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... through Bertha Dudde

The process of creation
has taken eternities ....
The process of creation was not the work of a moment e!en
though it tru"# wou"d ha!e $een within %# power .... $ut then
creation wou"d ha!e missed its purpose since it was intended to
ensure a gradua" de!e"opment from the a$#ss to the pinnac"e
and therefore continued for an infinite"# "ong time.
&ence #ou humans shou"d understand that the description in the
'criptures in the Book of the Fathers on"# informs #ou of this
act of creation in a pictoria" manner $ecause peop"e who sti"" "ack
deeper awareness wou"d $e una$"e to understand the true
process and it is on"# intended to teach them that creation once
came forth from %# hand that it was and is the work of %# wi""
and %# might ....
(n#one who wants to de"!e deeper wi"" a"so come to a more
profound understanding.
(t first it is on"# necessar# to know of a )ower Which $rought
e!er#thing into e*istence the human $eing can see around
himse"f as we"" as the creations he is una$"e to see. Before the
far+reaching corre"ations can $e e*p"ained to him he has to know
a$out the origina" $eginning of what %# strength of "o!e
emanated as independent $eings .... (nd he has to know a$out
these $eings, apostas# from %e and the immense origina" sin
with which the $eings were then $urdened. On"# then can the
emergence of creation and the process of return through creation
$e e*p"ained to him.
But an#one with an unen"ightened spirit wi"" ho"d on to the "etter
and wi"" ne!er c"ear"# understand it since he is not open to
instructions $# spiritua""# en"ightened peop"e either.
-!er# work of creation re.uired an infinite"# "ong time of
pre"iminar# de!e"opment which howe!er a"wa#s re"ated to the
spiritua" su$stance which shou"d progress within a work of
creation .... /t had fa""en so "ow that it a"so needed an end"ess
"ength of time in order to ascend again within the !arious kinds
of creations .... from the most primiti!e to the most $eautifu""#
formed works $rought into e*istence $# %# wi"" in order to
she"ter the spiritua" su$stance and ena$"e its path of ascent ....
(nd therefore the creation work -arth too was in the
$eginning a mere c"uster of utter"# immature spirits whose
su$stances gradua""# condensed to form a mass which cou"d not
#et $e descri$ed as hard matter $ut had to $e understood as
$asic e"ements without form $ut with tremendous effect of
strength for the# contained tota""# uncontro""ed spiritua"
0et %# wisdom distri$uted e!er#thing in the right measure and
used e!er# e"ement for %# creati!e work so that separate forms
arose which had to comp"# with their destined purpose1 and thus
$egan the s"ow construction of the !isi$"e works of creation which
continued for an end"ess time unti" the earth started to show
!egetation and increasing"# more mature spiritua" su$stances
were a$"e to occup# those creations to tra!e" the path of higher
de!e"opment in this p"ant wor"d.
Then fo""owed the first "i!ing $eings .... creations which cou"d
a"read# perform a certain a"$eit !er# sma"" task imposed on
them $# natura" "aw.
(nd again an infinite"# "ong time of de!e"opment passed from
these minute "i!ing $eings to the wor"d of anima"s which inc"uded
e!er "arger and stronger forms in which man# spiritua"
su$stances had a"read# come together and united in order to
keep fu"fi""ing the task of cu"ti!ating the earth for the fina"
crowning work of di!ine creation .... for the human $eing .... who
had to pass through a"" those pre"iminar# stages and whose sou"
now is the composition of a"" those tin# partic"es which $e"onged
to a once fa""en origina" spirit and which in a disso"!ed state had
to go through a"" works of creation in order to gradua""# e!o"!e
again in this wa#.
2onse.uent"# the human $eing cou"d not ha!e $een created at
the time of 3creating the wor"d, .... 4ust as all works of creation
ha!e ne!er $een %# instant work precise"# $ecause the slow
ad!ancement had to proceed first or the who"e of the creation
work wou"d ha!e $een meaning"ess and without purpose for it
did not come into $eing for %# sake $ut for the sake of %# fa""en
"i!ing creations and thus was a"so meant to fu"fi" the purpose of
"eading the fa""en spirits $ack to %e again.
(nd #et e!er# work of creation was %# e*terna"ised thought
which was a"wa#s imp"emented when the spiritua" su$stance had
reached a certain degree of maturit# and re.uired a new form in
order to continue its path of de!e"opment.
(nd thus different creations arose periodica""#. The p"ant wor"d
on"# $ecame necessar# when the wor"d of rocks re"eased the
spiritua" su$stance which then re.uired a new and "ighter
form .... (nd "ikewise sma"" and minute "i!ing creations arose
after the creation of the p"ant wor"d .... (nd on"# / knew when
one was necessar# for the other and / a"so knew how much time
the "arger "i!ing creations the anima"s up to the )re+(damites
wou"d need to mature their em$odied sou"+su$stances.
&ence / a"so knew when the time had come that the indi!idua"
tin# partic"es of the spiritua" $eing had merged again in order to
em$od# itse"f as 3sou", in the "ast form.
Then / e*terna"ised a work of creation again .... the human
$eing whose e*terna" shape is so ski"fu""# created that a
maturing to fina" perfection wi"" $e possi$"e.
(nd this creation of the human $eing a"so occurred an infinite"#
"ong time ago which #ou humans cannot esta$"ish since #our
concept of time is sti"" "imited $ut %# work of return has a"read#
"asted for an eternit#. (nd a"though eternities had passed $efore
the appearance of the human $eing $efore the earth with a"" its
works of creation was read# for the human $eing to take
possession of it for the purpose of his fina" maturing this point in
time is a"so !er# remote $ecause time and again periodica"
immense uphea!a"s and changes occur on earth which make it
impossi$"e to ca"cu"ate the duration of time since the $eginning
of earth and of the human $eing.
But this is certain #ou humans wi"" on"# $e a$"e to gain a rea"
insight into %# eterna" p"an of 'a"!ation when #ou ha!e attained
the appropriate degree of en"ightenment #ourse"!es .... For unti"
then #ou wi"" $e inte""ectua""# incapa$"e to en!ision the "ength of
time for which the concept of 3eternities, cou"d $e app"ied .... (nd
for as "ong as #our spirit is sti"" unen"ightened it has to $e
e*p"ained to #ou in an i""ustrati!e manner ....
On"# an awakened spirit wi"" $e a$"e to gain deeper insight #et
u"timate wisdom wi"" on"# $ecome e*p"ica$"e when it enters the
kingdom of "ight where e!er#thing can $e re!ea"ed $ecause
e!er#thing wi"" then a"so $e comprehensi$"e ....
)u$"ished $# friends of new re!e"ations of God 5 /nformation
down"oad of a"" trans"ated re!e"ations theme+$ook"ets at6


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