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Holiday Fun.

Chapter 1
One bright sunny day, upon the south coast of the UK, I spent my summer. Back to a place
where I had spent most of my young adulthood in the forces.
On my first full day, I decided to that, despite my usual holiday routines I would actually
spend this time on the beach. It was hot, clear and een though it was against almost
eerything I liked about the coast, I went. Haing considered tourism and the heat, I left
the Hotel room early, arriing on the sand around !"#$! knowing it would be empty % and
yet still a nice &'(). *his suited me, good temperature, empty beach, and enough time to
en+oy the ,uiet before the families turned out.
I made myself comfortable in a secluded dune, a good sea iew, but fairly priate, ,uiet
and semi coer proided by hawthorn. -tripping down to +ust my tight swim trunk shorts,
lying on my blanket, I started reading my book. It wasn(t long howeer, about an hour, that
I was disturbed, much to my annoyance at the time. It appeared that the local group of
young people had already discoered the fine benefits from this hidden dune . I had
somewhat gate/crashed their hang/out area 0much to their disgust too1. 2fter
acknowledging them all, 3 in total 04 girls and 5 boys1 I smiled, eyeing up the group trying
to suss them out, the girls were cute and in all not bad eye/candy I decided to rela6 and
gae them all a wink . a smile. *he group immediately rela6ed in my company . went to
doing their own thing, clearly locals wanting pretty much the same as me % to en+oy the
beach before the rush.
2fter another few minutes, one of the guys commented on the book I was reading (7oyal
8ay Battles( saying that he was +oining the 8ay and wondered if I had anything to do
with it. I started to share with the group that I had sered and after some e6changes, I
found myself telling a few (sea stories( to the group of young people like an old sea
captain. *he 4 girls and the boy who was +oining up stayed and listened9 the others busied
themseles with football. 2s the morning progressed, one girl took a great interest . was
asking ery good ,uestions, getting as much information about the book and the nay as
she could. 2fter a while, the group got up, deciding it was time to moe on and leae me in
peace before the beach really busied itself. *his one girl decided to stay, -abrina, as she
introduced herself wanted to know more, the others dismissed this as they new she had a
geeky tendency towards all things 8ay . had agreed they(d meet up later. Once the
others were clear she really loosened up, relieed they(d gone, clearly wanting to ask more
,uestions but were too self/conscious about in front of her piers.
-abrina was wearing some light blue hot pants and a bikini top and had a ery young/ish
charm about her, her body was of a small frame which only reinforced her young looks.
-he(d identified herself as being &" earlier but looked younger which was a pain as she
always got I: issues when going out. I laid on the blanket, and inited her to +oin me on it,
as well as initing more open ,uestions she may hae for me. -ensitie that she must
hae had more pressing ,uestions she felt she couldn(t impart in front of her friends. Her
first few ,uestions were ery innocuous, to me, seemingly standard considering their
content. I wondered why she had waited to ask these ,uestions.
*he topic then seemed to switch ,uite ,uickly to relationships, and how hard it was to keep
in the lifestyle. Her mood seemed to change, the colour in her face altered somehow, as if
this was the reason she wanted to talk without her friends. -he admitted that her and her
boyfriend had only been dating a year and that she wasn(t sure that they could cope if
either of them had adopted the serices lifestyle.
I admitted to her that it was damn near impossible, in fact9 the only real certainty was that
you were most likely to engage in flings than anything else. Her body language to my
admissions intrigued me, she moed and writhed in her seat, mulling things oer in her
mind. ;entually gaining enough courage to ask <so, you(e been with many women
her eyes looked e6citedly awaiting my reply, she bit her bottom lip and paused with baited
I smiled and nodded at her, looking at her combined body language9 taking in the way she
bit her lip and the way her body seemed to writhe as I spoke. I eentually answered after a
small pause between us, leaning in +ust a little closer towards her <you mean hae I slept
with many women, don(t you=> I smiled coyly at her, gauging her reaction. -he gasped in
delight as the conersation swept in this new direction, biting her lip again a little harder
she ,uickly replied <yes... well... hae you= ?ou look ery e6perienced... me and my
boyfriend, well... we don(t do much> .
I was a little taken back by her forwardness and was ,uick to respond <define not much=>
-abrina paused and blushed a little bit before replying <@y boyfriend isn(t ery
adenturous, He +ust likes me to lie on my back... when he(s done he +ust collapses and
falls asleepA> her tone was that of disappointment, +ust thinking about it was enough to spur
her on to ask another direct ,uestion, <:o you find that all the women were different= I
mean, were some better than others % feel different=>
she realised that her words had rushed out too ,uick for her to hae thought about them,
she froBe and blushed, yet hanging off her words awaiting tentatiely for me to respond.
I grinned at her and gently nodded my head adding <they all felt different>, as we started to
guide the conersation in this new direction, I grew increasingly aware that her body
language and topic were leading me into a flirt/trap9 one which I was willingly falling into.
2s we share with one another, -abrina moed closer to me, I laid back propped up by my
arms en+oying the mid/morning sun in this still secluded dune. I couldn(t help but take in
another iew of her young body beside me. @y length grew and strained against the tight
fabric of my trunk shorts, I was growing eer more conscious of her young, tender body
and was eager to see her reaction of my admissions. 2fter what seemed a an eternity of
silence 0but was actually only a minute1 she broke the tension saying <are all men different
too=> she giggled as she asked and bit her bottom lip again, I ,uickly responded <of
course> and gae the kind of smile that assured her that she could continue with her chain
of thought. -abrina +umped with a gasp as I spoke, I followed up my comment with another
<I can tell that you are aching to find out.. aren(t you=>
Her face altered, a mi6ture of eager e6citement and shear dread, she blushed and nodded
her head igorously, continuously biting her lip as I flirted with her. I looked around then
whispered <hae a feel of me if you like, tell me if I feel different to your boyfriend.> her face
lit up like a )hristmas tree, she nearly choked on her gasp and fumbled with her hands
before daring to reach out for my torso. I maintained my posture and allowed her young
hands to e6plore my body, she tentatiely reached and traced her fingertips down my
chest. -he grew more confident and began to massage my abs and chest, feeling the
toned flesh and +udging it9 comparing it to that of her thin teenage boyfriend. I allowed her
free roam of my body, my desires for this young girl by now were boiling oer, her hands
began to e6plore as she came to realise she could go whereer she saw fit. Her hands
slowed and her eyes became fi6ed upon my growing length as it presses against the fabric
of my trunk/shorts, the tip of my cock begins to protrude out of the top of them hem. I smile
and wink at her, nodding in acceptance of her touch, giing her the permission she
needed. Her hands slowly moed down onto the fabric of the trunks and traced the outline
of the length, moing them further down she then cupped my balls and gasped as she took
in the siBe of the impression. Her breathing was ,uick and sharp, it was clear that as she
s,uirmed she had worked herself up into a horny frenBy but wasn(t confident enough to act
upon it.
-he looked around semi/cautious and e6pectant on getting caught, it was all ,uiet % giing
her that confidence boost to carry on. I whispered gently <why don(t you get it out and
check how different it is to your boyfriends=> she grinned at my comment and her hands
gently tugged on them hem, pulling it down oer my length, freeing it to the air. Her eyes
seemed to bulge at the sight, a muffled moan escaped her lips as she took a hold of it in
her small hands, I was already hard and that gae her more than enough permission to
play with my length. Her hands started to e6plore eery inch of the einy length, her eyes
were transfi6ed to the shiny head as her dainty little fingers stroked away at the length.
I held my position and watched her as she fumbled with me, eentually saying <-o... how
does it compare=> semi wanting to know if my older, more deeloped member would be
<it doesn(t, at all...> she replied feerishly, <it(s wayyy.... better...> I grinned and twitched my
member in her small hands. Her hands replied to these moements by moing up and
down the length a little ,uicker, she worked up and down my length without showing any
signs of letting up, getting more and more e6cited as she played with me. -he looked
stunning the way that she knelt there, her pert small bikini coered breasts bouncing
slightly as her hands moed, her dark friBBy hair accentuated eery moement of her
head. -he was blissfully unaware of the effect she was haing on me, I was getting close
to e+aculating and wondered if I should tell her. 2s she played with me I decided to keep
,uiet and let her find out, her hand smeared the pre/cum around my head and her
fingertips danced on the tip playfully whilst her other hand gripped the girth of my length.
-he pointed my length towards her and ran both hands up and down the shaft alternately, I
was becoming increasingly closer towards my orgasm and could feel my member tensing
up in her small hands, I know what I wanted to do and now was the time9 as she stroked, I
timed it so she had me pointing directly at her breasts and she was pre occupied with the
feel of me that she would not notice until it was too late. I burst out my first large hot load
out onto her small breasts and hands, she screamed with shock and blushed brightly, only
pumping on my length a few more times before letting go, my length sprang back up to my
stomach. -abrina gasped heaily and breathed at me <Oh my Cod, that was so fucking
hot...> I looked at her as she gently tucked my still hard member back into my trunk/shorts,
I moed and leaned in to her and whispered directly into her ear <if you want to know what
else you(re missing out on, why don(t you come to my hotel=> without saying any more, I
got up and packed my things away into my day bag. -abrina sat on the sand thinking,
watching me as I got up and started to walk away.
I continued to walk towards my hotel on the sea front when Dust as I arried at the hotel
door I heard her oice behind me shout <ok.. show me what i(m missing> I turned with a
smile pleased that she came, my eyes immediately attracted to her small breasts that were
now almost completely coered in my cum and grinned. -abrina looked down to see what
I was staring at and blushed gasping at me <you could hae told me I was coered in your
cumA> I turned and opened the hotel door, 0the grin on my face was enough to tell all who
had the chance to glimpse at my face that I was a happy man, after all, this stunning teen
behind me was coered in my cum and was following me to my room.1. Ee both walked in
and -abrina followed me towards the rooms, as soon as I opened the door I put my bag
down and walked oer towards the middle of the room. -he closed the door behind her
and smiled at me, her eyes staring at my body9 I was still only wearing +ust the tight trunk/
shorts that I had on at the beach, she bit her bottom lip, her eyes told a thousand stories %
many of which ended in one ineitable thingA
I encouraged her forwards towards me, taking her hands and guiding them to my body
e6claiming <here, e6plore to your hearts content, there will be no interruptions here> her
hands began to trace up and down my torso, e6ploring the many differences from that
what she was used to. It wasn(t long before her small hands rolled oer my bulge again,
she gasped in delight <ohA you(re still hard=> I grinned and nodded, she was clearly not
used to this happening so close after orgasm. Her hands fumbled and this time took a tug
of the trunks and pulled them down, I sprang free once again causing her to groan at the
sight, catching her first real glimpse of my balls and hard/standing member at once in a
more open enironment. -he played and toyed with me again, unable to resist the
temptation of playing with this much older, more e6perienced length9 2maBed that the
length was +ust as hard this time as it was last time.
2t this point I sat on the bed and smiled at her, she blushed and took the opportunity to
take off her bikini top, e6posing the most perfect 2 cups. -he stood and hid them
embarrassingly <they(re small... I(m sorryA> I shook my head in disagreement, her hands
dropped and her smile grew bigger, showing them off to me with a slight sway. Her hands
then swung down to her hotpants9 unbuttoning them adding to the se6ual tension <you
know, it(s only fair you see the rest>. I laid on the bed, smiling and letting my length twitch
isibly, giing her a little show of control. -he tantalised and slowly pulled down the
hotpants and with them her bikini bottoms e6posing her thinly haired patch aboe her
young pussy. @y eyes en+oyed the feast of flesh before me, I beckoned her onto the bed
and laid there as she crawled up towards me. -he was isibly nerous but e6cited at the
same time, not knowing what to do she looked at me ,uiBBically. @y hand reached for hers
and guided it down to my length, she took a hold of it and pushed it upright and lifted
herself up and hoered oer it. Her face was caught up in the situation, her chest isibly
bounced with the heainess of her heartbeat, she held herself for what seemed an eternity,
she held me in her small hands before eentually gaining the courage to try this new
position. 2s she lowered herself onto my head I whispered <you take control> she moaned
as she felt me against her hot wet slit, panting heaily and slowly circling herself around
the head of length she slid the head into her and hissed at me <w..wait.. you forgot to
p..put.. o.. on... oh. Oooohh> she was feeling bare cock for the first time9 worried but
e6cited and a complete mi6 of emotions rushed through her as she sank down onto me.
Her pants and groans grew as she slid down <ooooohhhh...> she continued as she stopped
half impaled upon me. <)ondom=> I finished on her behalf, +ust hearing my words sent
-abrina oer the edge into the pales of her first orgasm. Her cries were loud and as her
body trembled her hands that were propping her up oer me shook as her orgasm gripped
her body forcing her to tightly clamp around my shaft, her eyes glaBed oer as her internal
flesh caressed the bare length of my member. -he writhed in this new sensation as her
orgasm continued, by this time I was of the opinion that she had neer e6perienced a real
orgasm of her own and this was it.
@y hands reached up and caressed her perfect 2 cups, touching them for the first time. I
rolled them in my palms before gently massaging them eentually taking her small
sensitie nipples in my fingertips. *his spurred her on in her orgasm, tipping her oer again
+ust as she was subsiding. -he let out a longer moan, en+oying this one more, she was
clamping around me again and her arms began to shake once more, she moed up my
length but eery moement she made with me inside her gae her orgasm more fuel on
her burning fire. 2fter +ust a few moements upwards she was moaning louder than eer
and by now her eyes had completely rolled into the back of her head. ;entually her arms
gae out and she slipped, impaling her on my full length. -he slid down my shaft as she
was mid orgasm, this proed to be +ust too much and her body gae a spasm, I supported
her as she subconsciously writhed and milked me. Her eyes were closed and her pussy
had tightened so much that I was close too. I moaned at her in pleasure and caressed her
small breasts as I felt my whole length twitch against her insides, her grip tightened and
then I unleashed a large load of semen deep into her young teen body. 2s I did this her
body went limp and she passed out on top of me. I held her close as I continued to unload
another few loads into her before gently rolling her aside, sliding out my length.
-he lay peacefully on the bed for an hour or so, I watched her, gently tracing my fingertips
up and down her young body, as she slowly came around I smiled at her <nice of you to
+oin us sleepy head=> I ,uipped, all she could do was smile back in the hopes that it was
enough. Dust watching her lay there had my member semi/hard again, her look changed
as she felt something between her legs, as a hand moed to check what it was her fingers
found my escaping e+aculate seeping from her mound. -he gasped in shock <y. y... you...
oh myA> as she was about to get angry she stopped as her fingers smeared the semen into
her engorged sensitie clit <oooohhhh that feels soo...> I smiled at her and finished <dirty=>
she stared at me and winked <good, I was going to say, I(e neer felt myself before> I
grinned with pleasure myself9 happy that she was comfortable enough to e6plore herself
<@y boyfriend neer lets me do things this way, he usually falls off me asleep. 2nd here
you are still hard after I passed out on you.> I smiled at her and leant in to kiss her body as
she lay, her gasps started to grow again with an almost constant groan as she continued
to smear what was left of my cum into her clit. @y kisses grew closer towards her nipples
and I was taking each in turn in my mouth and sucking gently on them. -he responded by
grasping my member with her spare hand and playing like she had at the beach. I
murmured into her body as my lips grew further south towards her slit. -he held her head
up and looked at where I was heading before moaning out at me <you(re not gonna...> I
winked and nodded +ust as my tongue graBed against her cum coered fingers. -he
moaned and panted close to orgasm once again <oh that(s so fucking hotA> she e6claimed
before moing her fingers allowing me full access to her young neer before licked hole.
I licked slowly and e6pertly down her slit and made my way back up, before cupping onto
her clit and sucking on it. Her pants and gasps became an orgasm as her hands flayed
about not knowing what to do. Her s,ueaks of orgasm grew faint as she managed to
control herself. I lapped at her and cleaned out my cum from her pussy. -he laid there,
eyes fi6ed on my head moements. I pulled off her and kissed my way back up her hot
body, then breasts, then neck eentually her lips. Ee kissed passionately for the first time,
our lips touched each others. -he tasted my semen on my lips and moaned <is that what
cum tastes like=> I nodded in agreement as she continued to play with my hard member.
2s she lay on her back, my body oer hers we kissed more and more, her moans grew
again as our tongues collided and my hard length dripped some pre/cum onto her body.
-he writhed and s,uirmed under me as we kissed, breaking off only to ask <are you
always this horny=>.
I smiled at her and whispered back <usually, yes... but then, you are super se6y -abrina>
-abrina smiled at me as we kissed once more, I moed off her giing her more space, she
was panting and writhing as I did, gasping and begging <8o, don(t stopA> she moed and
sat up looking at me with a pout and big eyes, her look was amaBing and completely
I reassured her <oh don(t worry, I(m not through yet> she grinned and moaned, then as she
got up onto all fours she wiggled her ass at me. I moed closer and whispered to her
<hmm.... now that looks initing...> then slapped her ass cheeks with my hard length. Ehen
she felt me she giggled and sighed, panting heaily. @y hands rubbed and caressed her
flesh gently, she s,uirmed as I did and backed herself against me. I slid down my length
and entered her, she moaned loudly as I did and an orgasm took a grip on her, she gasped
and panted une6pectedly as the orgasm ripped through her hard and fast. I slid in and out
of her slowly as her orgasm gripped her, forcing her pussy to clench around me. ;ery
pulse of her muscles was a reflection of +ust how hard her orgasm was hitting her. I started
to moe in and out of her ,uicker, sending sensations throughout her body, she shook
hard and moaned loudly grunting at me <ohhhh yess...> as I pushed forwards into her I
lifted my leg and started to s,uat behind her, ad+usting the angle of penetration, I sank in
and hit her C/spot which once again had -abrina panting ,uickly and going light headed.
-he moaned <Oh god yess.. my head.. I.. I oooohhhh> she panted and controlled her
breathing this time, hoping to stop what happened last time. I slowed my pace giing her
time to recoer, when she turned her head to look at me I started to moe faster once
again, this started her orgasm up again, a long, intense groan escaped her lips as I neared
my own orgasm. I felt myself swell inside her and as my balls slapped into her flesh I
pushed forwards and down into her g/spot at the peak of her orgasm and started to once
again unload my seed deep into her. *his time -abrina was able to feel the pleasure and
screamed loudly <fuckA> I slowed down and pulled out my spent length, -abrina collapsed
onto the bed once again, breathless, still writhing in pleasure. I looked at her writhing body
and grinned.
2fter a few minutes her body settled and she nodded off to sleep. I watched her again as
she slept, and decided to take a shower whilst she rested, coering her up I made my way
to the hotel bathroom and stepped into the shower. I spent a good few minutes cleaning
myself, my mind constantly thinking of how se6y -abrina was. Once I was clean I made
my way back into the bedroom wearing +ust a bath towel. -abrina was stirring and asked if
she could hae a shower too, I nodded and she made her way to the shower. -he spent a
long time rela6ing and as she was gone, I laid on the bed for some rest myself. Once she
came out she grinned at me as she stood in the bathroom doorway. < I should really get
going> she said gently, biting her bottom lip. *hen added as she moed to the bed <I think
you were right, eeryone is different> she moed to her Bikini and Hotpants, putting her top
on first continually smiling at me as she did. I moed from the bed and bent down picking
up her hotpants, smiling at her offering help. -he grinned at me and mouthed <thank you>
but before I lowered them for her to step into them, I took her bikini bottoms from them and
sniffed them, as she watched she +umped a little with e6citement and asked <well=>.
I nodded and smiled at her approingly then tossed them on the bed saying <my trophy>,
-abrina protested <8o I need themA> but it was half hearted. I offered the hotpants to her
legs and she stepped into them minus her bikini, I pulled them up and buttoned them,
kissing her nael as I did. -he stood and closed her eyes as I did, the hotpants were a
tight fit and gae her a camel toe that looked almost a se6y as she did naked. I stood up
and we kissed, as I was standing there my towel dropped reealing yet another erection.
<you are a studA> she laughed as I looked her up and down once again and then made our
way to the hotel room door, her ass was shapely and the light blue shorts were so clingy it
was clear she was now not wearing her bikini under them. 2s we neared the door I
reached around her and pulled myself into her back, kissing her neck. Ee paused in the
doorway embracing, I kissed her neck as my hands fondled the rest of her body, she
writhed again and protested % again half heartedly. I undid her hotpants and slid them
down +ust a little, enough to bend her slightly and in one moe I pushed my hard member
up back into her. Ee stood at the door embraced and pushing myself up further into her.
-he moaned ,uietly en+oying this last encounter. I whispered gently into her ear <I(m gonna
leae you with a gift to take home> she gasped in protest <8o, not this time, don(t cum
inside me now, I hae to go> I slid up and down caressing her with my hands as I slid in
and out of her, the hotpants held +ust below her ass. Her protests faded as she felt her
orgasm grow. I pushed hard upwards tipping her oer the edge making her lean forwards,
placing her hands on the door as she came. I continued to slide in and out of her, when
she turned her head to look at me, she grinned and moaned silently <I... I... hae a
con..fession to, oh god yes.> I continued pushing in and out of her,
staring into her eyes grinning, she continued <I(m only f...ff..fifteeeeeen> she growled out as
her confession spurred her ne6t orgasm <oooh fuck yesA> I looked at her and grinned
<fifteen= Oh Cod yess...> then as my mind considered things I found it too hot and started
to pump my biggest load of the day into her, I pumped 3 or F loads in deep as her orgasm
continued. Her eyes had rolled back as she could feel +ust how much I(d gien her, for the
first time she had felt full. -he tried to maintain eye contact once her powerful orgasm
subsided. I slowed my thrusts down and kept inside her as she looked at me panting
heaily <I(m sorry, I should hae been honest... but you(d neer hae let me play with you
beautiful cock otherwise...> I nodded and smiled replying <that(s true, but it(s too late now..>
I slid my length out and in one motion pulled up her hotpants, redoing them before turning
her around and kissing her on the lips.
-he panted hard as she felt my seed start to soak her hotpants, her hand reached down
and felt her fabric, I smiled at her and said <wet patchA> she blushed deeply and gasped in
shock, <I can(t leae like this> I laughed and said <why not=> she replied hesitantly
<because I(m meeting my friends again, they(ll find out where I was and what I did.> I
laughed as the light blue fabric went darker. -taring at her I though for a while. *hen shook
my head and said <you(e left it too late, haen(t you=> she nodded in agreement as I
continued <are they the same ones from this morning=> she shook her head <no, these are
my girl friends, I(m going to one of their houses> I smiled and winked at her as she opened
my door <that(s ok then, they(ll understand, they can lend you some other hotpants> I
cheekily grinned and kissed her again as she looked down the hotel corridor checking it.
2gain she leant in and kissed me whispering <if you(re out tonight, come to the plaBa at G>
she then turned and left. I closed the door and grinned, considering the eents and
whether I should isit the plaBa that eening. I grabbed her Bikini bottoms and played with
them, laughing as I en+oy my trophy. I laid on the bed, still naked and nod off.
Chapter 2
2fter a few hours I stirred and looked at my clock, "#4' I sat up and considered what to do,
wondering if I could either cope with being around young people all eening or een if I
would get funny looks from others, I was afterall an older guy hanging around teenager,
one of them I had actually screwed. I mulled it oer for a while and decided that I would
isit the plaBa anyway, and spec them out first, if the group was large and loud and
+uenile I would aoid them and go else where. -o I got dressing into a smart shirt and
some trousers, aftershae and hurried out the hotel.
I walked across the promenade towards the plaBa, not ,uite sure why I was going, accept I
had had the youngest girl to eer ride my shaft stuck in my mind9 I +ust had to see her
again. 2fter a few minutes walks I arried, the place was busy, I eased a little in the firm
knowledge that the tourism and busyness would preent people making too many
assertions about why I might be with a group of young people. Dust then I spotted -abrina
in the corner at the Bar area sat in a group of girls, they were all dressed up like they were
4!. they all looked stunning but -abrina made my heart pound hard, -he was wearing a
black cocktail dress with an open back that showed off her slim frame. I choked and
braed a walk oer, not e6pecting anything.
-abrina greeted me with a shriek as soon as she saw me, +umping to her feet and
wrapping her arms around me, her friends +ust sat there and smiled, eyeing me up and
down. It felt like they were +udging me, but -abrina didn(t seem worried so I smiled back
and hugged her back kissing her on the cheek. 2s I sat down she introduced me to the
Cirls at the table9 Denny was first 0a dark haired girl with glasses1 then Houise 0a tall
blonde1 )helsea 0a small blonde1 2melia 0a dyed redhead1 I greeted each in turn and sat
down, I couldn(t wait much longer, I had to compliment them all on how they looked. I
turned to -abrina saying <wow, you look fabA Eell, you all do> looking at the group smiling,
they all burst out laughing as if I had missed out on some kind of personal +oke. *hey were
all dressed similar9 in eening dresses that were simple but made them all look ery se6y
in their own right, collectiely they were stunning, I started looking around when -abrina
asked <what are you looking for=> I smiled and replied <boyfriends=> again they all smiled
and laughed as )helsea answered <8ooo... we don(t hae boyfriends,> 2melia chipped in
<not tonight at least anywayA> *hey all laughed again, -abrina grinned at her friends and
smiled at me, I was about to get a drink when -abrina said <right now you are here we can
goA> the rest started to get up and gather their things, I stood and looked at -abrina
,uiBBically. -he smiled and grabbed my hand, pulling me towards the e6it, Houise grabbed
my other and we all flooded out onto the promenade, the 3 girls and me in the middle.
-abrina led the group of us down the road, towards my hotel. I was a bit confused as they
seemed to hae a plan but no one was talking about it. Houise s,ueeBed my hand, and
gently rubbed her middle finger against my palm, -abrina did the same on the other side,
Denny was holding -abrina(s other hand, 2melia held Houise and )helsea held 2melia.
)ollectiely we took up the entire promenade as we walked, I was still a bit confused as
-abrina had still not actually spoken too much to me. *he rest of the girls made small talk
amongst themseles as we walked. I oerheard some of the comments9 2melia and
)helsea were talking about how much they liked the beach, Denny and Houise kept
interrupting them occasionally to tell them how they liked to dress on the beach. -abrina
kept ,uiet, s,ueeBing onto my hand. )helsea said in a louder than the rest tone <we all
know what -abrina Hikes to wear> the Cirls collectiely laughed at -abrina who by now
went a flush red with embarrassment. I looked at them all and dared a smile, they all burst
out laughing at my e6pression. It was clear that these were the (girl friends( that -abrina
had gone to meet earlier.
I smiled at them and winked at )helsea, who in turn giggled. <I take it that you lot...>
-abrina cut me off abruptly saying <oh look we(re here... this is your hotel isn(t it :ae=>
we all stopped outside the main entrance and I realised that this had been a set up.
-abrina leaned in and up to y ear asking <you hae a spare key right=> I nodded and
handed it oer, confident that she had a plan.
-abrina hailed the girls and gae them the spare key, telling Houise, )helsea and Denny to
wait in the lobby for a few minutes and come to the room. -abrina, @yself and 2melia
would go straight up to the room to aoid suspicions with staff. *hey all giggled and I
escorted -abrina in again like before, 2melia followed us in and looked around. *he lobby
was irtually empty so we didn(t get much attention paid to us. Ee made our way up the
stairs and down the corridor, 2melia and -abrina had their arms locked and were giggling,
whispering to one another as I followed slightly behind. By now my mind was filling up with
what seemed the impossible. @y only apprehension at this point were the girls ages. I
already knew how old -abrina was, this worried me. I unlocked the door and considered
what I was doing, pausing hesitantly. -abrina saw my apprehension and kissed my cheek
whispering <it(s ok, they +ust wanted to watch and hae some fun> she then kissed me
passionately on the lips as 2melia stood and watched. I was so captiated by -abrina that
I would do anything she asked of me, despite her age. I swung the door open and allowed
them in, closing it behind us as we entered the room.
2melia ran straight in admitting <I(e neer been in a hotel before> before +umping on the
bed, her dark red cocktail dress rode up her legs as she landed and made herself
comfortable. -abrina giggled and kissed me on the lips passionately once again, putting
on a show for her friend. I conceded and kissed her back, our tongues collided as 2melia
watched on the bed, transfi6ed already by the way -abrina was with me. @y hands
caressed her body, feeling her coered form. Her dress was tight in the right areas and
loose where it needed to be. I e6plored it, finding out where its Bips were, we continued to
kiss as the door unlocked and Houise, )helsea and Denny ,uietly. *hey stood and stared
at us whilst we kissed, 2melia beckoned them oer to the giant bed with a grin on her face.
Houise, Denny and )helsea all moed past us and +umped on the bed beside 2melia, they
whispered and giggled to each other as they did. Ee broke our kiss and -abrina moed
away from me, I stood there, smiling and then had an idea.
I moed towards the corner of the room letting the girls chat for a few minutes, they put
their bags neat in another part of the room and the all ad+usted themseles so they were
more comfortable, I went to the rooms minibar that was well stocked with a nice bottle of
whiskey. I grabbed the few glasses there were and poured out a few, taking them back to
the girls on the bed. *he cheered at the sight and passed them around, sharing them. I
stood at the foot of the bed and gaBed oer the array of fie legs and dresses, then smiled
asking <so, what(s this all about guys=>
*he girls break out into fits of laughter, -abrina blushes and buries her head into her
hands, )helsea and 2melia giggle, Denny makes herself taller than the other on the bed
and says <-abrina came to my house after her meeting with you> Denny giggled before
)helsea finished off her sentence <she was sooo flustered. Ee had to know what she(d
been doing> they giggled together when Houise added <and... her... hotpantsA> as they all
giggled 2melia finally finished with <it looked like she(d weed herself>. -abrina was
blushing so much and giggling hard she was crying.
Denny calmed them down and smiled at me <it took us all afternoon to get it out of her what
she(d been doing, she eentually caed in and bared all to us. Ee had to clean her up
before we all came out tonight.> -abrina was composing herself and nodded in agreement
whispering <sorry :ae>, I smiled at her and winked, adding <but that still doesn(t answer
the ,uestion> -abrina stood and moed herself close to me, kissing me passionately once
again. Ee embraced and kissed, the girls sat in silence and watched until we(d moed
away from the bed a little, then 2melia whispered to the girls <nowA> the four girls got up
and moed beside -abrina, 2melia pushed me back onto the bed and smiled. I sat and
watched the fie of them as -abrina stood with two each side of her, -abrina held eye
contact with me as she smiled <they(re here because they wanted to see the differences in
older men too> she grinned mischieously at me as Houise and )helsea unBipped her
dress and started to strip her for me. 2melia and Denny moed to me, grabbed my hand
and stood me up beginning to undress me as well.
2s )helsea unBipped -abrina(s dress, Houise tugged on it, allowing it to fall on the floor,
remoing it as -abrina stepped out of it, reealing her black bra and panties, she stood
there and let )helsea and Houise(s hands e6plore her body teasingly giing me something
to look at whilst 2melia and +enny pulled my short from me, and undid my trousers, I
stepped from them getting a little closer to -abrina as their hands caressed my body in
return. @y member was hard and a clear form of it was isible to all in the room, the girls
moaned and panted as their hands e6plored my body, Denny was the first to break the
silence as her hand eentually found my bulge <oh my god, feel this 2melia>.
2melia responded and I felt both girls hands caressing my coered length. )helsea and
Houise looked on in +ealousy, one asking <what(s it like=> the other adding <lets see it then>
2melia and Denny both giggled and each of their hands gripped the top of the bo6ers and
pulled them down springing me free for their friends. -abrina sighed bragging, )helsea
and Houise both gasped as they held -abrina in their hands, )helsea moaned
unashamedly <-abrinaA ?ou little min6> Houise added <it(s beautiful, no wonder you were
flustered> I heard the ,uiet oices of 2melia and Denny beside me moaning as their hands
returned to my body. ;ach of them unable to resist the temptation of taking a hold of my
length, 2melia stroked it first letting out a satisfied mumble before haing her hand
replaced by Denny(s who responded in e,ual measure groaning at the feel of the hardness
in her dainty hand.
-abrina was breathing hard as her friends caressed her body and stared at mine, she
grew conscious of their need and want to inspect so whispered to them <Co, play.. He
won(t mind... I promise>
I smiled and beckoned them oer, they both giggled and leapt forwards arriing at 2melia
and Denny(s sides. It wasn(t long before the four girls were holding each other with one arm
and their spare hand was taking it in terns between themseles to feel my shaed area
and long hard length. ;ach noticing the prominent eins as they run their fingers along the
shaft. *he girls whispered amongst themseles, e6changing comments as if looking at an
artefact in a school class room. -abrina looked on as her friends inspected the man that
she had done only hours earlier, I looked into her eyes as they manipulated my shaft for
better inspection, each letting moans out as they touched me. -abrina then whispered
<thank you :ae, they were gonna tell if I didn(t agree to this> she said this smiling, semi/
confident that she knew I wouldn(t ob+ect. I +ust smiled at her reassuringly, which was
enough to encourage -abrina to moe closer and kiss me passionately on the lips as her
friends hands busily stroked my member, they stared at our kiss and their hands slowed,
they were all ery nerous and e6cited that they had all gone through with it. I could tell
that this was their plan, and they hadn(t counted on things past this point. -abrina broke
our kiss and leaned up to whisper <can I try something= *hough the girls don(t know about
this part> I smiled and nodded, the girls were to busy moaning and whispering to each
other to notice.
-abrina then lowered herself onto her knees in front of me, the room suddenly grew silent
and the hands stopped fondling my length and slowly left it, the girls looked down at
-abrina and watched as she nerously took a hold of my length and looked up at me and
her friends with a nerous grin, her friends silence broke as )helsea moaned <8o
waaayy...-he(s g..gonna...> finished by Denny <8o, she(s not that brae>. 2melia panted
and added her iew <this is too hotA>.
-abrina(s nerous smile turned to determination and whilst her hands took oer my hard
length from theirs saying <don(t forget girls, I(e fucked this hard thingA 8on of you haeA>
then sank her head oer it sucking gently on it. I moaned with delight as the collectie sigh
grew silent as they watched -abrina take in my length, I was increasingly aware that this
was her first time with my dick in her mouth so was sensitie to her e6perience,
encouraging her at eery chance. )helsea, 2melia, Houise and Denny all moed to get a
better iew of their friend as she sank me into her mouth, they gasped, their mouths hung
down in amaBement at what -abrina was doing. )helsea whispered ,uietly so as not to
disturb -abrina <she I- gonna do it>, <look at his face, she must be good at it> Denny added
Houise then commented <this is much more than promised, we should leae them to it>
-abrina continued moing up and down my shaft slurping on it, letting the occasional noise
out loudly, as they watched the girls backed away slightly contemplating their leae. *heir
eyes still glued to the action of -abrina(s mouth as it took in my length.
Breaking off briefly <8o, you wanted a show, I(ll gie you one> -abrina gasped, then sank
back down my length gagging on it as it reached the back of her throat. *he girls stopped
and gorped at this comment and noise, immediately paying more attention to the show. I
replied in addition to -abrina <stay, watch, hae fun...> then gently rested my hands upon
her head, the girls piled back onto the bed and got comfortable. ;6cept Houise who by now
was feeling ery uncomfortable <do you really want us to watch you suck him off=> her
oice was broken and shaky. Denny ,uickly moed and whispered something to Houise,
who duly smiled saying <ok> and followed Denny back to the bed. -abrina and I moed our
bodies to gie the best possible iew, -abrina by now was slurping and gagging noisily on
my length, she had ,uickly learnt what I like and disliked from my moans and continued
her assault on my shaft. *he noises made the others whisper and moan complementing
-abrina(s actions, a cheering began as they loosened up knowing we wanted them there, I
moaned loudly giing -abrina affirmation that it was good and that it wouldn(t be long
before I was going to e+aculate.
*he Cirls cheered my moan and chanted <suck, suck, suck, suck...>
2melia begged <gie her a face full...>
Denny hissed <on her tits...>
)helsea moaned <face full..>
Houise whispered <Face and chin>
the girls giggled as -abrina(s eyes tried to look across at them, her smile almost unseen
for the flesh in her mouth, -abrina(s hands played with the rest of the shaft as he mouth
pulled off and sucked on +ust the head, the girls cheered as they watched, now fully
en+oying the show. I groaned loudly for our audience causing their cheer to grow, I looked
down at -abrina, her brown eyes looked up at me understandingly, lustfully. I knew that
look, she was completely mine, obsessed with me and willing to do anything for me,
showing me off to her friends. Her friends started to calm as the clima6 drew near.
-abrina continued to suck and nibble the head of my length, she felt it heat up against her
tongue and her eyes widened as she felt my shaft thicken and pulse in her fingers, she
knew what was about to happen and looked up at me with a smile and continued to suck.
*hen as she felt me twitch she pulled the head from her lips +ust a little and pumped her
hands up and down my shaft. Eith a loud groan my e+aculate started to burst out into
-abrina(s mouth, she held her mouth open so her friends got a great iew of my seed
splashing out into her. I pumped out large loads of my semen then she sucked on the head
again pulling as much as she could from me before I pulled away from her.
*he girls on the bed fell silent with the most erotic sounds gasps of adoration I(d eer
heard. -abina turned to them and showed them her full mouth, with a smile she closed it
and swallowed moaning as she did <mmmmmmmm Cod that(s good>. I gasped and panted
as I pulled away letting -abrina take the limelight she desered and craed from her
*he girls broke their silence with a cheers, applauding -abrina clearly shocked at what +ust
took place. Denny leapt from the bed and hugged -abrina whispering something to her,
they giggled together briefly before -abrina licked her lips and told the rest of them <it
tastes greatA> the girls then all burst out onto fits of teenage giggles. I stood aside them as
my length started to soften. I e6cused myself as I needed the loo, -abrina nodded at me
and I anished to the bathroom for a few minutes. Upon my return the girls were chatting
and deciding what they wanted to do ne6t. -topping only to admire me as I walked back
into the bedroom to +oin them. ;ach in turn thanking and congratulating me for letting them
watch and letting them touch me. I sat on the bed with them and smiled,
-abrina told them <you know.... we don(t hae to stop there...>
Denny sighed <oh really= Ehat else did you hae in mind=>
-abrina replied <FunA>
)helsea sighed <oh thank you godA> to the roof
Houise grunted <humphA It(s ok for you, you(re not fidgeting in an eening dress, I(m hot
and botheredA> 2melia agreed and fanned herself.
-abrina replied ,uickly <then stripA> smiling wickedly, Houise protested but Denny, )helsea
and 2melia were already starting to stand from the bed straightening their dresses as
-abrina smiled and grabbed their hands moing them into a line. *he girls ,uickly caught
on and started to strip, unBipping their dresses letting them fall down one by one, each
reealing their Bra and panties.
Denny was wearing a pink Bra and panties set, )helsea was wearing a white set and
2melia was wearing dark red that matched her hair. 2s they stripped I smiled and cheered
at them, applauding their bodies, asking <better=>. *hey all nodded accept Houise who was
still on the bed ne6t to me.. they stood there in a line showing themseles off to me, Houise
felt uncomfortable and was fidgeting, I leant into her and whispered <you know, you don(t
hae too... but it(d be really nice to see you in that line too> then kissed her on her neck,
causing the other girls to woo and giggle.
Houise Blushed and smiled shyly as she became the centre of attention. *he girls stood
there and laughed, cheering her on <Hou/ise, Hou/ise, Hou/ise> they swayed their bodies as
they bounced chanting, their small frames colliding with one another playfully. I continued
to kiss her neck lightly, feeling her goosebumps deelop as I gently sucked on her. -he let
out a ,uiet moan as I moed closer to her, the girls moed closer to the bed and watched
as I kissed her neck. @y hands reached up her body and started to trace up her dress
fabric, as she felt my fingers on her body she froBe and let out a moan. *he girls giggled
as they watched, curious to see if Houise would allow herself to be seduced in this way.
*he moan was of approal, she eased as my fingers firmly pressed up her side towards
her bust. I fumbled briefly for the side Bip and gripped it gently pulling it down, as soon as
she felt her dress loosen her moan grew louder to a comment <ooohh yes, do it, take this
fucking thing off> I moaned in appreciation to her as I broke my kiss, she moed on the bed
giing me unrestricted access to her as she leaned back onto her hands, looking at her
friends biting her bottom lip. I continued to unBip her dress from the left side and then
started on the right side, moing my naked body between her legs to tug her dress down
her body. -he leaned back and raised her ass off the bed allowing me to pull her dress
from her body. It reealed a ery se6y looking black lace bodysuit, I smiled and whispered
to her <that(s a ery pretty bodysuit Houise> I continued to pull the dress from her legs and
tossed it to the girls, who giggled and put it with their collection on the floor. *he girls all
giggled, -abrina whispered to me <we liked it too>.
Houise looked hungrily at my growing member and continued to bite her lip. *he other girls
were starting to +oin her on the bed, before long they were all looking at my hard length,
giggling and laughing and whispering cheekily to one another. <you were right -abrina, he
is a horny guy, I(e neer seen a guy get hard again so ,uick> said Denny. 2melia added
<+ust how many times did he... you know=> -abrina blushed and admitted <I hae no idea,
he(s such a stud though> they spoke as if I wasn(t there. *he others laughed and
whispered to one another <it came at a cost though> -abrina added, smiling at me <didn(t it
:ae=> I nodded at her which made the girls gasp and whisper wondering what it cost, I
stood and made my way oer to my bag and pulled out -abrina(s bikini bottoms sniffing
them, looking at the girls on the bed smiling at them, they all moaned loudly and cheered
at -abrina, <my little keepsakeA> I added, tossing them back in my bag, then walking
towards the bed again. )helsea writhed and moaned as Houise whispered to her about the
kiss. Houise then looked at me and asked <can you kiss me again :ae=> her friends
cheered again and moed aside allowing me back onto the bed, I crawled onto her,
dragging my hard length up her leg, she writhed as she felt it trace up her thigh. *he other
girls sat two each side of her cheering her on, )helsea piped up <kiss her body, Houise
wanted to know something :ae... if she was naked, would you fuck her like you did
-abrina=> the room grew silent with shock once again, -abrina blushed and Houise
protested <8O, )helseaA>
I stopped, looked at Houise and smiled asking <is that true=> Houise nodded. I sighed and
answered <oh yes, I(d fuck all of you if you were naked>. -abrina was the first to lean oer
and pull down a strap on Houise(s bodysuit, )helsea followed and slid her other side down.
2melia then took a hold and tugged it down the rest of the way, Houise again raised herself
allowing it to be pulled from her. 2melia then tossed it to me saying <here, a keepsake> she
giggled and Houise argued <hey that(s my faouriteA> and pouted, then realised she was
now laid naked on my bed surrounded by her friends and was about to hae a much older
guys dick inside her. -he held her breath as the other girls watched in silence. I crawled
back onto her and pushed some precum out of my length, dripping it onto her thigh, I
noticed her pubic hair was thin and well groomed, almost e6actly the same as -abrina(s
was. I paused and bent down e6tending my tongue to her labia, the girls started to moan
as they watched their friend get her pussy licked for the first time, Houise let out a ery
small pant and s,ueak as I found her clit almost immediately her body writhed and curled
up in +oy as I did. 2s I started to lap at her I didn(t notice that -abrina was already starting
to remoe her Bra, and panties, ,uietly whispering <I(m in>.
I heard her oice and moaned into Houise(s hot wet tight pussy making her orgasm as
close as she(d eer been to one. -liding my tongue into her pussy and began to taste her
hot sweet +uices. I bit her labia softly like a lip and sucked gently on her clit. @y hands
reached up to her small teen breasts and caressed the sensitie buds. Houise couldn(t
hold back anymore and came hard on my mouth. -he screamed a breathy cry and her
friends were moaning with her, each had a hand on their own pussies rubbing them. @y
length was twitching and desperate to be inside this tight teen, I broke off my mouth and
continued to kiss up her body, sucking on each nipple in turn before continuing to her neck
and finally landed at her mouth, we kissed deeply, she tasted her +uices on my mouth and
moaned at the taste, Denny broke my face away from her to kiss me, to taste Houise on
me too. Denny moaned and hissed <she tastes good doesn(t she> then showed me her Bra
and panties adding <I(m in> and she sat beside us naked with -abrina. *ossing her
underwear on the bodysuit.
I felt -abrina moe and grab my shaft, I looked and smiled at her nodding, -he guided my
length towards her friends wet slit and rubbed the head up and down. )helsea and 2melia
gasped, writhed and moaned as they watched in heated interest, they were about to
witness one of their friends help another one get fucked by a stranger. Dust the touch of my
head on her lips sent her into another moaning frenBy, -abrina grinned knowing that
Houise would probably be like her. 2s I sank into Houise -abrina let go of my length and
started to caress Houise(s breasts, Houise started her orgasm again as my length slid up
into her, she moaned and panted, her body trembled and her eyes rolled back. Her friends
looked on now with +ealousy and started to strip, they were already close to orgasm from
the show and were so worked up that they could no longer hold their inhibitions. 2s I
started to lift Houise(s legs and push into her deeper she started to moan and cry with
pleasure, she clamped around my length and her orgasm gripped her so hard that she
panted uncontrollably. 2melia and )helsea both tossed their undies onto the pile and said
<we(re in> snuggling up together naked as they watched Houise orgasm hard.
I started to moe my length in and out of Houise, she responded by clenching her pussy
around me and moaning deeply and with no identifiable end until I started to moe faster in
and out of her.
)helsea grabbed Houise(s right Heg and held it up for me, Denny took the hint and raised
the left one, giing me deeper access to Houise(s ceri6. I pushed into her hard and she
s,uealed in pain and pleasure, her breasts bounced with eery thrust and she spluttered
out <oh my Cod I can feel you right in the middle of my body... Fuck me that(s deep>.
-abrina leant oer her and kissed her cheek adding <isn(t he fine hunny=> Houise nodded
heaily in agreement. 2s her orgasm subsided I pulled my wet length from Houise, Denny
and )helsea let her legs go and she rela6ed, writhing and trembling on the bed, panting
heaily. -abrina giggled telling the other <she(s fuckedA... who(s ne6t=> they all seemed to
say at the same time <meA> then they all stared at me giggling. I smiled and winked at them
moing from the bed, standing in front of them I announced <why don(t you all stand in a
line in front of the bed=>
-abrina, )helsea, Denny and 2melia all stood at the foot of the bed whilst Houise s,uirmed
on it panting. I looked at their combined naked forms and grinned to myself, happy that I
had gotten ' of the se6iest teens I had eer seen in front of me. @y length was standing
tall and hard and showed no sign of flagging, -abrina stepped forwards and turned,
bending oer onto the bed offering herself up saying <you can fuck me again :ae, then
you can fuck )helsea, then Denny and then 2melia... and when you(e fucked her tight
little pussy, come back to mineA> the others ,uickly turned and giggled bent oer and
wiggled there cute asses to me.
I stopped and thought briefly, <so how old are you lot=> I asked. <fifteen> the collectie said
giggling. I was aware that this was wrong, but considering two of the si6 I had knowingly
fucked already, it was only a matter of time for the other four. I contemplated for a brief
second when 2melia asked <does that bother you :ae=> I looked at her as she stared at
me and shook my head <no, I find it hot that you are all so comfortable with your se6uality
that you know what you want.>
I smirked and added as I moed closer to -abrina <besides, this se6y little min6 has been
filled three times with my hot seed> as I spoke I slid myself back into -abrina(s aching hot
pussy. -he moaned as I entered her and muttered to the others <uurggh...Fuck yeah, he
filled me so much I passed out> )helsea turned to -abrina and giggled <that good huh=>
-abrina started to nod as her mouth fell open and panted heaily as I started to slide my
length in and out of her once again. @y hands landed on her hips and I started to slide in
and out faster, she started to groan and backed herself onto me, she was tight like earlier
and this time wanting to put on a show for her friends too. -he was more ocal, as she
tried to described it to her friends <I can feel his thick shaft inside me as it stretches me, oh
god it(s good...> Houise moaned as she looked on nodding in agreement <you feel so full
with him inside you> she panted. )helsea, Denny and 2melia looked at Houise briefly as
she spoke, giggling to each other and noticed she was fingering herself as she spoke.
-abrina gasped and tried to continue as I slapped my hips into her cute ass, the noise of
me fucking her made the room grow ,uiet again, the others strained to see what -abrina
looked like whilst she got fucked. -he started to moan and writhe close to her orgasm, I
heard her s,ueak and felt her clench around me and knew she was haing an orgasm, I
pushed up and went as deep as I could sending her into wild bucks. -he grabbed the bed
sheet and moaned loud <fff/uck yess, I(m cummingA> Houise started to cum again at the
sound as she was rolling her fingers on her clit, <oh... me too> she then groaned with
-abrina together they came noisily. *his was enough for )helsea who felt she had waited
patiently enough saying <fuck me ne6t, it(s my turn... I(m so close, fuck me please :ae>
Denny and 2melia laughed at her begging as I pulled out of -abrina(s dripping pussy.
)helsea wiggled in anticipation, I moed behind her and leant oer her whispering <you(re
close are you=> )helsea gasped and whimpered as she felt my hard length press between
her legs, nodding her head as -abrina +oined Houise on the bed to watch the other girls
await there turn.
)helsea groaned and panted as I teased her, rubbing my hard length between her legs
and feeling her hot wet mound on my shaft. )helsea backed herself against me and
ground against my length, panting, begging <please, please fuck me, I(m so close to
cumming>. -abrina and Houise snuggled on the bed and moaned smiling at me as I teased
her, I reached a hand oer to +enny as she stood the wiggling waiting patiently brushing
her spine and ass playfully as I continued to hold out on )helsea. Denny moaned into
)helsea(s ear as she felt my hand caress her ass and pussy from behind, I started to
tease Denny more as she moaned into )helsea(s face. Denny hissed as their faces rubbed
against each other <ooohh his fingers are big too> )helsea moaned and let out a loud gasp
as she finally felt my head press against her labia. I push into her tight pussy slowly,
)helsea was tighter than the others so far and I struggled to enter her. Her muscles were
already clenching as +ust the feel of me entering her had sent her into and orgasm. @y
fingertips e6plored Denny and )helsea moaned in orgasm contented that she now had
what she craed.
2melia was getting restless at the lack of attention and moed, she noticed )helsea was
too tight for my thick shaft and moed closer towards me, kissing my neck as I fingered
Denny. -he then kissed me passionately on the lips and let her hands begin to caress all
oer my body9 e6ploring it. *he three girls were moaning in delight, 2melia stood behind
me and reached her hands around, grabbing )helsea(s hips and pushed me into )helsea,
as she felt 2melia(s hands she gae in and rela6ed her muscles sinking all the way down
my shaft sending her into hot flushes of orgasm. Denny writhed as my fingers found her clit
and rubbed against it. 2melia kissed my neck as she sandwiched me between her and
)helsea, controlling the thrusts. )helsea clenched hard around me and felt my bare shaft
fill and stretch her, all she could cry was a muffled <g.. oh.. d.. 2meliaA> Denny was moaning
with her as their faces continued to bob and rub against each other. -abrina and Houise
hugged each other as they snuggled on the bed grinning as the iew they had was way
better than they(d hoped. )helsea(s eyes were closed in ecstasy as she allowed her
orgasm to control her.
I moed in and out of her as it started to subside, 2melia let go of her hips and )helsea
collapsed onto the bed, legs shaking as she moaned and crawled onto the bed to +oin
-abrina and Houise.
Denny turned giing no opportunity to be teased further and sank her mouth down my
length, tasting )helsea(s +uices off of my length. 2melia looked oer my shoulder and
cheered. -abrina, Houise and )helsea watched in awe as Denny pulled herself from me
and moed into position in front of me telling her friends <I(e always wanted to taste what
you(re like )helseaA> the girls sat and snuggled moaning in giggles and started to caress
each other. @y hands grabbed Denny and moed her into position, 2melia moed to the
side and took a hold of my length guiding it into Denny, I pushed myself into Denny who
was wet and accepting, I slid in and pressed 2melia(s hand between our bodies. 2s both
girls felt themseles being trapped in this position they both let out a firm moan of
e6citement. 2melia(s fingers wiggled between us, and started caressing my swaying balls,
I moaned myself and started to push in and out of Denny. -he responded by swaying her
body from side to side and up and down to get as much of my length into her as she could.
2melia groaned into my ear whispering to me <yes :ae, fuck her good, she(s the slut
amongst us, teach her a few things>
I laughed and moaned to Denny <so you(re the slutty one are you Denny=> Houise, -abrina
and )helsea all cheered in agreement <Fuck her :ae, Hike you did me> -abrina added.
Denny was panting hard and writhing under this attention gasping to us <b...but I(e neer
been fucked whilst my friends watched before> she had greater control oer her body than
the others had so far. -o I started to moe into her harder and faster, picking up the pace.
;ery thrust forced her into the bed making it moe with the girls on top. *hey giggled and
started to chant <Den/ny, Den/ny, Den/ny...>
2melia +oined in the chant from behind me and then moed to Denny(s side wiggling her
ass at me <me ne6t... < she ,uietly said, again +ust as desperate as Denny had been. -he
could tell that Denny couldn(t hold out any longer9 she was rightA Denny looked up to see
her adoring fans chanting and rolled her head back and came hard, her pussy dripped
wildly around my length stuffed inside her.
2melia reached in hungrily and gasped as she grabbed the shaft of my length in Denny,
<she fucking dripped all oer him, he(s fucking soaked...> she grinned at the girls watching
and pulled me out of Denny, then guided me oer to her back end, looking back oer her
shoulder smiling at me <@y turn... Fuck me, make me cum like you did them...> I slid into
2melia and sank into her hot tight pussy, the girls felt different from one another but it was
hard to choose between them.
Denny then helplessly clambered up onto the bed to +oin Houise, -abrina and )helsea who
were all moaning as they groped each others naked bodies. Houise had almost fully
recoered by now and was using her new found outgoingness to e6plore with her closest
friends. 2s I looked on 2melia groaned as I filled and stretched her, I pressed in like I had
with the others until my heay swollen balls were s,ueeBed between her clit and my legs. I
held inside her as she gasped and panted for breath, the girls on the bed were watching
2melia with unbroken sight lines, yet they were all managing to caress each others bodies
in turn. Houise moed a little closer to 2melia and put her face close whispering <how does
he compare=> the girls giggled and awaited 2melia(s answer.
2ll she could muster was a faint <fuck... it doesn(tA>. Houise looked up at me and stared into
my eyes <yours is the first bare cock we(e eer had in any of us, and you(e now had it in
all of usA> Houise wiggled her pert breasts in 2mleia(s face as she spoke to me, 2melia
rolled her face into them and licked at them teasingly as I started to pound in and out of
her, pushing her face onto Houise(s breasts. 2s with the others 2melia took ery little time
to get worked into an orgasm. Her body started to shake as I rhythmically entered her,
slapping my balls into her. *he room once again grew silent as the rest of the girls lent
forwards to +oin Houise, close to 2melia(s head as she was taken from behind. -abrina,
Houise, )helsea and Denny all watched closely as 2melia moaned at them, I slid in and out
of her tight pussy, letting moans of delight out myself. -abrina told 2melia <if you thinks
that(s hot, wait until you feel a man(s cum inside you for the first time> 2melia(s eyes
widened and looked at -abrina. 2ll the girls stared at -abrina who then admitted <that wet
patch on my hotpants= 8ot mineA> and winked at me as I continued to slam in and out of
2melia. *he girls broke out in gasps and cheers )helsea asked her <so he came inside
you= Ehat if you== I mean.. you know... god thats so fucking hot, I wish he(d cum inside
me now>
<me too> added Denny, followed by Houise who sheepishly agreed <if a bare cock feels that
good, feeling him cum must be amaBing>.
2ll this talk of cum was enough to tip 2melia oer the edge, she turned her head to me and
begged <fill me with your cum...I want it, I need it... oh fuck yes I(m cumming.... fill me>.
Her friends gasped and looked at me, then -abrina who winked at me and said <it(s up to
you baby= But if you do one, you hae to do all=> the rest of the girls grinned and cheered,
-abrina ,uietened them down and looked at me e6pectantly. 2melia was in full throws of
her orgasm when I answered <you want my seed deep inside your womb 2melia= *o feel
how a real man feels for the first time huh=> the girls licked their lips deliciously anticipating
a big reaction, 2melia trembled and her legs shook mid orgasm, moaning loudly, hearing
my words was too much and her pussy +uices dripped out of her like Denny(s had. -he
clenched her muscles tightly, felt ery good and she was the hardest clench of the eening
so far as I pushed in as deep as her body would allow. -he screamed and nodded her
head frantically begging <fill me with that seed> as she moed it side to side. Her begging
was enough to conince me that this is what eeryone wanted and allowed a long thrust to
slide from her, I showed my length to the girls on the bed, it was slick from their combined
+uices and had a ery dark red twitching head, the girls moaned in anticipation, 2melia
growled and begged again <fill me damn it.. nowA> I slapped 2melia on the ass and told her
friends <lie back for me> they responded and all laid in a row, there naked bodies on show
for me and 2melia, she was panting and desperate to hae her carnal urge satisfied. *he
girls legs entwined as they lie watching 2melia and I in front of them, they moed ,uickly
and ,uietly and each had once again busied there hands either on themseles or
someone else(s sensitie areas.
I grabbed 2melia and turned her whispering <Hie with your friends, let them hold your body
for me> 2melia grinned and gently slid onto her friends, who parted slightly making room
for her, -abrina and Houise on her left, )helsea and Denny on her right. *hey instinctiely
reached and groped 2melia who started to groan and writhe almost immediately. 2melia
placed her ass at the ery edge of the bed as -abrina and )helsea each grabbed a leg
and pulled them upwards and apart. 2melia(s groans were now constant as her orgasm
regrew like it had moments before. -he was now in full e6pectation of what was going to
happen, her e6citement proed too much and her pussy started to gush out, as she felt
)helsea and Denny caress her breasts, -abrina and Houise reached as they held her open
for me and stretched her labia, open for me. Houise moaned and gigled <she(s cumming
and gushing, oh CodA> -abrina added <fuck her :ae, gie her that seed>
I moed and slid my hot head up and down her stretched opening and then sank in deep,
her lags parted wider in the hands of her friends, as she felt me slide in she moed and
writhed letting her orgasm become more powerful, )helsea and -abrina each kissed her
neck and tweaked her nipples adding to her ecstasy, she panted and s,uealed in pleasure
as she felt my length slide into her, Houise and and Denny were alternating their fingers on
her clit as I slid in and out of her. 2melia was going red in the face as her blood rushed
around her body, she had no idea how to react as she was presented to me by her friends
feeling an older man(s bare length pumping in and out of her. -he was pulsing and
clenching hard on my entering length, panting heaily and barely able to get the words out
of her dry mouth she uttered <fuc...fil.. fill me, I need your seeeed> the other girls were
working on her and looking at me as I slid in and out of her, giing them all a good iew of
the e6tra length not entering 2melia. Houise and Denny spread her labia as they all looked
on. 2ccept 2melia who at this point was in so much pleasure that her body bucked wildly
and her body trembled in -abrina and )helsea(s arms, I moaned at -abrina <you think
she(s ready yet baby=>
-abrina gasped and broke her kiss from 2melia(s neck and nodded whispering <gie it to
her deep>
2melia heard the words and screamed in anticipation as she suddenly felt the last of my
length sink into her. -he felt my head push past her ceri6 and was hit by a flash of pain
making her wince. I pushed up so hard that I lifted her off the bed, Denny and Houise
struggled briefly to hold her legs steady as she bucked and was lifted.
@y balls twitched and my head got hot inside of 2melia(s tightening pussy, I could feel +ust
how deep I was when I twitched my head inside her and felt her insides clench in
response. 2melia was panting and gasping for air, -abrina knew what to e6pect and
looked at me as I smiled to her. *hen I started pumping my hot, thick creamy seed into
2melia(s clenching insides. I pulsed a number of times, each time more spurted into her.
2melia shook and bucked hard as I filled her, moaning loudly as she did. )helsea, who
was kissing her breasts broke her self away from them as 2melia shook with +oy, moaning
as she did whispering to 2melia <that is so fucking hot 2melia>. -abrina, Denny and Houise
all moaned as 2melia grew silent, their hands clasping all oer 2melia(s body, they felt her
tummy twitching as her insides pulsed and milked me in her orgasm. *heir hands
collectiely reached down her twitching tummy and down to where I enter her. I feel their
fingers straining and competing to get a feel of me inside 2melia, my moements slow and
I pull my length out almost completely allowing them to feel the length. *hey all clamber
their fingers down desperate to feel my hard length. 2melia groaned as she felt the
multitude of fingers feeling her as her orgasm subsided. -he writhed and s,uirmed as she
felt all the fingers brush up against my shaft and her opening. I pulled out my length and
two of the hands took a firm hold of it and stroked it as I did, the other hands went straight
to 2melia(s pussy and massaged it. I panted and moaned as the girls stroked my length.
2melia gasped and moaned as the fingers rubbed her, my seed started to drip from her,
making -abrina, )helsea, Houise and Denny all moan as they felt it. Houise moed first,
sitting on the edge of the bed ne6t to 2melia(s legs and started to stroke my length. -he
murmured as she did, hoping to maintain my stiffness. -he leant as she did, daring herself
to get her face closer to it, hesitating eery moement with the thought of all their +uices
combined with my semen. ;entually she could resist no longer and opened her mouth to
accept my length, suckling on my length gently as she stroked the rest of the length. I
started to soften in her mouth which made Houise moan and suck harder, I looked down at
her and smiled whispering gently to her <no no no... softly, is the key>
-he responded and slowed right down, gently sucking on my head. 2s I stood and
watched Houise licking and suckling on me, my eyes gaBed oer to the bed where 2melia
was still being groped by her friends, but was calming down as )helsea, -abrina, and
Denny all fell ,uiet as they looked from 2melia(s side to watch Houise working on my
length. 2melia moaned as she looked at Houise sucking on me, <Hook at that... the kinky
bitch>. *he others giggled and rearranged themseles as I watched them, 2melia sat up
and watched whilst -abrina, )helsea and Denny turned to fact me and Houise, they all sat
with their legs wide open, giing me full iew of all their opened pussies, they all stared at
me and started to rub themseles, they each moaned and stared. 2melia was rubbing my
semen into her pussy as it continued to flow from her, occasionally lifting her fingers to her
mouth tasting it. *his panoramic of the girls open legged mi6ed with Houise(s gentle
suckling of me had my length stiffening in her mouth. 2s I hardened Houise grinned and
giggled her eyes looked up at me and saw my gaBe else where, she turned her head
whilst not letting go of my length to see her friends spread eagled on the bed watching her.
-he grinned at them and started to suck harder on my length as she felt it(s hardness
almost fully restored. -he laughed as she moed slightly to gie them a better look, like
-abrina had done earlier.
I felt her moan and laugh around my length and smiled as she continued. -abrina grinned
and moaned as she rubbed her pussy <tastes good doesn(t he=> Houise nodded and
smiled around the thickness. )helsea added <don(t be shy, tell him what we want Houise=>
I looked at )helsea and smiled, Houise broke off and looked up at me saying <I hope there
is more cum in these to satisfy us all=> as she spoke she cupped my heay balls and
caressed them. *he girls all cheered and agreed. -abrina looked at me <I did say... once
you filled her, you(d hae to fill us all...> her eyes were the se6iest thing I(d eer seen.
Houise continued to rub my wet shaft, and sucked on the head eery so often. Hooking at
her friends asking <who(s ne6t for his seed=> the girls cheered and moed on the bed
making a space for me to +oin them. Houise pulled me by my length towards the bed,
Denny took oer as she moed, leaning down to slip my length into her mouth, giing it a
few sucks before pulling off it, and handing it to )helsea who pulled me further onto the
bed and duly leant down taking a good long suck on my length. 2melia had moed and
took oer smiling at me with contented eyes as she bent down and slid in my length,
sucking on it and sliding down my full length all the way to the hilt, gagging on it like
-abrina had. -he then pulled off and stroked it hard a few times as she bent back and
kissed me on the lips whispering <thanks big boy> I smiled <any timeA>.
I was kneeling on the bed when -abrina embraced me, kissing me with passion and
complete adoration, pausing only to moe and ease me down onto my back. I laid on the
bed and was soon +oined by Houise, )helsea, Denny, 2melia and -abrina. 2s I laid there
Houise played with my hard length as they all moed and sat around me. I grinned at them
as they looked at each other, Denny and 2melia on my left, -abrina and Denny on my right.
Houise was kneeling between my legs still rubbing my shaft and smiled at me again biting
her bottom lip. -he broke away her hands and crawled up me as her friends watched, their
hands started to caress my body and they started chanting Houise on again like they had
earlier <Hou/ise, Hou/ise, Hou/ise...> their hands moed from my body to Houise(s making
her moan slightly as she felt the hands begin to caress her body this time. -he raised
herself up aboe my erect length, reached down and grabbed my length guiding it towards
her hot slit. Houise was moaning and panting staring right into my eyes <I wanted you to
cum inside me earlier, but was too afraid>. -abrina leaned in against Houise and kissed her
cheek and neck, whispering <the feel of his hot seed hitting your insides is amaBingA> with
that Houise eased herself down my shaft with a s,ueaky moan and started grinding on me
as she felt my whole length inside her.
Denny, 2melia and -abrina moaned as their hands e6plored Houise(s body as she started
to raise and lower herself up and down my shaft. -abrina held her breasts and kissed her
neck as 2melia and Denny caressed her hips and side. 2melia leaned into Houise(s other
ear and added <when he cums your body wants to get pregnant>, Houis(s eyes widened
and gasped loudly as her mind filled with emotion. -abrina giggled whispering <it(s true>.
Houise moaned and her smile grew as her body urged her, she started to slide up and
down en+oying my hard length once again.
2s the girls teased Houise I reached for )helsea who had busied herself caressing my
body and had leaned down and started to kiss me on the neck and chest, I looked at her
gently whispering <you(ll get your fill, but first, how would you like your pussy licked=>
)helsea burst out into a moan of giggles and begged <oh yesA Ilease.> then started to
moe and raised her leg to straddle my face looking at Houise. *he girls, who were busy
fondling Houise turned to see her and cheered as they saw )helsea straddle my face, as
her sweet smelling labia hoered oer my lips Houise leaned forwards and caressed
)helsea(s breasts making her s,uirm on me. @y tongue licked up her labia and dipped
into her pussy, combined with the feel of Houise caressing her breasts she s,uirmed and
moaned as my hands hooked on her legs. I pressed my face upwards and lapped at her
hungrily sending shiers up her body.
Houise continued to ride up and down my shaft allowing her orgasm to build in her dwells,
-abrina, Denny and 2melia were caressing Houise and )helsea alternatiely as the fie of
them embraced on top of me. Houise and )helsea(s eyes locked onto each others as they
s,uirmed and ground onto me, using me, each spurring on the other, my tongue e6pertly
lapped at )helsea(s soaked pussy, eery time she leaned forwards I sucked on her clit
making her orgasm build. -he held her forwards position, giing me a good opportunity to
suckle on her sensitie clit. Her face, inches form Houise(s. Both faces were wincing in
pleasure and both their eyes were closed as they rode and used me. Denny looked on at
)helsea and Houise +ealously as their orgasms took a hold, both girls moaning as they
grew harder and harder. Denny leant in and kissed )helsea on the lips, to her surprise.
)helsea snapped her eyes open and immediately kissed Denny back. -abrina and 2melia
both paused and looked with amaBement, their friends were reealing more and more
about their se6uality tonight than at any other time. 2s Houise felt the girls moe she
opened her eyes and was greeted by the spectacle of Denny and )helsea french/kissing
right before her eyes, realising that )helsea was also being licked out as she was stuffed
with cock. Houise started to orgasm harder and began bucking, her muscles clenching
around my einy length. -he moaned a deep and loud grunt and begged <oh god :ae fill
me with your seed...>
Denny and )helsea continued their passionate kiss as I licked and sucked on )helsea(s
wetness, )helsea was getting used to this new sensation of being kissed by her girl friend
and eased into it letting it(s eroticism take oer her. Her orgasm started to roll oer her
harder than eer and her +uices dripped onto my chin and in my mouth. Her muffled groans
contrasted by the slurping of Denny(s hungry kisses. 2melia whispered to Houise as she
begged mid orgasm <you see what I mean, your body +ust wants..> before she could finish
Houise knew and said <fuck it... yes make me pregnant :ae, gie me a baby> -abrina
gasped in shock as Houise let out her carnal moan, I was unable to moe or speak, sae
only for letting my own orgasms known through the ibrations on )helsea(s pussy. 2s my
moans made )helsea moan in Denny(s mouth, Houise milked my shaft and as I started to
pump my hot seed into her she screamed loudly <ooooohhhh FU)KA> her hands were
s,ueeBing her nipples as she came hard on me. )lenching down and allowing my
pumping length to splash its seed into her as deep as it could. 2fter what seemed minutes
she was calming and slowed her pace down, then slid herself off my length, some of my
cum dripping out of her as she slid to 2melia(s side. )helsea and Denny broke free of each
other to watch Houise(s orgasm, )helsea almost instinctiely lowered herself down and
took my cum coered length into her mouth sucking greedily on it, cleaning it of our
combined e+aculate. Denny panted heaily as she watched, he hands caressing )helsea(s
body and ass, I continued to lick and as )helsea bent for the 3G I latched onto her clit and
sucked it hard sending more shoots of +oy through her trembling body. Denny leaned oer
to look at )helsea as she sucked and licked at my length, repositioning herself to lick and
lap at my length with her.
Houise +oined 2melia and the couple embraced with a red glow about their spent faces.
2melia reached her hand down to Houise(s pussy and felt my seed seeping from her. -he
moaned into Houise(s ear <do you feel like a woman now=> panting almost seductiely to
her, Houise hissed her reply <yes, I feel.. differentA>. I let out a moan of appreciation as
)helsea and Denny both kissed my length and alternated in sucking on my end. -abrina
moed herself and positioned herself at my legs was straddling me hoping to be ne6t. 2s
2melia and Houise looked on the room grew silent as -abrina uttered the words <let me
fuck him ne6t...> Denny and )helsea released my length with a gasp of disappointment but
were silenced by shack when -abrina added <will you lick my pussy whilst I fuck him=>
2melia and Houise both giggled and fondled each other9 2melia whispered <I think
eeryone(s e6perimenting tonight... we are so fucking hot>. Before Denny and )helsea
could answer -abrina slid back onto my still hard length with a moan <oh fuck that(s good>
and started to moe up and down my shaft, her legs were splayed wide each side of me
giing Denny and )helsea prime iew of my length sinking into her. -abrina leant back on
the bed e6posing more of her pussy to the girls, encouraging them to watch.
2melia and Houise watched intently as the girls decided what they wanted to do. *heir
bodies still entwined in their own personal embrace, almost blissfully unawares that they
had grown so close they were almost kissing each other. I passiely licked and lapped at
)helsea(s calming body as they decided what to do, en+oying the sweet tightness of
-abrina around me once again. <you can feel eery ein on that shaft can(t you> she
hissed trying to encourage the girls, who by now was finding it ery difficult to resist the
urges of -abrina(s se6 in front of them. 2melia moaned and urged them on saying <you
+ust did a 3G, now you(re haing your pussy licked, French kissing one of your best friends
whilst getting a close up iew of another best friend taking the same cock...> Houise added
with a giggle <the time for inhibitions has long gone girls> to encourage their friends,
Houise and 2melia looked at each other smiled and remoed their cum soaked fingers and
leant into Denny and )helsea and smeared them respectiely on each of their lips, forcing
them to lick my cum from them. -abrina moaned as she watched and continued to use the
length sliding in and out of her.
)helsea and Denny hungrily cleaned the fingers presented to them with moans of passion,
I licked and lapped at )helsea(s hot s,uirming labia, leaing it only to smear her wetness
around her back end. -abrina was wailing as she en+oyed the feel of my hard length inside
her, addicted to it, obsessed by how different the night was turning to how she had hoped.
Her smile neer moed, she loed what was happening to her and her friends and secretly
neer wanted it to stop. 2melia and Houise pulled there fingers away and returned to each
others soaked area(s, rubbing each other as )helsea could hold out no longer and licked
the point where -abrina and I met glancing immediately oer her clitoris. I felt the
introduction of this new heat and wetness as -abrina burst out into a fit of ecstasy
clenching around my length buried deep inside her. Denny didn(t want to be left behind
and soon started to lick at the same spot, both tongues competing for a taste of where the
meat met -abrina. -abrina(s cry grew more urgent as she felt the tongues lapping against
her sensitie clit, she whimpered as she went light headed, trying to breath more as best
she could wanting not to miss this e6perience. -he clenched tightly around my length and I
felt her spasms around me. -abrina let out a carnal grunt and begged through gritted teeth
<ohh fuck me.. fill me, fill me...> )helsea moaned as she reached a hand under -abrina
and cupped my balls, feeling them and caressing them as her and Denny(s tongues fought
for possession of -abrina(s clit. -abrina felt my head swelling and continued her begging,
knowing I was close <yes :ae, do it... fill me> )helsea started to orgasm again as I
sucked hard on her clit as I grew close, I felt the tongues lap ,uickly against -abrina(s clit
as I pulsed and started to pump -abrina with my hot sticky cum. Hoad after load shot into
her as she gasped and panted with +oy. )helsea and Denny both looked up at her twitching
nael and moaned, )helsea was now in full flow of her orgasm as I filled -abrina.
2melia and Houise had watched ,uietly as they fingered each others cum soaked pussies,
gently moaning and groaning as -abrina settled onto me. 2melia and Houise then reached
and pulled -abrina off my spent length, Houise embraced her whispering <thank you so
much for sharing him> and started to kiss -abrina passionately on the lips. 2melia moaned
as she watched her friends first girl/girl kiss, mesmeriBed that Houise and -abrina would
be the first to do it. -abrina laid herself beside me as her and Houise kissed passionately,
their tongues colliding and groans gathering the attention of the other girls. Houise pressed
her hand against -abrina(s breasts and hungrily caressed her as she straddled oer her.
2melia parted -abrina(s legs and went down between them desperate to taste both her
and the cum that had started to seep from her. -he clasped her mouth on -abrina( leaking
pussy and sucked out my seed, sending shiers though -abrina(s still twitching body.
Houise looked down to see 2melia(s face buried between -abrina(s legs and hissed at her
<you fucking hot bitchA>.
2t this point I was drien almost by complete lust and showed no signs of flagging,
adrenaline pumped through me as I eased )helsea(s +uicy pussy off my mouth, slapping
her ass playfully. Denny helped her down my front and grabbed my rock hard, einy length
that was still twitching and coered in cum whispering to her <fuck him again, let him fill
you ne6t...> then looked beside her and added <oh my god )helsea, I want to do what
2melia(s doing to you> )helsea glimpsed oer and saw that 2melia(s head was between
-abrina(s legs and was hungrily sucking at her, her eyes turned to Houise who was closed
eyed and working frantically on her breasts, kissing them. Finally her eyes found -abrina
who was close to passing out as she had the cum literally sucked form her in her first eer
all girl threesome. 2ll )helsea could utter in response was a ,uiet breathy <oh my fucking
)helsea then continued down and mounted my length, facing forwards as Denny moed
herself to the foot of the bed. -he looked at the entanglement of bodies beside her and
muttered again as she started to ride up and down my shaft again. -he was desperate and
needy, wanting it there and then. -he burst into a fit of passion <cum in me, cum in me... I
want that cum in me... gie it too me, fucking gie it to me now.> she sent herself tumbling
into another hard orgasm and shrieked as she clenched hard on me. I leant up behind her
and cupped her pert breasts as she continued to orgasm and ride me. I whispered to her
gently <you want my seed already= ?ou greedy bitchA> she bucked and growled at me <yes,
you fucking bastard, I want it, gie it to me.> as she rode and clenched me I was ready in
almost no time at all, I was surprised by myself % that I(d let my testosterone take oer. @y
inherent need for breeding had gripped me.
I moaned at her again <you want my seed huh== do you want a baby too= ?ou want to feel
like a woman )helsea=> my words made her orgasm peak again, causing her to clench
harder and again, like her friends her nael and tummy started to twitch as her ceri6 and
womb contracted, desperate to receie my seed. 2s I felt this now familiar sensation my
length burst a large hot load into her, satisfying her carnal needs. -he whimpered and
continued to ride me as more pumped into her, she panted and fell backwards on to me
passing out. -liding out of her I caught her and Denny and I gently lowered her onto the
bed, she moaned and swayed her head then laid there out for the count. I stood as she lay
at the foot of the bed, legs draped oer the edge beside -abrina, Houise and 2melia as
they all fucked on the bed. @y own carnal desire had completely gripped me and without
speaking I grabbed Denny and pulled her in front of me, pushing her forwards forcing her
into )helsea(s dripping snatch. Denny didn(t protest and started obediently lapping at the
white e+aculate that was being pushed out by the spasming muscles. )helsea +ust lay
there, eyes closed and writhing unknowing of Denny(s current eagerness to eat her out and
taste what was mine.
2melia was +ust breaking off of -abrina and noticed Houise(s ass was being inadertently
presented to her as she straddled -abrina in her embrace. 2melia simply couldn(t resist
and after turning to see me slide into Denny, pressing her into )helsea(s dripping opening9
she continued and licked up Houise(s back end shocking her. Houise yelped in surprise and
laughed as she kissed -abrina(s nipples. -he wiggled giing 2melia the permission she
sought kick/starting her in a licking frenBy against Houise(s pussy.
2s 2melia, Houise and -abrina kicked off a fresh spark of passion, I began sliding my
length in and out of Denny, eery thrust pushing Denny into the wet dripping gash of
)helsea(s leaking pussy.
@y hands gripped Denny(s hips and I started to ram hard and deep into Denny, the slapping
noises once again filling the room as the collectie groans started. By now the room was
hot and had a dense atmosphere of se6, the sound of moans mi6ed with slaps in the air. It
was apparent that all inoled were ery much caught up in the heat of the situation.
Denny was moaning and groaning between her laps of )helsea, as she felt me gie her
long thrusts, almost pulling out eery time. Denny was wailing with pleasure as she felt my
long slides in and out, I ,uickened my pace and grunted at her, she loed the fact that she
was last and was being used by a stranger. @y carnal desires were so high, I +ust wanted
to drie into these se6y young girls all night, I had lost any concern for their age or the fact
that soon I(d hae filled each of them with my hot seed. Denny lapped at )helsea and
taking 2melia(s approach started to suck my cum from the hot opening. *he combined
taste of )helsea and my cum made Denny(s heart beat hard and fast, it forced her orgasm
to continue, trembling and pulsing as I entered her again and again, Denny was self
admittedly the slutty one, so I worked on her hard. @y hands caressed her ass, parting her
cheeks, letting my thumb brush oer her anus as I do. Her moans grew as my hands
e6plored her. *he moans of the others had started to subside as they were winding down
their embraces.
2melia, -abrina and Houise broke away from each other and crawled onto the large bed
and embraced )helsea as they watched Denny and I. I had a great iew of the girls all
lined up, naked staring at me, all rubbing their pussies, smearing my cum around their clits
giing me a show. )helsea was stirring and opened her eyes, finding Denny moaning at
her opened legs, she looked around and sighed deeply in pleasure as she watched me
slam into Denny. *he girls all started to groan, each of them hissing the words <Fill her..>
each in turn, <ohhh yess, fill the bitch> hissed another <gie her your cum :ae> another
oice groaned. *he girls were keen to see the look on Denny(s face when she felt the hot
spray of cum inside her for the first time. I
continued to slam in and out of her, hard thrusts, my body slapping against hers, the
others watch on as they masturbated in our full iew. *his scene was again proing too
much for me and I felt my balls tighten ready for my ne6t orgasm. Denny s,uealed and
started to shake, unable to cope with this prolonged orgasm any longer. -he panted short,
sharp bursts of breath and let her orgasm completely consume her. I started to pump
another load out, sinking it deep into her as I pushed up her so for that she fell on the girls
legs and screamed in both pain and pleasure. 2s she fell I moed to ensure ma6imum
penetration and another few spurts of my hot cum splashed into her. Denny started to crawl
up the girls trying to ease herself, I followed her onto the bed continuing to slide in and out,
before she eentually fell between -abrina and )helsea. -liding off my length, leaing me
kneeling on the bed, all fie girls laying under me staring at me grinning as my cock pulsed
and dripped down onto them.
Denny(s pussy s,uelched and bubbled as she writhed on the bed with the others, turning to
face me as she felt the sticky substance escape her. *he air now wreaked of cum and
sweat. I was getting close to being completely spent, haing lost track of all time and
space. I couldn(t help but grin at them as they looked up at me, they all looked incredibly
se6y and I wasn(t completely satisfied that I eer wanted it to end9 despite how tired I was
now growing. *he girls laid there, +ust as spent staring up at me# 2melia, Houise, -abrina,
Denny and )helsea looking up at me, all out of breath, all groping each other as they
snuggled up in a heap on the giant bed. -abrina pointed down to the ,uilt that had been
kicked onto the floor much earlier in the eening. *hen -abrina motioned me oer as her
and Houise moed making me a gap, I grabbed the ,uilt and pulled it oer us, nestling
myself between them. I had +ust lowered my head when I started to feel an array of hands
caressing and tracing up and down my body as I lay there. *he girls moans had now
subsided as they all settled themseles down for the night.
-abrina broke the silence whispering to me gently <thank you for eerything, you(e really
opened our eyes> and kissed me loingly on the cheek, I turned my head and kissed her
passionately on the lips. Ee all laid there, kissing each other, hands rubbing and caressing
each others bodies as the night went on. ;entually I nodded off, unable to keep myself
awake. I felt so rela6ed being caressed by fie hands and kisses from -abrina and Houise
I couldn(t help but to rest.
I hae no idea how long we all embraced, I was sleeping lightly, my body recoering when
I could feel myself getting hard again under the persuasion of a hand. I grinned and
murmured with my eyes still closed, a faint oice uttered <hmmmm... I think he(s had
enough rest now> a whispering reply came <you greedy cowA> the oice protested ,uietly
<you mean to tell me you(re not horny again too=> the other oice +ust giggled. I kept my
eyes closed and rela6ed under the small delicate fingers that were working on me. I felt
the ,uilt moe and another hand +oin in, it wasn(t long before I was as hard as I was
earlier. I then felt the familiar sensation of a woman(s mouth sinking down my shaft, I tried
not to let on that I could feel it, least of all let on how good it felt. 2 ,uiet whisper continued
under the sheets <HeyA -hare and share alikeA> and no sooner had I heard the whisper I
felt the mouth lift off and the feel of another beside it, the two work on each side, kissing
and locking my shaft under pressure between their hot lips. I continued to rest, en+oying
the sensations when they got disturbed, the ,uilt flew back by -abrina who looked on to
see 2melia and )helsea clasped around my hard length. *hey paused and stared up at
her smiling, -abrina looked at me to see me still closed eyed and resting. 2melia and
)helsea then started to moe again, sharing the length between them.
-abrina +ust laughed and whispered <how are you able to carry on=> shaking her head in
disbelief, 2melia answered like she had to )helsea earlier <you mean you don(t find all
this... +ust so fucking hot that it makes you wanna fuck all night=> -abrina sat there
watching as they continued, biting her bottom lip nodding with agreement. )helsea broke
away to whisper to the conersation <he(s had rest, we(e had rest, it(s high time we fucked
again> then returned to her kissing with 2melia. -abrina giggled and thought as she looked
at me rest, she then moed between them and started to lick on my hard length as well,
the feel of yet another tongue and mouth on me was wonderful, I wanted to make it known
that I was awake, but didn(t want them to stop. *he three caressed my heay balls and
continued to lick and suck on my shaft and head, Houise and Denny had rolled in their
sleep closer to my body to snuggle up, I felt them pull in closer, moaning silently as they
-abrina, 2melia and )helsea all paused what they were doing to check on them, seeing
they were snuggling and still asleep they carried on.
*he feel of the three girls hungrily licking and sucking at me was making me close, I really
wanted to open my eyes and tell one of them to fuck me, but I held myself, wondering if
they(d planned anything ne6t. I grew eer closer to orgasm and could feel it welling up
inside me, I had to +ust stifle it back and act as if rela6ed. Ehich meant my orgasm was
ineitable, I started to shoot my hot sperm up into the air. I heard the girls cry and gasp
with shock as I spurted out onto their faces. I pumped three or four loads out and mumbled
as I did, pretending to stir a little. 2melia spoke as her face caught a load <oh fuckA>
)helsea giggled adding <that is so fucking hotA> -abrina moaned and slurped as she
cleaned up the mess before looking at the others who had splashes of cum on their faces
<you both look hot with his cum on you> her words were too loud and Houise and Denny
both stirred, easing themseles up simultaneously to look at what had happened. 2melia,
)helsea and -abrina all looked at them with innocent eyes, but faces littered with splashes
of cum.
Both Houise and Denny giggled and smirked, Houise looked at me as I lay, eyes still closed
and whispered <so you guys couldn(t een wait for him to wake before wanting that cock
again=> they all shook their heads in unison. Denny tutted and bent down to kiss my lips
waking me, I stirred and opened my eyes looking into hers and smiled. Denny broke the
kiss and hissed <you know, they +ust used you like their personal se6 toy=> I grinned at her
and replied <I am, aren(t I=> she raise her eyebrow and gasped <so we(re no longer your
trophies=> smiling coyly I answered her <I hae my trophies, a nice new collection of
underwearA I had my fun, now it(s time for you all to hae your fun> -abrina grinned and
asked <-o, we can use you for anything we like=> looking agreeably at Denny and the other
girls. I smiled and nodded, then Houise got up and said <so I can fuck you with no worries
of complaint=> then straddled me and guided my length into her and started to moe up
and down me.
I had no time to agree or disagree but +ust smiled at her, the other girls protested and
giggled as Houise took adantage of the situation. -abrina, 2melia and )helsea started to
kiss each other in turn, licking up the mess on each others faces whilst Denny watched
en+oying the show.
Houise rode me faster than before, more urgent in her need, I reached up and caressed
her pert breasts as the others watched on, Denny had by now moed from her lying
position and was waiting patiently. 2s Houise moed on me, the other girls caressed her
body, " hands reached around and felt up and down her, making her moan loudly with
pleasure. Denny then decided it was her turn and whispered to Houise <moe oer, I want
that cock in me now>. Houise looked at her and smiled, sliding off, letting Denny replace
her. Denny straddled me as the hands of the others caressed her body as she slid herself
onto my length. I felt her stretch and heard her moan as she started to moe ,uickly up
and down me, she was eager to get herself off before someone else had their turn.
2s Denny started to clima6, her groans built up under the combined hands of the girls. 2
number of the hands gripped Denny(s body and lifted her, she protested as she slid off and
pouted as 2melia took her place guiding me into her. 2melia then started to ride my stiff
length, moaning loudly as she did. *he multitude of hands started to grope her this time,
she bounced her frame up and down and sighed as she felt her insides once again
stretching with the full feeling she got when sliding on my length. 2melia was relieed to
finally be impaled on my length <oh Cod, I(e wanted this since I woke up> and continued
to ride up and down, grinding on me. I moaned a little as I felt her tighten around me, she
responded in kind and moed +ust a little faster. -abrina was moing in front of 2melia as
she slid up and down, straddling my chest giing me access to her pert breasts. )helsea,
Denny and Houise all continued to grope 2melia as -abrina pressed her ass against
2melia(s stomach, hinting at her intentions. 2melia reluctantly conceded and slid off and
back, grabbing -abrina(s cute ass lifting it up with one hand and grabbing my cock with the
other and eased it into her. -abrina started to moe up and down my shaft hungrily as
2melia climbed off and took her turn at caressing -abrina(s body as she took her turn
riding me.
)helsea was getting horny too watching all her friends use me in turn, she noticed that no
one had had an orgasm and +ust wanted to feel the length inside them again. 2s -abrina
started to gasp with pleasure )helsea whispered to her <is that cock good -abrina= Huh=>
-abrina nodded feerishly as she continued to reel in the mass groping and fucking she
was engaged in. -abrina instinctiely knew that she was close and let out a large moan,
then widened her eyes looking at )helsea she slid off ,uickly so as not to let her orgasm
take oer. @y length slapped against my nael loudly as she did, making )helsea s,ueak
with anticipation. -he hurried and grabbed the length, ,uickly straddling me and sinking
me into her deeply with a loud groan. -abrina, 2melia, Houise and Denny all started to
grope and caress )helsea(s small naked frame. )helsea was again ,uick to moan in
delight and her pussy clenched me as she writhed in pleasure on me. -he slid herself up
and down, moaning as the others played with her. I pushed my hips upwards getting as
deep into her as I could causing her to s,ueal, her small oice trembled as she gasped in
a young sounding s,ueaky way <oh yes... you(re all making me cum> two pairs of hands
were s,ueeBing her breasts and nipples, another pair was caressing her nael whilst a pair
worked on her legs and clit, the last pair were behind her caressing my balls and feeling
her entrance as I filled it with flesh.
I heard -abrina say from behind )helsea <don(t you fill her :ae, +ust make her cum for
us> I moaned an agreement at her, and droe upwards into her. )helsea was close and
bouncing as I bucked up into her, the hands continued their own priate teases. )helsea
then started her orgasm, like before she clenched around my thick shaft inside her and
trembled in the hands of her friends,
-he let out a long desperate moan of appreciation as her orgasm took grip of her. -he
moed wildly on me and let out breathy screams of +oy out as her friends all started to kiss
her neck and collar simultaneously. I was finding it difficult to keep myself from filling
)helsea and was moaning with her, -abrina looked at me and smiled wickedly shaking her
head telling me not to cum. I smiled back and shook my head in near agony.
-abrina then pulled at )helsea, 2melia and the other girls got the hint and tugged her off
my length, she collapsed beside me totally spent from her orgasm. -abrina, 2melia, Denny
and Houise stood at the foot of the bed and stared at us on the bed, then their eyes all fell
to my hard length and they all seemed to bite their lips in further anticipation.
-abrina whispered to them <he(s our little se6 toy, what should we do ne6t=>
2melia was ,uick to answer <well, is there anything we haen(t done, but would like to=>
the girls whispered and giggled to themseles for a moment, as they considered the
2fter a few seconds, -abrina and the girls knelt and started to take it in turns taking my
length into their mouths, alternating -abrina, 2melia, Houise then Denny. Denny hungrily
stayed on my length, working on it, breaking only to whisper to her friends <I(e got
something I wanna tryA> her friends giggled and moaned setting themseles back +ust a
little giing her space to play.
Denny crawled up the bed kissing my body as she did until she leelled with my ears,
gently whispering to me <you know I(m the slut...> she kissed my earlobe and continued to
whisper so only the two of us heard <you(e filled my pussy and I(e had cum in my mouth
before, but I(e neer had anything in my ass... will you... me with that=> she broke
away from my ear and blushed as I nodded to her. -he grinned as I licked my lips at her,
indicating I wanted to lick at her. Denny then moed and helped me up, smirking and
winking at her friends as they sat watching in curiosity. )helsea sat up and moed too,
giing us the whole bed as Denny made her way to the middle of the bed and got onto all
fours, looking oer her shoulder at me and smiled wiggling it at me saying <lick itA> I knelt
on the bed and moed in grabbing her as cheeks and parting them, -abrina and the girls
all gasped and moed to the side of the bed to see better. -abrina whispered <what do you
want him to do Denny=> Denny turned to stare at -abrina and smiled, +ust winking in her
2s her cheeks parted her rear end was perfectly e6posed to me, I smiled at it and leant
down, making sure the others could see what I was about to do. I e6tended my tongue and
licked at her sweet wet pussy making her moan with pleasure, the girls looked on from the
bedside smiling and moaning at the sight of Denny. It was only when my tongue slowly
moed up her labia towards her anus that the moans and groans grew louder, until when I
eentually landed at her tight anus Denny let out the first big moan hissing <oh yes, that(s
what I want, lick my ass> her friends all giggled and laughed then all turned into a moan as
they watched my tongue circle around her tight hole. Denny s,uirmed and moaned in
return of the attention her anus was receiing, her friends looked on as I e6pertly poked
my tongue around slowly entering her for the first time in that special place. Denny let out a
se6y groan as she felt it, giggling as she did, turning to her friends <oh my god that(s so
dirty and fucking se6y>.
*he girls moed een closer, leaning onto the bed and letting their faces get eer closer to
Denny(s ass, as they watched me spit and lick at her anus they all moaned and looked up
at me with hungry faces. Houise was looking with complete amaBement as I licked her,
though many of the faces were mi6ed with lust, amaBement and disgust. I allowed a lot of
my salia to spill out onto her hole, and lapped at her, Denny winced and moaned as she
felt my tongue opening her anal passage up. -abrina gasped as her face got eer closer
to Denny(s ass eager for a better look, I parted her cheeks giing her a better iew as the
tip of my tongue sank into her. -abrina watched intently as the others moed in closer to
see Denny(s ass being played with, I moed my inde6 finger across and poked it into
Denny. Iushing +ust the tip of my finger in first, she winced and gasped as she felt me. -he
then let out a deep groan which gae me further permission to slide it in deeper. -abrina
and her friends watching all groaned with mi6ed emotions, Houise gaBed screwing her face
up whispering <grossA> only to be answered ,uickly by )helsea who responded with a
giggle <you(re watching it though... I think it(s weird.. no, hot>
-abrina reached and held Denny(s ass apart as my finger slid in and out of the anus, Denny
+ust grunted as she got used to this intrusion, looking oer her shoulder at me and her
friends <ooooh that(s soo different> I smiled as I moed up higher on my knees, putting my
hard length at eye leel to -abrina and anus leel at Denny. Houise gasped in shock, her
eyes glued to the scene. )helsea and 2melia both looked with e,ual shock almost
denying what was ineitably about to happen. -abrina looked up at me and smiled as she
held Denny apart, then slowly opened her mouth to accept me. Her eyes had that se6y
glint in them, making it an irresistible offer. Houise, )helsea and 2melia moaned with semi
relief as they watched -abrina take my full length in one mouthful gagging as she took it all
the way in, the others gasped and Denny moaned loudly as she looked behind her at
-abrina taking in my length. Denny stared as the length eased from -abrina(s tiny teenage
mouth, she licked her lips and groaned with anticipation.
I slid my length from her, she(d made me slick and dripping. I was as hard as I had eer
been with the notion and thought of defiling this fifteen year old ass. 2ll the eyes were wide
and focused on my length, -abrina continued to hold Denny apart, then bent her head
down and took a lick at Denny(s anus herself. *he audience writhed and groaned as they
watched -abrina lick their friends pulsing hole, I suddenly felt a hand grab my length
making me moan as I looked, discoering it belonged to 2melia who then guided it to
Denny(s awaiting anus. Houise gasped with shock knowing that she was about to see her
first anal scene. 2melia pushed my head against Denny(s pulsing anus making her wince
and +ump at the feel of my hot thick head nudging at her back door. Denny gasped and
held her breath as I push downward waiting for her to gie way to me. -abrina looked
closely at my disappearing head, it slowly pressed against her and suddenly as Denny
rela6ed a little, swallowed my head. Denny yelped a cute high pitched tone of pain and
pleasure making Houise and )helsea who were watching closely flinch and gasp as they
continued to watch.
I held myself inside her as 2melia remoed her hand, -abrina took the opportunity to drip
some salia down onto where my head was buried inside Denny. -abrina couldn(t help but
giggle as she watched whispering <this is so fucking hot, I can(t beliee she wants it in her
ass> I looked down and smiled at her replying <I did say I(m your toy to use how you all
wished>. Denny started to rela6, I felt her tight anus rela6 around my head, releasing its
grip. I took the opportunity to slide in more of my thick, ein clad shaft slowly into her
opening hole. Denny(s moans grew, still a mi6ture of pain and pleasure as she felt me
stretching her. Houise, )helsea and 2melia all watched and started to masturbate at the
scene, making them all moan in appreciation. -abrina continued to hold Denny apart and
stared at my fat length as I pushed it into the anus. 2s I sank down Denny started to loosen
and gae out a loud moan, this one was of pure pleasure making the whole room groan in
I pulled out a little and felt her insides clench and ease as I did, Denny panted heaily and
grunted <oh fuck yes, take my irgin ass> I slowly eased out and back in slowly building up
a rhythm as I began sliding in and out of her back passage with half my length. -abrina
took the opportunity to lick what was left of my shaft as I slid in and out slowly. Denny(s
moans and groans began to really turn on the others, who were still masturbating
frantically wanting to build up their own orgasms. 2s I slid my length out -abrina licked and
kissed it moaning and wetting me as I pushed more and more of my shaft into Denny. I
eentually pushed into her so deep that I could feel her deep inside cushioning around my
head and twitched my head inside her, this made Denny start to clima6 letting out a long
deep carnal groan of pleasure. *his sent the others oer the edge with their orgasm. *he
room filled once again with the combined noises of fie teens in the throngs of orgasm.
2melia sighed <fuck that ass> followed by )helsea who moaned <yeah baby, fuck it> Houise
+ust hissed and came as she fingered her pussy whilst watching my cock disappear into
Denny(s anus.
-abrina started to orgasm as well adding to the moans>gie that slut what she wants...
fulfil her fantasies :ae> Denny bent her head and in more fits of orgasm her anus
clenched hard around my shaft, her muscles milked at me as I tried to hold back from the
sensations. I was speeding up and using long sharp thrusts in and out of her gaping hole.
-abrina licked at the hole as I pulled my length completely from it, making Denny tremble
and writhe with pleasure. Keeping as ,uiet as I could I slid back in and out, then pushed
hard and deep, getting in as deep as her small fragile body would allow. Denny responded
by s,uealing loudly in her orgasm, panting heaily as her passage milked my shaft and
head inside her. I was close to orgasm and had one hand on Denny(s back and the other
resting in -abrina(s hair as I twitched inside her. Denny(s moans grew and merged into an
almost constant noise, her friends were now en+oying the iew in a most of their own
orgasms. I grunted and moaned as I could hold out no longer and started to pump large
hot loads of my semen deep into Denny(s bowels, my balls had tightened and my shaft had
thickened and was stretching Denny as it twitched and pumped inside her. -abrina started
to moan as she heard Denny cry <Oooooohhh you fucking came in my ass...> then she
burst out into fits of orgasmic laughter and her arms gae way leaing her head down and
2ss impaled on my shaft as I started to pull myself from her.
2melia was ,uick to moe for a better iew of Denny(s gaping hole, gasping as she saw it,
)helsea and Houise followed staring at her pulsing hole, watching my hot white cum being
pushed out of it. *hey groaned with a mi6ture of pleasure and grossed out disgust, Denny
was bright red in the face and panting so heay that she had lost all inclination on what
was happening around her. 2melia, )helsea and Houise all caressed her ass, allowing
their fingers to smear the escaping e+aculate around her flesh. -abrina grinned at me in
response and sunk down onto my shaft with an open, eager mouth9 tasting her friend and
cleaning me. 2s -abrina lapped and cleaned my shaft, the other girls moaned and stared
at -abrina / who responded by making deeper passes up and down showing off to them.
Denny had collapsed onto the bed with her ass still poking upwards a little. )helsea broke
the silence with a disappointed whimper of <lucky cowA How come she gets the cum=> with
a ery coy grin on her face as she stared at -abrina sucking on my length. I panted,
regaining my composure after my orgasm, en+oying the feel of -abrina working on my
length gently. @y eyes then caught )helsea(s and I grinned back <why don(t you come and
+oin -abrina(s sucking, if you ask nicely, you(ll get my cum againA> -abrina giggled around
my length as )helsea moed and +oined her, needing no further initation. 2s -abrina slid
off, )helsea took me in moaning in delight as she did, saouring my length. -abrina
whispered gently into her ear <you can hae his cum now.. in fact, let him cum down your
throat, it feels amaBingA> )helsea grinned and giggled at the words and started to pick up
her pace on my length eager to e6perience it. Her sucking was hard and eager, her teeth
graBed around my head which made me shudder and twitch inside her hot mouth. *his
made her giggle een more, she new she was getting a good reaction from me so
continued doing it.
)helsea(s small mouth worked tirelessly on my hard shaft % again it was clear that the girls
had no intentions of letting me soften until they were finished with me. 2melia, Houise,
-abrina all watched as )helsea sped up on my length moaning as she did, -abrina looked
up at me and smiled nodding her head, giing me that approal that )helsea was indeed
ready to receie. I moaned loudly giing )helsea and the others fair warning of my
impending orgasm <oh yes I(m gonna cum )helsea, don(t stop, suck it baby> )helsea(s
reply was a simple moan and suck as she tried to get me in as deep as she could handle.
*he others cheered from their positions of sight and watched eagerly at )helsea. I started
to pump out a hot load deep into )helsea mouth, she gagged a little as it hit the back of
her throat, then it turned to a mumbled moan as I continued to spurt down her swallowing
throat. I groaned with orgasmic delight as she eentually pulled herself from me, sucking
eery inch on her way. -he immediately turned to -abrina and giggled with a smile and
hugged her e6citedly e6claiming <oh my Cod that(s amaBingA> -abrina giggled in return
and whispered back <I wonder what it(s like to hae cum in both ends at onceA> they then
both burst out into priate fits of giggles.
Denny e6claimed from her heap on the bed <I wonder what it(s like to hae a cock in my
ass 28: my pussyA> then let out a moan of fantasy pleasure making eeryone else laughA
I responded with a sentiment <well, if I knew that I(d hae inited a friendA> again we all
laughed as we got back on the bed. 2melia and Denny, then me and -abrina, )helsea and
Houise all laid on the bed snuggling once again as I recoered. I wondered what the girls
could possibly want from now on, I had filled fie teenage girls with my seed, one had felt
my seed deep in her anus and the rest had used me to get off on. *his holiday was the
best I(d eer had % no doubtA
Chapter 3
*he morning light was breaking through the curtains when I woke the ne6t morning, the
only things that gae betrayed last night as reality instead of dreams was the mass of
naked girls on the bed and large pile of abandoned clothes around the room. Houise was
the first to awake, smiling at me as she came to realise I had been awake for a while.
-abrina, 2melia, )helsea and +enny soon followed as if their body clocks were some how
syncronised. Eith beaming smiles they yawned and broke themseles away from the
coers whispering to one another as they awoke. I was used to the sight of women in a
morning, usually they were hung oer or had left early to aoid contact with their one night
stand. Because we had pretty much gone straight to the hotel and ended up spending
irtually the whole night fucking, the girls were nright and fresh % sae a little soreness.
I smiled at the girls and broke the awkward morning silence#
<good morning ladies, the shower(s free % be my guest>
-abrina smiled and shouted as she bolted for the bathroom <me first>
the others sighed in dissapointment, then 2melia and )helsea followed her, the three
stepped into the shower and cleaned themseles and each other, a little playfully but really
with the aim of refreshing themseles. 2s they stepped out, wet and dripping, Denny and
Houise made their way in with giggling fits, <our turn> Houise added passing the others.
2gain, Houise and Denny playfully washed each other, but maintained their teenage
friolities as they rela6ed, the bathroom door remaining open for all to see. ;entually all
the girls were drying themseles, as if it were any other morning of a slumber party. *hey
chatted about arious things but mostly what their intentions were for the day. )helsea
was the first get dressed, bending down to pick up her bra and panties. -abrina was ,uick
to respond with <ah ah ah aaahhh.... 8oA His> then pointed to her cocktail dress smiling.
)helsea(s normally cute smiley face dropped as she came to realise that she would hae
to wear her dress naked underneath. -abrina giggled as the others, mi6ed their emotions
about this. *hey all then decided that a deal was a deal and they all started to dress
leaing their underwear behind for me. ;ach of their nipples were hard and poked through
the fabric of their dresses, I stared and smiled at them complimenting them all <you all look
so se6y, I could fuck you all again right now>.
-abrina laughed replying <down boy> )helsea and 2melia grinned and went to strip again
before being stopped by -abrina. <2hA no... leae the poor man be> a large groan of
dissapointment grew amongst the girls as they straightend their dresses. I stood there
wrapped in a towl from my earlier shower pouting in the same dissapointment, -abrina +ust
smiled and shook her head, wanting to get the girls away.
2s they all got themseles ready to leae I stood and kissed them all passionately on the
lips, each one thanking me in turn. I would, gien the chance continued the rest of the day
inside each of these fine girls. But -abrina had different Idea(s and of course, I had a
holiday to continue. )helsea asked <how long are you here for :ae=> I looked and smiled
answering < another 3 days> the girls sent a collectie cheer. 2melia giggled and whispered
<so we can see him again=> ,uietly asking -abrina. -abrina let out an e,ually ,uiet giggle
nodding her head in agreement.
Houise broke the ,uiet pause by asking <so what are your plans today :ae= ?ou know
when we(e gone==> I smiled at her and thought answering <I(m not sure yet, there(s a
decent swimming pool in the town. I might try that=> the girls responded warmly, as they
readied themseles towards the door. -abrina Kissed my cheek and whispered <my
number is in your top drawer> then winked at me as the group left. I saw them out and
closed the door behind them, my heart in my mouth as I now considered what I(d spent the
night doing. I shook off my imagination and considered what I should do, I decided to pack
a back for the pool and made my way down to the hotel breakfast bar, I spent a good hour
rela6ing as I en+oyed breakfast, I was in need of the energy.
I went back to my room and collected my day pack, making my way towards the Beach
and then in the direction of the pool comple6. By this time it was about mid morning so I
was +ust about recoered from last nights e6ploits. ;entually I got to the pool comple6 and
paid my entry, making my way down towards the changing rooms. *o my absolute
amaBement I heard a shout from behind me <:ae.... it(s me> I turned to look and out crept
)helsea in a tight fitting light blue one piece swimsuit followed closely by an older woman
in a red one piece. )helsea tip toed oer and hugged me then turned to the older woman
and introduced me <@um, this is :ae... He(s er... 7yan(s :ad, you know, the boy who
moed away==> her mum nodded her head in agreement and smiled at me <hello, nice to
meet you. I(m Heather. )helsea mentioned she(d seen 7yan yesterday> 7ealising what
)helsea had done. I smiled and shook her hand politely <the pleasure(s all mine> I smiled
coyly at her, )helsea immediately recognised that smile and pouted a little in anger at my
flirting behaiour. Heather responded warmly initing me to the pool with them once i(d
changed. I nodded and headed for the cubicles, Heaher smiled at )helsea and walked off
leaing )helsea a little behind. )helsea ,uickly turned and whispered to me <don(t you
fucking dare...>i laughed a little and replied <I take it she has no idea you were fucking last
night=> )helsea shook her head <of course not, and I wanna keep it that wayA> adding <she
misses a good man in her life, don(t you look at her lik that> I smiled at her and shrugged
<what==> )helsea +ust smiled as she walked off saying <i(e seen that smile and look
2s )helsea and her mother walked out of iew, I admired their back ends, )helsea clearly
inherited her mothers body and she kept herself ery trim, I had no intentions of seducing
her, although )helsea did look ery se6y in a one piece. I had ery naughty thoughts about
the things I(d wanna do to her. I made my way to the cubicle and changed into my tight
blue trunks again, locked up my bag and made my way out to the main swimming area
where I found )helsea and Heather, gently easing into the hot water to get closer to them.
Heather greeted me warmly <mmmmm... nice to see you again :ae> )helsea moaned
with embarrassment <mumAA...> I smiled and nodded thanking her. )helsea stared at my
body too, though trying not to let on that she(d already had what was on display. -he
blushed flush red and tried to break her stare, Heather caught her and whispered
something to her making her a little redder. Ee swam for a little while in the shallow pool,
gently teasing and playfully splashing each other as we did, the three of us acting as
though we were life long friends. *he more we played the more I found it difficult to resist
)helsea(s tight teenage body, I knew of her hot se6 and my body craed more of it, seeing
her like this only made it worse, the longer we toyed the harder I got in my trunks, Heather
noticed first and gae me a wink. )helsea died under the water and caught her peek of
my hard length, she surfaced and stared at me, biting her bottom lip, she(d seen
something she wanted more of, she knew that she could easily get me to screw her again,
all she needed was the priacy to do so. Heather swam to us both e6claiming she needed
the loo and to cool off, I smiled and nodded. 2s Heather left )helsea watched as she left
our sight, then leapt onto me pushing me down into the water,
she kissed me as we submerged, breaking only when we surfaced before whispering <fuck
me, like you did last night, fuck me here, I(m going to the cubicles, follow me> I smiled and
nodded, desperate to feel her teenage pussy around my cock once more, I slowly followed
her so as not to attract attention to myself. 2s I finally reached the cubicles I saw )helsea(s
back end dissapear into one and followed her ,uickly, locking the door behind us. Ee
kissed passionately but ,uietly, our hands finally e6ploring one another like they had
wanted to earlier, I broke only to whisper <you look so fucking se6y in that swimsuit>
)helsea +ust moaned in agreement adding <I(e felt se6y in it all morning> my hands
e6plored her cures, generously helping themseles to her teen flesh, she reached in and
tugged on my hard cock gasping as she did <oh god yes, all mine this time> releasing me
from my tight fitting prison. @y hands responded in kind, pulling her suit aside e6posing
her tight teen pussy to me once again. -he didn(t hesitate and guided my hard length into
her with a more than audible groan of appreciation. <oh Cod yesA> her hot initing pussy
was more than enough to get me worked up again as I started to push upwards into her,
pinning her against the wall of the cubicle. )helsea(s moans grew deeper, her lust building
within her as it had yesterday. <yes, fuck me, make me cum, fill me with your hot seed> I
moaned a little louder than I perhaps should hae, sliding in and out of her, my hands
eentually pulling her swimsuit down oer her teen breasts for me to suck on. 2s I sucked
on her and fucked her against the cubicle wall she let out her small ,uiet teenage shriek as
she had in the hotel room, her orgasm was once again ,uick building and ripped through
her making her small teenage frame twitch and writhe as I finally got my full length up into
her. -he desperately stiffled her strong orgasm, the added risk of getting caught was
becoming a turn on for her and she let her pussy s,uirt some hot +uices as she bit my neck
to stiffle her orgasm. *hen moaned louder than she wanted to <I... I(m cumming... fill me
with cum, fill meA> I groaned as I obliged her uloading my hot seed deep into her pussy and
womb, grunting as I did, )helsea panted and moaned as my hot cum spurted into her, I(d
had all morning to recoer and gae her a much bigger load than what she had preiously.
2fter a long time of unloading into her she finally panted and her orgasm subsided <oh my
god, I(e neer had that much cum inside me before, that was much more than last night...
Is that what sabrina had=> )helsea whispered ,uietly. I slid out of her and let her swimsuit
coer her teenage cum dripping pussy as I pull up her shoulder straps re/cupping her
breasts, kissing her passionately on the lips. I hissed at her <it(s a shame we couldn(t hae
it more priate... you should stop by my hotel later> I whispered with a coy grin. )helsea
grinned with +oy and panted as she leant against the cubicle wall, I gae it another few
seconds before smiling at her and started leaing. I walked down past the ne6t cubicle, my
cock still standing hard tight against the fabric of my trunks when the door swung open and
Heather hurried out, looking ery flustered.
<Oh hi Heather, you ok=> I asked, trying to keep as calm as I could so as not to let on what
had +ust transpired. @y heart was beating fast and hard, I was consious that it may hae
been ,uite obious what I had +ust done so tried to act innocent.
<Oh, hi :ae, sorry... y..yes... I(m fine +ust been er... < she replied, desperately trying not to
look at me in the face, I smiled and held her calm for a second again asking <is eerything
ok= ?ou look shaken up=> again trying to downplay my real neres, considering that she
now knows I +ust fucked her &' year old daughter within earshot of her.
Heather looked up at me, catching my eyes, and smiled, then to my absolute shock kissed
me hard on the lips, holding my head as she did. I stood in awe as she kissed me, before
she eentually broke away apologising <i(m so sorry, I +ust... it(s +ust that...> Ee stood
looking at each other for a long uncomfortable few seconds. Her eyes looked me up and
down as she bit her bottom lip, much in the same way that )helsea does when she(s
horny. I(d already noticed that she(d taken a keen interest in me earlier, but this was
intriging. Finally she broke the silence <can you keep a secret=> I looked at her and smiled
nodding my head. <I was haing a moment in the cubicle when I heard a couple in the ne6t
cubicle haing se6.> my heart sank and my eyes bulged in guilt slightly as I nodded in
semi/understanding <it was so fucking hot... who eer she was she had a large load from
the stud.> I grinned a little, secretly wanting to disclose that it was )helea that had +ust
taken the load. <don(t laughA It(s embarrassingA It(s left me so fucking horny> she panted at
me. I looked at her and although )helsea had told me not too, I felt I had no choice but to
do it, to help throw the scent away from her daughter. Crabbing her hand I pulled her back
into her cubicle, locking the door behind us. Heather semi protested <we can(t, it(s too
busy, what about )hels==> I kissed her passionately on the lips allowing my hands to
caress her body. <but this is what you want isn(t it== this is what that first kiss was about=
?ou(re horny from haring the couple ne6t door and want a good fucking don(t you=>
Heather nodded hungrily, her hands instantly stroking my hard cock oer the fabric,
mumbing in anticipating +oy as she did. <you(re nice and hard dae, will you gie me that
good fucking I need=> I smiled and nodded, haing moments earlier filled her teenage
daughter. 2gain I was like a cat with cream, my cock had been used to the idea that there
would be more than one to satisfy so was ready within moments. Heathers red swimsiut
clung to her cues, she must hae been only a little older than me but had kept herself in
amaBing shape.
@y hands began instinctiely caressing her lycra/clad body, eery sensation my fingertips
gae her made her moan. I caressed her firm breasts that seemed to me to be about a c
cup. Her brunette hair was wet and curled at the bottom and as she stood there I kissed
her neck as my hands worked their way around eery inch of her body, hungrily e6ploring
it. Heather hissed at me <oh god yes, it(s been so long since I felt the hands of a man on
my body> I purred at her as I kissed and nibbled at her neck. -he responed in kind purring
back and allowing her hands to e6plore my body as I e6plored hers. It was ineitable that
my hands eentually made their way to her red shoulder straps that held her swimsuit in
place oer her body. I tugged at it pulling it down, she let out a gasp as I continued,
e6posing her perfect brasts to me. I caught her right nipple in my mouth and kissed it,
followed by her other one. -he let out a muffled groan of pleasure as I payed close
attention to her nipples. <oh that feels so good...> her oice was at a normal olume, she
showed no concern for getting caught. )helsea was so cautious that she had to whisper
een through her orgasm. 2s Heather moaned I had to think what her orgasm would be
like, the thought of her not caring turned me on een more. I broke away my lips from her
pert tits and whispered at her as my hands continued to pull her swimsuit down to her
mound <you are one se6y woman Heather> I then lowered myself down to my knees,
dragging her swimsuit with me e6posing her wa6ed pussy to my awaiting mouth. -he
instinctiely raised her right leg onto the small bench in the cubicle, giing me unrestricted
access to her hot aching pussy. -he moaned as I made her wait for her se6 to be touched,
licking my lips as I waited. -he leant her head back in anticipation with her eyes closed,
poised on the edge of sanity as she waited. I finally e6teneded my tongue and licked up
her labia getting a loud moan in response.
Her pussy tasted sweet and wet, her clit was pronounced and totally irresistable. I lapped
upwards and latched onto it, sucking on it gently teasing her as I did. Heather moaned
again as she felt her clit being stimulated by someone else for the first time in a long time.
@y tongue flicked across her, its ,uick moements made her ,uier with ecstacy as her
moan continued deep and constant. -he tasted almost identical to )helsea and her moans
were a perfect match too. 2s I worked on her pussy she graBed her nails through my hair,
unlike )helsea, Heather needed working up to her orgasms giing me plenty of time to
taste and appreciate her. I spent a good few minutes licking and tasting her, working her
+uices up and getting them to finally flow freely. Heather bent her head down and hissed at
me <fuck me :ae, fuck me and fill me like that stud ne6t door did to that slut> I giggled as I
stood, knowing that if she knew she was about to be filled by the same stud it would turn
her on een more, but e,ually if she knew the (slut( was )helsea, she would go mad.
Heather looked at me and smiled as I giggled I replied to her as calmly as my body would
allow <oh don(t worry heather, you(ll get the same treatment>. Heather reached down and
tugged at my trunks, they were still wet and clung tightly around my hard length.
;entually I sprang free causing her to moan with delight as she caught sight of my length
bouncing, without hesitating she grabbed my shaft and guided my head to her aching
pussy <same treatment==> she asked ,uiBBically raising an eyebrow, as she asked her
fingers pulled my foreskin oer and her inde6 finger rubbed my cock head and smeared
the remnance of cum from my head. 7ecognising a used cock when she saw one her eyes
bulged at me and she grinned widely <it was you... you dirty studA> Heather looked at me in
almost disgust but it was more passion than anything else. -he slid my cock head up and
down her slit teasingly as she spoke <so did you +ust seduce a random stranger== fucking
her and left her wanting more== that(s so hotA... fill me like you filled her, gie me that hot
cum like you did her> Heather moaned as she tugged on my hard length, smearing my
precum into her slit before finally deouring it with her hot pussy. I pushed into her and
moaned adding <yess... I(m gonna fill you like I did herA> Heather gasped as she felt me
enter her, moaning as I did, her hands reached up and grabbed the top of the cubicle
letting me grab her legs and raise her slightly giing me better access to her pussy. @y
hands cupped her gorgeous ass and I eentually felt my hilt press against her hot flesh.
Heather panted hungrily, craing a good fucking. Heather was desperate for touch, she(d
made it clear that she(d not felt a man in some years. I started to pound into her, knowing
she didn(t want to take it slowly, sliding my full length in and out, eery thrust banging her
back against the cubicle wall, the thumping noise seemingly being blocked out by the
general noise of the busy pool. Heather continued to moan, not really caring if anyone
could hear, she was getting cock and she loed it. -he hooked her hands to the back of
my neck as I pinned her against the wall, it was raw carnal passion and we both loed it,
she bounced up and down my length as I screwed into her. -he started to moan giing
hints as to her orgasm, her deep moans gae way to s,ueaks of +oy. -he sounded like
)helsea did when she came, their oices were irtually identical. *he thought of fucking
both mother and daughter was fantastic, hearing Heather like this had me pulsing inside
her. I groaned and moed her up and off my length, she moed her legs down and took
her own weight standing again. -he then turned and rubbed her ass up and down my
length looking behind her shoulder at me, )helsea had the same look about her when she
did the same thing the night before. I slid easily into her again and started a fast fucking
rhythm grabbing her hips as I did, slapping my hips into her cute ass, eery thrust making
her moan, her breasts s,uashing against the cubicle wall. -he soon grew silent, eyes
lightly closed and body trembling, her orgasm was starting to take her and she suddenly
clenched tightly around my shaft. <oh fuck yes... fuck it, fuck it....> she barked at me, I
slammed into her harder, letting her orgasm take control of her, +ust as )helsea has
Heather started to s,uirt her +uices onto my balls, panting and begging <do it, cum :ae,
)um inside me> 2s I heard her words I gruted and started e+aculating deep into her,
splashing my hot seed as deep as my length would allow. Heather let out a more than loud
enough moan of pleasure as I did.
2s we both en+oyed the orgasm, clenching and twitching respectiely, in a moments
silence through our combined orgasms we heard from the cubicle ne6t door a faint moan
<ohhh fucking hell yess I(m cumming again> this could only be from )helsea who i(d left
seeping cum into her swimsuit and panting minutes earlier. Heather % unawares it was her
daughter, gasped and hissed ,uietly at me <-he(s still there, listening to us... oh my... that
so fucking se6y> I responded by continuing to slide in and out of her with my spent but still
hard cock, my semen being pushed from her pussy with eery thrust into her. Her orgasm
started almost immediately, this time as she backed herself onto me with my thrusts, I
grabbed her breasts from behind and manipulated her to the neighbouring wall where I
knew )helsea was now listening. Heather continued in her growing second orgasm,
knowing that there was a woman masturbating to the sound of her being fucked by me.
<oh yes fuck me, fuck me, feel me s,uirt on your balls keep fucking me like that> I grunted
and groaned as I continued slamming into her, my cock still hard inside her. Heather
bucked and moaned to the other woman <fuck yes, he(s filling me with his big hot cock> the
woman replied with a tiny teenage s,ueal of orgasm <eeehh.. oh fuckA> Heather laughed as
she heard this other woman screaching with pleasure, adding <oh shit I(m goona s,uirt
down his cock> loud enough and for the sole purpose of this other woman. Haing uttered
the words she duly did, gushing her hot e+aculate down my cock and balls. It was too much
for my hard pulsing cock and I groaned loudly as I started to spray another hot load into
Heather grunting to )helsea <oh fuck yeah hae more seed you se6y bitch> Heather let out
a high pitched s,ual as she leant into the cubicle wall. 2ll we heard was the girl ne6t door
grunt and groan in her own second orgasm. Ee finally slowed and I pulled my cock from
Heathers sopping pussy, she turned and we kissed passionately both breathless from our
carnal insessant fucking. *he small oice from the cubicle ne6t door continued <oh god...
such a fucking stud> Heather broke away and bent to pick her swimsuit up, sliding it on,
staring at me as I did likewise, pulling my trunks up and putting my spent cock away.
Heather unlocked the door and walked out heading for the pool looking for )helsea. I
followed behind her, eentually arriing at the pool. Ee soaked in the hot water for a few
minutes when )helsea appeared from the corner of the pool. -he was panting heaily and
ery red in the face. -he looked a mi6ture of e6hausted and angry, Heather ,uickly
becconed her oer, which she duly did.
Heather looked at her and commented <eerything ok sweety= ?ou look flustered> )helsea
answered breathless <yeah sure, +ust did a few lengths....>
I looked at her and shook my head in way of an apology. Heather turned and e6cused
herself to go to the loo, )helsea once again took the moment to get close to me,
e6claiming in an attempted stern oice <I told you not to fuck herA> I replied instantly <she
was ne6t door listening to us...> )helsea gasped in response <8OA> I calmed her down
answering <she has no idea it was you I was screwing, but she got so horny listening to us
that she had to hae some cock...> )helsea blushed as I continued <she knows that the
woman who I had fucked was still there listening to us fucking> )helsea grinned and
nodded agreeing <I(d figured out the last part was for my benefit> I smiled and gae her a
hug as I whispered <it was the only way I could put her off the fact I was ball deep in her
daughter> at that point Heather returned and announced they should leae. Heather gae
me the kind of satisfied grin that gae )helsea no doubt that she had future intentions.
)helsea leant in and kissed my cheek saying goodbye. I kissed her back and whispered to
her <you really do need to pop by the hotel> )helsea gae a horny giggle which made
Heather stare in,uiBitiely. Heather then kissed my lips giing )helsea a little bit of a
show, indicating to her that she(d like )helsea to arrange more meetings through ryan.
Chapter 4
I continued to swim rela6ed and entranced by the mornings eents. Ehilst not intended,
this holiday was turning out much more demanding than I originally thought. 2fter my fun
times at the water park, I went to the coffee house by the sea that I had found on my first
day. It is a small cafe, 2 starbucks style shopfront. I had at this point almost completely
dried off and was still smirking on the fact that I(d had more se6 now in the last 4 days than
I(d had all year. I sat down and en+oyed my coffee, smiling at the young woman who
sered me moments earlier. I had isited the same cafe eery day of my holiday so far and
it had become ,uite clear that they had befriended me. I was of course a huge flirt and saw
this time of rela6 as +ust another e6cuse to socialise with new people, watch the world go
by . take in the coastal sights. Ehilst I was drinking my coffee, I got a message on my
phone, Hi Dave, wanna meet up? I'm in town.. Xx Sabrina I smiled and replied sure, I'm
in coffee shop on seafront after a few minutes, I felt the buBB and checked my phone
again latte please Xx I grinned and ordered 4 % an e6tra one for myself. Eithin a few
minutes -abrina arried with a big grin on her face, I stood and embraced her, kissing her
gently on the cheek before we sat down. 2 few moments later one of the ladies 0Katie1
brought our drinks from behind the counter, she bit her bottom lip as she handed mine
oer and gae a descreet wink before handing -abrina hers. -abrina gae a little smile in
return and bit her lip at the girl. *he social awkwardness was apparent when -abrina(s red
blush betrayed our relationship to Katie9 who immediately knew that this was more than a
first/date coffee. -abrina broke the awkward silence with a simple <thank youA> their eye
contact broke slightly when Katie turned to walk away, still fi6ed on -abrina(s eyes trying to
discern +ust how far her relationship with me was. ;entually it was +ust the two of us
chatting oer the coffee, getting to know each other a little more than we already did.
2fter many minutes of chatting, it wasn(t long before -abrina started to talk about her
friends . the preious night. <you made ,uite an impression you know=> I smirked .
winked <i try> replying in the wryest way I could. -abrina rolled her eyes before continuing
<8o no no... I mean, the whole thing9 us, them, the whole new e6periences that wel all
shared. I(e heard nothing but eer since % Denny(s ery sore today but still brags that her
ass was fuckedA> -he whispered these comments ,uietly so as only we could hear. I
listened and maintained eye contact, smirking only when she spoke of Denny. I leaned in
and whispered gently <hae you heard from )helsea=> -abrina looked at me puBBled <8oA
Ehy should I hae=> I gae a sneaky grin before -abrina continued <ohh... a faourite=> I
shook my head . smiled, <8ope, you remember my swim I was going for=> -abrina
laughed then blushed as she realised her reaction had attracted attention <8oA -he didn(t...
did she= -he can(t keep her hands off can she=> I laughed in my response before smirking
. adding <that(s not allA> -abrina gasped as she became hooked on my words. I finished
off my drink and sat back with a winning grin on my face. -abrina giggled and begged for
more detail, Katie looked oer with a ery cute little smile and continued her work behind
the counter. ;entually I broke and lent in again <)helsea came swimming with her mum
Heather... who, I must say, shares many traits with )helsea> -abrina giggled . gasped as
she allowed her thoughts to run wild <oh my god, what happened== I need details...> so I
e6plained what had happened in detail, -abrina(s face said eerything, she(d somehow
found it +ust as erotic as I had. Ee decided that it was time for another )offee and ordered
one from Katie, who after a few minutes deliered the cups, still smiling, but this time she
carried a ery cheeky look on her face, one that gae us both no doubt as to how much
she(d heard. Her only comment was <I(d like to know more of what happened last night at
some point> and then turned leaing us. -abrina gae a loud burst of laughter.
we continued our chit chat a little more as -abrina came to terms with )helsea(s
encounter earlier, she kept shaking her head in shock and a hint of +ealously. <I can(t
beliee she followed you to the swim centre, and to take heather % that(s +ust dangerousA
-he went with the sole purpose of fucking you, knowing her mum could catch her... I gotta
hand it to you, you must hae made an impressionA> I laughed myself adding <it seems that
-abrina drank some coffee <I hope you don(t mind, but they were all asking for your
number when we got back so I shared it with them. I guessed you wouldn(t mind % seeing
as you(e burried your seed deep inside them.> I nodded and agreed, <well, you know I
don(t like to upset people> we both giggled together, finishing our drinks. Katie walked oer
smiling at us as we prepared to leae. -abrina smiled back at her as she caught Katie
biting her bottom lip. Katie was open in her body language asking ,uite freely so only
-abrina . I could hear <sounds like you hae ,uite an open relationship=> she then turned
to -abrina and smiled at her, whispering again <+ust how open is it=> -abrina blushed and
lent in close to Katies ear answering her before turning back to face me, smiling, grabbing
my hand . making for the door. I smiled at Katie and bidded her a goodbye. It was clear
that -abrina wanted some more priate time. Ee walked down onto the beach as the
eening drew in, the sun was beginning to set oer the sea, it was ery romantic as we
walked. Ee locked arms and slowly walked oer the sand, -abrina became ,uiet as we
walked, she was contented and en+oyed the slow moing pace and company. I eentually
broke the silence with a ,uestion <what did Katie say in the cafe=> -abrina giggled replying
<naughtyA ?ou should neer ask thatA> I shrugged and ,uiBed <why not=> all she did in
response was groan a little followed by the briefest of e6planations <when girls whisper in
the presence of a man, it(s about him> I grinned and considered this briefly before my
thoughts went right back to the pool when Heather . )helsea did the same thing.
Before too long -abrina and I were kissing passionately on the beach when she got a
message. -adly she had to get back home, so we bid our goodbyes with a passionate kiss
. fondle as we parted ways. I was a little disappointed as +ust seeing her again filled me
with lust and want, I was ,uite happy to spend another night embroiled in hot se6. I made
my way back down the sea front and back to my hotel room for the night.
2s I laid in bed watching t my phone started to buBB, It was a *e6t from -abrina oh how I
wish I was with !ou... "oo#ni"ht sex! man I grinned and replied #itto I was
contemplating the day when my phone went off another few times#
$ish !ou were insi#e me Xx %
can't stop thin&in" about it, when #o I "et !ou a"ain? 'ouise
I grinned as the messages were all coming at the same time, it was clear they were either
together again or chatting on facebook. 2melia(s message came ne6t it was simple and
indescreet !ou nee# to fuc& me a"ain. I answered them all indiidually#
me too %enn!, especiall! that ti"ht ass
whenever !ou thin& !ou can han#le it a"ain louise?
!es I #o to 2melia who replied almost instantly when? I replied ,uickly now?
I then got a message from )helsea who had taken a rather different turn#
I've been as&e# to invite !ou aroun# for #inner one #a! this wee&? I smiled then
considered how complicated my loe circles were becoming, I didn(t want to lead anyone
into thinking there would be more than I could offer, but they all knew fun was high on the
agenda so I agreed that :inner would be nice and that Icould meet in a days time. 2s I
was booking in :inner with )helsea and Heather, 2melia had te6ted
(ow? )m" reall!? %ust us? it was getting ,uite late, but 2melia seemed keen .
besides, I think it was time I gae some real attention to some of these girls.
Chapter 5
It wasn(t long before I heard a knock at my hotel room door, I walked oer to it, haing
showered earlier wearing +ust a towel to rela6 in, I swung open the door to find 2melia
standing there in a silk dressing gown. -he didn(t hesitate and opened it reealing that she
was wearing a red bra, matching panties . stockings. -he had long legs . the red fabric
complementing her red hair stood ibrantly against her black silk gown. I gasped and
whistled <wow wee> 2melia instantly shushed me and walked in saying <this time though, I
get to keep these undies... and take some of yours=> I grinned and nodded in agreement.
<oh, . one more thing...> she hissed as she allowed her robe to fall from her shoulders
reealing herself to me, <I want the full treatment, don(t hold back, I want to leae satisfied
again> I nodeed as she reached out and tugged at the towel letting it drop. I swayed from it
semi/hard as she disgaurded the towel, then without hesitation sank to her knees and took
it into her mouth. -ucking gently on it, and toying with my balls as she did. -he murmured
and groaned as she felt the sensation of my cock growing harder inside her hot mouth.
-he giggled and couldn(t hold her +oy at this feeling, knowing that she now had me all to
herself and that she was the sole reason for my pleasure this eening.
I looked down at the sight of her pretty red head bobbing up and down my hardening shaft.
I let out moans of appreciation, encouraging her to continue. -he broke off and looked up
asking <do you hae a big load for me :ae=> I nodded as she asked, grinning as I did.
2melia then moed and hissed <hmmmmm.... good... do you like what you see=>
I nodded hard and agreed <oh god yesA ?ou came dressed like that= :amn 2melia, I was
struggling not to take you in the corridorA> 2melia(s eyes lit up as she considered the
oyueristicness of it. *hen admitted <It was soo hot getting here like this, nobody knowing
what I was wearing underneath, +ust like when you left us with no undies last time>
I smiled and inspected her body more, she twirled to reeal her thong and bent oer as
she did, her ass looked diine and begged attention, attention which I was happy to gie
all night long.
I reached out and began caressing it, moing myself into her from behind making her
giggle and groan with anticipation, I ground my hard length into her thong, allowing my
hands to roam oer her eery cure. I pulled her body upright and into me, my hands
cupping her bust as I kissed her neck . continued to press my length into her ass cheeks.
2melia(s moans turned to short pants as my hands continued to roam all across her body.
Ee danced almost in the middle of the room as she teased me in her se6y underwear, I
could tell she was worked up, her te6ts were of a direct (fuck me now( approach, so I knew
she would be easy to get off. -he knew it too . grew impatient of the groping and teasing,
turning me around, she pushed me aside . leapt onto the bad, then in her se6iest oice
she parted her legs and begged <fuck me now, make me cum> as she spoke her hands
pulled her thong aside to reeal her already sticky, hot pussy lips that simply needed to be
licked. I crawled up the bed and lapped up her pussy, tasting those +uices. 2melia let out a
moan and bit her lip a little as she s,uirmed. *hen after composing herself begged again
<fuck me, I want that cock inside me, I need to hae it now, I(e craed it all day % then
you can hae your way with me.> I gae her a smile and nodded, moing up her body, as
soon as I was in reach she grabbed my stiff cock and guided it hungrily to her soaked
pussy lips. -he gae a loud moan of appreciation as she felt my head slide freely up and
down her slit, I then sank into her and pushed myself in half way. -he let go of her thong .
reached up wide eyed gasping trying to grab my body to pull me closer.
2t first her cries were stiffled, almost embarrassed as she neared her orgasm, she wanted
to hold out longer it seemed so I stopped inside her, looking down at her and smiled as
she writhed under me. I caressed her bra clad breasts . twitched my head inside her, she
moaned a little louder . was starting be less stiffled.
<this needs to come off I think> I whispered as I puller the bra straps down, she leant
upwards briefly, +ust enough for my e6pert hands to reach around and unclip the back in
one moement. Eithin seconds her bra fell e6posing her pert round breasts fully to me.
-he rela6ed on the bed tossing the bra aside. I immediately lent in . kissed her nipples,
sucking on them each in turn. 2melia was now moaning freely but ,uietly as she let me
en+oy her body once again. I started to side my length out of her, making her moan more,
then slid back in, this time giing her all that she e6pected, my hands grabbed under her
knees and lifted them, her stocking coered long legs se6ily splayed as I pushed in deep.
2melia gae a satisfied sigh of relief as she finally got what she desired <Oh god yes, I(e
missed this...> I griunted . started to gain a ryhthm, sliding almost all the way out before
sliding all the way in, each time our bodies clashing together noisily. ;erytime I pushed in
her breasts swayed se6ily, her eyes had now closed as she gripped the bed sheets, the
way her red hair fell on the bed, mi6ed with her red lingerie . freckled face was so eortic I
began to moe in . out harder and faster, more hastily wanting her to orgasm. 2melia
panted and moaned as she felt the pace change again beggingn <yes, fuck me hard, like
that, yess> I grunted in response, my heay balls slapped against her ass as I slammed
into her. 2melia started moaning louder . louder nearing her orgasm, I knew there
wouldn(t be much needed to tip her oer the edge so I whispered huskily to her <you(re
gonna get all my cum tonightA> her eyes widened as she stared at me nodding hard in
acceptance <all of it, no one to share it with...> her eyes stayed wide as she realised what
this meant, her ograsm finally started to take oer as I then grunted . pushed into her
deeply feeling my cockhead being caressed by her pulsing, orgasming ceri6. *hen with
no warning I starting pulsing . pumping hard into her, hot load after hot load of my cum.
2melia finally let go of her self and orgasmed with me, screaming loudly as she did
<oooohhh fuck yeahA> she trembled as the finaly spurts of my seed twitched inside her, I
felt her body clasp around me, not wanting to eer relin,uish my cock. I released her legs
. let them drop to the bed, I started to moe out of her a little making her moan as she
writhed and ,uiered in post orgasmic +oy.
<it(s time these came off too I think> grabbing the hem of her thong with my finger tips, still
burried deep inside her, she looked up at me opening her eyes with a wide smile on her
face . nodded <that was...> I grinned in response and cut her off, sliding out my hard
length whilst simultaneously pulling her thong down oer her long legs. I tossed it onto the
Bra . watched as her pussy yielded my seed slowly, her orgasmic clenching still not yet
rela6ing as I knelt nd considered what I should do to her ne6t. I moed up the bed towards
her head, offering her my semi/hard cock. Instinctiely she took me in . started to gently
suck on me, first the head, then slowly gaining more length into her mouth. ;entually she
gagged a little as she felt the head hit the back of her throat. I moaned a <good girlA> at her
that spurred her on, it was clear to us both that this wasn(t going to be a (,uickie fuck(
within seconds my length was back hard again, 2melia +ust contined to suck on my length
as I reached down and started playing with her pussy, smearing my cum onto her clit. -he
moaned and ibrated her mouth around me as I did, e6periencing the pleasure that she(d
desired all day. -he broke off my length . hissed at me <oh :ae, yes, like that...> I circled
her clitoris softly, then igorously making her body spasm with eery touch. I looked at her
pleasured face and smiled, <3G=> 2melia grinned as she opened her eyes . moed ,uickly
allowing me to lie down. -he was ,uick to straddle my face . again sunk her mouth down
onto my hot, hardening cock again. I started to lick and lap at her cum filled pussy,
concentrating on her clitoris eery now and then, my e6tended tongue graBed upwards as
she slid and breathed on my cock. I felt the fresh air on it as she spat and blew on it,
lapping teasingly on the e6posed purple head. I passed her labia and continued my way
upwards across her perenium.
I dragged some of my seeping e+aculate from her pussy all the way up to her cute awaiting
anus . started to rim her. *he moements on my cock suddenyl stopped with a gasp, I
could tell this was new for her . she fell ,uiet and still as she allowed me to lick her anus,
smearing my seed all oer it. I did this for a few seconds, en+oying her taste, my hands
caressed her cheeks as they parted her flesh. I moed my tongue back down to her pussy
and continued my assault on her clit, she giggled and gasped heaily before lowering her
haed onto my crotch, nuBBling my shaft, licking the side of my balls as she stroked my
shaft <oh my godA *hat was intense> she whispered as I gently lapped at her clit. -he took
my length inside her mouth once again and started to work on me, harder and more
urgently this time, as she did this I clasped onto her clit and sucked hard on it, she moaned
as her orgasm stared to grow again. *his time as her orgasm neared I pushed my inde6
finger onto her anus, she let out a whimper as I did, but my cock was filling her mouth to
much for her to protest properly. I held it still +ust as it entered her, waiting for a response,
she +ust continued to moe up and down my length and gently pushed her ass towards my
finger. I took the opportunity to slide my finger in all the way, her body was pulsing and
rela6ing in time with her breathing so I started finger/fucking her ass as I sucked on her
clit. *he soft feel of her insides and prospects made me fatten up in her mouth. It wasn(t
long before I dares a second finger, pushing it in slowly, allowing her to ad+ust to the
intrusion. 2melia gasped, breaking off my cock and moaned <OHA> I slid both fingers in .
wiggled them +ust enough for her to feel +ust how much they were inside her. -he moaned
deeply . started to speed up on my cock. I was really starting to harden een more and
the feel of her ass around my fingers forced my cock eins out and a little more girth
deeloped. 2melia(s moans grew more urgent as she started to orgasm. 2s she started I
moed my fingers in deeper and lapped ,uicker at her clit, her body shook on top of me .
her orgasm e6ploded. 2s it did she sank all the way onto my cock, noticing that she could
no longer get it all in as she once had. -he moaned . gagged, stiffling on the meat that
was in her mouth. *he ibrations and noise sent me oer the egde . again with no
warning I burst out my hot seed into her hungry awaiting mouth.
-he gagged een more as the une6pected load hit the back of her throat, forcing her to
swallow it, eery load that followed had the same effect. ;ach sensation of her swallowing
encouraged more cum from me, It seemed to neer end. 2s she took what I had, I
continued to finger and lick her, giing her body all that it craed and desired, tasting her
hot +uices as they seeped from her. *hen, +ust as I was about to send my last load into
her, she pullled off my length as it did, falling out of her mouth almost instantly, coering
my cock . her hands, she panted, gasped . breathed heaily as I pulled my fingers from
her and unclasped her clit. -he collapsed onto me, unable to keep upright any longer. Her
hands caressing my shaft laBily as we laid recoering for a few minutes.
2fte a few minutes, 2melia moed, turning to me and straddled me once again, my semi/
hard and spent cock slickly slid between us as she rubbed herself against me, she took
this time to prolong her pleasure against her clit that was still tingling from her orgasms.
-he looked down at me as she slowly moed on me, smearing yet again my seed into her
pussy. <you know, I think Denny has a point... +ust one problemA> I looke up at her and
grinned <what(s that=> 2melia flushed as she thought and continued <how the hell can you
fit this big thing up there= 8o wonder Denny(s sore todayA> I laughed . admitted <it can be
a tight fit, but the body knows what it wants.> 2melia +ust grinned as she moed on me, I
caressed her breasts as she did, spending a good few minutes in this embrace. Ee
recoered as our bodies rested in this position. 2melia was wide awake, showing no signs
of flagging, she seemed as fresh now as she had been when she first arried, only she
now had that look on her face that told eeryone she had +ust been fucked.
I was pleased that she seemed up for more, <did you spend the day in bed recoering by
chance=> I asked sarcastically, 2meila smiled and admitted <I had no choice, but when I
woke up, I was a different girl, I had so much energy... so much se6ual tension, I... I had to
te6t you to see if you were in> I laughed as I continued caressing her fit teen body, +ust
then my mobile ibrated on the bedside table, 2melia immediately grabbed it . looked
gasping <oh myA ?ou(re a popular boy tonight :aeA> I grinned hinting that she should read
I have other fantasies !ou can help with xx % <Denny seems like she(s planning
something for youA> 2melia smirked . continued <Houise says she can handle you again,
anytime, any place> 2melia(s face smirked and then turned as she read out chelsea(s
Dinner with mum tomorrow then, we'll meet !ou at the coffee shop *+ish?
2melia looked at me with semi worry before asking <what(s with that= :id she get you into
trouble=> I shook my head and smiled, <oh no... you remember I went swimming=> 2melia
nodded . then realised where this was going. I told 2meila like I had -abrina, the whole
story, about how Heather thought I was 7yan(s dad here for a few days on business . that
how I had fucked )helsea . then Heather . the whole drama that unfolded.
<-o, Heather has 8o idea you(e been fucking )helsea or us=> I shook my head <nopeA .
between you and me, it was a little hot9 fucking )helsea, then her mum> 2melia gasped in
shock . blushed, bitting her bottom lip in desire at the thought. <I see the appeal> she
gasped. Her body continued to writh up and down my shaft as I told her the story, she
craed the details . een though she(d seen )helsea being fucked by me first hand, It still
turned her on, not least the thoug ht that Heather had been fucked as well. ;ery detail I
gae made 2melia moe ,uicker on my hardening shaft, until by the end, she was raising
herself up and sliding me into her pussy, I stopped talking when she did but she stared
down at me . begged <don(t stop, tell me how you filled )helsea and her mum=> eery
detail I gae made 2melia close, all the girls were aware of the break up and knew that
Heather was lonely, but 2melia had neer thought she was se6ually frustrated enough to
fuck in a public place. <were they loud=> she asked as she panted heaily, en+oying the stiff
cock inside her once again. <)helsea was almost silent, but Heather didn(t care who
heard, she wanted fucking9 . that(s what she gotA> 2melia was getting closer when I told
her and started giing small moans as I did, my phone still in her hand as she rode slowly
on my length. @y hands continued to caress her body, the phone ibrated in her hand % it
was -abrina.
I'm fin"erin" m!self thin&in" of !ou as I la! in be# na&e#, "o# how I want !ou
7eading this was enough and 2melia burst into a mini orgasm, after a few minutes it
subsided . 2melia looked at me saying <eeryone is still so horny it seems, but tonight,
?ou(re all mineA> I nodded in agreement, she still showed no signs of flagging and despite
her recent orgasm continued to rock back and forth on me. 2melia started to te6t from my
phone obiously replying to one of the girls. 2s she did she unmounted herself from me
and got onto all fours, stared at me oer her shoulder and winked before reaching around
and sliding one of her fingers into her ass. -he groaned and moaned then panted at me
<push in that cock, let me feel it> I moed so I was in a good position, my cock was soaked
in her +uices it didn(t need any lubrication, her finger slid out, parting her cheeks as it did, I
pushed my hard bulbous head against her hole and it slid in, engulfing my head. 2melia let
out a yelp followed immediately by a pleasurable moan. I paused and allowed her to
ad+ust. Dust as I was about to sink more in 2melia gasped <stop stop, please +ust wait, I
need something> I stopped and twitched inside her making her moan, she picked up my
phone and was calling -abrina, who answered in a se6y oice <hello sailorA> 2melia
responded <it(s me, 2melia... Cuess what=> -abrina moaned and answered <is he fucking
you=> 2melia panted and in a broken sentence replied <he has his cock sinking inside my
ass as we spea/eeek> I realised whatr she was doing and slid down into her. I was worried
that -abrina would be +ealous as she couldn(t hae stayed tonight. @y fears were short
lied as -abrina started to moan to with 2melia <oh you se6y bitchA Fuck her :ae, fill her
up, leae nowhere emptyA> I moaned as I felt her tighten up around me, 2melia had now
started to grunt and groan much the same way as Denny had her first time, unable really to
talk to -abrina. I pushed in a little more until I was burried as deep as her body would
allow. 2melia moaned and shouted into her phone that was now on the bed beside her
head <ooooohhh fuck that deep, I(m cumming already, oh i(m cumming, i(m cumming....>
-abrina was already admittedly fingering herself and I heard her on the other end of the
line moaning at 2melia. <I(m cumming too oooohh yess...> -abrina hissed at 2melia as
they both started to clima6 together, I started moing in . out of her, getting grunts and
groans in time as I did. 2melia(s head turned and looked at me, for the first time that night
she looked like she was tiring. Her face begged and pleaded with me for more. I slid out of
her ass only to push it deep into her pussy, this made her groan een more at the phone,
-abrina by now had calmed but was encouraging 2melia as she heard eery thrust. <+ust
wait until that hot seed comes> 2melia moaned and begged for what -abrina had said
<:ae please, please, you know what I wantA> I was struggling to hold out and nodded
moaning as I did <a full load -abrina=> who moanded and replied <oh yes, leae her
oerflowing> 2s she spoke 2melia screamed in orgasm as another one gripped her, she in
turn gripped me and I started unloading shot after shot deep into her. *here were torrents
of cum, it seemed to spray . spary continually, 2melia grew silent and -abrina hissed on
the phone <good girl, take it in your ass like a big girl> 2melia(s body trembled as she
collapsed, faint for the intense orgasm, -abrina moaned and said a se6y <goodbye you
two> then hung up. 2melia laid on the bed panting, gasping . desperate for breath. @y
length still burried inside her. I stayed inside her for a few minutes, until she started to
compose herself / -he turned to look oer her shoulder . smiled, forcing her ass to tighten
around me, fle6ing it, milking it. ;6perimenting on what it feels like to hae a cock in her
ass. Her smile was unbelieable. )omplete satisfaction as she s,uirmed on me, my cock
stayed hard as it felt her caressing it, I gently moed back and forth as she toyed with me,
her moans were intermittent but she was ery pleased that she(d gotten the pleasure she
was craing.
I slid my still hard cock out of her ass, it gaped a little . as I watched it I moaned in delight.
@y cum seeped from it and dripped down onto the bed, 2melia yelped as she felt this new
sensation, she turned . crawled towards me then sucked my length, hungry for its taste
<mmmmmm... tasty> she moaned again as she took in my length, the feel of my cum rolling
down her legs made her wiggle her behind. I grabbed her head and started to pull her
down onto my length a few times, her eyes bulged at haing a mouthful, her muffled
groans making it clear she en+oyed how this eening was turning out. -he gagged a little
as I pushed her onto me, I was now at the stage where my carnal desires were taking oer
. 2melia was sharing in these deeper lustful feelings. I pulled her off, she looked up at me
. panted, she pushed me back onto the bed . crawled up, turned herself around .
grabbed my cock again, this time she guided it into her cum soaked gaping ass . sat
down onto it giing a loud groan as she did. I lent up as she lent back onto her hands, I
grabbed the under side of her knees again and lifted her up and down my shaft. Her
groans became more urgent as she felt herself tighten again. <Ohh Ohhh yes, keep going>
she barked at me, I obliged . continued pounding up into her. Her orgasm grew once
again, I picked up the pace . after a few moments she slid off my length, I reached around
. grabbed my length and slid it into her pussy, she moaned again as she felt me, I pushed
up into her . started a ,uick ryhthm again. Her orgasm had merged into a prolonged moan
of pleasure. 2melia(s arms gae way . she fell back onto me, as she did I moed her onto
her side . knelt oer her, my hard cock still inside her. -he grunted as I continued, getting
deeper as she laid on her side. Her heay breathing and groans ,uietened as she went
limp. I(d finally managed to tire her out. I pulled out of her and snuggled beside her.
2meila . I awoke some hours later, -he got up and made her way into the shower. -he
pulled off her stockings and stepped into the steaming cubicle, I watched as she cleaned
herself, then realised she would need to trael home in nothing but her lingerie . silk robe.
I dressed myself and watched as she emerged . dried herself, I smiled and handed her
clothes back, it was +ust past 3am . 2mleia finally realised that she had to get home. I
smiled at her and said <don(t worry, I(ll take you, get ready, It(s still early.> 2melia walked
oer . sheepishly took her lingerie . dressed in front of me, almost as seductiely as the
way she turned up in it. -he looked stunning . she knew it, she brimmed with confidence
. had a glow in her comple6ion. <I had an amaBing time, I loe this one on one stuff> I
smiled and grabbed my keys,and we made our way to my car, the sun shone down . the
morning air was nice, 2melia wasn(t self conscious in anyway as we walked to the car, she
walked with confidence, her robe hid her lingerie well, but I knew better, Ee got in the car
and droe, she guided me to her house but my attention was still on her supple teen body
as it sat in se6y red lingerie beside me. 2melia teased me as we droe <I bet you(d like to
fuck me again=> I laughed and nodded, already feeling hard as she sat. <you will, I(m
sure... but this is me % I should get in before they realise I(e been out in +ust theseA> I
nodded, kissed her passionately and waed good bye as she left. I droe back to the hotel
and made my way for breakfast.
Chapter 6
For the rest of the day I isited some old sites in the town, then droe to meet family that
was close. *he following day I had agreed to dinner with )helsea . Heather. For ease I
agreed to meet them in the town and then we(d drie to their house from there. I dressed
smartly, a shirt, trousers . underneath I wore some black ersion of the )alic Kliens.
2fter a few hours, I made my way down to the coffee shop once again, Katie was working
again . it wasn(t long before we got chatting about nothing in particular. I mentioned that I
was e6pected for a dinner date which got her attention <oh I see, that pretty ittle thing that
was here yesterday again=> she en,uired. I blushed a little . shook my head <er, no..
)helsea . her mumA> Katie grinned and bit her lips, <oh... the @other . :aughter combo
you talked about yesterdayA> I laughed and agreed <but shhhh... Heather still has no idea I
had )helsea before her yesterdayA> Katie grinned <it(s ok :ae, your secret(s safe with
me.> I nodded, satisfied that she would, we en+oyed a coffee together, Katie seemed
blissfully unawares that )helsea . -abrina were both only +ust &', she seemed to +ust
assume that they were outgoing young womenA 2fter an hour )helsea . Heather arried at
the shop, Heather greeted me warmly with a hug followed closely by )helsea. I looked
them both up and down, they(d both made +ust as much an effort as I had, Heather wore a
white floral summer dress whilst )helsea sported sunglasses, halter neck and sarong skirt.
I looked at Katie who grinned and smiled at me waing me goodbye as we made our way
out the door. )helsea looked across and saw Katies smile, then got a wink of
understanding from her. )helsea was confused but it had to wait. Ee all left together and
headed for Heathers car.
2fter a few minutes we arried at thie detatched house, Heather had gotten to keep it in
the diorce for )helsea(s benefit. -he had mi6ed iews because of all the memories
attached but in all, she felt it was good to keep. Ee moed out of the car . into the house,
it was well decorated . kept, with minimal Ikea furniture . an oerall modern feel to it. I
could smell the food cooking when )helsea inited me further into the house. *here was a
set of french doors that lead onto a well kept garden patio where Heather had set up for
dinner. )helsea encouraged me out to sit, offering me a drink <beer :ae=> I agreed as I
wasn(t driing taking my seat, I complimented them both <you hae a beautiful house
she replied from the kitchen <awww thanks, we try to keep on top of eerything...> )helsea
returned promptly with a beer in hand, passing it gently to me. -he gae me little smile and
whispered gently to me <I hae no idea what this is about, but I could hardly refuse herA> I
shrugged . told her not to worry, )helsea sat there for a moment longer making small talk
as Heather finished preparing the meal, she lent in . whispered again <I need to tell you
something...> she moed in a little closer . gae my leg a gentle s,ueeBe, followed ,uickly
by my crotch <I(e been talking to mum... she know(s I(m not a irgin...> I gasped, sensing I
may be trouble, but to my amaBement )helsea continued <she still doesn(t know about us,
or the fact that you screwed all my friends. But I think today has a hidden agenda, so be
warnedA> I nodded as Heather emerged from the house with a plate of )hiken, the salad
bowls on the table . the nice sun made for a nice afternoon lunch, the beer was cold and
flowing well. Heather looked at me . smiled <I hope you don(t mind the inite :ae, It(s
been so long since I had any meaningful male company, I felt if nothing else we should do
something socially together.> )helsea giggled . looked at Heather who immediately
shushed her blushing as she did. )helsea had been confided in . was loing the fact that
although she had her own secrets, today was about Her mums secret. I looked on and
raised n eyebrow, prompting )helsea who was bursting inside wanting to embarrass her
)helsea ate some food as Heather continued, <:o you know what I mean :ae=> I nodded
. agreed <yes, sometimes a morning in a pool is simply not enoughA> Both Heather .
smiled at each other almost knowingly but )helsea grew a little +ealous . couldn(t help but
to chip in sarcastically <there(s more to a social life than screwing in the poolA> Heather
blushed bright red, furious that )helsea had betrayed the trust in such a way. I looked at
)helsea . grinned, then turned my attention to Heather, grabbing her hand oer the table
calming her. <Co get another beer )helseaA> she demanded angrily. I held her hand .
reassured her that there was nothing to be angry oer. Heather broke out laughing as
)helsea returned with more beers. <I(m sorry hunny> )helsea smiled at us both and took
her seat. Heather looked at me . e6claimed <we tell each other eerything, she(s my best
friendA> )helsea nodded and smiled adding <she had to tell me about your time together in
the pool cubicles, she couldn(t help herself> I looked at them both . smiled recalling the
day. *he afternoon went on, we chatted about work, life, other stuff, but the reoccuring
comments kept comning back were ones of how much she felt alie that day in the pool
comple6. It amaBed me how open Heather was with her daughter about se6uality, she
could openly talk about it in front of her . it neer worried her that she may be curious
about it herself. In fact, Heather seemed ,uite at ease of the fact that )helsea may hae
,uestions . was prepared to answer them as truthfully as she could. )helsea again
bought up the pool comple6 episode with a ery testing ,uestion <can I ask what you both
would do if you were caught=> I raised an eye and thought, drinking more beer. Heather
drank hers and thought, then ,uietly leaned in to answer.
<it depends who by... . how cute they were> I laughed as )helsea gasped in shockA
<motherA> Heather shrugged and admitted <I was so caught up in it, I(d Hae done
anything> )helsea blushed a little bit as I listened. Heather turned to me and grinned <well,
how about you=> I smiled replying <same really... it depends who by> I looked at )helsea
who blushed. Heather saw this awkwardness . smirked seeing the se6ual tension that
)helsea was clealy haing. -he moed and started to gather some dishes, I offered to
help but she refused <no no, please stay, keep )helsea companyA> I smiled and agreed.
8o sooner as Heather had moed out of earshot )hlesea moed close to me whispering
<I got a te6t from 2melia yesterday by the way, it sounded ery hot what you did to her> I
smiled and nodded whispering gently back <her ass is no longer irgin> )helsea(s eyes
nearly popped out . she nearly choked on her drink as I spoke. <whatA=>
I winked and added <she called -abrina to tell her as I slid into her> )helsea giggled and
writhed in her seat <do you know how hard it is not to get aroused when eerybody talks
about how much you(e fucked them= Its all I heard yesterday, it was especially hard to
keep it from mum that I knew first hand how good you are> I smiled . shook my head <not
that good, +ust willingA> )helsea grew hotter and redder in the face as she sat beside me.
-he had promised herself that whateer her mum(s intensions were, she would not
interfere, but I could tell it was become increasingly more difficult, she had been used to
being able to take whateer she wanted from me, her need to keep secrets was neer
more important. Heather appeared at the doorway with a fresh set of drinks, Beer for me .
white wine for them, they moed the chairs away from the table into a group, I took the
time to e6amine Heathers legs . body, she looked +ust as fine in a dress as she did in a
swimsuit. -he caught me admiring and broke the calm silence <like what you see :ae=>
)helsea groaned as she asked. <oh yesA Ehat could be better= Fine food, fine weather,
fine young girls as company> I replied confidently. <oh really=> retorted Heather, )helsea
shook her head not really belieing I was actually flirting with them both. I nodded in reply
giing her a wink. Heather sat close to )helsea . leaned in whispering something again
like she had at the pool. )helsea gasped and giggled then let out a <8OA> I sat and
watched ,uiBBically as I drank my beer. Heather laughed and looked at me asking <Ee>
)helsea inter+ected <-H;A> Heather giggled and continued <I wondered if you would show
me your hot body again= I smirked and stared at them, )helsea looked biting her bottom
lip hard as she watched intently. I was already getting turned on by the chats we were
already haing, I knew that )helsea had already seen my white )K(s, so I knew she(d
approe of the black ones. Heather looked at me . added <well=> I smiled and stood,
unbuttoning my shirt, Heather gae a wolf whistle as I stripped for them, )helsea sat
silently biting her bottom lip, doing all she could not to pounce. I disgaurded my shirt .
looked at the girls, Heather looked at )helsea . whispered again, )helsea no longer
protested but more s,uirmed as she watched her mum. I kicked my shoes off in
anticipation then started to undo my trousers, pausing only to look at heather for approal.
-he looked at )helsea and grinned <I only want to see his body again, you don(t mind do
you hunny=> )helsea laughed and giggled as Heather begged her to allow me to strip.
)helsea bit her lip . shook her head, inside pleading for her craings to be dealt with as
much as her mothers needed it. 2s soon as I saw )helsea(s head shake, I began to unBip
my trousers and tugged on them, letting them slide down . stepping out of them, @y tight
fitting black )K(s raised a gasp from both girls, )helsea had seen their white counterparts
. loed them she could barely hold her +oy as she saw me in them. Heather gasped and
looked around her garden before her eyes reached mine. )helsea leaned in to her . tried
to whisper but couldn(t <happy now=> Heather nodded as she stared, I felt a little awkward
as I stood there as eye candy for the pair. Heather then broke the tension as she stood up,
grabbing )helsea(s hand heading towards me, )helsea lightly protested but allowed her
mum to lead her, Heather . )helsea both grabbed a hand of mine and dragged me inside.
<now )helsea, I know you want to, . if :ae doesn(t mind, hae a feel of his body.> I
grinned as )helsea giggled, trying to act as if this was the first time she(d touched my
body. By now she had worked herself up so much that her familiarity almost betrayed her.
<oh my god you look good in the black ones> Heather paused and looked at how )helsea
inspected my body, her hands rolled down to my )K(s . inspected the bulge, she looked at
Heather for approal, who +ust gae a slight nod before allowing her hands to e6plore too.
-he allowed )helsea to e6plore freely before she whispered to her <isn(t it perfect=>
)helsea replied with a nod, seemingly embarrassed but secretly burning with desire .
se6ual need. It was becoming apparent that Heather had specific plans for bringing me to
she moaned as she e6plored my torso, she then turned to )helsea . admitted to her <I(m
sorry if this is embarrassing for you hunny the wine has gone to my headA> )helsea gae
Heather a small hug, <whateer makes you happy mum> I stood there as they both
returned to inspecting my body. 2fter a few minutes sharing me with one another, )helsea
e6cused herself to dress more comfortably. Heather encouraged her and whispered
something to her, whateer it was made )helsea blush and giggle as she left for her
bedroom. Heather rushed in closer to me . kissed my neck, she whispered gently to me <I
hope this isn(t all too much for you :ae= @e . )helsea are so close . when I told her
about you in the pool, she was so e6cited she admitted she wished it was her. -he
admitted she fancied you se6ually . I eentually got out of her that she would, gien the
chance hae swapped with me in the pool.> I listened and smirked, knowing she was
unaware of our preious relations. Heather continued to caress . kiss my body as she
awaited my answer. 2dding <we hae a good relationship . I wanna keep it that way> I
nodded as she spoke, my arms embracing her as she worked on my body. *his gae her
the reassurance she was looking for. I stood waiting for her ne6t moe, allowing her to
control the situation. -he then let her own hands reach my hardening length bulging
through my tight )K(s, she gasped . moaned as she felt the bulge keen to inspect a little
closer, she dropped to her knees, pulling them down reealing my hardening cock.
Heather grinned and took it into her mouth, something she neer got to do last time.
-he broke her first mouthful only to gasp . hiss at me <I(m not wearing any panties eitherA>
Dust as she spoke )helsea walked in to hear the confession, she paused and gasped,
shocked at the sight . forwardness of her mother. <mumA Ehat are you doing=> she
gasped Heather looked at her without letting my length go, I stood there . looked at
)helsea smiling. -he continued <no panties= ?ou had this planned all along=> Heather
+ust nodded giing a <mmhmmm> around my length. Eorking on me, en+oying the feel of
me in her mouth. )helsea stood their watching, she(d seen me with her friends before, but
her mum was different. -he couldn(t beliee that her mum was happy to go down the road
she had. Heather e6petly sucked on my length, her hands worked on my balls. )helsea
continued to watch, getting more . more turned on as she did. Ehen I eentually looked at
what )helsea was wearing it was +ust a simple bikini. Her halter top was the same but
she(d taken off her skirt, again her hot teenage body looked amaBing . I grew in Heathers
mouth. Heather soon pulled off me noticing me watching )helsea. -he grinned and
whispered <perfectA> then got up off her knees . waed )helsea closer. -he did willingly
moe closer, playing along. Heather tugged on my length . hitched up her dress, e6posing
her ass to me, then hissed as )helsea got to our side <go on, show )helsea how you
fucked me> I looked at )helsea who bit her lip . nodded at me mouthing the words <fuck
her hard> Heather rubbed herself up and down my shaft before I slid into her. -he gae a
loud gasp as I entered her. )helsea watched . touched herself as she stood watching her
mums face wince taking my cock. I started to grab her hips and began to rythmically fuck
her. Heather began to bounce . moan as she let her :aughter watch me fill her with cock.
Ee stood in the middle of their liing room, )helsea stood watching with some articles in
her hand. -he breathed heaily as she watched us, Heathers dress swayed as I slammed
into her, she was bent oer slightly . was getting louder as I continued to push in . out of
her. Heather was groaning and looking at )helsea <he(s such a fucking studA Oh yes :ae,
do me, show )helsea how you fuck women> I groaned in reply as I neared my own
orgasm. 2s )helsea watched she stood . untied her halter neck, it fell e6opseing her pert
young teen tits to me, she knew I loed them but Heather had no idea. )helsea moed so
Heather could see what she was doing, she moaned when she saw )helsea starting to
strip. <oh yes, that(s it )hels, get comfortable.> I grunted and groaned and hinted I was
close to orgasm. Heather looked behind her shoulder at me and hissed <would you like to
fuck )helsea :ae=>
she could barely get the words out of her mouth as the prospect proed to much for
Heather . she started to orgasm. I grunted <oh yesA Jery much.. but first, I(m gonna cum
inside you> Heather . )helsea moaned together as Heathers eyes rolled back and she
shook on me. 2s I felt her clenching in orgasm I pulsed, twitched . began to pump my hot
seed into Heathers hot pussy. -he s,uealed . s,ueaked like she had at the pool in
orgasm, I continued to unload into her as )helsea watched her mother being filled with my
seed and caressed her nipples as she watched. 2 hand had made its way into her bikini
bottoms . began rubbing her own clit as she stared at the scene before her.
Once our orgasms had calmed Heather pulled away from me and puller her dress up and
off, e6posing her naked body to me. -he grinned at )helsea . leaned in to whisper to her
<did you bring it=> )helsea bit her lip and nodded her handbag in front of her mum.
Heather grinned letting out a laugh of cunning as she walked to )helsea. -he pulled out a
condom, I stood and watched as the girls moed closer together. Heather kissed
)helsea(s cheek asking <you wanna do this hun=> )helsea grinned . nodded her head,
bitting her bottom lip hungry to hae what she chraed once again. Heather looked at me,
walked oer and said <now you be good to her> she grabbed my cock . started to tug at it
again, she knew from last time that it wouldn(t take long to get hard again, once she(d
achieed her goal she knelt again, this time she ripped open the packet and pulled out the
condom. -he looked up . smiled as she e6pertly put on the second skin <she needs to be
carefulA> I looked down at her . nodded smirking as I did <you know she(s only &3, but I
think it(s improtant she learns these things properly> Heather whispered up to me, I
became aware ery ,uickly that I was probably the first guy that )helsea has eer had
unprotected se6 with, but Heather was completely unaware of this.
Heather stroked my coered cock idly as )helsea watched . blushed as she watched her
mum prepare it, after a few minutes Heather becconed )helsea oer . grinned as she
presented her my coered length. )helsea smiled, looked at me . winked knowingly.
Heather stood back . sat on the arm chair watching as )helsea kissed me, we kissed
passionately my hands caressed her teenage body once again, my fingers found her bikini
bottoms . tugged them down, they rolled oer her cute ass which I instantly cupped as we
kissed, they fell to the floor as we embraced. )helsea reached down and stroked my
coered member, purring as she did, she leant up to my ear and whispered ,uietly <I(m
gonna en+oy this, lets put on a show for her> I nodded lightly . kissed her again. )helsea
asked me to sit on the couch, which I duly did, I sat there with my length hard, coered .
uproght as Heather watched ad+acent to me. )helsea then straddled me and guided my
cock into her tight, wet, teenage pussy. Ee both moaned simultaneously as I entered her.
Heather watched . let out a satisfied moan as she watched her daughter slide down on
my cock. )helsea began to writhe . moe up and down, my hands caressed her flesh as
she did, I reached around . cupped her ass once again, s,ueeBing it, lifting it . her as we
began fucking. )helsea was ,uick to moan <oh god it feel so different like this> Heather
watched as she heard )helsea commenting <how so baby=> I grinned at )helsea as she
bounced up . down me, )helsea hesitated in thought as she turned to her mother, looking
oer her shoulder at her answering <his cockA It(s so much more than I e6pected> Heather
laughed . agreed <that(s because he(s a man baby, not a boy like your others> )helsea
sighed in both relief . pleasure as she continued to bounce a little faster up . down on
me. Heather had started to moe, crawling across the floor towards us wanting a better
iew. I noticed . nodded to )helsea to moe. -he dismounted me . turned to see her
mum as she moed. I reached up . pulled her down onto me again, )helsea slid down
again . I grabbed her legs, she lent back onto me . gae her mum a great iew of my
coered cock sliding in . out of her daughter. Heather sat in front of us on the floor and
watched as )helsea bounced up . down my shaft.
I wasn(t keen on wearing the condom, I rarely used them as I much prefered the sensation
of bare skin on skin . usually so did the women. 2lthough admittedly I would sometimes
not use one on purpose. Heather watched as the sound of her daughter filled the room,
the noise of the condom coupled with the smell made Heather think, whilst it looked like
)helsea was close to her orgasm, Heather felt that the true pleasures were being held
back from her. )helsea gasped . panted as she bounced, Heather moed in closer than
)helsea had considered . reached under her, as )helsea raised herself, Heather pulled
my cock from her daughters pussy, )helsea moaned in disappointment looking down at
her with begging eyes. Heather looked up into them . e6pertly rolled the condom from my
length disgaurding it. -he leant in and sucked hard on my length a few times before
staring back at )helsea replying <that(s betterA> )helsea raised herself up again as her
mother guided my bare cock into her pussy. *he bare feel against her pussy was so good
that we both groaned loudly as I entered her. )helsea confirmed this by panting hard and
s,ueaking <Oh fuck that(s soo good> Heather moaned and agreed as her hands moed
from my shaft to my balls, playing with them as she watched with front row seats her
teenage daughters pussy being filled by her (first( bare cock. I started to moe my hips
upwards, slamming my self into her as ,uick and as hard as possible, I knew )helsea
wouldn(t be long as I had already felt her tighten around me. -he let out the same sounds
as Heather did as she began to build her orgasm.
Heather had forgotten that when I was in the pool I had filled both women with cum within
minutes of each other, she was used to men being one orgasm horses so to speak.
)helsea howeer knew what to e6pect . allowed herself to get carried away in the
moment. -he became ocal . whined <oh yes, fuck it, fuck it, fuck it...> Heather moaned
too as she started to masturbate watching the scene unfold. Heather watched )helsea(s
nael as she saw the bump of my cockhead deep within her moing. Heather gasped .
watched e6claiming <oh fuck baby, is he deep inside you=> )helsea nodded her head
feerishly, Heather felt my balls twitch in her hands and looked at chelsea, who was in a
seenth heaen at this point, then looked at me . smiled <you(re ready to cum again big
boy=> I nodded . grunted at her, she shook her head <ah ah ahh... naughty boyA> )helsea
wrtihed in pleasure . without opening her eyes begged Heather <oh no please, let him
cum inside me, let me feel his cum deep inside me, I(m begging you mum> she continued
to bounce, each one edging her closer to her main orgasm. Heather knew that her orgasm
was close and she could also tell that my balls were full . ready to spill into her daughters
young teenage body. -he sat there conflicted as she watched. *hen )helsea started to
s,ueak as Heather had done earlier in orgasm, her body clenched tightly around my
length . milked me. Heather hesitantly watched and caressed my balls and shaft as it met
)helsea(s pussy, but she waited too long for her answer, +ust as she spoke the words <no
you need to pull..> I grunted . pumped a huge load deep into )helsea as Heather
watched. -he knew she was too late . half heartedly finished her sentence <... out of her .
ooohhhh my godAA> )helsea wailed as she felt the sensation, knowing that she(d not only
put on a show for her mum, but disobeyed her . ended up full of the same cum that was
seeping from her. @y moans subsided as )hlesea calmed on top of me. Heather looked at
me . shook her head smiling. <I forgot you can fuck . fill two girls one after the otherA>
)helsea giggled as she panted . rested ontop of me, I lifted her up . off sitting her beside
me . panted as Heather looked at us both. I smiled at Heather . winked, my cock still
semi/hard from the tightness. Heather considered her ne6t moe as we sat, deciding that
more wine was in order, she moed to the table and relocated the drinks to where we all
were. *urning to )helsea she whispered <en+oy that baby=> )helsea gae a contented grin
and nodded, not wanting to hint that all they(d managed to do was scratch the surface of
her horniness.
Heather took a large drink of her wine and sat watching we I did likewise, then snook a
peek of )helsea(s resting body, by now, Heather was up for another round of fucking .
was making it clear to me that she had eery intension of acting upon it. -he moed
forwards between my legs . reached up to cradle my slick member, she massaged .
rubbed it, feeling )helsea(s +uices on it . moaned as she did. Heather kept looking at her,
smiling as she did, pleased that she was so contented . een happier that she(d gotten to
share in this special se6ual e6perience. 2s Heather toyed with me, she noticed that I was
springing back into life in her hands. -he looked at me smirking . whispered <how= I
mean, my e6 couldn(t do this> I answered softly <when you(e had a room of ' erile young
women with high se6 dries, you get used to itA> Heather looked wide eyed almost in
disbelief had it not been for the look in my eyes. )helsea moaned in agreement
<mmhhmm.. I know who they were> By now I was as hard as I was earlier in her hands .
Heather gasped slightly at )helsea(s admission. Heather was more concerned with the
moment, stroking my length again . again as )helsea watched from the sofa beside me.
I sat en+oying the sensations as Heather played with me, eery so often she would take my
length in her mouth and sucked on it hungrily, she liked haing a real toy to play with. -he
crawled upwards . straddled me, look at )helsea as she did, I grabbed my length .
guided it into her. Heather moaned as she lowered herself onto me, her hands caressed
my shoulders as she started to moe up . down my shaft. )helsea moed to watch .
smirked, biting her bottom lip again. It seems she had inherited her mothers se6 drie .
was keen to see +ust how they compared. )helsea moed closer towards us as Heather
started to bounce faster then whispered to me <mmmmm... looks like you hae a
demanding night ahead of you :ae> Heather moaned and nodded as she heard )helsea
<oh fuck yes, say you(ll stay the night . fuck us> I breathed my answer as )helsea kissed
my lips passionately <oh yes> we kissed again <but what about using condoms=> I ,uiBBed,
much to )helsea(s disappointment. -he gasped . pouted as I let a hand reach for her
body . caressed it, one hand on each mother . daughter. Heather, grinding down on me,
looked at us as we kissed . saw that )helsea was getting caught up in the passion. I
broke our kiss . hissed at Heather <go on, let her hae one night of unbridled passion>
)helsea kissed me passionately hinting to Heather that she would be happy with this.
Heather sped up again as her pussy tingled, she gasped . panted as she did, then looked
at )helsea with almost glaBed oer eyes saying <isn(t it better with no condom on=>
)helsea broke our kiss, leaned in to her mother . whispered gently <so much better, we
need tonight> Heather nodded in agreement . before her second orgasm could take too
much of a hold she moed herself off my length, offering it to )helsea <here baby, your
turn> )helsea let out a s,ueal of delight . hurried on to my awaiting length. -he slid down
and moaned loudly turning to Heather as she did <I +ust loe how this feels, best birthday
eerA> I looked at her . smiled as she slid down my shaft again, this time she held herself
on me, grinding as I got deeper . deeper into her. I looked at Heather smiling as she
leaned in to kiss me, )helsea s,uirmed on me as she watched us kissing. I throbbed
inside her, she loed the feeling of me inside her, she(d missed it . whilst she had to share
me again, she was happy she got to hae a good night with me once again.
@y kiss with Heather moed down her neck . towards her breasts, cupping them in my
hands . sucking on her still pert nipples. 2s )helsea continued to ride up . down my stiff
length pleasing herself on me. Heather moaned in pleasure at the sensual touches I gae
her, the two were moaning in pleasure together in harmony, my groans adding to the noise
in the room. I looked at )helsea winking as I moed, Heather moed a side as I lifted
)helsea up, still burried deep inside her. I turned, laying her on the sofa beside Heather
who looked up at me now grinning. I started to slide in . out of her a little faster, raising her
legs as she rela6ed into the soft furnishings. Heather watched as I did.
)helsea(s small tits bounced as I started to thrust harder into her, Heather moaned .
encouraged me on <yes :ae that(s it, show her how it feels> I grunted . slammed into her,
harder . harder making her scream in orgasm <ooohhhh fuck I(m cumming> she clenched
tightly around me. I felt her body tense under me, Heather stroked her hair . encouraged
her <that(s it baby, cum on his cock> )helsea started to spray her +uices onto my thighs as
her orgasm grew, I grunted . giggled as I felt her spray <oh yes babygirl, s,uirt that pussy
+uice on me> Heather gasped heaily, craining her head to see. ;ery thrust made her
+uices spurt, )helsea(s cries became ,uicker . more constant, she was now in the throngs
of a deep orgasm. I wasn(t ready to cum yet so I looked at Heather who had set her self
beside )helsea busying her fingers with her pussy as she waited patiently for her turn
again. 2s )helsea(s orgasm lowered I pulled out of her . grabbed Heathers left leg,
moing it oer )helsea(s right leg. Both girls were now splayed open legged before me.
Heather was keen to moe where I wanted her . moed her hands from her pussy in
anticipation of more. -he didn(t hae to wait long as I sank into her almost immediately
making her moan loudly, I started pushing in . out of her, I loed the way these two
women looked together, almost identical but one a little older than the other. *heir legs
entwined and splayed wide as I slammed into her. It didn(t take her long to build up her
orgasm % hearing her daughter cumming moments earlier was more than enough to make
her close.
Heather writhed . moaned letting out the same s,ueals as )helsea had done, I reached
down, sliding a finger into )helsea as I drilled her mother. Both of them started a chorus of
moans as I worked on them both. *heir breasts bounced in unison as I did, my cock was
getting thicker . einy as I continued my assault on Heather. *heir arms embraced one
another as they had this shared e6perience. Heather moaned to )helsea as she felt the
eins more inside her <oh baby, you need to feel it nowA> I took the hint . slid from her .
droe straight into )helsea who immediately started to orgasm again at the intrusion. <oh
fuckA> was all she could muster as I pounded her for a few minutes, Heather grew +ealous
of )helsea orgasms . reached down between her legs, pulling me from her daughter .
guiding me back into her pussy <finish me offA @ake me cum> I started fucking her hard
again composing myself enough to ask <. what would make that happen huh=> she
groaned . almost came as she admitted <your hot seed inside me> I grinned and giggled
as I pushed hard and deep into her, my balls slapped agains her ass as I did, )helsea
moaned with me . Heather as we all neared clima6 again. <ok babe, you want my seed
huh=> she nodded . struggled for breath as she neared her biggest orgasm. <how about
you share it=> as I spoke both their eyes widened as I sprayed a few shots of my hot cum
into Heather, she whined in orgasm, then I pulled from her mid/e+aculate . moed ,uickly
to )helsea shooting a load onto their bodies as I transferred. I pushed in my twitching
member as deep as I could get . continued to spray my hot cum, )helsea moaned as she
felt the remnance of my seed splash into her. *hey both caressed the stray cum that had
landed on each of their bodies as the passion subsided. I pulled out of )helsea . stood
admiring the two naked women. ;ach of them subconsciously rubbing their pussies in time
with one another . smearing the cum on their nipples. 2s I watched my cock started to
slacken, I watched for a few minutes as they en+oyed themseles.
Chapter 7
Heather was the first to moe, at this point I(d sat back down in the arm chair . was
drinking my beer. -he moed . headed for the bathroom winking at me as she past.
)helsea then moed . stared at me with adoring eyes, whispering as she did <I cannot
beliee thisA I get to hae you as much asI like without haing to hide it> I smiled at her .
moed ne6t to her, embracing her as we sat there naked, <you neer mentioned it was
your birthday=> )helsea blushed a little . admitted <mum told me she had something
planned for my (sweet si6teenth( but I had no idea it was this, if only she knew..> at this
point Heather walked in . en,uired <knew what baby=> )helsea paused . gasped,
shocked that she(d oerheard things. <that you(re not as noice as I thought=> )helsea
giggled . nodded, <oh hunny, I knew that already.. I was se6ually actie at &5> I grinned
and kissed )helsea, hugging her as we sat there. Heather +oined us on the opposite side
into the embrace, we rela6ed as we sat, then after a moment I e6cused myself . headed
for the bathroom too. In my absence Heather turned to )helsea . they chatted, I could
hear their dulled oices through the door.
<so tell me the truth, I saw the way you were with him at the pool. *oday was not +ust about
giing you something to remember for your birthday, it was to see how you were with him>
)helsea replied but I couldn(t make it out, it was only when Heather spoke that I
understood <I knew you had done more together before now> I considered staying in there
until they were done with their chat but if I did, it would be too long, so % haing been
busted, I braed it returning to the room hiding my worry. Heather looked at me . grinned
<welcome back se6yA> her positie reaction laid me at ease as I re+oined them, nesting
between them. <)helsea was about to tell me how you two reall! met=> she then turned to
)helsea . smiled awaiting her answer. *here was an awkward silence before )helsea
finally broke and whispered <honestly=> Heather nodded as she traced her fingernails
across my chest <remember, I know you hae been fucking before today> )helsea sighed
. whispered <i(m sorryA> then turned to Heather . smiled < you remember how :ae
mentioned the ' young girls he had in his room= Eell, I was one of them> Heather gasped
. grinned % a reaction we were both not e6pecting. <-abrina, 2melia, Denny, Houise . me
seduced :ae . he took us to his hotel room. He had no idea how old we were.. at the
time> she continued. Heather listened as the confession came, her hands neer stopped
tracing . caressing my body as )helsea spoke. I whispered in a pause <and you know the
girl before you in the pool=> Heathers eyes widened . heart pounded as she realised
gasping as the truth spilled out <so I needn(t hae bothered with the condoms anyway=
?ou(e already had his seedA> )helsea grinned at her reaction, chipping in <I(e had an
implant since december> they both giggled . started to caress my body together Heather
moaned as she thought then whispered <hmmm so !ou're the slut he fucked in the pool
before me==.... mmmmmmm.... good girlA> )helsea let out a giggle as Heather bent down
to lick my shaft again, I sat en+oying the attention )helsea kissed my lips, biting them
whislt Heather slide her mouth up . down the side of my shaft. It thickened as she did,
giing her more encouragement to continue.
Before they got carried away, Heather pulled herself from me . tugged )helsea away from
my lips <lets go to my bedroom and hae more fun> )helsea smiled . nodded moing as
Heather grabbed each of our hands leading us upstairs. Ee followed her giggling, )helsea
was now more confident than eer knowing she didn(t hae to keep any secrets. *he door
to her room swung open . reealed . ,ueen siBed bed that could easily fit ' people on.
Heather +umped on it . rolled onto her hands . knees . started to wiggle her ass at me.
)helsea bent herself oer the bed . wiggled hers at me. I now had the choice, but for
once was now torn as to which to choose.
)helsea was closest so I moed behind her . sank in deep making her s,ueal, Heather
looked behind oer her shoulder . pouted, )helsea smiled at her . grabbed her ankle
tugging her towards us, Heather took the hint moing closer to us, I reached . cupped her
pussy as she neared, rubbing her as she moed. Heather responded moaning under my
touch, I slowly slid in . out of )helsea as my hand caressed Heathers slit. Heather slid off
the bed . +oined )helsea wiggling her ass, knocking into her as I slid in . out of her.
)helsea giggled as she leaned beside her mother, she looked into her eyes . bit her lip as
I started speeding up gasping to her <I can fuck him properly now> Heather gae a laugh of
happiness as she watched )helsea rela6. Because she was now rela6ed . had the feel of
my cock sliding in . out of her, )helsea loosened herself up as she had done with her
friends, she bacame more ocal, more demanding as she turned oer her shoulder at me
<fuck me :ae, pull my hair, fuck me hard, then fuck her in the same way> I grinned at the
way she took control . obliged her, reaching up gripping her hair . pulling it back,
slamming hard into her as I did, the sound of her yelping was contrasted by the sound of
my hips slapping into her ass. Heather winced . moaned as I slapped her ass forcefully
with my spare hand.
Heather was isibly shocked at )helsea(s new found confidence, but stayed where she
was . moaned as I slapped her ass, she gasped when )helsea gae a deep carnal groan
as I slammed into her again . again, )helsea was showing a different side that neither of
us had seen before . I liked itA I continued to slam in . out of her tugging her hair back
hard, her groans became constant, deep . carnal. Heather sighed . moaned as she
heard her daughter gasp with eery hard thrust. I reached my hand up to Heathers hair .
grasped a handful to her shock . pulled it, forcing her head back to the same position
)helsea(s was, she let out a shreak . )helsea moed her head slightly to see why, this
sent her oer the edge . she started to s,uirt out onto me, her groans battered into short
bursts as I continued to slam hard into her. Dust before she could peak I pulled out of her .
moed aside, Heather instinctiely reached between her legs and guided me in, without
hesitation I started to slam in . out of her, fucking her hard . ,uick, again the sound of the
slaps filled the room, )helsea looked as I tugged on her hair. I held them as if they were
horses that were mine to be rode hard . fast. Heather became oerwhelmed ery ,uickly
gasping . panting, < fucking.... god> her words staggered . wobbly as her body
moed with eery hit of her ass. )helsea writhed as her orgasm brink subsided, I slammed
into Heather harder . harder, tugging both their hairs as I did. *hey moaned together as I
slammed into her, I was nearing my own orgasm . grunter to )helsea <I(m gonna cum
baby, what do you want me to do=> )helsea gasped and moaned <oh yes :ae cum for
us, in our mouths :ae, Het mum taste how sweet you are.> I groaned . let go of their hair,
both girls moed down to their knees before me ,uickly with wide open mouths. *heir
+uices dripped from my length . each of them garbbed my length with one hand, they
began to stroke together hard, holding their faces close together. I was ery close at this
poont . seeing their faces this close knowing this was the first time they(d shared in a
se6ual e6perience such as this made it een more so special. I grunted . looked into
)helsea(s eyes who took the lead by poiinting it into Heathers mouth, she sucked on the
end as I started to cum, pumping out another hot load of my seed. )helsea ,uickly pulled
my e+aculating cock from her mouth . let me spray the rest onto her mums face. I grunted
in satisfaction as I came. Heather panted heaily moaning with delight at her facial.
)helsea slapped her mums face with my spent hard cock giggling with lust. 2fter a few
moments, )helsea let go, looked at Heather . laughed. -he helped her up onto the bad .
whispered wuietly to her <you know when we had him between us, he was our personal
little se6 toy, we all used him for anything we wanted.> Heather grinned as she cleaned
herself up, scooping the cum on her face into her mouth.
*hey both sat on the bed considering their ne6t moe, I stood watching, for the first time in
they saw my cock drooping . whispered to each other, Heather then pointed to a white
door that attached her bedroom <go hae a shower, I hae en suite . you look like you
could do with freshening up.> I smiled . nodded crawing up the bed towards them first,
arriing at them9 I kissed )helsea, then Heather . gently told them <you two decide what
you want to do ne6t, I(ll be right back.> I moed from the bed . towards the door, I opened
it and pulled the light cord. It was bright, white tiled . she had an amaBon haBe shower
that took up half of the room. I grinned . turned it on, after a few seconds the heat kicked
in . steam started to fill the room. *hey were right9 I needed refreshing . I was getting hot
. sweaty. I wondered what the girls would want to do ne6t. *hey seemed more interested
in enting their se6ual frustration than anything else, I stepped into the shower . groaned
as the haBe hit my body. I loed its rela6ing spray . felt its $3! degrees of spray caress my
body. I stood in there for ,uite a few minutes en+oying it, rela6ing in it, I washed my body
with the soap inside that was clearly Heathers, it left me feeling like silk and shined as I
washed off the lather. I suddenly heard the door go . the shower shut off. *he glass door
opened . )helsea stood there smiling <feeling better now big boy=> I nodded . smiled
taking in her well kept body, her cures e6actly how they should be . got out of the
shower, the water glistened on my body as her shower soap left it(s shine upon my torso.
-he inspected me with a smile <mmmmmm.... you look good wet, +ust how I remember
youA> I winked at her, )helsea +ust smiled . winked back leading me back into her
bedroom where I found Heather tied to the bed, a hand on each corner of the headboard
and her legs were bent but strapped to something under the opposite corners of the foot of
the bed. -he was splayed out naked, writhing and wriggling, as I looked up her body I
noticed she had my cum still seeping a little from her small tight pussy . a gag coered
her mouth, she moed her head from side to side in an attempt to communicate.
)helsea looked at me . grinned, <this is what happens when +ealousy happens in families
:ae.> I smiled . looked at her, I was already growing hard . the glossy sheen on my
body left me feeling radiant. )helsea inspected me more . chastised her mum <tell mum
+ust how many times you filled me=> I laughed . shook my head <I er... can(t ,uite
remember> she smirked at me <what can you remember=> I smirked . turned to face her <I
filled each girl at least once... Fill one, fill all was the rule. -ome..> I turned to face Heather
then nodding towards )helsea <wanted more than others.> at this point )helsea began to
run her hands oer my body, feeling the gentle gleam layer upon it. Heather grunted,
muffled from the gag. I was caught in Heathers trance, her eyes hypnotised me as we
shared an intense moment. )helsea interupted it breaking our trance, <it was morelike
twice... he filled each of us more than once, some of us had more cum than others though>
she grinned as she confessed then turned to me as she sat between her mums spread
legs <so that(s more than &! times in an eening huh=> Heather whined . wrtihed, her
pussy ached as she laid there e6posed . waiting. <not to mention filling me at the pool.> I
stood there, my tool was tall . hard . twitched as she spoke <-o this is what(s gonna
happen tonight, she is going to be your personal cum dump % don(t worry, she(s not going
anywhere / I will get to fuck you, she will get to hae that hot seed of yours. Until I think
she(s caught up enough... so he owes you 4 more pussy loads . a facial> )helsea giggled
with her new found power . confidence. Heather stared, her eyes were wide in
e6pectancy, she rela6ed into the bonds letting her body loosen as she watched. )helsea
crawled between Heathers spread legs, wiggling her ass at me again. I wasted no time in
+oining her, my hands caressing her hips . sides then breasts. Ehen she stopped her face
was only inches from her mothers, their breasts barely touched but she wanted to tease
her as much as she could. It was her time to show how she fucked. I looked at the pair .
smiled teasing Heather I said ,uietly <i like this game, we should play it again>
)helsea wiggled . started to brush herself up . down my length, eentually I slid in with
ease unguided making her moan. -he felt hot . tight, I sank into her pushing her forwards
into her mum, their bodies collided slightly as I did, she gae a moan . Heathe s,uirmed
beneth her, I heard a muffled moan of appreciation escape from her as I started to push in
. out of )helsea. I slowly fucked her, en+oying her pussy. *he showere had done a great
+ob of refreshing me, I was fit for a good eening of fucking . my balls swayed heaily. I
grabbed her hips . positioned myself so my balls slapped noisily against her as I fucked
her. *he sound echoed around the room silenced only by the sound of )helsea groaning
in pleasure as she felt me sliding in . out of her. <that bare cock sliding in . out of me, Cod
It feels so good> I slapped into her again . again, making her small teen tits bounce . rub
against Heathers as I did. -he started to let out a familiar s,eak as an orgasm grew inside
her <oh fuck, yes, I(m cumming already, fuck me :ae, Fill me with your cum, Fill me right
up> I grunted . pounded into her nearing my orgasm, Heather started to s,ueak ina similar
tone as she neared her orgasm. Her eyes wide as she anticipated feeling my cum but not
coninced she would receie a single drop.
)helsea moaned as she felt me pulse inside her . recognising it, she reached under her .
cupped my swaying balls. Her knuckles brushed against her mum ,uim making her moan
een more. I pushed into her, pressing her body forwards . down sandwiching her
between me . Heather. I was ready to burst when I slid out of her . droe into Heather,
her hot aching pussy deoured me as I started to e+aculate into her. Heather s,uealed into
her gag as she felt the hot seed +et into her. 2fter my loads I slid out of her making her
moan in disappointment. I slid back into )helsea . continued to pound into her, lifting her
hips . her body from Heathers. )helsea started to moan again, her face once again
inches from her mums, as soon as she felt my thick spent einy shaft inside her again she
clenched around me tight . backed onto it.
I started to slide in . out of )helsea again, picking up speed as I did. -he loed the fact
that she could now hae ertual e6clusiity on my cock, her only regrets was her lack of
cum. But )helsea was determined to show her mum how she could handle herself in the
bedroom . gie her the good night she was so obiously ready for. )helsea(s orgasm built
up again, her little s,ueaks of +oys filling the room as Heather watched, helpless to
interene or help this time. I grabbed her shoulders . continued to pound into her, slapping
her ass with my hips hard, making her nipples brush against Heathers bound sensitie
body. I grunted as I thrust into her, my cries becoming more carnal as I used )helsea(s hot
pussy. @y cock was swollen . einy, it was getting used to being needed many times a
day so was by now getting into the swing of things. )helsea felt that I was getting fatter
inside her . she hissed as she felt her walls tighten under the e6cess meat <oh fuckA I can
feel his cock getting bigger inside me mum.... oooowooohA> I had to slow my pace, the
tightness of her pussy around my shaft made it difficult as she started to clima6, I decided
that if she couldn(t hae my cum, she could hae me as deep as her teen body would
allow. I moed my body up oer her . pushed hard into her at an angle, pushing in the
remaining length downwards into her entering her as deep as I could. -he screamed in a
mi6ture of pain .. pleasure <Ooooww fuck that(s so deep it hurtsA> Heathers eyes widened
then our eyes made contact as )helsea(s face winced, her look was a mi6ture of worry .
+ealousy. -he craed more than +ust the cum from my cock, she wanted eerything.
)helsea(s eyes then widened . she grew silent as I felt her insides gieway, I pushed into
her ceri6 . paused, she trembled as she felt my head gently touching her deeply inside.
Her gasp turned into heay panting as she felt me throbbing deep inside her. 2s Heather .
I shared eye contact I smirked . told her <she is completely full of cock... . she(s gonna
cum again on me> )helsea released as she heard the words, groaning . moaning,
trembling . bucking as she came hard around my long, thick shaft inside her. *his time
there was no s,uirting, her body couldn(t. -he was impaled on me as her body shook.
Heather s,uirmed as my cum rolled out of her pussy . down towards her ass. I felt
)helsea(s orgasm subside, she collapsed on the bed e6hausted as I slid my length from
her . looked towards Heather who again stared into my eyes begging me to fuck her. I
smiled . winked at her <hmmmm I need finishing off...> )helsea moed ,uickly forcing a
recoery, her body still shierred as she moed. -he rolled oer offering her mouth for my
cock to use. Her hed was between Heathers open legs as I moed in. I sank down into her
all the way making her gag, it was a loud noisey gag that made Heather writhe in her ties,
she crained her neck looking down at )helsea taking my fat meat, she noticed a few
inches weren(t een close to entering her mouth . her eyes widened. -he watched as I
face/fucked her daughter, the eins on my iron/like shaft stood out for her to see. I felt
myself close to yet another orgasm . groaned to )helsea <oh fuck yes baby, that(s it,
make me cum again> her response was a muffled ibrating around my shaft as she
s,uirmed beneth me, Heather watched . writhed as she couldn(t ,uite beliee she was
about to get another hot load so soon.
I grunted . pulled out of her mouth . again sank into Heathers awating pussy, -he
moaned into the gag as I did close to her own orgasm as I started pumping another few
loads of hot seed deep into her. I watched her as her eyes rolled back, )helsea took my
balls into her mouth and sucked on them as she watched my shaft pump its contents into
her mother. 2fter a few moments I grunted . pulled out my cock. It pulled a load of my cum
with it landing on )helsea(s face as I moed. -he let out as gasp of shock as my second
hand seed landed on her as well as my length slapping onto her cheeks. I moed across
her . off, helping her to sit up, as she did she looked at Heather who looked at her cum
soaked face. Heather looked red . flushed, desperate to be finished off with a good
fucking. <awww look at her... she wants a good fucking :ae...> she looked at me and we
laughed together, <ok that(s two loads in her hot pussy :ae, we(re nearly een> I smiled .
nodded <you think she(s cum yet==> I said +okingly. <hmmm she looks depried.. aww
mummy wanna cum==> )helsea teased. Heather nodded frantically in pleading of
)helsea(s permission for me to fuck her. @y length started to slacken a little bit but was still
,uite hard, hard enough for )helsea to grab it . stroke it playfully in front of her mum.
2s she stroked her eyes widened as she remembered the orgy with -abrina, she turned to
Heather . whispered <you know sweet little Denny who you like mum=> Heather nodded in
reply, <she(s not a sweet as you think... she asked :ae here to fuck her 2--A> Heather let
out a moan as her eyes widened. I smiled . nodded <yup, she begged me to fuck it> I
leaned in to Heathers face . whispered to her softly <and I did, I fucked that teenage ass .
gae her a huge hot load to remember it by> )helsea moaned as she heard, Heather
gasped . panted heaily in her gag. I looked at )helsea who also lent oer . pulled the
gag from her mouth. Heather gasped for air hissing at me <you dirty fuckA> I smiled at her .
moed my hand between her legs smearing my cum into her pussy. *he sensations made
her moan as she felt clitoral stimulation for the first time in this position. I smeared it up .
down her slit letting my fingertips smear it all the way down to her anus. -he writhed and
gasped, then composed herself enough to continue <so you fucked one of their asses
too=> she panted ,uiBBicially. )helsea saw my fingers . allowed me to continue with
where they were going, not allowing any real penetration or harder stimulation as she
placed her hand on mine in guidence for a moment. )helsea nodded as she worked on my
length. I felt my seed seeping from her slowly as I massaged her labia. 2 pool had already
ran down and was in her anus, I felt it with my finger tip . looked at )helsea <did 2melia
te6t you yesterday=> )helsea nodded . smiled <yes, she said you were gonna fuck her all
night... did you=> I smiled as Heather gasped in disbelief unable to speak as she
concentrated on my fingers. I shook my head smiling . bit my bottom lip before admitting
<oh yess...> )hlesea grinned <good boyA> as Heather listened to how much her daughter .
her friends had better se6 lies than she did9 she stared at me in almost resent.
I bent down to Heathers ear again without breaking eye contact with )helsea . whispered
<she got her ass fucked as well> Heather gasped . nearly came on our idly moing fingers,
)helsea grinned . thought to herself, <confession time mummy> she turned . looked at
her, then to me . gae me a nod, I almost intsinctiely knew what she wanted me to do, so
I moed beside her, fingers still caressing her cum soaked slit, Heather nodded ready for
the ,uestion <eer had it up your ass=> as she uttered the words I pressed my finger into
her anus, she rela6ed letting it slide in, Heather blushed bright red at the grilling she was
getting, then nodded <yes, I used to fucking loe it up the ass> I nodded to )helsea during
the confession pointing to her ass that was now hosting my finger. )helsea let out a moan
. tugged on my length a little more... <does that do it for you :ae= :oes that make you
hard again ready to get e,ual=> I nodded <oh yes, she(s fucking aching, you(re mean to
her.> )helsea laughed . stroked my hard shaft, she still had my cum dripping from her
chin as it rolled off her face. Her smile was amaBing as she sat there stroking me, <let her
suck you :ae> I nodded . moed straddling Heathers chest guiding my cock down into
her wide open mouth, <oh fuck yess> she struggled to get the words out as I sank into her.
)helsea watched as I did, en+oying the iew of my ass moing forwards . backwards.
-he then moed . started to undo Heathers leg restraints, once her legs were free she
wrapped them around mine . continued to lick . suck hungrilly at my length inside her.
I was tingling in desire . lust as I felt her legs become free <oh yes Heather, suck that
cock, now you know e6actly where its been...> she groaned around me as I pushed it in .
out of her, )helsea watched from the edge of the bed, taking the time to clean her face of
the remaining cum, I neared my orgasm . turned to )helsea who smiled at me. I winked
at her . moaned <she wants a face full doesn(t she=> I held her hair as I continued to slide
in . out of her mouth. )helsea laughed as she thought then leaned oer and whispered to
me <cum in her ass instead> I grinned . pulled out, moing down Heather panted heaily .
shook her hair from her face preparing herself. Ehen she saw me moing she looked
disappointed . groaned. I grabbed her legs . hiked them up, she strained against her tied
hands . whined <oh yes :ae... )hels let him fuck me, please baby, let him fuck me==>
)helsea moed beside me . grabbed my cock, I parted her legs wide as )helsea stroked
me, her cum coered snatch . ass were perfect . )helsea stroked me harder, Heather
gasped . pleaded to )helsea <please let him fuck me, let me cum on his gorgeous cock>
we already knew what the answer was, all we needed was my seed . that wasn(t far away.
<ooohh 8o... no fucking for you +ust yet mother dear> )helsea hissed, then she pulled me
forwards . pushed me onto Heathers puckered asshole, her eyes went wide as I took oer
. pushed into her forcefully. -he gae way to my slippery cock as I pushed in what cum
was close, I grunted . went light headed as I pushed in deeper, Heather started to buck .
gasped loudly <fuck it :ae, fuck itA> )helsea leaned in . whispered <+ust cum in her ass,
make it three in a row> I listened to )helsea . burst my hot load deep into Heathers ass,
she screamed at the feeling craing more attention, I pumped another load in followed
,uickly by another until I was spent. Heather desperately tried to moed up . down so she
was fucking my length but )helsea grabbed my hips before temptation could take oer .
pulled me out of her, leaing her gaping and leaking my hot seed all oer the bed sheets.
Heather panted . stared at us both as we sat at the foot of the bed, )helsea leaned in and
we kissed passionately, our tongues e6plored as though we were long time loers. <you
know as soon as we untie her she(s gonna pounce on you. want a good fucking right=>
)helsea giggled as we kissed. I nodded <uh/huh . that(s ok...> I turned to her and reached
up for her left hand as )helsea reached for the right one undoing the ties adding <all she
needs to do is get me hard again . I(ll fuck herA> Heather grinned as she panted for breath,
feeling the release of her hands. 2s predicted, as soon as her hands were free she moed
and kissed me passionately on the lips, embracing me as we did.
)helsea decided that she was going to hae her shower now . that her mum desered
some (priacy( and made off to the bathroom. Ehen the door closed Heather hissed at me
<you(re not sleeping tonight now, I need a really good fuckingA> I kissed her passionately
back . agreed, she no longer had to obe! )helsea nor hold back as she had in the pool
cubicle. 2s we kissed she straddled me on the bed, wrapping her legs around me,
en+oying the embrace. -he rocked against me slowly, my cum ooBed from her holes,
grinding down onto me. Haing the shower earlier had refreshed me completely, I wasn(t
tired as the eening was still early, the sun still shone through the bedroom window as we
embraced. I broke our passionate kiss . whispered into her right ear <hmmm you feel
that= Huh, my cock(s ready again babyA> Heather moaned in response as she teased her
tingling clit against my hards shaft under her. -he crawled off me . lent onto all fours
wiggling her ass at me. <now there(s an offerA> I siad moing in behind her, slapping my
cock on her ass playfully. -he moaned . begged <fuck me, hard . fast, I need to cum.. it
won(t take much you fucking teaseA> I laughed at her . smeared my cock head up . down
her back end . slit <yes, but which hole wants fucking==> I e6claimed befire dipping into
her anus slowly, then pulling out . dipping into her pussy. Her moans . pants, coupled
with her s,ueaks of +oy were diine.
I started to pound in . out of her pussy, gripping her hips tightly as I did, my pelis slapped
into her . she winced with eery thrust. It was +ust what her aching body had craed for
the last few hours, it wasn(t long before she started to feel her orgasm build again, this
time she had my cock slamming into her . wasn(t about to let this sensation stop. Eithin
seconds she was cumming, shouting loudly . s,uirting on my cock . balls as I continued
to pound into her. I pulled out of her . slid into her already cum soaked ass . slid in easily,
she gae out yet another moan of ecstacy, <ooohhh yes fuck that ass> I slid in . out of her
a few ties . then pulled out. -he hissed at me in lust as I helped her up, I laid on the bed
holding my cock upwards for her, taking the hint she moed . guieded it into her awaiting
ass. -he started to ride me, facing out into the room, again her moans coming ,uick .
loud as she took what she(d waited patiently for. 2s she started to orgasm on my length I
could hold out no longer . grunted at her <mmmm baby, I(m gonna cum again> I then
started to burst my load deep into her ass, filling it a second time. -hot after shot before
she fell back onto my body, e6hausted by her afternoon. 2fter a few short moments I felt
myself nodding off, totally spent in need of rest.
Ehen I woke, )helsea had left the shower . Heather was in, )helsea, despite the
temptation encouraged me to rest as she laid beside me. 2s we waited for Heather to
appear )helsea snuggled into me.after a few minutes Heather emerged, glossy from the
soap . swayed her way oer towards her wardobe opening it . pulled out a white lace
neglige, she slid into it . turned to look at us both on the bed. *he sun was still beating
through so she sugguested )helsea go change into something a little comfier hinting that
we should go outside again to en+oy some more sun. <why don(t you go slip your silk nighty
on baby, then we can go . en+oy the sunshine for a while.> )helsea giggled as she moed
from the bed, when she got to the door she turned . looked ,uiBBically <what(s he gonna
wear=> Heather smiled at her . bit her bottom lip <them )K(s he had on should be good
enough> they both let out a giggle . )helsea left. I got up . started to make my way
downstairs with Heather. I pulled on my tight black )K(s . headed out with Heather.
Chapter 8
*he eening grew in at Heathers . as I suspected, she had more frustration she wanted to
ent whilst she had cock

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