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Aristotle once said, Courage is the first of human qualities because it is the quality

which guarantees the others. In other words, courage is the chief operator for action. By
definition, courage is very situational and widely interpreted for the reason that there are
different models of courage. We come to know that courage does not necessarily have to be
physical sacrifice. Its significance is acting in spite of fear, even if it is just staying morally
strong. In To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee, individuals fight for their own beliefs and
take personal risks during difficult times.
Courage comes from a persons ability to follow their beliefs heedless of conflicting
views. While one might take a look at Mrs. Dubose and note her as an antagonist, Atticus
refers to her as the bravest person [he] ever knew (149). It is her morphine addiction and
ongoing effort to rid of it that has turned her around into a bitter lady. Mrs. Dubose chooses
to fight it in good spirit. Atticus later explains to Jem, According to her views, she died
beholden to nothing and nobody (149). Mrs. Dubose had to number many years of pain by
herself. Although she was initially unlikable, her morals and determination inspire Atticus
greatly. Similarly, Atticus demonstrates staying true to his set of values. His courage is most
highly exemplified in taking the case of Tom Robinson who was charged with raping a white
woman. At this time of harsh racism, society looks down on Atticus regardless of the truth.
Atticus still chooses to believe in justice and fights to clear the name of an innocent man. He
reasons, Simply because we were licked a hundred years before we started is no reason for
us to try not to win (101). He teaches Scout that even if there is no chance of winning, there
should not be any excuse not to try. Mrs. Dubose and Atticus stood their ground in extreme
Courage takes willingness to bear consequences for others. Miss Maudie is always
unafraid to speak the truth. When Mrs. Merriweather starts gossiping about Atticus in front of
the church missionary, Miss Maudie cannot hide her anger. She silences everyone with one
line, His food doesnt stick going down, does it? (312), implying that Atticus knows he did
what is right. She risks her reputation and her social relationships to defend Atticus when she
felt that he was not getting the respect he deserved. In the same manner, Heck Tate commits
himself to a threatening situation. He erases evidence from the crime scene and lies on moral
grounds to protect Boo. In his argument with Atticus about Bob Ewells death, he asserts, I
may not be much, Mr. Finch, but Im still sheriff of Maycomb County and Bob Ewell fell on
his knife (370). With this illegal act, Heck Tate puts his job in danger. Miss Maudie and
Heck Tate were willing to risk what they had to keep living with.
Altogether, constructing own beliefs and more importantly, practicing them in the
face of opposition requires a great deal of courage. Risking something valuable is just as
challenging, but the novel gives an idea that not taking the risks could lead to even worse
results than to take them. As the setting of the story presents prejudice and injustices in this
time, it also introduces the readers to moral courage present in the key characters that help
solve the crises of community.

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