E-Governance in India This Article Discussed About E-Governance, Models, Successes, Limitations. Before That What Is E-Governance E-Governance

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e-Governance in India

this article discussed about e-governance ,models ,successes ,limitations. before that what is
E-governance may be understood as the performance of this governance via the electronic
medium in order to facilitate an efficient, speedy and transparent process of disseminating
information to the public, and other agencies, and for performing government administration
The National e-Governance Plan (NeGP)
The National e-Governance Plan (NeGP) has been formulated by the Department of Electronics
and Information Technology (DEITY) and Department of Administrative Reforms and Public
Grievances (DARPG). The Union Government approved the NeGP, comprising of 27 Mission
Mode Projects (MMPs) and 10 components on May 18, 2006.

The NeGP aims at improving delivery of Government services to citizens and businesses with
the following vision:
"Make all Government services accessible to the common man in his locality, through common
service delivery outlets and ensure efficiency, transparency & reliability of such services at
affordable costs to realise the basic needs of the common man.
In the year 2011, 4 projects - Health, Education, PDS and Posts were introduced to make the list
of 27 MMPs to 31 mission model projects
The objective of the National e-Governance Plan is to bring public services closer home to
citizens, as articulated in the Vision Statement of NeGP.
There are three kinds of services that are being extended by the Government:
1.G2C or Government to Citize Services(accessed by
the Citizens)
2.G2B or Government to Business Services (accessed
by the Businesses)
3.G2G or Government to Government Services
(accessed by Government Departments)


State Wide Area Network (S.W.A.N.)
SWAN is envisaged as the converged backbone network for data, voice and video
communications throughout a State/UT with the following salient features:
o One PoP at each State / District / Block Headquarter
o Each PoP has Configurable Aggregation Equipment to enable vertical & horizontal
o Gateway to NICNET (National Backbone) for Inter-State connectivity
o State/ NIC would receive discounted price for BSNL BW cost (MoU signed)

State Data Centre
State Data Centre (SDC) has been identified as one of the important element of the core
infrastructure for supporting e-Governance initiatives of National eGovernance Plan (NeGP).
Under NeGP, it is proposed to create State Data Centres for the States to consolidate services,
applications and infrastructure to provide efficient electronic delivery of G2G, G2C and G2B
services. These services can be rendered by the States through common delivery platform
seamlessly supported by core Connectivity Infrastructure such as State Wide Area Network
(SWAN) and Common Service Centre (CSC) connectivity extended up to village level. State
Data Centre would provide many functionalities and some of the key functionalities are
Central Repository of the State, Secure Data Storage, Online Delivery of Services, Citizen
Information/Services Portal, State Intranet Portal, Disaster Recovery, Remote Management
and Service Integration etc. SDCs would also provide better operation & management control
and minimize overall cost of Data Management, IT Resource Management, Deployment and
other costs.
Department of Information Technology (DIT) has formulated the Guidelines to provide
Technical and Financial assistance to the States for setting up State Data Centre. These
Guidelines also include the implementation options that can be exercised by the State to
establish the SDC.

The National e-Governance Plan (NeGP) of the Govt. of India aims to make all Government
services accessible to the common man in his locality, through common service delivery
outlets and ensure efficiency, transparency & reliability of such services at affordable costs to
realize the basic needs of the common man. One of the goals of the Government to meet this
vision is the need to cooperate, collaborate and integrate information across different
departments in the Centre, States and Local Government. Government systems characterized
by islands of legacy systems using heterogeneous platforms and technologies and spread
across diverse geographical locations, in varying state of automation, make this task very
challenging. The National e-Governance Service Delivery Gateway (NSDG), a MMP under
the NeGP, can simplify this task by acting as a standards-based messaging switch and
providing seamless interoperability and exchange of data across.

4. Common Services Centres
The CSCs would provide high quality and cost-effective video, voice and data content and
services, in the areas of e-governance, education, health, telemedicine, entertainment as well
as other private services. A highlight of the CSCs is that it will offer web-enabled e-
governance services in rural areas, including application forms, certificates, and utility
payments such as electricity, telephone and water bills.In addition to the universe of G2C
services, the CSC Guidelines envisage a wide variety of content and services that could be
offered as listed below:
a) Agriculture Services (Agriculture, Horticulture, Sericulture, Animal Husbandry,
Fisheries, Veterinary)
b) b) Education & Training Services (School, College, Vocational Education,
Employment, etc.)
c) Health Services (Telemedicine, Health Check-ups, Medicines)
d) Rural Banking & Insurance Services (Micro-credit, Loans, Insurance)
e) Entertainment Services (Movies, Television)
f) Utility Services (Bill Payments, Online bookings)
g) Commercial Services (DTP, Printing, Internet Browsing, Village level BPO).
NeGP comprises 31 mission mode projects (MMPs), which are further classified as
1.central mmps
2.state mmps
3.integrated mmps
Central MMPs

State MMPs

Integrated MMPs

1. this e-governance mainly based on IT infrastructure in which we are better
2. e-governance makes all services to common man
3 .more efficiency
4. more transparency
5. service cost is less and time saving plan
1 .privacy issues
2. technical issues
3. biometric issues
4 .digital signature issue
5. legal issues(it act, privacy act)
6. security issues(our data)
7.payment problems
8.Moreover this e-governance interlinking between state and central departments ministries
there might be conflicts
9. more money needed for implementation

P.Sankara prasad Reddy
1. http://india.gov.in/e-governance
2. http://deity.gov.in/content/national-e-governance-plan
3. The hindu
4. Yojana

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