The Effectiveness of Group Discussion in Speaking English

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This chapter presents the general introduction of the study. It includes the
background of the study, the reason for choosing the topic, the assumption, the scope
and limitation of the study, the problem statement, the research purposes, the research
methodology, the significance of the study, and the definition of terminology.
1.1 The Background of the Study
Speaking is considered a major skill to be mastered by students in terms
of communication need. This is because the ability to speak a language is
synonymous with knowing that language since speech is the most basic means of
human communication. However, learning speaking is not an easy task for
students. Students mostly find it difficult to communicate in speaking English.
Speaking ability has been considered difficult for them. The students are not ready
for real communication and cannot cope with all of the simultaneous demands in
learning activity (Lazarton in Celce-Murcia, 2001: 103). A few of them might
want to express their ideas spontaneously in English but they do not know how to, so
they use their body language and speak with lot of pauses.

Nowadays most English teachers provide students with plenty of
opportunities to practice speaking in class in order to improve their oral
proficiency. The development of speaking skills is prioritized because students
should be able to interact with others through the medium of English.
Unfortunately, many students are reluctant to practice their speaking skills in class.
Although classroom language is not the real language situation, where people
communicate for genuine, real-life reasons, having group discussion can at least
promote some initiatives to speak in the language (Bussinger, 2003).
Students rarely use English both formally and informally, they also do
not have confidence in using English, and they are also afraid of making mistakes
or being laughed at by others. To help students to overcome such problems, the
teacher or lecturer should motivate and give students the opportunity to speak. To
keep up with the new developments in language teaching, EFL teachers should use
communicative language teaching which emphasizes students participation in the
classroom. Group discussion is an option which is said to facilitate and motivate
learners in learning English.
However, many Indonesian schools are practicing traditional methods of
teaching, which include lecturing where the students still listen and write what the
teacher says. The students keep silent during the class and little communication
occurs in this kind of classroom environment. Moreover, it is difficult for a teacher to
get everybody having a chance to practice speaking English. Therefore, the teacher

should be able to recognize the students problem and to create conducive
atmosphere in the classroom that will raise the students ability to speak English.
Consequently, English teachers are expected to apply the appropriate technique
which will surely work to fulfill learners need of English communication. This
notion is in line with the communicative approach which defines language as
communication and the goal of language teaching is to develop communicative
competence (Hymes in Richard & Rogers, 2002: 159). In supporting ideas of
communicative language teaching as described above, speaking instructors are
expected to provide themselves with wider variety of methodological options to
choose techniques and materials according to the needs of the learners. Related to
this purpose, discussion technique is potential to be implemented, which is expected
to enable students to promote their speaking ability. In line with this, Killen (1996:
28) discloses his logical argumentations in supporting the notion that discussion
technique is an appropriate technique in the area of teaching speaking. Those are:
(1) discussion is an active learning process, which is more likely to maintain
students interest than a passive, teacher-directed learning experience; (2) it secures
active involvement in learning which motivates students, particularly when they can
see that others value their contributions and respect their points of view; (3) it
develops students ability to analyze the lesson content and express ideas orally, thus
enhancing their thinking and communication skills; (4) it can be an effective way of
allowing students to share their knowledge and experience and an appropriate
way to demonstrate to students the relevance of their background knowledge; (5)

it can generate new ideas or produce original solutions to problems by stimulating
divergent or lateral thinking; (6) it is better than lecture as a way of helping
students develop problem-solving and criticalthinking skills; and (7) it is a
technique in which teachers show tolerance to students opinions and attitudes,
which can help to develop rapport between instructors and students. Additionally,
Kelly (2010) explains three basic logical reasons for why discussion technique is
very applicable in teaching speaking: (1) instructors maintain a greater control over
what is being taught because they are able to steer the discussion; (2) discussion
technique is comfortable for the teacher because it is a modified form of lecture;
and (3) students have a tendency to stay focused on the lesson because they might
prepare to share their ideas.
Killens and Kellys concepts above are in line with Browns notion.
Brown (2001:178) affirms essential advantages of group discussion in EFL
teaching: (1) students are able to generate interactive language; (2) students are
embraced by an effective climate; (3) students are to promote learner responsibility
and autonomy; and (4) students are able to understand toward individualizing
instruction. Moreover, Suryosubroto (2002:179) also highlights that discussion is a
strategy in teaching in which the teacher gives great opportunity to the students for
having scientific dialogue in gathering opinions, making conclusion, or giving an
alternative solution to a certain issue. He asserts that discussion technique provides

opportunities for students thoughtfulness about information received in class so
that they are able to solve the problem discussed.
By regarding the strengths and logical reasons described above, it is
obvious that discussion technique encourages students to communicate in English.
Therefore, this leads the current research to conduct an experimental study to
justify whether or not group discussion technique has an effect toward students
speaking ability.
1.2 The Reason for Choosing the Topic
The reasons why the writer chooses the topic are:
1. English teachers are expected to apply the appropriate technique which
will surely work to fulfill learners need of English communication.
2. Speaking is considered as a major skill to be mastered by students in
terms of communication need.
3. Most of students have lack of ability in speaking English, although they
have good ability in listening, reading, or writing.
1.3 The Assumption
The assumptions relating to the topic are:
1. Nowadays most of teaching and learning process is boring, since the
students still listen and write what the teacher says.
2. Students are more actively involved in group discussions.
1.4 The Scope and Limitation of the Study

The main concern in this study is group discussion carried out and used to
the Senior High School students. The group discussion itself is used for the treatment
in the experimental group. In testing speaking, there would be four aspects to be
tested: pronunciation, vocabulary, fluency, and procedural generic structure
The population of this research is all of the second grade students of
SMAN 1 GARUT. The writer will choose two classes; one class for experiment class
that will be given a treatment and one class for class control which is not given a
This study focused on the purpose and the effects of The Effectiveness of
Group Discussion Technique in Improving Students Speaking Ability in English of
the Second Grade in SMAN 1 GARUT. The respondents of the study are composed
of selected students randomly from the total population.
Any aspects or cases could be possibly investigated during this study, but
this study is designed to find out whether the group discussion technique effective or
not in improving student's speaking ability.
1.4.1 Population and Sample
The population of this study is the 2
year students of Senior High
School 1 Garut enrolled in 2014/2015 academic year. The sample is the part of the
population. The sample of the study is two classes and each class consists of 40

students. In selecting the sample, the study used probability sampling technique. This
technique determines the sample based on certain consideration.
1.5 The Problem Statement
The research conducted is to answer these following questions:
1. Is there a significant difference in speaking ability between students who
are taught by using discussion technique and those taught by using the
conventional technique?
2. How is the students speaking ability taught by using discussion technique?
1.6 The Research Purpose
Based on the problems mentioned, the researcher defines for aims of the
study as follows:
1. To find out whether there is a significant difference in speaking ability
between students who are taught by using discussion technique and those
taught by using the conventional technique.
2. To analyze the students speaking ability that was taught by using discussion
1.7 The Hypothesis
To analyze its accuracy, hypothesis should be examined through an
experimental or series observation. The hypotheses of the study are (Ho) or (Ha).

Ho: There is no significant difference between the class which is treated with
implementing group discussion technique and the class which is not.
Ha: There is a significant difference between the class which is treated with
implementing group discussion technique and the class which is not.
1.8 The Research Methodology
The methodology of this research is a quasi-experimental with non
equivalent in teaching English using group discussion which does not include the use
of random assignment.
Based on the opinion above, the quasi-experimenters try to establish
temporal precedence by showing that the change in participants occurred after the
researchers give the treatment. Also like experimenters, quasi-experimenters assess
by comparing treatment and non treatment conditions.
The main instrument used in collecting data is pre-test and post-test. In the
one-group pretest-posttest design, a single group is measured or observed not only
after beingexposed to a treatment of some sort, but also before. ( Fraenkael, Wallen
and Hyun, 2012: 269). This instrument design is taken to measure the effect of the
treatment given by comparing the data test before and after treatment. Then the data
will be calculated to get the inference.
1.9 The Significance of the Research
This research is expected:

1. To find out whether there is a significant difference in speaking ability
between students who are taught by using discussion technique and those
taught by using the conventional technique.
2. To examine the issues of students speaking in an ESL classroom.
3. To determine the potential implication of group work activities on the
students individual performance in speaking assessment.
4. To be used as reference for another researcher in analyzing several the
relevant topic.
1.10 The Definition of Terminology
To avoid misunderstanding the terminologies, which are used on this
research with other topic subjects, the writer feels that it is necessary to explain them.
The terminologies as follow:
1. Group discussion is a pedagogical strategy that promotes participation and
interaction. It also fosters a deeper and more active learning process (Martine,
2. Speaking is an interactive process of constructing meaning that involves
producing and receiving and processing information (Brown, 1994; Burns &
Joyce, 1997)

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