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(To be submitted to the project steering committee)
PART A: Synopsis Registration.
I. Student Details:
1. Name of the program : Master of Business Administration
2. Name of the Student : Prashant Agnihotri
3. Roll Number : 130201223
4. Session & Year : Aug ! 201"
. Name and address of learning !entre : #T P$#%T
&#'(11) *+,) -atan .a/ %agar) Barra(2
II. "ro#e!t Details
$. %itle of the "ro#e!t : &R "'(I)I*S +ND I%S I,"(*,*N%+%I'N
-. "roblem Statement :
M4 team is 5no6/edgeab/e about the stages of de7e/opment teams can be e8pected to go
Team members are pro7ided 6ith a great dea/ of feedbac5 regarding their performance3
Team members are encouraged to 6or5 for the common good of the organi9ation3
There are man4 comp/aints) and mora/e is /o6 on m4 team3
Team members don:t understand the decisions that are made) or don:t agree 6ith them3
Peop/e are encouraged to be good team members) and bui/d good re/ationships3
Team members are pro7ided 6ith de7e/opment opportunities3
Meetings are inefficient and there is a /ot of ro/e o7er/ap3
Team members are encouraged to commit to the team 7ision) and /eaders he/p them
understand ho6 their ro/e fits into the big picture3
Team members are often gi7en a chance to 6or5 on interesting tas5s and stretch their
5no6/edge and capabi/ities3
The team understands 6hat it needs to accomp/ish and has the resources needed to be
;onf/ict and hosti/it4 bet6een members is a per7asi7e issue that doesn:t seem to get better3
Peop/e fee/ that good 6or5 is not re6arded and the4 are not sure 6hat is e8pected of them3
Team members ba/ance their indi7idua/ needs for autonom4 6ith the benefits of mutua/
<or5ing re/ationships across units or functions is poor) and there is a /ac5 of coordination3
.. ,ethodolog/ to be used :
%/pe of Resear!h: =8p/orator4 -esearch
Data sour!es: The research is based on secondar4 data and the data is co//ected from
7arious 6ebsites) >ourna/s) Maga9ines) Artic/es and -esearch Paper3
III. 0uide Details:
?3 %ame of Proposed 'uide : Ms3 Anja/i ,ingh
103 'uide registration %o3 (#f a7ai/ab/e) : MBA002?
113 *esignation : ,r3 .ecturer
123 Affi/iation : ,i55im Manipa/ 2ni7ersit4) *=
133 @ua/ification : Phd(P)) MBA
1"3 Tota/ =8perience : " Ars
13 ;ommunication Address : &#'(11) *+,) -atan .a/ %agar) Barra(2)
1B3 ;ontact %o3 : ?B"C"2"2
113 =(mai/ #* : anja/isingh35prDgmai/3com
PART B: Guide Acceptance
# *r3+Mr3+Mrs3 +n#ali Singh 6or5ing as Sr. (e!turer 6ith Si11im ,anipal 2ni3ersit/4 D*
hereb4 confirm m4 6i//ingness to guide Mr3+ Ms "rashant +gnihotri -o// %o3 135251223)
attached to .earning ;entre (code) 5561. (%ame) I % "'IN% (;it4) 7anpur in the topic
&R "'(I)I*S +ND I%S I,"(*,*N%+%I'N 4 during the 8all session of 2514 94ear)
period :an 2513 (month+4ear) to :an 251 (month+4ear)3 # agree to this time/ine and a/so
to submit the project status+ #nterna/ Assessment mar5s to the 2ni7ersit43
P/ace: 0anpur
*ate: 2C+0B+201" (,ignature of the 'uide)
# hereb4 dec/are that this project s4nopsis is an origina/ 6or5 carried b4 me and 6i// not
submitted to an4 other 2ni7ersit4 for fu/fi/ment of an4 course of stud43
P/ace: 0anpur
*ate: 2C+0B+201" (,ignature of the ,tudent)

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