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1- Which would you rather lose: your vision or your sense of humor?
- !hoose "etween "ein# e$tremely u#ly and very intelli#ent or incredi"ly
"eautiful "ut %articularly stu%id
&- Would you rather have ' e$citin# years ahead of you( or )' fairly routine
)- If could "e re"orn( would you choose to "e "lac* or white?
+- If you #o to ,eaven( how will you -ustify all your %ossessions while millions of
%eo%le starve? Do you #ive money.hel% to "e##ars?
/- Do you thin* that everythin# and every"ody has a %rice?
0- A #rou% of %eo%le decide to clim" a di1cult mountain des%ite a "ad weather
forecast( they have %ro"lems while clim"in# and a rescue team is needed2 3ou
are %art of the rescue team4 would you ris* your life and hel% the clim"ers?
5- Do you thin* %eo%le who %artici%ate in e$treme s%orts should "e o"li#ed to ta*e
a health insurance rather than ma*in# use of %u"lic medical care if they have
1- Which would you rather lose: your vision or your sense of humor?
- !hoose "etween "ein# e$tremely u#ly and very intelli#ent or incredi"ly
"eautiful "ut %articularly stu%id
&- Would you rather have ' e$citin# years ahead of you( or )' fairly routine
)- If could "e re"orn( would you choose to "e "lac* or white?
+- If you #o to ,eaven( how will you -ustify all your %ossessions while millions of
%eo%le starve? Do you #ive money.hel% to "e##ars?
/- Do you thin* that everythin# and every"ody has a %rice?
0- A #rou% of %eo%le decide to clim" a di1cult mountain des%ite a "ad weather
forecast( they have %ro"lems while clim"in# and a rescue team is needed2 3ou
are %art of the rescue team4 would you ris* your life and hel% the clim"ers?
5- Do you thin* %eo%le who %artici%ate in e$treme s%orts should "e o"li#ed to ta*e
a health insurance rather than ma*in# use of %u"lic medical care if they have
1- Which would you rather lose: your vision or your sense of humor?
- !hoose "etween "ein# e$tremely u#ly and very intelli#ent or incredi"ly
"eautiful "ut %articularly stu%id
&- Would you rather have ' e$citin# years ahead of you( or )' fairly routine
)- If could "e re"orn( would you choose to "e "lac* or white?
+- If you #o to ,eaven( how will you -ustify all your %ossessions while millions of
%eo%le starve? Do you #ive money.hel% to "e##ars?
/- Do you thin* that everythin# and every"ody has a %rice?
0- A #rou% of %eo%le decide to clim" a di1cult mountain des%ite a "ad weather
forecast( they have %ro"lems while clim"in# and a rescue team is needed2 3ou
are %art of the rescue team4 would you ris* your life and hel% the clim"ers?
5- Do you thin* %eo%le who %artici%ate in e$treme s%orts should "e o"li#ed to ta*e
a health insurance rather than ma*in# use of %u"lic medical care if they have

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