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Shawaal 05,1435/August 01, 2014

Issue No. 587

This Newsletter contains some of Allahs names. Please do not throw in the trash. Either keep, circulate or shred
Friday Bulletin
The Weekly Muslim News Update
www. i sl amkenya. org
Page 2
Calls for unity and peace as Muslims
mark Idd celebrations
Page 4
Page 2
Continued To Page 2
Tens of thousands of Muslims across the
country congregated at various mosques
and open grounds to celebrate the Islamic
annual festival of Idd ul-Fitri which is ob-
served at the end of the blessed month of
Calls for unity and peace dominated Idd
messages delivered to the Muslim faithful.
Sheikh Muhammad Swalihu, Imam J amia
mosque Nairobi urged Muslims to remain
united and peaceful while they keep up
the Ramadhan spirit of love, humility, pa-
tience, dedication and charity.
Sheikh Swalihu said it was encouraging
that this time round Muslims in the country
marked end of Ramadhan in unison with-
out differences arising from the sighting of
the crescent as witnessed in the past.
The overall winner of the Quran memorization competition being presented with pre-
sents by the Charge d' Affaires of the Saudi Arabian embassy Ibrahim Barnawiy (Right).
Standing on the left is Anwar Abdulaziz al Souly the Saudi Cultural Attache and Abu Mu-
hammad, an offcal from the Saudi embassy. INSET: Sara Suhayl Esmailjee, the winner of
the girls competition being feted by Anwar al Souly
Thousands of Muslims turned up for the Eid ul Fitr prayer at the Sir Ali Muslim Club on Monday. The prayers were led by the Imam
of Jamia Mosque Sheikh Muhammad Swalihu INSET: Sheikh Swalihu addressing the press at the grounds after prayers
it has been our desire that we observe
both Idds on the same day, but sometimes
it is diffcult to realize this due to enemies
of Islam who would not like to see Muslims
unite, hence the difference to divide Mus-
lims Sheikh Swalihu said.
Speaking at the Sir Ali Muslim grounds
which was the focal point for the Idd
prayers in Nairobi, the Imam urged Mus-
lims to continue with virtuous deeds add-
ing that the end of the holy month of Rama-
dhan and Idd festivities did not mean the
end of prayers, charity, reading the Quran
and other noble deeds.
The Sheikh further noted that one of the
purposes of the holy month of Ramadhan
is to re awaken the spirit of righteousness
among Muslims so that they are able to
win Allahs favour.
At the international scene, Muslim lead-
ers utilised the Idd gatherings to express
their anger over the ongoing persecution
of Muslims in different parts of the world.
The leaders singled out Gaza in Palestine,
where they decried the continued slaugh-
ter and persecution of Muslims with impu-
nity while the world is watching.
Innocent women and children are being
slaughtered and killed while the so called
superpower and the United Nations (UN)
are quietly watching. Where is human
rights that is being championed by the
two? asked Sheikh Swalihu.
The Imam appealed to Muslims in the
country and the world over to pray for
Profling of Muslims
counterproductive to
terror war
Kenyan Muslims condemn Israel
attack on Gaza
The Six Days of Shawwal
The Friday Bulletin
Profling of Muslims counterproductive to terror war
Page 2
The acts of injustice being perpetrated in
the fght against terrorism are counterpro-
ductive to the efforts to contain the crime
and will forestall the governments efforts
to stamp out radicalism.
These remarks were made by Abdullatif
Essajee, a University of Nairobi lecturer
who emphasized on the application of the
rule of the law in the fght against terrorism
further cautioning that the governments
draconian approach of profling an entire
community was pushing young people to
embrace radical teachings which further
compound the situation.
We condemn terrorism in no uncertain
terms but we equally condemn the dis-
crimination, profling, persecution, torture
and killing of Muslims at the pretext of and
under the guise of fghting terrorism, he
said last week at J amia mosque while ad-
dressing worshippers who turned up for
the last Friday of the month of Ramadhan.
He explained that the socio-economic
marginalization of Muslims was further
alienating the community, particularly the
youth who lacked opportunities to make
their lives better.
The Muslim youth in Kenya has been
marginalized socially, economically and
educationally. Under the government
equal opportunities for all, where is the
Muslim balance, especially in the public
sector? he asked.
Abdullatif who is also a member of the
J amia Mosque Committee urged the gov-
ernment to move fast and address the
socio-economic injustices in the regions
of Coast and North Eastern, which he said
were contributing to the present state of
insecurity being witnessed in some of the
Due to social, economical and political in-
justices against the Muslims at the Coast,
Nairobi and North Eastern Province, lands
that were once safe havens, havens of
peace and security have been turned into
grounds of insecurity, execution and battle
felds, he said.
He went on to condemn the attacks in
Lamu and Tana River counties adding that
while the government has a responsibility
to pursue and apprehend the attackers,
it should not use the attack as a justifca-
tion to punish innocent people and impose
blanket punishments to residents of the
At the same time, the lecturer reiterated his
concerns about the extra judicial killings of
Muslims saying that despite the pledges
from the government to investigation and
bring to book the perpetrators, the State is
yet to demonstrate its resolve to live up to
its pledge to identify and apprehend the at-
The latest killings involved the murder of a
prominent Mombasa businessman Shahid
Butt who was gunned down in Changam-
we area. Like most of the previous killings,
he had been linked by security services to
so-called radical elements.
Sheikh Muhammad Idris, a prominent
scholar in Mombasa who spoke against ex-
tremist teachings also met his death while
heading for dawn prayers from his Likoni
home. His killers also remain unknown.
He questioned the indifference with re-
gard to the plight of four-year-old Baby
Shawaal 05,1435/August 01, 2014
Ali whose leg was amputated after being
shot by what the family insist was the ac-
tion of police. He said while the case of
the one year old Baby Satrin Osinya who
was shot in the March 2014 attack on a
Likoni Church received widespread sup-
port from the government and the media,
Baby Alis plight has largely been ignored.
I ask again, why the indifference? What
is different between Baby Ali and Baby
Abdullatif urged the government to live
up to its promise to bring back Kenyans
who were renditioned to Uganda. Gov-
ernment after government has turned a
blind eye and a deaf ear to their plea, the
plea of their families and Kenyans to have
them brought back and properly charged
in our courts in Kenya. he asked.
On the attack on Gaza, he questioned
the government indifference to the plight
of Palestinians saying that while there is
global outrage on the wanton bombard-
ment of the besieged Gaza strip which
has so far left more than 1,000 people
dead, most of them women and children,
the Kenyan government has continued to
maintain a muffed silence.
In his sermon, the J amia mosque Imam
Sheikh Muhammad Swalihu urged Mus-
lims to continue living with the Ramadhan
spirit saying that the lessons and ben-
eft of Ramadhan should manifest them-
selves even after the end of the noble
month We need to emerge as better peo-
ple compared to what we were before the
beginning of the month of Ramadhan, he
their Muslim brethren in Gaza noting that
as always Allah remains the only depend-
able defender of Muslims in this turbulent
In Mombasa, Muslims leaders demanded
an end to insecurity, terror attacks and
profling of Muslims led by Chief Kadhi
Sheikh Sharrif Ahmad Muhdhar.
The leaders lamented that this years
Ramadhan and Idd celebrations were
marred by violence with over 100 people
being killed at the coast.
Sheikh Muhdhar described this years
Ramadhan as the worst in decades due
to unending violence that has claimed the
lives of innocent people in a month time
and called on the government to put in
place measures to increase security in
the region, adding that it was the govern-
ment obligation to protect the lives of its
Kenyan Muslims condemn Israel attack on Gaza
Muslims in Kenya on Monday joined their
fellow Muslims across the world in cele-
brating Iddul-Fitr which marked the end of
the holy month of Ramadhan, but for many
it was a mixture of joy and sadness.
Free Palestine Kenya, a lobby group has
condemned the ongoing Israel attacks on
Gaza joining other civil society organiza-
tions around the world in calling for an end
to the atrocities.
The J ewish states military excursion into
Gaza strip has resulted in the death of at
least 1260, mostly women and children,
over 6000 injured and million others dis-
placed since the Zionist state launched its
offensive on Palestine on July 8 2014.
Speaking during the Idd celebrations at the
Sir Ali Muslim grounds FPK spokesman
Abdi Mohamed lamented that the interna-
tional community had chosen to bury their
head in the sand adding that the indiscrimi-
nate shelling has continued while the world
powers have either remained silent or re-
leased statements that are neither effec-
tive nor signifcant.
We cannot continue this silence as popu-
lations and their livelihood are being exter-
minated. In the words of Albert Einstein,
the world is a dangerous place to live; not
because of the people who are evil, but
because of the people who don't do any-
thing about it. said Abdi.
The lobby group mainly made of youth
protested against the ongoing senseless
killing of civilians in Gaza by carrying plac-
ards with the messages Free Palestine,
Israeli no.1 terrorist and shouted down
down Israel and blamed the Obama ad-
ministration for taking sides with Israel.
The aggression against Gaza must be
understood as the latest act in the dec-
ades-long oppression of the Palestinian
people at the hands of the Israeli govern-
ment. Blockaded Gaza has been plunged
into misery by the Israeli-U.S. effort to
thwart the democratic will of the Palestin-
ian people as demonstrated in their 2006
legislative elections, added the spokes-
Free Palestine Kenya called upon the
people of Kenya and the rest of the world
to condemn the massacre against the
people of Gaza in the strongest term pos-
sible and urged them to boycott Israeli
Continued To Page 7
Continued from Page 1
Calls for peace and
unity made
The Friday Bulletin
Page 3
Fadhla za kufunga siku sita
By: Musa Anis
3rd August 2014 Time: 2pm-4 pm
Venue: Makina Mosque Kibera
For Muslims, the month of Ramadhan is
the most wonderful time of the year. The
benefts and beauties of this month are
boundless. Almost invariably it happens a
few days after the end of Ramadhan; the
letdown. Fasting is fnished; the nightly
prayers are over; the group gatherings to
break the fast have vanished. We can eat,
drink, and be merry again when the sun is
shining. And that special feeling you have
in your heart--the one that keeps you going
despite your hunger and thirst--gradually
fades away.
The spiritual high evaporates, and all you
are left with are the bad habits you tried to
shed during Ramadhan, but mysteriously
rear their ugly heads once it is over. Ram-
adhan is supposed to increase your faith
and God-consciousness: {Believers! Fast-
ing has been prescribed for you--as it was
prescribed for those before you--so that
you may be conscious of Allah.} (2:183)
The point is not to be an angel for Rama-
dhan and a demon at other times. The
lessons learned and spiritual benefts
gained during that month are intended to
carry over for the rest of the year until next
Ramadhan. Yet frequently they do not. Is
there anything we can do about it? Abso-
lutely and here are fve ways we can try to
keep the spirit of Ramadhan alive and well
throughout the rest of the year.
Good Habits Kept up
More than just denying oneself food and
drink, the fast of Ramadhan is a complete
body-and-soul fast. Although this should
be the behavior of the believer at all times,
when one is fasting, he or she should take
special care not to harm anyone, curse an-
yone, or do anything wrong. In fact, Proph-
et Muhammad (peace be upon him) said:
"Whoever does not give up forged speech
and evil actions [while fasting], Allah is not
in need of his leaving his food and drink."
(At-Tirmidhi, 707)
Well, once Ramadhan is over, these
good behaviors should continue.
For instance, if you took the opportunity of
the month of Ramadhan to try to curb talk-
ing about other people, why not continue
to refrain from doing so after Ramadhan
is over? We should continue to go to the
mosque for congregational prayers. It is
so amazing to see the mosque--which
was packed just a few days earlier--stand
almost completely empty during Isha, or
night prayers, after Ramadhan. If we can
go to the mosque each day during Ramad-
han, we can get there every day during the
rest of the year.
Smoking is prohibited during daylight hours
during Ramadhan, which makes it the per-
fect opportunity to quit cigarettes. Yes, the
nicotine in tobacco smoke is more addic-
tive than heroin, and it is one of the most
diffcult addictions to beat. But if you can
How to keep Ramadhan alive for the rest of the year
Hesham Hassaballa
Shawaal 05,1435/August 01, 2014 Shawaal 05,1435/August 01, 2014
go without smoking for 14-17 hours a day
during Ramadhan, you can go without it for
the remaining 7-10 hours.
Ideally, there should be no Muslims who
smoke, given the fact that they have to stop
doing so for most of a month every year.
Sadly, the reality is quite different. Many,
many Muslims smoke, and it saddens me-
-especially since I am a lung specialist who
sees frsthand the devastation wrought by
cigarette smoking--to see groups of men
outside the mosque immediately light up
the moment sunset arrives.
Fast throughout the Year
I must admit that this is the most diffcult
one for me to follow, but I must mention it
anyway. The fast of Ramadhan is obliga-
tory for every adult Muslim, but there are
numerous other fasts that Muslims are
encouraged to undertake throughout the
year, and we should try to participate.
For instance, Prophet Muhammad (peace
be upon him) encouraged Muslims to fast
six days of the month of Shawwal, the
month after Ramadhan. The reward is
equivalent to fasting the entire year. In a
few months, the season of Hajj will begin,
and those Muslims who do not perform the
Hajj are encouraged to fast the day of Ara-
fat, when all the pilgrims will be standing
on that plain and begging Allah for forgive-
ness. We should fast that day.
For Ashura, the day that commemorates
the exodus of the Children of Israel from
Egypt, Muslims are encouraged to fast
that day as well as the day before. (Ide-
ally, Muslims should fast the frst nine days
of the month of Dhul-Hijjah, when the Hajj
For the very ambitious, the Prophet (peace
be upon him) used to fast every Mon-
day and Thursday, and if one is able, he
or she could follow this Sunnah, or tradi-
tion of the Prophet. The very, very ambi-
tious could even fast in the tradition of the
Prophet Dawud fasting every other day. If
this is too much, perhaps we can fast one,
two, or three days each month. Whatever
the number, we should try to fast outside
of Ramadhan to help keep the spirit of the
month alive in our daily lives.
Qiyam Praying
During the month of Ramadhan, Muslims
gather together and perform the Isha, or
night prayer, and then special devotional
prayers, called Tarawih, in congregation
(together these are called, qiyam, ex-
tra devotional night prayers). It is such a
wonderful time, and it is perhaps--after
actually getting to eat and drink--the best
part of Ramadhan. We are all together in
the mosque, and we get to hear the en-
tire Quran recited if we go every night of
Why not, at home, have your own "mini-
Tarawih"? You can either read what you
have already memorized, or you can read
from the Quran itself. If you continue this
throughout the year, it is quite possible to
fnish reading the entire Quran many times
over. This is an excellent way to keep the
feeling and spirit of Ramadhan alive.
Ramadhan is also the month of charity. It
was said that the Prophet, already the most
generous of men, was even more gener-
ous during the month of Ramadhan. Along
with teaching the believer discipline and
spiritual focus, the fast of Ramadan is a
potent reminder that there are millions of
people around the world who must forgo
food and drink involuntarily, out of sheer
As a result, Muslims are frequently moti-
vated to give to the poor during Ramadhan,
and the reward for an act of charity--already
substantial--is multiplied many times over in
the month of Ramadhan. Muslims often dis-
charge their obligatory annual alms tax, the
Zakah, during this month.
Yet that does not mean we should be stingy
and miserly throughout the rest of the year.
We should continue to be generous even
when it is not Ramadhan, perhaps devoting a
little bit of what we earn to help the poor. You
could even open a donor-directed fund or a
charitable gift fund at a brokerage frm and in-
vest your donations so you could give more.
If you want to be even more ambitious, you
can start your own charitable endowment,
an essential aspect of the classical Islamic
tradition that has unfortunately gone by the
wayside in modern times.
Havent Seen You Since Last Ramad-
Another beautiful aspect of Ramadhan is
the frequent invitation to people's homes
for iftar meals after sunset. Here, Muslims
gather and break their fast together. Many
times, it is an opportunity to see friends (and
maybe even family) they do not normally get
a chance to see during the rest of the year.
Well, the same theme applies: if you can do it
during Ramadhan, you can do it at any other
time as well. Why not keep up the contacts
made during Ramadhan throughout the rest
of the year? Have monthly gatherings at
each other's homes or at a favorite restau-
rant. Let it not be another year when you say
to a friend, "Wow! I haven't seen you since
last Ramadhan!"
Hesham A. Hassaballa is a Chicago doctor
and writer.
The Friday Bulletin
Page 4
Shawaal 05,1435/August 01, 2014
AbAyyb al-Ansr relates that Allah's
Messenger (peace be upon him) says:
"Whoever fasts the month of Ramadhan
and then follows it with six days of fasting
in the month of Shawwl, it will be as if he
had fasted the year through." [Sahh Mus-
The month of Shawwl is singled out for the
observance of extra fasts, since this month
follows immediately after Ramadhan. The
six days of voluntary fasting are to the ob-
ligatory fast of Ramadhan what the Sunnah
prayers are to the obligatory prayers.
It is related from Thawbn that the Proph-
et (peace be upon him) said: "The fast of
Ramadhan is like observing ten months of
fasting. Fasting six days of Shawwl is like
observing two months of fasting. This to-
gether is like fasting throughout the year."
[SahhIbnKhuzaymah and Sunan al-Nas'
al-Kubr ]
Al-Nawaw observes [SharhSahh Muslim]:
Scholars have explained that it is like ob-
serving a year of fasting because the re-
ward of one's good deeds are multiplied
tenfold. Therefore fasting the month of
Ramadhan is like fasting for ten months
and fasting six days in the month of Shaw-
wl is like fasting for two months.
Virtues of Fasting Six Days in Shawwl
1. Fasting six days in Shawwl after ob-
serving the Ramadhan fast gives the per-
son the reward of fasting throughout the
2.The fasts of Sha`bn and Shawwl are
like the Sunnah prayers that accompany
the fve obligatory prayers. Like the Sun-
nah prayers, these extra fasts cover up
for the defciencies in our performance
of our obligatory worship. On the Day of
J udgment, our voluntary acts of worship
will compensate for the shortcomings in
how we carried out our duties. Most of us
have defciencies in our observance of our
Ramadhan fasts and we need something
to cover up for those defciencies. The
defciencies being discussed here are not
missing days of fasting. Rather, they are
the defciencies in our conduct that detract
from the value of our worship.
3.Our return to the habit of fasting right af-
ter Ramadhan is a sign that our Ramadhan
fasts were accepted. When Allah accepts
our worship, He blesses us to engage in
further acts of piety. The saying goes: The
reward of virtue is further virtue.
Therefore, following one good deed with
others like it is a sign that the frst deed had
been accepted by Allah. By contrast, if a
person's good deed is followed by a sinful
one, it is an indication that the frst good
deed might not have been accepted.
4.Those who observe the fast of Rama-
dhan are given their recompense of the
day of`Id al-Fitr, the day when the fast is
rewarded. Getting into the habit of fasting
again soon thereafter is a means of giving
thanks to Allah for the blessings that we
have received.
There is no blessing greater than forgive-
ness for one's sins, and we know that fast
of Ramadhan is recompensed with forgive-
ness of one's previous sins. Fasting these
days in Shawwl is one way for us to ex-
press our thanks for Allah blessing us in
our observance of the Ramadhan fast.
How We Should Fast the Six Days in
There are various opinions about this
1. Some scholars hold the view that it is
preferable to fast the six days in consecu-
tive order, starting from the second day of
Shawwl. This is the view of al-Shf` and
Ibn al-Mubrak.
2. Others are of the opinion that it is pref-
erable to fast the six days intermittently,
spreading them out throughout the month
of Shawwl. This the position of Ahmad
bin. Hanbal and Wak`.
3. Then there are those who hold the view
that the days should all be postponed until
later in the month and not close to the day
of `Id, which is a time of celebration and
feasting. They prefer fasting the three days
in the middle of the month (ayym al-bd)
along with the three days right before or af-
ter. This is the opinion of Ma`mar and `Abd
There is considerable fexibility in all of this.
We can choose to follow any of these ap-
proaches that we wish.
The Six Days of Shawwal
Sheikh Salman al-Awdah
Muslims urged to help the poor
The London based economics magazine
Capital Finance International (CFI) has
nominated First Community Bank as the
best Small and Medium Enterprise (SME)
bank in Kenya.
This comes on the heels of being awarded
as the best Islamic fnance institution in the
country by the New York based Global Fi-
nance magazine.
We owe this to our ongoing tremendous
transformation program that is being rec-
ognized far and wide, said the banks
general manager Omar Sheikh in his re-
sponse to the award.
First Community Banks Global Finance
Magazine award and the nomination by
CFI goes to show that the bank is setting
trends that are not only recognized locally,
but also globally, he added.
CFI is a print journal and online resource
reporting on business, economics and f-
nance and provides news, analysis and
commentary on the markets worldwide.
FCB nominated for best
SME bank in Kenya
Muslims have been urged to give a helping
hand to their compatriots who are facing
diffcult times. The call was made by Ab-
dulkadir Hawa a member of Nairobi J amia
mosque committee who said in living up to
the spirit of charity it was an obligation of
well to do Muslims to give support to the
less privileged in the society and share lit-
tle with the poor for them to feel part of the
society for peaceful coexistence and mu-
tual understanding.
Addressing Muslim faithful at Kibra Makina
mosque, during an Iftar dinner he hosted
for the Muslims in the area recently, Ab-
dulkadir called on Muslims to spare a
thought and lend a helping hand to the less
privileged and poverty stricken members
of the community, adding that for some
people getting one meal in a day is so diff-
cult and advised Muslims to be at forefront
in setting an example for others to emulate
for the pleasure of Allah
.''We must appreciate that Allah has not
given us wealth equally and it is therefore
prudent to provide support to those who
do not have suffcient means for their liveli-
hood,'' he said.
At the same time Abdulkadir asked Muslim
community in Kibra to embrace peace and
cohesion instead of engaging in religious
intolerance adding that they should ex-
emplify the Prophet Muhammad Salallahu
Alaihi Wasalaam's lifestyle in order to be
successful in their endeavors.
''Live by the example of Prophet Muham-
mad Salallahu Alaihi Wasalam who was
role model on how to relate with neigh-
bours and non-Muslims,'' said Abdulkadir.
He noted that the Muslim community of
Kibra hold important position in his heart
as he was brought up there and he under-
stood them well, hence the driving force
behind his family to facilitate Iftar pro-
gramme to the Muslims of the area for the
pleasure of Allah.
''Our late parents used to undertake the
same programme for the sake of Allah, we
have inherited the same gesture in order to
get the pleasure and blessing from Allah,''
said Abdulkadir.
Abdulkadir went further to praise the Nu-
bian community for their participation in
search of the country freedom and called
on them not to relent in their efforts of fght-
ing for their rights.
The Muslim community in Kibra led by
Sheikh Ahmad Khamis expressed their
gratitude and thanked brother Abdulkadir
for the support and prayed that Allah re-
ward him and the entire family abundantly
and keep them in good health, happiness
and Islamic spirit.
Shawaal 05,1435/August 01, 2014
The Friday Bulletin
page 5
Shawaal 05,1435/August 01, 2014
LEFT:Abubakar Ali (right) of Riruta mosque receives iftar food ration from
Said Abdallah (left) Jamia mosque adminstrator and Aboobaker Nazir chief
accountant ABOVE: Muslims pray a long the Banda street during the last Fri-
day of the month of Ramadhan
LEFT:The Da'wah offcer of Jamia mosque Muhammad Abdallah (left) presents
iftar food packages to the head of revert students of Jamia mosque ABOVE:
Jamia mosque treasurer Abdullatif Essajee giving lectures during Ramadhan
Sister Fatma on behalf of Riyadhul Jannah Sisters Group (UK) hands a
cheque of Shs 140,600 for sponsoring iftar at Jamia on 29th of Ramadhan to
the Secretary General Abdul Bary Hamid
Brother Musa Quadir (right) on behalf of Sheikh
Abdallah Al Marrau and sheikh Adel Al-Rafaee of
Sunbulatul Khair project of Bahrain hands a con-
signment of dates to Abdul Bary Hamid Secretary
General Jamia looking on is Aboobaker Nazir
LEFT: A boy recites Qur'an during the annual Qur'an competition at the
mosque ABOVE: The CEO of Airtel Kenya Adil El Youssef serves Muslims with
iftar meals during an iftar programme organised by Airtel Kenya
Pictorial: Ramadhan activities at Jamia Mosque
The Friday Bulletin
page 6
Ramadhan 28,1435/July 25, 2014
Gloomy Eid for
Israeli shells have struck a UN school in the
Gaza Strip, killing at least 19 people and
wounding scores more, after Israeli ground
troops made a signifcant push into the ter-
Wednesdays shelling of the J abaliya refugee
camp was the second time in a week that a
UN school sheltering hundreds of homeless
Palestinians had been hit.#
Christopher Gunness, the UNRWA's spokes-
man, said the attack was a "source of univer-
sal shame" and blamed Israeli forces.
"We have visited the site and gathered evi-
dence. We have analysed fragments, exam-
ined craters and other damage. Our initial as-
sessment is that it was Israeli artillery that hit
our school, in which 3,300 people had sought
"I condemn in the strongest possible terms
this serious violation of international law by
Israeli forces. I call on the international com-
munity to take deliberate international politi-
cal action to put an immediate end to the con-
tinuing carnage."
Gunness said that UN representatives have
informed Israeli forces about the exact loca-
tion of the school 17 times.
Many of those in the school had fed their
homes in northern Gaza after Israel dropped
leafets warning them of an "upcoming phase"
of action.
Israel announced a four-hour "humanitarian
window" on Wednesday, starting at midday
GMT, but said it did not include areas where
Israeli fre kills nineteen in Gaza UN school
its soldiers were operating - about half of
Hamas said it would not abide by the pause,
unless its conditions were met - namely, the
end of the blockade of Gaza.
At least 1,363 Palestinians have died in Is-
rael's invasion, according to Gaza health
ministry fgures.
An offcial for UNRWA, the UN's Palestinian
refugee agency, told the AFP news agency
that the shelling hit a bathroom and two
classrooms inside the girls' school.
Al Jazeera's Imtiaz Tyab, reporting from
Gaza's Kamal Adwan hospital, where many
of the injured were brought, put the number
of wounded at more than 90.
"Looking around me I can see some with
what appears to be shrapnel wounds and
some with far more serious wounds," he said.
He said people there did not know why Is-
rael had hit the shelter, adding that the attack
caused panic among people living in differ-
ent UN-run shelters.
"As we were driving to the hospital, we saw
families with many children leaving other UN
schools. They feel insecure. There seem to
be no safe shelter for them, not even in UN
schools," our correspondent said.
At least 180,000 Palestinians have sought
shelter in about 80 UNRWA schools, accord-
ing to the agency.
The Israeli army had begun heavy tank shell-
ing in the area a couple of hours prior to the
incident. (Al Jazeera)
The United States has allowed Israel, waging
an offensive in the Gaza Strip, to tap a local
US arms stockpile in the past week to resup-
ply it with grenades and mortar rounds, Rear
Admiral John Kirby, the Pentagon's press
secretary, has said.
The munitions were located inside Israel as
part of a programme managed by the US mili-
tary and called War Reserves Stock Allies-
Israel (WRSA-I), which stores munitions lo-
cally for US use that Israel can also access in
emergency situations.
Israel, however, did not cite an emergency
when it made its latest request about 10 days
ago, a defence offcial said on Wednesday,
speaking on condition of anonymity.
Washington allowed Israel to access the stra-
tegic stockpile to resupply itself with 40mm
grenades and 120mm mortar rounds to de-
plete older stocks that would eventually need
to be refreshed.
In a statement, Kirby said: "Both munitions
had been in WRSA-I stock for a few years,
well before the current crisis.
"All stocks in WRSA-I, as required by law, are
'in excess to US requirements.'
"Issuing munitions from the WRSA-I stockpile
was strictly a sourcing decision and White
House approval was not required.
"The United States is committed to the securi-
ty of Israel, and it is vital to US national inter-
ests to assist Israel to develop and maintain
a strong and ready self-defense capability.
"This defence sale is consistent with those
Additional Israeli requests for US-manufac-
tured ammunition were also being processed
in the US, the anonymous defence offcial
Israel's embassy in Washington declined
comment about the resupply request, includ-
ing whether it asked for the ammunition be-
cause of its operations in Gaza, the Reuters
news agency reported.
Separately, US politicians were working in
Congress to provide millions of dollars in ad-
ditional funding for Israel's "Iron Dome" mis-
sile shield.
The US Senate Appropriations Committee
added $225m for Iron Dome to a spending
bill intended mainly to provide money to han-
dle an infux of thousands of Central Ameri-
can children across the US-Mexico border.
The Gaza Health Ministry said 1,361 Pal-
estinians, mostly civilians, have been killed
since Israel began its offensive on July 8.
On the Israeli side, 56 soldiers and three ci-
vilians have been killed. (Al Jazeera)
US supplies Israel with bombs amid Gaza killings
Calling it the `Eid of martyrs, thou-
sands of Palestinians have marked
`Eid Al-Fitr by tears and sorrow as the
Israel shelling on the besieged strip
entered its fourth week.
How should a mother feel when she
opens her eyes on the day of `Eid
and does not see her son next to
her? Abir Shammaly, whose son was
killed during heavy Israeli shelling of
the Shejaia district in east Gaza last
week, told Reuters on Monday, J uly
While millions of Muslims marked `Eid
with celebrations, Shammaly spent
the frst day of `Eid at the grave of her
son who had been killed in Shejaiya
last Thursday, July 29, while returning
Ramadhan is supposed to be a
month of holiness, a month of the
Koran, not a month of battles, Sham-
maly told Agence France Presse (AF)
with tears in her eyes, referring to the
fasting month.
How do I feel? I feel like any woman
who has to bury her son on Eid. What
am I supposed to do?
The sobbing family of eight children,
whose house was leveled by the Is-
raeli strikes, has been observing a
somber `Eid at the graves after losing
their 16-year-old brother, Thaer.
He was just a kid -- he'd fnished
school and had started working as
an apprentice barber, Thaer's father
Ahed Shamali said.
This is the Eid of the martyrs. Abeer
butted in, more dramatically: This is
the `Eid of blood!
`Eid prayers were the only way for
Muslims in Gaza centre to mark the
blessing day where hundreds at-
tended the early morning prayers at
Al-Omari mosque.
Israel has been launching relentless
airstrikes against Gaza since July 8
where hundreds have been killed and
Israel occupation forces started a
ground invasion of besieged Gaza,
home to two millions civilian, on
Thursday, J uly 17.
The Palestinian death toll in an Israeli
offensive in the Gaza Strip rose above
1,130, with more than 6500 injured.
According to the UN aid agency for
Palestinians (UNRWA), the large
scale of mass destruction in Gaza has
left about 1,255 home severely dam-
aged, forcing tens of thousands to fee
their homes that were caught up in the
Israeli air strikes.
The Friday Bulletin NATIONAL
page 7
Shawaal 05,1435/August 01, 2014
Muslims in Nakuru County have
been urged to believe in their po-
tential and take responsibility of
seeking and applying for jobs at the
county government.
These remarks were made by Nak-
uru Governor Kinuthia Mbugua who
said that Muslims are well known for
their passion in business and enter-
prenuership, stressing that the con-
stitutional dispensation provides op-
portunities for people's participation
and engagement in both democratic
and development initiatives at all
levels without discrimination.
Addressing Muslims faithful in Na-
kuru town recently, Mbugua said the
move is aimed at ensuring inclusiv-
ity of Muslims in all spheres, empha-
sizing that the community should not
lag behind in engaging themselves
in development.
''The Muslim community should not
relent in its efforts to engage in de-
velopment matters. Muslim should
also apply for the vacancies at the
county government whenever ad-
vertised,'' Mbugua said.
At the same time Mbugua called on
Muslims to apply for tenders in order
to empower themselves economi-
cally for prosperity. ''We have your
success in business and trade come
out and also apply for tenders in or-
der to improve on your living condi-
tions,'' Mbugua stressed.
The governor further urged Muslim
youth and women to come together
and form companies so that they
beneft from tenders for service
provision in order to empower them-
selves economically for sustainabil-
''Muslim youth and women should
come together as groups, form com-
panies and register in order to bene-
ft from the service provision tenders
at the county,'' Mbugua added.
Mbugua pledged to prioritize and
supplement the efforts by the Mus-
lim community to ensure Muslim de-
velopment projects are supported.
Muslims through their leaders had
earlier raised their concerns over
their non-inclusion in matters per-
taining to development in the county.
Malakisi Muslim school gets boost from SUPKEM
Malakisi Muslim Secondary School in Bungo-
ma County recently received a cheque of Ksh
200,000 from the Supreme Council of Kenya
Muslims (Supkem) to supplement its efforts in
the expansion of the school.
Addressing the gathering at the school during
the presentation ceremony, Supkem national
treasurer Sheikh Bakari Chemaswet called on
Muslims to make more investments in the ed-
ucation sector through establishment of more
educational institutions as a way of improving
education standards in the community.
He stated that education was an important in-
gredient and necessary in uplifting the living
condition of the community and encouraged
Muslims to place more emphasis on both Is-
lamic religious knowledge and contemporary
education in order to prosper in socio-economic
and political spheres.
''We need to have more Muslim owned and
sponsored institutions of learning from nursery
to university level that provide quality educa-
tion as this will help the community to progress
thereby contributing positively to the develop-
ment of the country,'' Sheikh Chemaswet said.
Chemaswet, who is a teacher by profession
pointed out that over the years Muslims have
lagged behind in education and this has af-
fected their progress in social, political and
economic spheres of the country, stressing that
having in place more educational institutions
will help to reverse the trend.
Chemaswet further decried that large popula-
tion of the Muslim community live in absolute
poverty and facing many challenges.
''It is high time Muslim organizations work to-
gether to promote social equality and ensure
Muslim students urged to embrace the habit of Quran
memorization and recitation
Muslim students both from Primary and Second-
ary schools have been asked to inculcate the
habit of Quran Memorization and Recitation
all the time in their daily life to ensure that they
achieve success in the journey of academics
and hereafter.
The C.D.F Chairman for Garseni Constituency
in Tana River County Sheikh Abdullah Hajji
Gudo noted that Madrasah teachers are do-
ing a wonderful job for the sake of the Almighty
Allah by imparting Islamic knowledge and ena-
bling students memorize the noble Quran even
while they are in school.
Speaking in Malindi Sub-county recently during
the Annual Quran Competition and Iftaar for
Secondary and Primary schools in Malindi host-
ed by Mamsa High school organized by Kilif
County Tuinuane Welfare Group, Sheikh Gudo
handed over a cash of 30,000 as among
the prizes and promised that next year during
such event they will collaborate with Mamsa
High school with the group of students from his
Garseni Constituency to make it more colorful.
Mr Farhan Mohamed Head of the Department-
Islamic Studies/Arabic from Kakamega National
School in Western province who was among the
invited guests lamented profoundly on the poor
performance of Muslim students in Malindi Sub-
county in national exams.
Its very sad and bitter to watch a downward
trend of poor performance among our Muslim
students in Malindi every year after the re-
lease of national examination results. This is
contributed by poor parental involvement and
engagement for his child in good upbringing
and not attending school meetings when in-
vited among others.He decried.
Istiqamah Group of Schools Director from
Mombasa and who is also the C.D.F Chair-
man for the Mvita Constituency Mr. Shariff
was among the invited guests present prom-
ised to work hand in hand with Malindi stu-
dents through Mamsa High school and Malindi
Education Offce by sponsoring and awarding
the best students after doing a Common Ex-
amination for Form 4s and Class 8 organized
by them mid September this year.
Mr. Mohamed Ali Al- Amoudy who is the school
administrator commended the move and said
that is possible if the education stakeholders
in Malindi will work as a team and identify the
importance of education in the wake of mod-
ern time.
Ten schools attended the event and the win-
ners were awarded with various prices such
as Certifcates, Medals, Cash and Bursaries.
viable projects that could transform the lives
of Muslims to be productive and responsible
in the society are initiated,'' said he.
He lauded the Kenya Muslim Charitable So-
ciety and specifcally thanked Sheikh Omar
Kassim for the support in putting up a mosque
at Malakisi Muslim School to cater for the spir-
itual needs of the Muslim students, donation of
dates for fasting Muslim students and drilling
of water boreholes for the local communities,
adding that other Muslim organization ought to
emulate the same for the beneft of the Muslim
The school Principal Salim Baraza thanked
the Supkem offcials for their positive gesture
and promised to steer the school to the pin-
nacle of academic excellence.
Baraza called for unity of purpose and support
from all education stakeholders for the school
to realize its essence.
Supkem regional chairman Sheikh Abdi
Swaleh commended the local Muslim commu-
nity for mooting the idea of setting up a Muslim
owned and sponsored institution in the region.'
'This will assist in absorbing Muslim students
from primary schools to continue with their
secondary level education for proper transition
and excel in academic sphere,'' he said.
Malakisi Muslim Secondary School is the sec-
ond registered Muslim owned and sponsored
institution in the county after Bungoma Muslim
Secondary School.
In attendance were:-Abdi Noor Yusuf(chairman
Malakisi Muslim community, Ahmed Hussein-
PTA Chairman and Philemon Simiyu, the
school board chairman among others.
Nakuru Muslims
urged to apply for
county jobs
The lobby group appealed for
prayers for the people of Gaza
and also demanded the elected
leadership in the country to add
their voices on the atrocities in
Gaza saying it will speak against
the massacre in Palestines in all
Continued from Page 2
Israel attack on Gaza
Ramadhan has come to an end but we should always remember
that the Lord of Ramadhan is the Lord of all days and nights. Ram-
adhan is supposed to be a lesson that should be taken to the next
twelve months before another fasting season comes. The way we
thronged the mosques for the fve daily Salah and other super-
erogatory prayers and braved through the cold for Fajr prayers,
should be observed with the same zeal throughout our entire life.
The generosity that was manifested by the rich to the poor and the
fraternity that was exampled during the holy days should be exem-
plary in all our times. May Allah accept our supplications, prayers
and all our deeds during the month of Ramadhan.
Ummah Foundation got a lot of support from the entire Ummah
and we would like to sincerely appreciate your contributions both
in kind and spirit. We had a clothes collection program for the chil-
dren of the female inmates at Langata and others and we must
say the response we got was very wonderful. May Allah SWT re-
ward those who thought of their naked brothers and sisters and
gave clothes to fulfl the obligation of clothing a fellow Muslim. Our
main collection point was at Parklands Mosque. These clothes will
be distributed to intended prisons and some slum areas in Nai-
robi. In order for us to meet the challenges facing our Muslim
community, Ummah Foundation had appealed to you all to donate
Clothes, Zakat and Sadaqa during the Month of Ramadhan. We
wish to take this opportunity to thank you for your continued sup-
port. It is our hope that this efforts will go a long way in uplifting the
standards of our Ummah.
Appreciations for your support
The Friday Bulletin is a Publication of Jamia Masjid Committee, P. O. Box 100786-00101 Nairobi, Tel: 2243504/5 Fax: 342147
E-mail: Printed by Graphic Lineups Limited-Kweria Road
As you are aware Ummah Foundation ever since its inception,
has supported a lot of needy students all over the country includ-
ing paying for their fees. Every year the demands for bursaries
are enormous from all corners of the country. Deserving needy
students come to us including orphans, reverts, poor families
whom we cannot ignore.they are our brothers, sisters, sons and
daughters, whichever way you look at it we have a responsibility
to cater for the deserving ones and we have to fnd a way to meet
our obligations. You can make this happen by making your dona-
tion towards this noble goal. Whatever big or small your contribu-
tion is, it plays a big role in making sure a needy student pays fees
and sits to learn like the rest of the Kenyan students. Education is
the secret and weapon we should use to fght poverty and igno-
rance that we have been associated with since time immemorial.
We would also like to appreciate efforts played by our Brothers
and Sisters who donated food stuffs, dates, prayer mats, water
tanks and containers to help prison inmates. Ummah Foundation
took an active part and made sure the food stuffs, dates, mats and
water tanks reached the deserving recipients.
May Allah SWT bless those who tirelessly work for the sake of
this Ummah.
Our Contact:
Ummah Foundation
P.O. Box 58717-00200
Tel: 0202680610/13 Mob: 0734845277
Eid Mubarak

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