sword could be what the Doctor's ordered for.
-> Specialty: flash ground pound (15 HP), homing ball energy (15 HP), light
bulb (stun), Area Steal
-> Weakness: wood type

[ACDC Town]

-> Receive e-mail from Mayl and Dex.
-> Meet Dex in the park and participate in a friendly match against GutsMan
(300 HP). If MegaMan beat GutsMan really fast, he will give you GutsMan G.
Receive Dex's P-Code.
-> Return home and go to bed.

------------------------[Chapter 2: Trouble in the zoo]------------------------

Dr Wily is back, and so is the WWW, a crime organization. This time Wily is
planning something big... Hey look, that kid looks like Dex... Why it's Dex's
little brother, Chisao! But he cannot seem to find his brother...

[ACDC Town]

-> Talk to Yai, Mayl, then the little kid, Chisao.
-> Go to classroom 5-A and talk to Dex.
-> Talk to Dex to battle against GutsMan v2 (700 HP). MegaMan should receive
GutsMan V2 no matter the ranking.
-> Take the metro to the Science Centre.

[Science Centre]

-> Examine the garbage can in the Science Metro Station for a Regu-Up 1.
-> If there is sufficient cash, purchase some Open Lock from the scientist.
-> Go back to Mayl's HP and open the purple data chip for a HP Memory.
-> Walk to the open door (Virus Research Lab), and try to jack in the right
side of the door. Take Air Shoes * (top-left) and 700z (right).
-> Jack inside the Vending Machine (bottom-right corner) and obtain
Regu-Up 2 (top-right).
-> Talk to the Navi in Vending Machine and play the guess-which game. Each
time MegaMan guess the right answer, the Navi will double the bet Navi. The
maximum win is 6400z. It will also give you Prism H.
-> Take the stairs to Lan's Dad's research lab. Talk to the tech assistant next
to the machines (top-right) and receive the Safe PET.
-> Receive an e-mail from Dex.
-> Jack in lab computer, take 1000z (right-bottom) and a Bamboo Sword N (PMD).
-> Exit downstairs. Receive the Science Area ticket.


-> Take the subway to the Science Area.
-> Take Invisibility * in Science Area 1.
-> Talk to Glyde in Science Area 1.
-> In Science Area 2, head up the stairs. Head left, talk to GutsMan and take
the Regu-Up 2.
-> Take 1500z in Science Area 2 (center).
-> Take 1500z in Science Area 2 near Science square entrance (top-left).
-> Talk to all Navis near Science square entrance.
-> Read all the posts on the Science square message board.
-> Talk to the purple Navi on the right-hand side of the square and accept the
3 battles challenge.
1st battle: two Mettool 2
2nd battle: two Rabili and one Cashdam
3rd battle: two Mettool 2 and one Runda
-> Talk to the Navi again and accept it's request.
-> Talk to Roll, GutsMan and Glyde in Science Area 2, near Science square.
-> Take Small Panel A in Science Area 2 (bottom-right).
-> Take 300z in Science Area 1(top).
-> Find purple battle Navi in Science Area 1 (center) and talk to it.
-> Go to Science Area 2 (center) and find a purple battle Navi. Talk to it and
battle 3 Kyerushin.
-> Return to the Science square Navi and receive the ACDC subway ticket.
-> (Optional) Perform Science Centre Job 1 and 2.


-> Find the green Navi in ACDC Area 2 (near ACDC Area 3 entrance) and accept to
1st battle: two Fueika, one Cashdam
2nd battle: one Keirushin, two Cashdam
3rd battle: two Mettool 2, one Harudeburuzu
-> After the battle, Lan will no longer have control on MegaMan. MegaMan must
jack out from where ever it came from (depends on each person's case). After
MegaMan exits, Lan's Dad will arrive home. Lan must now go to bed.
-> Go to the school, as class 5-A is going on a field trip.

[Yokayoka Village]

-> Go to the Bath House (south) and talk to Dex in the hallway.
-> Talk to Mayl in the dorm Area.
-> Talk to Yai in the back alley Area.
-> Read the sign on the fence in the back alley Area.
-> Have fun playing.
-> MegaMan.EXE is now online and ready to go.
-> Receive E-mail from Dad about the Navi Customizer.
-> Navi Customizer Tutorial: Lan's Dad will explain the basics, so just follow
his lead, put the white solid piece on the 2 lines, then place the pink
textured piece on the top-right corner, then place the last piece anywhere
not on the three lines, but not touching the white pieces.
-> Exit out of the dorm and receive e-mail from Dad.
-> Outside of the Bath House is Tamako. Talk to her to battle MetalMan (500
-> Jack in Tamako's stand and take 900z from Tamako's HP (center).
-> Take the Come On Snake D (PMD) (top-right).
-> Go to the Zoo Area (north of Metro Station).
-> Jack in the ticket counter and take Regu-Up 1 (top-right).
-> In Zoo Area 1, head north to the 3 animal picture wall. Examine the orange
system on the left side to find a Panel Return *.
-> Read the lions picture.
-> In Zoo Area 2, behind the lion's cage is a hidden system. Jack in it, take
to the Navis and take Regu-Up 1 (top-right) and unlock a PMD, Geyser B.
-> Talk to EVERYONE, then examine all the animal cages (including snakes and
others) and examine their respective descriptions in systems next to the
-> In Zoo Area 1, examine the bottom-left gate leading to the back alley of the
Bath House.
-> Return to the lions cage and something will happen.
-> Go through the Area between the lions cage and the panda cage, back to Area
-> Stick to the right side of the screen, get to Dex, then walk left past the
now broken gate.
-> Navigate back to the Metro Station, then go to the top-right side, where the
electrical tower is.
-> Go back to the Zoo Area 2 and plug into the Panda's Console.

[Zoo Computer Areas]

-> Take 1000z (right).
-> Take Deathmatch D (center).
-> Examine the Mettool blocking the road (center).
-> Backup to the first Navi and ask it to tag along. Examine the Mettool and it
will be destroyed.
-> Take the HP Memory (top, lower than the crossroad near second Mettool).
-> Examine the second Mettool, then ask the top-left Navi to destroy it.
-> Second Area, Mettool, center Navi, destroyed...
-> Take 600z and Charge +1 (center).
-> Another Mettool. This time, it's the second Navi from the left who will do the
-> Take Copy Damage * (bottom-left).
-> First of the two Mettools, go ask the right-most Navi. Second Mettool, go ask
the central Navi.
-> Area 3, take Recover-30 * (left).
-> The Mettool here needs the central Navi to do the kill.
-> Take Cannon C (top-left) and 600z (center).
-> Retrieve the Shinobi Dash customizer piece (top-left).
-> For the twin Mettools, ask the top two Navis for help.
-> Afterwards, another Mettool. Go negotiate with the top-left Navi. For the
other Mettool, ask the top-right Navi.
-> Area 4, Regu-Up 2 (bottom-left) and the HP +100 (right).
-> For the Mettool near HP +100, ask the bottom-left Navi.
-> After the Navi have destroyed the lone Mettool, examine the pair of Mettools
then ask the left and top Navi on the square to go defeat them.
-> Take the Break Hammer T (top-left).
-> For the Mettool Trio, ask the left-most Navi, the right Navi on the square,
and the second-to-right-most Navi.
-> Face BeastMan at the dead-end.

BOSS: BeastMan (500 HP)
-> A wild beast with claws. It's mad charge attack features two side dashes
then a front dash. Only the front dash is vulnerable to attacks.
-> BeastMan has no weaknesses, so having a strong deck is everything. Try to
lure it to either to do fast dash or swipe by constantly staying at a
same place, and after it has done it's attack, there is a brief moment
where BeastMan is "stunned". Break it out then to ensure accuracy.
-> Specialty: fast dash (20 HP), Swipe (20 HP), mad charge (20 HP), back
swipe (20 HP)
-> Weakness: ...

-------------------------[Chapter 3: Visit Mayl's House]-----------------------

Two of Wily's plans are destroyed. Man is he mad... One month later...

[ACDC Town]

-> Talk to Mayl, Dex and Yai.
-> Receive e-mail from Higsby, saying that his chip store is now open.
-> There is a kid in classroom 5-B who is willing to trade Baburushyote C for a
Wide Sword C...
-> Examine the top-left device on the wall of classroom 5-B for Regu-Up 2.
-> There is a girl near the Administrator's Office on the first floor who will
trade a Sonic Wave W for a Elec Sword P.
-> If it's not to hard, go find BeastMan V2 in Science Area 1 (lower, dead-end
that's right next to the entrance from lower Science Area 2.
-> Go to Higsby's chip shop and talk to Higsby
-> Receive an e-mail from Yai.
-> Plug into the Numberman Poster and take the HP Memory (top).
-> Now there are two optional things: one is the NumberMan Codes, the other is
the 3-chips machine. The numberman code asks for 8 digit codes. Specific
ones will be rewarded with items. The 3-chips machine asks Lan to insert
any 3 chips and it will return with one random chip (sometimes good, other
times bad). For more on the Numberman Codes, please refer to the Numberman
Codes section under Miscellaneous.
-> Go to ACDC Metro Station and talk to man near entrance
-> Go the dorm place in the Bath House, and examine the lower table for
Okiaku's Cabin.
-> Return the bag to the man and receive Idle System.
-> Go to ACDC Area 1, near Lan's HP, and fight the purple enemy Navi.
-> Return to Higsby with the 1000z and give it to him. Receive Ratton 1 C.
-> Go to the Science square ENTRACE Area (Science Area 2) and talk to the
purple Navi. Give it the Ratton 1 C and jack out.
-> Return to Higsby and receive Come On Snake R.

[Science Centre]

-> Receive an e-mail from DNN. Now the Virus Research Lab is open. Go there.
-> Log into the Science Square. Go to the south-east Area and talk to Bunny
Navi. Give her a Long Sword E and receive the Yokayoka Area subway ticket.
Cannot find the chip? Either battle against some Swordin enemies or go to
the 3CM for best results.
-> The subway system in ACDC or Science Areas can now take MegaMan into the
Yokayoka Areas. When MegaMan take the subway there, he will be dropped off
in Yokayoka Square. Talk to the purple and orange Navi in the South-East
corner. Accept the 5 Navi Challenge. Note that Lan can only use the preset
deck to help MegaMan.
-> In the Science Centre outside Area near Vending Machine, there is one of
the five Navis MegaMan is suppose to search for. Fight three Ebi Long.
-> In Yokayoka Area 2, take the Guts Punch C.
-> In Yokayoka Area 1 center, notice the ringbell shaped object. I will refer
it as the Generator.
-> Take Rapid +1 in Yokayoka Area 1 (top).
-> In ACDC Town, top-left corner, there is another Navi. Fight three Jelaimu.
-> The other Navi in the ACDC Town Area is in the Administrator's Office, in
ACDC School. Fend off three Chyoten.
-> Hot bath Area, next Navi and next destination. Fight two Bomb Beetle and
one Wind Box. Next stop: Zoo Area 1, near the gate. The last Navi will put
up a hard fight: one Gale, one Gale Ba and one Gale Dan.
-> Return to the Navi in Yokayoka square. Commence a 3-battle test:
1st battle: three Chyoten
2nd battle: one Mettool 2, one Kyorushin, one Bakyomu Fan
3rd battle: one Ebi del, one Runda, one Gale Ban.
-> There, MegaMan have just won an invitation to the big N1 Grand Prix. All
his friends show up to congratulate him, including... ProtoMan!
-> Now go home and sleep.

[ACDC Town]
-> (Optional) Perform Science Centre Job 3 to 5.
-> Read e-mail from Mayl and receive Roll V2.
-> Go visit Mayl's house. Lan, Higsby and Ms. Mari are all guests at Mayl's
house today.
-> Mayl will ask you for a Typhoon *. Either get one from the wind box enemy
or from the 3-chips machine. The best way to get Typhoon from a wind box
enemy is to go to Yokayoka Area and search for it and hope MegaMan can
kill the bunch of enemies with a Wind Box and obtain S rank.
-> Give the chip to Higsby.
-> Jack in Mayl's laptop.
-> Exit into the Net and find BubbleMan. He will escape.
-> Head for Yokayoka Area 2, then follow the trails to the upper Yokayoka
Area 1. When MegaMan arrives at the blue and red wires, BubbleMan runs off
and MegaMan cannot do anything.
-> Go to Lan's Dad's research lab and jack inside the main system. Talk to
the Navi and fight three Harudeburuzu. Receive the Press Data.
-> Return to Higsby, after chatter, exit outside. Cossack will appear and
compress the Press Data into a block, Press Program.
-> Insert Press Program into MegaMan using the customizer.


-> Take 3500z in Yokayoka Area 1 (center).
-> Unlock a Tornado L (PMD) in Yokayoka Area 1 (lower, center).
-> Navigate until MegaMan sees BubbleMan. It will block the path with
bubbles and send it's three cronies to go wreak havoc.
-> In ACDC Area 2, find the three Navis and battle against two Kuripon and
one Kuripontan. Depending on the number of different elemental chips in
MegaMan's current deck, he will transform into either Aqua or Fire or
Electric or Wood Type.
-> Go to Science Area 1 through the lower exit of Science Area 2 and find the
three "stooges", then battle one Kuripon and two Kuripontan.
-> (optional) Now that MegaMan can walk on the wires, he can explore
Yokayoka Area 2 lower Area and Yokayoka Area 1 lower Area. There is a Full
Energy in the central Area in Yokayoka Area 2 and a HP Memory in the central
Area (after a short wire walking) in Yokayoka Area 2.
-> Go back to Yokayoka Area 1, where BubbleMan is waiting. Fight three
Kuripontan. Receive Break Needle.
-> Take the 1500z (bottom).
-> Navigate to trap BubbleMan in a dead-end.

BOSS: BubbleMan (500 HP)
-> Looks like a ugly fat chubby... fish. There is a hole in the center which
keep spitting out bubbles. Pierce them with normal attacks but watch out for
swordfishes and mines. When it's down to 150 HP or less, BubbleMan will
start using pierce attack and it will be protected by a 1HP bubble shield.
Pierce the shield before attacking.
-> I would STRONGLY recommend re-building MegaMan's deck to be electrical
based, hopefully, with 4 Area Steals and a couple of Elec Sword hits will
MegaMan be able to take it out without too much time.
-> Specialty: bubbles (30 HP), small bug (30 HP), swordfish (30 HP), pierce
(50 HP), bubble mines (50 HP)
-> Weakness: electric type

-> Boom! ProtoMan arrives and cuts BubbleMan into pieces.
-> Receive Mayl's P-Code.
-> Go back to Lan's room and receive e-mails from Dad and from Higsby.
-> Go to sleep.

--------------------------[Chapter 4: N1 Grand Prix!]--------------------------

Chaud? In a new Area? Looking down? Why???

[ACDC Town]

-> Receive e-mail from DNN.


-> Go to Mayl's HP and talk to Roll. (bottom)
-> Go to Yai's HP and talk to Glyde. (right)
-> Go to Dex's HP and talk to the Navi. (middle) It will tell MegaMan that
GutsMan is at the generator, in Yokayoka Area 1.
-> Receive e-mail from DNN and receive Beach Area subway ticket.
-> Take the subway to the Beach Area.
-> Take the Stone Cube * in beach Area 2.
-> Explore around the beach Area. In Beach Area 2, underneath the stairs going
down there is a partially hidden Recover-50 G.
-> Once on the small rails, the first dead-end features a Regu-Up 3 that is
really nicely hidden.
-> In beach Area 1, beneath the stairs, there is a Charge +1 (bottom-left).
-> Go to the beach square and talk to the bunny Navi (left).
-> Go back to beach Area 2 and use the upper entrance to beach Area 1.
-> Bunny and GutsMan are in danger! Go help them...
-> First purple enemy Navi: two Den Beetle and one La-La-Pa-Pa.
-> Down the southern stairs, second Navi: two Ebi Del and one La-La-Pa-Pa.
-> After two consecutive slides, face one Sword Tall, one Sword Ra and one
-> After the last battle, take the teleporter to another Area and head up.
-> It's Wily's Plan! Oooh... he is going to be mad when he finds out that
ProtoMan and MegaMan have destroyed those viruses.

[ACDC Town]

-> Receive the Data Disk from Mom.
-> Receive e-mail from Mayl.
-> (Optional) Perform Science Centre Job 6 and 7.

[Science Centre]

-> Give the Data Disk to Dad's Assistant in Dad's lab.
-> Exit outside, and Dad will arrive with Chaud. Receive the Pet Case.
-> Go to Bed.

[ACDC Town]

-> Lan overslept on the N1 Grand Prix day... Bad, bad, very bad...
-> Receive e-mail from Dex.
-> The Beach Street Area is now open in the Metro Station. Go there.

[Beach Street]

-> Just outside of the Metro Station there is this guy who will see a
Password Tool for Lan's Navi Customizer for 5600z. Buy it.
-> Jack inside the DNN van and take HP +100. (top-left)
-> Go inside the DNN Centre and meet Aragoma in the top-right corner. Talk to
him and battle his KingMan (500 HP).
-> Walk to the inner pathway, and look for a half-arc crate with tomatoes on
top. Examine it for a Regu-Up 1.
-> Walk into the competition Area.
-> Receive e-mail from Dad and obtain Kakuchyou Memory.
-> Talk to the cowboy at the pier and take the boat to Jigoku Isle.

[Jigoku Isle]

-> Examine the ramp. The white piece of item there is a HP Memory.
-> Head into the cave.
-> Jack in the Jigoku Area.
-> Note that Lan can only use the given deck to help MegaMan during the whole

[N1 Grand Prix Round 1]

-> Take Panel Out 3 *. (center)
-> Head East through the couple of wire networks.
-> Take Jigoku Password (top-left).
-> Head down the stairs.
-> Unlock the ? door.
-> Take Black Bomb 1 P (bottom-right).
-> Find and take the Victory Data.

[N1 Grand Prix Round 2]

-> Go up, and pick a door. Fight MetalMan V2 (800 HP).
-> Depending on the door Lan chooses, he will be battling on a different stage:
1st Door (from the left): Lava Panels in 4 corners
2nd Door: Ice terrain
3rd Door: Sand terrain
4th door: Grass terrain
Which ever door Lan chooses, the terrain still will have the gears in the
-> After the fight, Lan have 3 minutes to go talk to everybody and exchange
-> There are a couple of decks around:
- Scientist outside of the 4 chambers
- Man near the 4 chambers
- Man near the first round console
- woman in front of the cave entrance
- Man near the cave entrance
- Officer standing by the west Gargoyle
- quiz boy on top (to get his deck, Lan must correctly answer 5 questions):
Q1: third choice
Q2: second choice
Q3: first choice
Q4: third choice
Q5: first choice
-> Afterwards, let the time roll. When the time is up, head back to the
correct door and go to the third challenge.

[N1 Grand Prix Round 3]

-> Fight GutsMan V2 (700 HP).
-> Lan will receive an upgrade for his Navi Customizer, which now is changed
into a 4x5 program Area.
-> Time to go to the Victory Ball, so take the boat back.

[Beach Street]

-> Receive an e-mail from Cossack.
-> There is a kid in the hallway in the Bath House who is giving a quiz. Go
talk to him. If Lan can successfully answer to his questions, Lan will
receive a Regu-Up 3.
Q1: first choice
Q2: second choice
Q3: first choice
Q4: second choice
Q5: first choice
Q6: third choice
-> Return to the DNN Centre, and talk to the black man to receive Break
-> Switch back to Lan's deck!!!
-> Talk to Tamako and battle MetalMan V2 (800 HP) and receive MetalMan V2 M
and Tamako's P-Code.
-> Go to the lower west side and find Chaud. After the short interview,
return to the competition room.
-> It's another battle against KingMan (800 HP).
-> Receive e-mail from Mayl.
-> Go greet Lan's friends outside of DNN Centre.
-> Return back to the competition room.
-> The story unfolds as Sayama turns his Navi into DesertMan...
-> Jack in the DNN Centre Battle System in the competition room and take the
Ratton Rocket H.
-> Exit the competition room and take the elevator to the second floor.
-> Go to the end of the hallway and enter the room.
-> Examine the graph chart for a Regu-Up 2.
-> Just look as that dumb Lan chuck MegaMan.EXE at Sayama.
-> Fight DesertMan (800 HP).

BOSS: DesertMan (800 HP)
-> Pile of sand.
-> Get rid of those arms, then destroy the sand obstacles either with a
charged attack or a chip, then go nuts on DesertMan. All obstacles and
hands will come back, but at least DesertMan is helpless when his other
parts are gone. Soon enough it will start dropping sand blocks. Watch
their shadows to avoid them.
-> Specialty: lion hand (40 HP), sand whirl (40 HP), sand block (60 HP)
-> Weakness: aqua-type (stuns DesertMan, not a real weakness)

------------------------[Chapter 5: Mamoru's Operation]------------------------

Wily: "Whacha mean DesertMan failed!?!?!?"

[ACDC Town]

-> Receive a Mail News e-mail.
-> Jack in the Lan's Security Panel at Lan's house (which is really the
security box next to the TV). There's a Spread Gun N in the top-right Area.
-> (Optional) Perform Science Centre Job 8 and 9.

[Beach Street]

-> Head south of Beach Street.
-> Examine the outside Air Vent for a Regu-Up 2.
-> Enter the hospital.
-> Jack inside the hospital TV and take Recover-120 *.
-> Examine the pink door and take the Deathmatch 1 *.
-> Talk to the receptionist.
-> Go to 3F and examine the wood. Receive HP Memory.
-> Go to 2F, patient Area, and approach Yai.
-> Go to 1F near the receptionist and purchase a Juice from the vending
-> Head outside, to the beach Area, and talk to Mamoru, an ill child in a
-> Deliver the Juice to Yai.
-> Head back to Lan's house.
-> Aragoma is in Lan's room.
-> Receive e-mail from Dex.
-> Meet Dex in the park.
-> Receive e-mail from Tamako.
-> The guy outside of the Bath House want to trade an Ice Stage * for a
Flame Sword P.
-> Lan can go to 2F of DNN Centre and jack in the TV station system. There
is a HP Memory waiting for Lan. There is also a Jelousy J chip locked on
the other side, ready to be opened.
-> (Essential) Perform Science Centre Job 10 to 13.
-> Return back to Aragoma near the job posts. He will give Lan the Folder 2
deck and Lan can now switch between 3 decks. (Folder 2 can be modified)
-> Higsby will now buy any chip Lan have for decent prices. Select the second
choice when talking to him.
-> Go to bed.

[ACDC Town]

-> Go to classroom 5-A and talk to every student.
-> Go fetch Dex at his home.
-> Dex leaves for some reason...
-> Receive e-mail from Mamoru.


-> Find Mamoru at the beach near the hospital. He will become sick.
-> Go to hospital 3F and talk to the doctor at the end of the hallway.
-> Return back to Mamoru and comfort him.
-> Find Ice Cannonball M. To find this, equip I'm Fish block and go to Jigoku
Area. Look for the Cold Balls enemy in that Area with I'm Fish equipped
(not too hard) and use FlashMan to destroy them instantly (the weapon
penetrates their shields).
-> Go to 2F patient room in the hospital and give Mamoru the chip.
-> Jack in the other bed (where Yai use to be) and take the Regu-Up 2 (bottom-
-> Go home and sleep.
-> Receive an e-mail from the hospital saying that Mamoru's case have worsened.
He must undergo an operation.


-> Go see Mamoru.
-> Head to the operation room on 3F.
-> Try to take the elevator back to 2F. The tree will over-grow and Lan must
now fix that.
-> Go to 3F. Lan will plug MegaMan.EXE into the Hospital console.

[Hospital Area 1]

-> Take the right route and navigate until MegaMan finds Oil Body (center).
-> Find the Navi on the left side and receive Energy Change.
-> Equip Energy Change and burn the trees. If Lan run out of fire chips, that
couple spell disaster, since he will not be able to leave the Area. Equip
the Oil Body and watch those fire viruses come to MegaMan.
-> Very near the Navi is a Regu-Up 1. (left)
-> Take Recover-120 O. (top-left)
-> Get to the top-left Area and examine the machine. Battle against an Azamata.
Note that its only vulnerable part is the vines.


-> Head to 2F, the patient room Yai use to be in, and jump out of the open
-> Go back in the hospital and talk to the nurse near the entrance to receive
the Basement Key.
-> Head outside, and into the basement door near the beach.
-> Here's the "root" of the problem...

[Hospital Area]

-> In Area 2, there is a GutsPunch Q (bottom-left).
-> Another HP Memory after the first warp, head up/right (center).
-> On the left side there are 3 piles of grass. burn the bottom one and
receive 2 Heat Shoot I. The center one is an ambush, and the top on is
the blue button required to open the gate.
-> On the right side are also 3 piles. The top gives 2 Heat Shoot I. The
center one contains nothing, and the bottom one heals 100 HP for MegaMan.
-> Passed the gate and MegaMan will find PlantMan. He will challenge MegaMan
before battling him. So first fight off a Natariko enemy.
-> So PlantMan escaped again. Head to 3F operation room and try there.
-> Time for Area 3. There is a Heat Side T if MegaMan take the right route.
-> Take 1600z (bottom-left).
-> The left side have 9 patches of grass that looks like this:

| | 1: 2 Heat Shoot I
|path|_____ 2: 1 Heat Shoot I
| | 3: empty
| 1 2 3 | 4: enemies
| | 5: Recover 100 HP
| 4 5 6 | 6: empty
| | 7: empty
| 7 8 9 | 8: empty
|__________| 9: 2 Heat Shoot I
-> The right side also have 9 patches.

| | 1: enemies
_____|path| 2: empty
| | 3: 2 Heat Shoot I
| 1 2 3 | 4: teleporter
| | 5: enemies
| 4 5 6 | 6: empty
| | 7: enemies
| 7 8 9 | 8: Deathmatch 2 W
|__________| 9: 1 Heat Shoot I

-> Use the teleporter.
-> Right side 3 piles: the top contains 2 Heat Shoot I, the center one
contains nothing, the bottom one contains 1 Heat Shoot I.
-> Left side 3 piles: the top contains nothing, the center one is an ambush,
and the bottom contains 3 Heat Shoot I.
-> When having the choice of burning left or right tree, start with the left
one and take the Sub Memory.
-> Next Area. On the left side is a 2000z and many patches.

________________ 1: enemies
| __ | 2: blue switch
| 1 2 | | 5 6 | 3: empty
| | | | 4: 3 Heat Shoot I
| 3 4 | | 7 8 | 5: 2 Heat Shoot I
| ___| |___ | 6: empty
| |___ ___| | 7: empty
| | | | 8: 1 Heat Shoot I
| 9 0 | | c d | 9: empty
| | | | 0: empty
| a b |__| e f | a: 2 Heat Shoot I
|______ ______| b: empty
| | c: teleporter
d: empty
e: empty
f: 1 Heat Shoot I

-> The right side has many patches too, along with a 100 Barrier E. From the
1: 3 Heat Shoot I
2: empty
3: heal 100 HP
4: empty
5: enemy
6: 2 Heat Shoot I
7: teleporter
8: empty

-> The teleporter will bring MegaMan to an Area with a Full Energy.
(bottom-right) Head to Area 5.
-> Take the bottom path and receive Charge +1.
-> If MegaMan head to the top narrow road, he will discover Flame Sword R.
-> Top-right batch of grass:
| | 1: 2 Heat Shoot I
| 1 2 | 2: empty
| | 3: blue switch
| 3 4 5 | 4: enemies
| | 5: 1 Heat Shoot I
| 6 7 | 6: 1 Heat Shoot I
|___ ___| 7: empty
| |

-> Bottom batch of grass:
______ ______ 1: empty
| | | | | | 2: 3 Heat Shoot I
| 1 2 |_| |_| 5 6 | 3: teleporter
| _____ | 4: enemies
| 3 4 | | 7 8 | 5: 2 Heat Shoot I
|______| |______| 6: enemies
7: blue switch
8: empty

-> The teleporter will take MegaMan to HP Memory.
-> The three left side batches contain, from the top: 1 Heat Shoot I, blue
switch, enemies.
-> Top-left batch of grass:
| | 1: 2 Heat Shoot I
| 1 2 3 | 2: 2 Heat Shoot I
| | 3: Recover 100 HP
| 4 5 6 | 4: enemies
| | 5: enemies
| 7 8 9 | 6: empty
|___ ___| 7: empty
| | 8: empty
9: 2 Heat Shoot I
-> Finally! Head back to the entrance of Area 5 and walk North. Fight
PlantMan (1000 HP). Remember to modify MegaMan's deck into fire-elemental
or this is going to be long!

BOSS: PlantMan (wood 1000 HP)
-> Poison shrub with spiked vine arms Navi.
-> It moves slowly, and shoots spikes from time to time. If MegaMan get caught
in the vines, he will likely suffer about 120 HP because of the draining
effect. It can also deploy a yellow and pink flowers. The yellow one will
stun MegaMan if its pollen touches him, and the pink one will confuse
-> Specialty: spikes (50 HP), vine (40 HP), roses (0 HP confusion / paralyze)
-> Weakness: fire type

---------------------------[Chapter 6: It's Hinoken!]--------------------------

It's so nice to see that Mamoru is recovering nicely, and that Wily is
about to blow his head up because it is now filled with anger.

[Beach Street]

-> There is a female employee in 2F of the DNN Centre who want to trade Wide
Sword C for a Recover-120 S.
-> There is an old woman near the school entrance who will trade a Recover-120
S for a Daina Wave V. Logic says...
-> The console next to the giraffe's cage can now be jack into. Take the
Fumikomi San N inside.
-> Go to the rock Area behind the hospital to find a girl who will give Lan
Spin Orange.
-> Aragoma is still in DNN Centre. Talk to him to battle KingMan V2 (1000 HP).
-> Head to the Science Metro Station and talk to Cossack.
-> Outside, to the right of the information desk, there is a guy who want to
trade Heavy Shake 1 S for a Variable Sword B. Heavy Shake is very common at
the 3-chips machine.
-> Go to the Virus Research Lab.
-> After Lan receives the award, go see Mamoru at the hospital.
-> MegaMan will tell Lan to go find a Navi in ACDC square. But not after
meeting Hinoken right outside of the virus research lab.


-> Go to Yokayoka Area 2 and find the purple enemy Navi on the lower Area
(middle-left). Fight two Mettool 3 and a Storm Box.
-> Stay in the Area, and find another purple enemy Navi on the lower Area
(middle-top). Fight a Yo Ship, a Harude Balls and a Storm Box.
-> Onto Beach Area 2. There's a purple enemy Navi on the northern part that
is near the Beach Square entrance. Fight a Mettool 3, a Laundalau and a
Storm Box. Now go to the bottom-right lower Area, where a purple enemy
Navi is blocking a path to a warp. Talk to it and it will move, if Lan have
Ura's Password. Enter it and go to Jigoku Area. Go to Ura Internet 1 through
the passage.
-> There are 1200z waiting at the end of the third stairs.
-> There a High Cannon K in the bottom-right Area.
-> Take the fourth stairs and head south. Go around and enter Ura Internet 2.
-> There is a Regu-Up 2 in the top-right upper Area.
-> Near the purple Navi is 2500z.
-> If MegaMan navigate through all three teleporters, he will arrive at the
bottom-right Area. The cube can be unlocked by defeating KingMan V2 before,
and at the end is a Black Bomb 2 S chip.
-> Now go to beach Area 1, take the bottom arrow thingy, then the right arrow
thingy. There is another purple enemy Navi. So fight against two Den Beetle
and a Storm Box.
-> There is one more Navi in the lower Area, near the teleporter (bottom-left)
who want a piece of MegaMan. This time, fight against a Nuraimu, a
Kyorushin and a Storm Box.
-> Now go to Science Area 1. In the upper Area, there is one more purple enemy
Navi. It has a Sword Tall, a Sword Ra and a Storm Box.
-> Watch FlameMan appear and slaughter the rest of those purple enemy Navis.
-> It's now time to go to ACDC square. Talk to the Navi at the message boards.
-> Go visit Mamoru. He will give the WH P-Code.
-> Go to Beach Area 1 and use the P-code to unlock the cube on the upper Area.
There is a purple mystery data that contains Spin Pink.
-> Take the warp to the Hospital Area 2 and take Attack +1.
-> Go to Virus Research Lab and talk to Hinoken. He will give Lan Fire Data.
-> (Optional) Perform Job 14 to 16.
-> If MegaMan have WWW-ID by now, use them.
-> Purple mystery data behind WWW gate in ACDC Area 1: Panic Mood C.
-> Onto Science Area 1. Deliver the Fire Data to the Navi near the upper
entrance to Science Area 2.
-> PMD behind WWW gate in Science Area 1: Custom Sword Z.

[Science Centre]

-> Return to Hinoken.
-> Jack in the Science Square and talk to all four roaming Navis.
-> Exit outside. Hinoken is by the Vending Machine. He will give Lan the
Heat Data.
-> Jack inside the Vending Machine and talk to the Navi on the bottom-left
-> Talk to Hinoken again.
-> Go to Dad's Lab and talk to Hinoken, yet again. Receive the Flame Data.
-> Jack inside Dad's Research Console and give the item to the Navi in the
top-right side.
-> Talk to Hinoken and receive Magma Stage T.
-> Go to Lan's room.
-> Never should of trusted Hinoken...
-> Receive e-mail from DNN.
-> Go to Science Metro Station and talk to the guy near the exit.
-> Receive e-mail from DNN telling to extinguish the fire on the Net.


-> Equip I'm Fish and Energy Change. Go to the Net and extinguish all fire in
ACDC Areas.
Area 1: near Lan's HP entrance
Area 1: near Mayl's HP entrance
Area 2: near ACDC Area 1 path - enemies
Area 2: near Yai's HP entrance - 1 Bubble Side F
Area 2: near ACDC Area 3 path
Area 3: bottom-left Area, close to passage to ACDC Square
Area 3: near ACDC Square entrance
Area 3: right-most side, T-shaped dead-ends - 3 Bubble Side F
Area 1: near Dex's HP - 1 Bubble Side F
-> Next stop, Science Areas:
Area 1: lower part, in the big space that can be accessed through a long belt
Area 2: left side, pale yellow panels - 100z
Area 2: center, head down after the Science Square entrance
Area 2: right side, after the long belt
Area 1: top-right Area - enemies
Area 1: bottom-left Area - 300z
-> Onto Yokayoka Areas:
Area 2: center, square shaped Area - 100z
Area 2: left - 2 Bubble Side F
Area 1: near Yokayoka Area 2 path
Area 2: near Yokayoka Area 1 upper path
Area 2: near Tamako's HP - enemies
Area 2: where BubbleMan use to be - 2 Bubble Side F
-> Yokayoka Area 1 WWW chip: Prism Q.
-> And finally, Beach Areas:
Area 1: upper, take the right slide when MegaMan have a chance - enemies
Area 1: lower, near the stairs
Area 1: use the lower-right teleport - 3 Bubble Side F
Area 2: near the top set of stairs, close to Sub Chip Merchant - enemies
Area 2: bottom-right Area, near WWW gate - enemies
Area 2: near Beach Square
-> Head to Ura Internet Area through Beach Area 2.
-> Head to Ura Internet 2 through the fourth stairs.
-> When MegaMan is in Ura Internet 2, head to the upper-right Area, where there
are two teleporters on blue panels. Take the upper one, then walk down the
stairs and head back to Ura Internet 1 on the left side.
-> WWW chip in Ura Internet 1: HP +200
-> In Area 3, stick on the right side until a cutscene occurs.
-> Nearby is a HP Memory.
-> Go back to the purple enemy Navi blocking the road in Ura Internet 3.
Challenge it and fight against two Bad Raft and one Cashdam 3.
-> Browse around until MegaMan finds FlameMan.

BOSS: FlameMan (fire 1000 HP)
-> A flame stickman.
-> There are two garbage cans on the back end of the Area. If the candles
glow green, FlameMan will be protected by a green aura. If the candles
glow red, FlameMan will regenerate slowly. If the candles glow orange,
two flames will orbit around on MegaMan's panels. Shoot the candles a
couple of times to extinguish them, for a while. FlameMan can shoot out
flame waves and summon flames that move around in MegaMan's panels. When
FlameMan's HP is low, his flame waves will expand onto two and three
panels per shot.
-> Specialty: Flame Wave (60 HP), Flame (60 HP)
-> Weakness: Aqua Type

-> OMG It's Forte!
-> There is no way to break his aura right now, so just die.
-> Watch the scene. Wow is that Navi brave...
-> Go see Lan's Dad at his office.
-> Time to go home and sleep...

--------------------[Chapter 7: The Ura Internet Challenge]--------------------

Wily: "DrillMan, you're up."

[ACDC Town]

-> Walk outside and meet Chaud.
-> If MegaMan head into the Hospital's Vending Machine, there is a Navi who's
willing to play a guess-where game with 4 panels, starting with 1000z bet,
until a whopping 256000z and a Guts Straight O. There's also 9000z in that
machine, just waiting to be picked up.
-> (Optional) Perform Job 17 and 18.


-> MetalMan V3 (1200 HP) is waiting for MegaMan. Go talk to Tamako and battle
MetalMan V3 for his chip.
-> There is a console near the hot bath Area. Jack inside and take Fire +30 *.
-> Take the warp in the Hot Bath Console to Yokayoka Area 2. Talk to the Navi
and receive Brotherhood 1 *.
-> Go to Hospital 2F Patient Room and visit Lan's Dad.
-> Receive an e-mail from the Science Centre.
-> Near the 1F TV, there is a man who will trade a Daina Wave K for a Steal
Punish K.
-> Go back to the Virus Research Lab and talk to Chaud. Receive the Black
Mind. Equip it.
-> Go to Beach Area 2, warp to Jigoku Area, then head on to Ura Internet 1.
-> In Ura Internet 3, find the purple enemy Navi in the bottom-left corner.
Talk to it and it will move out of the way if MegaMan has Black Mind
-> Go to Ura Square, head to the center Area and meet the Ura Internet
-> Head back to Ura Internet 3, where four purple enemy Navis are waiting.
Talk to one of them to start fighting:
Battle 1: 2 Mettool 2, Mettool SP
Battle 2: 2 Ebi Long, Ebi Long SP
Battle 3: 2 Yo-Ship, Kashdam SP
Battle 4: 2 Swordin, Swordin SP
-> Back to Ura Internet 2, then 1. Stop there! There is a purple enemy
Navi. Fight two Cashdam SP and a Den Beetle SP.
-> The purple enemy Navi in Ura Internet 2 that is near the bottom-right
Ura Internet 1 path want to fight, with two Rabili SP and one Mete Mage SP.
-> Next: a purple enemy Navi on the upper level, in the center of Ura Internet
2. Fight two Gale and a Gale SP.
-> Another purple enemy Navi in the lower-left Area, near a teleporter. This
time, it's against two Chyoten and a Chyoten SP.
-> In Ura Internet 1, there is a purple enemy Navi at the Area near the forth
stairs. Fight against two Rabili SP and a Cask SP.
-> Another purple enemy Navi is right on the other end of the fourth stairs.
Fight against three Yo-Yoto SP.
-> There is a guy in the DNN Centre, competition Area bottom-right corner who
is willing to trade a Kagebunshin J for a Shilahatoli Y.
-> (Optional) Perform Job 19.

[Beach Street]

-> Take the boat to Jigoku Isle, then jack inside the Jigoku Area. In the
upper, top Area, there is a ghost Navi. Fight a Sun Hag SP and a Laundalau.
Receive Ura Rank 10.
-> Receive an e-mail from Mayl.
-> Go to Zoo Computer Area 2.
-> As soon as MegaMan head through the first crossroad, boom! It's a trap!
Battle 1: Gale Dan, Chyoten 3, Ebi Side
Battle 2: Gale Dan, Chyoten 3, Ebi Side
Battle 3: Gale Dan, Chyoten 3, Ebi Side
Battle 4: 2 Hero Con Doll, La-La-Pa-Pa SP
-> Receive an e-mail from that Ghost Navi.
-> Go to Beach Area 1, and take the center teleporter to Hospital Area 2. It's
a rank 9 Navi! Talk to it and receive Ura Rank 9.
-> Go to Ura Internet 3, where FlameMan use to be (also where MegaMan almost
died under the hands of Forte). Talk to the Navi and fight BeastMan V3
(900 HP).
-> Take the Kindan's Program and Ura Rank 8.
-> Oops, looks like another bugger... Fight against two Kyerushin and a
Kyerushin SP.
-> Jack inside the Principal's Computer Area and head to Area 2. In the lower-
left Area, another Ghost Navi is waiting. It will ask for a Crane.
-> The crane is on the patient bed in 2F of Hospital, where Mamoru use to be.
-> Return to the Ghost Navi and receive Ura Rank 7.
-> In the back alley of the Bath House, there is an old man who is ready to
quiz Lan. Accept his challenge:
Question 1: 2nd choice
Question 2: 1st choice
Question 3: 1st choice
Question 4: 3rd choice
Question 5: 2nd choice
Question 6: 2nd choice
Question 7: 3rd choice
Question 8: 1st choice
Question 9: 3rd choice
Question 10: 1st choice
The reward is a HP Memory.
-> On Jigoku Isle, there are two Gargoyle statues that MegaMan can jack into.
In the southern one, there is a Weapon LV +1.
-> That Area also leads to Ura Internet 2, right next to the Ura Internet 2
Bug Piece Merchant.
-> Go to Ura Internet 2 and talk to the purple enemy Navi in front of the
northern passage, to Ura Internet 4.
-> On the left-most corner of Ura Internet 4, there is a Recover-200 N.
-> Taking the left route, through green then blue panels, MegaMan can find
the Ura Internet 4 Merchant.
-> Back around the whole route, head right this time. Past the first
teleporter is a white Rapid +1.
-> PlantMan V2 (1300 HP) is hiding at a dead end near the teleporter that will
bring MegaMan to Ura Internet 5.
-> There is nothing good in Ura Internet 5, but still take a tour.
-> Afterwards, go to Ura Square then warp to Ura Internet 5. Over there, talk
to the Navi and it will move on the account of MegaMan's Rank.
-> FlameMan V2 is hiding in a dead-end in Ura Internet 5 on the right side,
the are where there are a couple of automatic movement rows.
-> Move on to Ura Internet 6. This is the most frustrated Area in the game up
until now. Look for a map in the future.
-> On the top-right corner, there is a Sub Memory.
-> Read e-mail from Chaud and go to ACDC Square.
-> Read the new message on the North Message Board.
-> Go to Ura Internet 4, the top-right dead-end.
-> What a warm welcoming back!
-> Fight CopyMan V3 (1100 HP) and receive Ura Rank 3. (Yes, it is CopyMan which
is has apparently mimicked GutsMan)
-> Go to the competition Area in DNN Centre and jack inside the Battle
Console. Talk to MistMan (1000 HP) and fight him.

BOSS: MistMan (1000 HP)
-> A genie and a lamp.
-> The lamp is the target, and it moves quite fast. Once the genie is
summoned, it acts like a barrier. The genie will charge at MegaMan. Then
it can also summon a Mist, when there are many mists on MegaMan's panels.
The genie can emerge from any one of them and quickly punch MegaMan.
-> Specialty: charge (40 HP), punch (40 HP)
-> Weakness: ...

-> Go to the Bath House, take the road to the Hot Bath, but notice that those
barrels are now gone. Head to the Back Cave.
-> Watch the cutscene, and take the Kigafurizu.
-> Go to Science Area 1, where DrillMan digged a hole. Pass through to Ura
Internet 5. There is a Navi behind a set of stairs that has a HP Memory to
offer to MegaMan.
-> Go to Ura Internet 5 through the Ura Square teleporter. Once there, first
take the right path, then watch carefully when taking the LOWER left path.
MegaMan will find DrillMan (600 HP) and fight him.

BOSS: DrillMan (600 HP)
-> A couple of drills sticked together.
-> Once it gets on the battlefield, it will start digging. It can either
perform a 3 drill attack, in which he will be one of the three. He can
also launch a 14 drill attack, in which none are damageable. The only way
to damage him is by hitting him on the side. Must either have lots of
swords or wait and die...
-> Specialty: 3 Drill Attack (80 HP), 14 Drill Attack (80 HP)
-> Weakness: ...

-> Forte arrives and takes Proto.

--------------------------[Chapter 9: Final Showdown!]-------------------------

It's going to be the final battle time! Wily has the Dark Hole but Lan and
MegaMan have the determination to defeat Wily and take the piece back!

[ACDC Town]

-> Go to the school gates and talk to Dex.
-> Go to the Metro Station and talk to Yai.
-> Go to ACDC Park and talk to Mayl. Receive Roll V3.
-> Receive an e-mail from the Science Centre.
-> Go to Science Square, meet ProtoMan and receive the Official Pass.
-> Go to Science Centre and talk to Chaud in Dad`s Lab.
-> Head back to ACDC Town, the top-right street corner, where all Lan`s
friends are waiting.
-> There is a HP Memory in the Guardian Machine (top-left) and a Regu-Up 2
-> Talk to the Alien on the left side.
-> (Optional) Perform Job 20 to 22.

[Science Centre]

-> In Ura Internet 4, behind the big column, on the red panels, there is a
Navi who will give MegaMan Spin Dark.
-> MistMan is still inside the DNN Centre Competition Console. Fight MistMan
(1000 HP), then MistMan V2 (1400 HP)!
-> There is a black dude inside a room on 2F DNN Centre who wants to trade a
Whole Meteor H for a Rook F.
-> Go to the Hospital to visit Dad, only to find him missing and Mom worried
sick. Receive Pills.
-> On 3F, near the Operation Room, there is a quiz girl. Accept her challenge.
Question 1: 1st choice
Question 2: 2nd choice
Question 3: 3rd choice
Question 4: 3rd choice
Question 5: 2nd choice
Question 6: 2nd choice
Question 7: 2nd choice
Question 8: 3rd choice
Question 9: 1st choice
Question 10: 3rd choice
Receive 200 Barrier E.
-> Go to Lan's room and receive e-mail from Dad.
-> In the upper room of the dorm in the Bath House, there is a set of vase
next to the TV. Examine the vase to find a Regu-Up 1.
-> Jack inside the TV and take the Open Lock.
-> Go back to the Hospital 2F Patient Room and examine the bed Dad use to be
on. Find Dad's Letter and the Gate Key.
-> Go to Dad's Lab and use the key to open the side door to Dad's Office.
-> Go to the Boat and try to enter. Lan now need to search for a powerful
-> Go find Yai in her house.
-> Return home and sleep.

[ACDC Town]

-> Receive an e-mail from Dad. Read it and receive the Proto Scope block.
-> Go to Beach Street and head onto the boat.
-> Aragoma, Chaud, Dex and Lan, destination: Wily's Castle!

[Wily's Castle]

-> The first piece of machine is behind the first wall, where a set of stairs
is also situated, near the port. Jack inside and take the Collector's Eye
-> If Lan examines the console where Aragoma is standing at, he will receive
a Regu-Up 2.
-> Try to go pass the door, and watch the cutscene.
-> After heading outside and jacking into WWW Area 1 (through the blue robot),
watch out for cranes that will grab onto MegaMan and drop him back in a
junkyard and red blobs that will stick onto MegaMan until a crane arrives.
-> If MegaMan takes the right road at the first T intersection, he will find
an HP Memory.
-> Right next to the first green blob is 1800z.
-> Near the 3 cranes, there is a Recover-150 P.
-> On the other side is ID Data A. Use it to open that lock on the top-left
-> Meet the new fused FlashMan V2 (500 HP)!
-> Now if MegaMan talks to Aragoma, he can battle KingMan V3 (1500 HP).
-> Head inside Wily's Office. Examine his desk and take the Magnum 1 V.
-> Go to the right Wily's statue. Lan will unleash all his anger on it.
-> Head outside and keep walking until Lan and Chaud meets the green robot.
-> Onto WWW Area 2.
-> On the right side of the center warp, there is a Regu-Up 2.
-> Take the warp and meet... Fatty BubbleMan V2 (800 HP).
-> In the Area with A LOT of cranes, follow the middle crane downwards, then
wait till the right crane has started moving up before crossing over.
-> BTW, on the left side of that crane section is 3000z.
-> Not quite far, in an Area with a crane and a blob, is ID Data B.
-> Fight the fused DesertMan V2 (1300 HP).
-> Once outside, Lan can ask Dex for a fight with GutsMan V2 (600 HP), then
GutsMan V3 (900 HP).
-> Head down the stairs, be chased by a boulder, then jack inside WWW Area 3.
-> Past the 3 rotating cranes is a eastern passage leading to a Jungo Rando
-> Navigate this Area until MegaMan finds ID Data C in the bottom part.
-> Behind the left set of stairs is a Full Energy chip.
-> At the end, fight the fused PlantMan (1000 HP) and then the fused
FlameMan (1000 HP).
-> Head inside the building. Examine the console to the right of the threads
to open a passage...
-> It's onto WWW Area 4. There are 1400z in the central Area, after the first
two cranes.
-> Take the top path when passing through the fast rotating cranes. Navigate
to the right side to find ID Data D.
-> If MegaMan takes the bottom road to some slow moving cranes, then head left,
he will find a HP Memory.
-> When traveling through the huge row of cranes, it is possible to pause
between each crane if MegaMan sticks to the extreme left or right side.
-> At the end of the row of cranes, meet DrillMan (600 HP).
-> At this point, if Lan continues, he will not be able to exit outside.
-> SAVE! If not, after finishing and re-continuing, the scene will automatically
return back to the Wily's Castle episode.
-> Enter the door and watch the cutscene. Lan will say something like:"Hey
look! All my foes are linked to this wacky device, and there is an extra
place, so why don't I sit there and let it kill me too?" (joke)
-> The Area MegaMan and Lan are in is the Proto system.
-> Head north until MegaMan finds Wily and Forte.

BOSS: Forte (1000 HP)
-> Black caped powerful nemesis of MegaMan.
-> It is protected by a 100 HP Aura first of all. It moves QUICKLY! When it
gets a bit mad, it puts its hand out, and then comes about 20 electric
rush balls, each doing 100 HP worth of damage. When its HP is lowered a
bit, it will sometimes jump above MegaMan, and slam down, crushing and
destroying the whole vertical column of panels. Attack it by first using
a chip that does more than 100 HP (likely a sword), then go mad before he
regenerates the shield.
-> Specialty: Electric Shock (100 HP), Electric Rush (100 HP), Slam (100 HP)
-> Weakness: ...

-> After defeating Forte, watch the cutscene.

BOSS: Proto (2000 HP)
-> A virus manifestation of evil. It has claw hands, that will sweep down a
column, the attack towards the left of a row, all of this repeated 3 times
in a row; it has machine guns that follows MegaMan, shooting non-stop. It
also has a beam that will crack all proximate panels it hits. The beam
also sends an energy wave that deals the same amount of energy as the beam.
It is only vulnerable when the central core is exposed (I.E. the aura is
gone), and that will take at least two charged shots / chip attacks. If
MegaMan can only hit it often, then the next time it tries to cover its
core, a normal shot will bust open the shielding.
-> Speacialty: Hand Charge (50 HP), Machine Gun (60 HP), Beam (90 HP)
-> Weakness: ...

-> After defeating Proto, watch the cutscene and receive Sofu's Letter.
-> Because the system is collapsing, try heading back to the entrance.

As the last of Wily's Castle is destroyed, our heroes travel back, where
a group of friends awaits them... Well, that's about all folks... or is it?

-------------------------[Chapter 10: The Secret Areas]------------------------

NOTE: The stars next to CONTINUE means several things:
Yellow - Completing the main quest (up to defeating Proto)
Green - Completing the secret quest (up to obtaining Forte GS chip)
Blue - Collecting all 200 Normal Class Chips
Purple - Completing the extra quest (up to obtaining Serenade chip)

[ACDC Town]

-> Receive an e-mail from Dad.
-> There is a red 10-chips trader machine in the passage inside the DNN Centre.
-> Go to Jigoku Grand Competition Area (after the 4 doors) and talk to Chaud
to fight:
ProtoMan (1000 HP)
-> ProtoMan, the honorable Navi of Chaud. He can block and attack with his
sword in many ways. Very fast warrior. Starting with his sword wave, which
is a 3-panel wide wave heading to the left. Also, when he blocks, sometimes
he suddenly appear somewhere else and take a swipe at MegaMan. Defeat him
by first shooting a normal buster attack. He will launch at MegaMan, so
back off then unleash a chip attack. Repeat before he kills MegaMan.
-> Specialty: Sword Wave (100 HP), Back Swipe (100 HP), Wide Swipe (100 HP)
-> Weakness: ...

Receive ProtoMan B chip.
-> There is an old man quizzer atop Jigoku Isle.
Question 1: 3rd choice
Question 2: 3rd choice
Question 3: 2nd choice
Question 4: 3rd choice
Question 5: 2nd choice
Question 6: 2nd choice
Question 7: 1st choice
Question 8: 1st choice
Question 9: 2nd choice
Question 10: 2nd choice
Question 11: 2nd choice
Question 12: 1st choice
Question 13: 3rd choice
Question 14: 2nd choice
Question 15: 3rd choice
Receive Navi +40 *.
-> Go to the Bath House and plug in the Samurai armor. There is a Sub
Memory there (right).
-> Jack inside the TV in the Bath House and take the Open Lock (top-right).

[Secret Areas]

-> Go to the bath Area and enter the back cave. After jacking inside the Main
Processor, head for the warp. Enter Secret Area 1. NOTE: MegaMan cannot jack
out of Secret Area 1, he can only take the entrance/exit route in Area 1.
-> There is a DeathMatch 3 U in the left Area in Secret Area 1.
-> There is 50000z in the top Area in Secret Area 1.
-> If MegaMan has over 140 Chips, he can open the top-left gate and fight

BOSS: DarkMan (1400 HP)
-> This is a Dark Navi that can change elemental attack patterns.
-> It can shoot Fire Wave when it's red, shoot Snowflake when its blue,
shoot Electric Shock when it's orange, summon Dark Holes that will harbor
Vampire Bats dropping down on MegaMan when its black or summon Axes that
suddenly appear in front of MegaMan. All of this with a quick speed. Here's
an advice: either cheat or have a SUPERB deck before facing this guy.
-> Specialty: Fire Wave (100 HP), Snowflake (100 HP), Electric
Shock (200 HP), Vampire Bats (50 HP), Axe (100 HP)
-> Weakness: ...

-> The cube in Ura Internet 3, Southern side, can be opened after defeating
MistMan V3 in the DNN Battle Console. There is a Bamboo Lance R near it.
-> The cube in Ura Internet 4, green panel, left side, can be opened after
defeating BeastMan V3 in Lan's Dog House. There is a Fumikomi San M inside
that Area.
-> The cube in Ura Internet 5, near the upper entrance from Ura Internet 4, can
be opened after defeating DesertMan V3. Behind it is a SetSand C chip.
-> The cube in Ura Internet 6 left side can be opened after defeating FlameMan
V3 randomly on the Net. A Weapon LV +1 can be found near that cube, after
opening it.
-> The cube in Ura Internet 7 can be opened after defeating DrillMan V3
randomly on the Net. There is a Guts Impact J found near that cube.
-> There is a Gale enemy blocking the road on the right side in Ura Internet 7.
Give it 50 Bug Pieces and it will go away.
-> By taking the right side route in Ura Internet 7 then head left, MegaMan can
find the Great Hammer item.
-> The Great Hammer item can be used to break some tall brick walls in the Secret
-> (Optional) Perform Job 23 to 25.
-> By breaking the brick wall in the southern part of the Secret Area 1,
MegaMan must fight:
Battle 1: 3 Mettool 3
Battle 2: Aburiku
Battle 3: 2 Yo-Ship
Battle 4: Swordin, Swordra, Sword Tall
Battle 5: 2 Metal 3, Metal 2
Battle 6: Aburiku, Azamataru
Battle 7: Yo-Ship, Mete Rod
Battle 8: 2 Fudero 2, Hero Con Doll
Battle 9: 2 Mega Rabili, Mettool 3
Battle 10: N.O 2, Mete Rod, Wind Box SP
-> After opening the brick wall, open the WWW gate and take the Fumikomi Cross
-> The brick wall in the western part of Secret Area 2 also has some enemies to
be battled against:
Battle 1: Gale Dan, Mete Frey
Battle 2: Yo-Rando, Den Beetle
Battle 3: Byohaku
Battle 4: Storm Box, Hero Con Doll
Battle 5: 2 Aburiku
Battle 6: Torin Ball, Mete Frey, Fudero 3
Battle 7: Yo-Rando, Fudero 3, Harudoburuzu
Battle 8: Ki Mushroom, Kuro Mushroom
Battle 9: Hero Con Doll, Dogyora
Battle 10: Demon's Eye, Kazura, Fudero SP
-> There is a HP +500 behind a WWW gate in the upper, bottom-right Area in
Secret Area 2.
-> The lower, top-left side of the Secret Area 2 harbor yet another brick wall.
Battle 1: Dark Shadow
Battle 2: 2 Gale Ba, Gale Den
Battle 3: 2 Mettool 3
Battle 4: Byohaku, Cashdam 2
Battle 5: Ebi Del, Laundalau
Battle 6: 3 Chyoten 2
Battle 7: 2 Yo Ship
Battle 8: Mettool 3, 2 Nuraimu
Battle 9: Super Kuiguru
Battle 10: 2 Toto Ball, Red Devil
-> Past the brick, try walking North and MegaMan will walk on the water. Get
the Navi Scout M.
-> Back to the row in which MegaMan fought the last tower. Stick on the
southern side and move East until MegaMan crosses over. Find the WWW gate
and unlock it if MegaMan has more than 170 regular class chips. Fight
YamatoMan (1600 HP).

BOSS: YamatoMan (1600 HP)
-> Another sacred guardian Navi. It moves pretty quickly, and then suddenly
appear in front of MegaMan and unleash his fast trident attack. Also, it
can spin its trident, damaging the panel in front of it. The spinning also
unleashes an arrow-shaped beam. Then, sometimes it can extend its trident
to attack up to 3 panels in front of it. When its HPs is down a bit, it
can summon minions, which moves 1 panel in front starting from the blue
panel / red panel limit line (IE steal MegaMan's panels). The minions
appear from time to time, in group of 4, but they always keep coming until
either MegaMan or YamatoMan is destroyed.
-> This one is a tough cookie. Use normal attacks to lower its HP for a while,
saving those strong chips. As soon as it summons minions, go crazy on it.
It will save to have Jelly chips and Panel / Area Steal chips to take back
the panels. Combos always work!
-> Specialty: Rapid Spike Trident (200 HP)
Trident Spin (160 HP)
Long Trident Jab (150 HP)
Beam (160 HP)
Minions (100 HP)
-> Weakness: ...

-> Before heading off, try heading South in the Area before that gate and
examine the Area for another set of towers. This time, it is all 1s, and
the only way to defeat it is either with a Navi/field modify combo or a
Giga Count Bomb PA. Refer to the Program Advanced section for more info on
those PA.
-> Behind that Number tower is a HP Memory.
-> In Secret Area 3, center Area, there is a machine. This is a 10-Bug Piece
Chip Machine (10BPCM).
-> There is a hidden passage on the left side of the 10BPCM. Access it to find
another Brick Wall.
Battle 1: Bad Raft, 2 Harude Balls
Battle 2: Azamadeiga
Battle 3: 2 Mettool 3
Battle 4: Para Cross, Chyoten 3
Battle 5: 2 Quake Team, Laundaba
Battle 6: Mettool 3, Gale Dan, La-La-Pa-Pa
Battle 7: Tonga Ball, Needle Roarer
Battle 8: 2 Sword Tall, Dark Shadow SP
Battle 9: Hero Con Doll, La-La-Pa-Pa
Battle 10: Volcashigiren, Gale Dan, Mete Frey
Battle 11: 2 Mettool 3, La-La-Pa-Pa
Battle 12: Jelly Aas, Laundaba
Battle 13: 2 Nitariku
Battle 14: Guu Hag
Battle 15: 2 Kuripontaro
Battle 16: Joker's Eye, Proto Bug SP
Battle 17: Yo-Rando, Cashdam 3
Battle 18: 3 Mega Rabili
Battle 19: N.O 3, Dogabin
Battle 20: Nebarimu, Casdo, Dream Bit SP
The mystery data behind the wall is Saito Batch.
-> Near the 10BPCM, there is a Sanctuary C chip in the bottom-left Area.
-> In the left side of Secret Area 3, there is yet another Number tower. This
time, it's:
All 400 HPs. Defeat this one by first using a combo that targets all 3,
taking the hit from Number 2 (don't forget about initializing a barrier),
then take out Number 2 alone using some kind of PA (that Ratton one is very
-> So what's after that Number Tower? Another Brick Wall!
Battle 1: 2 Mettool 3, Jelly As
Battle 2: Kuripontaro, Dark Shadow
Battle 3: 2 Chyoten 3, Cashdam 3
Battle 4: N.O 2, Dogabin
Battle 5: 2 Para Cross
Battle 6: 2 Nebarimu, La-La-Pa-Pa
Battle 7: 2 Laundaba
Battle 8: 2 Den Beetle
Battle 9: 2 Momogureo, Heavy Areido
Battle 10: Yo-Rando, Blue Demon
-> The last Number Tower is after the brick wall. This time, there are 3
purple Number 1 650 HP!
. 1
. .
Observe the numerous holes... Only decent way: Copy Damage on the top
tower, Grass Stage the panels, then Heat Spread PA them all to hell!
-> The last gate. Locate it easily... Anyway, open it if MegaMan have all
200 Regular Chips. Behind it is... Serenade!

BOSS: Serenade (2000 HP)
-> Serenade, the ultimate Navi. Even more powerful than Forte. Hit her and
she will return an energy wave back. She can send snowflake-like energy
balls zig-zagging towards MegaMan. When MegaMan finally damages her, she
will unleash her sonic blast, in which tiles explode everywhere for a while.
-> It seems that only Mega Class, Giga Class, PA and unsubtle chips (such as
Area Steal - 10 HP or Prism - 100 HP) damage Serenade. So either destroy her
with a combo of V3/V4 Navis, or have 4 Giga Count Bomb ready or something...
All of this can only be done WHEN SHE IS USING HER SONIC BLAST ATTACK!
-> Specialty: Energy Wave (100 HP)
Energy Ball (100 HP)
Sonic Blast (100 HP)
-> Weakness: NONE!

-> Defeat her and receive Ura Rank 1!
-> In case MegaMan have not spent at least 300 bug pieces on the 10BPCM, do so
now (might take some time).
-> Exit the Secret Area and the Internet.
-> Return back, and head to the 10BPCM. Forte GS will be waiting there.

BOSS: Forte GS (2000 HP)
-> Black caped powerful nemesis of MegaMan. 200 HP aura. This one is a feather
with feet! It has all the attacks that Forte has, but now because it has
fused with Gospel, it can use the Fire Gospel attack too! Note that when
it attacks with the Fire Gospel, 2 mech arms drop from the ceiling just
-> How to kill this beast? Well, taking in advantage of elemental chips (by
setting the panels into the opposite element then use elemental chips that
do more than 100 HP worth of damage). This is just to break the aura. Now
quick form a combo and attack! Repeat process... enough said.
-> Specialty: Electric Shock (300 HP)
Electric Rush (300 HP)
Slam (300 HP)
Gospel's Paw (500 HP)
Fire Gospel (500 HP)
-> Weakness: None!

-> Receive Forte X chip.
-> In the next few challenges, MegaMan must use a customized deck to defeat
all the Navis in the game in less than the time limit allowed.
-> Go to the huge stairs. On the top there are 3 purple enemy Navis.
-> Left Navi: Beat DarkMan V2 (1600 HP) in less than 45 seconds.
-> Center Navi: Beat YamatoMan V2 (1800 HP) in less than 40 seconds.
-> Right Navi: Beat ProtoMan V2 (1300 HP) in less than 45 seconds.
-> Backtrack to Secret Area 2. Near the lower, bottom-right teleporter,
a Navi wants MegaMan to beat MistMan V2 (1300 HP) in less than 45 seconds.
-> A Navi in the bottom side of Secret Area 2 challenge MegaMan to beat
KingMan V2 (1000 HP) in less than 40 seconds.
-> A Navi near the lower left teleporter wants MegaMan to defeat MetalMan V2
(800 HP) in less than 20 seconds.
-> Take that teleporter and end up near another Navi. Defeat GutsMan V2
(700 HP) in less than 15 seconds.
-> Secret Area 1, center panel Area, left side, starting from the top:
Defeat DesertMan V2 (1200 HP) in less than 45 seconds
Defeat BubbleMan V2 (800 HP) in less than 40 seconds
Defeat BeastMan V2 (700 HP) in less than 30 seconds
Defeat FlashMan V2 (500 HP) in less than 10 seconds
-> Secret Area 1, center panel Area, right side, starting from the top:
Defeat DrillMan V2 (900 HP) in less than 45 seconds
Defeat FlameMan V2 (1400 HP) in less than 40 seconds
Defeat PlantMan V2 (1300 HP) in less than 40 seconds

-> By defeating all of the above Navis, MegaMan will earn the Serenade S chip!


-> After beating all of those Navis, return to Ura Internet 7. Those 2 curtains
can now be removed.
-> Behind the left curtain is a Ojizau-San O chip.
-> Behind the right curtain is a HP Memory.
-> There is one more thing to be unlocked. Head up the stairs in Ura Internet 7
and unlock that mystery wall. Behind it is a PMD containing the Giga Folder
1 chip.


Jobs are always counted from the bottom of the page and can be found
outside on the north wall of the Science Centre. Lan must read and accept a
job before commencing. Only one job may be accepted at a time.

-> JOB 1: Go to ACDC Area 1 (right side) and talk to the purple Navi (top-
right). Receive a Wrench. Go to 5-A blackboard and give the wrench to the
top Navi. Return to ACDC Area 1 Navi and receive Yo-Yo 1 D.

-> JOB 2: Take a Recover-30 * chip and go to the Science Center Metro Station.
A little girl will trade it for a Regu-Up 3. Note that the chip must not be
in any deck for it to be traded.

-> JOB 3: Talk to the fat lady inside the Yokayoka Village Metro Station. Then
go to ACDC Area 3, near the entrance from ACDC Area 2, and find a purple
enemy Navi. Return to the fat lady and receive Spin Yellow.

-> JOB 4: Go inside the Virus Research Lab and talk to the North-West
scientist. Now head for the Flamingo / Hippopotamus Area and examine the
system next to the fence. Face against one Sun Hag and two Cashdam 2.
Return to the scientist for an HP Memory.

-> JOB 5: Go to ACDC square and talk to the green Navi in the central Area,
top-right corner. Now head to Science square and talk to the purple Navi
in the central Area, left side. Back to the green Navi in ACDC square.
Erk, more tracking, back to the purple Navi. In case this is not too clear,
Lan and MegaMan is going back and forth to negotiate to buy a Relic Form B
chip. Make a final stop back to the green Navi, which will give you the
chip for FREE.

-> JOB 6: Go to the Bath House and talk to the fat man on the right side of the
entrance. Give him a deposit of 8000z and help him find his ID. Talk to ALL
the Navis in Yokayoka Area (sorry, I cannot pinpoint my mistake) and go back
and talk to the fat guy again. (This is uncertain, but Jon suggested that
MegaMan only have to talk to the green Navi in Yokayoka Area 1 that is
constantly looking at all directions.) Now go to Yokayoka Area 2, near upper
Yokayoka Area 1 entrance, and find a green Navi arguing with a purple enemy
Navi. Fight the purple Navi and fight 3 Quake Team. Talk to the green Navi
and receive the Cash Data. Return it to the fat guy and get the deposit
back, along with a HP Memory.

-> JOB 7: Jack in Yai's phone and go to the bottom-left corner, where two
Twin Za virus. Receive 10000z.

-> JOB 8: Head to Beach Square. Talk to the Bunny Navi and battle two
Kyorushin and one Bad Raft. After the battle, choose the second choice.
Then choose the third choice. Receive Fumikomi San Q.

-> JOB 9: Go to Yokayoka Village. Near the bath house, find an old woman in a
corner and talk to her. She will give Lan a Counter Bomb N. Bring this to
a business man in the hallway in the DNN Centre. Return for a Invisibility
*. Give this one to a purple Navi in ACDC square west part. Return back
again and receive Aqua +30 *.

-> JOB 10: Go to ACDC park and talk to the guy standing on the right side.
Take the Teared Paper. Go find a green Navi in Yokayoka Area 1 (bottom-
left, take the generator path). Go to the zoo and talk to the scientist
near the entrance. Head back to the man in the park. He will give Lan a
Regu-Up 3.

-> JOB 11: On to beach Area 1. In the lower part (place with the few belts),
ask to be challenged.
1st battle: two Mettool 2
2nd battle: one Yo-Yoto, one Mettool
3rd battle: one Ebi Long, one Mettool 2, one Bomb Beetle
4th battle: two Yo-Yoto
5th battle: two Mettool 2, one Kyerushin
Receive HP Memory.

-> JOB 12: Head for the DNN Centre. Right next to the entrance is an old man
who will send Lan and MegaMan on a search for 3 bad viruses. First stop:
DNN Van (top-right). Face Mettool 2, Cashdam 2, and La-La-Chyo-Pa. Next one:
DNN Centre Battle System (in the competition room) (bottom-right). Fight
Sword Ra, Sword Tall and La-La-Chyo-Pa. Last stop: security panel on the
second floor of DNN Centre, near the green door. While Lan's at it, there
is a guessing game Navi there that starts on 500z, have 3 guess plates,
and is willing to go all the way up to 40500z and a Fumikomi San L. There
is a Regu-Up 1 (top-left) and a locked Attack +1 (bottom-right). Finally
go battle against one Gale Ba, one Kyerushin and one La-La-Chyo-Pa. Go
back to the guy near the entrance of the DNN Centre and receive Ura's

-> JOB 13: Go to the administrator's office at the ACDC Town and talk to the
man in the back. Now head to Science Area 1, upper level, near the skull
gate, and talk to the Navi. Head back to ACDC Area 2 near ACDC Area 3
entrance and find the purple Navi on the white panels. It will ask for
Yo-Yo 1 G. It will in return give a Hoken Deck. Return it to the man and
receive Slow Gauge *.

-> JOB 14: Go to the principal's office, talk to the secretary, and jack
inside the laptop. Go to the left side, where there is a red terminal on
the wall. Examine it and it will ask MegaMan a question. If he fail to give
the right answer, he must face 3 Gale Den. The answer is the 3rd option.
Onto Area 2. Find the cactus and choose the 3rd choice. Head down to the
machine, and select the 1st choice. Now jack out and talk to the secretary
and receive Bad Medicine B.

-> JOB 15: Go talk to the female zookeeper near the bird cages in Zoo Area 1,
then head to the hospital's patient room and talk to the old man, who will
give a Brown Doll to Lan. Put the item on the slide in ACDC park. Enter
Lan's house, then exit. Go to the slide, and a condor will be there. Now
return the condor to the zookeeper and receive Sub Memory.

-> JOB 16: Jack inside the TV in the hospital. There is a Navi in the top-right
corner who will challenge MegaMan.
1st battle: Quake SP
2nd battle: Azamata SP
3rd battle: Para Ball SP
4th battle: Bajiriku SP
Receive Yomoa Sensor block and WWW-ID.

-> JOB 17: Go to the Vending Machine. Talk to the Navi in the bottom-right
corner. Head to the administrator's office in ACDC school and examine the
pile of books on the bottom-left side, near the main system console. Now
head to Beach Street and talk to the waitress. A female silhouette will now
hide behind a nearby pillar. Talk to her and receive Spin Purple. Go back
to the Navi and receive Steal Revenge Y.

-> JOB 18: Go to Yokayoka Square and talk to the right side Navi on the big
central platform. There are 4 purple enemy Navis in Yokayoka Areas. The
first is in Yokayoka Area 1 near the lower Yokayoka Area 2 path. Fight
against two Hero Con Doll and a Raundarau. The second one in the top-left
upper platform in Yokayoka Area 2. A Bad Raft and two Cashdam 3. The third
is near Tamako's HP in Yokayoka Area 1. Fight two Hero Con Doll and a
La-La-Pa-Pa. The last one is in the lower Area of Yokayoka Area 1. Fight off
a Nuruimu and two Hero Con Doll. Go back to the Navi at the Square and
receive Kakuchyo Memory, which increases the program Area by 1 row.

-> JOB 19: Go to Science Area 2 central Area, where a Navi and a Rabili are
standing together. Give the Navi 50 Bug Pieces to take the Rabili. Exit
and go to the Virus Research Lab, give the Rabili data to the guy next to
the Virus Breeding Machine and receive Rabili R.

-> JOB 20: Go to Jigoku Area through the Isle entrance. On the top-left corner
there is a Ghost Navi. It will ask MegaMan to do a chore in Ura Internet.
In the Ura Square right side, there is a purple enemy Navi who will sell
Yama's Prophesy for 7000z. In Ura Internet 6, there is a purple enemy Navi
on the north side who want to fight MegaMan by using two Suinzeto and a
Cask. Receive Umi's Prophesy. In Ura Internet 3, on the route to the place
with the four flaming garbage cans, there is a Navi who wants to give
Kumo's Prophesy for some cash (forgot). Return all 3 prophesies to the Navi
in Jigoku Area and receive Quick Gauge *.

-> JOB 21: Go to Yokayoka Village and talk to the kid near the entrance of the
zoo. In Zoo Computer Area 1, a Navi located south will give MegaMan Sword E.
In Area 2, a Navi located in the center will give MegaMan Wide Sword E. In
Area 3, a Navi located west will give MegaMan Guts Punch E. In Area 4, a
Navi located west will give MegaMan Barrier E. Return all 4 chips to the kid
in front of the zoo. Receive Guts Impact H.

-> JOB 22: In Ura Internet 2, on the route to Ura Internet 4 (top), there is
a green Navi who will challenge MegaMan. Fight against two Sword Tall and
a Harude Balls SP. Receive HP Memory.

-> JOB 23: Go to Jigoku Isle and head inside the cave. Near the Jigoku Area
entrance is a scientist who will challenge MegaMan with a series of
Battle 1: Mettool 3, Mega Rabili, Para Cross
Battle 2: Chyoten 3, Swordin, Laundaba
Battle 3: Nebarimu, Kuripontaro, Ebi Side
Battle 4: Yo-Ranto, Gohaku, La-La-Pa-Pa SP
Battle 5: Tonga Ball, Natariko, Azamadaiga
Battle 6: Gale Dan, Bad Raft, Mete Frey
Battle 7: Sword Den, Super Kurei, Dream Bit
Receive 30 Bug Pieces for all that trouble.

-> JOB 24: Go to Hospital 2F and talk to the nurse near the Patient Room doors.
Go to ACDC Area 1 and talk to the green Navi in the bottom-left Area and
receive Stamp Card. Go to Science Area 1 upper central panels, near a huge
screen. Talk to the green Navi there. Now head to Yokayoka Area 2, top-left
corner, and talk to the green Navi there. Finally go to Beach Area 1 upper
Area, taking the bottom slide, then the right slide, and heading to the
right side of that slide going up to find the last Navi to talk to. Return
to the Navi in ACDC Area 1 and return the Stamp Card. Go back to the nurse
and receive Fumikomi Cross Q.

-> JOB 25: Go to ACDC School 2F and walk to the end of the hallway. Talk to the
little girl there and receive her Heritage Volume. Go to ACDC Area 3 and
examine the colorful squirrel. Fight Toto Ball SP, Chya Mushroom SP, Needle
Machine SP. Go to Bath House and examine the Samurai armor in the entrance.
Fight Heavy Area SP, Dougun SP, Volcano SP. Go to the generator in Yokayoka
Area 1 and examine it to fight Kuripon SP, Jeliamu SP, Jelly SP. Now go
examine the Southern Gargoyle in the Jigoku Isle. Battle Killer's Eye SP,
Super Kubi SP and Momoguran SP. Now go to Ura Internet 4, take the left path
and go to the Green panels Area. If the cube is still there, first go fight
BeastMan V3 in Lan's Dog House and return to open it. Examine the tip of the
pole and receive the Family Photo. Fight against 2 Twin Za SP and a N.O SP.
Return the photo back to the girl and receive Recover-300 R.

--------------------------------[Virus Breeder]--------------------------------

Starting from Chapter 7, the Virus Research Lab in the Science Centre have
completed their newest creation, the Virus Breeder. It looks like a hi-tech
ball that MegaMan can jack in to, in the bottom-right corner of the Virus
Research Lab. The main scientist is standing next to it.

This device allows MegaMan to "breed" and use enemy viruses to his own
advantage. First, by finding special viruses in specific Area can MegaMan
obtain the virus family's data. Each family contains 4 to 5 different kinds of
viruses, but they all look the same except for their colors.

Once MegaMan is able to obtain the Virus Family Data, he can give these
datas to the head scientist at the Virus Research Lab. The scientist will
"breed" those viruses and give MegaMan a special Chip so he can summon the
viruses in battle by using the corresponding chip.

MegaMan can jack into the Virus Breeder and feed each virus Bug Pieces.
He does so by approaching the virus' food bowl and press A to examine it.
MegaMan can feed 5 Bug Pieces at a time, and there is a maximum of 100 Bug
Pieces per family. After obtaining the limit, MegaMan will be unable to give
them more Bug Pieces.

Each Bug Piece add 1 HP worth of damage to the corresponding virus in the
family. By talking to the Navi in the family's Area, MegaMan can switch Bug
Pieces from one virus to another virus in the same family, and therefore
switching the damages that they do.

There are 9 Virus Families in the game, and all of them are very well
hidden. On top of the first set of Virus Data, there are also SP Virus Datas
that are found separately but then are integrated into the family. The SP
Viruses only can be found after that Virus Family's first data is found and
returned to the head scientist.

[Mettool Virus Family]
LCTN: ACDC Area 1 ->
Located near Lan's HP entrance, situated on the top-left panel in the
9 panels that use to be locked by a WWW gate.
FGHT: Mettool, Mettool 2, Mettool 3
CHIP: 174. Mettool T

LCTN: 5-A Blackboard ->
Located in the South-East corner
FGHT: 3 Mettool SP
CHIP: None

Mettool - 40 HP
Mettool 2 - 80 HP
Mettool 3 - 120 HP
Mettool SP - 150 HP

[Rabili Virus Family]
LCTN: Science Area 2 ->
Located near the center of the Area. The virus data is visible during
Job 19. Exchange 50 Bug Pieces for it.
FGHT: None
CHIP: 175. Rabili R

LCTN: Hospital 2F Patient Bed ->
Located in the North-West corner.
FGHT: 3 Rabili SP
CHIP: None

Rabili - 60 HP
Hyper Rabili - 90 HP
Mega Rabili - 140 HP
Rabili SP - 160 HP

[Gale Virus Family]
LCTN: Jigoku Southern Gargoyle ->
Located at the North-West side, near a Navi.
FGHT: Gale, Gale Den, Gale Ba
CHIP: 176. Gale E

LCTN: Zoo Computer Area 2 ->
Located in the extreme Center-South Area, at a dead-end. Relatively
close to the Zoo Computer Area 3 entrance.
FGHT: 3 Gale SP
CHIP: None

Gale - 50 HP
Gale Ba - 80 HP
Gale Dan - 120 HP
Gale SP - 170 HP

[Swordin Virus Family]
LCTN: Ura Internet 1 ->
From the Jigoku Area entrance, walk North, staying on the blue panels.
At the very top, head left and walk into the dead-end.
FGHT: Sword Ra, Swordin, Sword Tall
CHIP: 177. Swordin W

LCTN: Zoo Secret Console ->
From the entrance, head South-West. The viruses are on the outer rim
grey panels, diagonally adjacent to the bottom-left panel.
FGHT: 3 Swordin SP
CHIP: None

Swordin - 120 HP
Swordra - 120 HP
Sword Tall - 120 HP
Swordin SP - 120 HP

[Jelly Virus Family]
LCTN: Beach Area 2 ->
Located at the South-East side, at a dead-end near the lower Beach Area 1
FGHT: Jelly, Jelly Heat, Jelly As
CHIP: 178. Jelly Y

LCTN: Hot Bath Console ->
It is pretty hard to describe, but in a nutshell, just circle around the
center big hole and it will appear on the left side.
FGHT: 3 Jelly SP
CHIP: None

Jelly - 50 HP
Jelly Heat - 80 HP
Jelly As - 80 HP
Jelly SP - 150 HP

[Chya Mushroom Virus Family]
LCTN: Science Area 2 ->
Located at the West side, on the bottom-left panel of the 9 white panels
where GutsMan stood once.
FGHT: Chya Mushroom, Ki Mushroom, Kuro Mushroom
CHIP: 179. Chya Mushroom H

LCTN: Hospital Area 1 ->
From the entrance of the Hospital 3F Security Panel, simply head 1 panel
down and 1 panel right.
FGHT: 3 Chya Mushroom SP
CHIP: None

Chya Mushroom - 60 HP
Ki Mushroom - 80 HP
Kuro Mushroom - 100 HP
Chya Mushroom SP - 120 HP

[Momoguran Virus Family]
LCTN: Zoo Computer Area 4 ->
Located in the North-East corner, exactly where BeastMan was.
FGHT: Momoguran, Momoguru, Momoguruo
CHIP: 180. Momoguran G

LCTN: Yokayoka Area 1 ->
Located in the lower Area, exactly where BubbleMan was.
FGHT: 3 Momoguran SP
CHIP: None

Momoguran - 90 HP
Momoguro - 120 HP
Momogureo - 150 HP
Momoguran SP - 200 HP

[Killer's Eye Virus Family]
LCTN: Principal's PC Area 1 ->
Located on the West side, situated at the second panel from the left
that touches the huge screen.
FGHT: Killer's Eye, Demon's Eye, Joker's Eye
CHIP: 181. Killer's Eye K

LCTN: Science Centre Doorframe ->
Note that this is the doorframe of the Virus Research Lab. The viruses
are located on the first row from the left, in the center.
FGHT: 3 Killer's Eye SP
CHIP: None

Killer's Eye - 100 HP
Demon's Eye - 100 HP
Joker's Eye - 100 HP
Killer's Eye SP - 150 HP

[Dream BIt Virus Family]
LCTN: Secret Area 1 ->
From the entrance, head South-West. The viruses are on the big central
platform, not far from the bottom-left corner.
FGHT: Dream Rapier, Dream Mellow, Dream Brute
CHIP: 182. Dream Bit A

LCTN: Secret Area 3 ->
Take the small pathway West of the exit to the 10BPCM, located in the
North-West corner of the Area.
FGHT: Dream Bit, Dream Moss
CHIP: None

Dream Mellow - 100 HP
Dream Rapier - 150 HP
Dream Brute - 200 HP
Dream Moss - 130 HP
Dream Bit - 100 HP

=================================[ C H I P S ]=================================

--------------------------------[Standard Chips]-------------------------------

1. Cannon
CHCTR: 1* / A B C D E * / 40 HP
DMMGS: ...... ......
.M..E. -> .M..X.
...... ......
DESCR: MegaMan will fire a shot from a hand cannon.
LCTNS: Start, Cashdam enemy, Science Square Merchant, Zoo Computer Area 3,

2. High Cannon
CHCTR: 2* / H I J K L * / 60 HP
DMMGS: ...... ......
.M..E. -> .M..X.
...... ......
DESCR: An upgraded version of Cannon.
LCTNS: Cashdam 2 enemy, 3CM, 10CM, Ura Internet 1

3. Mega Cannon
CHCTR: 3* / O P Q R S / 80 HP
DMMGS: ...... ......
.M..E. -> .M..X.
...... ......
DESCR: An upgraded version of Cannon.
LCTNS: Cashdam 3 enemy, 10CM

4. Air Chute 1
CHCTR: 1* / * / 20 HP
DMMGS: ...... ...... .......
.M..E. -> .M..X. -> .M....E
...... ...... .......
DESCR: MegaMan will fire a shot from a small hand cannon which will push the
enemy back one panel.
LCTNS: Start, 3CM

5. Air Chute 2
CHCTR: 2* / * / 30 HP
DMMGS: ...... ...... .......
.M..E. -> .M..X. -> .M....E
...... ...... .......
DESCR: An upgraded version of Air Chute 1.
LCTNS: Yokayoka Bug Piece Merchant, Random Beach Areas, 10CM

6. Air Chute 3
CHCTR: 3* / * / 40 HP
DMMGS: ...... ...... .......
.M..E. -> .M..X. -> .M....E
...... ...... .......
DESCR: An upgraded version of Air Chute 1.
LCTNS: Numberman Code, 10CM, 10BPCM

7. Magma Cannon 1
CHCTR: 1* / A G S T V / 90 HP
DMMGS: ...E.. ...E..
.M..EE -> .M.XX.
...... ......
DESCR: MegaMan will hold a miniature erupting mountain in its hands. The
magma attack will charge up then attack all enemies in the horizontal
LCTNS: Volcano enemy, 3CM

8. Magma Cannon 2
CHCTR: 2* / B D F M O / 120 HP
DMMGS: ...E.. ...E..
.M..EE -> .M.XX.
...... ......
DESCR: An upgraded version of Magma Cannon 1.

9. Magma Cannon 3
CHCTR: 3* / E H J R W / 150 HP
DMMGS: ...E.. ...E..
.M..EE -> .M.XX.
...... ......
DESCR: An upgraded version of Magma Cannon 1.

10. Volcano Cannon
CHCTR: 4* / A G J Y Z / 150 HP
DMMGS: ...E.. ...E..
.M..EE -> .M.XX.
...... ......
DESCR: An upgraded version of Magma Cannon 1.

11. Shoot Gun
CHCTR: 1* / B F J N T * / 30 HP
DMMGS: ...... ......
.M..E. -> .M..XX
...... ......
DESCR: A shot that will explode onto the next panel.
LCTNS: Start, 3CM

12. Bi Gun
CHCTR: 1* / D G L P V * / 30 HP
DMMGS: ...... .....X
.M..E. -> .M..X.
...... .....X
DESCR: A shot that will explode onto two diagonally adjacent panels.
LCTNS: Start, ACDC Area 2 Merchant, 3CM

13. Side Gun
CHCTR: 1* / C H M S Y * / 30 HP
DMMGS: ...... ....X.
.M..E. -> .M..X.
...... ....X.
DESCR: A shot that will explode onto vertically adjacent panels.
LCTNS: Start, 3CM

14. Spread Gun
CHCTR: 2* / M N O P Q * / 30 HP
DMMGS: ...... ...XXX
.M..E. -> .M.XXX
...... ...XXX
DESCR: A shot that will explode onto all adjacent panels.
LCTNS: Principal's PC Area 2, Random ACDC Areas, Random Science Areas, Numberman
Code, 3CM

15. Bubble Shoot
CHCTR: 1* aqua / A C D E P * / 60 HP
DMMGS: ...... ......
.M..E. -> .M..XX
...... ......
DESCR: An upgraded version of Shoot Gun.
LCTNS: Ebi Long enemy

16. Bubble Bi
CHCTR: 2* aqua / D E F S V * / 60 HP
DMMGS: ...... .....X
.M..E. -> .M..X.
...... .....X
DESCR: An upgraded version of Bi Gun.
LCTNS: Ebi Bi enemy, 3CM

17. Bubble Side
CHCTR: 3* aqua / B E F G R * / 60 HP
DMMGS: ...... ....X.
.M..E. -> .M..X.
...... ....X.
DESCR: An upgraded version of Side Gun.
LCTNS: Ebi Side enemy

18. Heat Shoot
CHCTR: 1* fire / B H I J P * / 40 HP
DMMGS: ...... ......
.M..E. -> .M..XX
...... ......
DESCR: An upgraded version of Shoot Gun.
LCTNS: Gale enemy, ACDC Area 2 Merchant, 3CM

19. Heat Bi
CHCTR: 2* fire / F I J K V * / 40 HP
DMMGS: ...... .....X
.M..E. -> .M..X.
...... .....X
DESCR: An upgraded version of Bi Gun.
LCTNS: Gale Bi enemy, 3CM

20. Heat Side
CHCTR: 3* fire / C J K L T * / 60 HP
DMMGS: ...... ....X.
.M..E. -> .M..X.
...... ....X.
DESCR: An upgraded version of Side Gun.
LCTNS: Gale Den enemy, Hospital Area 3

21. Mini Bomb
CHCTR: 1* / B G L O S * / 50 HP
DMMGS: ......
DESCR: A tossed bomb/grenade.
LCTNS: Start, Bomb Beetle enemy, Random ACDC Areas, 3CM, Initial Folder 2

22. Single Bomb
CHCTR: 1* / D F H J T * / 50 HP
DMMGS: ....X.
DESCR: MegaMan will chuck one bomb 3 panels away.
LCTNS: Bomb Beetle enemy, 3CM

23. Double Bomb
CHCTR: 2* / A C H K Q * / 50 HP
DMMGS: ....X.
DESCR: MegaMan will chuck two bombs 3 panels away.
LCTNS: Den Beetle enemy, Yokayoka Square Merchant

24. Triple Bomb
CHCTR: 3* / E I N P W / 50 HP
DMMGS: ....X.
DESCR: MegaMan will chuck three bombs 3 panels away.
LCTNS: Gong Beetle enemy, 10CM, 10BPCM

25. Cannonball
CHCTR: 3* / A D F L P * / 160 HP
DMMGS: ......
DESCR: MegaMan will chuck a bomb 3 panels in front. The bomb will crumble or
destroy the panel.
LCTNS: Horude Balls enemy, 10CM

26. Ice Cannonball
CHCTR: 3* aqua / F I M Q S * / 120 HP
DMMGS: ......
DESCR: An upgraded version of Cannonball. Change panel into ice panel.
LCTNS: Cold Balls enemy

27. Lava Cannonball
CHCTR: 3* fire / B C H N W * / 140 HP
DMMGS: ......
DESCR: An upgraded version of Cannonball. Change panel into fire panel.

28. Black Bomb 1
CHCTR: 2* fire / F L N P Z / 120 HP
DMMGS: ...E.. ...E.. XXXXXX
.M...E -> .M..OE -> XMXXXX
....E. ....E. XXXXXX
DESCR: A bomb will be tossed 3 panels from MegaMan. If a fire attack hits
it (whether from MegaMan or from the enemies), it will explode.
LCTNS: Jigoku Area

29. Black Bomb 2
CHCTR: 3* fire / D I K Q S / 170 HP
DMMGS: ...E.. ...E.. XXXXXX
.M...E -> .M..OE -> XMXXXX
....E. ....E. XXXXXX
DESCR: An upgraded version of Black Bomb 1.
LCTNS: Ura Internet Area 2

30. Black Bomb 3
CHCTR: 4* fire / C G L U Y / 220 HP
DMMGS: ...E.. ...E.. XXXXXX
.M...E -> .M..OE -> XMXXXX
....E. ....E. XXXXXX
DESCR: An upgraded version of Black Bomb 1.

31. Sword
CHCTR: 1* / E H L S Y / 80 HP
DMMGS: ......
DESCR: A normal sword.
LCTNS: Start, Swordin enemy

32. Wide Sword
CHCTR: 2* / C E L Q Y / 80 HP
DMMGS: ...E.. ...X..
..ME.. -> ..MX..
...E.. ...X..
DESCR: MegaMan will perform a wide swipe, attacking all enemies on the
following row.
LCTNS: Start, Swordin enemy, Random Science Areas, 3CM, Initial Folder 2,
DNN Centre

33. Long Sword
CHCTR: 2* / E I L R Y / 80 HP
DMMGS: ...... ......
..MEE. -> ..MXX.
...... ......
DESCR: MegaMan will perform a long swipe, attacking all enemies on the
following two panels.
LCTNS: Swordin enemy, ACDC Area 3, 3CM

34. Flame Sword
CHCTR: 3* fire / F N P R U / 130 HP
DMMGS: ...E.. ...X..
..ME.. -> ..MX..
...E.. ...X..
DESCR: An upgraded version of Wide Sword.
LCTNS: Sword Ra enemy, Hospital Area 5, 10BPCM

35. Aqua Sword
CHCTR: 3* aqua / A H N P T / 150 HP
DMMGS: ...E.. ...X..
..ME.. -> ..MX..
...E.. ...X..
DESCR: An upgraded version of Wide Sword.
LCTNS: sword Tall enemy, 3CM, 10BPCM

36. Elec Sword
CHCTR: 3* elec / E K N P V / 130 HP
DMMGS: ...E.. ...X..
..ME.. -> ..MX..
...E.. ...X..
DESCR: An upgraded version of Wide Sword.
LCTNS: ACDC School, 3CM, Yokayoka Square Merchant, 10BPCM

37. Bamboo Sword
CHCTR: 3* wood / B L N P W / 140 HP
DMMGS: ...E.. ...X..
..ME.. -> ..MX..
...E.. ...X..
DESCR: An upgraded version of Wide Sword.
LCTNS: ACDC Square Merchant, Dad's Lab Computer, 3CM, 10BPCM

38. Custom Sword
CHCTR: 3* / B F R V Z / 0 - 250 HP
DMMGS: ...E.. ...XXX
..M..E -> ..MXXX
....E. ...XXX
DESCR: Depending on the gauge, this weapon varies in attack power. It starts at
0 and increase exponentially. Be careful, since once the gauge is full,
the damage drops back down to 0 HP.
LCTNS: Beach Square Merchant, Initial Folder 2, Beach Area 1 PMD, 10BPCM

39. Variable Sword
CHCTR: 4* / B C D E F / 160 HP
DESCR: MegaMan will swipe a sword, which has random attack radius, ranging from
one panel in front to all panels.
LCTNS: Numberman Code, Ura Square Merchant, Ura Internet 4 Merchant, 10BPCM

40. Fuuatsuken
CHCTR: 3* / C E H J R * / 100 HP
DMMGS: ...E.. ...XE.
..M..E -> ..MX.E
....E. ...X.E
DESCR: A wide sword attack that also pushes other enemies back one panel.

41. Fumikomi San
CHCTR: 4* / L M N O P / 130 HP
DMMGS: ...E.. ....X.
.M...E -> ...MX.
....E. ....X.
DESCR: MegaMan will warp two panels in front and perform a Wide Swipe.
LCTNS: Beach Square (Job 8), DNN 2F Security Panel, Giraffe's Console, 10CM,
Ura Internet 4, 10BPCM

42. Fumikomi Cross
CHCTR: 4* / P Q R S T / 130 HP
DMMGS: ...E.. ...X.X
.M...E -> ...MX.
....E. ...X.X
DESCR: MegaMan will warp two panels in front and perform a X Swipe.
LCTNS: Numberman Code, Ura Internet 2 Bug Piece Merchant, Hospital 2F
Nurse (Job 24), Secret Area 1, 10BPCM

43. Relic Form
CHCTR: 3* / B D G R S / 240 HP
DMMGS: .E.... MX....
.M.... -> ......
...... ......
DESCR: If an enemy enters MegaMan's panels, hold A button and MegaMan will
automatically attack.
LCTNS: ACDC Square, 3CM, Initial Folder 2, 10BPCM

44. Shock Wave
CHCTR: 1* / D H J L R / 60 HP
DMMGS: ......
DESCR: An energy wave sent horizontally to the right by an axe.
LCTNS: Mettool enemy, Random ACDC Areas

45. Sonic Wave
CHCTR: 2* / G I M S W / 80 HP
DMMGS: ......
DESCR: An upgraded version of Shock Wave.
LCTNS: Mettool 2 enemy, 3CM

46. Dyna Wave
CHCTR: 3* / E N Q T V / 100 HP
DMMGS: ......
DESCR: An upgraded version of Shock Wave.
LCTNS: Mettool 3 enemy, Old Woman near ACDC School

47. Great Wave
CHCTR: 4* / E J M P Y / 190 HP
DMMGS: ......
DESCR: An upgraded version of Shock Wave.

48. Guts Punch
CHCTR: 1* / B C D E F / 80 HP
DMMGS: ......
DESCR: Punch just like GutsMan.
LCTNS: Dex's HP, Yokayoka Area 2

49. Guts Straight
CHCTR: 2* / O P Q R S / 100 HP
DMMGS: ......
DESCR: Long range GutsPunch.
LCTNS: Numberman Code, Hospital Area 2, Random Beach Areas, Ura Internet 2 Bug
Piece Merchant, 10BPCM

50. Guts Impact
CHCTR: 3* / G H I J K / 160 HP / attack 1 panel in front
DMMGS: ......
DESCR: An upgraded version of Guts Punch.
LCTNS: Kid in Yokayoka Village (Job 21), Ura Internet 7, 10BPCM

51. Dash Attack
CHCTR: 1* / C D G J Z * / 90 HP
DMMGS: ......
DESCR: MegaMan will grab this weapon and charge in front.
LCTNS: Kierushin enemy, ACDC Area 2, Numberman Code, 3CM

52. Burning Body
CHCTR: 3* fire / B F Q S W / 130 HP
DMMGS: ..X...
DESCR: MegaMan will chuck this on the group and it will create a flame
on the four tiles for a while, burning everything.
LCTNS: Bad Raft enemy, 10CM, 10BPCM

53. Dash Falcon
CHCTR: 4* / B I L S Z / 180 HP
DMMGS: ......
DESCR: An upgraded version of Dash Attack.
LCTNS: Hero Con Doll enemy, 10CM, 10BPCM

54. Burning Cross
CHCTR: 4* fire / A F L R S / 150 HP
DMMGS: ..X...
DESCR: An upgraded version of Burning Body.

55. Rabbiring 1
CHCTR: 1* elec / A M P Q S * / 20 HP
DMMGS: ...... ......
.M.E.E -> .M.X.E
...... ......
DESCR: MegaMan will shoot an electrical ring horizontally across the battle
field. If it hits an enemy, it will temporarily stun them for a short
LCTNS: Rabili enemy, 3CM, Initial Folder 2

56. Rabbiring 2
CHCTR: 2* elec / B G N R W / 40 HP
DMMGS: ...... ......
.M.E.E -> .M.X.E
...... ......
DESCR: An upgraded version of Rabbiring 1.
LCTNS: High Rabili enemy, Initial Folder 2, 10CM

57. Rabbiring 3
CHCTR: 3* elec / C E O T Z / 60 HP
DMMGS: ...... ......
.M.E.E -> .M.X.E
...... ......
DESCR: An upgraded version of Rabbiring 1.
LCTNS: Mega Rabili enemy, 10CM, 10BPCM

58. Ice Wave 1
CHCTR: 1* aqua / A K M Q W * / 80 HP
DMMGS: ...E.. ...E..
.M...E -> .MXXXX
....E. ..XXXX
DESCR: A snowflake will zigzag it's way to the other side of the screen.
LCTNS: Kuripon enemy, Initial Folder 2, 3CM

59. Ice Wave 2
CHCTR: 2* aqua / D H L P R * / 110 HP
DMMGS: ...E.. ...E..
.M...E -> .MXXXX
....E. ..XXXX
DESCR: An upgraded version of Ice Wave 1.

60. Ice Wave 3
CHCTR: 3* aqua / C D J R V / 140 HP
DMMGS: ...E.. ...E..
.M...E -> .MXXXX
....E. ..XXXX
DESCR: An upgraded version of Ice Wave 1.

61. Yo-Yo 1
CHCTR: 1* / C D E F G * / 40 HP
DMMGS: ......
DESCR: A Yo-Yo saw will saw through 3 squares in front of MegaMan and return
back, to do double damage.
LCTNS: ACDC Area 1 (Job 1), 3CM, Yokayoka Square Merchant

62. Yo-Yo 2
CHCTR: 2* / H I J K L / 50 HP
DMMGS: ......
DESCR: An upgraded version of Yo-Yo 1.

63. Yo-Yo 3
CHCTR: 3* / M N O P Q / 60 HP
DMMGS: ......
DESCR: An upgraded version of Yo-Yo 1.

64. Air Storm 1
CHCTR: 1* / A F H O S / 50 HP
DMMGS: ...E.. ...E.. ...E..
.M...E -> .M.E.. -> .MXX..
....E. ...E.. ...E..
DESCR: Air and enemies will be sucked towards MegaMan, then 3 little tornadoes
will emerge and damage the enemies.
LCTNS: Sun Hag enemy, 3CM

65. Air Storm 2
CHCTR: 2* / C G H M W / 60 HP
DMMGS: ...E.. ...E.. ...E..
.M...E -> .M.E.. -> .MXX..
....E. ...E.. ...E..
DESCR: An upgraded version of Air Storm 1.
LCTNS: Byohaku enemy, 3CM

66. Air Storm 3
CHCTR: 3* / A G I N V / 70 HP
DMMGS: ...E.. ...E.. ...E..
.M...E -> .M.E.. -> .MXX..
....E. ...E.. ...E..
DESCR: An upgraded version of Air Storm 1.
LCTNS: Kuhaku enemy, 10CM, 10BPCM

67. Bee Arrow 1
CHCTR: 1* elec / B E M Q T / 100 HP
DMMGS: ...E.. ...E..
.M...E -> .M.X.E
....E. ....X.
DESCR: A bee will appear, fly to the edge of MegaMan's panels horizontally,
then charge diagonally, damaging all enemies within contact.
LCTNS: Super Kubi enemy, 3CM

68. Bee Arrow 2
CHCTR: 2* elec / F R S U Z / 130 HP
DMMGS: ...E.. ...E..
.M...E -> .M.X.E
....E. ....X.
DESCR: An upgraded version of Bee Arrow 1.

69. Bee Arrow 3
CHCTR: 3* elec / A H J N P / 160 HP
DMMGS: ...E.. ...E..
.M...E -> .M.X.E
....E. ....X.
DESCR: An upgraded version of Bee Arrow 1.
LCTNS: Super Kurei enemy, 10CM, 10BPCM

70. Ratton 1
CHCTR: 1* / A C F H J / 80 HP
DMMGS: ....E. ....X.
.M.... -> .M....
...... ......
DESCR: A small mouse bomb will emerge and guide its way towards an enemy.
LCTNS: Chyoten enemy, Higsby, Initial Folder 2, 3CM

71. Ratton 2
CHCTR: 2* / A C F N O / 100 HP
DMMGS: ....E. ....X.
.M.... -> .M....
...... ......
DESCR: An upgraded version of Ratton 1.
LCTNS: Chyoten 2 enemy, 3CM

72. Ratton 3
CHCTR: 3* / A C F R S / 120 HP
DMMGS: ....E. ....X.
.M.... -> .M....
...... ......
DESCR: An upgraded version of Ratton 1.
LCTNS: Chyoten 3 enemy, 10CM, 10BPCM

73. Ratton Rocket
CHCTR: 3* / B F H M Y / 230 HP
DMMBS: ....E. ....X.
..M... -> ..M...
...... ......
DESCR: MegaMan will place a Ratton bomb one panel in front of him. If a
fire shot (either from MegaMan or from an enemy) hits it, it will
start pursuing the closest enemy.
LCTNS: DNN Centre Battle Console, 10BPCM

74. Tsunami
CHCTR: 3* aqua / E I L S T / 80 HP
DMMGS: ...E.. ..XX..
.M...E -> .MXXXX
....E. ..XXX.
DESCR: A tsunami wave will cross on all rows.
LCTNS: Jelly enemy, 10CM, Random Ura Internet Areas, 10BPCM

75. Red Tsunami
CHCTR: 3* fire / B F J R U / 90 HP
DMMGS: ...E.. ..XX..
.M...E -> .MXXXX
....E. ..XXX.
DESCR: An upgraded version of Tsunami.
LCTNS: Jelly Heat, 10CM, 10BPCM

76. Mud Tsunami
CHCTR: 3* wood / D G M V Z / 100 HP
DMMGS: ...E.. ..XX..
.M...E -> .MXXXX
....E. ..XXX.
DESCR: An upgraded version of Tsunami.
LCTNS: Jelly As, 10CM, 10BPCM

77. Tornado
CHCTR: 2* / C L R T U / 20 HP
DMMGS: ......
DESCR: A tornado will appear on the second panel in front of MegaMan.
LCTNS: Yokayoka Area 1, 3CM, 10BPCM

78. Bad Spice 1
CHCTR: 1* wood / B D I S Z * / 80 HP
.M...E -> XMXXXX
DESCR: Poison pollen will be spread on entire rows, from left to right.
LCTNS: Chya Mushroom enemy, 3CM

79. Bad Spice 2
CHCTR: 2* wood / C F I K R / 110 HP
.M...E -> XMXXXX
DESCR: An upgraded version of Bad Spice 1.
LCTNS: Ki Mushroom enemy, 3CM

80. Bad Spice 3
CHCTR: 3* wood / D F J O Q / 140 HP
.M...E -> XMXXXX
DESCR: An upgraded version of Bad Spice 1.
LCTNS: Kuro Mushroom, 10CM, 10BPCM

81. Heavy Shake 1
CHCTR: 1* / E G R S U / 90 HP
DMMGS: ....X.
DESCR: MegaMan will toss the dumbbell 3 panels in front. It will then move
up and down, hitting enemies.
LCTNS: Heavy Area enemy, 3CM

82. Heavy Shake 2
CHCTR: 2* / B F I L Q / 110 HP
DMMGS: ....X.
DESCR: An upgraded version of Heavy Shake 1.
LCTNS: Heavy Areizu enemy, 3CM

83. Heavy Shake 3
CHCTR: 3* / D M R T Z / 140 HP
DMMGS: ....X.
DESCR: An upgraded version of Heavy Shake 1.

84. NO Beam 1
CHCTR: 2* / C F G K W / 200 HP
DESCR: ???
LCTNS: N.O enemy, 10CM, 10BPCM

85. NO Beam 2
CHCTR: 3* / E I S U Y / 260 HP
DESCR: An upgraded version of NO Beam 1.
LCTNS: N.O 2 enemy, 10CM, 10BPCM

86. NO Beam 3
CHCTR: 4* / H M V W Z / 300 HP
DESCR: An upgraded version of NO Beam 1.
LCTNS: N.O 3 enemy, 10CM, 10BPCM

87. Break Hammer
CHCTR: 2* / B G L P T * / 100 HP
DMMGS: ......
DESCR: MegaMan will slam down a huge hammer on the panel in front of it,
crumbling it.
LCTNS: Zoo Computer Area 4, 3CM, Ura Internet 2 Bug Piece Merchant, 10BPCM

88. Geyser
CHCTR: 4* aqua / B C L S W / 200 HP
DMMGS: ...... ...XXx
.M.. . -> .M.XXX
...... ...XXX
DESCR: MegaMan will toss a water bomb 3 panels in front. If the panel is
gone, then a giant water flood will emerge from the hole.
LCTNS: Zoo Hidden Console, 3CM, Random Ura Internet Areas

89. Green Loop 1
CHCTR: 1* wood / D G J M O * / 50 HP
DMMGS: ...E.. ...X..
.M...E -> .M.X.E
....E. ....E.
DESCR: A vine will emerge from the panel in front of MegaMan and will try
to seek out the closest enemy. If there are no enemies, the vine
will not pop out.
LCTNS: Azamata enemy, 3CM

90. Green Loop 2
CHCTR: 2* wood / E G O T U / 70 HP
DMMGS: ...E.. ...X..
.M...E -> .M.X.E
....E. ....E.
DESCR: An upgraded version of Green Loop 1.

91. Green Loop 3
CHCTR: 3* wood / H I T U V / 90 HP
DMMGS: ...E.. ...X..
.M...E -> .M.X.E
....E. ....E.
DESCR: An upgraded version of Green Loop 1.

92. Boomerang 1
CHCTR: 1* wood / F H J M T * / 60 HP
.M...E -> .M...X
DESCR: A boomerang will appear from the bottom-left corner and make its way
to the end of the enemy's territory before making an U turn and heading
LCTNS: Runda enemy, 3CM

93. Boomerang 2
CHCTR: 2* wood / E I K N V * / 80 HP
.M...E -> .M...X
DESCR: An upgraded version of Boomerang 1.

94. Boomerang 3
CHCTR: 3* wood / L O P U Z / 100 HP
.M...E -> .M...X
DESCR: An upgraded version of Boomerang 1.

95. Poison Mask
CHCTR: 1* wood / A F N Q V *
DMMGS: ......
DESCR: This will unleash poison into 1 panel in front of MegaMan.
LCTNS: Natariko enemy, 3CM

96. Poison Face
CHCTR: 2* wood / A N Q V W *
DMMGS: ......
DESCR: A face will appear in front of MegaMan, then hit the next panel,
destroying the enemy.
LCTNS: Aburiku enemy, 3CM

97. Stone Arm
CHCTR: 1* / D H J O P * / 100 HP
DMMGS: ...E.. ...E..
.M..EE -> .M.XXX
...... ......
DESCR: A Quake enemy will drop one panel in front of MegaMan and send an
energy beam horizontally.
LCTNS: Quake enemy

98. Stone Arm 2
CHCTR: 2* / G M P S V * / 150 HP
DMMGS: ...E.. ...E..
.M..EE -> .M.XXX
...... ......
DESCR: An upgraded version of Stone Arm 1.
LCTNS: Quake Team enemy, 3CM

99. Stone Arm 3
CHCTR: 3* / C I L T Z / 200 HP
DMMGS: ...E.. ...E..
.M..EE -> .M.XXX
...... ......
DESCR: An upgraded version of Stone Arm 1.
LCTNS: Quake Raba enemy, 10CM, 10BPCM

100. Curse Shield 1
CHCTR: 1* / A C H L P * / 160 HP
DMMGS: ...... ......
..ME.. -> ..MX..
...... ......
DESCR: A tall casket will appear in front of MegaMan. If anything appears in front
of the casket, it will charge into that object.
LCTNS: Cask enemy, 3CM

101. Curse Shield 2
CHCTR: 2* / B C L S T / 210 HP
DMMGS: ...... ......
..ME.. -> ..MX..
...... ......
DESCR: An upgraded version of Curse Shield 1.

102. Curse Shield 3
CHCTR: 3* / C E L N R / 260 HP
DMMGS: ...... ......
..ME.. -> ..MX..
...... ......
DESCR: An upgraded version of Curse Shield 1.

103. Magnum 1
CHCTR: 1* fire / A C H T V / 120 HP
DMMGS: ...X.. ....X. .....X
...X.. or ....X. or .....X
...X.. ....X. .....X
DESCR: Once activated, a cursor will appear on one of the enemy rows, scrolling
quickly from one row to another. Press A again to confirm attack, then
the chip will hit all enemies on the selected row and destroy the panels.
LCTNS: Do Gun enemy, Wily's Office, 3CM

104. Magnum 2
CHCTR: 2* fire / B G N O Z / 150 HP
DMMGS: ...X.. ....X. .....X
...X.. or ....X. or .....X
...X.. ....X. .....X
DESCR: An upgraded version of Magnum 1.
LCTNS: Dogyora enemy, 3CM

105. Magnum 3
CHCTR: 3* fire / D F I S W / 180 HP
DMMGS: ...X.. ....X. .....X
...X.. or ....X. or .....X
...X.. ....X. .....X
DESCR: An upgraded version of Magnum 1.

106. Plasma Ball 1
CHCTR: 1* elec / B D J R T / 30 HP
DMMGS: ...E.. .XXX..
.M...E -> .M.X.E
....E. .XXXE.
DESCR: A Para Ball virus will appear and move diagonally until it meets an
enemy. Then it unleashes two shocks that will circle the Para Ball
twice before all disappearing.
LCTNS: Para Ball enemy, 3CM

107. Plasma Ball 2
CHCTR: 2* elec / A G K M Q / 60 HP
DMMGS: ...E.. .XXX..
.M...E -> .M.X.E
....E. .XXXE.
DESCR: An upgraded version of Plasma Ball 1.
LCTNS: Para Raika enemy, 3CM

108. Plasma Ball 3
CHCTR: 3* elec / F I N P S / 90 HP
DMMGS: ...E.. .XXX..
.M...E -> .M.X.E
....E. .XXXE.
DESCR: An upgraded version of Plasma Ball 1.

109. Random Meteor
CHCTR: 3* fire / E I S V Z / 100 HP
DMMGS: .X....
DESCR: Random meteors will drop on any panels.
LCTNS: Mete Mage enemy, 10CM, 10BPCM

110. Whole Meteor
CHCTR: 3* fire / C H J N Q / 100 HP
DMMGS: ....X.
DESCR: Random meteors will drop on enemy panels.
LCTNS: Mete Rod enemy, 10CM, 10BPCM

111. Shoot Meteor
CHCTR: 3* fire / A D F S Y / 100 HP
DMMGS: ....E. .....X.
..M..E -> ..M...X
...E.. ....X..
DESCR: Guided meteors will drop on enemies. This can only work an enemy passes
by the cane.

112. Needle Machine 1
CHCTR: 1* / I J M R S / 30 HP
DMMGS: ...E.. ...X..
..M.E. -> ..MOXX
...... ...X..
DESCR: A needle machine will drop, and fire spikes on all four sides.
LCTNS: Needle Caster enemy, 3CM

113. Needle Machine 2
CHCTR: 2* / F H M T V / 40 HP
DMMGS: ...E.. ...X..
..M.E. -> ..MOXX
...... ...X..
DESCR: An upgraded version of Needle Machine 1.
LCTNS: Needle Carrier enemy, 10CM

114. Needle Machine 3
CHCTR: 3* / D L O U V / 50 HP
DMMGS: ...E.. ...X..
..M.E. -> ..MOXX
...... ...X..
DESCR: An upgraded version of Needle Machine 1.

115. Totem 1
CHCTR: 1* fire / G H M O V / 100 HP +100 HP
DMMGS: ...E.. ...E..
.M...E -> .M.XXX
....E. ....E.
DESCR: A totem will appear in front of MegaMan, spit flame onto the horizontal
enemy panels, then turn back and heal MegaMan.
LCTNS: Toto Ball enemy, 3CM

116. Totem 2
CHCTR: 2* fire / A C E T Z / 140 HP +140 HP
DMMGS: ...E.. ...E..
.M...E -> .M.XXX
....E. ....E.
DESCR: An upgraded version of Totem 1.
LCTNS: Torin Ball enemy, 3CM

117. Totem 3
CHCTR: 3* fire / D I K N Q / 180 HP +180 HP
DMMGS: ...E.. ...E..
.M...E -> .M.XXX
....E. ....E.
DESCR: An upgraded version of Totem 1.
LCTNS: Tonga Ball enemy, 10CM, 10BPCM

118. Killer Sensor 1
CHCTR: 3* elec / C K L O P / 100 HP
DMMGS: ...E.. ...E..
.M...E -> .MXXXX
....E. ....E.
DESCR: It aims and when a enemy is targeted, it shoots a ray of electrical beam.
LCTNS: Killer's Eye enemy, 3CM

119. Killer Sensor 2
CHCTR: 3* elec / A G H N S / 130 HP
DMMGS: ...E.. ..XXXX
.M...E -> .MXXXX
....E. ....E.
DESCR: An upgraded version of Killer Sensor 1.
LCTNS: Demon's Eye, 3CM

120. Killer Sensor 3
CHCTR: 3* elec / B E J O P / 130 HP
DMMGS: ...E.. ..XXXX
.M...E -> .MXXXX
....E. ..XXXX
DESCR: An upgraded version of Killer Sensor 1.
LCTNS: Joker's Eye, 10CM, 10BPCM

121. Steal Jelly 1
CHCTR: 1* / B C D K Y * / 90 HP
DMMGS: ...... ...X..
.M.E.. -> .M.X..
.....E ...X.E
DESCR: Three jelly enemies will drop on the first column of enemies, damaging
AND claiming the panels for MegaMan.
LCTNS: Jelaimu enemy, 3CM

122. Steal Jelly 2
CHCTR: 2* / E F G P S / 130 HP
DMMGS: ...... ...X..
.M.E.. -> .M.X..
.....E ...X.E
DESCR: An upgraded version of Small Jelly 1.
LCTNS: Nuraimu enemy, 10CM

123. Steal Jelly 3
CHCTR: 3* / G H S T U / 170 HP
DMMGS: ...... ...X..
.M.E.. -> .M.X..
.....E ...X.E
DESCR: An upgraded version of Small Jelly 1.
LCTNS: Nebarimu enemy, 10CM, 10BPCM

124. Pawn
CHCTR: 3* / B E N R Y / 90 HP
DMMGS: ...... ...... ......
.M.EE. -> .MOEE. -> .MOXX.
....E. ....E. ....E.
DESCR: A pawn will appear one panel in front of MegaMan. Press A to make it swipe.
LCTNS: Initial Folder 2, 10CM, Ura Internet 4 Merchant, 10BPCM

125. Knight
CHCTR: 3* / C H N U V / 150 HP
DMMGS: ...E.. ...E..
.M...E -> .MXXXX
....E. ....E.
DESCR: A knight will drop down one panel in front of MegaMan. Then it will crush
down on all horizontal panels one by one.
LCTNS: Initial Folder 2, Ura Square Merchant, 10BPCM

126. Rook
CHCTR: 3* / D F N Q U *
DESCR: A rook will appear that acts as an INDESTRUCTIBLE obstacle. It will disappear
in under 30 seconds.
LCTNS: Initial Folder 2, 10BPCM

127. Brotherhood 1
CHCTR: 1* / A C E T Z * / 10 HP
DMMGS: ...E.. ...X..
.M...E -> .M...X
....E. ....X.
DESCR: Send 6 targeted mines on all 3 horizontal rows and attack.
LCTNS: Twin Ra enemy, 3CM, Yokayoka Area 2, 10BPCM

128. Brotherhood 2
CHCTR: 2* / D L P S Z *
DESCR: If MegaMan is destroyed when the virus is present, he will regenerate.
LCTNS: Twin Ra enemy, 10BPCM

129. Counter Bomb
CHCTR: 3* / J K L M N / 150 HP
DMMGS: ....E. ...XXX
.MO..E -> .MOXXX
...E.. ...XXX
DESCR: A hand will put a bomb on a panel. It will countdown from 3 to 0, and when
it hits 0, a full column explosion will occur on each column to the right
of the bomb, hitting EVERYTHING.
LCTNS: Yokayoka Bug Piece Merchant, Higsby's Shop, Beach Square Merchant, 10BPCM

130. Stealth Mine
CHCTR: 3* / A D L R S * / 300 HP
DESCR: A mine will randomly be placed. Anything that steps over it will suffer 300
HP worth of damage.
LCTNS: Yokayoka Square Bug Piece Merchant, 3CM, 10BPCM

131. Bamboo Lance
CHCTR: 3* wood / D E H R Z / 130 HP
DMMGS: .....X
DESCR: Bamboo roots will attack the right-most column on the battlefield.
LCTNS: 3CM, Ura Internet 3, 10BPCM

132. Come On Snake
CHCTR: 3* / D E I R Y / 40 HP
DMMGS: ....E. ....X.
.M.. . -> .M.. .
...E.. ...X..
DESCR: If an enemy panel is missing, a snake will appear and attack proximate enemies.
The more holes there is, the more damage the snakes do.
LCTNS: Tamako's HP, Higsby

133. Mettool Guard
CHCTR: 1* / *
DESCR: MegaMan will hold a shield that return an energy whenever an attack touches it.
LCTNS: Mettool enemy

134. Panel Out 1
CHCTR: 1* / A B D L S *
DMMGS: ......
..M ..
DESCR: MegaMan will destroy one panel in front of him. If an enemy is standing on the
specific panel, it will suffer 10 HP and the panel will crumble.
LCTNS: Start, Mettool enemy, Random ACDC Areas, 3CM

135. Panel Out 3
CHCTR: 3* / C E N R Y *
DMMGS: ... ..
..M ..
... ..
DESCR: MegaMan will destroy three panels in front of him. If an enemy is standing on
the specific panels, it will suffer 10 HP and the panels will crumble.
LCTNS: ACDC Area 3, Jigoku Area

136. Panel Steal
CHCTR: 1* / A H L S Y *
DESCR: MegaMan will claim one panel in front of him. If an enemy is standing on the
specific panel, it will suffer 10 HP but the panel would still belong to the
LCTNS: ACDC Square Merchant

137. Area Steal
CHCTR: 2* / E L R S Y *
DESCR: MegaMan will claim three panels in front of him. If an enemy is standing on
the specific panels, it will suffer 10 HP but the panels would still belong to
the enemies.
LCTNS: Start, 3CM, Yokayoka Square Merchant, Initial Folder 2

138. Steal Punish
CHCTR: 3* / A E I K N * / 40 HP
DESCR: If an enemy steals one of MegaMan's panels, he will automatically be fired upon.
LCTNS: Science Area 2, 3CM, Hospital 1F

139. Small Revenge
CHCTR: 4* / C G P R Y / 80 HP
DESCR: An upgraded version of Steal Punish.
LCTNS: Vending Machine (Job 17)

140. Stone Cube
CHCTR: 1* / A C E H R *
DESCR: A giant cube that will block attacks until it is broken. Drops in front.
LCTNS: School Network Console, Science Square Merchant, Beach Area 2

141. Prism
CHCTR: 3* / H J K Q W
DESCR: A block of prism/crystal will be dropped 3 panels in front. If it drops
on an enemy, it will deal 100 HP; or else, as long as it stays, every
damage it receive (whether from MegaMan or from the enemies) will be
dealt on all enemies.
LCTNS: Vending Machine, Yokayoka Area 1

142. Typhoon
CHCTR: 1* / A E H O S *
DMMGS: ...E.. .....E
.M...E -> .MO..E
....E. .....E
DESCR: When activated, it will push all enemies constantly to the end of their
LCTNS: Wind Box enemy, Science Square Merchant, 3CM

143. Suikomi
CHCTR: 1* / A G L R T *
DMMGS: ...E.. ...E..
.M...E -> .MOE..
....E. ...E..
DESCR: When activated, it will such all enemies constantly to the middle Area.
LCTNS: Storm Box enemy, 10CM

144. Accompaniment
CHCTR: 3* / C E G L Y *
DESCR: A sax virus will appear one panel in front of MegaMan. It can be destroyed.
If it's not destroyed, ever once a while, it will play music. As long as
it's playing, MegaMan is invulnerable.
LCTNS: La-La-Pa-Pa enemy, 3CM

145. Discord
CHCTR: 3* / D F N T Z *
DESCR: A sax virus will appear one panel in front of MegaMan. It can be destroyed.
If it's not destroyed, ever once a while, it will play music. As long as
it's playing, all enemies are confused.
LCTNS: La-La-Chya-Pa enemy, 3CM

146. Timpani
CHCTR: 3* / A N Q U W *
DESCR: A sax virus will appear one panel in front of MegaMan. It can be destroyed.
If it's not destroyed, ever once a while, it will play music. As long as
it's playing, all enemies are stunned.
LCTNS: La-La-Bun enemy, 10CM

147. Recover-10
CHCTR: 1* / A C E G L * / +10 HP
DESCR: Heal.
LCTNS: Start, ACDC Area 2 Merchant, Principal's PC Area 1

148. Recover-30
CHCTR: 1* / B D F H M * / +30 HP
DESCR: Heal.
LCTNS: Random ACDC Areas, Zoo Computer Area 3, 3CM

149. Recover-50
CHCTR: 2* / C E G I N * / +50 HP
DESCR: Heal.
LCTNS: Random Science Areas, Random Yokayoka Areas, Beach Area 2, initial folder 2

150. Recover-80
CHCTR: 2* / D F H J O * / +80 HP
DESCR: Heal.
LCTNS: Random Beach Areas

151. Recover-120
CHCTR: 3* / O Q S U W * / +120 HP
DESCR: Heal.
LCTNS: Hospital TV, Hospital Area 1, DNN Centre 2F

152. Recover-150
CHCTR: 3* / N P R T V * / +150 HP
DESCR: Heal.
LCTNS: WWW Area 1, 3CM

153. Recover-200
CHCTR: 4* / M N U V W / +150 HP
DESCR: Heal.
LCTNS: 10CM, Ura Internet 4, Ura Internet 4 Merchant

154. Recover-300
CHCTR: 4* / O R V W Z / +300 HP
DESCR: Heal.
LCTNS: 10CM, Girl in ACDC School 2F (Job 25), 10BPCM

155. Panel Return
CHCTR: 1* / A C D F S * / 0 HP / tool
DESCR: Return MegaMan's Panels if they are lost.
LCTNS: Yai's Phone, Zoo Area 1, 3CM, Random Jigoku Area

156. Slow Gauge
CHCTR: 3* / A C R S Z *
DESCR: Slow down the gauge speed.
LCTNS: Administer's Office (Job 13)

157. Quick Gauge
CHCTR: 3* / B E J R Y *
DESCR: Increase the gauge speed.
LCTNS: 3CM, Jigoku Area (Job 20)

158. Panic Mood
CHCTR: 3* / A C L R Z *
DESCR: With this activated, all data on the battle ground will be pulled to the
top or the bottom of the screen.

159. Deathmatch 1
CHCTR: 3* / D J M O S *
DESCR: This will crumble all the panels on the battle field.
LCTNS: Zoo Computer Area 1, Hospital 1F Pink Door

160. Deathmatch 2
CHCTR: 4* / F H N O W
DESCR: This will destroy all enemy panels, one by one.
LCTNS: hospital Area 3

161. Deathmatch 3
CHCTR: 5* / C M U W Y
DESCR: This weapon will change all the panels into poison panels, so they inflict
LCTNS: 10CM, Secret Area 1

162. Copy Damage
CHCTR: 3* / A F H L Y *
DESCR: Target an enemy, then all attack dealt by MegaMan in a period of time when
the target still remains is also carried onto the targeted enemy.
LCTNS: ACDC Area 2, Numberman Code

163. Invisible
CHCTR: 3* / B E F R S *
DESCR: When MegaMan activate this, he will be invulnerable to all attacks in a 5
seconds time period.
LCTNS: Science Area 1, 3CM

164 Shadow Armament
CHCTR: 3* / H J N Q U *
DESCR: For a short while, MegaMan is invincible to all attacks.
LCTNS: Dark Shadow enemy, 10CM

165. Yukashita Mole 1
CHCTR: 1* / A D H J O *
DESCR: For a short while, whenever MegaMan is not attacking, he will be
automatically burrowed under the panel, making it impossible for enemies
to attack him (unless the attack is directed at the panel).
LCTNS: Momoguran enemy, 3CM

166. Yukashita Mole 2
CHCTR: 2* / B G I K R *
DESCR: An upgraded version of Yukashita Mole 1.
LCTNS: Momoguro enemy, 3CM, 10CM

167. Yukashita Mole 3
CHCTR: 3* / C E L M Q
DESCR: An upgraded version of Yukashita Mole 1.
LCTNS: Momoguru enemy, 10CM

168. Air Shoes
CHCTR: 3* / H I N U Y *
DESCR: Using the air shoes, MegaMan will hover above holes for a short period
of time.
LCTNS: Virus Lab Doorframe, 10CM

169. Barrier
CHCTR: 1* / C E L R S *
DESCR: Creates a 10 HP shield around MegaMan. Until attacks are able to deal 10
damage in all, this barrier will protect MegaMan from all damages.
LCTNS: Dog House, ACDC Area 2 Merchant

170. 100 Barrier
CHCTR: 2* / E J M R T *
DESCR: Creates a 100 HP shield around MegaMan. Until attacks are able to deal 100
damage in all, this barrier will protect MegaMan from all damages.
LCTNS: 3CM, Hospital Area 4

171. 200 Barrier
CHCTR: 3* / E F H R U
DESCR: Creates a 200 HP shield around MegaMan. Until attacks are able to deal 200
damage in all, this barrier will protect MegaMan from all damages.
LCTNS: Hospital 3F

172. Aura
CHCTR: 3* / F I S U Y
DESCR: This chip forms a 100 HP aura around MegaMan. If an attack deals less
than 100 HP then the aura will not be penetrated.

173. Super Kitakaze
CHCTR: 4* / A C N S Z
DESCR: Once activated, a strong wind will blow enemies to the right side of the
LCTNS: 3CM, Ura Square Merchant

174. Mettool
CHCTR: 5* / E L M O T / ???? HP
DESCR: Breed the viruses to increase attack damage. A virus will drop in
front of MegaMan. Press A at the correct time to select one of the three
to five viruses.
LCTNS: Virus Research Lab

175. Rabili
CHCTR: 5* elec / A B I L R / ???? HP
DESCR: Breed the viruses to increase attack damage. A virus will drop in
front of MegaMan. Press A at the correct time to select one of the three
to five viruses.
LCTNS: Virus Research Lab

176. Gale
CHCTR: 5* fire / A E G R U / ???? HP
DESCR: Breed the viruses to increase attack damage. A virus will drop in
front of MegaMan. Press A at the correct time to select one of the three
to five viruses.
LCTNS: Virus Research Lab

177. Swordin
CHCTR: 5* / D I O S W / ???? HP
DESCR: Breed the viruses to increase attack damage. A virus will drop in
front of MegaMan. Press A at the correct time to select one of the three
to five viruses.
LCTNS: Virus Research Lab

178. Jelly
CHCTR: 5* / E J L R Y / ???? HP
DESCR: Breed the viruses to increase attack damage. A virus will drop in
front of MegaMan. Press A at the correct time to select one of the three
to five viruses.
LCTNS: Virus Research Lab

179. Chya Mushroom
CHCTR: 5* wood / C H M S Y / ???? HP
DESCR: Breed the viruses to increase attack damage. A virus will drop in
front of MegaMan. Press A at the correct time to select one of the three
to five viruses.
LCTNS: Virus Research Lab

180. Momoguran
CHCTR: 5* / G M O R U / ???? HP
DESCR: Breed the viruses to increase attack damage. A virus will drop in
front of MegaMan. Press A at the correct time to select one of the three
to five viruses.
LCTNS: Virus Research Lab

181. Killer's Eye
CHCTR: 5* elec / E I K L R / ???? HP
DESCR: Breed the viruses to increase attack damage. A virus will drop in
front of MegaMan. Press A at the correct time to select one of the three
to five viruses.
LCTNS: Virus Research Lab

182. Dream Bit
CHCTR: 5* / A / ???? HP
DESCR: Breed the viruses to increase attack damage. A virus will drop in
front of MegaMan. Press A at the correct time to select one of the three
to five viruses.
LCTNS: Virus Research Lab

183. Dark Hole
CHCTR: 4* / A B S T Z *
DESCR: A black hole will emerge from the right side of the battle field.
LCTNS: 10CM, Secret Area 3

184. Holy Panel
CHCTR: 2* / E J L R U *
DESCR: Switch the panel in front of MegaMan into a Holy Panel.
LCTNS: Fudero enemy, 3CM

185. Magma Stage
CHCTR: 3* / A E R T Y *
DESCR: This will switch some battle panels into Magma Panels.
LCTNS: Hinoken in Dad's Lab

186. Aqua Stage
CHCTR: 3* / C G M Q T *
DESCR: This will switch all panels into ice panels.

187. Grass Stage
CHCTR: 3* / E J R W Z *
DESCR: This will switch all panels into grass panels.
LCTNS: ACDC Square Merchant

188. Sand Stage
CHCTR: 3* / B C Q U W *
DESCR: This will switch all panels into sand panels.

189. Metal Stage
CHCTR: 3* / D G M O S *
DESCR: All panels will no longer be destructible.
LCTNS: Beach Square Merchant, 3CM

190. Sanctuary
CHCTR: 4* / A C E L S
DESCR: Switch all panels belonging to MegaMan into Holy Panels.
LCTNS: Fudero 2 enemy, 10CM, Secret Area 3

191. Kawarimi
CHCTR: 3* / C F H M S / 100 HP
DESCR: Once activated, if an attack hits MegaMan, he will jump in the sky and
pitch ninja stars at all the enemies.
LCTNS: 3CM, Ura Internet 4 Merchant, 10BPCM

192. Shirahadori
CHCTR: 3* / B K R U Y / 100 HP
DESCR: If a sword damage is dealt to MegaMan, all enemies will recieve back
the damage.

193. Navi Scout
CHCTR: 4* / A M N V W
DESCR: Prevents one Navi Summon.
LCTNS: Secret Area 2, 10CM

194. Bad Medicine
CHCTR: 3* / B D E O S
DESCR: It acts as an Anti-Recovery, disabling all recovery abilities.
LCTNS: Principal's Secretary (Job 14), 3CM, 10BPCM

195. Attack +10
CHCTR: 1* / *
DESCR: Boost the previous selected Chip if possible.
LCTNS: Start, ACDC Square Merchant, 3CM, Initial Folder 2

196. Fire +30
CHCTR: 1* / *
DESCR: Boost the previous selected Fire Elemental Chip if possible.
LCTNS: 3CM, Hot Bath Console, 10BPCM

197. Aqua +30
CHCTR: 1* / *
DESCR: Boost the previous selected Aqua Elemental Chip if possible.
LCTNS: Zoo Area (Job 9), 10BPCM

198. Elec +30
CHCTR: 2* / *
DESCR: Boost the previous selected Electric Elemental Chip if possible.

199. Wood +30
CHCTR: 2* / *
DESCR: Boost the previous selected Wood Elemental Chip if possible.
LCTNS: Yokayoka Bug Piece Merchant, 3CM, 10BPCM

200. Navi +20
CHCTR: 2* / *
DESCR: Boost the previous selected Navi Chip if possible.
LCTNS: 3CM, Ura Internet 2 Bug Piece Merchant, 10BPCM

-------------------------------[Mega Class Chips]------------------------------

NOTE: To receive V4 class Navi chips, MegaMan have to delete the V3 Navi in
UNDER 20 seconds WITH team style equipped.
NOTE: It is possible to receive Navi Chips V1 and V2 at the 10CM, but its VERY
RARE. It can even give Navi chips that MegaMan have NEVER BATTLED yet.
NOTE: It is easier to receive Navi Chips V1 and V2 at the 10BPCM. What is rare
and surprising is that V3 and V4 Navi chips are also attainable in the
10BPCM. Don't give up when hunting for them here.

1. Muramasa Blade
CHCTR: 5* / M / 0 - 999 HP
DMMGS: ......
DESCR: The less HP MegaMan has, the more damage this weapon does.
LCTNS: Numberman Code, 10BPCM

2. Paladin Sword
CHCTR: 4* / P / 180 HP
DESCR: This weapon will attack all 3 panels in front of MegaMan.
LCTNS: Numberman Code, 10BPCM

3. Zeus Hammer
CHCTR: 5* / Z / 250 HP
DESCR: An upgraded version of the Break Hammer chip.

4. Prominence
CHCTR: 3* fire / P * / 220 HP
DESCR: Need to be in fire elemental style. Align MegaMan horizontally with a
hole in the enemy area. When activated, a fireball will be sent from
MegaMan and travel to the hole before entering and disappearing. When
the fireball is in place, it will damage everything in its path, and
MegaMan will be momentarily invincible.
LCTNS: Higsby's Shop, 10BPCM

5. Salamander
CHCTR: 4* fire / S * / 300 HP
DESCR: An upgraded version of the Prominence chip.

6. Chikasuimyama
CHCTR: 3* aqua / C * / 180 HP
DESCR: Need to be in aqua elemental style. If there is a hole in the enemy
area and MegaMan is horizontally aligned with it, a water blast will
occur, cracking panels it touches.
LCTNS: Higsby's shop, 10BPCM

7. Daifunsui
CHCTR: 3* aqua / T * / 240 HP
DESCR: An upgraded version of the Chikasuimyama chip.

8. Lightning
CHCTR: 3* elec / L * / 160 HP
DESCR: Need to be in elec elemental style. If there are any obstacles on the
terrain (IE cubes or prisms), then all adjescent panels will be damaged
by high electricity chock.
LCTNS: Higsby's shop, 10CM, 10BPCM

9. Thunderbolt
CHCTR: 3* elec / T * / 210 HP
DESCR: An upgraded version of the Lightning chip.

10. Gaia Sword
CHCTR: 3* wood / G * / 100 HP
DESCR: Need to be in wood elemental style. Basically a Wide Sword attack, but
with a specialty: all chips selected after selecting Gaia Sword will
be added to the Gaia Sword's total damage. However the chips selected
will not be usable.
LCTNS: Higsby's Shop, 10BPCM

11. Gaia Blade
CHCTR: 4* wood / G * / 100 HP
DESCR: An upgraded version of the Gaia Sword chip.

12. Meteor Shower
CHCTR: 4* fire / R / 40 HP
DESCR: Many meteors will fall from the sky, targeting enemies.
LCTNS: Secret Area 1

13. Ojizau-San
CHCTR: 5* / O
DESCR: A statue will appear in front of MegaMan, acting like a barrier. If an
enemy damages it, a lightning will struck from the sky, causing 200 HP
to it.

14. Poison Anubis
CHCTR: 5* / A
DESCR: A poisonous statue will drop in front of MegaMan and unleash poison on
all enemy panels.
LCTNS: Ura Internet 2 Bug Piece Merchant, 10BPCM

15. God Stone
CHCTR: 4* / S / 150 HP
DESCR: If the panel in front of MegaMan is a hole, then a God Stone Navi will
be summoned. It will crush the floor and make boulders fall from the
LCTNS: Beach Square Merchant

16. Old Wood
CHCTR: 4* wood / W / 100 HP
DESCR: If the panel in front of MegaMan is gone, then an Old Wood Navi will
be summoned. Pikes will appear randomly all over the enemies' territory.
LCTNS: Higsby's shop

17. Jelousy
CHCTR: 3* / J / 100 HP
DESCR: This tool does 100 HP for every Navi chip the opponent possesses.
LCTNS: TV Station System

18. Poltergeist
CHCTR: 5* / G
DESCR: If an obstacle is on the battle field (IE a cube), then it will fly up
and slam into the nearest enemy.

19. Dream Aura
CHCTR: 4* / D / +200 HP
DESCR: A 200 HP aura will appear around MegaMan.
LCTNS: Dream Bit enemy, Dream Rapier enemy, Dream Mellow enemy, Dream Brute
enemy, Dream Moss enemy

20. Full Custom
DESCR: Automatically maxes out the Custom Gauge.
LCTNS: Ura Square Merchant, 10CM

21. Attack +30
CHCTR: 3* / * / +30 HP
DESCR: Boost the previous selected Chip if possible.

22. Navi +40
CHCTR: 3* / * / +40 HP
DESCR: Boost the previously selected Navi chip if possible.
LCTNS: Old Quiz Man atop Jigoku Isle

23. Roll
CHCTR: 3* / R / 60 HP +20 HP
DESCR: Roll will appear, attack an enemy, and heal 20 HP.
LCTNS: Mayl in School Hallway (Chapter 1)

24. Roll V2
CHCTR: 4* / R / 100 HP +30 HP
DESCR: An upgraded version of the Roll chip.
LCTNS: Mayl's E-Mail (Chapter 3)

25. Roll V3
CHCTR: 5* / R / 140 HP +40 HP
DESCR: An upgraded version of the Roll chip.
LCTNS: ACDC Park (Chapter 8)

26. GutsMan
CHCTR: 3* / G / 50 HP
DESCR: GutsMan will appear and hit the ground, doing 50 HP of damage to all
affected enemies and crumbling the panels.
LCTNS: Dex in the park (Chapter 1)

27. GutsMan V2
CHCTR: 4* / G / 70 HP
DESCR: An upgraded version of the GutsMan chip.
LCTNS: Dex near ACDC Metro Station (Chapter 2)

28. GutsMan V3
CHCTR: 5* / G / 90 HP
DESCR: An upgraded version of the GutsMan chip.
LCTNS: GutsMan V3

29. GutsMan V4
CHCTR: 5* / G / 100 HP
DESCR: An upgraded version of the GutsMan chip.
LCTNS: GutsMan V3

30. ProtoMan
CHCTR: 3* / B / 160 HP
DESCR: ProtoMan will appear in front of the enemy and perform a sword swipe.
LCTNS: ProtoMan (Chaud in Jigoku Competition Area - Chapter 9)

31. ProtoMan V2
CHCTR: 4* / B / 180 HP
DESCR: An upgraded version of the ProtoMan chip.
LCTNS: ProtoMan V2 (Chaud in Jigoku Competition Area - Chapter 9)

32. ProtoMan V3
CHCTR: 5* / B / 200 HP
DESCR: An upgraded version of the ProtoMan chip.
LCTNS: ProtoMan V3 (Chaud in Jigoku Competition Area - Chapter 9)

33. ProtoMan V4
CHCTR: 5* / B / 220 HP
DESCR: An upgraded version of the ProtoMan chip.
LCTNS: ProtoMan V3 (Chaud in Jigoku Competition Area - Chapter 9)

34. FlashMan
CHCTR: 3* elec / F / 50 HP
DESCR: FlashMan will appear and zap all enemies.
LCTNS: FlashMan V2

35. FlashMan V2
CHCTR: 4* elec / F / 70 HP
DESCR: An upgraded version of the FlashMan chip.
LCTNS: FlashMan V2

36. FlashMan V3
CHCTR: 5* elec / F / 90 HP
DESCR: An upgraded version of the FlashMan chip.
LCTNS: FlashMan V3

37. FlashMan V4
CHCTR: 5* elec / F / 120 HP
DESCR: An upgraded version of the FlashMan chip.
LCTNS: FlashMan V3

38. BeastMan
CHCTR: 3* / B / 40 HP
DESCR: BeastMan will appear and swipe enemies 3 panels in front of MegaMan.
LCTNS: BeastMan V2

39. BeastMan V2
CHCTR: 4* / B / 50 HP
DESCR: An upgraded version of the BeastMan chip.
LCTNS: BeastMan V2

40. BeastMan V3
CHCTR: 5* / B / 60 HP
DESCR: An upgraded version of the BeastMan chip.
LCTNS: BeastMan V3

41. BeastMan V4
CHCTR: 5* / B / 70 HP
DESCR: An upgraded version of the BeastMan chip.
LCTNS: BeastMan V3

42. BubbleMan
CHCTR: 3* aqua / B / 20 HP
DESCR: BubbleMan will appear and throw a couple of lances horizontally across
the battle Area.
LCTNS: BubbleMan V2

43. BubbleMan V2
CHCTR: 4* aqua / B / 20 HP
DESCR: An upgraded version of the BubbleMan chip.
LCTNS: BubbleMan V2

44. BubbleMan V3
CHCTR: 5* aqua / B / 20 HP
DESCR: An upgraded version of the BubbleMan chip.
LCTNS: BubbleMan V3

45. BubbleMan V4
CHCTR: 4* aqua / B / 20 HP
DESCR: An upgraded version of the BubbleMan chip.
LCTNS: BubbleMan V3

46. DesertMan
CHCTR: 3* / D / 120 HP
DESCR: DesertMan's hands will appear and charge towards the enemies.
LCTNS: DesertMan V2

47. DesertMan V2
CHCTR: 4* / D / 140 HP
DESCR: An upgraded version of the DesertMan chip.
LCTNS: DesertMan V2

48. DesertMan V3
CHCTR: 5* / D / 160 HP
DESCR: An upgraded version of the DesertMan chip.
LCTNS: DesertMan V3

49. DesertMan V4
CHCTR: 5* / D / 180 HP
DESCR: An upgraded version of the DesertMan chip.
LCTNS: DesertMan V3

50. PlantMan
CHCTR: 3* wood / P / 20 HP
DESCR: Vines will emerge from the ground, damaging enemies.
LCTNS: PlantMan V2

51. PlantMan V2
CHCTR: 4* wood / P / 30 HP
DESCR: An upgraded version of the PlantMan chip.
LCTNS: PlantMan V2

52. PlantMan V3
CHCTR: 5* wood / P / 40 HP
DESCR: An upgraded version of the PlantMan chip.
LCTNS: PlantMan V3

53. PlantMan V4
CHCTR: 5* wood / P / 50 HP
DESCR: An upgraded version of the PlantMan chip.
LCTNS: PlantMan V3

54. FlameMan
CHCTR: 3* fire / F / 120 HP
DESCR: FlameMan will appear and send an fire energy wave across to the
enemies' side.
LCTNS: FlameMan V2

55. FlameMan V2
CHCTR: 4* fire / F / 150 HP
DESCR: An upgraded version of the FlameMan chip.
LCTNS: FlameMan V2

56. FlameMan V3
CHCTR: 5* fire / F / 180 HP
DESCR: An upgraded version of the FlameMan chip.
LCTNS: FlameMan V3

57. FlameMan V4
CHCTR: 5* fire / F / 210 HP
DESCR: An upgraded version of the FlameMan chip.
LCTNS: FlameMan V3

58. DrillMan
CHCTR: 3* / D / 70 HP
DESCR: DrillMan will appear and send multiple drills to attack the enemies
on all 3 horizontal rows.
LCTNS: DrillMan V2

59. DrillMan V2
CHCTR: 4* / D / 90 HP
DESCR: An upgraded version of the DrillMan chip.
LCTNS: DrillMan V2

60. DrillMan V3
CHCTR: 5* / D / 110 HP
DESCR: An upgraded version of the DrillMan chip.
LCTNS: DrillMan V3

61. DrillMan V4
CHCTR: 5* / D / 130 HP
DESCR: An upgraded version of the DrillMan chip.
LCTNS: DrillMan V3

62. MetalMan
CHCTR: 3* / M / 100 HP
DESCR: MetalMan will use his saw to obliterate 1 panel in front of MegaMan.
LCTNS: MetalMan V1

63. MetalMan V2
CHCTR: 4* / M / 130 HP
DESCR: An upgraded version of the MetalMan chip.
LCTNS: MetalMan V2

64. MetalMan V3
CHCTR: 5* / M / 160 HP
DESCR: An upgraded version of the MetalMan chip.
LCTNS: MetalMan V3

65. MetalMan V4
CHCTR: 5* / M / 190 HP
DESCR: An upgraded version of the MetalMan chip.
LCTNS: MetalMan V3

66. KingMan
CHCTR: 3* / K / 140 HP
DESCR: A mass KingMan will crush 3 panels in front of MegaMan and damage all
four sides.
LCTNS: KingMan V2 at DNN Centre

67. KingMan V2
CHCTR: 4* / K / 170 HP
DESCR: An upgraded version of the KingMan chip.
LCTNS: KingMan V2 at DNN Centre

68. KingMan V3
CHCTR: 5* / K / 200 HP
DESCR: An upgraded version of the KingMan chip.
LCTNS: KingMan V3

69. KingMan V4
CHCTR: 5* / K / 240 HP
DESCR: An upgraded version of the KingMan chip.
LCTNS: KingMan V3

70. MistMan
CHCTR: 3* / M / 90 HP
DESCR: MistMan will appear and attack the enemies.
LCTNS: MistMan V2

71. MistMan V2
CHCTR: 4* / M / 110 HP
DESCR: An upgraded version of the MistMan chip.
LCTNS: MistMan V2

72. MistMan V3
CHCTR: 5* / M / 130 HP
DESCR: An upgraded version of the MistMan chip.
LCTNS: MistMan V3

73. MistMan V4
CHCTR: 5* / M / 150 HP
DESCR: An upgraded version of the MistMan chip.
LCTNS: MistMan V3

74. DarkMan
CHCTR: 3* / D / 30 HP
DESCR: DarkMan will appear, summon 3 black holes in the 3 enemy columns. About
30 bats will come out randomly, dealing damage. Then DarkMan will open
a black hole 1 panel in front of MegaMan.
LCTNS: DarkMan V2 in Secret Area 1

75. DarkMan V2
CHCTR: 4* / D / 30 HP
DESCR: An upgraded version of the DarkMan chip.
LCTNS: DarkMan V2

76. DarkMan V3
CHCTR: 5* / D / 30 HP
DESCR: An upgraded version of the DarkMan chip.
LCTNS: DarkMan V3

77. DarkMan V4
CHCTR: 5* / D / 30 HP
DESCR: An upgraded version of the DarkMan chip.
LCTNS: DarkMan V3

78. YamatoMan
CHCTR: 3* / Y / 40 HP
DMMGS: ..XX.. ......
.MXX.. -> .MXXX.
..XX.. ......
DESCR: YamatoMan appears, performs a rapid trident attack, then a extended
trident attack.
LCTNS: YamatoMan V2

79. YamatoMan V2
CHCTR: 4* / Y / 45 HP
DMMGS: ..XX.. ......
.MXX.. -> .MXXX.
..XX.. ......
DESCR: An upgraded version of the YamatoMan chip.
LCTNS: YamatoMan V2

80. YamatoMan V3
CHCTR: 5* / Y / 50 HP
DMMGS: ..XX.. ......
.MXX.. -> .MXXX.
..XX.. ......
DESCR: An upgraded version of the YamatoMan chip.
LCTNS: YamatoMan V3

81. YamatoMan V4
CHCTR: 5* / Y / 55 HP
DMMGS: ..XX.. ......
.MXX.. -> .MXXX.
..XX.. ......
DESCR: An upgraded version of the YamatoMan chip.
LCTNS: YamatoMan V3

-------------------------------[Giga Class Chips]------------------------------

CHCTR: 5* / X / 70 HP
DESCR: If the panel in front of MegaMan has a black hole opened, then Forte
will appear and perform his multiple energy ball attack.
LCTNS: Secret Area 3

Forte GS
CHCTR: 5* / X / 700 HP
DMMGS: ...XX. ....XX .....X
...XX. ....XX .....X
DESCR: Forte appears and uses his blaster to damage the enemies and destroy
the panels.

Navi Recycle
CHCTR: 5* / *
DESCR: If a Navi chip was used before, this will re-summon the Navi once more.
LCTNS: Ura Internet 2 Bug Piece Merchant

CHCTR: 5* / S / 100 HP
DESCR: If the panel in front of MegaMan has a black hole opened, then Serenade
will appear and perform her blast attack.
LCTNS: Secret Areas

-------------------------------[Program Advanced]------------------------------

NOTE: For some combos to work, MegaMan must select the chips in the order
presented below. EX: For Dream Sword, select Sword E, Wide Sword E then
Long Sword E. Failure to do so result in no combination formation.

1. Zeta Cannon
DESCR: Within 5 seconds, fire unlimited 40 HP shots.

2. Zeta Cannon 2
DESCR: Within 5 seconds, fire unlimited 60 HP shots.

3. Zeta Cannon 3
DESCR: Within 5 seconds, fire unlimited 80 HP shots.

4. Zeta Punch
DESCR: Within 5 seconds, use unlimited Guts Punch 80 HP attacks.

5. Zeta Straight
COMBO: Guts Straight OPQ/PQR/QRS
DESCR: Within 5 seconds, use unlimited Guts Straight 100 HP attacks.

6. Zeta Impact
DESCR: Within 5 seconds, use unlimited Guts Impact 160 HP attacks.

7. Zeta Variable
COMBO: Variable Sword BCD/CDE/DEF
DESCR: Within 5 seconds, use unlimited Variable Sword 160 HP attacks.

8. Zeta Yo-Yo 1
DESCR: Within 5 seconds, fire unlimited 40 HP Yo-Yos.

8. Zeta Yo-Yo 2
DESCR: Within 5 seconds, fire unlimited 50 HP Yo-Yos.

10. Zeta Yo-Yo 3
DESCR: Within 5 seconds, fire unlimited 60 HP Yo-Yos.

11. Zeta Fumikomi
DESCR: Within 5 seconds, use unlimited Fumikomi San 130 HP attacks.

12. Zeta Fumikomi 2
COMBO: Fumikomi Cross PQR/QRS/RST
DESCR: Within 5 seconds, use unlimited Fumikomi Cross 130 HP attacks.

13. Bubble Spread
COMBO: Bubble Shoot CDE
Bubble Bi DEF
Bubble Side EFG
Bubble Shoot E, Bubble Bi E, Bubble Side E
DESCR: A 300 HP aqua-elemental Spread Gun attack.

14. Heat Spread
COMBO: Heat Shoot HIJ
Heat Bi IJK
Heat Side JKL
Heat Shoot J, Heat Bi J, Heat Side J
DESCR: A 300 HP fire-elemental Spread Gun attack.

15. Hyper Burst
DESCR: A 100 HP Spread Gun attack.

16. Dream Sword
COMBO: Sword E/L/Y, Wide Sword E/L/Y, Long Sword E/L/Y
DESCR: A 400 HP 2 panels horizontally and 3 panels vertically sword swipe.

17. Element Sword
COMBO: Fire Sword N/P, Aqua Sword N/P, Elec Sword N/P, Bamboo Sword N/P
DESCR: MegaMan will use all four sword swipes consecutively at a button press.

18. Akuretsuzen
COMBO: Fumikomi San P, Paladin Sword P, Fumikomi Cross P
DESCR: MegaMan jumps two panels forward and perform a wide swipe, a 3-panel
long swipe and then a X swipe, all doing 150 HP each.

19. Giga Counter Bomb
DESCR: A 3 second count down to a 500 HP wide screen destruction bomb.

20. Hyper Ratton
COMBO: Ratton 1 A/C/F, Ratton 2 A/C/F, Ratton 3 A/C/F
DESCR: A yellow huge ratton machine will ram an enemy.

21. Raining Jelly
COMBO: Steal Jelly 1 BCD
Steal Jelly 2 EFG
Steal Jelly 3 STU
DESCR: 6 jellies will drop down one by one, claiming territories and / or
destroying enemies with their 150 HP worth of damage each.

22. Endless Curse
COMBO: Curse Shield 1 C/L, Curse Shield 2 C/L, Curse Shield 3 C/L
DESCR: If an enemy hits MegaMan when the casket is summoned, multiple caskets
will jump onto the enemy, doing 100 HP worth of damage each.

23. Mother's Quake
COMBO: Stone Cube *, Stone Cube *, God Stone S
DESCR: About 40 stones will randomly drop on enemy panels, causing 200 HP worth
of damage each.

24. Poison Pharaoh
COMBO: Poison Mask A, Poison Face A, Poison Anubis A
DESCR: A Pharaoh will appear 1 panel in front of MegaMan and spread a
killer poison. This kind of poisoning takes off about 100 HP per second.

25. Body Guard
COMBO: Kawarimi M, Navi Scout M, Muramasa Blade M
DESCR: Ninja stars out of no where chucks 100 HP worth of damage to enemies.
There is around 10 of those stars.

26. 500 Barrier
COMBO: Barrier E/R, 100 Barrier E/R, 200 Barrier E/R
DESCR: A 500 HP barrier surrounds MegaMan.

27. Big Heart
COMBO: Holy Panel R, Recover-300 R, Roll R
Holy Panel R, Recover-300 R, Roll V2 R
Holy Panel R, Recover-300 R, Roll V3 R
DESCR: Roll appears and does 50 HP worth of damage before completely healing

28. Guts Shield
COMBO: Mettool Guard G, Dash Attack G, GutsMan G
Mettool Guard G, Dash Attack G, GutsMan V2 G
Mettool Guard G, Dash Attack G, GutsMan V3 G
Mettool Guard G, Dash Attack G, GutsMan V4 G
DESCR: GutsMan appears in MegaMan's panel, takes MegaMan and chucks him at
high speed horizontally across, causing 300 HP worth of damage to
all obstacles.

29. Double Hero
COMBO: Custom Sword B, Variable Sword B, ProtoMan B
Custom Sword B, Variable Sword B, ProtoMan V2 B
Custom Sword B, Variable Sword B, ProtoMan V3 B
Custom Sword B, Variable Sword B, ProtoMan V4 B
DESCR: ProtoMan will appear and attak the enemies.

30. Double Hero
COMBO: Relic Form B, Custom Sword B, Variable Sword B, ProtoMan B
Relic Form B, Custom Sword B, Variable Sword B, ProtoMan V2 B
Relic Form B, Custom Sword B, Variable Sword B, ProtoMan V3 B
Relic Form B, Custom Sword B, Variable Sword B, ProtoMan V4 B
DESCR: A stronger form of the Double Hero 29.

31. Grand Prix Power
COMBO: Brotherhood 1 *, Brotherhood 2 *, KingMan V5
Brotherhood 1 *, Brotherhood 2 *, MistMan V5
Brotherhood 1 *, Brotherhood 2 *, BowlMan V5
DESCR: A very strong attack.

32. Master Style
COMBO: Salamander *, Typhoon Sui *, Thunderbolt *, Gaia Blade *
DESCR: MegaMan will split into all the forms he knew and each one will perform
a different 100 HP attack. At the end, the normal style MegaMan will
salute the enemies with a blast attack.

---------------------------------[Preset Decks]--------------------------------

[Initial Folder 1 Deck]
WHRE: Read the title...
WHEN: At the start, of course!
NOTE: Well, this is the first deck. Not too bad... The deck is still limited
to the damage it can cause and the speed. Need modifications right after
Chapter 1!

Cannon A X2 / B X2
Shoot Gun J X3
Bi Gun D X3
Side Gun S
Air Chute 1 * X3
Mini Bomb B X2 / S
Sword L X3
Wide Sword L
Panel Out 1 B X2
Area Steal L
Recover-10 A X2 / L X2
Aqua + 10 * X2

[Initial Folder 2 Deck]
WHRE: Aragoma near Job Post in Science Centre
WHEN: After completing Aragoma's 4 Jobs in Chapter 5
NOTE: The Rabbiring chips are very useful to stun the enemy for a while before
unleashing a sword attack or a gismo attack (ratton, chess piece). Still
quite a banal deck, so change the Recovers and Attacks for something
better. Relic form can also get out of there...

Ratton 1 H x4
Rabbiring 1 S x3
Rabbiring 2 W x3
Ice Wave 1 W x4
Mini Bomb * x3
Wide Sword E
Custom Sword V
Relic Form D
Pawn E
Night V
Rook Q
Area Steal L
Recover-50 * x4
Attack +10 * x2

[5 Real World Navi Deck]
WHRE: Purple Navi in Yokayoka Square
WHEN: Chapter 3
NOTE: Cannot be modified. Basically what this can do is cause quite a bit of
damage IF chips with the same letter designations appear. If not, too
bad. Maybe the Air Chute can be used with the Mini Bomb to create some
form of an advantage, but it's small...

Cannon A x4
Shoot Gun J x4
Bi Gun D x4
Side Gun S x4
Air Chute 1 * x4
Mini Bomb B x4
Sword L x4
Wide Sword L
Area Steal L

[N1 Grand Prix Deck A]
WHRE: Somewhere on Jigoku Isle
WHEN: Chapter 4
NOTE: There is a bit more maneuverability here, but still it cannot be modified
thus there is nothing really useful. There is a PA, the Dream Sword PA,
but since there is only 1 of each sword chip, ... too bad... The Zeta
Cannon 2 is there too so use it whenever it appears. Other than that,
just note that Area Steal goes really well with the swords, since MegaMan
need to be up close and personal with the enemies to damage them...

High Cannon H x2 / I / J
Sonic Wave G x3
Rabbiring 1 A x2 / *
Bamboo Lance Z
Boomerang 1 H
Invisibility * x2
Sword Y
Wide Sword Y
Long Sword Y / L / R
Flame Sword F
Aqua Sword A
Elec Sword E
Bamboo Sword W
Variable Sword C
Area Steal * x2
Roll R
FlashMan F
BeastMan B

[N1 Grand Prix Deck B]
WHRE: Somewhere on Jigoku Isle
WHEN: Chapter 4
NOTE: Very nice deck in deed. The damage ratio is so-so, but this deck is
designed to be efficient at killing speed (all those * chips). The zeta
cannon PA works well, and all weapons are long-range, which is also
kinda nice.

Cannon A / B x2 / C
Air Chute 1 * x4
Bubble Shoot * x4
Heat Shoot * x4
Rabbiring 1 A / M / P / *
Yo-Yo 1 C / E / G / *
Recover-30 F / H / M
Recover-80 D
Roll R
GutsMan G

[N1 Grand Prix Deck C]
WHRE: Somewhere on Jigoku Isle
WHEN: Chapter 4
NOTE: Well, I won't argue with someone who think this deck is good. Personally,
I dislike it. The only advantage this one has is two strong attacks: the
Hougun, and the Come On Snake + Panel Out 3 attack. Other than that, very
plain and simple.

Mini Bomb * x2
Single Bomb H x4
Hougun P x4
Break Hammer T x2
Panel Out 3 * x4
Recover-10 *
Recover-30 *
Recover-50 *
Recover-80 *
Panel Steal * x2
Area Steal E x2
Panel Return *
Come On Snake I x3
Attack +10 *
Wood +30 *

[N1 Grand Prix Deck D]
WHRE: Somewhere on Jigoku Isle
WHEN: Chapter 4
NOTE: Very intriguing. Either get the attacks up and running one by one, or
this deck really don't have much more usage.

Sword Y x4
Wide Sword L x4
Panel Steal * x2
Area Steal *
Single Bomb T
Hougun P
Fuatsugen R
Shock Wave D
Guts Punch C
Dash Attack Z
Burning Body Q
Ratton 1 A
Break Hammer G
Rabbiring 1 M
Yo-Yo 1 F
Bamboo Lance H
Boomerang J
Plasma Ball 1 B
Typhoon *
Suck Me *
Attack +10 *
FlashMan F
BubbleMan B

[N1 Jigoku Fury Deck]
WHRE: Somewhere on Jigoku Isle
WHEN: Chapter 4
NOTE: Too many close range, not enough panel steals. If it was used in the
competition itself, this would be kinda useful against all those pesky
jump-around Navis.

Bubble Shoot A x2
Heat Shoot B x2
Single Bomb D x3
Hougun D x3
Burning Body S x4
Boomerang 1 H x4
Wide Sword Q
Long Sword E
Flame Sword F
Aqua Sword N
Elec Sword V
Bamboo Sword W
Recover-80 D x2
Attack +10 *
Roll R
GutsMan G
GutsMan V2 G

[Apprentice Folder]
WHRE: Man next to the Guardian Machine
WHEN: Chapter 9
NOTE: Very strong deck in deed! There is the Bubble Spread PA, Heat Spread
PA, blocking devices, moving devices, and strong weapons such as
Random Meteor and Counter Bomb. Use it slowly for best results.

Air Chute 1 * x4
Stone Cube * x3
Guts Punch D x4
Stealth Mine D
Bubble Shot E
Bubble Bi E
Bubble Side E
Heat Shot J
Heat Bi J
Heat Side J
Plasma Ball J x3
Random Meteor S x3
Counter Bomb K
Prism K / W
MetalMan M
MetalMan V2 M
MetalMan V3 M

[Famous Person Folder]
WHRE: Just appears suddenly
WHEN: Chapter 10
NOTE: Used for the V2 Navi challenge at the end. Learn to take advantage of the
4 panel switchings, and combine them with Navi chips, not just normal
chips. Getting an F straight (boomerang, flashman, flameman) or a B
straight (Sand Panel, BubbleMan, BeastMan) is useful in most Navi battles.

Rabbiring A x2
Steal Jelly 1 C x3
Boomerang 1 F x3
Tornado T x2
Bad Spice 1 S x3
Plasma Ball 1 J x3
Burning Body Q
Magma Panel T
Ice Panel G
Grass Panel *
Sand Panel B
Fire +30 *
Aqua +30 *
Elec +30 *
Wood +30 *
FlashMan F
BubbleMan B
BeastMan B
FlameMan F
PlantMan P

---------------------------------[Custom Decks]--------------------------------

Got a deck that is good? Send it to me and I might post it up here :)

==============================[ O P P O N E N T S ]============================


Aburiku (220 HP)
-> An upgraded version of the Bajiriku enemy. It is orange.
-> Mask Attack (90 HP), Poison
-> Hospital Areas

Azamata (120 HP wood)
-> A green pumpkin that can send spiked vines to attack. MegaMan can damage the
vine using regular attacks. The head can be damaged only with fire-elemental
-> Vine (60 HP)
-> Hospital Areas

Azamataru (160 HP wood)
-> An upgraded version of the Azamata enemy. It is purple.
-> Vine (130 HP)

Azamadeiga (200 HP wood)
-> An upgraded version of the Azamata enemy. It is orange.
-> Vine (150 HP)
-> WWW Areas

Azamata SP (300 HP wood)
-> A stronger SP counterpart to the Azamata enemy.
-> Vine (150 HP)

Bad Raft (150 HP fire)
-> A red arrow-shaped bird. When it sees MegaMan, it will charge forward,
setting the panels is passes by on fire.
-> Dash (60 HP), Fire (10 HP, paralyze)
-> Jigoku Area

Bajiriku (200 HP)
-> A mask dude. Watch out for its mask attack and poison.
-> Mask Attack (40 HP), Poison
-> Ura Internet

Bajiriku SP (400 HP)
-> A stronger SP counterpart to the Bajiriku enemy.
-> Mask Attack (220 HP), Poison

Bakyomu Fan (100 HP)
-> A blue box that will pull MegaMan constantly to the right side.
-> Wind (0 HP)
-> Ura Internet

Blue Demon (210 HP aqua)
-> An upgraded version of the Dark Shadow enemy. It is blue.
-> Axe (150 HP)
-> Secret Areas

Bomb Beetle (90 HP)
-> A spherical enemy that move whenever MegaMan is on their horizontal row and
spit bombs at MegaMan. These bombs cover a whole vertical column.
-> Bomb (40 HP)
-> Zoo Computer Areas
Secret Areas

-> An upgraded version of the Sun Hag enemy. It is pink.
-> Tornado (50 HP)
-> Jigoku Isle Southern Gargoyle
Secret Areas

Cashdam (60 HP)
-> A green fixed cannon which can target an opponent before shooting.
-> Cannon (10 HP)
-> 5-A blackboard
Dog House
Yai's HP
Dex's HP
Mayl's HP
ACDC Areas
School Network System
Virus Lab Doorframe
Tamako's HP
Zoo Hidden Console

Cashdam 2 (90 HP)
-> A purple fixed cannon which can target an opponent before shooting.
-> Cannon (50 HP)
-> Yai's HP
Yokayoka Areas
Patient Bed
Hospital Areas

Cashdam 3 (130 HP)
-> A red fixed cannon which can target an opponent before shooting.
-> Cannon (80 HP)
-> Ura Internet
Guardian Machine
WWW Areas

Cashdam SP (180 HP)
-> A stronger SP counterpart to the Cashdam enemy.
-> Cannon (200 HP)

Casdo (220 HP)
-> An upgraded version of the Cask enemy. It is brown.
-> Charge (120 HP)
-> Secret Areas

Cask (100 HP)
-> A purple casket. It will disappear, but when MegaMan's attack hits it, it
will charge into MegaMan.
-> Charge (80 HP)
-> Ura Internet

Casme (170 HP)
-> An upgraded version of the Cask enemy. It is green.
-> Charge (100 HP)
-> Wily's Isle Hidden Console

Cask SP (300 HP)
-> A stronger SP counterpart to the Cask enemy.
-> Charge (200 HP)

Chya Mushroom (50 HP wood)
-> A Brown mushroom that moves. Sometimes it will appear on MegaMan's panels
and spread pollen on all adjacent panels. It will recover slowly if it's
not destroyed.
-> Pollen (50 HP, confusion)
-> Patient Bed
Hospital Areas

Chya Mushroom SP (200 HP wood)
-> A stronger SP counterpart to the Cask enemy. It is blue.
-> Pollen (600 HP, confusion)

Chyoten (40 HP)
-> A small mechanical mouse. It sometimes pauses and shoots a guided mouse
bomb at MegaMan. The guided weapons can move forwards and sideways, but
after it moves sideways, it cannot move forward anymore.
-> Mouse Bomb (20 HP)
-> Yai's Phone
Science Areas
Ticket Counter
Numberman Poster
Lan's Security Panel
Bath House TV

Chyoten 2 (100 HP)
-> An upgraded version of the Chyoten enemy. Its purple.
-> Mouse Bomb (50 HP)
-> DNN Van
Ura Internet

Chyoten 3 (160 HP)
-> An upgraded version of the Chyoten enemy. Its pale.
-> Mouse Bomb (80 HP)
-> Secret Areas

Chyoten SP (230 HP)
-> A stronger SP counterpart of the Chyoten enemy. It's grey.
-> Mouse Bomb (160 HP, paralyze)

Cold Balls (120 HP)
-> This is a metal ball thingy that is only vulnerable when it opens its mouth
to spit a bomb. The bomb will put ice on the panel if MegaMan is not on it.
Use FlashMan to pierce through their armor and take care of them.
-> Bomb (100 HP)
-> Jigoku Area

Dark Shadow (130 HP)
-> A dark ghostly shadow. It randomly disappears and black axes appear out of
no where, hitting MegaMan. It has a dark aura (of 999 HP) when in its
shadow form, so either hit it when it appears as an axe, or use shield-
penetrating attacks.
-> Axe (30 HP)
-> Secret Areas

Dark Shadow SP (250 HP)
-> A stronger SP counterpart to the Dark Shadow enemy. It is gold.
-> Axe (200 HP)

Demon's Eye (190 HP elec)
-> It's an eye with a few lightning bolts on its head. It will aim with its eye
and once MegaMan steps past one, KABOOM!
-> Electric Shock (100 HP)
-> Ura Internet

Den Beetle (130 HP)
-> A spherical enemy that move whenever MegaMan is on their horizontal row and
spit bombs at MegaMan. These bombs cover a whole vertical column. This one
shoots twice.
-> Bomb (50 HP)
-> Beach Areas
Jigoku Area

Den Beetle SP (220 HP)
-> A spherical enemy that move whenever MegaMan is on their horizontal row and
spit bombs at MegaMan. These bombs cover a whole vertical column. This one
shoots twice.
-> Bomb (140 HP)

Do Gun (150 HP fire)
-> A stationary cannon that scans MegaMan's panels by column. Once found a
target, the top part will pop up and bomb the entire column.
-> Bomb (50 HP)
-> WWW Areas

Dogabin (250 HP fire)
-> An updated version of the Do Gun enemy. It is red.
-> Bomb (150 HP)
-> Secret Areas

Dogyora (200 HP fire)
-> An updated version of the Do Gun enemy. It is orange.
-> Bomb (100 HP)
-> Secret Areas

Do Gun SP (300 HP fire)
-> A stronger SP counterpart to the Do Gun enemy.
-> Bomb (200 HP)

Dream Bit (200 HP)
-> It has an 200 HP aura. Disable the aura then attack the blue bug inside.
-> Energy Beam (200 HP)
-> Secret Areas

Dream Bit SP (400 HP)
-> A stronger SP counterpart to the Dream Bit enemy. It is black.
-> Energy Beam (400 HP)

Dream Brute (200 HP fire)
-> It has an 200 HP aura. Disable the aura then attack the red bug inside.
-> Fire Wave (200 HP)
-> Secret Areas

Dream Mellow (200 HP elec)
-> It has an 200 HP aura. Disable the aura then attack the yellow bug inside.
-> Lightning (200 HP)
-> Secret Areas

Dream Moss (300 HP wood)
-> It has an 100 HP aura. Disable the aura then attack the green bug inside.
-> Leech Vine (200 HP)
-> Secret Areas

Dream Rapier (300 HP aqua)
-> It has an 100 HP aura. Disable the aura then attack the blue bug inside.
-> Ice Cube (200 HP)
-> Secret Areas

Ebi Del (aqua 130 HP)
-> An upgraded version of the Ebi Long enemy. It is yellow. It's bubble has the
Bubble Bi chip effect.
-> Bubble (60 HP)
-> TV Station System
Ura Internet

Ebi Long (100 HP aqua)
-> A shrimp that moves vertically and spit bubbles that will splash on contact.
It's bubble has the Bubble Shoot chip effect.
-> Bubble (30 HP)
-> Vending Machine
Numberman Poster
Yokayoka Areas

Ebi Long SP (200 HP aqua)
-> A stronger SP counterpart to the Ebi Long enemy. It is grey. It's bubble has
the Bubble Shoot chip effect.
-> Bubble (150 HP)

Ebi Side (160 HP aqua)
-> An upgraded version of the Ebi Long enemy. It is pink. It's bubble has the
Bubble Side chip effect.
-> Bubble (90 HP)
-> Jigoku Area
Ura Internet

Fudero (120 HP)
-> A paint bug virus. It will paint Recover Panels on enemy panels and anything
else on MegaMan panels from time to time.
-> Paint (panel change)
-> Ura Internet

Fudero 2 (170 HP)
-> An upgraded version of Fudero enemy. It is pale blue.
-> Paint (panel change)
-> Secret Areas

Fudero 3 (220 HP)
-> An upgraded version of Fudero enemy. It is pale green.
-> Paint (panel change)
-> Secret Areas

Fudero SP (300 HP)
-> A stronger SP counterpart to the Fudero enemy. It is purple.
-> Paint (panel change)

Gale (fire 90 HP)
-> A Blue wolf that moves really fast. Its fireball has the Heat Shoot chip
-> Fireball (10 HP)
-> Dex's HP
Zoo Hidden Console
Zoo Computer Areas
Jigoku Area
Lan's Security Panel
Lan's Security System
Hot Bath Console

Gale SP (fire 260 HP)
-> A stronger SP counterpart to the Gale enemy. It is orange. Its fireball has
the Heat Shoot chip effect.
-> Fireball (150 HP)

Gale Ba (fire 190 HP)
-> An upgraded version of the Gale enemy. It is grey. Its fireball has the Heat
Bi chip effect.
-> Fireball (60 HP)
-> Lan's Dog House
Zoo Computer Areas
Jigoku Area
Ura Internet

Gale Den (fire 140 HP)
-> An upgraded version of the Gale enemy. It is pink. Its fireball has the Heat
Side chip effect.
-> Fireball (90 HP)
-> Lan's Dog House
Jigoku Area
Ura Internet
WWW Areas
Hot Bath Console

Gohaku (180 HP wood)
-> An upgraded version of the Sun Hag enemy. Its yellow.
-> Tornadoes (90 HP)
-> Ura Internet

Gong Beetle (170 HP)
-> An upgraded version of the Bomb Beetle enemy. It's blue and tosses 3 bombs.
-> Bomb (80 HP)
-> Secret Areas

Harude Balls (80 HP)
-> This is a metal ball thingy that is only vulnerable when it opens its mouth
to spit a bomb. The bomb will pierce the panel if MegaMan is not on it.
-> Bomb (60 HP)
-> Hospital Areas

Harude Balls SP (80 HP)
-> This is insanely strong compared to its normal counterpart.
-> Bomb (200 HP)

Heavy Area (100 HP)
-> A vertical white and yellow barrel. Sometimes it will roll on Lan's side
and attack Lan.
-> Roll (30 HP)
-> Hospital TV
Ura Internet

Heavy Area SP (300 HP)
-> A stronger SP counterpart to the Heavy Area enemy. It is purple-black.
-> Roll (200 HP)

Heavy Areido (200 HP)
-> An upgraded version of the Heavy Area enemy. It is green.
-> Roll (90 HP)
-> Secret Areas

Heavy Areizu (150 HP)
-> An upgraded version of the Heavy Area enemy. It is pink.
-> Roll (60 HP)
-> Wily's Isle Hidden Console

Hero Con Doll (190 HP fire)
-> Yellow arrow-looking bird. It will charge at MegaMan 3 times in a row when
it sees MegaMan and if nothing is blocking in its way.
-> Charge (90 HP)
-> Jigoku Isle Southern Gargoyle
Ura Internet
WWW Areas

Hi Rabili (100 HP elec)
-> Blue rabbit enemy. It can unleash electric ring shocks that will paralyze
MegaMan if he gets hit.
-> electric shock (60 HP)
-> Ura Internet

Jelaimu (90 HP aqua)
-> A blue jello. It slowly jumps onto new panels, claiming them for the enemies.
-> Jump (10 HP)
-> Yokayoka Areas

Jelaimu SP (300 HP aqua)
-> A stronger SP counterpart to the Jelaimu enemy. Its grey.
-> Jump (150 HP)

Jelly (170 HP aqua)
-> It will go up and down, then start a huge wave (kinda like a tsunami).
-> Wave (50 HP)
-> Ura Internet
WWW Areas
Wily's Isle Hidden Console

Jelly SP (370 HP aqua)
-> A stronger SP counterpart to the Jelly enemy. It's grey.
-> Wave (200 HP)

Jelly Heat (220 HP fire)
-> It will go up and down, then start a huge wave (kinda like a tsunami).
-> Wave (100 HP)
-> WWW Areas

Jelly Aas (270 HP wood)
-> It will go up and down, then start a huge wave (kinda like a tsunami).
-> Wave (150 HP)
-> Secret Areas

Joker's Eye (240 HP elec)
-> An upgraded version of Killer's Eye. It's blue.
-> Electric Shock (300 HP)
-> Secret Areas

Kyerushin (90 HP aqua)
-> Yellow arrow shaped bird. It will charge at the sight of MegaMan, all the
way to the left side of the screen, then reappear from the right and charge
once more, if nothing is blocking its path.
-> Charge (30 HP)
-> Virus Lab Doorframe
Dad's Lab Computer
Science Areas

Kyerushin SP (300 HP aqua)
-> A stronger SP counterpart of the Kyerushin enemy. It's blue.
-> Charge (150 HP)

Ki Mushroom (100 HP wood)
-> Green mushroom that moves around. Sometimes it will appear on MegaMan's
panels and spread pollen on all adjacent panels. It will recover quickly if
it's not destroyed.
-> Pollen (80 HP, confusion)
-> Patient Bed

Killer's Eye (140 HP elec)
-> It's an eye with a few lightning bolts on its head. It will aim with its eye
and once MegaMan steps past one, KABOOM!
-> Electric Shock (50 HP)
-> Ura Internet
School Main System

Killer's Eye SP (300 HP elec)
-> A stronger SP counterpart to the Killer's Eye enemy. It is black.
-> Electric Shock (200 HP)

Kuhaku (180 HP)
-> An upgraded version of the Sun Hag enemy. It is pale yellow.
-> Tornadoes (100 HP)
-> Secret Areas

Kura Mushroom (160 HP wood)
-> Purple mushroom that moves around. Sometimes it will appear on MegaMan's
panels and spread pollen on all adjacent panels. It will recover quickly if
it is not destroyed.
-> Pollen (240 HP, confusion)
-> Secret Areas

Kuripon (80 HP aqua)
-> A fat penguin. It is invisible on ice panels.
-> Snowflake (30 HP)
-> Vending Machine
Yokayoka Areas

Kuripon SP (260 HP aqua)
-> A stronger SP counterpart to the Kuripon SP. Its purple.
-> Snowflake (150 HP)

Kuripontan (100 HP aqua)
-> An upgraded form of the fat penguin. It is invisible on ice panels.
-> Snowflake (60 HP)
-> Vending Machine

Kuripontaro (130 HP aqua)
-> An upgraded form of the fat penguin. It is invisible on ice panels.
-> Snowflake (90 HP)
-> Secret Areas

La-La-Bun (200 HP)
-> This looks like a blue saxophone head with headphones. It cannot attack but
it can stun MegaMan by playing loud music, or noise, for that matter.
-> Music (paralyze)
-> Wily's Isle Hidden Console

La-La-Chyo-Pa (150 HP)
-> This looks like a blue saxophone head with headphones. It cannot attack
but it can make MegaMan's control all screwed up.
-> Music (confusion)
-> Ura Internet

La-La-Pa-Pa (90 HP)
-> This looks like a yellow saxophone head with headphones. It cannot attack
but it can make other enemies invulnerable.
-> Music (enemy aura)
-> Numberman Poster
Beach Areas

La-La-Pa-Pa SP (300 HP)
-> This looks like a yellow saxophone head with headphones. It cannot attack
but it can make other enemies invulnerable.
-> Music (0 HP)

Laundaba (180 HP wood)
-> An upgraded version of the Laundalau enemy. Its purple.
-> Boomerang (90 HP)
-> Secret Areas

Laundalau (140 HP wood)
-> A green arrow-shaped robot. When it reaches either the top or the bottom of
the screen, it will shoot a boomerang circles around MegaMan's panels.
-> Boomerang (60 HP)
-> Ura Internet
WWW Areas

Mega Rabili (160 HP elec)
-> An upgraded version of the Rabili enemy. It is orange.
-> Shock Ring (90 HP)
-> WWW Areas

Mettool (40 HP)
-> A yellow sewer bug with an axe. It can send straight energy waves across the
battle Area when it targets MegaMan.
-> Energy Wave (10 HP)
-> 5-A Blackboard
Dog House
Yai's HP
Dex's HP
Mayl's HP
ACDC Areas
School Network System
Principal's PC Areas
Virus Lab Doorframe
Ticket Counter
Zoo Hidden Console
Bath House TV

Mettool 2 (60 HP)
-> An upgraded version of Mettool. It is purple. It will duck under its hat
when not attacking.
-> Energy Wave (40 HP)
-> Lab Computer
Ticket Counter
Zoo Computer Areas
Numberman Poster
Yokayoka Areas
Beach Areas
DNN Battle System
TV Station System

Mettool 3 (120 HP)
-> An upgraded version of Mettool. It is blue. It will duck under its hat when
not attacking.
-> Energy Wave (80 HP)
-> DNN Security Console
Ura Internet
WWW Areas
Secret Areas

Mettool SP (160 HP)
-> A stronger SP counterpart of the Mettool enemy. It is grey. It will duck
under its hat when not attacking. Its energy wave crack panels.
-> Energy Wave (150 HP)

Mete Frey (250 HP fire)
-> A yellow cloak ghost with a flame rod. Sometimes it will rain meteors on
MegaMan's panels.
-> Meteors (120 HP)
-> Secret Areas

Mete Mage (150 HP fire)
-> A white cloak ghost with a flame rod. Sometimes it will rain meteors
randomly on MegaMan's panels.
-> Meteors (40 HP)
-> Ura Internet Areas

Mete Mage SP (300 HP fire)
-> A green-grey cloak ghost with a flame rod. Sometimes it will rain about 30
meteors randomly on MegaMan's panels.
-> Meteors (200 HP)

Mete Rod (200 HP fire)
-> A blue cloak ghost with a flame rod. Sometimes it will rain meteors randomly
on MegaMan's panels.
-> Meteors (80 HP)
-> WWW Areas

Momoguran (60 HP)
-> A green mole. Sometimes it will jump outside of its hiding hole, which means
it is getting ready to hit MegaMan either from the front or behind. Either
damage the panel it is on, or attack it when it jumps out.
-> Hit (40 HP)
-> Jigoku Area

Momoguran SP (250 HP)
-> A stronger SP counterpart to the Momoguran enemy. Its black.
-> Hit (200 HP)

Momoguru (180 HP)
-> An upgraded version of the Momoguran enemy. It is yellow.
-> Hit (120 HP)
-> Ura Internet

Momoguro (130 HP)
-> An upgraded version of the Momoguran enemy. It is purple.
-> Hit (80 HP)
-> Hospital TV
Ura Internet
WWW Areas

N.O (120 HP)
-> A white X doll. It can send a shadow attack that will charge at MegaMan. It
can regenerate after being hit.
-> Shadow Charge (50 HP)
-> Hospital TV

N.O 2 (160 HP)
-> An upgraded version of the N.O enemy. It is yellow.
-> Shadow Charge (80 HP)
-> Secret Areas

N.O SP (300 HP)
-> A stronger SP counterpart to the N.O enemy. It is grey.
-> Shadow Charge (600 HP)

Natariko (280 HP)
-> It's a poison mask dude. It's mask protects it from all attack. The only
time it is vulnerable is when releases its mask to release poison in the
air. Kill it fast or MegaMan will die from poisoning.
-> mask hit (150 HP), poison
-> Hospital Areas

Nebarimu (220 HP aqua)
-> An upgraded version of the Jelaimu enemy. It is yellow.
-> Jump (90 HP)
-> Secret Areas

Needle Carrier (140 HP)
-> An upgraded version of the Needle Caster enemy. Its blue.
-> Spike (60 HP), Dash (60 HP)
-> Guardian Machine
WWW Areas

Needle Caster (90 HP)
-> A brown bug. It fires spikes consecutively on all four sides. Sometimes it
dashes to the left side of the screen and injures MegaMan by spitting a
spike there.
-> Spike (30 HP), Dash (30 HP)
-> Patient Bed
Hospital Areas

Needle Roarer (200 HP)
-> An upgraded version of the Needle Caster enemy. Its blue.
-> Spike (90 HP), Dash (90 HP)
-> Secret Areas

Needle Caster SP (400 HP)
-> A stronger SP counterpart of the Needle Caster enemy. Its grey.
-> Spike (200 HP), Dash (200 HP)

Numbers (250 HP elec) - (400 HP elec)
-> These numbers are towers of destruction. Be prepared, because MegaMan
must attack the light-colored one, BUT also damaging a dark-colored one
at the same time to destroy the white colored one. It's complicated...
But then, once MegaMan touches one of the black ones, a lightning strikes
on him.
-> Lightning Strike (999 HP)
-> Secret Areas

Nuraimu (150 HP aqua)
-> An upgraded version of the Jelaimu enemy. Its pink.
-> Jump (60 HP)
-> Hospital Vending Machine
Ura Internet

Para Ball (80 HP elec)
-> It looks like a yellow electric ball. It will travel diagonally, and try to
arrive in MegaMan's central panel, then release electric charges on all
proximate panels.
-> Electrification (20 HP)
-> Principal's PC Areas
ACDC Areas
Lan's Security Panel
Lan's Security System

Para Cross (200 HP elec)
-> An upgraded version of the Para Ball enemy. It is green.
-> Electrification (100 HP)
-> Secret Areas

Para Raika (150 HP elec)
-> An upgraded version of the Para Ball enemy. It is green-blue.
-> Electrification (50 HP)
-> WWW Areas

Para Ball SP (220 HP elec)
-> It will travel diagonally, and try to arrive in MegaMan's central panel,
then release electric charges on all proximate panels.
-> Electrification (160 HP)

Rabili (60 HP elec)
-> Rabbit with rubber bands around them.
-> Shock ring (10 HP)
-> Mayl's HP
Yai's HP
Yai's Phone
Principal's PC Areas

Rabili SP (220 HP elec)
-> A stronger SP counterpart to the Rabili enemy. It is grey.
-> Shock Ring (150 HP)

Red Devil (170 HP fire)
-> An upgraded version of the Dark Shadow enemy. It is red.
-> Axe (100 HP)
-> Secret Areas

Runda (70 HP)
-> A metal arrowhead which projects a boomerang, which makes a U turn on
MegaMan's side before moving back. It is only vulnerable when it has
released the boomerang.
-> Boomerang (30 HP)
-> Science Areas
School Network System
Tamako's HP
Ticket Counter
Zoo Computer Areas

Quake (80 HP)
-> It looks like a fat ball bandit with iron balls for hands. Whenever it
lands, it will send a energy wave horizontally across.
-> Energy Wave (15 HP)
-> Science Areas
Bath House TV

Quake Daba (240 HP)
-> Orange Quake enemy.
-> Energy Wave (80 HP)
-> DNN van

Quake SP (360 HP)
-> Purple fat ball. It's pretty fast, and where ever its wave been through,
the panels will shatter.
-> Energy Wave (150 HP)

Quake Team (140 HP)
-> More than just a team, these quake enemies are stronger and fatter too.
-> Energy Wave (40 HP)
-> Ura Internet

Storm Box (300 HP)
-> This is a blue box that will push MegaMan constantly to the left side.
-> Wind (0 HP)
-> Beach Areas

Sun Hag (100 HP wood)
-> A blue pile of fur. It will breath in air then release 4 tornadoes that will
follow MegaMan.
-> Tornadoes (40 HP)
-> Beach Areas

Sun Hag SP (300 HP wood)
-> A stronger SP counterpart to the Sun Hag enemy. It is green.
-> Tornadoes (240 HP)

Super Kubi (90 HP elec)
-> A yellow electric bee that charges diagonally into MegaMan. His attacks goes
right through barriers.
-> Electric Shock (30 HP)
-> WWW Area 1

Super Kuiguru (130 HP elec)
-> An upgraded version of the Super Kubi enemy. It is red.
-> Electric Shock (60 HP)
-> Secret Areas

Super Kubi SP (230 HP elec)
-> A stronger SP counterpart to the Super Kubi enemy. It's black.
-> Electric Shock (150 HP)

Super Kurei (170 HP elec)
-> A blue electric bee that charges diagonally into MegaMan.
-> Electric Shock (90 HP)
-> School Main System

Sword Tall (220 HP aqua)
-> A sword bearing gray knight.
-> Long Swipe (80 HP), Wide Swipe (80 HP)
-> Yokayoka Areas
Jigoku Isle Southern Gargoyle

Swordin (90 HP)
-> A sword bearing purple knight. It can perform a Long Swipe or a Wide Swipe
depending on how near and where MegaMan is, compared to him. Sometimes he
can also activate Area Steal.
-> Long Swipe (20 HP), Wide Swipe (20 HP)
-> Science Areas
DNN Battle Console

Swordin SP (320 HP)
-> A stronger SP counterpart to the Swordin enemy. It is maroon.
-> Long Swipe (200 HP), Wide Swipe (200 HP)

Sword Ra (140 HP fire)
-> A sword bearing orange knight.
-> Long Swipe (40 HP), Wide Swipe (40 HP)
-> Beach Areas
Hospital Areas
Ura Internet
DNN Battle Console

Tonga Ball (250 HP fire)
-> An upgraded version of the Toto Ball enemy. It is red-orange.
-> Flame (150 HP)
-> Secret Areas

Torin Ball (160 HP fire)
-> An upgraded version of the Toto Ball enemy. It is red-blue.
-> Flame (100 HP)
-> Secret Areas

Toto Ball (100 HP fire)
-> A yellow totem. It will blow flame in front panel by panel until it hits
-> Flame (50 HP)
-> Hospital Areas
Patient Bed
Jigoku Isle Southern Gargoyle
Secret Areas

Toto Ball SP (300 HP fire)
-> A stronger SP counterpart of the Toto Ball enemy. It is grey.
-> Flame (200 HP)

Twin Za (100 HP)
-> A gemini bomber look alike. Always come in pairs and can only die if both
are killed at the same time, or else they will completely regenerate.
-> Guided Mine (70 HP)
-> TV Station System

Twin Za SP (300 HP)
-> A stronger SP counterpart to the Twin Za enemy. It is gold.
-> Guided Mine (200 HP)

Volcano (130 HP fire)
-> It moves then erupts magma shells, which will set the panel on fire if
MegaMan is not on it.
-> Magma (40 HP)
-> Ura Internet, Secret Areas

Volcashigiren (230 HP fire)
-> An upgraded version of the Volcano enemy.
-> Magma (80 HP)
-> Secret Areas

Volcano SP (330 HP fire)
-> A stronger SP counterpart to the Volcano enemy.
-> Magma (350 HP)

Wind Box (100 HP)
-> A white box, red handle. It will push MegaMan constantly to the left side.
-> Wind
-> Tamako's HP
Yokayoka Areas
Hospital TV
Jigoku Isle Southern Gargoyle

Wind Box SP (500 HP)
-> A stronger SP counterpart to the Wind Box enemy. It is red.
-> Wind

Yo Rando (210 HP)
-> An upgraded version of the Yo-Yoto enemy. It is blue.
-> Yo-Yo (60 HP)
-> Secret Areas

Yo Ship (160 HP)
-> An upgraded version of the Yo-Yoto enemy. It is pale.
-> Yo-Yo (40 HP)
-> Ura Internet

Yo-Yoto (120 HP)
-> A white futuristic ship that carries a Yo-Yo. It can push the Yo-Yo 3 panels
in front then make it return, usually performing double damage.
-> Yo-Yo (20 HP)
-> Beach Areas

Yo-Yoto SP (420 HP)
-> A stronger SP counterpart to the Yo-Yoto enemy. It is grey.
-> Yo-Yo (240 HP)

???? (100 HP) - Proto's Bug
-> It looks like an alien that was formed from lava. Its red, has huge green
eyes, and can regenerate. It warps around, before suddenly leaping and
grabbing MegaMan.
-> Grab (90 HP)
-> Hot Bath Console
Jigoku Isle Southern Gargoyle

???? (140 HP) - Proto's Bug V2
-> It looks like an alien that was formed from mucus. Its blue, has huge yellow
eyes, and can regenerate. It warps around, before suddenly leaping and
grabbing MegaMan.
-> Grab (200 HP)
-> Guardian Machine

???? (180 HP) - Proto's Bug V3
-> It looks like an alien that was formed from mucus. Its yellow, has huge
orange eyes, and can regenerate. It warps around, before suddenly leaping
and grabbing MegaMan.
-> Grab (200 HP)
-> Proto

???? (300 HP) - Proto's Bug SP
-> A stronger SP counterpart to the Proto's Bug enemy. It is purple.
-> Grab (440 HP)


BeastMan (500 HP) - V2 (700 HP) - V3 (900 HP)
-> A wild beast with claws. It's mad charge attack features two side dashes
then a front dash. Only the front dash is vulnerable to attacks.
-> BeastMan has no weaknesses, so having a strong deck is everything. Try to
lure it to either to do fast dash or swipe by constantly staying at a
same place, and after it has done it's attack, there is a brief moment
where BeastMan is "stunned". Break it out then to ensure accuracy.
-> Specialty: Fast Dash (20/40/60 HP)
Swipe (20/40/60 HP)
Mad Charge (20/40/60 HP)
Back Swipe (20/40/60 HP)
-> Weakness: ...
-> V1 - Zoo Computer Area 4 (Chapter 3)
V2 - Science Area 1 (lower, dead-end near exit to lower Science Area 2)
V3 - Lan's Dog House (a couple of panels to the left of the entrance)

BubbleMan (500 HP aqua) - V2 (700 HP aqua) - V3 (1200 HP aqua)
-> Looks like a ugly fat chubby... fish. There is a hole in the center which
keep spitting out bubbles. Pierce them with normal attacks but watch out
for swordfishes and mines. When it's down to 150 HP or less, BubbleMan
will start using pierce attack and it will be protected by a 1HP bubble
shield. Pierce the shield before attacking.
-> I would STRONGLY recommend re-building MegaMan's deck to be electrical
based, hopefully, with 4 Area Steals and a couple of Elec Sword hits will
MegaMan be able to take it out without too much time.
-> Specialty: Bubbles (30/60/90 HP)
Small Bug (30/60/90 HP)
Swordfish (30/60/90 HP)
Pierce (50/100/150 HP)
Bubble Mines (50/100/150 HP)
-> Weakness: Electric type
-> V1 - Yokayoka Area 1 (Chapter 2)
V2 - Yokayoka Area 1 (Lower Area, dead-end near Bug Piece Merchant)
V3 - Random Beach Area 1 (appears that it only appears when MegaMan's HP
reaches critical state)

DarkMan (1400 HP) - V2 (1600 HP) - V3 (1800 HP)
-> This is a Dark Navi that can change elemental attack patterns.
-> It can shoot Fire Wave when it's red, shoot Snowflake when its blue,
shoot Electric Shock when it's orange, summon Dark Holes that will harbor
Vampire Bats dropping down on MegaMan when its black or summon Axes that
suddenly appear in front of MegaMan. All of this with a quick speed. Here's
an advice: either cheat or have a SUPERB deck before facing this guy.
-> Specialty: Fire Wave (100/150/200 HP)
Snowflake (100/150/200 HP)
Electric Shock (100/150/200 HP)
Vampire Bats (50/80/110 HP)
Axe (100/150/200 HP)
-> Weakness: None
-> V1 - Secret Area 1 (Chapter 10)
V2 - Secret Area 1 (South-East corner, in the Area where MegaMan have to
open a brick wall first)
V3 - Randomly Found in Ura Internet 6

DesertMan (800 HP) - V2 (1200 HP) - V3 (1600 HP)
-> Pile of sand.
-> Get rid of those arms, then destroy the sand obstacles either with a
charged attack or a chip, then go nuts on DesertMan. All obstacles and
hands will come back, but at least DesertMan is helpless when his other
parts are gone. Soon enough it will start dropping sand blocks. Watch
their shadows to avoid them.
-> Specialty: Lion Hand Dash (40/80/120 HP)
Sand Whirl (40/80/120 HP)
Sand Block (60/120/180 HP)
-> Weakness: Aqua Type (stuns DesertMan, not a real weakness)
-> V1 - DNN Centre 2nd floor (Chapter 4)
V2 - Beach Area 1 (take the automatical panels down, then left, then
walk to the right of the panels going up. Arrive at a 9-panel
square. Go to the center-top panel)
V3 - Bath House TV

DrillMan (600 HP) - V2 (900 HP) - V3 (1200 HP)
-> A couple of drills sticked together.
-> Once it gets on the battlefield, it will start digging. It can either
perform a 3 drill attack, in which he will be one of the three. He can
also launch a 14 drill attack, in which none are damageable. The only way
to damage him is by hitting him on the side. Must either have lots of
swords or wait and die...
-> Specialty: 3 Drill Attack (80 HP), 14 Drill Attack (80 HP)
-> Weakness: ...
-> V1 - Ura Internet 5 (Chapter 7)
V2 - Ura Internet 6 (Behind the Ura Internet 6 Merchant)
V3 - Randomly Found in Jigoku Area

FlameMan (1000 HP fire) - V2 (1400 HP fire) - V3 (1800 HP fire)
-> A flame stickman.
-> There are two garbage cans on the back end of the Area. If the candles
glow green, FlameMan will be protected by a green aura. If the candles
glow red, FlameMan will regenerate slowly. If the candles glow orange,
two flames will orbit around on MegaMan's panels. Shoot the candles a
couple of times to extinguish them, for a while. FlameMan can shoot out
flame waves and summon flames that move around in MegaMan's panels. When
FlameMan's HP is low, his flame waves will expand onto two and three
panels per shot.
-> Specialty: Flame Wave (60/80/100 HP)
Flame (60/80/100 HP)
-> Weakness: Aqua Type
-> V1 - Ura Internet 3 (Chapter 6)
V2 - Ura Internet 5 (at a dead-end not far from the hole DrillMan made)
V3 - Randomly Found in Yokayoka Area 1

FlashMan (300 HP elec) - V2 (500 HP elec) - V3 (700 HP elec)
-> A high tech looking Navi.
-> Move fast, and hope that FlashMan do not break out his light bulb attack.
Staying on the second and third column will make sure FlashMan will never
use Area Steal. A bamboo sword could be what the Doctor's ordered for.
-> Specialty: Ground Pound (15/30/45 HP)
Homing Ball Energy (15/30/45 HP)
Light Bulb (stun)
Area Steal
-> Weakness: Wood Type
-> V1 - Principal's PC Area 2 (Chapter 1)
V2 - ACDC Area 3 (near ACDC square entrance, dead-end)
V3 - Randomly Found in ACDC Areas

Forte (1000 HP)
-> Black caped powerful nemesis of MegaMan.
-> It is protected by a 100 HP Aura first of all. It moves QUICKLY! When it
gets a bit mad, it puts its hand out, and then comes about 20 electric
rush balls, each doing 100 HP worth of damage. When its HP is lowered a
bit, it will sometimes jump above MegaMan, and slam down, crushing and
destroying the whole vertical column of panels. Attack it by first using
a chip that does more than 100 HP (likely a sword), then go mad before he
regenerates the shield.
-> Specialty: Electric Shock (100 HP)
Electric Rush (100 HP)
Slam (100 HP)
-> Weakness: None
-> Ura Internet 3 (Chapter 6) (Undefeatable)
Proto (Chapter 9)

Forte GS (2000 HP)
-> Black caped powerful nemesis of MegaMan. 200 HP aura. This one is a feather
with feet! It has all the attacks that Forte has, but now because it has
fused with Gospel, it can use the Fire Gospel attack too! Note that when
it attacks with the Fire Gospel, 2 mech arms drop from the ceiling just
-> How to kill this beast? Well, taking in advantage of elemental chips (by
setting the panels into the opposite element then use elemental chips that
do more than 100 HP worth of damage). This is just to break the aura. Now
quick form a combo and attack! Repeat process... enough said.
-> Specialty: Electric Shock (300 HP)
Electric Rush (300 HP)
Slam (300 HP)
Gospel's Paw (500 HP)
Fire Gospel (500 HP)
-> Weakness: None!
-> Secret Area 3 (Chapter 10)

GutsMan (300 HP) - V2 (700 HP) - V3 (900 HP)
-> A heavy looking Navi with hammer hands. GutsMan moves around his territory,
slamming the ground, either to send an energy wave at MegaMan or crumbling
all the panels. If MegaMan is on the edge of his territory (IE GutsMan can
appear next to him), then sometimes GutsMan lands a surprise Guts Punch.
Starting in V2, he also uses a Guts Shoot, in which he shoots his arm out,
damaging whatever is in its way. The Ground Slam for V1 takes one row away,
while V2 and V3 will shatter the whole terrain.
-> To damage GutsMan quickly and swiftly, the best way is to take all his panels
away from him. Use either Area Steal or DeathMatch. When he no longer have
all those panels, he will become trapped. This is a perfect opportunity to
land MegaMan's shots.
-> Specialty: Energy Wave (20/40/60 HP)
Ground Slam (10/10/10 HP)
Guts Punch (30/60/90 HP)
Guts Shoot (60/90 HP)
-> Weakness: None
-> V1 - ACDC Park (Chapter 1)
V2 - ACDC Train Station Entrance (Chapter 2)
V3 - Wily's Isle (Chapter 9)

KingMan (800 HP) - V2 (1000 HP) - V3 (1500 HP)

-> A king piece in a chess game. His knight is VERY annoying since it will follow
MegaMan around, crushing down onto him and then sending an energy wave to the
left. The pawns will swipe at MegaMan if he is within two panels of them, since
their weapons are similar to the Long Sword chip effect. KingMan does not do
anything other than move around. In V2 and higher, when KingMan's HP is low, it
may decide to switch his pieces, either to two Knights and a Pawn, or a Knight,
a Pawn and a Rook. The rook absorbes all attacks and always blocks in front of
-> Get rid of those other chess pieces or corner them at least. Use Area Steal to
prevent the pawns from moving, thus when KingMan happens to appear on the freed
column, MegaMan will have a chance to hit him. In this battle, long range is
very much needed, since there is no way MegaMan can completely eliminate those
pawns (although a crushing attack from a Prism will crack them). The knight is
very annoying, but if MegaMan stays in the left corner and move up and down,
the Knight then can easily be avoided.
-> Specialty: Knight (50/100/150 HP)
Pawn (60/80/100 HP)
Rook (0 HP)
-> Weakness: None
-> V1 - DNN Centre (Chapter 4)
V2 - DNN Centre (Chapter 6)
V3 - Wily's Isle (Chapter 9)

MetalMan (500 HP) - V2 (800 HP) - V3 (1200 HP)
-> A tall Navi with blades on its shoulders. Its special terrain features two
moving bolts in the middle. If MegaMan touches those, he will be damaged.
It attacks consecutively, so watch out. It can shoot rockets to hit MegaMan.
It can send a blade that will act as a boomerang. It can also appear in front of
MegaMan and perform a heavy punch, damaging MegaMan if he is on the panel, or
breaking the panel completely if MegaMan escaped.
-> Dodge its energy attacks, then quickly take cover in the center row, either
the middle panel or the right panel, so that its blade boomerang attack will
not hit MegaMan. Taking away its panels may help if MegaMan has tons of long
range attack chips ready. The best time to strike is when it is shooting missiles,
but just watch out, those things are gonna hit MegaMan if he does not move quickly.
-> Specialty: Energy Beam (40/60/80 HP)
Blade Boomerang (40/60/80 HP)
Heavy Punch (60/120/180 HP)
Bolts (20 HP)
-> Weakness: None
-> V1 - Yokayoka Village (Chapter 2)
V2 - DNN Centre (Chapter 4)
V3 - Yokayoka Village (Chapter 9)

MistMan (1000 HP) - V2 (1300 HP) - V3 (1600 HP)
-> A genie and a lamp.
-> The lamp is the target, and it moves quite fast. Once the genie is
summoned, it acts like a barrier. The genie will charge at MegaMan. Then
it can also summon a Mist, when there are many mists on MegaMan's panels.
The genie can emerge from any one of them and quickly punch MegaMan. By the
way, those mist contains poison.
-> Specialty: Charge (40/80/120 HP)
Punch (40/90/140 HP)
-> Weakness: None
-> V1 - DNN Centre Battle Console (Chapter 7)
V2 - DNN Centre Battle Console (Chapter 8)
V3 - DNN Centre Battle Console

PlantMan (1000 HP wood) - V2 (1200 HP wood) - V3 (1700 HP wood)
-> Poison shrub with spiked vine arms Navi.
-> It moves slowly, and shoots spikes from time to time. If MegaMan get caught
in the vines, he will likely suffer about 120 HP because of the draining
effect. It can also deploy a yellow and pink flowers. The yellow one will
stun MegaMan if its pollen touches him, and the pink one will confuse
-> Specialty: Spikes (50/80/120 HP)
Vine (40 HP)
Roses (0 HP confusion / paralyze)
-> Weakness: Fire Type
-> V1 - Hospital Area 5 (Chapter 5)
V2 - Ura Internet 4 (dead-end near top-right teleporter)
V3 - Randomly Found in Hospital Area 3

Proto (2000 HP)
-> A virus manifestation of evil. It has claw hands, that will sweep down a
column, the attack towards the left of a row, all of this repeated 3 times
in a row; it has machine guns that follows MegaMan, shooting non-stop. It
also has a beam that will crack all proximate panels it hits. The beam
also sends an energy wave that deals the same amount of energy as the beam.
It has one last attack, the blaster beam, in which it sends a beam to the
back two rows of MegaMan's territory and blast those squares to kingdom
-> It is only vulnerable when the central core is exposed (I.E. the aura is
gone), and that will take at least two charged shots / chip attacks. If
MegaMan can only hit it often, then the next time it tries to cover its
core, a normal shot will bust open the shielding.
-> Speacialty: Hand Charge (50 HP)
Machine Gun (60 HP)
Beam (90 HP)
Blaster Beam (120 HP)
-> Weakness: None!
-> Proto (Chapter 8)

ProtoMan (1000 HP)
-> ProtoMan, the honorable Navi of Chaud. He can block and attack with his
sword in many ways. Very fast warrior. Starting with his sword wave, which
is a 3-panel wide wave heading to the left. Also, when he blocks, sometimes
he suddenly appear somewhere else and take a swipe at MegaMan.
-> Defeat him by first shooting a normal buster attack. He will launch at
MegaMan, so back off then unleash a chip attack. Repeat before he kills
-> Specialty: Sword Wave (100 HP)
Back Swipe (100 HP)
Wide Swipe (100 HP)
-> Weakness: None
-> V1 - Jigoku Grand Competition Area (Chapter 10)
V2 - Jigoku Grand Competition Area
V3 - Jigoku Grand Competition Area

Serenade (2000 HP)
-> Serenade, the ultimate Navi. Even more powerful than Forte. Hit her and
she will return an energy wave back. She can send snowflake-like energy
balls zig-zagging towards MegaMan. When MegaMan finally damages her, she
will unleash her sonic blast, in which tiles explode everywhere for a while.
-> It seems that only Mega Class, Giga Class, PA and unsubtle chips (such as
Area Steal - 10 HP or Prism - 100 HP) damage Serenade. So either destroy her
with a combo of V3/V4 Navis, or have 4 Giga Count Bomb ready or something...
All of this can only be done WHEN SHE IS USING HER SONIC BLAST ATTACK!
Another tactic is to destroy her panels either with DeathMatch, GutsMan or
Area Steal. This way, she cannot move and will not counter, thus giving
MegaMan a chance to attack.
-> Specialty: Energy Wave (100 HP)
Energy Ball (100 HP)
Sonic Blast (100 HP)
-> Weakness: NONE!
-> Secret Area 3

YamatoMan (1600 HP) - V2 (1800 HP) - V3 (2000 HP)
-> Another sacred guardian Navi. It moves pretty quickly, and then suddenly
appear in front of MegaMan and unleash his fast trident attack. Also, it
can spin its trident, damaging the panel in front of it. The spinning also
unleashes an arrow-shaped beam. Then, sometimes it can extend its trident
to attack up to 3 panels in front of it. When its HPs is down a bit, it
can summon minions, which moves 1 panel in front starting from the blue
panel / red panel limit line (IE steal MegaMan's panels). The minions
appear from time to time, in group of 4, but they always keep coming until
either MegaMan or YamatoMan is destroyed.
-> This one is a tough cookie. Use normal attacks to lower its HP for a while,
saving those strong chips. As soon as it summons minions, go crazy on it.
It will save to have Jelly chips and Panel / Area Steal chips to take back
the panels. Combos always work!
-> Specialty: Rapid Spike Trident (200/250/300 HP)
Trident Spin (160/200/240 HP)
Long Trident Jab (150/200/250 HP)
Beam (160/200/240 HP)
Minions (100 HP)
-> Weakness: None
-> V1 - Secret Area 2 (Chapter 10)
V2 - Secret Area 2
V3 - Randomly Found in Bath House Armor Display

=========================[ M I S C E L L A N E O U S ]=========================

--------------------------[Frequently Asked Questions]-------------------------

Q: How many new Navis are in this game?
A: Check my Characters section.

Q: I need help!
A: Do the following, in this order:
- Find the section in my guide and read (note that I did not just write a
plane walkthrough, there are lots of other goodies)
- Ask people on BBS. I recommend
- If these two options do not solve the problem, then try e-mailing me. It
is very unlikely to get an response from me for this game...

Q: Is it alright if I take such and such from the guide?
A: NO! If you do so, you will be violating the copyright protection of my

Q: What does all those abbreviations mean?
A: 3CM - 3-Chips Trader Machine
10CM - 10-Chips Trader Machine
10BPCM - 10 Bug-Piece Chip Trader Machine
PA - Program Advanced
PMD - Purple Mystery Data

--------------------------------[Elemental Styles]-----------------------------

MegaMan can obtain elemental styles by using many elemental chips, or
simply through battling (around 100 battles). There are four types: fire, aqua,
electric, wood. Each type can be leveled up through constant battling (from
around 100 to 500 battles for each leveling up). The elemental styles determine
the various charged up buster effects. These damages may increase by equipping
a Weapon Lv +1 Customizer Block.

Along with each style is another set of characteristics. These can produce
general consequences on MegaMan's journey, not just in battles. By leveling up
any of these types, MegaMan obtains certain Customizer Blocks which will aim
him in battles.

When MegaMan is in a style, he will upgrade that style through constant
battling. The levels are: 1, 2, 3, S. After obtaining S, MegaMan obtains the
style modifications forever, with or without the style equipped. But when
MegaMan is in his Normal Style, he can learn new styles. At this time, he may
either choose to keep his old style or discard it to make room for the new one.
This means that MegaMan is only able to carry ONE style at a time.


-> When charged up, weapon acts like Bubble Shoot (20 HP, aqua).

-> When charged up, weapon acts like Totem 1 (20 HP, fire).

-> When charged up, weapon acts like Rabbiring 1 (20 HP, elec, paralyze).

-> When charged up, weapon acts like Tornado (20 HP, wood).


-> Random effects during each battle, including: invulnerability, maxed out
Buster, 100 Barrier effect, 10 chips initially, pulled to the top or the
bottom of the screen, drain HP, lose accuracy.
-> Can use dark blocks.

-> Increase Initial Chips in Custom Menu by 1.
-> Increase chance of getting * chips from enemies.
-> Can use blue blocks.

-> When charged, weapon will crack panels.
-> Can use green blocks.

-> Attack +2
-> Constantly press B to activate a multi-shot.
-> Can use red blocks.

-> When charged, weapon acts like Invisible.
-> Can use dark blocks.

-> A 1 HP barrier in effect at the start of every battle.
-> Can use blue blocks.

-> When fighting V3 Navis and getting S ranks, MegaMan can now receive the
Navi's V4 chip.
-> Can use green blocks.

<courtesy of Lourde Incardine and others>

--------------------------[World And Internet Layout]--------------------------


[ACDC Town]
- Lan's House
- Lan's Security Panel *
- Lan's Computer *
- Lan's Dog House *
- Mayl's House
- Mayl's Laptop *
- Yai's House
- Yai's Phone *
- Yai's Laptop *
- Dex's House
- Dex's Computer *
- Higsby's Shop
- Numberman Poster *
- Numberman Code System
- 3-Chips Machine (3CM)
- ACDC School
- Administrator's Office
- Network System *
- Principal's PC *
- Classroom 5-A
- 5-A Blackboard *
- Classroom 5-B
- ACDC Town Scientist
- Metro station
- Guardian Machine *

[Science Centre]
- Metro Station
- Science Centre Scientist
- Virus Research Lab
- Virus Lab Doorframe *
- Science Square System *
- Vending Machine *
- Lan's Dad's Research Lab
- Dad's Lab Computer *

[Yokayoka Village]
- Metro Station
- Numberman Code Vender
- Bath House
- Samurai Armor *
- Dorm
- Bath House TV *
- Hot Bath
- Hot Bath Console *
- Bath Secret Cave
- Main Internet Processor *
- Back Alley
- Tamako's Shop *
- Yokayoka Village Scientist
- Ticket Counter *
- Zoo Area 1
- Giraffe's Console *
- Zoo Area 2
- Zoo Hidden Console (in the back of the lions' cage) *
- Panda's Console *

[Beach Street Area]
- Metro Station
- DNN Van *
- Pier
- Boat
- to Jigoku Isle
- to Wily's Isle
- DNN Centre
- Reception Area
- Second Floor
- DNN Centre 2F Security Panel *
- Second Floor TV Room
- TV Centre System *
- Competition Room
- DNN Battle Console *
- to Hospital Area (upper and lower)

[Hospital Area]
- to Beach Street Area (upper and lower)
- Hospital
- Floor 1
- 10-Chips Machine
- TV *
- Floor 2
- Patient Room 1
- Patient Bed *
- Patient Room 2
- Floor 3
- Security Panel *
- Operation Room Panel *

[Jigoku Isle]
- to Inner Cave (lower)
- Jigoku Area *
- Four Doors
- Tournament Square
- to Inner Cave (upper)
- Jigoku Isle Southern Gargoyle *


[Lan's HP]
- to Lan's Computer - bottom-left
- to ACDC Area 1 - top-right

[Mayl's HP]
- to Mayl's Laptop - bottom-left
- to Yokayoka Square - bottom
- to ACDC Area 1 - bottom-right

[Dex's HP]
- to Dex's Computer - center
- to ACDC Area 1 - bottom-right
- to ACDC Square - top-right

[Yai's HP]
- to Yai's Laptop - center-right
- to ACDC Area 2 - bottom-left
- to Science Square - top

[Tamako's HP]
- to Tamako's Shop - top-left
- to Beach Square - bottom-left
- to Yokayoka Area 1 - left

[ACDC Area 1]
- to Lan's HP - center
- to Mayl's HP - center-left
- to ACDC Area 2 - top-left
- to ACDC Area 3 - top-right
- to Dex's HP - bottom-right
- to Rail Station - bottom

[ACDC Area 2]
- to ACDC Area 1 - bottom-left
- to Yai's HP - center
- ACDC Area 2 Merchant - center-right
- to ACDC Area 3 - top-right

[ACDC Area 3]
- to ACDC Area 2 - upper, top-left
- to ACDC Square - lower, right
- to ACDC Area 1 - upper, bottom-right

[ACDC Square]
- to ACDC Area 3 - center
- ACDC Square Merchant - left
- ACDC Square Sub-Chip Merchant - left
- Message Board 1 - top
- Message Board 2 - top
- to Dex's HP - bottom

[Principal's PC Area 1]
- to Principal's Office - bottom
- to Principal's PC Area 2 - top

[Principal's PC Area 2]
- to Principal's PC Area 1 - bottom

[Science Area 1]
- to Science Area 2 - lower, top-left
- to Science Area 2 - upper, top-right
- to Ura Internet 5 - upper, top-left

[Science Area 2]
- to Science Area 1 -lower, bottom-left
- to Rail Station - center
- to Science Square - top
- to Science Area 1 -upper, bottom-right

[Science Square]
- to Science Area 2 - center
- Science Square Merchant - top
- to Virus Research Lab - right
- to Yai's HP - bottom
- to Science Square Merchant - left
- to message board - left

[Zoo Computer Area 1]
- to Panda Console - right
- to Zoo Computer Area 2 - top-right

[Zoo Computer Area 2]
- to Zoo Computer Area 1 - bottom
- to Zoo Computer Area 3 - left

[Zoo Computer Area 3]
- to Zoo Computer Area 2 - bottom-right
- to Zoo Computer Area 4 - left

[Zoo Computer Area 4]
- to Zoo Computer Area 3 - right

[Yokayoka Square]
- to Rail Station - top
- to Yokayoka Area 2 - top-left
- Yokayoka Square Button Game (90) Navi - bottom-right
- to Mayl's HP - right
- Yokayoka Square Merchant - left

[Yokayoka Area 1]
- to Yokayoka Area 2 - lower, top
- to Yokayoka Area 2 - upper, top-left
- Yokayoka Bug Piece Merchant - center

[Yokayoka Area 2]
- to Yokayoka Square - right
- to Hot Bath Console - center
- to Yokayoka Area 1 - lower, bottom
- to Yokayoka Area 1 - upper, bottom-left

[Hot Bath Console]
- to Hot Bath - right
- to Yokayoka Area 2 - left

[Beach Area 1]
- to Beach Area 2 - upper, top
- to Hospital Area 2 - upper, center
- to Beach Area 2 - lower, top

[Beach Area 2]
- to Rail Station - left
- to Beach Area 1 - upper, bottom
- to Beach Area 1 - lower, bottom
- Jigoku Area - bottom-right
- Beach Area Sub-Chip Merchant - center-left
- to Beach square - top

[Beach Square]
- to Beach Area 2 - center
- Message Board - left
- Beach Square Merchant - bottom-left
- Beach Square Button Game (90) Navi - top-right
- Beach Square Customizer Block Merchant - top-right
- to Tamako's HP - bottom-right

[Jigoku Area]
- to Jigoku Cave - center
- to Beach Area 2 - bottom-left
- to Ura Internet 1 - top-left

[Hospital Area 1]
- to Hospital 3F - bottom

[Hospital Area 2]
- to Hospital BF - bottom-right
- to Beach Area 1 - top

[Hospital Area 3]
- to Hospital 3F - right
- to Hospital Area 4 - top-left

[Hospital Area 4]
- to Hospital Area 3 - right
- to Hospital Area 5 - left

[Hospital Area 5]
- to Hospital Area 4 - right

[Jigoku Isle Southern Gargoyle]
- to Jigoku Isle - right
- to Ura Internet 2 - left

[TV Station System]
- to DNN Centre 2F - right
- to Ura Internet 6 - left

[Ura Internet 1]
- to Jigoku Area - upper, bottom-left
- to Ura Internet 2 - lower, top-left
- to Ura Internet 2 - lower, top
- to Ura Internet 2 - lower, top-right

[Ura Internet 2]
- to Ura Internet 1 - bottom-left
- to Ura Internet 1 - bottom
- to Ura Internet 1 - bottom-right
- to Jigoku Isle Southern Gargoyle - center
- to Ura Internet 3 - left
- to Ura Internet 4 - top

[Ura Internet 3]
- to Ura Internet 2 - right
- to Ura Square - top-left

[Ura Square]
- to Ura Internet 3 - right
- Ura Square Button Game (99) Navi - bottom-right
- Ura Square Merchant - bottom-right
- Message Board - bottom
- Ura Square Customizer Block Merchant - top-left
- to Main Internet Processor - center
- to Ura Internet 5 - top
- to Secret Area 1 - left

[Ura Internet 4]
- to Ura Internet 3 - bottom
- to Ura Internet 5 - left

[Ura Internet 5]
- to Ura Internet 4 - right
- to Ura Square - center
- to Science Area 1 - top-left
- to Ura Internet 6 - top

[Ura Internet 6]
- to Ura Internet 5 - bottom
- to TV Station Console - center
- Ura Internet 6 Customizer Block Merchant - bottom-right
- to Ura Internet 7 - top-left

[Ura Internet 7]
- to Ura Internet 6 - bottom

[WWW Area 1]
- to Outside - bottom-left

[WWW Area 2]
- to Outside - center-bottom

[WWW Area 3]
- to Outside - right

[WWW Area 4]
- to Outside - center

- Entrance - bottom

[Secret Area 1]
- to Ura Square - center
- to Secret Area 2 - top-left

[Secret Area 2]
- to Secret Area 1 - right


[ACDC Town Scientist]
Name Price Quantities
Mini Energy 100z oo
Shinobi Dash 200z oo
Enemy Search 10000z oo

[ACDC Area 2 Merchant]
Name Price Quantities
HP Memory 1000z, 3000z 2
Bi Gun L 300z 3
Barrier L 500z 3
Recover-10 * 500z 3
Heat Shoot B 800z 3

[ACDC Square Sub-Chip Merchant]
Name Price Quantities
Mini Energy 100z oo
Full Energy 1000z oo
Shinobi Dash 200z oo

[ACDC Square Merchant]
Name Price Quantities
HP Memory 2000z, 5000z 2
Attack + 10 * 300z 3
Panel Steal L 600z 3
Grass Stage * 1000z 3
Bamboo Sword P 5000z 1

[Science Centre Scientist]
Name Price Quantities
Mini Energy 100z oo
Full Energy 1000z oo
Open Lock 4000z oo

[Science Square Merchant]
Name Price Quantities
HP Memory 2000z, 4000z, 8000z 3
Stone Cube * 500z 3
Cannon C 800z 3
Typhoon A 1000z 3
Fumikomi San P 7000z 1

[Yokayoka Village Scientist]
Name Price Quantities
Mini Energy 100z oo
Shinobi Dash 200z oo
Untrap 100z oo

[Yokayoka Square Merchant]
Name Price Quantities
HP Memory 4000z, 8000z, 16000z 3
Area Steal * 1600z 3
Double Bomb H 2000z 3
Yo-Yo 1 G 3000z 3
Elec Sword 5000z 1

[Yokayoka Square Sub-Chip Merchant]
Name Price Quantities
Mini Energy 100z oo
Full Energy 1000z oo
Open Lock 4000z oo

[Yokayoka Bug Piece Merchant]
Name Price Quantities
Air Chute 2 * 20 bp 1
Wood +30 * 40 bp 1
100 Barrier * 50 bp 1
Counter Bomb K 60 bp 1
Magma Stage * 80 bp 1
Stealth Mine A 100 bp 3

[Higsby's Shop]
Name Price Quantities
Elec +30 * 5000z 1
Counter Bomb M 6000z 1
Prominence * 6000z 1
Chikasuimyaku * 6000z 1
Lightning * 6000z 1
Gaia Sword * 6000z 1
Fuuatsuken R 14000z 1
Old Wood W 40000z 1

[Beach Area Sub-Chip Merchant]
Name Price Quantities
Full Energy 1000z oo
Shinobi Dash 200z oo
Untrap 100z oo

[Beach Square Merchant]
Name Price Quantities
HP Memory 5000z, 9000z, 13000z 3
Metal Stage S 2800z 1
Counter Bomb L 4000z 1
Custom Sword B 5000z 1
God Stone S 8000z 1

[Beach Square Customizer Block Merchant]
Name Price Quantities
Attack +1 3000z 1
Charge +1 2000z 1
Regular +5 5000z 1
I'm Fish 8000z 1

[Hospital TV Sub-Chip Merchant]
Name Price Quantities
Mini Energy 100z oo
Full Energy 1000z oo
Enemy Search 10000z oo

[Ura Square Merchant]
Name Price Quantities
HP Memory 12000z, 16000z, 20000z 3
Variable Sword E 8000z 1
Knight V 10000z 1
Super Kitakaze Z 13000z 1
Through Custom * 5000z 1

[Ura Square Customizer Block Merchant]
Name Price Quantities
Battery Mode 8000z 1
HP +300 20000z 1
Beetle Support 10000z 1
Tango Support 10000z 1
Set Metal 5000z 1

[Ura Internet 2 Bug Piece Merchant]
Name Price Quantities
Break Hammer * 20 bp 1
Guts Straight P 40 bp 1
Navi +20 * 40 bp 1
Fumikomi Cross P 90 bp 1
Poison Anubis A 150 bp 1
Navi Recycle * 200 bp 1

[Ura Internet 4 Merchant]
Name Price Quantities
HP Memory 8000z, 12000z, 16000z 3
Pawn N 5000z 3
Kawarimi M 5000z 3
Recover-200 W 10000z 1
Variable Sword D 10000z 1

[Ura Internet 6 Customizer Block Merchant]
Name Price Quantities
Rapid +1 40 bp 1
HP +100 50 bp 1
Regu-Up 5 70 bp 1
HP +200 90 bp 1
Rush Support 100 bp 1
Buster MAX 150 bp 1

[Wily's Isle Hidden Console Sub-Chip Merchant]
Name Price Quantities
Full Energy 1000z oo
Enemy Search 10000z oo
Open Lock 4000z oo

[Secret Area 2 Merchant]
Name Price Quantities
HP Memory 20000z, 30000z, 40000z 3
Black Bomb 3 L 10000z 1
Guts Impact 13000z 1
Attack +30 * 15000z 1
Ryouseigun R 30000z 1

-------------------------------[Numberman Codes]-------------------------------

These codes are useful when imputed into the NumberMan machine in Higsby's
shop. If anyone have codes that are not posted here, e-mail me! All the codes
can only be used once.
Lan can purchase these codes by buying them in the counter inside the
Yokayoka Village Metro Station, for 500z apiece. It's the gizmos window with no
person there...

== Chips ==

Air Chute 3 * - 15789208
Copy Damage * - 01697824
Fumikomi Cross S - 76889120
Guts Straight S - 95913876
Muramasa Blade M - 50098263
Paladin Sword P - 03284579
Spread Gun * - 31549798
Variable Sword F - 63997824

== Sub-Chips ==

Untrap - 05088930
Enemy Search - 87824510
Full Energy - 56892168
Mini-Energy - 86508964
Open Lock - 35331089
Shinobi Dash - 24586483

== Navi Customizer Blocks ==

Air Shoes - 23415891
Weapon LV +1 - 41465278
Quick Gauge - 67918452
Set Sand - 19878934

== Key Items ==

Spin Blue - 11002540
Spin Green - 28274283
Spin Red - 72563938
Spin White - 77955025

-------------------------------[Hacking Addresses]-----------------------------

I hold no responsibility for any of these codes. Use them at your own risk.

So the first question is: how does one use these codes. Well, these are
addresses in the BIOS (basic input output system) part of the game. They can
only be modified through an emulator (please, no questions on where to get an
emulator or a rom). The one used by this guide is VBA. There are two ways to
imput the codes. One is by selecting ->Cheats/Cheat List... and click on the
CHEAT button. Enter the address and the value, selecting the good parameters
(8-bit means 2 values, xx; 16-bit means 4 values, xxxx; 32-bit means 8 values,
xxxxxxxx). Unsigned means positive values only, while signed means positive
and negative. Both of these use 10-cycle numbers (IE normal numbers). The last
option is HEXADECIMAL. In this option (default usage by this guide), values are
a bit different. Because every digit contains 16 possible candidates (0, 1, 2,
3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, A, B, C, D, E, F). The highest 8-bit value in hexadecimals
is FF, which can be converted into the number 255. For more on hexadecimals,
please refer to a basic computer programming book.

For a more complete guide on hacking / cheats for MMBN3, please go to:
==> <==
Hank Chills X have an amazing hacking guide.

[Button Mini-Game Buttons Pressed]
Address: 02009DC5
Note: Changing this value in the Memory Editor does not work. Enter it as a
cheat. Watch out though, because the cheat is constantly activated,
only set values for 3C, 59 or 63. After setting it, simply press 1
button and the game should end.
Value: 3C (for 60), 59 (for 90), 63 (for 99)

[Chip Amount Values]
Address: From 02001F64 to 020035D4
Note: These are not all addresses of chip amounts. Actually, look for 6
8-bit consecutive numbers that looks like good values (IE if haven't
done anything, those 6 values should be around 0x.) Every group of 6
represents a kind of chip. No, they are not classed by the numbers
that appear in the game. They are ... orderly randomly classed...
To modify one, with fastest way of knowing, IF AND ONLY IF one of the
6 values is anything else than 00 (meaning that the kind of chip is
registered), change all 6 values into 64 (that's 99, in hexadecimals).
Now go to the Deck Menu and select MODIFY DECK. On the right side,
press START and select the 2nd to last option, to class by token
numbers. If one or more of the letter designation looks like a
glitch, then it is one. Usually that appears for the 6th value, since
not all chips has a * variation. Return the value back to 00 to
correct the glitch. DO NOT SET ANY DATA TO 63, ALWAYS SET THEM TO
(most likely, the complete chip and deck menus will be erased
Value: 00 to 63

[Enemy 1 Health]
Address: 0200F8B2 and 02037368
Note: Only works when imputed into the Cheats and then activating it. The
second Address is what really matters. Set it to 0 to perform an
instant enemy virus deletion. However, Boss Navis are a different
story: their HP gets lowered by 220 HP when the value is set at 00,
but each buster shot from MegaMan deals 440 HP or more, so usually
two regular buster shots will do the job. Surprisingly, charged
shots and chip attacks perform their regular damages though. There
is a glitch with these codes: sometimes MegaMan / Lan cannot access
certain Areas, just as they are not opened yet (Dex's House, ACDC
Metro Station, etc). Just disable the code, then enter somewhere else,
return back, and everything should return back to normal.
Value: 0000 to FFFF

[Enemy 2 Health]
Address: 0200F8BA and 0203743C
Note: See Enemy 1 Health notes.
Value: 0000 to FFFF

[Enemy 3 Health]
Address: 0200F8C2 and 02037510
Note: See Enemy 1 Health notes.
Value: 0000 to FFFF

[Full Battle Gauge]
Address: 02006CCC
Note: Enter it as a cheat with values 4000 (16-bit) for full battle gauge.
To cheat the game into getting the highest point of the gauge without
maxing it (for Custom Sword usage), use value 3FFF (16-bit).
Value: 0000, 3FFF, 4000

[Infinite HP in Battle]
Address: 0200f888
Note: Edit in the Memory Editor for best results.
Value: 0705DFE0 or higher

[Maximum Bug Pieces]
Address: 020018F8
Note: Edit in the Memory Editor for best results.
Value: 000027FF or higher

[Maximum MB Capacity]
Address: 02001897
Note: Edit in the Memory Editor for best results.
Value: 63 or higher

[Maximum Zennies]
Address: 020018F4
Note: Edit in the Memory Editor for best results.
Value: 05F5E0FA or higher

[Walk Through Walls]
Address: 02009E04
Note: Very unstable code. Not recommended.
Value: 0001

================[ I M P O R T A N T I N F O R M A T I O N S ]================

-----------------------------[Copyright Agreements]----------------------------

All materials in this document are copyrighted by MimicMasterAX. Some are
taken from the game <MegaMan Battle Network 3>, by Capcom. You may not take
this document or its parts without my personal permission. If you violate this
or any other standard copyright agreements, you will be violating International

This document is also copyright protected by all Websites that post it.

If you want to post my FAQ on your site, please send a e-mail to:

with the title being: Permission for your MMBN3 FAQ Usage for [Site Name]. If
you failed to follow procedures, I might misinterpret it for Spam Mail so you
might not receive an answer.

Before ripping off my work, think, as a fellow human being, about all the
time I've spent on this. If that does not help, then follow the simple rule: if
you do not get permission and you post it somewhere, you are stealing and will
be subject to punishment.

This Guide Is Officially Posted At:
- GameFAQs (

- You CANNOT sell it.
- You CANNOT put it in a magazine/book/guide/program or anything similar
without my personal permission first. Any large-scale distributions will
not be permitted, so please don't ask.
- You CANNOT reproduce it or any of its parts.

- All of these subjects are applicable only after you get my personal
permission for posting my guide on your Website/magazine.
- You MAY only post this guide AS A WHOLE.
- I MUST be the one to receive full credits for this document.
- You CANNOT display any advertisement anywhere on the page or in any related
framed pages. Advertisements are BAD!


[December 31, 2002]
-> ... BEGIN ...
-> MMBN Guide Version 1.0 Initialized
-> Structural Integrity Enhanced
-> Japanese Version of Guide Completed
-> ... OVER ...

[December 23, 2002]
-> ... BEGIN ...
-> MMBN Guide Version 0.9 Initialized
-> Structural Integrity Enhanced
-> Chapter Nine and Ten Completed
-> ... OVER ...

[December 20, 2002]
-> ... BEGIN ...
-> MMBN Guide Version 0.8 Initialized
-> Structural Integrity Modified
-> Chapter Eight Completed
-> ... OVER ...

[December 19, 2002]
-> ... BEGIN ...
-> MMBN Guide Version 0.7 Initialized
-> Chapter Seven Completed
-> ... OVER ...

[December 16, 2002]
-> ... BEGIN ...
-> MMBN Guide Version 0.6 Initialized
-> Chapter Six Completed
-> Chip Data Enhanced
-> ... OVER ...

[December 15, 2002]
-> ... BEGIN ...
-> MMBN Guide Version 0.5 Initialized
-> Chapter Five Completed
-> ... OVER ...

[December 14, 2002]
-> ... BEGIN ...
-> MMBN Guide Version 0.4 Initialized
-> Chapter Four Completed
-> ... OVER ...

[December 13, 2002]
-> ... BEGIN ...
-> MMBN Guide Version 0.3 Initialized
-> Structural Integrity Enhanced
-> Chapter Three Completed
-> ... OVER ...

[December 13, 2002]
-> ... BEGIN ...
-> MMBN Guide Version 0.2 Initialized
-> Structural Integrity Enhanced
-> Chapter Two Completed
-> ... OVER ...

[December 12, 2002]
-> ... BEGIN ...
-> MMBN Guide Version 0.1 Initialized
-> Structural Integrity Initialized
-> Basic Framework Created
-> Chapter Zero, One Completed
-> ... OVER ...





E-mail: MimicMasterAX@HotMail.COM

Comments/Suggestions: Use 'Comments for MMBN3 FAQ' as title.
Corrections: Use 'Corrections for MMBN3 FAQ' as title.
Additions: Use 'New Information for MMBN3 FAQ' as title.

All contributors will be listed below and thanked for their contribution.

----------------------------------[Thanks To]----------------------------------


- Blaster99, Mauro, Shadow00X, MoogleKupo89, Unknownthing, fredkkc, Zidanet99
and PhQ for pointing out directions on how to use certain chips
- Golden Chocobo for sending me his 198 chip stat so I can update them quicker
- Gyradon for finding out what gives those Bug Pieces after battles
- Joey for making a few adjustments for the Navis
- Jon for suggesting which Navi to talk to for Job 6
- LiteYear for giving me some insight for Chapter 7
- Lourde Incarnadine for helping me with the names of the characters and NAVIs
and various other stuff
- MarshMallow Man for his numerous help and that whole story section
- Mauro for reporting many mistakes
- Nekomancer for helping me with the names of the characters and NAVIs
- TasOJam for pointing out a mistake in Chapter 3
- Zidanet129 for pointing out that the Navi in Ura Internet 4 was CopyMan
- all other people who either directly or indirectly help me pass this game at


- GameFAQs, always for posting my guides
- Capcom, for always enhancing the MMBN experience

-----------------------------[Author's Final Notes]----------------------------

Thank you all for reading my guide. I hope it has been a wonderful
experience for all of you!

MegaMan, MegaMan Battle Network, Lan and all other creations are trademarks
of CAPCOM. All rights reserved.

Copyright 2002 MimicMasterAX
Submitted by mimicmasterax - Published on 06/13/03

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