333 - G.R. No. 183619

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Republic of the Philippines

G.R. No. 183619 October 13, 2009
SL!INO SUMING", Appellant.
On appeal befo!e us is the "anua!# $%, &''( ou!t of Appeals )A* Decision
in A+,.R. R No. $''-. a/i!0in1
2ith 0o3i4cation the 5eb!ua!# %-, &''6 Re1ional T!ial ou!t
)RT* onsoli3ate3 "u310ent
a1ainst appellant
Salvino Su0in12a in !i0inal ase Nos. %6-- an3 %6-. fo! Acts of 7asciviousness8 %6-6, %6-9 an3 %6.- fo!
Rape8 %6.% fo! Atte0pte3 Rape8 an3 %6.. fo! :n;ust Ve<ation. Assaile3 also is the "une ., &''( A Resolution
3en#in1 appellant=s 0otion fo! !econsi3e!ation.
In t2elve Info!0ations, the p!osecution cha!1e3 appellant 2ith t2o )&* counts of Acts of 7asciviousness,
)-* counts of Rape,
th!ee )$* counts of :n;ust Ve<ation,
one )%* count of Othe! 7i1ht Th!eats,
one )%* count of
an3 one )%* count of Atte0pte3 Rape
fo! acts co00itte3 a1ainst his 0ino!
3au1hte! AAA
f!o0 %999+&''%.
Appellant plea3e3 ?not 1uilt#? to all the cha!1es. On Septe0be! &-, &''-, the RT 3is0isse3
!i0inal ase
Nos. %6-> fo! Rape8 %6-( fo! :n;ust Ve<ation8 %6.' fo! Othe! 7i1ht Th!eats8 %6.& fo! :n;ust Ve<ation8 an3
%6.$ fo! Malt!eat0ent, on the basis of the De0u!!e! to Evi3ence
4le3 b# appellant.
So0eti0e in Au1ust %999, bet2een (@'' an3 %'@'' in the 0o!nin1, AAA, to1ethe! 2ith he! b!othe!s an3 he!
fathe!, appellant he!ein, 2as in thei! !esi3ence in Mountain P!ovince, 2atchin1 television. Appellant calle3
AAA an3 o!3e!e3 he! to sit in f!ont of hi0. As she 2as sittin1, appellant tol3 he! that it 2as not 1oo3 fo! a 1i!l
to have s0all b!easts. Su33enl#, he inse!te3 his han3s into AAA=s shi!t then fon3le3 he! b!east. AAA !esiste3 b#
0ovin1 he! han3s bacA2a!3s.

One afte!noon in Septe0be! %999, AAA=s 0othe! an3 b!othe!s 2ent to school leavin1 AAA an3 appellant in
thei! house. Bhile in the 0aste!=s be3!oo0, appellant o!3e!e3 AAA to ;oin hi0 insi3e. The!e, appellant
!e0ove3 his un3e!1a!0ents then fo!ce3 he! to 1!asp an3 fon3le his penis until he e;aculate3. Appellant
the!eafte! tol3 he! not to be 0alicious about it.

The sa0e inci3ent tooA place in Au1ust &'''. This ti0e, appellant fo!ce3 AAA to lie 3o2n on the be3, 2ent on
top of he!, !e0ove3 he! sho!t pants an3 pant#, then !ubbe3 his penis a1ainst he! va1inal o!i4ce. AAA !esiste3
b# c!ossin1 he! le1s but appellant lifte3 he! !i1ht le1 an3 pa!tiall# inse!te3 his penis into he! va1ina. As she
st!u11le3, appellant stoo3 up then e;aculate3. AAA felt nu0bness on he! buttocAs afte! the bestial act
co00itte3 a1ainst he!.
Appellant !epeate3 his 3asta!3l# act a1ainst AAA on sepa!ate occasions in Septe0be! an3 Nove0be! &'''.
Du!in1 these ti0es, appellant satis4e3 hi0self b# !ubbin1 his penis a1ainst AAA=s va1ina 2ithout t!#in1 to
penet!ate it. Afte! !eachin1 the top of his lust, he use3 AAA=s sho!t pants to 2ipe his 0ess. Instea3 of Aeepin1
he! ha!!o2in1 e<pe!ience to he!self, AAA na!!ate3 it to he! best f!ien3.

On Nove0be! &-, &''', appellant app!oache3 AAA an3 tol3 he! that he 2ante3 to have se< 2ith he!. Bhen she
!efuse3, appellant fo!cibl# !e0ove3 he! pants an3 bo<e3 he! !i1ht buttocA. AAA still !efuse3, 2hich an1e!e3
appellant. He then 2ent to the Aitchen an3 !etu!ne3 2ith a bolo 2hich he use3 in th!eatenin1 he!. 7ucAil#,
AAA=s 1!an30othe! a!!ive3, p!o0ptin1 appellant to 3esist f!o0 his beastl# 3esi!es.
Page 1 of 11
On Dece0be! &', &''', AAA an3 he! best f!ien3 2e!e 3oin1 thei! school 2o!A in f!ont of the fo!0e!=s house.
Bhen appellant a!!ive3, he e0b!ace3 AAA. He, the!eafte!, pulle3 he! insi3e the house an3 Aisse3 he! on the

The last inci3ent occu!!e3 insi3e the co0fo!t !oo0 of thei! house on Ma# &>, &''%. Bhen AAA ente!e3,
appellant pulle3 3o2n he! sho!t pants an3 pant#, unCippe3 his t!ouse!s, b!ou1ht out his penis, then !epeate3l#
!ubbe3 it on he! va1ina 2hile the# 2e!e in a stan3in1 position.
AAA 3eci3e3 to !epo!t the se<ual abuses to he! 1!an30othe! 2ho fo!th2ith b!ou1ht he! to the National Du!eau
of Investi1ation 2he!e she 2as e<a0ine3 b# the 0e3ico+le1al o/ice!. It 2as foun3 3u!in1 the e<a0ination that
the!e 2e!e no e<t!a1enital ph#sical in;u!ies on AAA=s bo3# but the!e 2e!e ol3, heale3, an3 inco0plete h#0enal

Appellant 3enie3 all the accusations a1ainst hi0. He clai0e3 that in Au1ust an3 Septe0be! %999, he 2as at
the house of his 0ist!ess in Antipolo it#. He also e<plaine3 that in Au1ust &''', he sta#e3 in Da1uio it# an3
2o!Ae3 the!e as a Aa!ate inst!ucto!. He a33e3 that he onl# 2ent ho0e in Septe0be! &''' but left a1ain in
Octobe! fo! Eui!ino, Ilocos Su! 2he!e he sta#e3 fo! th!ee 2eeAs. Bhen he 2ent bacA ho0e, his 2ife info!0e3
hi0 that AAA ha3 not been co0in1 ho0e. The!eafte!, appellant 2ent to Da1uio it# to bu# 0e3icine fo! his
2ife, then !etu!ne3 ho0e a1ain on the thi!3 2eeA of Dece0be! &'''. Bhile the!e, he 2as conf!onte3 b# his
2ife about his 2o0aniCin1. His 2ife 1ot 0a3 an3 !efuse3 to fo!1ive hi0 3espite his !epeate3 pleas.
onseFuentl#, he beca0e fu!ious an3 al0ost choAe3 his 2ife to 3eath 2hen she i1no!e3 an3 !efuse3 to talA to
hi0. This p!o0pte3 hi0 to leave an3 1o bacA to Da1uio.
So0eti0e in Ap!il &''%, appellant 2ent bacA ho0e to !econcile 2ith his 2ife. Bhile talAin1 to his 2ife an3 the
latte!=s fa0il#, his 0othe!+in+la2 be!ate3 hi0 an3 3e0an3e3 his sepa!ation f!o0 his 2ife. Appellant 1ot 0a3
an3 th!eatene3 to Aill his 2ife=s fa0il#. His 0othe!+in+la2, in tu!n, th!eatene3 to 4le cha!1es a1ainst hi0.
To belie the clai0 of AAA that she 2as se<uall# abuse3 in Au1ust, Nove0be! an3 Dece0be! &''', alle1e3l#
3u!in1 school hou!s, he! teache! testi4e3 that the fo!0e! 2as not absent in class 3u!in1 those ti0es.
On Nove0be! &-, &''-, AAA e<ecute3 an A/i3avit of Recantation
clai0in1 that 2hile appellant in3ee3
co00itte3 lascivious acts a1ainst he!, she e<a11e!ate3 he! accusations a1ainst hi0. She e<plaine3 that
appellant 3i3 not actuall# !ape he!, as the!e 2as no penet!ation. She a33e3 that she cha!1e3 appellant 2ith
such c!i0es onl# upon the p!o33in1 of he! 0othe! an3 0ate!nal 1!an30othe!.
On 5eb!ua!# %-, &''6, the RT !en3e!e3 a 3ecision convictin1 appellant of si< )6* counts of acts of
one )%* count of atte0pte3 !ape
an3 one )%* count of un;ust ve<ation,
the 3ispositive
po!tion of 2hich !ea3s@
BHERE5ORE, a onsoli3ate3 "u310ent is he!eb# !en3e!e3 sentencin1 Salvino Su0in12a to su/e! G
%. The penalt# of si< )6* 0onths of Ha!!esto 0a#o!I as 0ini0u0 to si< )6* #ea!s of Hp!ision
co!!eccionalI as 0a<i0u08 an3 o!3e!in1 hi0 to pa# the o/en3e3 pa!t# P%','''.'' HasI
in3e0nit# He<+3elictoI, P%','''.'' as 0o!al 3a0a1es an3 P.,'''.'' as e<e0pla!# 3a0a1es fo!
each count of Acts of 7asciviousness cha!1e3 in !i0. ases %6--, %6-., %6-6, %6-9 an3 %6.-8
&. The penalt# of si< )6* #ea!s of Hp!ision co!!eccionalI as 0ini0u0 to t2elve )%&* #ea!s of
Hp!ision 0a#o!I as 0a<i0u08 an3 o!3e!in1 sai3 o/en3e! to pa# the victi0 P%.,'''.'' as
in3e0nit# He<+3elictoI, P%.,'''.'' as 0o!al 3a0a1es an3 P%','''.'' as e<e0pla!# 3a0a1es in
!i0. ase %6.% fo! Atte0pte3 Rape8 an3
$. The penalt# of thi!t# )$'* 3a#s of Ha!!esto 0eno!I an3 4ne of P&''.'' fo! :n;ust Ve<ation in
!i0. ase %6...
The t!ial cou!t 1ave c!e3ence to AAA=s testi0onies on the alle1e3 lascivious acts co00itte3 a1ainst he!. In
vie2 of the 2ith3!a2al of he! ea!lie! clai0 of the fact of penet!ation, the cou!t sustaine3 the innocence of
appellant on the !ape cha!1es an3 conclu3e3 that the c!i0e co00itte3 2as onl# Acts of 7asciviousness.
Page 2 of 11
In !i0inal ase No. %6.%, the RT foun3 that appellant co00itte3 all the acts of e<ecution of the c!i0e of
Rape, but faile3 to consu00ate it because of the a!!ival of AAA=s 1!an30othe!. Hence, he 2as convicte3 of
atte0pte3 !ape. In e0b!acin1 an3 Aissin1 AAA in full vie2 of the latte!=s best f!ien3, appellant 2as convicte3
of :n;ust Ve<ation.
On appeal, the A a/i!0e3 the conviction of appellant, e<cept that in !i0inal ase No. %6-68 it convicte3 hi0
of Euali4e3 Rape instea3 of Acts of 7asciviousness. The pe!tinent po!tion of the assaile3 3ecision !ea3s@
BHERE5ORE, p!e0ises consi3e!e3, he!ein appeal is he!eb# DISMISSED fo! evi3ent lacA of 0e!it an3 the
assaile3 onsoli3ate3 "u310ent 3ate3 %- 5eb!ua!# &''6 is he!eb# A55IRMED 2ith the follo2in1
%. The Appellant SA7VINO S:MIN,BA is he!eb# convicte3 of the c!i0e of E:A7I5IED RAPE in !i0inal ase
No. %6-6 an3 the penalt# of RE7:SION PERPET:A is he!eb# i0pose3 upon hi0. The Appellant is liAe2ise
o!3e!e3 to pa# the Victi0, HAAAI, civil in3e0nit# in the a0ount of Php>.,'''.'' as 2ell as 0o!al 3a0a1es in
the a0ount of Php.','''.'', in confo!0it# 2ith p!evailin1 ;u!isp!u3ence.
&. In !i0inal ase No. %6.% fo! Atte0pte3 Rape, the Appellant, is he!eb# o!3e!e3 to in3e0nif# the victi0
HAAAI in the su0 of P$','''.'' as civil in3e0nit#, plus the su0 of P&.,'''.'' as 0o!al 3a0a1es.
The appellate cou!t conclu3e3 that, not2ithstan3in1 AAA=s !et!action of he! p!evious testi0onies, the
p!osecution su/icientl# establishe3 the co00ission of the c!i0e of Rape. It a33e3 that the Fualif#in1
ci!cu0stances of 0ino!it# an3 !elationship 2e!e a3eFuatel# p!oven.
Hence, this appeal.
5i!st, in li1ht of the !ecantation of AAA, appellant Fuestions the c!e3ibilit# of the p!osecution 2itnesses an3
insists that his constitutional !i1ht to be p!esu0e3 innocent be applie3.
Secon3, he a!1ues that in !i0inal
ase No. %6.% fo! Atte0pte3 Rape, he shoul3 onl# be convicte3 of Acts of 7asciviousness, the!e bein1 no ove!t
act sho2in1 the intent to have se<ual inte!cou!se.
7astl#, he insists that he coul3 not be convicte3 of all the
cha!1es a1ainst hi0 fo! failu!e of the p!osecution to sho2 that he e0plo#e3 fo!ce, violence o! inti0i3ation
a1ainst AAA8 neithe! 3i3 the latte! o/e! !esistance to appellant=s a3vances.
In !ape cases pa!ticula!l#, the conviction o! acFuittal of the accuse3 0ost often 3epen3s al0ost enti!el# on the
c!e3ibilit# of the co0plainant=s testi0on#. D# the ve!# natu!e of this c!i0e, it is 1ene!all# un2itnesse3 an3
usuall# the victi0 is left to testif# fo! he!self. Bhen a !ape victi0=s testi0on# is st!ai1htfo!2a!3 an3 0a!Ae3
2ith consistenc# 3espite 1!uelin1 e<a0ination, it 3ese!ves full faith an3 con43ence an3 cannot be 3isca!3e3.

If such testi0on# is clea!, consistent an3 c!e3ible to establish the c!i0e be#on3 !easonable 3oubt, a conviction
0a# be base3 on it, not2ithstan3in1 its subseFuent !et!action. Me!e !et!action b# a p!osecution 2itness 3oes
not necessa!il# vitiate he! o!i1inal testi0on#.

A !et!action is looAe3 upon 2ith consi3e!able 3isfavo! b# the cou!ts.
It is e<cee3in1l# un!eliable fo! the!e is
al2a#s the p!obabilit# that such !ecantation 0a# late! on be !epu3iate3. It can easil# be obtaine3 f!o0
2itnesses th!ou1h inti0i3ation o! 0oneta!# consi3e!ation.
7iAe an# othe! testi0on#, it is sub;ect to the test of
c!e3ibilit# base3 on the !elevant ci!cu0stances an3, especiall#, on the 3e0eano! of the 2itness on the stan3.

As co!!ectl# hel3 b# the A, AAA=s testi0on# is c!e3ible not2ithstan3in1 he! subseFuent !et!action. Be Fuote
2ith app!oval its !atiocination in this 2ise@
lea!l#, the !et!action 0a3e b# the Victi0 is heavil# un!eliable. The p!i0o!3ial facto! that i0pelle3 the Victi0
to !et!act the !ape cha!1es a1ainst he! fathe! 2as he! fea! an3 conce!n fo! the 2elfa!e of he! fa0il# especiall#
he! fou! )-* siblin1s. It 3oes not 1o a1ainst !eason o! lo1ic to conclu3e that a 3au1hte!, in hopes of b!in1in1
bacA the ha!0on# in he! fa0il# to!0ente3 b# the t!au0a of !ape, 2oul3 eventuall# cove! fo! the 3asta!3l# acts
co00itte3 b# he! o2n fathe!. Ve!il#, the Victi0=s subseFuent !et!action 3oes not ne1ate he! p!evious
testi0onies accountin1 he! o!3eal in the han3s fo! )sic* he! !apist.
Be no2 p!ocee3 to 3iscuss the speci4c c!i0es 2ith 2hich appellant 2as cha!1e3.
Page 3 of 11
!i0inal ase Nos. %6-6, %6-9 an3 %6.- fo! Rape
The A co!!ectl# convicte3 appellant of Euali4e3 Rape in !i0inal ase No. %6-6, an3 of Acts of
7asciviousness in !i0inal ase Nos. %6-9 an3 %6.-.
The c!i0e of !ape is 3e4ne3 in A!ticle &66+A of the Revise3 Penal o3e )RP*, as a0en3e3 b# the Anti+Rape
7a2 of %99>, as follo2s@
ART. &66+A. Rape, Bhen an3 Ho2 o00itte3. + Rape is co00itte3 G
%. D# a 0an 2ho shall have ca!nal Ano2le31e of a 2o0an un3e! an# of the follo2in1 ci!cu0stances@
a. Th!ou1h fo!ce, th!eat o! inti0i3ation.
In he! 3i!ect testi0on#, AAA state3 that appellant !e0ove3 he! sho!t pants an3 pant#, 2ent on top of he! an3
!ubbe3 his penis a1ainst he! va1inal o!i4ce. She !esiste3 b# c!ossin1 he! le1s but he! e/o!t 2as not enou1h to
p!event appellant f!o0 pullin1 he! le1 an3 eventuall# inse!tin1 his penis into he! va1ina. lea!l#, the!e 2as
It is note2o!th# that appellant pulle3 AAA=s le1, so that he coul3 inse!t his penis into he! va1ina. This
a3eFuatel# sho2s that appellant e0plo#e3 fo!ce in o!3e! to acco0plish his pu!pose. Mo!eove!, in !ape
co00itte3 b# a fathe! a1ainst his o2n 3au1hte!, the fo!0e!=s 0o!al ascen3anc# an3 inJuence ove! the latte!
0a# substitute fo! actual ph#sical violence an3 inti0i3ation. The 0o!al an3 ph#sical 3o0inion of the fathe! is
su/icient to co2 the victi0 into sub0ission to his beastl# 3esi!es, an3 no fu!the! p!oof nee3 be sho2n to p!ove
lacA of the victi0=s consent to he! o2n 3e4le0ent.

Bhile appellant=s conviction 2as p!i0a!il# base3 on the p!osecution=s testi0onial evi3ence, the sa0e 2as
co!!obo!ate3 b# ph#sical evi3ence consistin1 of the 0e3ical 4n3in1s of the 0e3ico+le1al o/ice! that the!e 2e!e
h#0enal lace!ations. Bhen a !ape victi0=s account is st!ai1htfo!2a!3 an3 can3i3, an3 is co!!obo!ate3 b# the
0e3ical 4n3in1s of the e<a0inin1 ph#sician, the sa0e is su/icient to suppo!t a conviction fo! !ape.
Asi3e f!o0 the fact of co00ission of !ape, the p!osecution liAe2ise establishe3 that appellant is the biolo1ical
fathe! of AAA an3 that the latte! 2as then 4fteen )%.*
#ea!s ol3. Thus, the A aptl# convicte3 hi0 of Fuali4e3
!ape, 3e4ne3 an3 penaliCe3 b# A!ticle &66+D of the RP, viC.@
ART. &66+D. Penalties. G < < <.
< < < <
The 3eath penalt# shall also be i0pose3 if the c!i0e of !ape is co00itte3 2ith an# of the follo2in1
a11!avatin1KFualif#in1 ci!cu0stances@
%* Bhen the victi0 is un3e! ei1hteen )%(* #ea!s of a1e an3 the o/en3e! is a pa!ent, ascen3ant, step+pa!ent,
1ua!3ian, !elative b# consan1uinit# o! a/init# 2ithin the thi!3 civil 3e1!ee, o! the co00on la2 spouse of the
pa!ent of the victi0.
In vie2 of the e/ectivit# of Republic Act )R.A.* 9$-6, appellant 2as co!!ectl# 0ete3 the penalt# of !eclusion
pe!petua, 2ithout eli1ibilit# fo! pa!ole.
As to 3a0a1es, appellant shoul3 pa# AAA P>.,'''.'' as civil in3e0nit#, 2hich is a2a!3e3 if the c!i0e is
Fuali4e3 b# ci!cu0stances that 2a!!ant the i0position of the 3eath penalt#.
In li1ht of p!evailin1
2e inc!ease the a2a!3 of 0o!al 3a0a1es f!o0 P.','''.'' to P>.,'''.''. 5u!the!, the a2a!3
of e<e0pla!# 3a0a1es in the a0ount of P$','''.''
is autho!iCe3 3ue to the p!esence of the Fualif#in1
ci!cu0stances of 0ino!it# an3 !elationship.
In !i0inal ase Nos. %6-9 an3 %6.-, althou1h appellant 2as cha!1e3 2ith Fuali4e3 !ape alle1e3l# co00itte3
on the secon3 2eeA of Nove0be! &''' an3 Ma# &>, &''%, he shoul3 be convicte3 2ith Acts of 7asciviousness
co00itte3 a1ainst a chil3 un3e! Section .)b*, A!ticle III of R.A. >6%',
2hich !ea3s@
Page 4 of 11
SE. .. Child Prostitution and Other Sexual Abuse. G hil3!en, 2hethe! 0ale o! fe0ale, 2ho fo! 0one#, p!o4t,
o! an# othe! consi3e!ation o! due to the coercion or infuence of any adult, s#n3icate o! 1!oup, in3ul1e in
se<ual inte!cou!se o! lascivious conduct, a!e 3ee0e3 to be chil3!en e<ploite3 in p!ostitution an3 othe! se<ual
The penalt# of reclusion temporal in its 0e3iu0 pe!io3 to reclusion perpetua shall be i0pose3 upon the
< < < <
)b* Those 2ho co00it the act of se<ual inte!cou!se o! lascivious conduct 2ith a chil3 e<ploite3 in p!ostitution
o! sub;ecte3 to othe! se<ual abuse@ Provided, That 2hen the victi0 is un3e! t2elve )%&* #ea!s of a1e, the
pe!pet!ato!s shall be p!osecute3 un3e! A!ticle $$., pa!a1!aph $, fo! !ape an3 A!ticle $$6 of Act No. $(%., as
a0en3e3, the Revise3 Penal o3e, fo! !ape o! lascivious con3uct, as the case 0a# be@ Provided, That the
penalt# fo! lascivious con3uct 2hen the victi0 is un3e! t2elve )%&* #ea!s of a1e shall be reclusion temporal in
its 0e3iu0 pe!io38 < < <. )Italics supplie3.*
The ele0ents of se<ual abuse un3e! the above p!ovision a!e as follo2s@
%. The accuse3 co00its the act of se<ual inte!cou!se o! lascivious conduct.
&. The sai3 act is pe!fo!0e3 2ith a chil3 e<ploite3 in p!ostitution o! sub;ecte3 to othe! se<ual
$. The chil3, 2hethe! 0ale o! fe0ale, is belo2 %( #ea!s of a1e.
AAA testi4e3 that in Nove0be! &''', 2hile she an3 appellant 2e!e insi3e the be3!oo0, he 2ent on top of he!
an3 !ubbe3 his penis a1ainst he! va1inal o!i4ce until he e;aculate3.
She liAe2ise state3 in open cou!t that on
Ma# &>, &''%, 2hile insi3e thei! co0fo!t !oo0, appellant !ubbe3 his penis a1ainst he! va1ina 2hile the# 2e!e
in a stan3in1 position.
In both instances, the!e 2as no penet!ation, o! even an atte0pt to inse!t his penis into
he! va1ina.
The afo!esai3 acts of the appellant a!e cove!e3 b# the 3e4nitions of ?se<ual abuse? an3 ?lascivious con3uct?
un3e! Section &)1* an3 )h* of the Rules an3 Re1ulations on the Repo!tin1 an3 Investi1ation of hil3 Abuse
ases p!o0ul1ate3 to i0ple0ent the p!ovisions of R.A. >6%'@
)1* #Se$%&' &b%(e# inclu3es the e0plo#0ent, use, pe!suasion, in3uce0ent, entice0ent o! coe!cion of a chil3
to en1a1e in, o! assist anothe! pe!son to en1a1e in, se<ual inte!cou!se o! lascivious con3uct o! the
0olestation, p!ostitution, o! incest 2ith chil3!en8
)h* #L&(c)*)o%( co+,%ct# 0eans the intentional touchin1, eithe! 3i!ectl# o! th!ou1h clothin1, of the 1enitalia,
anus, 1!oin, b!east, inne! thi1h, o! buttocAs, o! the int!o3uction of an# ob;ect into the 1enitalia, anus o! 0outh,
of an# pe!son, 2hethe! of the sa0e o! opposite se<, 2ith an intent to abuse, hu0iliate, ha!ass, 3e1!a3e, o!
a!ouse o! 1!atif# the se<ual 3esi!e of an# pe!son, bestialit#, 0astu!bation, lascivious e<hibition of the 1enitals
o! public a!ea of a pe!son.
5ollo2in1 the ?va!iance 3oct!ine? e0bo3ie3 in Section -, in !elation to Section ., Rule %&' of the Rules of
!i0inal P!oce3u!e, appellant can be foun3 1uilt# of the lesse! c!i0e of Acts of 7asciviousness co00itte3
a1ainst a chil3. The pe!tinent p!ovisions !ea3@
Sec. -. Judgment in case of variance between allegation and proof. G Bhen the!e is va!iance bet2een the
o/ense cha!1e3 in the co0plaint o! info!0ation an3 that p!ove3, an3 the o/ense as cha!1e3 is inclu3e3 in o!
necessa!il# inclu3es the o/ense p!ove3, the accuse3 shall be convicte3 of the o/ense p!ove3 2hich is inclu3e3
in the o/ense cha!1e3, o! of the o/ense cha!1e3 2hich is inclu3e3 in the o/ense p!ove3.
Sec. .. hen an o!ense includes or is included in another. G An o/ense cha!1e3 necessa!il# inclu3es the
o/ense p!ove3 2hen so0e of the essential ele0ents o! in1!e3ients of the fo!0e!, as alle1e3 in the co0plaint o!
info!0ation, constitute the latte!. An3 an o/ense cha!1e3 is necessa!il# inclu3e3 in the o/ense p!ove3, 2hen
the essential in1!e3ients of the fo!0e! constitute o! fo!0 pa!t of those constitutin1 the latte!.
Page 5 of 11
As the c!i0e 2as co00itte3 b# the fathe! of the o/en3e3 pa!t#, the alte!native ci!cu0stance of !elationship
shoul3 be app!eciate3. In c!i0es a1ainst chastit#, such as Acts of 7asciviousness, !elationship is al2a#s
Section .)b* of R.A. >6%' p!esc!ibes the penalt# of !eclusion te0po!al in its 0e3iu0 pe!io3 to !eclusion
pe!petua. Since the!e is an a11!avatin1 ci!cu0stance an3 no 0iti1atin1 ci!cu0stance, the penalt# shall be
applie3 in its 0a<i0u0 pe!io3 +++ !eclusion pe!petua fo! each count.
onsistent 2ith p!evious !ulin1s
of the ou!t, appellant 0ust also in3e0nif# AAA in the a0ount of
P%.,'''.'' as 0o!al 3a0a1es an3 pa# a 4ne in the sa0e a0ount in !i0inal ase Nos. %6-9 an3 %6.-.
!i0inal ase Nos. %6-- an3 %6-. fo! Acts of 7asciviousness
Appellant is liAe2ise 1uilt# of t2o )&* counts of Acts of 7asciviousness un3e! Section .)b*, A!ticle III, R.A. >6%'
co00itte3 a1ainst AAA on the secon3 2eeA of Au1ust %999 an3 on the 4!st 2eeA of Septe0be! %999. AAA
testi4e3 that in Au1ust, appellant, 2ith le23 3esi1n, inse!te3 his han3s insi3e he! shi!t then fon3le3 he!
b!easts8 an3 in Septe0be!, he fo!ce3 he! to hol3 his penis until he e;aculate3.
The t!ial an3 the appellate cou!ts 2e!e co!!ect in 1ivin1 c!e3ence to the victi0=s testi0on#, in 3is0issin1
appellant=s 3efense of 3enial an3 alibi, an3 in 3isbelievin1 that AAA initiate3 the c!i0inal cases onl# upon the
p!o33in1 of the latte!=s 1!an30othe!. Settle3 ;u!isp!u3ence tells us that the 0e!e 3enial of one=s involve0ent
in a c!i0e cannot taAe p!ece3ence ove! the positive testi0on# of the o/en3e3 pa!t#.
Be a!e not un0in3ful of the fact that appellant 2as speci4call# cha!1e3 in an Info!0ation fo! Acts of
7asciviousness 3e4ne3 an3 penaliCe3 b# A!ticle $$6 of the RP. Ho2eve!, the failu!e to 3esi1nate the o/ense
b# statute, o! to 0ention the speci4c p!ovision penaliCin1 the act, o! an e!!oneous speci4cation of the la2
violate3, 3oes not vitiate the info!0ation if the facts alle1e3 clea!l# !ecite the facts constitutin1 the c!i0e
The cha!acte! of the c!i0e is not 3ete!0ine3 b# the caption o! p!ea0ble of the info!0ation no! f!o0
the speci4cation of the p!ovision of la2 alle1e3 to have been violate3, but b# the !ecital of the ulti0ate facts
an3 ci!cu0stances in the co0plaint o! info!0ation.
In the p!esent case, the bo3# of the info!0ation contains an ave!0ent of the acts alle1e3 to have been
co00itte3 b# appellant 2hich un0istaAabl# !efe!s to acts punishable un3e! Section .)b*, A!ticle III, R.A. >6%'.
Appellant shoul3, the!efo!e, be 0ete3 the sa0e penalties an3 be 0a3e to ans2e! fo! 3a0a1es as in !i0inal
ase Nos. %6-9 an3 %6.-.
!i0inal ase No. %6.% fo! Atte0pte3 Rape
AAA testi4e3 that on Nove0be! &-, &''', 2hile AAA an3 he! b!othe!s 2e!e sleepin1 insi3e thei! pa!ents=
be3!oo0, appellant ente!e3 an3 asAe3 AAA to have se< 2ith hi0. Bhen AAA !efuse3, appellant fo!cibl#
!e0ove3 he! clothes an3 bo<e3 he! !i1ht buttocA. As she still !esiste3, he tooA a bolo, 2hich he poAe3 at he!.
Appellant 3esiste3 f!o0 co00ittin1 fu!the! acts because of the ti0el# a!!ival of AAA=s 1!an30othe!. Bith
these, appellant 2as cha!1e3 2ith Othe! 7i1ht Th!eats in !i0inal ase No. %6.'8 Atte0pte3 Rape in !i0inal
ase No. %6.%8 :n;ust Ve<ation in !i0inal ase No. %6.&8 an3 Malt!eat0ent in !i0inal ase No. %6.$.
On Septe0be! &-, &''-, the RT 3is0isse3 !i0inal ase Nos. %6.', %6.& an3 %6.$ fo! insu/icienc# of
evi3ence. !i0inal ase No. %6.%, a0on1 othe!s, p!ocee3e3, ho2eve!. Eventuall#, appellant 2as convicte3 of
Atte0pte3 Rape, 2hich the A a/i!0e3.
A ca!eful !evie2 of the !eco!3s !eveals, thou1h, that the evi3ence is insu/icient to suppo!t appellant=s
conviction of Atte0pte3 Rape.
Rape is atte0pte3 2hen the o/en3e! co00ences the co00ission of !ape 3i!ectl# b# ove!t acts an3 3oes not
pe!fo!0 all the acts of e<ecution b# !eason of so0e cause o! acci3ent othe! than his o2n spontaneous
The p!osecution 0ust, the!efo!e, establish the follo2in1 ele0ents of an atte0pte3 felon#@
%. The o/en3e! co00ences the co00ission of the felon# 3i!ectl# b# ove!t acts8
Page 6 of 11
&. He 3oes not pe!fo!0 all the acts of e<ecution 2hich shoul3 p!o3uce the felon#8
$. The o/en3e!=s act be not stoppe3 b# his o2n spontaneous 3esistance8
-. The non+pe!fo!0ance of all acts of e<ecution 2as 3ue to cause o! acci3ent othe! than his
spontaneous 3esistance.
The atte0pt that the RP punishes is that 2hich has a lo1ical connection to a pa!ticula!, conc!ete o/ense8 an3
that 2hich is the be1innin1 of the e<ecution of the o/ense b# ove!t acts of the pe!pet!ato!, lea3in1 3i!ectl# to
its !ealiCation an3 consu00ation.
In the instant case, the p!i0a!# Fuestion that co0es to the fo!e is 2hethe!
o! not appellant=s act of !e0ovin1 AAA=s pants constitute3 an ove!t act of Rape.
Be ans2e! in the ne1ative.
Ove!t o! e<te!nal act has been 3e4ne3 as so0e ph#sical activit# o! 3ee3, in3icatin1 the intention to co00it a
pa!ticula! c!i0e, 0o!e than a 0e!e plannin1 o! p!epa!ation, 2hich if ca!!ie3 out to its co0plete te!0ination
follo2in1 its natu!al cou!se, 2ithout bein1 f!ust!ate3 b# e<te!nal obstacles no! b# the volunta!# 3esistance of
the pe!pet!ato!, 2ill lo1icall# an3 necessa!il# !ipen into a conc!ete o/ense.
The evi3ence on !eco!3 3oes not sho2 that the above ele0ents a!e p!esent. The 3etaile3 acts of e<ecution
sho2in1 an atte0pt to !ape a!e si0pl# lacAin1. It 2oul3 be too st!aine3 to const!ue appellant=s act of !e0ovin1
AAA=s pants as an ove!t act that 2ill lo1icall# an3 necessa!il# !ipen into !ape. Hence, appellant 0ust be
acFuitte3 of Atte0pte3 Rape.
Neithe! can 2e hol3 appellant liable fo! Othe! 7i1ht Th!eats fo! th!eatenin1 AAA 2ith a bolo8 fo! :n;ust
Ve<ation fo! un3!essin1 he! 2ithout he! consent, causin1 3istu!bance, to!0ent, 3ist!ess, an3 ve<ation8 no! fo!
Malt!eat0ent fo! bo<in1 the !i1ht si3e of AAA=s buttocAs. Althou1h all of the above acts 2e!e alle1e3 in the
Info!0ation fo! Atte0pte3 Rape in the O!3e! 3ate3 Septe0be! &-, &''-, !i0inal ase Nos. %6.', %6.& an3
%6.$ involvin1 the above c!i0es 2e!e 3is0isse3 fo! insu/icienc# of evi3ence base3 on the 3e0u!!e! to
evi3ence 4le3 b# appellant.
The o!3e! 1!antin1 appellant=s 3e0u!!e! to evi3ence 2as a !esolution of the case on the 0e!its, an3 it
a0ounte3 to an acFuittal. An# fu!the! p!osecution of the accuse3 afte! an acFuittal 2oul3 violate the
p!osc!iption on 3ouble ;eopa!3#.
Acco!3in1l#, appellant=s conviction of an# of the above c!i0es, even un3e!
!i0inal ase No. %6.%, 2oul3 t!ench in his constitutional !i1ht a1ainst 3ouble ;eopa!3#.
!i0inal ase No. %6.. fo! :n;ust Ve<ation
Appellant 2as cha!1e3 2ith :n;ust Ve<ation, 3e4ne3 an3 penaliCe3 b# A!ticle &(> of the RP, 2hich !ea3s@
ART. &(>. 7i1ht coe!cions. G An# pe!son 2ho, b# 0eans of violence, shall seiCe an#thin1 belon1in1 to his 3ebto!
fo! the pu!pose of appl#in1 the sa0e to the pa#0ent of the 3ebt, shall su/e! the penalt# of a!!esto 0a#o! in its
0ini0u0 pe!io3 an3 a 4ne eFuivalent to the value of the thin1, but in no case less than >. pesos.
An# othe! coe!cion o! un;ust ve<ation shall be punishe3 b# a!!esto 0eno! o! a 4ne !an1in1 f!o0 . to &''
pesos, o! both.
The secon3 pa!a1!aph of this p!ovision is b!oa3 enou1h to inclu3e an# hu0an con3uct that, althou1h not
p!o3uctive of so0e ph#sical o! 0ate!ial ha!0, coul3 un;usti4abl# anno# o! ve< an innocent pe!son. The
pa!a0ount Fuestion to be consi3e!e3 is 2hethe! the o/en3e!=s act cause3 anno#ance, i!!itation, to!0ent,
3ist!ess, o! 3istu!bance to the 0in3 of the pe!son to 2ho0 it 2as 3i!ecte3.
Appellant=s acts of e0b!acin1, 3!a11in1 an3 Aissin1 AAA in f!ont of he! f!ien3 anno#e3 AAA. The 4lin1 of the
case a1ainst appellant p!ove3 that AAA 2as 3istu!be3, if not 3ist!esse3 b# the acts of appellant.
The penalt# fo! coe!cion fallin1 un3e! the secon3 pa!a1!aph of A!ticle &(> of the RP is a!!esto 0eno! o! a
4ne !an1in1 f!o0 P..'' to P&''.'' o! both. Acco!3in1l#, appellant is sentence3 to $' 3a#s of a!!esto 0eno!
an3 to pa# a 4ne of P&''.'', 2ith the accesso!# penalties the!eof.
Page 7 of 11
BHERE5ORE, the ou!t A55IRMS the "anua!# $%, &''( ou!t of Appeals Decision in A+,.R. R No. $''-.
2ith MODI5IATIONS. The ou!t 4n3s appellant Salvino Su0in12a@
%. ,:I7TL of E:A7I5IED RAPE in !i0inal ase No. %6-6. He is sentence3 to su/e! the
penalt# of !eclusion pe!petua 2ithout eli1ibilit# fo! pa!ole an3 o!3e!e3 to pa# AAA P>.,'''.''
as civil in3e0nit#, P>.,'''.'' as 0o!al 3a0a1es, an3 P$','''.'' as e<e0pla!# 3a0a1es.
&. ,:I7TL of fou! )-* counts of ATS O5 7ASIVIO:SNESS un3e! Section . )b* A!ticle III of
R.A. >6%' in !i0inal ase Nos. %6--, %6-., %6-9, an3 %6.-. He is sentence3 to su/e! the
penalt# of !eclusion pe!petua an3 o!3e!e3 to pa# AAA P%.,'''.'' as 0o!al 3a0a1es an3 a 4ne
of P%.,'''.'', fo! EAH O:NT.
$. NOT ,:I7TL in !i0inal ase No. %6.%.
-. ,:I7TL of :N":ST VEMATION in !i0inal ase No. %6... He is sentence3 to su/e! $' 3a#s
of a!!esto 0eno! an3 to pa# a 4ne of P&''.'', 2ith the accesso!# penalties the!eof.
Associate "ustice
Associate "ustice
Associate "ustice
Associate "ustice
Associate "ustice
I attest that the conclusions in the above Decision 2e!e !eache3 in consultation befo!e the case 2as assi1ne3
to the 2!ite! of the opinion of the ou!t=s Division.
Associate "ustice
hai!pe!son, Thi!3 Division
E R T I 5 I A T I O N
Pu!suant to Section %$, A!ticle VIII of the onstitution an3 the Division hai!pe!sonNs Attestation, I ce!tif# that
the conclusions in the above Decision ha3 been !eache3 in consultation befo!e the case 2as assi1ne3 to the
2!ite! of the opinion of the ou!t=s Division.
Actin1 hief "ustice
Penne3 b# Associate "ustice M#!na Di0a!anan Vi3al, 2ith Associate "ustices "ose at!al
Men3oCa an3 "ose . Re#es, "!., concu!!in18 !ollo, pp. &+$(.
Page 8 of 11
D!anch $., Dontoc Mountain P!ovince.
Penne3 b# Pai!in1 "u31e A!te0io D. Ma!!e!o8 A !ollo, pp. .9+>-.
Rollo, pp. -&+--.
DocAete3 as !i0inal ase Nos. %6-- an3 %6-..
DocAete3 as !i0inal ase Nos. %6-6, %6->, %6-9 an3 %6.-.
DocAete3 as !i0inal ase Nos. %6-(, %6.& an3 %6...
DocAete3 as !i0inal ase No. %6.'.
DocAete3 as !i0inal ase No. %6.$.
DocAete3 as !i0inal ase No. %6.%.
The acts co0plaine3 of 2e!e co00itte3 2hen the victi0 2as %. an3 %6 #ea!s ol3.
Reco!3s )!i0inal ase No. %6--*, pp. %.6+%.(.
I3. at %-%+%-(.
TSN, Dece0be! %', &''$, pp. -+6.
I3. at 6+(.
I3. at (+%'.
I3. at %%+%&.
I3. at %&+%$.
I3. at %-.
I3. at %-+%..
Reco!3s )!i0inal ase No. %6--*, p. &'.
Rollo, pp. %'+%%.
I3. at %%.
Reco!3s )!i0inal ase No. %6--*, p. &'6.
In !i0inal ases No. %6--, %6-., %6-6, %6-9, an3 %6.-.
In !i0inal ase No. %6.%.
In !i0inal ase No. %6...
A !ollo, p. >$.
Page 9 of 11
Rollo, pp. $>+$(.
I3. at .6.
I3. at .6+.(.
A !ollo, p. .$.
People v. Abulon, ,.R. No. %>-->$, Au1ust %>, &''>, .$' SRA 6>., 6(>+6((.
People v. Deauna, -$. Phil. %-%, %6$ )&''&*.
People v. MiOon, ,.R. Nos. %-($9>+-'', "ul# >, &''-, -$$ SRA 6>%, 6(.+6(6.
People v. Deauna, sup!a note $., at %6-.
People v. MiOon, sup!a note $6, at 6(.+6(6.
Rollo, pp. %>+%(.
a0pos v. People, ,.R. No. %>.&>., 5eb!ua!# %9, &''(, .-6 SRA $$-, $->+$-(8 People v.
DalonCo, ,.R. No. %>6%.$, Septe0be! &%, &''>, .$$ SRA >6', >>%.
People v. ,ua0bo!, -6. Phil. 6>% )&''-*.
AAA 2as bo!n on Nove0be! %&, %9(- as sho2n in he! e!ti4cate of 7ive Di!th8 !eco!3s
)!i0inal ase No. %6--*, p. %$(.
People v. Antonio, ,.R. No. %('9&', Ma!ch &>, &''(, .-9 SRA .69, .>-.
People v. De;ic, ,.R. No. %>-'6', "une &., &''>, .&. SRA -((8 People v. IbaOeC, ,.R. No.
%>-6.6, Ma# %%, &''>, .&$ SRA %$6.
People of the Philippines v. 7ilio :. Achas, ,.R. No. %(.>%&, Au1ust -, &''98 People of the
Philippines v. A3ela3o An1uac # Ra1a3ao, ,.R. No. %>6>--, "une ., &''98 The People of the
Philippines v. 7o!enCo 7a#co, S!., ,.R. No. %(&%9%, Ma# (, &''9.
People v. De;ic, sup!a note --8 People v. IbaOeC, sup!a note --, at %-..
?Special P!otection of hil3!en A1ainst hil3 Abuse, E<ploitation an3 Disc!i0ination Act.?
Malto v. People, ,.R. No. %6->$$, Septe0be! &%, &''>, .$$ SRA 6-$, 6.68 Nava!!ete v.
People, ,.R. No. %->9%$, "anua!# $%, &''>, .%$ SRA .'9, .&%8 Oliva!es v. ou!t of Appeals,
,.R. No. %6$(66, "ul# &9, &''., -6. SRA -6., ->$.
TSN, Dece0be! %', &''$, p. &&.
I3. at &..
People v. Montinola, ,.R. No. %>('6%, "anua!# $%, &''(, .-$ SRA -%&.
I38 People v. an3aCa, ,.R. No. %>'->-, "une %6, &''6, -9% SRA &('8 Oliva!es v. ou!t of
Appeals, sup!a note -(.
Page 10 of 11
People of the Philippines v. He!acleo Abello # 5o!ta3a, ,.R. No. %.%9.&, Ma!ch &., &''9.
Malto v. People, sup!a. note -(.
Oliva!es v. ou!t of Appeals, sup!a note -(.
People of the Philippines v. atalino Min10in1 # Discalso, ,.R. No. %>-%9., Dece0be! %',
&''(8 Dale!os, "!. v. People, ,.R. No. %$('$$, 5eb!ua!# &&, &''6, -($ SRA %', &>.
People of the Philippines v. atalino Min10in1 # Discalso, sup!a note .>8 People v. 7iCa3a,
,.R. Nos. %-$-6(+>%, "anua!# &-, &''$, $96 SRA 6&, 9-.
Dale!os, "!. v. People, sup!a note .>, at &>.
Dale!os, "!. v. People, i3. at &>+&(8 People v. 7iCa3a, sup!a note .(, at 9-.
People v. 7iCa3a, "!., ,.R. No. %&(.(>, Ma!ch %6, &''>, .%( SRA $9$, -'$8 People v.
San3i1anba#an, -&6 Phil. -.$ )&''&*.
Ma3e!aCo v. People, ,.R. No. %6.'6., Septe0be! &6, &''6, .'$ SRA &$-, &->8 Dale!os, "!. v.
People, sup!a note
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