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Louis Berger S.A.

Romania Motorway Bucharest onstanta! Su"sections #ra$na %etesti an& %etesti erna'o&a
#etai(e& )ngineering Stu&y! Procurement Ser'ices an& Su*er'ision o+ i'i( ,or-s
.echnica( S*eci+ications Page 501 /
Louis Berger S.A.
.ABL) 0% 0N.)N.S
Section Description Page number
501.1. General 501 - 2
501.1.1. Description 501 - 2
501.1.2. Reference documents 501 - 2
501.2. Materials 501 - 3
501.2.1. Concrete 501 - 3
501.2.2. Reinforcing Steel 501 - 3
501.2.3. Precast concrete piles 501 - 3
501.2.4. Steel Sell for Cast-in-Place Concrete Piles 501 - 5
501.2.5. Structural Steel Piles 501 - 5
501.2.!. Seet Piles 501 - 5
501.2.". Certification 501 - 5
501.3. Equipment 501 - 5
501.4. Construction method 501 - 5
501.4.1. #est piles 501 - 5
501.4.2. $oad tests 501 - !
501.4.3. Pile bearing %alues 501 - !
501.4.4. &etted piles 501 - "
501.4.5. 'inimum penetration 501 - "
501.4.!. Precast concrete piles 501 - "
501.4.". Cast-in-place concrete piles 501 - (
501.4.(. )*tensions+ splices+ and build-ups 501 - (
501.4.,. Dri%ing piles 501 - ,
501.4.10. Defecti%e piles 501 - 10
501.4.11. Cutting off piles 501 - 10
501.4.12. Coating of steel piles and sells 501 - 11
501.5. Quality control for acceptance 501 - 11
501.5.1. #olerances 501 - 11
501.5.2. -ualit. control during te e*ecution 501 - 11
501.5.3. -ualit. control after e*ecution 501 - 12
501.1. Genera(
501.1.1. #escri*tion
#is /or0 consists of furnising and dri%ing piles+ including test piles+ in conformance /it
tese Specifications+ te 1or0ing dra/ings+ and as directed.
#e Contractor sall furnis piles sufficient in lengt to obtain te re2uired ultimate bearing
capacit. and to e*tend to te minimum tip ele%ation so/n on te 1or0ing dra/ings. #e
Contractor ma.+ /itout e*tra compensation+ dri%e test piles+ ma0e borings+ or ma0e oter
in%estigations needed to determine pile lengts re2uired.
501.1.1. Re+erence &ocuments
1 S#3S 25!141 -
5oundation ground. Piling. Classification and terminolog.
2 S#3S 25!142 -
5oundation ground. Piling. Pile testing
3 C 1!0 - "5 6orms for te ma0ing of and dri%ing piles
Romania Motorway Bucharest onstanta! Su"sections #ra$na %etesti an& %etesti erna'o&a
#etai(e& )ngineering Stu&y! Procurement Ser'ices an& Su*er'ision o+ i'i( ,or-s
.echnica( S*eci+ications Page 501 /
Louis Berger S.A.
4 C 245 - ,3 #ecnical guide to for te design and e*ecution of micro-piles
5 C 252 - ,4 #ecnical specifications for te design+ e*ecution and reception of
%ibrated-pressed sort piles
! 7) 02, - ," Practical guide for te e*ecution of piling under footings
" CD "2 - (5 Department tecnical specifications for te e*ecution of %ibrated piles
( 6) 012 - ,, Practice Code for te e*ecution of concrete and reinforced concrete
, S#3S 43(41 - (, 8illed-steel reinforcement bars. #.pes and re2uirements for 2ualit.
10 C 2( - (3 #ecnical instructions for /elding steel reinforcement bars
11 S# 00, 9 ,! #ecnical specification referring to re2uirements and criteria of
performance for steel products used as concrete reinforcement
12 C 1! - (4 6orms for te e*ecution of /or0s in cold /eater
13 $a/ no.1041,,5 $o/ regarding 2ualit. in constructions
14 3ll in-force standards and norms mentioned furter b. tese specifications
501.1. Materia(s
501.1.1. oncrete
#e concrete sall compl. to te re2uirements of Subsection 503.
501.1.1. Rein+orcing Stee(
Reinforcing steel sall compl. /it te re2uirements Subsection 504.
501.1.2. Precast concrete *i(es
Class of concrete
#e concrete sall compl. to te re2uirements of Subsection 503.
:ig earl. strengt ma. be used /en specified on te dra/ings.
Reinforcement for precast concrete piles and test piles sall consist of longitudinal bars in
combination /it lateral reinforcement in te form of oops or spirals. ;t sall be of te si<e
and spacing as so/n on te 1or0ing dra/ings. ;t sall be rigidl. /ired or fastened at all
intersections and eld in true position forms. Reinforcement sall be placed at a clear
distance from te face of te pile of not less tan 5 cm and /en te piles are for use in
salt /ater or al0ali soils tis clear distance sall not be less tan ".5 cm.
!orm "or#
5orms for precast concrete piles sall conform to te general re2uirements for concrete
form/or0. 5orms sall be accessible for tamping and consolidation of te concrete. =nder
good /eater curing conditions+ side forms ma. be remo%ed at an. time /itin 4( ours
subse2uent to placing concrete+ but te entire pile sall remain supported for at least 5
da.s and sall not be sub>ect to an. andling stress until te concrete as set for at least "
Romania Motorway Bucharest onstanta! Su"sections #ra$na %etesti an& %etesti erna'o&a
#etai(e& )ngineering Stu&y! Procurement Ser'ices an& Su*er'ision o+ i'i( ,or-s
.echnica( S*eci+ications Page 501 /
Louis Berger S.A.
da.s and for a longer period in cold /eater+ te additional time to be determined b. te
Piling ma. be cast eiter in a %ertical or ori<ontal position. 1en %ertical forms are used+
special care sall be e*ercised to consolidate te concrete around te reinforcing and to
a%oid te formation of stone poc0ets. 1en ori<ontal forms are used+ te piles ma. be
cast eiter separatel. or in tiers. ;f cast in tiers+ te tiers sall be separated b. suitable
material carefull. placed.
Concrete in te upper tier sall not be placed until test beams or test c.linders meet
strengt re2uirements.
6ot more tan t/o tiers sall be used unless te additional tiers are supported
;f alternate piles are cast in tiers+ te intermediate piles sall not be cast until 2 da.s after
te casting of te ad>acent piles.
Concrete sall be placed continuous in eac pile and sall be carefull. consolidated /it
special care being e*ercised to a%oid ori<ontal and diagonal clea%age planes and to see
tat te reinforcement is properl. embedded in te concrete.
3s soon as te forms are remo%ed+ concrete piles sall be carefull. e*amined and pointed
/it 1?2 mortar+ filling up all ca%ities or irregularities. #restle piling e*posed to %ie/ sall be
finised abo%e ground line in accordance /it te pro%isions of Subsection 503. #at
portion of trestle piling /ic /ill be belo/ te ground surface+ and piles for use in salt
/ater or al0ali soil sall not be finised e*cept b. pointing as abo%e set fort.
3s soon as te top surfaces of piles a%e been finised+ te. sall be cured /it one of
te follo/ing metods.
Co%ering /it /et burlap as soon as finising is completed. #e follo/ing da. te piles
sall be co%ered /it 5 cm of sand and 0ept /et for additional 5 da.s. Piles must be 0ept
/et continuousl. from te time te first burlap is placed until curing time as e*pired.
@aA Co%ered /it /etted cotton mats.
@bA Cured /it an appro%ed membrane curing compound.
@cA Cured /it an appro%ed burlap for ! da.s.
@dA #e side forms on concrete piles ma. be left in place for at least ! da.s or if
remo%ed before te ! da.s a%e elapsed+ te surfaces sall be cured for te
remaining time b. one of te metods specified erein. Surfaces tat re2uire a
concrete surface finis sall be srouded /it /et burlap or /et mats from te time
te forms are remo%ed until te ! da. curing period as elapsed.
Romania Motorway Bucharest onstanta! Su"sections #ra$na %etesti an& %etesti erna'o&a
#etai(e& )ngineering Stu&y! Procurement Ser'ices an& Su*er'ision o+ i'i( ,or-s
.echnica( S*eci+ications Page 501 /
Louis Berger S.A.
501.1.3. Stee( She(( +or ast/in/P(ace oncrete Pi(es
#e Contractor sall use steel sells of sufficient strengt and rigidit. to permit teir dri%ing
and to pre%ent distortion caused b. soil pressures or te dri%ing of ad>acent piles+ until
filled /it concrete. #e pipe sall be sufficientl. tigt to e*clude /ater during te placing
of te concrete.
501.1.5. Structura( Stee( Pi(es
#e structural steel for piling sall meet te re2uirements of 33S:#B ' 1(3 for steel
bearing piles+ pro%ided tat /en te Special Pro%isions call for copper-bearing structural
steel+ te Contractor sall pro%ide steel containing not less tan 0.20C nor more tan
0.35C copper. #e Contractor sall not use steel manufactured b. te acid-8essemer
process. Steel piles /en placed in te leads sall not e*ceed te camber and s/eep
permitted b. allo/able mill tolerance. Piles bent or oter/ise in>ured /ill be re>ected.
501.1.4. Sheet Pi(es
Seet piles sall meet te re2uirements of 33S:#B ' 202 for seet piles to be a permanent
part of te structure. 'aintain te integrit. of te interloc0 /en te piles are in place.
501.1.5. erti+ication
#e Contactor sall furnis 4 copies of a certified mill test report co%ering cemical and
p.sical tests conducted on te steel to te ) for eac eat number of metal
included in te sipment.
501.2. )6ui*ment
#e Contractor must si<e te pile dri%ing e2uipment to dri%e te piles to te re2uired
ultimate bearing capacit. /itout damage. :e sall use te appro%ed ammer and pile
cusions recommended in te ammer manufacturerDs guidelines.
3t least 15 calendar da.s before dri%ing te pile+ te Contractor sall submit te pile
dri%ing e2uipment information on te EPile Dri%ing )2uipment Data 5ormF to te )ngineer.
#e )ngineer /ill base appro%al of te pile dri%ing e2uipment on a /a%e e2uation anal.sis
and te )ngineerDs recommendations. #e Contractor sall submit canges to te
appro%ed pile dri%ing s.stem on a re%ised EPile Dri%ing )2uipment Data 5orm.F :e sall
allo/ at least " calendar da.s for )ngineerDs appro%al before ma0ing canges. 5or te pile
dri%ing s.stem to be acceptable+ te Contractor sall limit te compressi%e dri%ing stresses
as indicated b. a /a%e e2uation anal.sis to ,0C of te pile .ield stress.
501.3. onstruction metho&
501.3.1. .est *i(es
1en called for in te bid scedule+ te Contractor sall furnis and dri%e test piles at te
locations designated.
Romania Motorway Bucharest onstanta! Su"sections #ra$na %etesti an& %etesti erna'o&a
#etai(e& )ngineering Stu&y! Procurement Ser'ices an& Su*er'ision o+ i'i( ,or-s
.echnica( S*eci+ications Page 501 /
Louis Berger S.A.
#e Contractor sall dri%e test piles to te specified tip ele%ation or bearing %alue+ as
directed+ and according to te follo/ing?
1. 8efore dri%ing te pile+ te Contractor must e*ca%ate te ground at te test piles to te
ele%ation of te bottom of te footingG
2. #e Contractor sall use te same ammer to dri%e test piles and ser%ice pilesG
3. #e Contractor sall dri%e re2uired test piles before beginning an. oter pile dri%ing
/or0 on te structure.
#est piles ma. be included as part of te completed structure if te. conform to te
re2uirements for ser%ice piles. #est piles not included in te completed structure as
directed must be cut off.
501.3.1. Loa& tests
1en called for on te 1or0ing dra/ings+ te Contractor must perform pile load tests
according to te Special Pro%isions.
501.3.2. Pi(e "earing 'a(ues
#e Contractor sall dri%e all piles to te re2uired ultimate bearing capacit.. #e re2uired
ultimate bearing capacit. is te design pile load as indicated on te 1or0ing dra/ings
multiplied b. a factor of safet..
#e )ngineer /ill determine te pile dri%ing criteria using /a%e e2uation anal.sis. 1en
te /a%e e2uation is not used+ te Contractor sall dri%e all piles to a bearing %alue not
less tan te design load+ as so/n on te 1or0ing dra/ings.
1en called for in te bid scedule+ te Contractor sall cec0 bearing %alues using load
tests as specified abo%e. :e sall determine te safe bearing %alue of eac pile using te
applicable d.namic formula from tose listed belo/.
1. 7ra%it. ammers?
25.4 S
1: 1!34

2. Single-acting ammers /it unrestricted rebound of ram?
2.54 S
1: 1!34

3. Double-acting ammers /it enclosed rams?
2.54 S
) 1!"
1ere? P H Safe bearing %alue+ in 6e/tons.
1 H 1eigt of te stri0ing parts of te ammer+ in 0ilograms.
: H )ffecti%e eigt or fall of te ram+ in meters.
Romania Motorway Bucharest onstanta! Su"sections #ra$na %etesti an& %etesti erna'o&a
#etai(e& )ngineering Stu&y! Procurement Ser'ices an& Su*er'ision o+ i'i( ,or-s
.echnica( S*eci+ications Page 501 /
Louis Berger S.A.
S H 3%erage penetration per blo/+ in millimeters+ for te last 5 to10 blo/s
for gra%it. ammers and te last 10 to 20 blo/s for steam+ air+ or
diesel ammers.
) H #e actual energ. deli%er. b. te ammer per blo/+ in >oules @&A or
6e/ton-meters @6ImA.
#e abo%e formulas are applicable onl. /en?
te ammer as free fall+
te ead of te pile is s2uare and in good condition+
te penetration rate is reasonabl. 2uic0 and uniform+
tere is no appreciable bounce of gra%it. ammers after te blo/+
a follo/er is not used.
;f tere is appreciable bounce for gra%it. ammers+ deduct t/ice te eigt of bounce from
: to determine its %alue in te formula.
501.3.3. 7ette& *i(es
#e Contractor must not use >ets during te test blo/s /en determining te safe bearing
%alues of >etted piles.
501.3.5. Minimum *enetration
#e Contractor sall ma0e all efforts to dri%e eac pile to te minimum desirable tip
ele%ation and to te desired bearing+ as so/n on te 1or0ing dra/ings.
501.3.4. Precast concrete *i(es
%andlin$ &ilin$
Remo%al of forms+ curing+ storing+ transporting and andling precast concrete piles sall
be done in suc a manner as to a%oid e*cessi%e bending stresses+ crac0ing+ spalling or
oter damage.
Piling /ic as been crac0ed or oter/ise damaged in andling+ storage+ or
transportation to te e*tent tat te. /ould not be suitable for use in te structure sall be
replaced at te ContractorDs e*pense.
Concrete piles including test piles+ made of ig earl. strengt concrete ma. be dri%en
/en test cubes or test c.linders made+ cured and tested in accordance /it 'E 012 ( ))
&ractice Code for the e*ecution of concrete and reinforced concrete +or#s indicate a
strengt of not less tan 210 0g4cm
. ;n no case sall concrete piles be dri%en in less tan
" da.s after casing.
,uild -p
)*tensions+ splices or build up on concrete piles sould be a%oided+ but necessar.+ te.
sall be made as follo/s?
Romania Motorway Bucharest onstanta! Su"sections #ra$na %etesti an& %etesti erna'o&a
#etai(e& )ngineering Stu&y! Procurement Ser'ices an& Su*er'ision o+ i'i( ,or-s
.echnica( S*eci+ications Page 501 /
Louis Berger S.A.
3fter te dri%ing is completed+ te concrete at te end of te pile sall be cut a/a.+ lea%ing
te reinforcing steel e*posed for a lengt of 40 diameters. #e final cut of te concrete
sall be perpendicular to te a*is of te pile. Reinforcement similar to tat used in te piles
sall be securel. fastened to te pro>ecting steel and te necessar. form/or0 sall be
placed+ care being ta0en to pre%ent lea0age along te pile. #e concrete sall be of te
same 2ualit. as tat used originall. in te pile. &ust prior to placing concrete+ te top of te
pile sall be torougl. /etted. #e forms sall remain in place not less tan " da.s and
sall ten be carefull. remo%ed and te entire e*posed surface of te pile finised as
erein specified. 8uilt-up piles ma. be furter dri%en /en modulus of rupture of test
beams as been attained+ but in no case in less tan " da.s after casing.
501.3.5. ast/in/*(ace concrete *i(es
#e Contractor sall build cast-in-place concrete piles to te design so/n on te 1or0ing
dra/ings. :e sall dri%e steel sells or pipes and fill tem /it te class of concrete
indicated in te /or0ing dra/ings.
#e of steel sell or closed-end pipe and te minimum tic0nesses of material are
so/n on te 1or0ing dra/ings.
1ater must not be allo/ed to free<e in piles.
8efore placing concrete+ te )ngineer must inspect te sells for damage or distortion.
#e Contractor sall furnis a suitable ligt for tis purpose.
#e sells or pipes sall not be filled /it concrete until all ad>acent sells+ pipes+ or piles
/itin a radius of 1.5 m or 4.5 times te a%erage pile diameter+ /ice%er is greater+ a%e
been dri%en to te re2uired resistance.
#e concrete sall be placed as follo/s?
3ll /ater and foreign material sall be remo%ed from sells and pipesG
#e concrete sall be placed in one continuous operation from bottom to top.
Concrete ma. not be discarged directl. into te pile and permitted to free-fall into
place. 3 pipe of appropriate diameter sall be used to tis scopeG
1ere so/n on te 1or0ing dra/ings+ interior reinforcement sall be usedG
#e Contractor sall %ibrate te top ! m of concreteG
3fter filling a sell or pipe /it concrete+ te Contractor sall not dri%e an.
sell+ pipe+ or pile /itin ! m for at least " da.s after filling.
501.3.8. )9tensions! s*(ices! an& "ui(&/u*s
1en necessar.+ te Contractor sall ma0e e*tensions+ splices+ and build-ups as so/n
on te 1or0ing dra/ings and according to te follo/ing?
1. Steel Piles. ;f te lengt of a steel pile is not sufficient to obtain te re2uired bearing
capacit.+ te Contractor sall splice an additional lengt to it. :e sall use additions
/it cross sections identical to te pile cross sections.
#e Contractor sall ma0e splices /it complete penetration butt /elds o%er te entire
cross section. ;f appro%ed+ piles ma. be spliced using pile cut-offs and sort pieces if
no piece used is less tan 3 m long.
Romania Motorway Bucharest onstanta! Su"sections #ra$na %etesti an& %etesti erna'o&a
#etai(e& )ngineering Stu&y! Procurement Ser'ices an& Su*er'ision o+ i'i( ,or-s
.echnica( S*eci+ications Page 501 /
Louis Berger S.A.
2. Sell or Pipe for Cast-in-Place Piles. ;f pile sell or pipe must be e*tended to reac
desired penetration or re2uired bearing capacit.+ te Contractor sall splice additional
lengts to te sell or pipe using complete penetration butt /elds o%er te entire cross
section or oter splice details recommended b. te manufacturer and appro%ed.
501.3.:. #ri'ing *i(es
#e Contactor sall dri%e all piles as so/n on te 1or0ing dra/ings or as ordered in
/riting. :e sall dri%e abutment piles and pier piles in footings /itin an allo/ed %ariation
as to direction of pile of not more tan 20 mm per meter. #e piles must be positioned at
te bottom of te footing /itin 150 mm of te position so/n on te 1or0ing dra/ings.
#e distance bet/een an. 2 piles must not be %aried more tan 150 mm from tat so/n
on te 1or0ing dra/ings+ and clear distance must be 0ept from te edge of pile to te
edge of footing to at least 225 mm. )*posed pile bents sall be placed /itin 13 mm of te
plan position at cut-off ele%ation and /itin "5 mm of te plan position at te original
ground line ele%ation. #e rotation of suc steel piles about teir longitudinal a*is must be
limited to 15 degrees from te plan position.
#e piles sall be installed in groups starting from te centre of te group and proceed
out/ard in eiter direction.
#e eads of te piles sall be protected /it caps of appro%ed design+ /en needed.
#e Contractor sall pro%ide dri%ing eads+ mandrels+ or oter de%ices according to te
manufacturerDs recommendations so tat te pile ma. be dri%en /itout damage. :e sall
use cast steel combination dri%ing eads and pilots /it suitable cusion bloc0s. :e sall
ensure tat te dri%ing eads closel. fit te top of a steel :-pile or steel pipe pile+ and e
sall cut te steel piles s2uarel.. 3 dri%ing cap /ill be pro%ided to old te a*is of te pile in
line /it te a*is of te ammer.
5ull-lengt piles sall be used /ere practical. 1ere splices are re2uired+ te. sall
compl. to te re2uirements of tis section.
#e Contractor sall use metal soes or reinforced tips of te design so/n on te
1or0ing dra/ings or as ordered in /riting.
#e Contractor sall use impact ammers or a combination of ammers to dri%e piles. #e
) /ill consider te use of %ibrator. ammers /en re2uested b. te Contractor
and /en circumstances permit te determination of bearing capacit. and re2uired
penetration b. means oter tan a d.namic dri%ing formula. ;nefficient ammers sall be
remo%ed from te /or0. Do not use follo/ers to dri%e piles.
#e Contractor sall use pile dri%er leads tat allo/ te ammer to mo%e freel.. #o ensure
rigid lateral support to te pile during dri%ing+ te pile dri%er leads sall be eld in position
at te top and bottom b. using gu.s or steel braces or b. securel. fastening tem to te
ground. )*cept /ere piles are dri%en troug /ater+ use leads tat are long enoug to
a%oid using a follo/er. #e design of te leads must permit proper placing of batter piles.
;f .ou cannot obtain te desirable penetration so/n on te 1or0ing dra/ings b. using te
specified dri%ing metods and e2uipment+ or if te )ngineer belie%es structural damage to
te piling is li0el. to result from continuing tese metods+ attempt oter metods @as
appro%ed in /ritingA to obtain penetration. #ese metods ma. include+ but are not
necessaril. limited to?
Romania Motorway Bucharest onstanta! Su"sections #ra$na %etesti an& %etesti erna'o&a
#etai(e& )ngineering Stu&y! Procurement Ser'ices an& Su*er'ision o+ i'i( ,or-s
.echnica( S*eci+ications Page 501 /
Louis Berger S.A.
3. Pre-boring
8. 8lasting
C. Spudding
D. &etting
). =sing a ea%ier or faster stri0ing ammer
3ttempt all appro%ed metods before starting /or0 on more tan 5 piles or 50C of te
piles+ /ice%er is lesser+ in an. one-substructure unit @suc as pier or abutmentA+ or /itin
a 10 m lengt of retaining /all.
3fter e*austing all practicable means to obtain te desired penetration but /itout
success+ te )ngineer ma. consider accepting te piling at a lesser penetration if te
)ngineer belie%es te ade2uac. and safet. of te resulting structure /ill not be
>eopardi<ed b. suc acceptance.
#e Contractor sall obtain /ritten appro%al before an. alternati%e metods of
pile dri%ing or %ariations from te desirable tip ele%ation accepted.
1en dri%ing piles troug ne/ emban0ment and te dept of te emban0ment at te pile
location is in e*cess of 1.5 m+ te Contractor sall dri%e te pile in a ole made troug te
emban0ment. :e sall ma0e te ole diameter not less tan te nominal si<e of te pile
plus 150 mm. 3fter dri%ing te pile+ te Contractor sall fill te annular space around te
pile /it dr. sand or pea gra%el. :e sall dispose of e*cess e*ca%ated material as
appro%ed b. te )ngineer.
501.3.10. #e+ecti'e *i(es
#e Contractor sall use a pile dri%ing metod /ic does not sub>ect te piles to
e*cessi%e and sall undue abuse producing crusing and spalling of te concrete+
in>urious splitting+ splintering+ and brooming of te /ood or deformation of te steel. :e
sall not manipulate te piles to force tem into proper position. :e sall correct damaged
or improperl. dri%en piles b. one of te follo/ing appro%ed metods?
@aA 1itdra/ and replace te pile /it a ne/ and+ /en necessar.+ longer pile.
@bA Dri%e a second pile ad>acent to te defecti%e pile.
@cA Splice or build up te pile as pro%ided in Subsection 505-3.0"+ or e*tend a sufficient
portion of te footing to properl. imbed te pile. Do not splice timber piles /itout
specific permission. Dri%e do/n all piles pused up b. dri%ing ad>acent piles or b.
an. oter cause.
501.3.11.utting o++ *i(es
#e Contractor sall cut off te piles at te ele%ations indicated on te 1or0ing dra/ings.
:e sall ensure tat all in>ured material is remo%ed.
Romania Motorway Bucharest onstanta! Su"sections #ra$na %etesti an& %etesti erna'o&a
#etai(e& )ngineering Stu&y! Procurement Ser'ices an& Su*er'ision o+ i'i( ,or-s
.echnica( S*eci+ications Page 501 / 10
Louis Berger S.A.
501.3.11. oating o+ stee( *i(es an& she((s
#e Contractor sall gal%ani<e steel piles and steel pile sells from te top to a distance
not less tan 3 m belo/ te ground line. :e sall gal%ani<e according to 33S:#B ' 111
and to a tic0ness of 100 Jm. Steel piles and pile sells tat do not protrude abo%e te
final ground line do not re2uire gal%ani<ing.
501.5. ;ua(ity contro( +or acce*tance
501.5.1. .o(erances
#e tolerance for te position at te inferior footing ele%ation is?
".5 cm for piles in a single ro/
10 cm for piles in se%eral ro/s.
#e tolerance de%iation from %ertical alignment is 2C.
#e tolerances for te dimensions are?
diameter? 2 cm
pileDs bottom ele%ation? 20 cm
pileDs top ele%ation? 5 cm
501.5.1. ;ua(ity contro( &uring the e9ecution
.ri/in$ Control
During te dri%ing of te piles+ te Contractor sall record te dri%ing caracteristics for
eac pile. #e Contractor sall submit te dri%ing records to te )ngineer for appro%al. #e
)ngineer sall control te dri%ing caracteristics b. comparing te regular dri%ing records
against te test-dri%ing record. #e pile dri%ing e2uipment sall be pro%ided /it a special
de%ice to measure te %ertical alignment of te pile. #is de%ice sall be mounted on te
dri%ing matt and sall be easil. accessible to te )ngineer for %erifications at all moments
during te e*ecution.
.rillin$ Control
During te e*ca%ation of cast-in-place concrete piles+ te Contractor sall 0eep a%ailable
for te inspection a compartmented /ood case /it samples of te material encountered
in te e*ca%ation+ so/ing eac of soil and te ele%ations /itin eac specific of
soil as been encountered. #e soil diagram corresponding to te samples in te case
sall be represented into te pile record. #e Contractor sall preser%e te soil samples
for eac pile until te )ngineer as inspected tem and cec0ed te conformit. /it te
soil diagram represented in te pile record.
#e bottom of te drilling /ill be cleaned >ust before introduction of te reinforcement cage
and pouring of te concrete+ in te presence of te )ngineer. #e )ngineer sall cec0 te
total dept of te drilling and te de%iation from te designed alignment.
Romania Motorway Bucharest onstanta! Su"sections #ra$na %etesti an& %etesti erna'o&a
#etai(e& )ngineering Stu&y! Procurement Ser'ices an& Su*er'ision o+ i'i( ,or-s
.echnica( S*eci+ications Page 501 / 11
Louis Berger S.A.
einforcement Control
;f te design so/s a reinforcement cage for te drilled pile+ tis sall be inspected b. te
)ngineer before being introduced in te e*ca%ation. ;f re2uired to be made in-situ due to
metod restrictions+ splicing of te reinforcement cage sall be inspected b. te )ngineer
before te cage is introduced in te e*ca%ation.
Concrete &ourin$ Control
During te pouring of te concrete+ slump tests /ill be performed and fres concrete sall
be sampled for strengt tests as follo/s?
3 slump test e%er. 10 m3 of concrete poured in te pile
3t least tree cube samples for strengt tests+ for e%er. pile or for e%er. 20
of concrete poured in te pile+ /ic e%er is te less.
501.5.2. ;ua(ity contro( a+ter e9ecution
#e 2ualit. control of te piles after te e*ecution sall include?
cec0ing of te la.out position of te piles
testing te bearing capacit. of te piles @te number and location of te piles to
be tested sall be as so/n b. te /or0ing dra/ings or agreed bet/een te )ngineer
and te Contractor prior to start te /or0s+ but not less tan te legal re2uirements in
#e furter 2ualit. control of te concrete sall be done as follo/s?
/en cube samples failed to reac te prescribed class of concrete+ at te
strengt test
for te piles /ere some deficienc. occurred during te concreting
#e control ma. be made?
b. e*posing te piles
b. ta0ing core samples from te suspected piles
b. non-destructi%e e*amination.
Romania Motorway Bucharest onstanta! Su"sections #ra$na %etesti an& %etesti erna'o&a
#etai(e& )ngineering Stu&y! Procurement Ser'ices an& Su*er'ision o+ i'i( ,or-s
.echnica( S*eci+ications Page 501 / 11

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