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New Audiobook: The 85% Man and Lessons from Lucille

Im pleased to announce that the new audiobook ecentl! i recorded continues to be

released on Ama"on#com$ Audible#com$ and iTunes% The ebook is entitled The 85%
Lessons and Man from Lucille b! author &ob Mack 'eak# (or more information on it$
please )o throu)h the *ead More+ button#
The 85% Man and Lessons from Lucille is &ob Mack 'eaks well,upliftin)$ crafted and
enli)htenin) romantic self,help$ and li)hthearted )lance at the differences between
women and men#
The 85% Lessons and Man from Lucille is &ob Mack 'eaks well,crafted$ upliftin)$
heart,felt$ and romantic self,help epic# Its a li)hthearted consider the differences between
women and men# 'eak stri-es to -alidate the famous$ open proposition that *.-er!thin)
m! mother told me about women is true/ and that i can pro-e it#+ The books flowin)
narrati-e offers the reader a wonderful 0ourne! toward disco-erin) lifes truest reward,
unconditional lo-e Mike 1hadwick#
The 85% Man and Lessons from Lucille finds a parallel and rampart from the life of the
authors parents# These were a part of the so,called *2reatest 2eneration#+ aised in the
hardships of !our 2reat 3epression$ 'eaks parents built an awesome life with belo-ed
children$ !et suffered terrible losses toward the end in their li-es# eaders who adore the
films Terms of .ndearment or ma!be the 4elp$ will fall in lo-e with 'eaks book$ as
bein) the themes from those hit 4oll!wood mo-ies echo throu)hout the book#
'eak offers )uidelines rather than hard and fast rules to aidwomen and men$ and couples
to *lo-e lon) and prosper#+ The 85% Man and Lessons from Lucille is uni5uel! different
from similar books in the self,help and romantic )enre written b! -arious 'h3s and
celebrities# This is because it draws upon personali"ed datin) e6periences supported b!
the seemin)l! timeless$ sa)e ad-ice of the authors mother$ Lucille# To put it briefl!$ the
book ma! help women a-oid *sweatin) the small stuff$+ and )et a usable$ workable
perspecti-e on men$ alon) with e6actl! what is realisticall! obtainable#
3ispla!in) his )ift for honestl! communicatin) deepl! mo-in) e6periences$ 'eak
carefull! na-i)ates the hi)hs and lows of his relationships# 'eak relates his e6,wi-es to
*e6perimental fli)hts$+ since his birthda! coincides with 1huck 7ea)er breakin) the
sound barrier in the 8,9 test plane on :ctober 9;th# The authors *.8s+ were not
dissimilar to unstable test planes that usuall! crash# <ome of his *relationship crashes+
left no sur-i-ors$ althou)h some smashups pro-ided the )enesis of the phoeni6,like
rebirth# 'erhaps furthermore$ the book references a web link towards the website
www#85'ercentMan#com ha-in) a section where -isitors can calculate how their man
scores$ and learn ==L< =hat 1ould Lucille <a! Mike 1hadwick#

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