August Astro Tarot Forecast 2014

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Astro Tarot Forecast - August 2014

1 Aries - 21 Mar to 20 Apr: Ten of Swords

Things will not go smoothly in your dealings with others, because of obstacles, adverse
conditions, hardships, or disputes, and you may quit or be demoted or dismissed.
Though the worst is over, anguish will continue because you won't be able to bury the past or
start anew. You will vacillate between "do I want it or don't I," and the moment you try to pin
anything down or make a firm decision, it will change.
Financial problems will soon be relieved or resolved, and a flurry of business or an adjusted
financial statement will give you an unexpected bonus.

2 Taurus - 20 Apr to 21 May: Five of Pentacles

You will experience troubles, dissension and possible loss in your work or career, as well as
difficult dealings with others; and/or a heated debate over papers or contractual agreements.
You will long to be with the one your heart yearns for -- no other can take his/her place or fill
the void, and try as they might, others will not succeed. This could also indicate an illicit love
You can expect financial success regardless of obstacles or problems. Could also indicate
money spent or received for spiritual or metaphysical work.

3 Gemini - 21 May to 20 Jun: Page of Cups

You will want to get on with your work but will be feeling boxed in because some basic need or
element must first be fulfilled.
You will be anxious about how things will turn out in the future but you hope they will;
however, involvement will be slow.
You will be grateful for money you receive from your work and for being able to afford to buy
whatever you want or need (within reason, of course).

4 Cancer - 21 Jun to 20 Jul: Seven of Swords

You will want to get away from your work, but it will keep pulling you back.
An admirer will want to see you and will phone or come to call.
You will experience anxiety over the receipt of money or a check thought lost, but it will shortly
be recovered. This could also indicate an unexpected financal gain.

5 Leo - 21 Jul to 21 Aug: King of Cups

You will want to make it on your own, be financially independent, own your own business, or
work out of your home, and a new direction or course of action is going to be proposed that will
encourage that wish.
You will be in a romantic or flirtatious mood and life will offer several opportunities for
romance, but those who try to exercise a claim will have to compete with stiff competition: your
work and your "ideal" lover.
Money will be acquired from a business of your own or a business done out of your home. Be
sure to handle financial negotiations and business transactions BEFORE you get started, or
misunderstandings will arise.

6 Virgo - 22 Aug to 22 Sept: Eight of Swords

You may take some sick leave or "blow out" of an unpleasant job or work situation, or you
could change your mind about taking a job you really didn't want but felt you had to take
because of financial considerations.
You will be feeling restricted or boxed in, but you are actually in a protective (spiritual) box so
you won't be diverted from your higher purposes.
You'll be feeling stuck or strapped and will want to make more money, because even though
you've got it to spend, the supply is decreasing. Don't worry; you're going to get it, even if
you've had problems getting it in the past.

7 Libra - 23 Sept to 22 Oct: King of Swords

You will be very apprehensive about your work and your future (could be because you've lost
your faith or sense of purpose), but you will keep trudging on in the hope that somehow, some
way, things will change.
Dwelling on the past only causes pain, so you'll release it and let it go. This could be concerning
someone who's in a legal or law-enforcement profession.
There will be tension related to money matters, and even if you're making money, the
atmosphere will be taut and unpleasant.

8 Scorpio - 23 Oct to 22 Nov: XX Judgement

The resolving of inner or outer conflicts will mark the end of suffering and improved conditions.
Or, a change in consciousness through spiritual evolvement or self-development will bring new
purpose, meaning, or motivation to your work.
Someone's actions or attitude will make you think twice about seeing them again, starting up
again, or continuing the relationship.
You will experience improved conditions in the form of a money judgement, settlement,
payment on investment, or profit shares.

9 Sagittarius - 23 Nov to 20 Dec: Two of Wands

You will be in a position of power, expansion, and surprising success, and because of this, your
attitude will be improved and your determination renewed.
A lonely or unhappy soul is going to enter your life, who may offer to take care of you or
propose some type of living arrangement. This could be (but is not necessarily) someone who is
already married.
Finances or financial arrangements will be discussed and mutually agreed upon, and business
profits will begin to increase.

10 Capricorn - 21 Dec to 19 Jan: Ace of Cups

Activity in your work will be renewed. Expect a positive flow of creative, innovative, or
inspired ideas and lots of praise or admiration.
You are going to have a surprise call from an admirer but not necessarily the one you want to
hear from or are attracted to.
You will forge ahead in spite of money worries and will begin a new project (or two) that will
supplement your income. This could also indicate a pleasant financial surprise, and you will
decide to buy something you couldn't afford before.

11 Aquarius - 20 Jan to 18 Feb: Ace of Pentacles

Activity may have been slow in the past, but your business interests will soon begin to thrive.
You will be thinking about romance and will want to have a significant love affair. If already
involved, you wish your partner would be more loving or responsive.
You will soon be receiving money from something that was held up or that you should have
gotten in the past (and you will be notified of this). Something that has to do with time or a time

12 Pisces - 19 Feb to 20 Mar: Eight of Pentacles

If you've been depressed or bored with your work, it will soon lift and you will have a change in
attitude brought about by a compensation for a previous effort, new orders or new projects to
embark upon.
Love may be difficult to ground, but someone will light up your life (or be the best thing about
life) and, if there's no one special now, you'll attract romance like a bee to honey.
Expect material gain and increase, but in small sums only.

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