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Im happy to announce that the new audio book

I just recorded is released on,, and iTunes! The publication is

entitled The 85% Man and Lessons from Lucille b author !ob Mac" #ea". $or more
information on the boo", please clic" the %&ead More' button.
The 85% Lessons and Man from Lucille is !ob Mac" #ea"(s )ell*enli+htenin+, upliftin+
and crafted romantic self*help, and li+hthearted consider the differences bet)een )omen
and men.
The 85% Man and Lessons from Lucille is !ob Mac" #ea"(s )ell*crafted, upliftin+,
heart*felt, and romantic self*help epic. It(s a li+hthearted loo" at the differences bet)een
)omen and men. #ea" stri,es to ,alidate the )ell "no)n, open proposition that
%-,erthin+ m mother e.plained about )omen is true/ and so i can pro,e it.' The
boo"(s flo)in+ narrati,e pro,ides the reader a )onderful journe to)ard disco,erin+
life(s truest re)ard*unconditional lo,e Mi"e 0had)ic".
The 85% Lessons and Man from Lucille finds a parallel and rampart )ith the life of the
author(s parents. These fol"s )ere an element of the so*called %1reatest 1eneration.'
&aised in the hardships of our 1reat 2epression, #ea"(s parents built an a)esome life
)ith belo,ed children, et suffered terrible losses to)ard the conclusion of the li,es.
&eaders )ho adore the films &e+ards to -ndearment or mabe the 3elp, )ill adore
#ea"(s boo", as the themes from those hit 3oll)ood mo,ies echo durin+ the entire boo".

#ea" offers +uidelines rather than cast in stone rules to help oumen and )omen, and
couples to %lo,e lon+ and prosper.' The 85% Lessons and Man from Lucille is uni4uel
distincti,e from similar boo"s from the self*help and romantic +enre authored b ,arious
#h2(s and celebrities. This is because it dra)s upon personalized datin+ e.periences
supported b the seemin+l timeless, sa+e ad,ice of the author(s mother, Lucille. In a
nutshell, the eboo" can help )omen a,oid %s)eatin+ the small stuff,' and achie,e a
usable, )or"able perspecti,e on men, alon+ )ith )hat e.actl is realisticall obtainable.
2isplain+ his +ift for honestl communicatin+ deepl mo,in+ e.periences, #ea"
carefull na,i+ates the +ood and the bad of his relationships. #ea" relates his e.*)i,es to
%e.perimental fli+hts,' since his birthda coincides )ith 0huc" 5ea+er brea"in+ the
sound barrier inside the 6*7 test plane on 8ctober 79th. The author(s %-6s' )ere not
dissimilar to unstable test planes that often crash. :e,eral of his %relationship crashes'
left no sur,i,ors, althou+h some smashups pro,ided the +enesis of our phoeni.*li"e
rebirth. #erhaps best of all, the publication references the lin" for the )ebsite
))) featurin+ a section )here ,isitors can calculate ho) their man
scores, and find out ;;L: Mi"e 0had)ic"

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