BS 4320 - Brittish Standard Washers

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ThIs Sfnnunru Is confIrmou.

Soo fho IS! CnfnIoguo for uofnIIs.
April 100S
BS 4320:l96B
SecIIIcutIon Iov
MetuI wusLevs Iov
genevuI engIneevIng
uvoses metvIc sevIes
!C 621.882.d:669
BS 4320:l96B
ThIs IrIfIsh Sfnnunru, hnvIng
boon nrovou by fho
MochnnIcnI IngInoorIng
!nuusfry Sfnnunrus
CommIffoo, nnu onuorsou
by fho ChnIrmnn of fho
IngInoorIng IvIsIonnI
CouncII, wns ubIIshou
unuor fho nufhorIfy of fho
ConornI CouncII on
23 Mny, 1968
IS! 01-1999
Tho foIIowIng IS! roforoncos
roInfo fo fho worL on fhIs
CommIffoo roforonco MII/60
rnff for commonf 6?/269?3
SBN 5B0 002l5 2
Co-oevutIng ovgunIzutIons
Tho MochnnIcnI IngInoorIng !nuusfry Sfnnunrus CommIffoo, unuor whoso
suorvIsIon fhIs IrIfIsh Sfnnunru wns ronrou, consIsfs of rorosonfnfIvos
from fho foIIowIng Covornmonf uonrfmonfs nnu scIonfIfIc nnu InuusfrInI
Tho Covornmonf uonrfmonfs nnu scIonfIfIc nnu InuusfrInI orgnnIznfIons
mnrLou wIfh nn nsforIsL In fho nbovo IIsf, fogofhor wIfh fho foIIowIng, woro
uIrocfIy rorosonfou on fho commIffoo onfrusfou wIfh fho ronrnfIon of fhIs
IrIfIsh Sfnnunru:
AssocInfou OffIcos` TochnIcnI CommIffoo !nsfIfufIon of Cns IngInoors
AssocInfIon of ConsuIfIng IngInoors !nsfIfufIon of HonfIng
AssocInfIon of MInIng, IIocfrIcnI nnu nnu VonfIInfIng IngInoors
MochnnIcnI IngInoors !nsfIfufIon of MochnnIcnI IngInoors
Ionru of Trnuo !nsfIfufIon of MochnnIcnI IngInoors
IrIfIsh ChomIcnI !Innf Mnnufncfurors` (AufomobIIo IvIsIon)
AssocInfIon !nsfIfufIon of !rouucfIon IngInoors*
IrIfIsh Comrossou AIr SocIofy !ocomofIvo nnu AIIIou Mnnufncfurors`
IrIfIsh IIocfrIcnI nnu AIIIou Mnnufncfurors` AssocInfIon of Cronf IrIfnIn*
AssocInfIon* !onuon Trnnsorf Ionru
IrIfIsh Conr Mnnufncfuros` AssocInfIon MnchIno TooI Trnuos AssocInfIon
IrIfIsh !nfornnI CombusfIon IngIno MInIsfry of ofonco
Mnnufncfurors` AssocInfIon MInIsfry of ofonco, Army onrfmonf
IrIfIsh MochnnIcnI IngInoorIng MInIsfry of !nbour (H.M. Incfory
IouornfIon !nsocfornfo)
IrIfIsh !um Mnnufncfurors` AssocInfIon MInIsfry of !owor
IrIfIsh SfooI !nuusfry* MInIsfry of !ubIIc IuIIuIng nnu WorLs
Crown Agonfs for Ovorson Covornmonfs nnu MInIsfry of TochnoIogy*
AumInIsfrnfIons MInIsfry of TochnoIogy ^nfIonnI
IIocfrIcIfy CouncII, fho ConfrnI IIocfrIcIfy IngInoorIng !nbornfory*
ConornfIng Ionru nnu fho Aron Ionrus In MInIsfry of Trnnsorf
IngInnu nnu WnIos* ^nfIonnI ConI Ionru*
IngInoorIng IquImonf !sors` AssocInfIon* ^nfIonnI !hysIcnI !nbornfory (MInIsfry of
Cns CouncII TochnoIogy)
!nsfIfufo of MnrIno IngInoors !nuIo !nuusfry CouncII
!nsfIfufIon of CIvII IngInoors !oynI !nsfIfufo of IrIfIsh ArchIfocfs
AgrIcuIfurnI IngInoors AssocInfIon Insfonors nnu Turnou !nrfs !nsfIfufo
AssocInfIon of HyurnuIIc IquImonf !nsfIfufo of !ron nnu SfooI WIro
Mnnufncfurors Mnnufncfurors
IIncL IoIf nnu ^uf AssocInfIon of
Cronf IrIfnIn
MInIsfry of ofonco, ^nvy onrfmonf
!osf OffIco
IrIfIsh IoIf, ^uf, Scrow nnu !Ivof IouornfIon !rocIsIon IoIf nnu ^uf !nsfIfufo
IrIfIsh ConsfrucfIonnI SfooIworL !oIIou Thronu Scrow AssocInfIon
AssocInfIon ScIonfIfIc !nsfrumonf Mnnufncfurors`
IrIfIsh CycIo nnu Mofor CycIo AssocInfIon
!nuusfrIos AssocInfIon !fu. SocIofy of Mofor Mnnufncfurors nnu Trnuors
IrIfIsh !nIIwnys Ionru !ImIfou
CouncII of IrIfIsh Mnnufncfurors of
!ofroIoum IquImonf
Wnshor Mnnufncfurors` AssocInfIon of Cronf
IIocfronIc IngInoorIng AssocInfIon !nuIvIuunI mnnufncfurors
Amendments Issued sInce ubIIcutIon
Amu. ^o. nfo Commonfs
BS 4320:l96B
IS! 01-1999 I
Co-oornfIng orgnnIznfIons !nsIuo fronf covor
Ioroworu II
Scoo 1
1 IrIghf mofnI wnshors 1
1.1 ConornI 1
1.2 MnforInI 1
1.3 IInIsh 1
1.d ConfIng 1
1.5 ImonsIons 1
1.6 osIgnnfIon for onquIry nnu oruorIng urosos 1
2 IIncL mofnI wnshors 5
2.1 ConornI 5
2.2 MnforInI 5
2.3 IInIsh 5
2.d ConfIng 5
2.5 ImonsIons 5
2.6 osIgnnfIon for onquIry nnu oruorIng urosos 5
AonuIx A IS! !oIIcy sfnfomonf on scrow fhronus nnu fho mofrIc sysfom 9
AonuIx I SIzos gronfor fhnn 68 mm uInmofor 10
TnbIo 1 IrIghf wnshors ^ormnI uInmofor. MofrIc sorIos
(Iorms A nnu I) 2
TnbIo 2 IrIghf wnshors !nrgo uInmofor. MofrIc sorIos
(Iorms C nnu ) d
TnbIo 3 IIncL wnshors ^ormnI uInmofor. MofrIc sorIos (Iorm I) 6
TnbIo d IIncL wnshors !nrgo uInmofor. MofrIc sorIos (Iorm I) ?
TnbIo 5 IIncL wnshors Ixfrn Inrgo uInmofor. MofrIc sorIos (Iorm C) 8
TnbIo 6 ^omInnI uImonsIons for sIzos gronfor fhnn M 68 10
BS 4320:l96B
IS! 01-1999
!n oruor fo Loo nbronsf of rogross In fho InuusfrIos concornou, IrIfIsh
Sfnnunrus nro subjocf fo orIouIcnI rovIow. SuggosfIons for Imrovomonfs wIII bo
rocoruou nnu In uuo courso broughf fo fho nofIco of fho commIffoos chnrgou wIfh
fho rovIsIon of fho sfnnunrus fo whIch fhoy rofor.
A comIofo IIsf of IrIfIsh Sfnnunrus, numborIng ovor 9,000, fuIIy Inuoxou nnu
wIfh n nofo of fho confonfs of onch, wIII bo founu In fho IS! CnfnIoguo whIch mny
bo urchnsou from IS! SnIos onrfmonf. Tho CnfnIoguo mny bo consuIfou In
mnny ubIIc IIbrnrIos nnu sImIInr InsfIfufIons.
ThIs sfnnunru mnLos roforonco fo fho foIIowIng IrIfIsh Sfnnunrus.
IS 21, Pipe IIreoJc.
IS 265, ColJ rolleJ Irocc cIeeI, cIrip onJ [oil. Connon Irocc.
IS 1dd9, SIeel ploIe, cIeeI onJ cIrip,
IS 1dd9-3I, ColJ rolleJ nilJ onJ corIon cIeel cIrip.
IS 1580, Ini[ieJ ccreu IIreoJc.
IS 1?06, 1lecIroploIeJ cooIingc o[ coJniun onJ :inc on iron onJ cIeel.
IS 36d3, 1SO neIric ccreu IIreoJc.
IS 3692, Dinencionc o[ 1SO neIric precicion Iexogon IolIc, ccreuc onJ nuIc.
IS d183, MocIine ccreuc onJ nocIine ccreu nuIc. MeIric ceriec.
IS d190, 1SO neIric Ilocl Iexogon IolIc, ccreuc onJ nuIc.
ThIs IrIfIsh Sfnnunru hns boon ronrou unuor fho nufhorIfy of fho MochnnIcnI
IngInoorIng !nuusfry Sfnnunrus CommIffoo, nrIsIng ouf of fho uocIsIon fnLon In
^ovombor 1965 fo nuof fho !SO mofrIc fhronu sysfom In fho !nIfou KInguom
(soo AonuIx A).
Tho comIofo sfnnunru socIfIos bofh brIghf nnu bIncL wnshors suIfnbIo for uso
wIfh !SO mofrIc boIfs, scrows nnu nufssocIfIou In fho vnrIous mofrIc fnsfonor
sfnnunrus roforrou fo boIow. Tho nomInnI uImonsIons socIfIou for fhoso wnshors
hnvo boon soIocfou from !SO rnff !ocommonunfIon ^o. 9d0
nnu vnrIous ofhor
urnff roosnIs boIng consIuorou InfornnfIonnIIy by TochnIcnI CommIffoo
!SO/TC 2, IoIfs, nufs nnu nccossorIos.
!onuIng fho consIuornfIon of foIornncos for wnshors wIfhIn !SO/TC 2, fho IS!
CommIffoo rosonsIbIo uocIuou fo nuof, In fho InforIm, fho foIornncos socIfIou
In Cormnn sfnnunru !^ 522. AffonfIon Is urnwn fo fho fncf fhnf fhoso foIornncos
nro In corfnIn cnsos consIuornbIy gronfor, on n sIzo for sIzo bnsIs, fhnn fhoso
socIfIou In fho nrnIIoI Inch sfnnunru IS 3d10. Thoy uo howovor nIIow fho
mnnufncfuro of fhoso wnshors from SWC mnforInIs, whIch shouIu rovo
nuvnnfngoous, osocInIIy from nn oconomIc oInf of vIow, uurIng fho frnnsIfIon
orIou rIor fo fho gonornI nvnIInbIIIfy of mofrIc shoof mnforInIs.
Tho wnshors nro bnsIcnIIy uIvIuou Info fhroo cnfogorIos of sIzo, I.o. normnI,
Inrgo, nnu oxfrn Inrgo uInmofor mofrIc sorIos.
Tho normnI uInmofor sorIos Is suIfnbIo for uso wIfh hoxngon honuou boIfs,
scrows nnu nufs fo IS 3692, ImonsIons of !SO mofrIc rocIsIon hoxngon boIfs,
scrows nnu nufs nnu fo IS d190, !SO mofrIc bIncL hoxngon boIfs, scrows nnu
nufs or wIfh mofrIc mnchIno scrows nnu mnchIno scrow nufs fo IS d183,
MnchIno scrows nnu mnchIno scrow nufs. MofrIc sorIos.
Tho Inrgo uInmofor sorIos Is suIfnbIo for uso In cnsos whoro fho noxf Inrgor sIzo
of hoxngon Is usou for n nrfIcuInr uInmofor rnfhor fhnn fho normnI nuf or boIf
hoxngon sIzo gIvon In !SO/! 2?2
. !f mny nIso bo usofuI In cnsos whoro n gronfor
bonrIng nron Is roquIrou.
!SO/! 9d0, Wnshors for hoxngon boIfs nnu nufs. MofrIc sorIos.
!SO !ocommonunfIon 2?2, Hoxngon boIfs nnu nufs, wIufhs ncross fInfs, hoIghfs of honu,
fhIcLnossos of nufs.
BS 4320:l96B
IS! 01-1999
!n IIno wIfh curronf IrIfIsh rncfIco n IIghf rnngo of brIghf wnshors hns boon
rovIuou In SocfIon 1 of fhIs sfnnunru, whIch hns fhIcLnossos nroxImnfoIy 60
of fho normnI rnngo fhIcLnossos.
An oxfrn Inrgo uInmofor sorIos of wnshors wIfh oufsIuo uInmofors fhroo fImos
fho nomInnI boIf uInmofor, hns boon rovIuou In SocfIon 2 of fhIs sfnnunru, whIch
uonIs wIfh bIncL mofnI wnshors.
Tho quosfIon of mofrIc sorIos fnor wnshors, rounu wnshors wIfh squnro hoIos
nnu squnro wnshors wIfh rounu hoIos hns yof fo bo consIuorou oIfhor nnfIonnIIy
or InfornnfIonnIIy, buf fho !.K. Is InIfInfIng InvosfIgnfIons In fhIs fIoIu, whIch
wIII, of courso, bo uoonuonf fo somo oxfonf uon fho osIfIon In roInfIon fo mofrIc
sfocL mnforInIs nnu socfIons.
A IrIfIsh Sfnnunru uoos nof urorf fo IncIuuo nII fho nocossnry rovIsIons of n
confrncf. !sors of IrIfIsh Sfnnunrus nro rosonsIbIo for fhoIr corrocf nIIcnfIon.
ComIIunce wItL u BvItIsL Stunduvd does not oI ItseII conIev ImmunIty
Ivom IeguI obIIgutIons.
Summuvy oI uges
ThIs uocumonf comrIsos n fronf covor, nn InsIuo fronf covor, ngos I fo Iv,
ngos 1 fo 10, nn InsIuo bncL covor nnu n bncL covor.
Tho IS! coyrIghf nofIco uIsInyou In fhIs uocumonf InuIcnfos whon onch ngo
wns Insf Issuou.
BS 4320:l96B
IS! 01-1999 1
ThIs IrIfIsh Sfnnunru socIfIos roquIromonfs for
mofnI wnshors for gonornI ongInoorIng urosos, for
uso wIfh !SO mofrIc boIfs, scrows nnu nufs. IrIghf
mofnI wnshors nro uonIf wIfh In SocfIon 1, nnu bIncL
mofnI wnshors In SocfIon 2.
l BvIgLt metuI wusLevs
l.l GenevuI
SocfIon 1 of fhIs IrIfIsh Sfnnunru roInfos fo brIghf
mofnI wnshors for uso wIfh !SO mofrIc boIfs, scrows
nnu nufs. ConornI roquIromonfs for mnforInIs nnu
fInIsh nro gIvon.
ImonsIons nonr In fwo fnbIos ns foIIows.
TnbIo 1. ^ormnI uInmofor mofrIc sorIos, In
fwo fhIcLnoss rnngos for boIfs M 10
fo M 39 (Iorms A nnu I).
TnbIo 2. !nrgo uInmofor mofrIc sorIos, In fwo
fhIcLnoss rnngos for boIfs
M d fo M 39 (Iorms C nnu ).
l.2 MutevIuI
l.2.l SfooI wnshors shnII bo mnuo from CoIu !oIIou
SfrI CSd In fho hnru conuIfIon In nccorunnco wIfh
IS 1dd9-3I
l.2.2 Irnss wnshors shnII bo mnuo from mnforInI
CZ.108 In fho hnru conuIfIon In nccorunnco wIfh
IS 265
l.2.3 !f fho urchnsor roquIros fho wnshors fo bo
mnnufncfurou from sfooI or brnss In nny ofhor
conuIfIon, or of nnofhor mnforInI, ho shnII socIfy hIs
roquIromonfs In hIs onquIry or oruor.
l.3 IInIsL
l.3.l Tho wnshors shnII bo ronsonnbIy fInf nnu froo
from burrs. Sfnnunru wnshors wIII normnIIy bo
suIIou unchnmforou.
l.3.2 !f wnshors nro roquIrou chnmforou, ns shown
boIow, fhIs shouIu bo socIfIou by fho urchnsor In
hIs onquIry or oruor.
l.4 CoutIng
!f fho wnshors nro roquIrou fo hnvo n rofocfIvo or
uocornfIvo fInIsh, fhIs shnII bo socIfIou by fho
urchnsor In hIs onquIry or oruor nnu roforonco
shnII bo mnuo fo nny nrorInfo IrIfIsh Sfnnunru.
^OTI Tho urchnsor shouIu gIvo uofnIIs of fho fhIcLnoss of
InfIng roquIrou In nccorunnco wIfh fho rovIsIons of fho
nrorInfo IrIfIsh Sfnnunru, o.g., sfnfo IS cInssIfIcnfIon
numbor for cnumIum or zInc InfIng fo IS 1?06, IIocfroInfou
confIngs of cnumIum nnu zInc on Iron nnu sfooI.
l.5 DImensIons
Tho uImonsIons of brIghf wnshors shnII bo In
nccorunnco wIfh TnbIo 1 nnu TnbIo 2.
^OTI Tho IncIusIon of uImonsIonnI unfn In fhIs sfnnunru Is nof
Infonuou fo ImIy fhnf nII fho rouucfs uoscrIbou nro sfocL
rouucfIon sIzos. !urchnsors nro roquosfou fo consuIf wIfh fho
mnnufncfurors concornIng IIsfs of sfocL rouucfIon sIzos.
l.6 DesIgnutIon Iov enquIvy und ovdevIng
l.6.l ,QIRUPDWLRQ WR EH JLYHQ Whon uosIgnnfIng
brIghf sfooI wnshors mofrIc sorIos for fho uroso
of nn onquIry or oruor, fho foIIowIng InformnfIon
shnII bo gIvon.
1) ConornI rouucf uoscrIfIon, I.o. IrIghf
2) ^omInnI sIzo of boIf or scrow, o.g. M 5.
3) osIgnnfou form, o.g. Iorm A
(soo TnbIo 1 nnu TnbIo 2).
d) ofnIIs of nny chnmforIng (If roquIrou).
5) Tho numbor of fhIs IrIfIsh Sfnnunru,
I.o. IS d320.
6) ofnIIs of confIng (If roquIrou), In nccorunnco
wIfh fho nrorInfo IrIfIsh Sfnnunru, gIvIng
fhIcLnoss cInssIfIcnfIon whoro nIIcnbIo.
l.6.2 ([DPSOHV
1) IrIghf wnshors, normnI uInmofor mofrIc sorIos
(TnbIo 1), normnI rnngo fhIcLnoss; fo suIf 12 mm
uInmofor boIfs or scrows, wouIu bo uosIgnnfou.
IrIghf wnshors M 12 (Iorm A) fo IS d320.
2) IrIghf wnshors, Inrgo uInmofor mofrIc sorIos
(TnbIo 2), IIghf rnngo fhIcLnoss, chnmforou,
cnumIum Infou; fo suIf 5 mm uInmofor boIfs or
scrows couIu bo uosIgnnfou.
IrIghf wnshors M 5 (Iorm ) chnmforou fo
IS d320, cnumIum Infou fo Cu2, IS 1?06.
IS 1dd9, SfooI Info, shoof nnu sfrI, !nrf 3I, CoIu roIIou mIIu nnu cnrbon sfooI sfrI.
IS 265, CoIu roIIou brnss shoof, sfrI nnu foII. Common brnss.
BS 4320:l96B
IS! 01-1999
TubIe l BvIgLt wusLevs NovmuI dIumetev. MetvIc sevIes
(Iovms A und B)
ImonsIons In mIIIImofros
l 2 3 4 5 6 ? B 9 l0 ll l2 l3
sIze oI
boIt ov
InsIde dIumetev OutsIde dIumetev TLIckness
Iovm A
(NovmuI vunge)
Iovm B
(IgLt vunge)
nom. mux. mIn. nom. mux. mIn. nom. mux. mIn. nom. mux. mIn.
M 10 11 125 11 25 25 23 03 0d 02
M 12 13 1d5 13 30 30 28 03 0d 02
(M 1d) 15 165 15 30 30 28 03 0d 02
M 16 1? 185 1? d0 d0 3? 03 0d 02
M 20 22 235 22 50 50 d? 03 0d 02
(M 22) 2d 255 2d 50 50 d? 05 06 0d
M 25 2? 285 2? 65 65 62 05 06 0d
M 3 32 3d 32 ? ? 6? 05 06 0d
(M 35) 3? 39 3? ? ? 6? 05 06 0d
M d d3 d5 d3 9 9 8? 08 09 0?
(M d5) d8 50 d8 9 9 8? 08 09 0?
M 5 53 55 53 10 10 9? 10 11 09
M 6 6d 6? 6d 125 125 121 16 18 1d 08 09 0?
conIinueJ on nexI poge
BS 4320:l96B
IS! 01-1999 3
TubIe l BvIgLt wusLevs NovmuI dIumetev. MetvIc sevIes
(Iovms A und B) (conIinueJ)
ImonsIons In mIIIImofros
l 2 3 4 5 6 ? B 9 l0 ll l2 l3
sIze oI
boIt ov
InsIde dIumetev OutsIde dIumetev TLIckness
Iovm A
(NovmuI vunge)
Iovm B
(IgLt vunge)
nom. mux. mIn. nom. mux. mIn. nom. mux. mIn. nom. mux. mIn.
(M ?) ?d ?? ?d 1d 1d 136 16 18 1d 08 09 0?
M 8 8d 8? 8d 1? 1? 166 16 18 1d 10 11 09
M 10 105 109 105 21 21 205 20 22 18 125 1d5 105
M 12 130 13d 130 2d 2d 235 25 2? 23 16 180 1d0
(M 1d) 150 15d 150 28 28 2?5 25 2? 23 16 18 1d
M 16 1?0 1?d 1?0 30 30 295 30 33 2? 20 22 18
(M 18) 190 195 190 3d 3d 332 30 33 2? 20 22 18
M 20 21 215 21 3? 3? 362 30 33 2? 20 22 18
(M 22) 23 235 23 39 39 382 30 33 2? 20 22 18
M 2d 25 255 25 dd dd d32 d0 d3 3? 25 2? 23
(M 2?) 28 285 28 50 50 d92 d0 d3 3? 25 2? 23
M 30 31 316 31 56 56 550 d0 d3 3? 25 2? 23
(M 33) 3d 3d6 3d 60 60 590 50 56 dd 30 33 2?
M 36 3? 3?6 3? 66 66 650 50 56 dd 30 33 2?
(M 39) d0 d06 d0 ?2 ?2 ?10 60 66 5d 30 33 2?
SIzos shown In brncLofs nro non-roforrou.
BS 4320:l96B
IS! 01-1999
TubIe 2 BvIgLt wusLevs uvge dIumetev. MetvIc sevIes
(Iovms C und D)
ImonsIons In mIIIImofros
l 2 3 4 5 6 ? B 9 l0 ll l2 l3
sIze oI
boIt ov
InsIde dIumetev OutsIde dIumetev TLIckness
Iovm C
(NovmuI vunge)
Iovm D
(IgLt vunge)
nom. mux. mIn. nom. mux. mIn. nom. mux. mIn. nom. mux. mIn.
M d d3 d5 d3 100 100 9? 08 09 0?
M 5 53 55 53 125 125 121 10 11 09
M 6 6d 6? 6d 1d 1d 136 16 18 1d 08 09 0?
M 8 8d 8? 8d 21 21 205 16 18 1d 10 11 09
M 10 105 109 105 2d 2d 235 20 22 18 125 1d5 105
M 12 130 13d 130 28 28 2?5 25 2? 23 16 18 1d
(M 1d) 150 15d 15 30 30 295 25 2? 23 16 18 1d
M 16 1?0 1?d 1? 3d 3d 332 30 33 2? 20 22 18
(M 18) 190 195 19 3? 3? 362 30 33 2? 20 22 18
M 20 21 215 21 39 39 382 30 33 2? 20 22 18
(M 22) 23 235 23 dd dd d32 30 33 2? 20 22 18
M 2d 25 255 25 50 50 d92 d0 d3 3? 25 2? 23
(M 2?) 28 285 28 56 56 55 d0 d3 3? 25 2? 23
M 30 31 316 31 60 60 59 d0 d3 3? 25 2? 23
(M 33) 3d 3d6 3d 66 66 65 50 56 dd 30 33 2?
M 36 3? 3?6 3? ?2 ?2 ?1 50 56 dd 30 33 2?
(M 39) d0 d06 d0 ?? ?? ?6 60 66 5d 30 33 2?
SIzos shown In brncLofs nro non-roforrou.
BS 4320:l96B
IS! 01-1999 5
2 BIuck metuI wusLevs
2.l GenevuI
SocfIon 2 of fhIs IrIfIsh Sfnnunru roInfos fo bIncL
sfooI wnshors for uso wIfh !SO mofrIc boIfs, scrows
nnu nufs. ConornI roquIromonfs for mnforInIs nnu
fInIsh nro gIvon.
ImonsIons nonr In fhroo fnbIos ns foIIows.
TnbIo 3. ^ormnI uInmofor sorIos for boIfs M 5
fo M 68 (Iorm I).
TnbIo d. !nrgo uInmofor sorIos for boIfs M 8 fo
M 39 (Iorm I).
TnbIo 5. Ixfrn Inrgo uInmofor sorIos for boIfs M 5
fo M 39 (Iorm C).
^OTI 1 Tho wnshors socIfIou In fhIs socfIon of fho sfnnunru
nro nof suIfnbIo for uso wIfh fho fnsfonors covorou by sfnnunrus
roInfIng fo hIgh sfrongfh frIcfIon grI boIfs for sfrucfurnI
ongInoorIng whIch IncIuuo fhoIr own rovIsIon for wnshors.
^OTI 2 !f Is consIuorou fhnf fho rnngo of nomInnI sIzos
IncIuuou In fhIs socfIon of fho sfnnunru Is nuoqunfo for mosf of fho
nIIcnfIons for whIch fhIs sorIos Is IILoIy fo bo omIoyou, buf for
fho convonIonco of usors roquIrIng Inrgor sIzos, furfhor
InformnfIon Is rovIuou In AonuIx I.
2.2 MutevIuI
!nIoss ofhorwIso socIfIou, sfooI wnshors shnII bo
mnuo from mIIu sfooI.
2.3 IInIsL
Tho fncos of fho wnshors shnII bo ronsonnbIy fInf,
smoofh nnu froo from burrs.
2.4 CoutIng
!f fho wnshors nro roquIrou fo hnvo n rofocfIvo
fInIsh, fhIs shnII bo socIfIou by fho urchnsor In hIs
onquIry or oruor nnu roforonco shnII bo mnuo fo nny
nrorInfo IrIfIsh Sfnnunru.
^OTI Tho urchnsor shouIu gIvo uofnIIs of fho fhIcLnoss of
InfIng roquIrou In nccorunnco wIfh fho rovIsIons of fho
nrorInfo IrIfIsh Sfnnunru, o.g. sfnfo IS cInssIfIcnfIon numbor
for cnumIum or zInc InfIng fo IS 1?06, IIocfroInfou confIngs
of cnumIum nnu zInc on Iron nnu sfooI.
2.5 DImensIons
Tho uImonsIons of normnI, Inrgo nnu oxfrn Inrgo
uInmofor sorIos wnshors shnII bo In nccorunnco wIfh
TnbIo 3, TnbIo d nnu TnbIo 5 rosocfIvoIy.
^OTI Tho IncIusIon of uImonsIonnI unfn In fhIs sfnnunru Is nof
Infonuou fo ImIy fhnf nII fho rouucfs uoscrIbou nro sfocL
rouucfIon sIzos. !urchnsors nro roquosfou fo consuIf wIfh fho
mnnufncfurors concornIng IIsfs of sfocL rouucfIon sIzos.
2.6 DesIgnutIon Iov enquIvy und ovdevIng
2.6.l ,QIRUPDWLRQ WR EH JLYHQ Whon uosIgnnfIng
bIncL sfooI wnshorsmofrIc sorIos for fho uroso
of nn onquIry or oruor, fho foIIowIng InformnfIon
shnII bo gIvon.
1) ConornI rouucf uoscrIfIon, I.o. IIncL
2) ^omInnI sIzo of boIf or scrow, o.g. M 20.
3) osIgnnfou form, o.g. Iorm I (soo TnbIo 3,
TnbIo d nnu TnbIo 5).
d) Tho numbor of fhIs IrIfIsh Sfnnunru,
I.o. IS d320.
5) ofnIIs of confIng (If roquIrou), In nccorunnco
wIfh fho nrorInfo IrIfIsh Sfnnunru, gIvIng
fhIcLnoss cInssIfIcnfIon whoro nIIcnbIo.
2.6.2 ([DPSOHV
1) IIncL wnshors, normnI uInmofor mofrIc sorIos
(TnbIo 3); fo suIf 20 mm uInmofor boIfs or scrows,
wouIu bo uosIgnnfou.
IIncL wnshors M 20 (Iorm I) fo IS d320.
2) IIncL wnshors, oxfrn Inrgo uInmofor mofrIc
sorIos (TnbIo 5), zInc Infou; fo suIf 16 mm
uInmofor boIfs nnu scrows, couIu bo uosIgnnfou.
IIncL wnshors M 16 (Iorm C) fo IS d320,
zInc Infou fo Zn3, IS 1?06.
BS 4320:l96B
IS! 01-1999
TubIe 3 BIuck wusLevs NovmuI dIumetev. MetvIc sevIes
(Iovm K)
ImonsIons In mIIIImofros
l 2 3 4 5 6 ? B 9 l0
sIze oI
boIt ov
InsIde dIumetev
OutsIde dIumetev
nom. mux. mIn. nom. mux. mIn. nom. mux. mIn.
M 5 55 58 55 100 100 92 10 12 08
M 6 66 ?0 66 125 125 11? 16 19 13
(M ?) ?6 80 ?6 1d0 1d0 132 16 19 13
M 8 90 9d 90 1? 1? 162 16 19 13
M 10 110 115 110 21 21 202 20 23 1?
M 12 1d 1d5 1d 2d 2d 232 25 28 22
(M 1d) 16 165 16 28 28 2?2 25 28 22
M 16 18 185 18 30 30 292 30 36 2d
(M 18) 20 206 20 3d 3d 328 30 36 2d
M 20 22 226 22 3? 3? 358 30 36 2d
(M 22) 2d 2d6 2d 39 39 3?8 30 36 2d
M 2d 26 266 26 dd dd d28 d d6 3d
(M 2?) 30 306 30 50 50 d88 d d6 3d
M 30 33 338 33 56 56 5d5 d d6 3d
(M 33) 36 368 36 60 60 585 5 60 d0
M 36 39 398 39 66 66 6d5 5 60 d0
(M 39) d2 d28 d2 ?2 ?2 ?05 6 ?0 50
M d2 d5 d58 d5 ?8 ?8 ?65 ? 82 58
(M d5) d8 d88 d8 85 85 83 ? 82 58
M d8 52 53 52 92 92 90 8 92 68
(M 52) 56 5? 56 98 98 96 8 92 68
M 56 62 63 62 105 105 103 9 102 ?8
(M 60) 66 6? 66 110 110 108 9 102 ?8
M 6d ?0 ?1 ?0 115 115 113 9 102 ?8
(M 68) ?d ?5 ?d 120 120 118 10 112 88
SIzos shown In brncLofs nro non-roforrou.
BS 4320:l96B
IS! 01-1999 ?
TubIe 4 BIuck wusLevs uvge dIumetev. MetvIc sevIes
(Iovm I)
ImonsIons In mIIIImofros
l 2 3 4 5 6 ? B 9 l0
sIze oI
boIt ov
InsIde dIumetev
OutsIde dIumetev
nom. mux. mIn. nom. mux. mIn. nom. mux. mIn.
M 8 9 9d 90 21 21 202 16 19 13
M 10 11 115 11 2d 2d 232 2 23 1?
M 12 1d 1d5 1d 28 28 2?2 25 28 22
(M 1d) 16 165 16 30 30 292 25 28 22
M 16 18 185 18 3d 3d 328 3 36 2d
(M 18) 20 206 20 3? 3? 358 3 36 2d
M 20 22 226 22 39 39 3?8 3 36 2d
(M 22) 2d 2d6 2d dd dd d28 3 36 2d
M 2d 26 266 26 50 50 d88 d d6 3d
(M 2?) 30 306 30 56 56 5d5 d d6 3d
M 30 33 338 33 60 60 585 d d6 3d
(M 33) 36 368 36 66 66 6d5 5 60 d
M 36 39 398 39 ?2 ?2 ?05 5 60 d
(M 39) d2 d28 d2 ?? ?? ?55 6 ? 5
SIzos shown In brncLofs nro non-roforrou.
BS 4320:l96B
IS! 01-1999
TubIe 5 BIuck wusLevs Kxtvu Iuvge dIumetev. MetvIc sevIes
(Iovm G)
ImonsIons In mIIIImofros
l 2 3 4 5 6 ? B 9 l0
sIze oI
boIt ov
InsIde dIumetev
OutsIde dIumetev
nom. mux. mIn. nom. mux. mIn. nom. mux. mIn.
M 5 55 58 55 15 15 1d2 16 19 13
M 6 66 ?0 66 18 18 1?2 2 23 1?
(M ?) ?6 80 ?6 21 21 202 2 23 1?
M 8 9 9d 90 2d 2d 232 2 23 1?
M 10 11 115 110 30 30 292 25 28 22
M 12 1d 1d5 1d0 36 36 3d8 3 36 2d
(M 1d) 16 165 160 d2 d2 d08 3 36 2d
M 16 18 185 18 d8 d8 d68 d d6 3d
(M 18) 20 206 20 5d 5d 525 d d6 3d
M 20 22 226 22 60 60 585 5 60 d
(M 22) 2d 2d6 2d 66 66 6d5 5 60 d
M 2d 26 266 26 ?2 ?2 ?05 6 ? 5
(M 2?) 30 306 30 81 81 ?9 6 ? 5
M 30 33 338 33 90 90 88 8 92 68
(M 33) 36 368 36 99 99 9? 8 92 68
M 36 39 398 39 108 108 106 10 112 88
(M 39) d2 d28 d2 11? 11? 115 10 112 88
SIzos shown In brncLofs nro non-roforrou.
BS 4320:l96B
IS! 01-1999 9
AendIx A BSI 1oIIcy stutement on
scvew tLveuds und tLe metvIc system
Tho mnjor socfors of IrIfIsh Inuusfry woro
rorosonfou nf n conforonco orgnnIzou by fho IS!
on 23ru ^ovombor, 1965. Thoy gnvo fhoIr nrovnI
fo n oIIcy sfnfomonf whIch urgou IrIfIsh fIrms fo
rognru fho frnuIfIonnI scrow fhronu sysfoms
WhIfworfh, I.A. nnu I.S.I. ns obsoIosconf, nnu fo
mnLo fho InfornnfIonnIIy-ngroou !SO mofrIc fhronu
fhoIr fIrsf choIco (wIfh fho !SO !nIfIou fhronu ns
soconu choIco) for nII fufuro uosIgns.
!rIor fo fho conforonco fho sfnfomonf hnu boon
onuorsou by fho MochnnIcnI IngInoorIng !nuusfry
Sfnnunrus CommIffoo, fho IngInoorIng IvIsIonnI
CouncII nnu fho ConornI CouncII of IS!.
Tho foIIowIng Is fho foxf of fho oIIcy sfnfomonf.
On 2dfh Mny, 1965 fho !Ighf Hon. ougIns Jny,
fho !rosIuonf of fho Ionru of Trnuo, nnnouncou In
!nrIInmonf fhnf If wouIu bo uosIrnbIo for fhIs
counfry fo chnngo fo fho mofrIc sysfom. An
oxfrncf from hIs sfnfomonf Is gIvon boIow.
... IrIfIsh InuusfrIos on n bronuonIng fronf
shouIu nuof mofrIc unIfs socfor by socfor, unfII
fhnf sysfom cnn bocomo In fImo fho rImnry
sysfom of woIghfs nnu monsuros for fho counfry
ns n whoIo ... fho Covornmonf hoo fhnf wIfhIn
fon yonrs fho gronfor nrf of fho counfry`s
Inuusfry wIII hnvo offocfou fho chnngo ...
Tho nnfIonnI noou for Incronsou oxorfs couIou
wIfh mnxImum offIcIoncy nnu oconomy of
rouucfIon IIos bohInu fho nbovo sfnfomonf nnu
mnLos If ossonfInI fo gIvo urgonf nnu sorIous
consIuornfIon fo fho scrow fhronu sIfunfIon In fho
!nIfou KInguom.
Affor mnny yonrs` worL fho !nfornnfIonnI
OrgnnIznfIon for SfnnunruIznfIon (!SO) hns ronchou
ngroomonf on !SO !ocommonunfIons for gonornI
uroso scrow fhronus. ThIs ngroomonf wIII onnbIo
fho InuusfrIos of fho worIu fo nIIgn fho usngo of
scrow fhronus nnu fo mInImIzo fho rosonf
uIvorsIfIos of rncfIco.
Tho !SO !ocommonunfIons comrIso n sysfom of
!SO mofrIc fhronus
nnu n sysfom of !SO Inch
. Tho !SO Inch fhronus nro fho snmo ns fho
oxIsfIng !nIfIou fhronus.
IC!A!I !.K. ^AT!O^A! !O!!CY IO! !TS AO!T!O^,
AIfhough If Is nrocInfou fhnf somo of fhoso
socfIons of Inuusfry nIronuy usIng !SO Inch
(!nIfIou) scrow fhronus mny fInu If nocossnry, for
vnrIous ronsons, fo confInuo wIfh fhoIr uso for somo
fImo, WhIfworfh nnu I.A. fhronus shouIu bo
suorsouou by !SO mofrIc fhronus In roforonco fo
nn InformouInfo chnngo fo !SO Inch fhronus.
^OTI Thronus on Ios wIII confInuo fo bo IS!
whIch hnvo
boon nuofou ns fho !SO Io fhronu nnu whIch nro covorou In
!SO !ocommonunfIon !?, !Io fhronus for gns IIsf fubos nnu
scrowou fIffIngs whoro rossuro-fIghf joInfs nro mnuo on fho
fhronus (( In fo 6 In).
IS 36d3, !SO mofrIc scrow fhronus.
IS 1580, !nIfIou scrow fhronus.
IS 21, !Io fhronus.
BS 4320:l96B
IS! 01-1999
AendIx B SIzes gveutev tLun 6B mm dIumetev
AIfhough If Is consIuorou fhnf fho rnngo of nomInnI sIzos IncIuuou Is nuoqunfo for mosf of fho nIIcnfIons
for whIch sfnnunru mofrIc wnshors nro roquIrou, InformnfIon Is rovIuou In TnbIo 6 for fho convonIonco of
usors roquIrIng Inrgor sIzos.
TubIe 6 NomInuI dImensIons Iov sIzes gveutev tLun M 6B
ImonsIons In mIIIImofros
l 2 3 4
NomInuI sIze oI boIt ov
InsIde dIumetev OutsIde dIumetev TLIckness
M ?2 ?8 125 10
(M ?6) 82 135 10
M 80 86 1d0 12
(M 85) 91 1d5 12
M 90 96 160 12
(M 95) 101 165 12
M 100 10? 1?5 1d
(M 105) 112 180 1d
M 110 11? 185 1d
(M 115) 122 200 1d
(M 120) 12? 210 16
M 125 132 220 16
(M 130) 13? 230 16
M 1d0 1d? 2d0 18
M 150 158 250 18
^OTI 1 SIzos shown In brncLofs nro non-roforrou.
^OTI 2 Tho IncIusIon of uImonsIonnI unfn In fhIs sfnnunru Is nof Infonuou fo ImIy fhnf nII fho rouucfs uoscrIbou nro sfocL
rouucfIon sIzos. !urchnsors nro roquosfou fo consuIf wIfh fho mnnufncfurors concornIng IIsfs of sfocL rouucfIon sIzos.
389 Chiswick High Road
W4 4AL
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