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Art Appreciation Chapter 7 Painting Study Guide

____________________ or _______________________ refers to the liquid that holds the

particles of pigment together without dissolving them. It generally acts as or includes a
_____________________, an ingredient that ensures that the paint, even when diluted and spread
thinly, will adhere to the surface.
___________________________ refers to the powdered color material.
Artists paints are generally made to a paste like consistency and need to be diluted in order to be
brushed freely. _______________________ media can be diluted with water (watercolors,
acrylics. ______________________ media require some other diluents like turpentine or
mineral spirits (oils.
!aints are applied to a ______________________or the surface on which a work of art is made,
i.e. the canvas, paper, wood panel, wall, etc.
"he support may be prepared to receive paint with a ________________or
__________________, a preliminary coating applied to the support to improve adhesion of
paints, an e#ample is ______________________.
____________________ ($reek for %burning in& is a painting medium in which pigment is
mi#ed with wa# and resin (traditionally hot bees wa#.
________________________ refers to a painting medium in which colors (pigments mi#ed with
water are applied to a plaster support, usually a wall or ceiling.
In ___________ fresco the colors are applied to wet lime plaster before the plaster dries thus
bonds with the surface.
In fresco ________________ (dry fresco the colors are applied to dry plaster.
________________________ refers to a full'si(e preparatory drawing for a mural, fresco, or
other large work.
___________________________ paint is an aqueous medium (water based in which pigment is
mi#ed with a binder like egg yoke, glue, or casein (a derivative of milk. It dries to a tough,
insoluble film. "hough it tends to yellow and darken with age, tempera colors retain their
brilliance and clarity for centuries.
_______________________ paints consist of pigment which is held together with a binder of oil,
usually linseed oil.
___________________________ technique) a painting technique in which color areas are created
from small strokes of individual colors,
$risailles (pronounced gree'*+, refers to the initial tones of ____________________ often
used as a foundation for colored gla(es.
A __________________ is a thin, translucent layer of color, generally applied over a layer of
underpainting or another color.
________________________, %all in one go&, is the technique of completing a painting in a
single session, as opposed to building it up slowly over a period of time. It is a spontaneous
approach to painting that often features opaque impasto and visible brush strokes.
Impasto refers to any ___________________ application of paint.
_____________________ is a paint medium consisting of pigment in a vehicle of water and gum
arabic, a sticky, glue like plant substance that acts as the binder. "he leading characteristic is its
______________________________. "hey are not generally applied thickly like oil paints, but
thinly in translucent washes
___________________________ is watercolor with an inert white pigment added. Inert pigment
is pigment that becomes colorless or virtually colorless in paint. It serves to make the colors
-uring the early ./th century enormous developments in chemistry had an impact in artist
studios. 0y the 123/s, chemists had developed strong, weatherproof, industrial paints using a
vehicle of synthetic plastic resins. 0y the 124/s, chemists had made many advances in the new
technology and had adapted these synthetic plastic paints to artists requirements for permanence.
5or the first time since it was developed, oil paint had a challenger as the principal medium for
6estern painting. "hese new synthetic artists colors are broadly known as
_____________________________ refer to paintings e#ecuted on an easel or similar support.
____________________ is made of small, closely spaced particles called __________________
(singular ________________ embedded in a binder such as mortar or cement.
____________________ refers to a particular weaving technique involving interlacing two sets
of threads at right angles to each other. 7ne set of threads, called the ______________ is held
taught using a loom and the second set, called the __________ is passed through the warp threads
but not cross the entire warp but rather woven in locally to build up (ones of colors.

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