Specifications Karjan

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Name of Work :-

Construction of ROB on Karjan

Bypass road Joining N.H No
in Km
!"!! to #"# across B.$. Rai%&ay
'ine from (adodara to
Bom)ay at 'C. No. #*+
, +-."*/-*- in )et&een
0iyagam - 1to%a 2ection near
3ist : (adodara


Name of Work
Construction of ROB on Karjan Bypass roa !oinin" N#$ No % in Km
&'&& to ('( across B#)# Rai*+ay ,ine from -aoara to Bom.ay at ,C#
No# (/0 1 023'/45/2 in .et+een 6iya"am 5 Ito*a Section near Karjan# 7ist
8 -aoara
Item No# /
Dismantling the existing structure including removing and staking the dismantled as
and where directed
1. This work shall consist of removing , as here in after set forth, existing
culverts, bridges, pavements, kerbs and other structures like guard-rails,
fences, utility poles, manholes, catch basins, inlets, etc. Which are in place
but interfere with the new construction or are not suitable to remain in place,
and of salvaging and disposing of the resulting materials and backfilling the
resulting trenches and pits.
!xisting culverts, bridges, pavements -and other structures which are within
the highway and which are designed to be removed shall be removed upto
the limits and extent specified in the drawings or as indicated by the !ngineer-
". Dismantaling and removal operations shall be carried out with e#uipment and
in such a manner as to leave undisturbed, ad$acent pavement, structure and
any other work to be left in place.
%. &ll operations necessary for the removal of any existing structure which might
endanger new construction shall be completed prior to the start of new work.
'. The structures shall be dismantaled carefully and the resulting materials so
removed as not to cause any damage to the serviceable materials to be
salvaged, the part of the structure to be retained and any other properties or
structures nearby.
(. )nless otherwise specified, the superstructure portion of culverts* bridges
shall be entirely removed and other parts removed to below the ground level
or as necessary depending upon the interference they cause to the new
construction. +emoval of overlying or ad$acent materials if re#uired in
connection with the dismantaling of the structures, shall be incidental to this
,. Where existing culverts* bridges are to be extended or otherwise incorporated
in the new work, only such part of the existing structure shall be removed as
are necessary to provide a proper connection to the new work. The
connecting edges shall be cut, chipped and trimmed to the re#uired lines and
grades without weakening or damaging any part of the structure to be
retained. +einforcing bars which are to be left in place so as to pro$ect into
new work as dowels or ties shall not be in$ured during removal of concrete.
-. .ipe culverts shall be carefully removed in such a manner t( avoid damage to
the pipes.
/. 0teel structures shall unless otherwise provided be carefully dismantled in
such a manner as to avoid damage to members thereof. 1f specified in the
drawing or directed by the !ngineer-in-charge that structure is to be removed
in a condition suitable for re-erection, all members shall be match marked by
the contractor with white lead paint before dismantling end pins, nuts, loose
plates, etc. shall be similarly marked to indicate their proper location, all pins,
pin holes and machined surface shall be painted with a mixture of white lead
and tallow and all loose parts shall be securely wired to ad$aced members or
packed in boxes.
12. Timber structures shall be removed in such a manner as to avoid damage to
such timber or lumber as is designated to be salvaged by the !ngineer-in-
11. 1n removing pavements, kerbs, gutters and other structures like guard rails,
fences, manholes, catch basins, inlets, etc. where portions of the existing
construction are to be left in the finished work the same shall be removed to
an existing $oint or out and chipped to a true line with a face perpendicular to
the surface of the existing strata. 0ufficient removal shall be made to provide
for proper grades and connections with the new work as directed by the
1. &ll concrete pavements, base course in carriage way and shoulders etc.
designed for removal shall be broken to pieces whose volume shall not
exceed 2.2 cubic metre and stockpiled at designated iodations if the
materials is to be used later or otherwise arranged for disposal as directed.
1". Where directed by the !ngineer-in-charge holes and depressions caused by
dismantling operations shall be backfilled with excavated or other approved
materials thoroughly compacted in line with surrounding area.
1%. &ll materials obtained by dismantling shall be the property of 3overnment.
)nless otherwise specified, materials having any salvage value shall be
placed in neat stacks of like material with the right of way as directed by the
!ngineer-in-charge, for which 4ontractor will remain responsible for its safe
custody and preservation for (2 days after recording measurements of the
salvaged materials. .ipe culverts that are removed shall be cleared and
nearly piled on the right-of-way at point designed by the !ngineer-in-charge.
1'. .ipe culverts that are removed shall be cleared and neatly piled on the right of
way at points designated by the !ngineer-in-charge.
1(. 0tructural steel removal from old structure shall, unless otherwise specified or
directed, be stored in a neat and presentable manner. 0tructures or portions
thereof which are specified in the contract for re-erections shall be stored in
separate piles.
1,. Timber or lumber from old structure which is designated by the !ngineer-in-
charge as materials to be shall have all rails and bolts removed there from
and shall be stored in neat piles locations suitable for loading.
1-. &ll te products of dismantling operations which in the opinion of the !ngineer-
in-charge cannot be used or auctioned shall, be disposed as directed, within 1
22 metres.,
1/. The work of dismantling structures shall be paid for in units indicated below by
taking measurements before and after, as applicable.
5i6 Dismantling 0tone*brick*concrete 5.lain and +einforced6 masonry
4ubic 7etre
5ii6 Dismantling flexible and cement concrete pavement.*+44 pipes
4ubic 7etre
5iii6 Dismantling steel structure.
5iv6 Dismantling timber structure
4ubic 7etre
5v6 Dismantling pipes, guard rails, kerbs, gutters and fencing.
8inear 7etre
5vi6 )tility poles.
(. The contract unit rates for the various items of dismantling shall by payment in
full for carrying out the re#uired operations including full compensation for all
labour materials, tools, e#uipment, safeguards and incidentals necessary to
complete the work. These will also include excavation and backfilling where
necessary and for handling, salvaging, piling and disposing of the dismantled
materials within all lifts and upto a lead of 122 metres.
Item No# (
Remo9a* of e:istin" asp;a*tic +earin" coat comprisin" of <& mm t;ick
asp;a*tic concert *ai o9er /( mm t;ick mastic asp;a*t inc*uin"
isposa* +it; a** *ift an *ea upto /&&& m#
-2/. D107&9T8193 :; W!&+193 4:&T
-2/.1. 4ommencement of Dismantling
<efore commencing dismantling, the nature and condition of concrete, the condition
and position of reinforcement should be ascertained. The 4ontractor shall familiarise
himself with the structural design and ensure that the overall stability of the bridge is
not affected.The existing expansion $oint assemblies shall be removed carefully along
the entire width of the carriageway. The deck slab for a width of %22 mm on either
side should beremoved for placing of reinforcement, anchor rods, anchor bolts and
other fixing assemblies for the new expansion $oints and pouring of fresh concrete.
The gap between the girders over the piers should be cleared of all debris. &
temporary platform in the gap at the end of girders shall be erected to collect the
materials falling down during concreting and fixing of expansion $oints
5i6 The service lines, if any, shall be disconnected* diverted before the
dismantling work starts.
-2/.. Dismantling of concrete wearing coat shall be carried out using $ack
hammers or suitable manual methods as .approved by the !ngineer. 4are should be
taken to avoid any damage to the existing structure including reinforcement or
prestressing anchorages for cables, if any, located in the deck slab.
-2/.". .recautions During Dismantling Work ;or general guidelines, reference may
be made to 0ection 122. Dismantling work shall not be carried out at night, or during
storm or heavy rain. & warning device shall be installed in the area to be used to warn
the workers in case of mishap*emergency.
0afety helmets conforming to 10=/' shall be used by the workmen engaged in
dismantling work. The sheds and tool boxes should be located away from the work
3oggles preferably made up of celluloids and gas masks shall be worn at the time of
dismantling, especially where tools like $ack hammers are deployed to protect eyes
from in$uries from flying pieces, din, dust etc. 8eather or rubber gloves shall be worn
by the workers during the demolition of +44 work. 0creens made up of 31 sheets
shall be placed wherever necessary to prevent the flying pieces from in$uring the
workers. Water should be sprayed to reduce the dust while removing concrete
wearing course with $ack hammer. 9o work shall be taken up under the span when
dismantling work is in progress.
The rate shall be for unit of one 0# mt for '2 mm thick
Item No# 0
C*earin" t;e site .efore commencement an after comp*etion of t;e
21. C,EARIN) AN7 )R=BIN)
21.1. Scope
This work shall consist of cutting, removing and disposing of all materials
such as trees, bushes, shrubs, stumps, roots, grass, weeds, top organic soil not
exceeding "22 mm in thickness, rubbish etc., which in the opinion of the
!ngineer arc unsuitable for incorporation in the works, from, the area of road
land containing road embankment, drains, cross-drainage structures and such
other areas as may be specified> on the drawings or by the !ngineer. 1t shall
include necessary excavation, backfilling of pits resulting from uprooting of trees
and stumps to re#uired compaction, handling, salvaging, and disposal of
cleared materials. 4learing and grubbing shall be performed in advance of
earthwork operations and in accordance with the re#uirements of these
21.. Preser9ation of Property'Amenities
+oadside trees, shrubs, any other plants, pole lines, fences, signs,
monuments, buildings, pipelines, sewers and all highway facilities within or
ad$acent to the highway which are not to be disturbed shall be protected from
in$ury or damage. The 4ontractor shall provide and install at his own
expense, suitable safeguards approved by the !ngineer for this purpose.
During clearing and grubbing, the 4ontractor shall take all ade#uate
precautions against soil erosion, water pollution, etc., and where re#uired,
undertake additional works to that effect vide 4lause "2(. <efore start of
operations, the 4ontractor shall submit to the !ngineer for approval, his work plan
including the procedure to be followed for disposal of waste materials, etc. and
the schedules for carrying out temporary and permanent erosion control
works as stipulated in 4lause "2(.".
21.". 6et;os> Too*s an E?uipments
:nly such methods, tools and e#uipment as are approved by the
!ngineer and which will not affect the property to be preserved shall be
adopted for the Work. 1f the area has thick vegetation*roots*trees, a crawler or
pneumatic tyred do?er of ade#uate capacity may be used for clearance purposes.
The do?er shall have ripper attachments for removal of tree stumps. &ll trees,
stumps, etc., failing within excavation and fill lines shall be cut to such depth
below ground level that in no case these fall within '22 mm of the subgrade.
&lso, all vegetation such as roots, under-growth, grass and other deleterious
matter unsuitable for incorporation in the embankment*subgrade shall be
removed between fill lines to the satisfaction of the !ngineer. :n areas
beyond these limits, frees and stumps re#uired to be removed as directed by
the !ngineer shall be cut down to 1 m below ground level so that these do
not present an unsightly appearance.
&ll branches of trees extending above the roadway shall be trimmed as
directed by the !ngineer.
&ll excavations below the general ground level arising out of the removal of
trees, stumps, etc., shall be filled with suitable material and compacted thoroughly
so as to make the surface at these points conform to the surrounding area.
&nt-hills both above and below the ground, as are liable to collapse and
obstruct free subsoil water flow shall be removed and their workings, which may
extend to several metres, shall be suitably treated.
21.%. 7isposa* of 6ateria*s
&ll materials arising from clearing and grubbing operations shall be the
property of 3overnment and shall be disposed of by the 4ontractor as
hereinafter provided or directed by the !ngineer.
Trunks, branches and stumps of trees shall be cleaned of limbs and roots
and stacked. &lso boulders, stones and other materials usable in road
construction shall be neatly stacked as directed by the !ngineer. 0tacking
stumps, boulders, stones etc., shall be done at specified spots wi th all l ifts and
upto a l ead of 1222 m.
&ll products of clearing and grubbing which, in the opinion of the !ngineer,
cannot be used or auctioned shall be cleared away from the roadside in a
manner as directed by the !ngineer. 4are shall be taken t o see that unsuitable
waste materials are disposed of in such a manner t;at there is no likelihood of
these getting mixed up with the materials meant for embankment, subgrade and
road construction.
21.'. 6easurements for Payment
4learing and grubbing for road embankment, drains and cross-drainage
structures shall be measured on $ob no.
21.(. Rates
2(.(.1 The 4ontract unit rates for the various items of clearing and
grubbing shall be payment in full for carrying out the re#uired operations
including full compensation for all labour, materials, tools, e#uipment and
incidentals necessary to complete the work. These will also include removal of
stumps of trees less than "22 mm in girth as well as stumps left over after
cutting of trees carried out by another agency, excavation and back-filling to
re#uired density, where necessary and handling, salvaging, piling and disposing
of the cleared materials wi th all lifts.
Item No# 4
Pro9iin" an *ayin" fi*ter meia 2&& mm# t;ick as irecte at t;e .ack of
a.utments returns an +in" +a**s as per etai*e specifications
/# Well graded pebbled or metal of %2 mm to (" mm. si?e shall be used. The
grading and tolerances of metal of pebbles shall be as under=-
No# of Si@e Ran"e Sie9e esi"nation
Percenta"e .y +ei";t
passin" t;rou"; t;e
1 (" mm. to %2 mm /2 mm. 122-22
(" mm. -'-122
'2 mm. "'-,2
%2 mm. 22-1'
2 mm. 22-2'
The si?e shall be %2 mm. to (" mm. where in tolerance limit for over si?e shall be
upto 1'@ and that for lower si?e should be upto 1'@ and below 2 mm. it shall be
allowable upto '@ the filter 7aterials shall be tightly placed to a thickness of not less
that (22 mm. and provided over the entire surface behind abutments, wings or return
walls to the full height.
. 7aterials shall be first stacked in boxed of m. 1. 1* m. x 2.' m. si?e on
fairly level ground and measured.
". The measurement for payment shall be made on 0#.m. basis of boxes. 9o
deduction shall be made for voids.
%. The unit rate includes the cost of materials, scaffolding labour and tools to
complete the work.
Item No# <
E:ca9ation for founation in san "ra9e*> c*ay> soft> soi*s an murrum
etc# inc*uin" sorin" struttin" an e+aterin" as necessary an is
posin" off t;e e:ca9ate suff as irecte AAB up to 0#&& mt ept;
1. !xcavation for structures shall consist of the removal of materials for the
construction of foundations for bridges, culverts, retaining walls, head walls,
cut off walls, pipe culverts and other similar structures, in accordance with the
re#uirements, of these specifications and the lines and dimensions shown on
the drawings or as indicated by the !ngineer-in-charge. The work shall be
include all necessary sheeting, shorting, bracing, draining and pumping and
the removal of all logs, stumps, scrubs and other deleterious matter and
obstruction necessary for the foundations, trimming bottoms of excavations
back filling and clearing up the site and the disposal of all surplus materials.
&fter the site has been cleared the limits of excavations shall be set out true
to lines, curves, slopes and sections as shown on the drawings or as directed
by the !ngineer-in-charge. The contractor shall provide all labour, survey
instruments and materials such as strings, pegs, nails, bamboos, stones,
lime, mortar-concrete etc. re#uired in connection with the setting out of works
and the establishment of bench mark, centre line stones and other marks and
stakes as long as the opinion of the !ngineer-in-charge, they are re#uired for
the work.
". !xcavation shall be taken to the width of the step of the footing. The
contractor at his own expense shall put up necessary shoring , strutting and
planking or cut slopes to a safer angle or both with due regard to the safety of
personal and works and to the satisfaction of the !ngineer- in - charge.
%. The depth to which the excavation is to be carried out shall be is shown on
the drawings, unless the type of materials encountered is such as to re#uire
changes, in which case the depth shall be as ordered by the !ngineer-in-
' Where water is met with in excavation due to stream flow, seepage, rain or
other reasons, the contractor shall take ade#uate measure such as bailing
pumping, to keep the foundation trenches dry when so re#uired and to protect
the green concrete ** masonry against damage by erosion or sudden rising of
water level. The method to be adopted in this regard and, other details thereof
shall be left to the choice of the contractor but sub$ect to approval of the
!ngineer-in-charge. &pproval of the !ngineer-in-charge shall however not
relieve the contractor of the responsibility for the ade#uacy of dewatering, and
production arrangements and for the #uality and safety of the works.
(. .umping from the interior of any foundation enclosure shall be done in such a
manner as to preclude the possibility of movement of water through any fresh
concrete. 9o pumping shall be permitted during the placing of concrete or for
any period of at least % hours thereafter, unless lot is done from a suitable
sump separated from the concrete work by a water tight wall or other similar
,. The bottom of the foundation shall be leveled both longitudinally and
transversely or stepped as directed by the !ngineer-in-charge. <efore footing
is laid, the surface shall be slightly watered and rammed. 1n the event of
excavation having been made deeper than that shown on the drawings or as
otherwise ordered by the !ngineer-in-charge, the extra depth shall be made
up with concrete or masonry of the foundation grade at the cost of the
contractor. :rdinary filling shall not be used for the purpose to bring the
foundation to level. 1f there are any slips or blows in the excavation, these
shall be removed by the contractor at his own cost.
-. 9ear towns, villages and all fre#uented places, trenches and foundation pits
shall be securely fenced, provided with proper caution signs and marked with
red lights at night to avoid accidents. The contractor shall take ade#uate
protective measures to see that the excavation operations do not affect or
damage ad$oining structures.
/. <ack filling shall be done with approved materials after concrete or masonry is
fully set and carried out in such a way as not to cause undue thrust on any
part of the structure. &ll space between foundation masonry or concrete and
the sides of excavation shall be refilled to the original surface, making due
allowance for settlement in '2 mm. loose layers, which shall be watered and
12. &ll the excavated materials shall be the property of the 3overnment. Where
the excavated materials is to be used in the construction of embankment, it
shall be directly deposited at the re#uired location with in 122 meters lead.
11. &ll useful materials not intended for use in the bank, shall be stacked neatly
on 3overnment land as directed by the !ngineer-in-charge with ion 122
meters lead. )nsuitable and surplus materials not intended for use shall be
disposed off as directed by the !ngineer - in - charge.
1. !xcavation for structures shall be measured in 4ubic 7eter for each class of
materials encountered, limited to the dimensions shown on the drawing or as
directed by the !ngineer-in-charge. !xcavation over increased width cutting
of slopes, shoring, shuttering and planking shall be deemed as convenience
for the contractor in executing the work and shall be measured and paid for
1". The contract unit rate for the items of excavation for structures shall be paid in
full for carrying out the re#uired operations including . . .
516 0ettings out and fixing bench marks and center lines stones.
56 4onstruction of necessary shoring and bracing and their subse#uent
5"6 +emoval of all logs, stumps, grubs and other deleterious matter and
obstructions for placing the foundations including trimming of bottoms
of excavations.
5%6 ;oundation sealing, dewatering including pumping.
5'6 <ack filling, clearing up the site and disposal of all surplus materials
with in all lifts and lead up to 122 meters.
&ll labour, materials, tools, e#uipment, safe guards and incidentals, necessary
to complete the work to the specification.
1%. !xcavation shall be for ordinary soil such as vegetable or organic soil, turf slit,
and loam, clay, mud, plat, black cotton soil, soft shale or soft murrum a
mixture of these and similar material which yields to the ordinary application
of pick and shovel, rake or other ordinary digging e#uipment. +emoval of
gravel or any other nodular material having diametre in any one direction not
exceeding ,' mm occurring in such strata shall be deemed to be covered
under this category. The classification of excavation shall be decided by the
!ngineer-in-charge and his decision shall be final and binding on the
1'. .ayment shall be made on Cu#m# .asis#
Item No# 2
Pro9iin" C fi**in" in founation +it; orinary cement concrete 6 /< mi:
an pro9iin" necessary 9ertica* pin ;eaers inc*uin" form+ork
9i.ratin" rammin" C curin" comp*ete#
/# 1n case of ordinary concrete, mix is not re#uired to be designed by preliminary
tests and proportions of cement. tine aggregate and coarse aggregates are
specified by volume as given in table below for different four grades
designated as ordinary 7-122, 7-1'2, 7-22 and 7-'2.
(# 1n the designation of a concrete mix letter 7 refers to the mix and the number
to the specified - days works cube compressive strength of that mix on 1'2
mm cubes expressed in kg.*cm.
0# The ordinary concrete mix shall generally be specified by volume for cement
which normally comes in bags and is used by weight, volume shall be worked
out taking '2 kg. of cement as 2.2"' cubic metre in volume. While measuring
aggregate by volume, shaking ramming or hammering shall not be done.
proportioning of sand be as per its dry volume. 1n case it is dam, allowance for
bulking shall be made as per 10 = "-( 5.art-1116.
4# 1n gradients re#uired for ordinary * concrete containing one '2 kg. bag of
cement for different proportions of mix shall be as given in Table below.
3rade of
7ix by
Total #uantity of dry
aggregates by volume
per '2 kg. cement to be
taken as sum aggregate
of the individual volumes
of fine A coarse
aggregates, maximum
.roportion of fine
aggregate to coarse
Buantity of
water per '2
kg. of cement
51 cubic metre = 1222 8iters6
1 " % '
Orinary ,itres ,itres
7-122 1="=( "22 3eneral 1= for fine
aggregate to
4oarse aggregate
by volume but
sub$ect to a upper
limit of 1=1.1* A a
lower limit of 1=".
7-1'2 1==% 2 "
7-22 1=1.1*=" 1(2 "2
7-'2 1=1= 122 ,
9ote =- The proportion of the aggregates shall be ad$usted from upper limit to lower
limit progress grading of the final aggregate becomes finer and the maximum
si?e of coarse aggregate becomes larger.
E:amp*e 8 ;or an average grading of fine aggregate 5that is ?one 11 of 10 = "-" -
1/("6 the proportions 1=1 1*,1= and 1=" for maximum si?e of
aggregates 12mm, 2 mm and %2mm respectively 5after carrying out
sieve analysis6.
9ote=- & mix leaner than 7-122 51="=(6 may be used for non structural part, if
provided in the contract. 1n such cases grading of aggregates shall be by
volume. :ther re#uirements for mixing, placing and curing shall the same.
'. ;ollowing shall be the maximum nominal si?e of coarse aggregate for the
different items of work.
0r. 1tem of construction 7aximum nominal si?e of
9o. coarse aggregate
i +.4.4. well curb, +.4.4. well steining and %2 mm
+.4.4. .iles
ii. +.4.4. well steining (" mm
ii Well cap or pile cap, solid type piers, abutments %2 mm
and wing walls and their per caps
iii +.4.4. works in cross girders, deck slab, wearing 2mm
coat, kerb, light post, blast walls, approach slab etc.
and hollow type piers, abutments, wing walls and
their pier caps
iv +.4.4. bearings 2 mm
v ;or any other item of construction not covered &s specified on
the drawing
by items 5i6 to 5v6 or as desired by
the !ngineer
in charge in case it
is not
specified on
;or heavily reinforced concrete members as in the case of ribs of main beams,
nominal maximum si?e of aggregate shall usually be restricted to ' mm. less than the
minimum lateral clear distance between the main bars or ' mm. less than the
minimum cover to the reinforcement whichever is the smaller.
2# ;ine aggregate shall be clean, hard, coarse sand. 1t shall be free from dust
and such other substances. The sand shall be got approved by the !ngineer-
3# &ll materials shall be stored as to prevent their deterioration or intrusion of
their #uality and fitness for the work. &ny material which has deteriorated or
has been damaged or is otherwise considered defective by the !ngineer-in-
charge shall not be used in the work
%# 4ement shall be store above the ground level in perfectly dry and watertight
sheds and shall be stocked not more than eight bags high. Wherever bulk
storage containers are used. their capacity should be sufficient to cater to the
re#uirements at site and should be cleaned at least once every " to % months.
4ement more than " to % months old shall invariably be tested to ascertain
that + satisfies the ascertain re#uirements. The aggregates shall be stored in
such a way as to prevent admixture of foreign materials. Different si?es of the
fine or coarse aggregate shall be stored in separate stock piles sufficiently
removed from each other to prevent intermixing the materials.
D# The water for mixing shall be portable water to the satisfaction of the
!ngineer-in-charge. The #uantity of water shall be $ust sufficient to produce a
dense concrete of re#uired workability for the $ob.
/&# ;or all work concrete shall be mixed in a mechanical mixer which along with
other accessories shall be kept in first class working condition and so
maintained throughout the construction. 7ixing shall be continued till
materials are uniformly distributed and uniform colour of the entire mass is
obtained and each individual particle of the coarse aggregate shows complete
coating of mortar containing its proportionate amount of cement. 1n no case
shall the mixing be done for less than minutes after all ingredients have
been put into the mixer.
//# When hand mixing is permitted by the !ngineer-in-charge for small $obs or for
certain other reasons, it shall be done on a smooth watertight platform large
enough to allow efficient. Turning over of the ingredients of concrete before
and after adding water. 7ixing platform shall be so arranged that no foreign
material shall get mixed with concrete nor does the mixing water flow out.
4ement in re#uired number of bags shall be placed in a uniform layer on top
of the measured #uantity of fine and coarse aggregate. Which shall also be
spread in a layer of uniform thickness on the mixing platform C Dry coarse
and fine aggregate and cement then shall be mixed thoroughly by turning
over to get a mixture of uniform color. !nough water shall then be added
gradually through a nose and the mass turned over till a mix of re#uired
consistency is obtained. 1n hand mixing #uantity of cement shall be increased
by 12 percent above that specified.
/(# 7ixers which have been out of use for more than "2 minutes shall be
thoroughly cleaned before putting in a new batch. )nless otherwise agreed to
by the !ngineer-in-charge the first batch of concrete from the mixer shall
contain only two third of normal #uantity of course aggregate. 7ixing plants
shall be thoroughly cleaned before changing from one type of cement to
/0# The method of transporting and placing concrete shall be approved by the
!ngineer-in-charge. 4oncrete shall be so transported and placed that no
contamination, segregation or loss of its constituent material takes place. &ll
from work and reinforcement contained in it shall be cleaned and made free
from standing water, dust, snow or ice immediately before placing of concrete.
9o concrete shall be placed in any part of the structure until the approval of
the !ngineer-in-charge has been obtained.
/4# 1f concreting is not started with % hours of the approval being given, it shall
have to be obtained again from the !ngineer-in-charge. 4oncreting then shall
proceed continuously over the area between construction $oints. ;resh
concrete shall not be placed against concrete which has been in position for
more than "2 minutes unless a proper construction $oint is formed. 4oncrete
shall be compacted in its final position within "2 minutes of its discharge from
the mixer unless carried in properly designed agitators, operating
continuously, when this time shall be within hours of the addition of cement
to the mix and within "2 minutes of its discharge from the agitator. !xcept
where otherwise agreed to by the !ngineer-in-charge, concrete shall be
disposed in hori?ontal layer to a compacted depth of not more than 2.%'
metre when internal vibrators are used and not exceeding 2."2 metre in all
other cases.
/<# )nless otherwise agreed to by the !ngineer-in-charge concrete shall not be
dropped into place from a height exceeding metres. When trucking or
chutes are used they shall be kept clean and used in such way as to avoid
segregation. When concreting has to be resumed on a surface which has
hardened, it shall be roughened swept clean, thoroughly wetted, and cleaned
with a 1" mm. thick -layer of mortar composed of cement and sand in the
same ratio as in the concrete mix itself. This 1" mm. layer of mortar shall be
freshly mixed and placed immediately before placing of new concrete. Where
concrete has not fully hardened, all laitance shall be removed by scrubbing
the wet surface with wire or bristle brushed, care being taken to avoid
dislodgement of particulars of coarse aggregate. The surface shall then be
thoroughly wetted. &ll free water removed and then coated with neat cement
grout. The first layer of concrete to be placed on this, surface shall not exceed
1'2 mm. in thickness and shall be well rammed against old work particular
attention being given to corner and close spots.
/2# &ll concrete shall be compacted to produce a dense homogenous mass with
the assistance of Dibrators, unless otherwise permitted by the !ngineer-in-
charge for exceptional cases, such as concreting )nder water, where
vibrators cannot be used 0ufficient vibrators in serviceable condition shall be
kept at site so that spare e#uipment is always available in the event, of break
/3# 1mmediately after compaction concrete shall be protected against harmful
effects of weather including rain, running water shocks, vibrations due to
traffic, rapid temperature changes. ;ast drying put process, it shall be covered
with wet sacking Eessian or other similar absorbent material approved by the
!ngineer-in-charge soon after the initial set. 1t shall be kept continuously wet
for a period of not less than 1% days from the date of placement. 7asonry
work over the foundation concrete may be started after %- hours of itFs laying
but the curing of concrete shall be continued for a minimum period of 1% days.
/%# ;orm work shall include all temporary or permanent forms re#uired for
forming the concrete, together with all temporary construction re#uired for
their support. ;ormwork shall however be delivered into following two district
categories =-
516 0huttering i.e. from work re#uired for forming the concrete
56 0caffolding i.e. formwork re#uired for supporting shuttering.
;orms for shuttering shall be constructed only, in metal suitably lined. ;orms
for scaffolding shall be constructed of metal or timber. <oth shuttering and
scaffolding shall be or substantial rigid construction and shuttering shall be
true to shape and dimensions show on the drawings. &ll bolts and reverts
shall be counter-suck and well ground to provide a smooth, plane surface.
/D# ;orms shall be mortar tight and shall be made sufficiently rigid by the use of
ties and bracings to prevent any displacement or sagging between supports.
They shall be strong enough to withstand all pressure, ramming and vibration,
without deflection from the prescribed lines occurring during and after placing
the concrete. 0crew $acks of hardwood wedges where re#uired shall be
provided to make up any settlement in the form work either before or during
the placing of concrete. 0uitable camber shall be provided in hori?ontal
members of structure specialty in long spans to counteract the effects of any
deflection. The framework shall be so fixed as to provide for such camber.
;orms shall be as constructed as too removable in sections in the desired
se#uence, without damaging the surface of concrete or disturbing other
sections. )nless otherwise specified or directed. 4hamfers or fillets of si?e '
mm x ' mm shall be provided at all angles of framework to avoid sharp
(&# The inside surface of forms shall except in the case of permanent from work
or where otherwise agreed to by the engineer-in-charge be coated with an
approved material to prevent adhesion of concrete to the from work. +elease
agents shall be applied strictly in accordance with the manufactureGs
instruction and shall not be allowed to come into contact with any
reinforcement of prestressing tendons a and anchorage shall be applied
strictly in accordance with the manufacturers instruction and shall not be
allowed to come into contact with any reinforcement of prestressing tendons
and anchorage. Different release agents shall not be used in from work of
concrete which will be visible in the finished works.
(/# 0pecial measures shall be taken to ensure that the framework does no hinder
the shrinkage of concrete because without these cracking could occur before
the from work is removed. Wherever applicable arrangement must be made
to ensure that the from does not restrain the shortening and hogging of the
beams or slabs during tensioning of the tendons. The formwork should take
due account of the calculated amount of positive or negative camber so as to
ensure the correct final shape of the structures having regard to the
deformation of false work, scaffolding or propping and the instantaneous
deformation due to various causes affecting prestressed structures. Where
there are re-entrant angles in the concrete section, the formwork should be
removed at these sections as soon as possible after the concrete has set in
order to avoid cracking due to shrinking of concrete. ;ormwork shall be tight
enough to prevent any appreciable loss of cement during vibrations. 0uitable
tolerances should be provided in the formwork, immediately before concreting
all forms shall be thoroughly cleaned. 4ontractor shall give the !ngineer-in-
charge due notice before placing any concrete in the forms to permit him to
inspect and accept the false work and forms as to their strength alignment
and general fitness, but such inspection shall not relieve the contractor of his
responsibility for safety of machinery materials and for results obtained.
((# The !ngineer-in-charge shall be informed in advance by the contractor of his
intention to strike any for work. While fixing the time for removal of formworks.
Due consideration shall be given to local condition, 4haracter of the structure,
the weather and other condition that influence the setting of concrete the
removal of The load supporting of soffit forms any commence when concrete
has attained strength and of the materials used in the mix. Where field
operations are controlled by the strength test of concrete, the removal of the
load supporting of soffit forms may commence when concrete has attained
strength e#ual to at least twice the stress to which the concrete will be sub$ect
at the time of striking props including the effect of any further addition of
loads. When field operations are not controlled by strength test of concrete
the vertical forms of beams, columns and walls may be removed after days.
The props of slabs and beams may be removed after 1% and 1 days
respectively. &ll from work shall be removed without causing any damage to
the concrete. 4entering shall be gradually and uniformly lowered in such a
manner as to avoid any stock or vibrations. 0upports shall be removed in
such a manner as to permit the contract the concrete to take stresses due to
its own weight uniformly and gradually. Where internal metal ties are
permitted they or their removable parts shall be extracted without causing any
damage to the concrete and remaining holes filled with mortars. 9o
permanently embedded metal part shall have less than ' m. cover to the
finished concrete surface. Where it is intended to reuse the framework +
shall be cleaned and made good to the satisfaction of the !ngineer-in-charge.
(0 1mmediately after the removal of forms, all exposed bars or bolts passing
through the 4ement concrete member and used for shuttering or any other
purpose shall be cut inside the 4ement 4oncrete member to a depth of at
least ' mm. below the surface of the concrete and the resulting holes filled
by cement mortar. &ll fins cause by from $oints, all cavities produced by the
removal of from ties and all other holes and depressions, honeycomb spots,
broken edges or corner and other defects shall be thoroughly cleaned,
saturated with water and carefully pointed and rendered true with mortar of
cement and fine aggregate mixed in the proportions used in the grade of
concrete with mortar or cement and fine aggregate mixed in the proportions
used in the grade of concrete that is being finished and of as dry a
consistency as is possible to use. 4onsiderable pressure shall be applied in
filling and pointing to ensure thorough filling in all voids. 0urface which has
been pointed shall be kept moist for a period of % hours. 1f rock,
pockets*honeycombs, in the opinion of the !ngineer-in-charge are of such
extent of and character as to affect materially or to endanger the life of the
strength or the steel reinforcement he may declare the concrete defective and
re#uire the removal and replacement of the portions of the structure affected.
%. 1n the case of reinforced concrete work, workability shall be such that the
concrete surrounds and properly grips all reinforcement. The degree of
consistency, which shall depend upon the nature of work and. methods of
vibration of concrete shall be determined regular slump test. ;ollowing slump
shall be adopted for different types of works.
Type of Work 0lump where
vibrator is used
0lump where
vibrator is not used
1 7ass conc. 1n +44, foundation
footing and retaining walls
12 to ' mm -2 mm
<eam slab and column with
simply reinforced
' to %2 mm 122 to 12 mm
" Thin +44 section or congested
%2 to '2 mm 1' to 1'2 mm
'. Works strength tests shall be made in accordance with 10 = '1(. !ach test
shall be conducted on ten specimens five of which shall be tested at seven
days and the remaining five at - days. The samples of concrete shall be
taken on each day of concreting and, cubes shall be made at the rate of one
for every ' cubic meter of concrete or a part thereof. Eowever if concreting
done in a day is than 1' cubic meter, the minimum number of cubes can be
reduced to ( with the specific permission of the !ngineer-in-charge. 0imilar
works tests shall be carried out when ever the #uality and grading of materials
is changed irrespective of the #uantity of concrete poured, The number of
specimens may be suitable increased as deemed necessary by the !ngineer-
in-charge when procedure to tests given above reveals a poor #uality of
concrete and in other special cases.
(. The average strength of the group of cubes cast for each day shall not be less
than the specified works cube strength. 2 per cent of the cubes cast each
day may have values less than the specified strength, provided the lowest
value is not less than -' percent of the specified strength.
,. +.4.4. work shall have exposed concrete surface. 4entering design and its
erection shall be approved by the !ngineer-in- charge. :ne carpenter with
helper will invariably be kept throughout the period of concreting. 7ovement
of labour and other persons shall be totally prohibited over reinforcement laid
in position. ;or access to different parts, suitable mobile platforms shall be
provided so that steel reinforcement in position as not disturbed. ;or ensuring
proper cover, mortar blocks of suitable si?e shall be cast and tied to the
reinforcement. Timber, kapachi or metal pieces shall not be used for this
purpose. 4oncreting of important structural members shall always be done in
the presence and under the supervision of departmental person not below the
rank of &sstt. !ngineer * &ddl. &sstt. !ngineer * :verseer or as instructed by
the !ngineer-in-charge. &fter removal of Gform work and suturing, the
executive !ngineer shall inspect the work and satisfy by random checks that
concrete produced is of good #uality. .lastering shall not be allowed to the
exposed faces of concrete.
-. 1n reinforced concrete the volume occupied by reinforcement shall not be
deducted. The slab shall be measured as running continuously through and
the beam as the portion below the slab.
/. &ll necessary labour, materials, e#uipment etc. for sampling, preparing test
cubes, curing etc. shall be provided by the 4ontractor. Testing of the materials
and concrete may be arranged by the !ngineer-in-charge in an approved
laboratory at the cost of the contractor.
0&# T;e payment +i** .e mae on cumt# .asis of t;e finis;e +ork#
"1. The unit rate for concrete shall include the cost of all materials, labour, tools
and plant re#uired for mixing, placing in position, vibrating and compacting
finishing as per directions of the !ngineer-in-charge, curing and all other
incidental expenses for producing concrete of specified strength to complete
the structure or its components as shown on the drawings and according to
these specifications. The rate shall also include the cost of making fixing and
removing of all centers and forms re#uired for the work.
Item No# 3
Empty .orin" t;rou"; a**# sorts of strata for pro9iin" /#(& 6 ia# R#C#C#
.ore pi*es to re?uire ept; inc*uin" pro9iin" necessary castin"
pipe +it; a** p*ants an e?uipment as re?uire comp*ete#
1. The diameter of the piles shall be as given in the item. The casing pipe shall
be of sufficient thickness and strength to hold its original form and show no
harmful distortion after it and ad$acement shells have been driven and the
drawn core, if any, has been with dawn. Where bored cast-in situ piles are
used in soils, liable to flow the bottom of the casing shall be kept enough in
advance of the boring tool to prevent the entry o soil into the casing, thus
preventing the formation of cavities and settlements in the ad$oining ground.
The water level in the tube should also be maintained at the natural ground
water level until the tube is sealed. The $oints of the casing shall be made as
tight as possible to minimi?e inflow of water or leakage of air, where
compressed air is employed to facilitate concreting. <efore concreting, where
the use of compressed air is unnecessary, me bottom of the boring shall be
plugged and directed as far as possible.
. 4asing of pipes will be allowed to be withdrawn if possible without any
reduction in the rate. 1n case, casing pipes can not be withdrawn due to site
conditions, the cost of pipes shall be borne by the 4ontractor and that he shall
not be entitled to any payment for non withdrawal of the pipes. The
displacement or distortion of reinforcement during these operations and shall
while extracting the tube shall be avoided. &fter installation to final depth and
immediately before placing the concrete the inside of the tube or bore shall be
free from any foreign matter.
". The reinforcement in the pile shall be exposed for a sufficient distance to
permit it to be ade#uately bended into the pile cap. 1n cases where the pile
cap is to be laid on ground a levelling course of 1=%=- lean concrete - cm.
thick shall be provided.
%. The measurement shall be in metres of the piles ordered in writing by the
!ngineer-in-charge, measured from the head to the but of the shoe or the
tapered point.
'. )nit rate includes boring through all sorts of strata, providing necessary
casing pipe, all materials, labour and e#uipment to complete the work. 0teel
for reinforcement and concrete for piles will be paid separately.
Item No# %
Pro9iin" an *ayin" contro**e cement concrete 6 0< for R#C#C#Bore
pi*es of /#(& 6 ia# Inc*uin" rammin"> 9i.ratin" an finis;in" E:c*uin"
T#6#T Reinforcement comp*ete#
/#&# 6ateria*s
/#/# Water shall conform to 7-1. 4ement shall conform to 7-". 0and shall conform
to 7-(. 3rit shall conform to 7--. 4oarse aggregate shall conform 7-1.
/#(# The shuttering to be provided shall be of ordinary timber plank and shall
conform to 7-(.
/#0# The dimensions of scantlings and battens shall conform to the design. The
strength of the wood shall not be less than that assumed in the design.
(#&# )enera*
(#/# The concrete mix shall be designed from preliminary tests. The proportion of
the concrete mix shall be 1==% 51 cement = coarse sand = % graded stone
aggregate 2 mm. nominal si?e6 by weight of concrete work shall have
exposed concrete surface or as specified in the item.
(#(# The proportioning of cement and aggregates shall be done by weight and
necessary precautions shall be taken in the production to ensure that the
re#uired work cube strength is attained and maintained. The controlled
concrete shall be in grades of 7-122, 7-1'2, 7-22, 7-'2, 7-"22, 7-"'2 A
7-%22 with prefix controlled added to it. The letter 7 refers to mix and the
numbers specify - days works cube compressive strength of 1'2 mm. cubes
of the mix expressed in Hg.*cm.
(#0# The proportion of cement, sand and coarse aggregate shall be determined of
weight. The weight batch machine shall be used for maintaining proper
control over the proportion of aggregates as per mix design. The strength
re#uirements of different grades of concrete shall be as under=
)rae of Concrete Compressi9e +orks test stren"t; in k"*cm (&m /<&
mm# cu.es> conucte in accorance +it; IS#8 </2
6in# at 3 ays 6in# at (% ays
. 1n the designation of concrete mix, letter G7G refers to the mix and the number
to the specified - days works cubs compressive strength of that mix on 1'2
mm. cubes, expressed in kg*cm

where ordinary .ortland cement conforming

to 10 = (/ or .ortland blast furnace cement 4onforming to l0= %'' is used,
the compressive strength re#uirements for various grades of concrete shall be
as given below on the next page =-
9:T! =- 1n all cases the in all cases, the - days compressive strength specified in
the above Table shall along be the criterion for acceptance or re$ection of the
6 /&& ,2 122
6 /<& 122 1'2
6 (&& 1"' 22
6 (<& 1,2 '2
6 0&& 22 "22
6 0<& "' "'2
6 4&& ,2 %22
6 4<& "22 %'2
Where the strength of a concrete mix, as indicated by tests, lies in between
the strength for any two grades specified in the above Table such concrete
shall be classified for all purposes as concrete belonging to the lower or the
two grades between which its strength lies.
". 4oncrete mix shall be designed on the basis of preliminary test so as attain a
strength at least"" per cent higher than that re#uired on work tests. The
proportions for ingredients chose shall be such that concrete has ade#uate
workability for conditions prevailing on the work in #uestion and can be
properly compacted with the mean available, !xcept where it can be shown to
the satisfaction of the !ngineer-in-charge that supply of properly graded
aggregate of uniform #uality can be maintained till the completion of work,
grading of aggregate should be controlled by containing the coarse
aggregates in different si?es and bleding them in the right proportions as
re#uired aggregates of different si?es shall be stocked in separate stock piles.
+e#uired #uantity of material shall be stock piled several hours, preferable a
day, before use. 3rading of coarse and fine aggregate shall be checked as
fre#uently as possible, fre#uency for a given $ob being determined by the
!ngineer-in-charge to ensure that the suppliers are maintaining the uniform
grading as approved for samples used in preliminary tests.
%. 1n proportioning concrete, the #uantity of both cement and aggregate shall be
determined reasonable number of bags shall be weighed separately to check
the net weight. Where cement is weighted from bulk stocks at site and not by
bags if shall be weighed separately from the aggregates. Water shall either be
measured by volume in calibrated tanks or weighed. &ll measuring e#uipment
shall be a maintained in a clean, and serviceable condition. Their accuracy
shall be periodically checked.
'. 1t is most important to keep the specified water-cement ratio constant and at
its correct value, To this end, moisture content in both fine and coarse
aggregates shall be determined by the !ngineer-in-charge according to the-
weather conditions. The amount of mixing water shall then be ad$usted to
compensate for variations in the moisture cement. ;or the determination of
moisture content in the aggregates, 10 8 "-( 5part-1ll6 shall be referred to
0uitable ad$ustments shall also be made in the weights of aggregates to allow
for the variation in weights of aggregates due to variation in their moisture
content. 7inimum #uantity of cement to be used in controlled concrete shall
not be less than 12 kg. per cubic meter in plain concrete and not less than
"22 kg*per cubic meter in reinforced concrete structural members. The
minimum #uantity of cementI for pre-stressed concrete work shall not less
than "(2 kg*per cubic meter of concrete nor shall it more than '%2 kg*per
cubic 7eter of concrete
(. ;ollowing shall be the maximum nominal si?e of coarse aggregate for the
different items of work.
9o. 1tem of 4onstruction 7ax nominal si?e of coarse
1 +44 well curb, well steining %2 mm
Well cap solid type piers (" mm
" &butment, wing wall, pier cap %2
% +44 in cross girder, desk slab,
wearing coarse, kerb, approach slab
2 mm
' +44 pearing &s specified on drawing or as
desired by !ngineer in charge.
( ;or any other item not covered in
1 to '
-- do --
;or heavily reinforced concrete members as in the case of ribs of main
beams, nominal maximum si?e of aggregate shall usually be restricted to '
mm. less than the minimum laternal clear distance between the main bars or
' mm. less than the minimum cover to the reinforcement whichever is the
,. ;ine aggregate shall be clean, hard, coarse sand. 1t shall be free dust and
such other substances. The sand be get approved by the !ngineer-in-charge.
-. &ll materials shall be stored as to prevent deterioration of there #uality and
fitness for the work. &ny material which has deteriorated or has been
damaged or is otherwise considered defective by the !ngineer-in charge
.shall not be used in the works.
/. 4ement shall be stored above the ground level in perfectly dry and watertight
sheds Wherever bulk storage containers are used their capacity should be
sufficient to cater to the re#uirements at site and should be cleaned at least
once every " to % months. The aggregates shall be stored in such a way as to
prevent admixture of foreign materials. Different si?es of fine or coarse
intermixing the materials.
12. The water for mixing shall be potable water to satisfaction of the !ngineer-in-
charge The #uantity of water shall be $ust sufficient to produce a dense
concrete of re#uired workability for the $ob.
11. ;or all work concrete shall be mixed in a mechanical mixer which along with
other accessories shall be kept in first class workingG condition and so,
maintained throughout the construction 7ixing shall be continued till materials
are uniformly distributed uniform colour of the entire mass is obtained and
each individual particle of the Gcoarse aggregate shows complete coating
of .mortar containing its proportionate amount of cement. 1n no case shall the
mixing be done for less than minutes after all ingredients have been put into
the mixer.
1. 7ixer which have been out of use more than "2 minutes shall be thoroughly
cleaned before putting in a new batch. )nless otherwise agreed to be the
!ngineer-in-charge, the first batch of concrete from the mixer shall contain
only two thirds of normal #uantity of coarse aggregate 7ixing plant shall be
thoroughly cleaned before enhancing from one type of cement to another.
1". The method of transporting and placing concrete shall be approved by the
!ngineer-in-charge. 4oncrete shall be transported and placed that no
contamination, segregation or loss of its constituent materials takes place. &ll
form work and reinforcement contained in it shall be cleaned and made free
from standing water, dust snow or ice immediately before placing of concrete.
9o. concrete shall be placed in any part of the structure until the approval of
the !ngineer-in-charge has been obtained.
1%. 1f concreting is not started within % hours of the approval being given. 1t shall
have to be obtained again from the !ngineer-in-charge. 4oncreting then shall
proceed continuously over the area between construction $oints. ;resh
concrete shall not be placed against concrete which has been in position for
more than "2 minutes unless a proper construction $oint is formed. 4oncrete
shall be compacted in its final position within "2 minutes of its discharge from
the mixer-unless carried in properly design agitators, operating continuously
when this time shall be within " hours of the addition of cement to the mix and
within "2 minutes of its discharge from the agitator !xcept where otherwise
agreed to be the !ngineer-in-charge 4oncrete shall be deposited in hori?ontal
layers to a compacted depth of not more than 2.%' meter when internal
vibrator are used not exceeding 2."2 meter in all other cases.
1'. )nless otherwise agreed to be !ngineer-in-charge concrete shall not be
dropped into place from a height exceeding meters. When trunking or
chutes are used they shall be kept clean and used in such a way as to avoid
segregation. When concreting has to be resumed on a surface which has
hardened, it shall be roughened swept clean thoroughly wetted and covered
with a 1" mm, thick layer of mortar composed of cement and sand in the
same ratio as in the concrete mix itself. This 1" mm. layer of mortar shall be
freshly mixed and placed immediately before placing of new concrete. Where
concrete has not fully hardened, all laitance shall be removed by scrubbing the
wet surface with wire or bristle brushes care being taken to avoid dislodgment
of particles of coarse aggregate. The surface shall then be throughout wetted
all free water removed and then coated with neat cement grout. The first layers
of concrete to be placed on this surface shall not exceed 1'2 mm. in
thickness and shall be well rammed against old particular attention being
given to corners and close sports.
1(. &ll concrete shall be compacted to produce a dense homogeneous mass with
the assistance of Dibrators, unless otherwise permitted by the !ngineer-in-
charge for exceptional cases such concreting under water, where vibrators
can not be used. 0ufficient vibrator in serviceable condition shall be kept at
site so that spare e#uipment is always available in the event of break downs.
1,. 1mmediately after compaction, concrete shall be protected against harmful
effects of weather including rain, running water, shocks, vibration, traffic, rapid
temperature changes, frost and drying out process. 1t shall be covered with
wet sacking, Eessian or other similar absorbent material approved by the
!ngineer-in-charge soon after the initial set, and shall be kept continuously
wet for a period of not less than 1% days from the date of placement.
7asonary work over the foundation concrete may be started after %- hours of
its laying but the curing of concrete shall be continued for a minimum period
of 1% days,
1-. ;orm work shall include all temporary or permanent forms re#uired for
forming the concrete, together with all temporary construction re#uired for
their support. ;ormwork shall however be delivered into following two district
categories =-
516 0huttering i.e. from work re#uired for forming the concrete.
56 0caffolding i.e. formwork re#uired for supporting shuttering.
;orms for shuttering shall be constructed only, in metal suitably lined. ;orms
for scaffolding construction and shuttering shall be true to shape and dimensions
show on the drawings. &ll bolts and reverts shall be counter-suck and well ground to
provide a smooth, plane surface.
1/. ;orms shall be mortar-tight and shall be made sufficiently rigid by the use of
the ties and bracings to prevent any displacement or sagging between
supports. They shall be strong enough to with stand all pressure, ramming
and vibration without deflection from the prescribed .lines occurring during
and after placing the concrete. 0crew $acks or hardwood wedges where
re#uired shall be provided to make up any settlement in the formwork either
before or during the placing con concrete. 0uitable camber shall be provided
in hori?ontal members of structure specially in long spans to counteract the
effects of any deflection. The formwork shall be so fixed as to provide for such
camber, ;orms shall be so constructed as to be removable in sections in the
desired se#uence. Without damaging the surface of concrete or disturbing
other sections. )nless otherwise specified or directed, chambers or fillets of
si?es ' mm x ' mm shall be provide at all angles of formwork to avoid
sharp corners.
2 The inside surface of shuttering shall> except in the case of permanent form
work or where otherwise agreed to be the !ngineer-in-charge be coated with
an approved materials to prevent adhesion of concrete to the form work.
+elease agents shall be applied strictly in accordance with the manufactureGs
1nstructions and shall not be allowed to come into contact with any
reinforcement or pre-stressing tendons and anchorages. Different release
agent shall not be used in form work for concrete which will be visibleG in the
finished works.
1. 0pecial measure shall be taken to ensure that the form does not hinder the
shrinkage of concrete because without these cracking could occur before the
form work is removed. Wherever applicable arrangement must be made to
ensure that the form work does not restrain the shortening and hogging of the
beams or slabs during tensioning of the tendons. The formwork should take
due account of the calculated amount of positive or negative camber so also
ensure the correct final shape of the structure having regard to the
deformation due of false work, scaffolding or propping and the instantaneous
or deferred deformation due to various causes affecting pre-stressed
structures. Where they are re-entrain angles in the concrete sections the form
work should be removed at these sections as soon as possible after the
concrete has set in order to avoid cracking due to shrinkage of concrete.
;orm work shall be tight enough to prevent any appreciable loss of cement
during vibrations 0uitable tolerance should be provided in the formwork.
1mmediately before concreting all forms shall be thoroughly cleaned.
4ontractor shall give the engineer-in-charge due notice before placing any
concrete in the forms to permit him to inspect and accept the false work and
forms as to their strength, alignment and general fitness but such inspection
shall not relieve the contractor of his responsibility for safety of men,
machinery, materials and for results obtained.
. The !ngineer-in-charge shall be informed in advance by the contractor of his
intention to strike any formwork. While fixing the time for removal of for work,
due consideration shall be given to local conditions that influence the setting
of 4oncrete and of concrete and of the materials used in the mix. Where filled
operations are controlled by strength tests of concrete the removal of the load
supporting of soffit forms may commence when concrete has attained
strengthing props including the effect or any further additional of loads. When
field operations are not controlled by strength tests of concrete the vertical
forms of beams, columns and wall may be removed after days, Tile props of
slabs and beams may be removed after 1% and 1 days respectively. &ll
formwork shall be removed without causing any damage to the concrete.
4entering shall be gradually and uniformly lowered in such a manner as to
permit the concrete to. take stresses due to its own weight uniformly and
gradually, Where internal metal ties are permitted, they or their removable
parts shall be extracted without causing any damage to the concrete and
remaining holes filled with motor 9o. permanently embedded metal part shall
have less than ' mm. cover to the finished concrete surface. Where it is
intended to cleaned and made good to the satisfactions of the !ngineer-in-
". 1mmediately after the removal of forms, all exposed pars or bolts passing
through the 4ement 4oncrete member to a depth of at least ' mm. below
the surface of the concrete and the resulting holes be filled by cement mortar.
&ll fins caused by form $oints all cavities produced by the removal of form ties
and all other holes and depressions, honeycomb spots, broken edges or
corners and other defects, shall be thoroughly cleaned, saturated with water
and carefully pointed and rendered true with mortar of cementI and fine
aggregated mixed in the proportions used in the grade of concrete that is
being finished and of as dry a consistency as is possible to use 4onsiderable
pressure shall be applied in filling and pointing to ensure through filling in all
voids 0urfaces which have been pointed shall be kept moist for a period of
twenty four hours. if rocks pockets* honey-combs, in the opinion of the
!ngineer-in-charge are of such an extent or character as to effect the strength
of the structure materially or to endanger the life of the steel reinforcement, he
may declare the concrete defective and re#uire the removal and replacement
of he portions of the structure affected.
%. 1n the case of reinforced concrete work, workability shall be such that the
concrete surrounds and properly grips all reinforcement. The degree of
consistency, which shall depend upon the nature of work and. methods of
vibration of concrete shall be determined regular slump test. ;ollowing slump
shall be adopted for different types of works.
Type of Work 0lump where
vibrator is used
0lump where
vibrator is not used
1 7ass conc. 1n +44, foundation
footing and retaining wall
12 to ' mm -2 mm
<eam slab and column with
simply reinforced
' to %2 mm 122 to 12 mm
" Thin +44 section or congested
%2 to '2 mm 1' to 1'2 mm
'. ;or controlled concrete preliminary tests shall consist of three sets of
separate tests and in each set, tests shall be conducted on six specimens,
9ot more than one set of six specimens shall be made on any particular clay
of the six specimen in each set, three shall be tested at seven days and the
remaining three at - days. The preliminary tests at , days are intended only
to indicate the strength likely to be attained at - days. Work strength tests
shall be made in accordance with 10 = '1(. !&4E test shall be conducted on
ten specimens five of which shall be tested at seven days and the remaining
five at - days. The samples of concrete shall be taken on each day of
concreting and, cubes shall be made at the rate of one for every ' cubic
meter of concrete or a part thereof. Eowever if concreting done in a day is
than 1' cubic meter, the minimum number of cubes can be reduced to ( with
the specific permission of the !ngineer-in-charge. 0imilar works tests shall be
carried out when ever the #uality and grading of materials is changed
irrespective of the #uantity of concrete poured, The number of specimens
may be suitable increased as deemed necessary by the !ngineer-in-charge
when procedure to tests given above reveals a poor #uality of concrete and in
other special cases.
(. The average strength of the group of cubes cast for each day shall not be less
than the specified works cube strength. 2 per cent of the cubes cast each
day may have values less than the specified strength, provided the lowest
value is not less than -' per cent of the specified strength.
,. +.4.4. work shall have exposed concrete surface. 4entering design and its
erection shall be approved by the !ngineer-in- charge. :ne carpenter with
helper will invariably be kept throughout the period of concreting. 7ovement
of labour and other persons shall be totally prohibited over reinforcement laid
in position. ;or access to different parts, suitable mobile platforms shall be
provided so that steel reinforcement in position as not disturbed. ;or ensuring
proper cover, mortar blocks of suitable si?e shall be cast and tied to the
reinforcement. Timber, kapachi or metal pieces shall not be used for this
purpose. 4oncreting of important structural members shall always be done in
the presence and under the supervision of departmental person not below the
rank of &sstt. !ngineer*&ddl. &sstt. !ngineer*:verseer or as instructed by the
!ngineer-in-charge, &fter removal of Gform work and suturing, the executive
!ngineer shall inspect the work and satisfy by random checks that concrete
produced is of good #uality. .lastering shall not be allowed to the exposed
faces of concrete.
-. 1n reinforced concrete the volume occupied by reinforcement shall not be
deducted. The slab shall be measured as running continuously through and
the been as the portion below the slab.
/. &ll necessary labour, materials, e#uipment, etc., for sampling, preparing test
cubes, curing etc., shall be provided by the 4ontractor. Testing of the
materials and concrete may be arranged by the !ngineer-in-charge in an
approved laboratory at the cost of the contractor.
0&# T;e payment +i** .e mae on cumt# .asis of t;e finis;e +ork#
"1. The unit rate for concrete shall include the cost of all materials, labour, tools
and plant re#uired for mixing, placing in position, vibrating and compacting
finishing as per directions of the !ngineer-in-charge, curing and all other
incidental expenses for producing concrete of specified strength to complete
the structure or its components as shown on the drawings and according to
these specifications. The rate shall also include the cost of making Ifixing and
removing of all centers and forms re#uired for the work.
Item No# D
Pro9iin" an fi:in" in position stee* .ar reinforcement of stee* .ar
reinforcement of stee* "rae FE54/< AT6TB for R#C#C# .ore pi*es as per
etai*e ra+in" inc*uin" cuttin" ;ookin"> tyin"> +e*in" an inc*uin"
formin" t;e ca"e an *o+erin" it in position# Comp*ete#
/#&# )ENERA,
This work shall consist of furnishing and placing coated, or uncoated or high
strength deformed reinforcement, bars 5intentioned6 of the shape and dimensions
shown on the drawings and conforming to these 0pecifications or as approved by
the !ngineer in charge.
(#&# 6ATERIA,
(#/# T6T Bars
+einforcements may be either T.7.T. ;!-%1' 3rade tensile steel, high strength
deformed bars. They may be uncoated or coated Gwith epoxy or with approved
protective coatings.
(#(# T.7.T. bars reinforcement for + 4 4 work shall conform 10 %" 5.art 116 1/(( and
shall be of tested #uality. 1t shall also comply with relevant part of 10 %'(-1/((.
(#0# &ll reinforcement shall be clean and free from dirt, paint, grease or oil, all scale
or loose or thick rust at the time of placing.
(#4# &ll steel shall be procured form original producers no re-rolled steel shall be
incorporated in the work.
(#<# :nly new steel shall be delivered to the site every bar shall be inspected before
placing to its position and defective brittle or burnt bar shall be discarded cracked
ends of bars shall be discarded
0#&# Pitc;
0#/# Distance between bars shall be as specified in drawings and as directed by the
!ngineer in 4harge all bars shall be placed at an accurate distance from each other
and shall be bind tightly to maintain the desired pitch 0uitable means shall be
provided for holding bars securely in position
4#&# Binin" +ire
4#/# 7ild steel binding wire shall be of 1.(" mm or 1. mm 51( to 1- gauge diameter
and shall conform 10 -2-1/,.
4#(# The use of black wire will be permitted for binding reinforcement bars. 1t shall be
free form free from dirt, paint, grease or oil, oil scale or loose or thick rust and any
other undesirable coating which may prevent adhesion of cement mortar at the time
of binding
4#0# :nly new binding wire shall be delivered to the site all binding wire shall be
inspected before binding to its position and defective brittle, rusted, used wire, shall
be discarded
<#/. )ncoated reinforcing steel shall be protected from rusting or chloride
contamination. +einforcements shall be free from rust, mortar, loose mill scale,
grease, oil or paints. This may be ensured either by using reinforcement fresh from
the factory or thoroughly cleaning all reinforcement to remove rust using any suitable
method such as sand blasting, mechanical wire brushing, etc. as directed by the
!ngineer. +einforcements shall be stored on bricks, racks or platforms and above the
ground in a clean and dry condition and shall be suitably marked to facilitate
inspection and identification.
<#(# .ortions of uncoated reinforcing steel and dowels pro$ecting from concrete shall
be protected within one week after initial placing of concrete with a brush coat of neat
cement mixed with water to a consistency, of thick paint. This coating shall be
removed by lightly tapping with a hammer or other tool not more than one week
before placing of the ad$acent pour of concrete. 4oated reinforcing steel shall be
protected against damage to the coating. 1f the coating on the bars is damaged
during transportation or handling and cannot be repaired, the same shall be re$ected.
2#&# Workmans;ip
2#/# The work shall consist of furnishing and placing reinforcement to the shape and
dimensions shown as on the drawings or as directed by The !ngineer in charge.
2#(# +einforcing steel shall conform accurate to the dimensions given in the bar
bending schedules shown on relevant drawing
3#/# <ar bending schedule shall be furnished by the 4ontractor and got approved by
the !ngineer before start of work.
3#(# +einforcing steel shall conform to the dimensions and shapes given in the
approved bar bending 0chedules.
3#0# <ars shall be bent cold to the specified shape and dimensions or directed by the
!ngineer using a proper bar bender operated by hand power to obtain the correct
radius of bends and shape.
<ars shall not be bent or straightened in a manner that will damage parent material or
the coating bars bent during transport or handling shall, be straightened before
beinng used on work and shall not be heated to facilitate straightening.
%#/# The reinforcement cage should generally be fabricated in the yard at ground
level, and then shifted and placed in position. The reinforcement shall be placed
strictly, in accordance with the drawings and shall be assembled in position, only
when structure is otherwise ready for placing of concrete. .rolonged time gap,
between assembling of reinforcements and casting of concrete, which may result in
rust formation on the surface, shall not be permitted.
%#(# +einforcement bars shall be placed accurately in position as shown on the
drawings. The bars, crossing one another shall be tied together at every intersection
with binding wire 5annealed6, conforming to 10=-2 to make the skeleton of the
reinforcement rigid such that the reinforcement does not get displaced during placing
of concrete, or any other operation. The diameter of binding wire shall not be less
than 1 mm.
%#0# <ars shall be kept in position usually by the following methods=
1n case of beam an slab construction, industrially produced polymer cover blocks of
thickness e#ual to the specified cover shall be placed between the bars and
formwork sub$ect to 0atisfactory evidence that the polymer composition is not harmful
to concrete and reinforcement. 4over blocks made of concrete may be permitted by
the !ngineer, provided they have the same strength and specification as those of the
%#4# 1n case of dowels for 4olumns and walls the vertical reinforcement shall be kept
in position by means of timber templates with slots in them accurately, or with cover
blocks tied to the +einforcement Timber templates shall be removed after the
concreting has progressed up to a level $ust below their location.
%#<# 8ayers of reinforcements shall be separated by spacer bars at approximately
:ne meter intervals. The minimum diameter of spacer bars shall be 1 mm or= e#ual
to maximum si?e of main reinforcement or maximum si?e of coarse aggregate,
whichever is greater. Eori?ontal reinforcement shall not be, allowed to sag between
%#2# 9ecessary stays, blocks, metal chairs, spacers, metal hangers supporting wires
etc, or other subsidiary, reinforcement shall be provided to fix the reinforcements
firmly in its correct position.
%#3# )se of pebbles, broken stone, metal pipe, brick, mortar or wooden blocks etc as
devices for positioning reinforcement shall not be permitted.
%#%# <ars coated with epoxy or any other approved protective coating shall be placed
on supports that do not damage the coating. 0upports shall be installed in a manner
such that planes of weakness are not created in hardened concrete. The coated
reinforcing steel shall be held in place by use of plastic or plastic coated binding wires
especially manufactured for the purpose.
%#D# .lacing and fixing of reinforcement shall be inspected and approved by the
!ngineer before concrete is deposited.
D#&# ,appin"
/.1. &ll reinforcement shall be furnished in full lengths as indicated on the drawing.
9o splicing of bars, except where shown on the drawing> will be permitted without
approval of the !ngineer. The lengths of the splice shall be as indicated on drawing
or as approved by the !ngineer. Where practicable, overlapping bars shall not touch
each other, and shall be kept apart by ' mm or 1 1 1*% times the maximum si?e of
coarse aggregate, whichever is greater, 1f this is not feasible, overlapping bars shall
be bound with annealed steel binding wire, not less than 1 mm diameter and twisted
tight in such a manner as to maintain minimum clear cover to the reinforcement from
the concrete surface. 8apped splices shall be staggered or located at points, along
the span where stresses are low.
/&#&# We*in"
/&#/ 0plicing by welding of reinforcement will be permitted only if detailed on the
drawing or approved by the !ngineer. Weld shall develop an ultimate strength e#ual
to or greater than that of the bars connected.
/&#(# While welding may be permitted for T.7.T. .reinforcing bars conforming to
10=%", welding of deformed bars conforming to 10= 1,-( shall in general be
prohibited. Welding may be permitted in case of bars of other than 0 %2 grade
including special. Welding grade of 0 %1' grade bars conforming to 10=1,-(, for
which necessary chemical analysis has been secured and the carbon e#uivalent
54!6 calculated from the chemical composition using the formula=
4! J 4 K 7n K 4r K 7g K D K 9i K 4u
( ' 1'
is 2.% or less.
/&#0# The method of welding shall conform to 10=,'1 and 10=/%1, and to any
supplemental specifications to the satisfaction of the !ngineer
/&#4# <ars shall be bent cold to the specified shape and dimensions or as directed by
!ngineer in charge using the proper bender tool, operated by hand or power to attain
proper radius of bends. <ars shall not be bend or straightened in a manner that will
in$ure the material. <ars bent during transport or handling shall be straightened
before being used in the work. <ars shall not be heated to facilate bending
/&#<# )nless otherwise specified a G)G type hook at the end of each bar shall
invariably be provided to main reinforcement. The radius of the bane shall not be less
then twice the diameter of the round bar and the length of the straight part of the bar
beyond the end of the curve shall be at least four times of the diameter of the round
bar. 1n case of bars which are not round and in case of deformed bars, the diameter
shall be taken as the diameter of circle having an e#uivalent effective area. The
hooks shall be suitably encased to prevent any spiting of the concrete
/&#2# &ll reinforcement bars shall be accurately placed in exact position shown on the
drawings and shall be securely held in position during placing of concrete by
annealed binding wire not less than 1 mm in si?e and by using say blocks or metal
chairs spacers, metal hangers, supporting wires or other approved devices at
sufficiently close intervals, <ars shall not be allowed to sag between supports not
displaced during concreting or any other operations of the work &ll devices used for
positioning shall be of not corrodible material wooden and metal supports shall not
extended to the surface of the concrete, except where shown in drawings. .lacing
bars on layers of freshly laid concrete as the work progresses for ad$usting bar
spacing shall not be allowed. .ieces of broken stone or brick and wooden blocs shall
not be used 8ayers of bars shall be separated by spacer bars pre-cast mortar blocks
or other approved devices. +einforcement after bending placed in position shall be
maintained in a clean condition until completely embedded in concrete, 0pecial care
shall be exercised to prevent any displacement of reinforcement in concrete already
placed. To prevent reinforcement form corrosion, concrete cover shall be provided as
indicated on drawings. &ll bars protruding from concrete and to which other bars are
to be sliced and which are likely to be exposed for a period exceeding 12 days shall
be protected by a thick coat of neat cement grout
/&#3# <ars crossing each other where re#uired shall be secured by binding wire
5annealed6 of si?e not less than 1 mm in such a manner that they do not slip over at
the time of fixing and concreting
&s far possible bars of full length shall be used in case this is not possible,
overlapping of bars shall be done as directed by the !ngineer in charge When
practicable overlapping bars shall not touch each other, but be kept apart by ' mm
Where no feasible overlapping bars shall be bound with annealed wires not less than
1 mm thick twisted tight The overlaps shall be staggered for different bars and
located at points along the span where neither sheer not bending moments is
/&#%# Whenever indicated on drawing or desired the !ngineer in charge bars shall
be $ointed by coupling which shall have a cross section sufficient to transmit the full
stresses of bars The end of the bars that are $ointed by coupling shall be upset for
sufficient length so that the effective cross section at the base of threads is not less
than the normal cross section of the bar. Threads shall be standards threads 0teel for
coupling shall conform to 10 (
/&#D# When permitted or specified on the drawings $oints of reinforcement bars shall
butt-welded so as to transmit their full stresses Welded $oints shall preferably be
located at points when steel will not be sub$ect to more than ,' percent of the
maximum permissible stresses and welds so staggered that at any one section not
more than 2 percent of the rods are welded :nly electric are welding using a
process which excludes air form the molten metal and conforms to any or other
special provisions for the work shall be accepted 0uitable means shall be provided
for holding bars securely in position during welding 1t shall be ensured that no voids
are left in welding and when welding is done in two or three stages previous surface
shall be cleaned properly !nds of bars shall be cleaned of all loose scale rust stages
paint and other foreign matter before welding :nly competent welders shall be
employed on the work. The 7 0 electrodes used for welding shall conform 10 -1%
Welded pieces of reinforcement shall be tested. 0pecimen shall be taken form the
actual site and their number shall fre#uency to test shall be as directed by the
!ngineer in charge
//#/# ;or the purpose of payment the bar shall be measured correct up to 12 mm
length and weight payable works out at the rate specified below
7iameter of
+ei";t of
stee* per
Sr# No 7iameter of
+ei";t of stee*
per runnin"
/ 2 mm &#(( K" '
% (& mm (#43 K" ' Rmt
( % mm &#0D K" '
D (( mm (#D% K" ' Rmt
0 /& mm &#2( K" '
/& (< mm 0#%< K" ' Rmt
4 /( mm &#%D K" '
// (% mm 4#%0 K" ' Rmt
< /4 mm /#(/ K" '
/( 0( mm 2#0/ K" ' Rmt
2 /2 mm /#<% K" '
/0 02 mm 3#DD K" ' Rmt
3 /% mm (#&& K" '
/4 4&mm D#%2 K" ' Rmt
11.1. !xcess consumption over '@ will be charged at penal rate.
//#(# +einforcement shall be measured in length including overlaps, separately for
different diameters as actually used in the work. Where welding or coupling is
resorted to, in place lap $oints, such $oints shall be measured for payment as
e#uivalent length of overlap as per design re#uirement. ;rom the length so
measured, the weight of reinforcement shall be calculated in tones on the same basis
of as per table given above even though steel is supplied to the contractor by the
department on actual weight. 8ength shall include hooks at the ends. Wastage and
annealed steel wire for binding shall not be measured and the cost of these items
shall be deemed to be included in the rate for reinforcement.
//#0# The rate for reinforcement includes cost of steel binding wires, its carting from
Department 0tore to work site with all leads and lifts 5in case of it is supplied by
department6, cutting, bending, placing in position, binding and fixing in position as
shown on the drawings and as directed. 1t shall also include all devices for keeping
reinforcement in approved position, cost of $oining as per approved method and all
wastage and spacer bars.
//#4# The rate shall be for a unit of 6#T# .asis#
Item No# /&
,oa testin" of founaion pi*es inc*uin" *oain" +it; necessary
kent*e"e of any ot;er suita.*e met;o as per etai*e#
1. 8oad test may be carried out as decided by the !ngineer in charge on one or
more working piles. .reloading shall be not less than one and a half times the
estimated safe load carrying capacity of the pile in case of sandy soils and
two times the estimated safe load in the case of clayey soils.
. The test shall be commence as early as possible after driving of the piles.
The test shall be carried out by applying a series of load on +.4.4. 4ap over
a pile or a group of piles unaided by any other support. The road shall
preferably by applied by means of hydraulic $ack reacting against a loaded
platform or against heavy +.0. Loists or a suitable load frame held down by
anchor piles or other anchorages, which shall he pre-loaded to not less than
one and-a-half times the estimated safe load carrying capacity of the pile. The
load applied by the .$ack should be co-axial with the test pile. Wherever
tension piles or other suitable anchors are used to sustain the loaded
platform, the centre distance between the test pile and anchor pile should be
minimum of ' times the test pile diameter. The hydraulic $ack used shall be of
ade#uate capacity and shall have a pressure gauge and a remote control
". <efore load test is performed, the proposed set up and the load frame shall
be got approved from the !ngineer-in-charge. +eadings of settlement and
rebound shall be recorded with the help of at least two dial gauges 5preferably
four6 of 0.02 mm. sensitivity and resting on a diametrically opposite ends of
the pile cap. The dial guages shall be fixed in a datum bar whose ends rest
upon non-movable supports. The supports for datum bar with reference to
which the settlement of the pile would be measured shall be at least ' MdF
away, clear from the piles, where MdF is the diameter of the pile sub$ect to a
minimum of meters for good sandy soils and ' metres for loose soils.
%. The test load shall be applied in e#ual increments of about one fifth of the
estimated safe load and reduced to srnaller increments at the final stages as
or directed by the !ngineer-in charge. &lternate loading and unloading of
each load increment shall be performed and the elastic and plastic settlement
'. !ach stage of loading or unloading shall be maintained till the rate of
movement of the pile top is not more than 2.2 mm. per hour in case of clay
soil and 2.1 mm. per hour for sandy soil.
(. The loading shall be continued upto 1 1* times the estimated safe load on
the pile or when the total settlement of pile top*cap e#uals the value specified
&ssessment of safe load shall be as under=
5a6 Two-thirds of the final load at which the total settlement attain a value
of 1 mm unless it is established that a total settlement different from
1 mm is permissible in a given case on the basis of nature and type
of the structure in the latter case the actual total settlement
permissible shall be used for assessing the safe load instead of 1
5b6 ;or a group of piles, two-thirds of the final load at which the total
settlement attains a value of %2 mm.
,. ,atera* *oa test 85 This test shall be carried out at the cut off level of the
piles. Two or more test pile which may be part of the working piles driven to
the re#uired depth and spacing shall be used for the tests. The lateral load at
the cut off level shall either be applied by a $ack inserted between the piles or
by some other arrangement capable of facilitating the application of desired
The loading shall be applied in increments of about 2 percent of the
estimated safe load, reducing to smaller increments in the final stages of the
test. The next increment shall be applied after the rate of displacement is
about 2.2' mm per hour in sandy soils and 2.2 mm. per hour in clayey soils
or two hours whichever is earlier.
8ateral displacement shall be recorded by using at least two dial gauges
spaced at "2 c.m. and kept hori?ontally one above the other on each pile.
Where it is not possible to locate the dial gauges h. line of the $ack axis, then
the two dial gauges be kept at a distance of "2 cm. at a suitable height and
the displacement at load point, interpolated from similar triangles.
The safe lateral load on the pile shall be taken as the least of the following=
5a6 '2 per cent of the final load at which total displacement increases to 1
5b6 ;inal load at which total displacement corresponds to ' mm and
5c6 8oad corresponding to any other specified displacement due to
performance re#uirements.
-. The measurement fur payment shall be per num.er of load test on piles.
/. The )nit includes all materials, labour, e#uipment plant, platform, gauges for
the purpose of recording result to complete the $ob.
Item No# //
Initia* Pi*e ,oa Test on pi*es for (#< times t;e esi"n *oa specifie in
ra+in"s in non +orkin" areas in t;e 9icinity of t;e .ri"e site>
inc*uin" cost of test pi*e#
Static ,oa Test for Pi*e F
5i6 3eneral=
1n order to determine the carrying of pile, static load tests shall be undertaken
by the contractor on single pile as indicated on drawings. .iles to be tested
shall be cast in situ at least "2 days before loading, before any load test is
made, the proposed arrangement of the structure and kentledge to be used in
making the load test shall have to be approved by the !ngineer-in-charge. &ll
load test shall be made under the supervision of the !ngineer-in-charge. &ll
responsibilities for conducting the test safely and properly shall rest with the
5ii6 .reparation of .ile Eead for Test =
The pile head shall be chipped of carefully till sound concrete is met with and
the reinforcement shall either be cut off for initial test or bent sideways and
the top shall be capped by means of a suitably +44 cap. & bearing plate may
be embedded on the top to receive the loading $ack.
5iii6 .rocedure for 8oad Testing =
5a6 The test shall be carried out by applying a series of vertical load increments
on the pile, the load increments shall be e#ual to about 2@ of the estimated
working load on the pile.
5b6 The test load may be applied by means of hydraulic $ack with pressure
gauges, with remote pumps acting against rolled steel $oints or suitable load
frame obtaining reaction from=
5i6 Hent ledge heavier than the re#uired test load, placed on a platform
supported clear of test pile. &ny existing structure of suitable construction
may be used as a Hent ledge. The centre of gravity of the Hent ledge
shall also be concentric with the pile axis.
5ii6 Tension piles or suitable anchors. The centre to centre distance between
the test piles and the anchor piles shall be a minimum of five times the
diameter of the test pile. working piles shall not be used as anchor piles.
5c6 The reaction to be made available for the test shall be at least '@ more than
the final test load proposed to be applied.
(d)The settlement shall be recorded at least with three dial gauges for single piles
and four dial gauges for group of test piles and positioned at e#ual distances
along the periphery of the pile and held normally by detum bars resting on
immovable supporters at least ' x D 5sub$ect to a maximum .' m6 away from
the test pile periphery where D is the diameter of the test pile shaft.
(e)!ach stage of loading shall be maintained till the rate of movement of the pile top
is less than :.1 mm per hour in sandy soils and 2.2 mm per hour in clayey
soils. ;or this purpose, the soil met with at the tip of the pile shall be
considered. The estimated safe working load on the pile shall be kept in
position for at least % hours and during this period settlement readings shall
be recorded every hour.
(f)!ach stage of application of the load increment shall be smooth and free from
$erks, time and settlement observations shall be made at the commencement
and completion of the load increment. 0ettlement observations shall be made
when each increment of load had been maintained for at least 1' minutes.
The loading shall continue for the specified load for the type of test in #uestion
or failure of the pile, should this occur earlier.
&fter the proposed working load had been applied and from each increment
thereafter, the test load shall remain in place until there is no settlement in two
hours period. The total test load shall remain in place until settlement does
not exceed 1* of a millimeter in %- hours.
The total test load shall be removed in decrements not exceeding 1*' of the
total test load. The rebound shall be recorded after each decrement is
effected and the final rebound shall be recorded, % hours after the entire test
load had been removed.
& complete record in triplicate shall be filled with the !ngineer or the loads
and readings obtained, duly verified and countersigned by the !ngineer.
5iv6 4osts =
The tested piles will be used as usual foundation piles if it is a routine test and
no extra payment shall be made except for load test on this pile.
Tendered shall include cost of all materials, accessories and labour including
construction of pile top loading platform and dismantling the same, for the
load test.
&cceptance 4riteria>
/#For Routine ,oa Tests 8
The tests shall be considered as successful, provided that N
5a6 The total settlement at the full test load of 1.' times the proposed
design load for the pile is not more than 1 mm.
5b6 The net settlement on removal of entire test load is not more than (
5c6 8oad settlement curve shall not indicate failure of the pile within the
above range of settlement.
(# Cyc*ic ,oa Test 8
4yclic load test may have to be carried on the test pile if directed by
the !ngineer. This load test shall be carried out as per 4l. (." of 10 =
/11 with procedure laid down in &ppendix & in the said 10=/1 1 5.art
1D6 1/-'. 8oading shall be continued till, there is no marked
progressive settlement of the pile. The rate #uoted for pile foundation
shall be inclusive of such test.
0# ,atera* ,oa Test 8
5i6 .rocedure for 8oad Test =
This test shall be conducted as far as possible at the cut off level of
the piles. 1n case of pile groups the test shall be conducted after
providing caps such that the re#uired condition of actual use fulfilled.
The test may be conducted by introducing a hydraulic $ack, with gauge
between two piles or pile groups under test or the reaction may be
suitable obtained otherwise these tests may also be done by applying
lateral pull by a suitable set up. 1f it is conducted by $ack located
between two piles or groups, the full load imposed by the $ack shall be
taken as the lateral resistance of each pile or group. The loading
should be applied in increments of about 2@ of the estimated safe
&fter applying each increment of load, the next increment of load shall
be applied after the rate of sandy solid and 2.2 mm per hour in clayey
soil or two hour which ever is earlier.
Displacements shall be measured by using at least two dial gauge
spaced at "2 cm and kept hori?ontally one above the other on each
pile. Where it is not possible to locate one of the dial gauges in the line
of $ack axis, then the two dial gauges may be kept at a distance of "2
cm at a suitable location from similar triangles.
5ii6 &cceptance 4riteria= The safe lateral load on a pile shall be taken as
the least of the following=
;ifty percent of the final load at which total displacement
increases to 1 mm.
The load at which the displacement is e#ual to ' mm.
8oad corresponding to any other displacement specified and dictated
by performance re#uirements.
The measurement shall be in 7.T. load on pile for load test.
The 4ontract )nit +ate include cost of all materials, accessories and labour
including construction of pile top loading plate from and dismantling the same,
for the load test the rate shall be for unit of :ne 7.T.
Item No# /(
Pro9iin" an castin" in5situ contro**e cement concrete 6 0< For
R#C#C# pi*es cap inc*uin" necessary form +ork 9i.ratin"> curin" an
finis;in" comp*ete#
The work shall be executed as per specification of Item No# % except
that the grade and si?e of contro**e cement concrete 650< "rae for RCC
+ork for pi*e cap +it; (&mm o+n coarse a""re"ate of t;e re?uire si@e
for any ept; instead of except the grade and si?e of contro**e cement
concrete 650< "rae for RCC +ork for .ore pi*es of iameter as .e*o+
+it; (&mm o+n coarse a""re"ate of t;e re?uire si@e for any ept;
shall be considered.
Item No# /0
Pro9iin" an fi:in" in position stee* .ar reinforcement of stee* .ar
reinforcement of stee* "rae FE54/< AT6TB for R#C#C# PI,E Cap inc*uin"
cuttin" ;ookin"> tyin"> +e*in" etc> comp*ete as per etai*e ra+in"
an specification
The work shall be executed as per specification of Item No# D except
that the T6T FE54/< )rae A$ES7B .ars reinforcement for pi*e cap instead
of $i"; Eie* Stren"t; 7eforme A$ES7B .ars reinforcement for RCC pi*e
shall be considered.
Item No# /4
Pro9iin" San C fi**in" in approac; portion of RE Wa** Aas per 6ORT$
section 0/&&B inc*uin" *ayin" of eart; as per specification for
compaction in (<& mm t;ick *oose *ayers an ressin"A6ORT$
specification C*# .y mec;anica* means usin" motor "raer
inc*uin"0&0#0#<B +aterin" t;e eart; to .rin" t;e eart; up to re?uire
O6C inc*uin" ro**in" +it; t;e use of 9i.ratory ro**er +;en eart; is at
suita.*e moisture content +it; esire fie* ensity not *ess t;an D3G of
ma:imum ry ensity Amoifie proctor testB# T;e materia* for fi**in"
s;a** conform to IRC $i";+ay Researc; BoarHs specia* report No# /2#
7aterial =
The material shall be selected granular earth fill having high frictional
resistance, low compressibility and free draining. 4oarse grain soil with
limited fines ade#uately satisfy this re#uirements. Thus select granular fill may
be contain finds content 5.assing ,' micro sieve6 not exceeding 12@. The
internal friction angle is not smaller than 'O.
The fill shall also be free from organic or otherwise deleterious materials so as
not to cause corrosion of the soil reinforcement and facia panels. 1t shall
conform to the following physicochemical re#uirements.
;ill material shall have a resistivity of '222 ohm-cm or more determine based
on standard lest as directed by the engineer and materials with resistivity less
than 1222 ohm-cm are in ade#uate and shall not be used.
7aterial with resistivity between '222 A 1222 ohm-cm are acceptable
provided there in water extracted from soil N water mix, the content of
chlorides does not exceed 22 ..7, the content of 0ulphate does not
exceed 1222 ..7, and the pE value is in the range of P'Q12.
3ood drainage characteristic of the select fill shall be maintained all through
the design life of the +! wall including guarding the fill against the effect or
R4hanceS water logging of the facility.
The select fill shall be compacted to insure achieving peak angle friction not
lower than 'O as established from the direct shear test 510,2 .t. 1"6 ;or
design, effective cohesion of fill shall be taken as ?ero.
Water used for compaction of the select fill should have minimum resistivity
exceeding ,22 ohm-cm.
The fill material for reinforced earth structure shall have and angle of interface
friction between the compacted fill and the reinforcing elements of not less
than 'O 4 measured in accordance with 10 = 1""( 5.art-16 The soil should
be predominantly course grained> not more than 12@ of the particles shall
pass ,' micron sieve. The soil should have properties such that die salts in
the soil should not react chemically or electrically with die reinforcing
elements in an adverse manner.
3rading for granular earth fill Table 9o. %22.- of 7:0T 0.!41;14&T1:9
;:+ +:&D &9D <+1D3! W:+H 5;:)+TE +!D101:96.
3+&D193 ;:+ 04+!!91930
0i?e of

10 0ieve Designation .er cent by weight
passing the 10 0ieve
< 11. mm 11. mm 122

'.( mm /2-122

1-2 micron 1'-"'

The material shall be coarse sand confirming to
5163rain si?e is as per table above.
560oaked 4<+ P12@
Buality 4ontrol =
;or every '2 4um. :f fill material or when ever the approved source is
change, 1sieve analysis, one measurement of resistivity, angle of internal
friction and modified .roctor * relative density shall be carried out. &ny further
tests on soil to confirm to its suitability as R+einforced !arth <ack ;illS can be
decided based on the result of these tests. Eowever, organics and
deleterious contain, pE, sulpahate and chloride content shall be carried out as
decided by engineer.
Testin" of 6ateria*s 8
Testing of soil for evaluating their index and engineering properties. 0oil
reports may be consulted with regard to this re#uirements.
Testing of friction angle between the reinforcement and soil using direct shear
,ayin" an compactin" 8
During construction of reinforced fill, the retain, material beyond the
reinforcement of the rare or structure shall be maintained at the same level as
reinforced fill.
The compacted layer shall not be more than '2mm to achieve compaction of
/,@ of maximum laboratory density where measured per 10= ,2 5.art--6
Temporary formwork shall be used to support the construction as per
specified details given in the drawing. The forms scaffolding and props shall
be sufficient in number to allowed taking up of sectoral construction schedule
specified in the design.
7raina"e 8
Drainage shall be very strictly followed as per drawing and specifications in
detail. The reinforce earth back fill is considered a self-draining media having
sufficient permeability to relive hydrostatic pressures. Eowever, water logging
in the reinforced fill increase the pore pressures coefficient thereby resulting
in tensile forces in reinforced soil structure, reducing the stability of the
Wherever, there is probability of such occurrence drainage outlets at the
bottom level $oints of panels with provision of non-woven geotextile backing
shall be provided along the facia for drainage redundancy. The geotextile
used as filter shall meet the re#uirements of 7:0+TAE 0pecification of road
and bridges work clause ,2..".
The retained fill shall have drainage bay, minimum (22mm wide, with 1/.'mm
to /.1 mm well graded crusted aggregate with fine contents Q'@ to allow free
draining of the reinforced fill along with the retained fill. The panel $oint above
"22mm of existing ground level shall be field with the $oint fillers as per 1t. ,.2
and as approved by the !ngineer.
6easurement for Payments 8
The measurement for payment of granular earth fill shall be in cubic meters
for compacted soil and shall be maid against relevant items of fill behind
reinforced soil structures.
Rate 8
The rate for soil fill shall include selection, supply, placing, compaction, and
#uality control tests etc. for approved earth fill. The rate shall also include the
cost of labour, plant*machinery, transportation for all lead and lifts etc. as
re#uired for completing the work. +ate shall be for unit of one 4ubic 7etre.
Item No# /<
Pro9iin" an *ayin" +eep ;o*e in a.utment an return .y usin" A#C#
pipes of /&& mm# 7iameter inc*uin" *ayin" in proper "rae an joinin"
etc# comp# As per etai*e specifications#
The weep holes in the masonry * mass cement concrete of abutment and
returns shall be provided of the &4 122 mm dia. pipe. The pipe shall be fixed
of suitable length A in full thickness of the masonry * concrete work.
9ecessary i.e. grating shall be provided on back side of abutment A returns
on the inlet of opening of weep holes.
7aterials The &4 pipes 122mm dia.
The &sbestos cement pipe of diameters specified in description of the item
shall conform to 1.0. 1((-1/22. The interior of pipe shall have a smooth
finish, regular surface A regular internal diameter.
The tolerance in all dim. shall be as per 10 1/(-.art-1 1/-2.
The grating shall be of 4.1. 122 mm. dia. A per 1+4 specification.
The weep holes shall be provided 1 meter 4*4 shall be placed in staggered.
&fter laying weep holes, it shall be clear of earth and other materials from its
complete length.
The rate shall be paid on 9umber basis.
Item No#/2
Pro9iin" an castin" in situ contro**e cement 650& for R#C#C# +ork in
piers an a.utment as per ra+in" inc*uin" centerin" s;utterin"
scaffo*in" +;ere necessary *ayin" 9i.ratin" curin" an finis;in"
comp*ete# E:pose concrete finis; an form mark as irecte .y
En"ineer5in5c;ar"e>etc# comp*ete as per specification#
The work shall be executed as per specification of Item No# % except
that the grade and si?e of contro**e cement concrete 650& "rae for RCC
+ork for founation of pier> a.utment an retainin" +a** +it; (&mm
o+n coarse a""re"ate of t;e re?uire si@e for any ept; instead of
except the grade and si?e of contro**e cement concrete 650< "rae for
RCC +ork for .ore pi*es of iameter as .e*o+ +it; (&mm o+n coarse
a""re"ate of t;e re?uire si@e for any ept; shall be considered.
Item No#/3
Pro9iin" an *ayin" in position fu**y mou*e restraine E*astomeric
.earin" as per etai*e ra+in"s#
1. The term MbearingsF in this case shall refer to an elastomeric beating
consisting of one or more elastomer slabs bonded to metal plates during
manufacture so as to form a sandwich arrangement, while M<earings .adsF
shall, denote single unreinforced elastomer slabs.
. The elastomer to be used for bearings shall be made from natural or synthetic
rubber and satisfy the physical properties given below. The test pieces
re#uired for the tests shall be selected from the centre layer of the bearings
while making up the selection.
Durometer Eardness
)ltimate Tensile 0train percent
Tensile 0trength Hg*cm
&dhesion to 7etal Hg*cm.
Tear +esistance Hg*c.
4ompression set hrs. at
:?one resistance @ strain
122 hrs. at "-2O4 T 12 O4
51 part per million in air by
&ccelerated ageing ,2 hours
Eardness increase
Tensile strength reduction,
!longation at break reduction
8ow temperature stiffnerss
D-%/ 57ethod-
D-(% %2
D-"/' 57ethod-
'' to ,2
5U ' points for the nominated
%'2 for '' grade %22 for (2
grade "22 for ,2 grade
1,' minimum
1"' minimum for natural rubber
of hardness greater than ('.
' maximum
9o cracks.
12 points
1'@ of original
'@ of original
,22 maximum
youngGs 7odulus-%2 O4 Hg*cm
". &dhesive used n bearing location attachment to bridge decks shall be sub$ect
to the approval by the !ngineer- in-charge. 1t shall be of high viscosity
resigns, which are cold setting and free of solvent. &dhesive shall not be used
to bond layers of cured elastomer. 7ild steel used for plate reinforcement
shall comply with the re#uirements of relevant 10. The 4ontractor shall furnish
to the !ngineer-in-charge a certificate by the 7anufacturer that the elastorner
and fabric 5if used6 in the elastomeric bearing conforms to all the above
re#uirements. The certification shall be supported by a certified copy of the
results of tests, performed by the 7anufacturer upon samples of the
elastomer and fabric to be used in the bearings.
The contractor shall, whenever re#uired, during the course of
manufacture arrange and offer all facilities for the purpose of inspection and
test of all or any of the material used therein, to any officer as directed by the
!ngineer-in-charge and the bearings and similar parts shall be used in the
superstructure except on the production of certificate of acceptance thereof
from the Directorate of 1nspection whenever necessary. &ll the inspection
charges shall by payable by the contractor.
%. The thickness of a single layer bearing shall riot exceed 2 per cent of the
least plan dimension. The total thickness of a laminated bearing shall not
exceed %2 per cent of the least plan dimension. The thickness of any internal
layer of elastomer shall not be less than ( mm nor greater than 1 mm. The
thickness of outer plates shall be not less than " mm. and that of inner plate
not less than 1.' mm. 7etal plates in which dowels are located shall be, in
general, not less than ( mm. thick. The edges of all plates shall be lightly
rounded to approximately ' mm. rapid. The metal plates referred above
should not be composed of thinner plates $oined together. 8aminated
<earings shall have side cover of elastomer of minimum thickness of ( mm, to
protect the ends of the steel plates and to give a reduced surface strain to that
occuring at the edge of the bonded p1ate be shall not be considered 1n
evaluation of deformations. The cover of elastomer at the top and bottom
surfaces shall not be less than " mm. or more than half the thickness of
internal layer. The outer cover at top and bottom surfaces having thickness
less than half that of a single, internal layer and not exceeding " mm. may be
considered as a simple protection and need not therefore be considered in
calculating deflections. Where above elastomer covers are provided, there is
no ob$ection to keeping the thickness of top most and bottom most plates
same as that of inner plates.
'. <earing shall be set back from the edge of a bearing surface a distance not
less than the thickness of the layer of elastorner in contact with bearing
surface to allow for spreading of the elastomer under load. <earings may be
located in position by means of dowels or studs orF other devices, or bonded
to the structure with approved adhesives which shall generally be of the high
viscosity resin type cold setting and free from solvent. ;or spans on an
inclined grade and without hinge bearings the sole plates shall provided and
the same bevelled so that masonary surfaces and the bearing shall be kept
hori?ontal. To facilitate maintenance, the ends of trusses and plate girders
shall preferably be supported on plates or pedestals so that tier,6 is at least 1'
centimetres clearance between the bottom chord or flange and the
substructure. The plan dimensions of the bearings to be finally adopted shall
preferably be selected from series G+F 2 of '= 12,(. The arrangement of
placing only one bearing under a girder shall be permitted. ;urther, bearings
of different si?es must not be placed next to each other to support a span. The
bearings shall be fully moulded when metal laminations are used. These
laminated elastorneric bearings shall consist of one or more elastomer slabs
bonded to metal plates so as to form a sandwich arrangement. 0uch fully
moulded bearings shall be manufactured to re#uired si?e. The bond between
elastomers and metal or fabric shall be such that, when a samples is tested
for separation, failure shall occur within the el stomers and not between the
elastomer and metal.
(. The contractor shall get the bearings tested for the physical properties and
performance of bearings. The test pieces re#uired for the test shall be
selected from the 4entral layer of bearing making up the selection. ;or the
0i?e of t test pieces and method of tests etc. the relevant 1.0.T.7. 0tandard
shall be followed= The tests shall be carried out in a recogni?ed laboratory
acceptable to the department for all the necessary tests re#uired by the
Department. The specimen for tests as may be re#uired shall be supplied by
the contractor at hic on cost and the testing charges shall also 8D fully borne
by the contractor. :nly those <earings which pass the tests satisfactorily will
be accepted and will be permitted to be used. The Department shall not
accept any responsibility for the cost of bearings re$ected.
,. 5i6 Tolerances on length and width 2, K' mm.
5ii6 Tolerances on thickness for single T 2.' mm.
layer pad.
5iii6 Tolerance on total thickness
MhF of finished bearings.
12 Q h V "2mm = T 2.' mm
"2 Q h V '2mm = T 2.- mm
'2 Q h V -2mm = T 2./ mm
-2 Q h V 12mm = T 1.1 mm
5iv6 The parallelism of the individual elastomer laminations far a finished
bearing, shall not exceed the tolerances specified at 5ii6 above when
measured at the extremities of the laminations.
-. .roper arrangement shall be made to avoid corrosion of metal plates or
deteriorating of adhesive by encasing the bearings totally in elastomer or by
some other method approved by the !ngineer-in-charge.
/. 5i6 When bearing assemblies on plates are shown on the drawing to be placed
5not embedded6 directly on concrete, the concrete bearing area shall be
constructed slightly above grade and shall be finished by grinding.
5ii6 1t shall be ensured that bearings are set truly level and in exact position as
indicated on the drawings so as to have full and even bearing on the seats.
Thin mortar pads 5not exceeding 1 mm.6 may be made to meet with this
5iii6 1t shall be ensured that the bottoms of the girders to be received on the
bearings are plane at the location of th/se bearings and care shall be take
that the bearing are not replaced while placing the girders.
5iv6 <efore fixing the elastomeric bearings the concrete surface on which the
bearings is to be placed shall be wood float finished to a level plane which
shall not very more than 1.' mm. from a straight edge placed in any direction
across the areas.
5v6 The position of the bearings shall be accurately marked on the pier
abutment cap and the area where the bearings are to be located levelled
5vi6 The concrete surface shall be free from any loose material and
cleared of grease oil, paint etc. and it shall be dry at the time of fixing.
5vii6 The surface of elastomer shall be free any foreign material.
5viii6 :nce prepared, the concrete or elastomer shall not be touched with
bare hand.
5ix6 The bearings shall be covered with canvas or a suitable covering
material protect from direct sun-light and weather until the concrete on
superstructure is cast.
5x6 The bearings shall be fixed in position with epoxy resin adhesive of
approved #uality.
5xi6 The concreting of superstructure shall be taken up only after ensuring
that the adhesive for fixing the bearings or pier*abutment cap has set.
12 )nit rate shall be cubical contents of the bearing measured in 4u.cm.
11. The rate for each type of bearings shall include the cost of supplying and
fixing bearings in position complete. The rate shall also include the cost of
samples and their testing as desired by the !ngineer-in-charge. The rate shall
also include the cost of adhesives for fixing
Item No#/%
Pro9iin" an castin" in situ contro**e cement concrete 6 0< 6i: for
R#C#C# +orks in pier cap a.utment cap an irt +a** inc*uin" contro**e
cement concrete 6 0< .e .*ock or peesta*s of re?uire ra+in"s>
centerin" s;utterin"> scaffo*in" +;ere9er necessary *ayin" 9i.ratin"
curin" an finis;in" comp*ete#
The work shall be executed as per specification of Item No# % except
that the grade and si?e of contro**e cement concrete 650< "rae for RCC
+ork for pier cap abutment cap and dirt wall +it; (&mm o+n coarse
a""re"ate of t;e re?uire si@e for any ept; 5$ei";t from & to < m#B
instead of except the grade and si?e of contro**e cement concrete 650<
"rae for RCC +ork for .ore pi*es of iameter as .e*o+ +it; (&mm
o+n coarse a""re"ate of t;e re?uire si@e for any ept; shall be
Item No#/D
Pro9iin" an fi:in" in position stee* .ar reinforcement of stee*
"rae FE54/< AT6TB inc*uin" cuttin" >.enin"> ;ookin"> tyin"> +e*in"
etc> comp*ete as per etai*e ra+in" an specification AAB A.utment
cap an irt +a** >Pier cap >seismic arrester
The work shall be executed as per specification of Item No# D except
that the T6T FE54/< )rae A$ES7B .ars reinforcement for A.utment cap
an irt +a** >Pier cap >seismic arrester instead of $i"; Eie* Stren"t;
7eforme A$ES7B .ars reinforcement for RCC pi*e shall be considered.
Item No#(&
Pro9iin" an fi:in" /<& ia runner an o+ntake )I pipe to rain +ater
from raina"e spouts +it; necessary fi:tures inc*uin" cost of a**
materia*s> *a.our> .ens> fi:tures> specia*s etc# comp*ete as per ra+in"
an Sp# an as per irection of En"ineer#
/#& 6ateria* 8
3alvanised mild steel tubes of 1'2mm dia nominal bore shall conform to 1.0.
1"/-1/(-. The galvanised fitting, clamps, etc re#uired for specified dia. <ore pipes
shall be of best #uality and make as approved by the !ngineer N in N 4harge.
(#& Workmans;ip 8
(#/ 4utting, 8aying and Lointing=
(#/#/ When the tubes are to be cut or rethreaded, the end shall be carefully field
out so that no obstruction to bore in offered. The ends of the tubes shall than be
threaded conforming to the re#uirements of 1.0. ''%-1/'' with pipe dies and taps
carefully in such a manner as will not result in slackness of $oints when the two pipes
are screwed together.
(#/#( The taps and dies shall be used only for straightening screw threads which
have become bent or damaged and dies shall not be used for turning of the threads
so as to make them stacks as the latter procedure may not result in a watertight
$oints. The screw threads for tube and fitting shall be protected from edge unit they
are fitted.
(#/#0 1n $ointing the tubes, the inside of the socket and the screwed end of the
tubes shall be oiled and smeared with white or red lead and wapping around with a
few turns of fine spun yarn round the screwed end of the tube. The end shall then be
tightly screwed in the socket tees, etc. with a pipe wrench. 4are shall be taken that
all pipes and fitting are properly $ointed so as to make the $oints completely water
tight and pipes are kept at all times free from dust and dirt during fixing. <urr $oints
shall be removed after screwing. &fter laying the open ends of the pipes shall be
temporarily plugged to prevent access of water, soil, or any other foreign matter.
(#/#4 &ny threads exposed after $ointing shall be painted or in the case
underground piping thickly coated with approved anti-corrosive paint to prevent
(#( Fi:in" of t;e tu.e fittin" to +a** cei*in" an f*oor 8
1n case of fixing of tubes and fittings to the walls or ceiling these shall run on the
surface of the wall or ceiling 5not in change6 unless otherwise specified. The fixing
shall be done by means of standard pattern, holder clamps keeping the pipes about
1.'mm. clear of the wall. When it is found necessary to conceal the pipes and when
specified so, chasing may be adopted or pipes fixed in ducts or reassesses etc.
provided that there is sufficient space to work on the pipe with usual tools. The pipe
shall not ordinarily be buried in walls or solid floors, where unavoidable, pipes may
be buried for short distance provided that ade#uate protection is given against
damage and where so re#uired $oints are not buried. Where re#uired 7.0. tube
sleeve shall be fixed at a place a pipe is passing through a wall or wall or floor for
expansion and contraction and other movements. 1n case the pipes is embedded in
walls or floors, it should be painted with anti-corrosive bitumastic paint of approved
#uality. The pipe should not come in contact with lime mortar or lime concrete as the
pipe is affected by lime. )nder the floors, the pipe shall be laid in layer of sand filling.
(#(#( &ll pipes and fittings shall be fixed vertical and hori?ontal unless unavoidable.
The pipes shall be fixed to walls with standards pattern clamps of re#uired si?e and
shape, one end of which shall be properly plugged or cemented into walls with
cement mortar 1=" 51 4ement = " 4oarse 0and6 and the other tightened round the
pipes to hold it securely. These clamps shall be spaced at regular intervals in straight
length at 7.4*4 interval in hori?ontal run and .'7 interval in vertical run. ;or pipe
of 1' mm dia. upto ' mm dia. The holes in the walls and floors shall be made by
drilling with chisel or $umper and not by dismantling the brick work or concrete.
Eowever for bigger diameter pipes, the holes shall be carefully made of the smallest
re#uired si?e. &fter fixing the pipe the holes shall be made good with cement mortar
1="51 cement = " coarse sand6 and properly finished to match the ad$acent surface.
(#0 Testin" of !oints 8
(#0#/ &fter laying and $ointing, the fitting shall be inspected under working
conditions of pressure and flow. &ny $oint found leaking shall be redone and all
leaking pipes removed and replaced without extra cost.
(#0#( The pipes and fittings as they are laid shall be tested to hydraulic pressure of
(kg.*s#.cm. The pipe shall be slowly and carefully charged with water allowing all air
to escape and avoiding all shock and water hammer. The draw off tacks and stop
cock shall then be closed and specified hydraulic pressure shall be applied gradually.
The pressure gauge must be accurate. The pipes and fitting shall be tested in
sections as the work of laying proceeds keeping the $oints exposed for inspection
during the testing.
(#0#0 Testing of pipe lines fitting sand $oints includes for providing all plant and
appliance necessary for obtaining access to the work to be tested and carrying out
the tests.
0#& 6oe of 6easurements C Payment 8
0#/ The description of each item shall unless otherwise stated, be held to include
where necessary conveyance and delivery, handling, unloading, storing fabrication
hosting, all labour for finished to re#uired shape and si?e, testing fitting in position
straight, cutting and waste, return of packing etc.
0#( The length shall be measured on running meter basis of finished work# The
length shall be taken along the centre line of the pipe and fittings. The pipes fixed to
walls, ceiling, floors, etc. shall be measured and paid under this item.
0#0 &ll the work shall be measured in decimal system as fixed in its place, sub$ect
to tolerance given below unless otherwise stated=
5i6 Dimension shall be measured to the nearest 2.21 meter.
5ii6 &rea shall be worked out to the nearest 2.21 s#. metre.
0#4 &ll measurements of cutting shall unless otherwise stated be held to include
the conse#uent waste.
0#< 1n case fitting of une#ual bore, the largest bore shall be measured for the test.
4#& RATE 8
The rate includes galvani?ed steel tubing with screwed socket $oints, together with all
fitting 5such as bends, sockets, springs, elbows, tees, crosses, short pieces, clamps
and plugs unions etc.6and fixing complete with clamping wall-hooks, wooden plugs
etc and also cutting, screwing and for making forged 5or hand made6 bends on piping
as re#uired. 4ontractor shall be inserted, where re#uired or-directed. The rate also
including cutting through walls, floors etc. and their making good and painting
exposed threads with anti-corrosive paint as above testing. Where tubes are to be
fixed to wall, ceiling and flooring, the rate shall not include painting of pipes, providing
sleeves and sand filling under floor for which separate payment shall be made.
The rate shall be for a unit of one +unning 7eter.
Item No# (/
Pro9iin" an castin" in situ contro**e cement 6 0< for R#C#C# +ork in
superstructure inc*uin" centerin" s;utterin" scaffo*in"> rammin">
9i.ratin" curin" an finis;in" comp*ete# AAB T# .eam an eck s*a. type
of superstructure#AiB 7eck s*a.s AiiB 6ain an cross "irer
The work shall be executed as per specification of Item No# % except
that the grade and si?e of contro**e cement concrete 650< "rae for RCC
+ork for super structure AFor main "irers C ia"ram C 7eck s*a.B +it;
(&mm o+n coarse a""re"ate of t;e re?uire si@e for any ept; instead
of except the grade and si?e of contro**e cement concrete 650< "rae for
RCC +ork for .ore pi*es of iameter as .e*o+ +it; (&mm o+n coarse
a""re"ate of t;e re?uire si@e for any ept; shall be considered.
Item No# ((
Pro9iin" an fi:in" in position stee* .ar reinforcement of stee*
"rae FE54/< AT6TB inc*uin" cuttin" >.enin"> ;ookin"> tyin"> +e*in"
etc> comp*ete as per etai*e ra+in" an specification ABB T# .eam an
s*a. type of superstructure# AiB 7eck s*a.s AiiB 6ain an cross "irer
The work shall be executed as per specification of Item No# D except
that the T6T FE54/< )rae A$ES7B .ars reinforcement for ABB T# .eam
an s*a. type of superstructure# AiB 7eck s*a.s AiiB 6ain an cross "irer
instead of $i"; Eie* Stren"t; 7eforme A$ES7B .ars reinforcement for
RCC pi*e shall be considered.
Item No# (0
Pro9iin" an castin" in situ contro**e cement concrete 6 0& for
a9era"e 3< mm# t;ick +earin" coat *ai as irecte inc*uin" tampin"
9i.ratin" finis;in" curin" an fi**in" in joints +it; .itumen comp*ete#
The work shall be executed as per specification of Item No# % except
that the grade and si?e of contro**e cement concrete 650& "rae for
a9era"e 3< mm t;ick +earin" coat +it; (&mm o+n coarse a""re"ate of
t;e re?uire si@e instead of except the grade and si?e of contro**e cement
concrete 650< "rae for RCC +ork for .ore pi*es of iameter as .e*o+
+it; (&mm o+n coarse a""re"ate of t;e re?uire si@e for any ept;
shall be considered.
Item No# (4
Pro9iin" P-C# /&& mm# iameter +ater spouts inc*uin" necessary iron
"ratin"s as per ra+in"s#
1# 7aterial for the water spout shall be as mentioned in the item as per 7:+TE
standard drawing and shall be got approved from the !ngineer-in-charge.
. Water spout shall be 122 mm. internal dia. cast iron grating shall be provided
at the entry and shall be fixed in the recess so as to be flush with the road
surface. The #uality and si?e of the grating shall be got approved from the
!ngineer-in-charge. The water spouts shall pro$ect at least 12 cm. outside the
concrete and shall be rigidly fixed in it. The grating and 4.1. pipes shall be
painted with two coats of anticorrosive black bitumen paint.
". 7easurement shall be per number of water spout fixed.
%. )nit rate includes cost of all materials, labour and tools to complete the work.
Item No# (<
Pro9iin" an fi:in" mar.*e s*a. inc*uin" en"ra9in" an paintin"
comp*ete# AAB si@e 3< cm : 2& cm : 4 cm
1. 7arble plate shall be white and of approved #uality and shall be of si?e as
mentioned in the item. 8ettering shall be done by D-shape engraving and shall
be filled with black paint of approved #uality, letting shall be done as directed
by the !ngineer-in-charge. The 7arble plate shall be fixed in neat cement at a
place as directed by the !ngineer-in-charge. 4ement shall confirm to relevant
10 0pecification.
. 7easurement shall be per number of marble plate fixed.
". )nit rates include cost of all material labour and tools to complete the work.
Item No# (2
Pro9iin" an castin" in situ contro**e cement concrete 6 0& for
approac; s*a. inc*uin" form +ork curin" an finis;in" comp*ete#
. The work shall be executed as per specification of Item No# % except
that the grade and si?e of contro**e cement concrete 650& "rae for RCC
+ork for Approac; S*a. +it; (&mm o+n coarse a""re"ate of t;e
re?uire si@e for any ept; instead of except the grade and si?e of
contro**e cement concrete 650< "rae for RCC +ork for .ore pi*es of
iameter as .e*o+ +it; (&mm o+n coarse a""re"ate of t;e re?uire
si@e for any ept; shall be considered.
Item No# (3
Pro9iin" an fi:in" in position stee* .ar reinforcement of stee*
"rae FE54/< AT6TB inc*uin" cuttin" >.enin"> ;ookin"> tyin"> +e*in"
etc> comp*ete as per etai*e ra+in" an specification AFor >Approac;
s*a. C +earin" coatB
The work shall be executed as per specification of Item No# D except
that the T6T FE54/< )rae A$ES7B .ars reinforcement For >Approac;
s*a. C +earin" coatB
1nstead of $i"; Eie* Stren"t; 7eforme A$ES7B .ars
reinforcement for RCC pi*e shall be considered.
Item No# (%
Pro9iin" an *ayin" of a strip sea* e:pansion joint caterin" to ma:imum
;ori@onta* mo9ement up to 3& mm comp*ete as per ra+in" an
stanar specifications to .e insta**e .y t;e manufacturerJ supp*iers or
t;eir aut;ori@e representati9e ensurin" comp*iance to t;e
manufactureHs instruction for insta**ation#
(2&3#/# Components
0trip seal expansion $oint shall comprise the following items=
aB E"e .eams N This special claw leg profiled member shall be of
extruded rolled steel section combining good weld ability with notch
.B Strip sea* - This shall be of chloroprene with high tear strength,
insensitive to oil, gasoline, and o?one. 1t shall have high resistance to
aging. This component, provided to ensure water tightness, shall have
bulbous shape of the part of the seal which is inserted into the groove,
provided in the edge beam. The seal should be vulcani?ed in single
operation for minimum full length of $oint.
cB Ri"i anc;ora"e N This shall be welded to the edge beam at
staggered distance.
B Anc;or *oops N This shall be made of weldable steel connecting the
rigid anchorage with deck reinforcement.
(2&3#(# 6ateria*
a6 !dge beams of this special section are at present being directly imported in
1ndia. The steel shall conform to steel grade +s. ",- of 3erman 0tandard or
b6 4hloroprene of strip seal shall conform to 4lause /1'.1 of 1+4 = -" 5.art 116.
The properties of chloroprene shall conform to Table (22-1.
c6 &nchorage steel shall conform to 10 = 2( - 1///
d6 &nchor loop shall conform to 10 = 2(-1///
0ealing element is made of chloroprene and must be a extruded section. The
working movement range of the sealing element shall be at least -2 mm with a
maximum of 122 mm at right angles to the $oint and %2 mm parallel to the $oint.
Eardness ("' shore &
Tensile strength 7in 11 7pa
!longation at fracture 7in "'2 percent
Tear propagation strength
8ongitudinal 7in 12*9*mm
Transverse 7in 12 9*mm
0hock elasticity 7in ' percent
&brasion 7in 2 mm
+esidual compressive strain
5 h*,2 deg 4*"2 percent strain6 7ax - percent
&geing in hot air
51% days * ,2 deg 46
4hange in hardness 7ax ' shore &
4hange in tensile strength 7ax -2 percent
4hange in elongation at fracture 7ax -2 percent
&geing in o?one
5% h*'2 pphm*' deg 4*2 percent strain6 9o cracks
0welling behaviour in :il
511( h*' percent 46 &0T7 oil 9o.
Dolume change 7ax ' percent
4hange in hardness 7ax 12 shore &
&0T7 :il 9o."
Dolume change 7ax ' percent
4hange in hardness 7ax 2 shore &
4old hardening point 7in -"' deg 4
(2&3#0# Fa.rication APre5insta**ationB
a6 +olled steel profiles for edge beams shall be long enough to cater for a N lane
carriageway. These shall be cut to si?e of actual re#uirements by means of a
metre box saw. &lignment of the cut-to-si?e steel profiles shall then be made in
accordance with the actual bridge cross-section on work tables. ;or this purpose,
the contour of bridge cross-section shall be sketched onto these tables. &fter the
steel profiles are aligned, they will be chucked to the tables by means of screw
clamps and tacked by arc welding.
b6 &nchor plates shall be cut to the re#uired si?e by gas cutting. These shall be
welded to the edge beams.
c6 &nchor loops shall be bent to the re#uired shape and welded to anchor plates.
d6 The finally assembled $oints shall then be clamped and transported to the work
(2&3#4# $an*in" an stora"e
a6 ;or transportation and storage, auxiliary brackets shall be provided to hold the
$oint assembly together.
b6 The manufacturer shall supply either directly to the engineer or to the bridge
contractor all the materials of strip seal $oints including sealants and all
other accessories for the effective installation of the $oining.
c6 !xpansion $oint material shall be handled with care. 1t shall be stored under
cover on suitable lumber padding by the contractor to prevent damage. &ny
damage occurring after delivery shall be made good at the bridge
4ontractorFs expense to the satisfaction of the !ngineer.
(2&3#<# Insta**ation
(2&3#<#/# The width of the gap to cater for movement due to thermal effect,
prestress, shrinkage and creep, superstructure deformations 5if any6 and
sub-structure deformations 5if any6 shall be determined and intimated to the
manufacturer. Depending upon the temperature at which the $oint is likely
to be installed, the gap dimension shall be preset.
(2&3#<#(# Taking the width of gap for movement of the $oint into account, the
dimensions of the recess in the decking shall be established in accordance
with the drawings or design data of manufacturer. The surfaces of the
recess shall be thoroughly cleaned and all dirt and debris removed. The
exposed reinforcement shall be suitably ad$usted to permit unobstructed
lowering of the $oint into the recess.
(2&3#<#0. The recess shall be shuttered in such a way that dimensions in the $oint
drawing are maintained. The form work shall be tight.
(2&3#<#4# 1mmediately prior to placing the $oint, the presetting shall be inspected.
0hould the actual temperature of the structure be different from the
temperature provided for presetting, correction of the presetting shall be
done. &fter ad$ustment, the brackets shall be tightened again.
(2&3#<#<# The $oint shall be lowered in a pre-determined position. ;ollowing
placement of the $oint in the prepared recess, the $oint shall be levelled and
finally aligned and the anchor loops on one side of the $oint welded to the
exposed reinforcement bars of the structure. )pon completion, the same
procedure shall be followed for the other side of the $oint. With the
expansion $oint finally held at both sides, the auxiliary brackets shall be
released, allowing the $oint to take up the movement of the structure.
(2&3#<#2# Eigh #uality concrete shall then be filled into the recess. The packing
concrete must feature low shrinkage and have the same strength as that of
the superstructure, but in any case not less than 7 "' grade. 3ood
compaction and careful curing of concrete is particularly important. &fter
the concrete has cured, the movable installation brackets still in place shall
be removed.
(2&3#<#3# +olled up neoprene strip seal shall be cut into the re#uired length and
inserted between the edge beams by using a crow bar pushing the bulb of
the seal into the steel grooves of the edge beams. & landing to a bead shall
be formed in the thickened end against the steel beam due to wedge effect
when the strip seal is buttoned in place.
(2&3#<#%# &s soon as the concrete in the recess has become initially set, a sturdy
ramp shall be placed over the $oint to protect the exposed steel beams and
neoprene seals from site traffic. !xpansion $oint shall not be exposed to
traffic loading before the carriageway surfacing is placed.
(2&3#<#D# The carriageway surfacing shall be finishing flush with the top of the steel
sections. The actual $unction of the surfacing*wearing coat with the steel
edge section shall be formed by a wedge shaped $oint with a sealing
compound. The hori?ontal leg of the edge beam shall be cleaned
beforehand. 1t is particularly important to ensure thorough and careful
compaction of the surfacing in order to prevent any premature depression
forming in it.
Acceptance test
a6 &ll steel elements shall be finished with corrosion protection system.
ii6 ;or 9eoprene seal, the acceptance test shall conform to the
re#uirements stipulated in Table (22-1. 1t shall also be stretch
tested. 1f a manufacturer is to supply this type of $oint, they will have
to produce a test certificate accordingly conducted in a recognised
laboratory, in 1ndia or abroad.
iii6 1n view of the importance of the built up edge beams, special
investigation of fatigue strength of this strength of this section with
anchorages to withstand x 12 load change cycles without showing
signs of damage, will be re#uired. The supplier shall have to produce
a test certificate in this regard, conducted in a recognised laboratory,
in 1ndia or abroad.
iv6 The manufacturer shall produce test certificates indicating that
anchorage system has been tested in a recognised laboratory to
determine optimum configuration of anchorage assembly under
dynamic loading.
v6 The manufacturer shall satisfy the engineer that water tightness test
for the type of $oint has been carried out in a recognised laboratory to
check the water tightness under a water pressure of % bars.
vi6 &s strip seal type of $oint is specialised in nature, generally of the
proprietary type, the manufacturer shall be re#uired to produce
evidence of satisfactory performance of this type of $oint.
The strip seal expansion $oints shall be measured in running meters.
The rate shall include the cost of all material, labour e#uipments and other
incidental charges necessary for removing existing expansion $oints and
safe guard fixing the new expansion $oints complete in all respects as
shown on the drawings.
Item No# (D
6arkin" out t;e center *ine of t;e .ri"e an 9arious ot;er components
structures an comp*ete *inin" out an *e9e*in" +it; t;eoo*ite> *e9e*
inc*uin" construction necessary masonry pi**ars for *ines an *e9e*s
an esta.*is;in" necessary .enc;mark etc# comp*ete as irecte#
The 4enter line axis of the 0ix lane bridge is to be done for bridge and also for
approaches * retaining walls in both ends shall be surveyed along their lengths.
4enter line pegs for six lane bridge, ramps including foundation pegs at each
location and at suitable distance of ".2 m c*c along the approach on each side shall
be fixed.
&ll deviation angles of the central line axis for the six lane bridge including tangent
distances shall be demarcated with pegs fixed in to the ground.
The rate on 8ump sum basis shall include all e#uipments, survey instruments,
necessary survey party, supply and fixing of pegs including, fixing of pillars for
intermediate stations labour, materials re#uired in completing the $ob as re#uired, as
per direction of !ngineer-in-charge.
The rate shall be paid on lump sum basis.
Item No# 0&
Reinforce Cement Concrete Cras; Barrier APro9ision of an Reinforce
cement concrete cras; .arrier at t;e e"es of t;e roa> approac;es to
.ri"e structures an meians> constructe +it; 654& "rae concrete
+it; T6T reinforcement conformin" to IRC8(/ an o+e* .ars (< mm
ia> 4<& mm *on" at e:pansion joints fi**e +it; pre5mou*e asp;a*t
fi**er .oar> keye to t;e structure on +;ic; it is .ui*t an insta**e as
per esi"n "i9en in t;e enc*osure to 6OST circu*ar No# RW'N$ 5
00&(('/'D457O III ate (4 !une /DD4 as per imensions in t;e appro9e
ra+in" an at *ocations irecte .y t;e En"ineer> a** as specifieB C
Pro9ie /<& mm ia P-C pipe for uti*ity ser9ices etc comp*ete A+it;
friction s*a. C on*y cras; .arrierB
As per 6OSRTC$ Specification No# /2&& C /3&&
%&D#/# )enera*
%&D#/#/# This work shall consist of construction, provision and installation of
concrete crash barrier at the edges of the road and median at locations and of
dimensions as shown on the drawings or as directed by the !ngineer.
%&D#/#(# 4oncrete barrier shall generally be located on approaches to bridge
structures, at locations where the embankment height is more than " metres and at
hori?ontal curves.
%&D#(# 6ateria*s
%&D#(#/# &ll materials shall conform to 0ection 1222-7aterials for 0tructures as
applicable, and relevant 4lauses in 0ection 1(22 shall govern the steel
reinforcement. The concrete barriers shall be constructed either by the Rcast-in-place
with fixed formsS method or the Rextrusion or slip formS method or a combination
thereof at the 4ontractorFs option with the approval of the !ngineer. Where Rextrusion
or slip formS method is adopted, full details of the method and literature shall be
%&D#(#(# 4oncrete barriers shall be constructed with 7 = 2 grade concrete and with
Eigh Xield 0trength deformed reinforcement conforming to 1+4= 1.
%&D#(#0# &n expansion $oint with pre-moulded asphalt filler board shall be provided at
the $unction of crash barrier on structure and crash barrier on the fill. The crash
barrier on the fill shall be constructed in pieces of length not exceeding 2 m, with,
pre-moulded asphalt filler board $oints.
%&D#0# Construction Operations
%&D#0#/# The location of crash barrier shall be strictly adhered to as shown on the
drawing and as directed by the !ngineer. 4oncrete crash barriers shall present a
smooth, uniform appearance in their final position, conforming to the hori?ontal and
vertical lines shown on the plans or as ordered by the !ngineer and shall be free of
lumps, sags or other irregularities. The top and exposed faces of the barriers shall
conform to the specified tolerances, as defined in 4lause -2/.%, when tested with "
m straight edge, laid on the surface.
%&D#0#(# When concrete barriers are to be constructed on recently completed
bridges, the height of the barriers shall be ad$usted to compensate for the camber
and dead load deflection of the superstructure. The amount of ad$ustment shall be
determined by the !ngineer and shall be ordered before the concrete is placed.
0uch barriers shall be placed after form work has been released and as long after
the superstructure construction as possible without hampering the progress of the
%&D#0#0# <ackfilling to the concrete barriers shall be compacted in layers to the
compaction of the surrounding earthwork.
%&D#4# To*erance The overall hori?ontal alignment of rails shall not depart from the
road alignment by more than T "2 mm, nor deviate in any two successive lengths
from straight by more than ( mm and the faces shall not vary more than 1 mm
from the edge of a " m straight edge. <arriers snail be at the specified height as
shown in the plans above the edge of the nearest ad$acent carriageway or shoulder,
within a tolerance of T "2 mm.
%&D#<# 6easurements for Payment
&ll barriers will be measured by linear metres of completed and accepted length in
place, corresponding end to end along the face of concrete barriers including
approach and departure ends.
%&D#2# Rate
The 4ontract unit rate shall include full compensation for furnishing all labour,
materials, tools, e#uipment and incidental costs necessary for doing all the work
involved in constructing the concrete barrier complete in place in all respects as per
these 0pecifications. The +ate shall be for unit of one +unning 7eter.
Item No# 0/
Pro9iin" Stee* ,iner 2 mm t;ick for pi*e inc*uin" Fa.ricatin" an
Settin" out as per 7etai*e 7ra+in"#
1. ;inished rolled material shall be free from cracks, flaws, in$urious seams, laps,
blisters, rigged and imperfect edges and other detects. 1t shall have a smooth,
uniform finish, and shall be straight. 1t shall also be free from loose mill scale,
rust, pits or other defects affecting its strength and durability. The acceptance
of any material on inspection at the mill, i.e. rolling mills, foundry or fabricating
plant where material for the work is manufactured, shall not be a bar to its
subse#uent re$ection, if found defective. 7ild steel for bolts and nuts shall
conform to 10 = ( but have a minimum tensile strength of %% kg*mm and
minimum percentage elongation of 1%.
. &ll work shall be in accordance with the drawings. 4are shall be-taken that all
parts of an assembly fit accurately together. &ll structural steel members and
parts shall have straight edges and blung surfaces. 1f necessary, they shall be
straightened or flattened by pressure unless they are re#uired to be of
curvilinear forms. They shall also be free from twist. .ressure applied for
straightening or flattening shall be such as would not in$ure the materials.
&d$acent surfaces or edges shall be in close contract or at uniform distance
throughout. &ll structural steel parts, where re#uired shall be shared,
chopped, swan or flame cut and ground accurately to the re#uired dimensions
and shape. &ll edges of splice and gusset plates 1 mm. thick and over shall
be machined and those less than 1 mm thick may be shared and ground.
". The diameter or rivets shown on drawings shall be the si?e before heating.
!ach rivet shall be of sufficient length to form a head of the standard
dimensions as given in Y.0. Eand book on 0teel 0ections, .art-1. 1t shall be
free from burrs on the underside of the head. &ll loose or burnt rivets and
rivets with cracked or bardly formed defective heads or with heads which are
unduly centric with the shanks, shall be removed and replaced. 1n removing
riverts, the head shall be sheared off and the .rivet punched out so as not to
in$ure the ad$acent metal and if necessary, they shall be drilled out. +ecouping
and caulking shall not be permitted.
%. &ll welding shall be done with the prior approval of the !ngineer-in-charge
and the workmanship shall conform to the specifications of 10= -". When
material thickness is 2 mm. or more, special precautions like preheating
shall be taken as laid down in 10 =-".
'. The steel liner for .ile shall be fabricated to the exact shape and dimensions
shown on the detailed drawings. The steel sections shall be bent cold to the
re#uired shape by making D-cuts in the hori?ontal portion at not less than
eight places for single well and at uniform intervals along length. The D-cuts
shall then be welded together electrically.
(. The measurements of this item shall be in tonnes based on the net weight of
metal in the fabricated structure computed on the basis of nominal weight of
materials. 9o payment shall be made for rivets, bolts, nuts, washer and for
welding. 9o deduction shall be made for the hole punched or D-cuts made in
the structure.
,. The unit rate shall include the cost of all materials labour, tools and plants
including setting out on site to complete the work.
Item No# 0(
7esi"n an construction of reinforce eart; retainin" +a** inc*uin" pre
cast facia materia* an e*ement of po*ymer Strips A"eosynt;etic po*ymer
strips para+e.B as per etai*e esi"n an tec;nica*
specification inc*uin" e:ca9ation> facia pane*> stee* .ar for facia> rear
anc;or .ars> *e9e**in" pa an copin" .eam an *a.our an mac;inery
use etc# comp*ete#
"121. 04:.!
The work covers the construction of reinforced earth structures, erection of
reinforcing elements and placement of facing panels and all associated
&ll elements comprising the reinforced wall such as the facia units, the
reinforcements with accessories*fittings shall all be laid in conformity with the
specification and in compliance with the lines, grades, designs and
dimensions as per the approved drawing.
The reinforced soil structure shall be design for a service life of 122 years.
The warranty period of the reinforced soil structures shall be 2 years from the
date of completion of flyover. ;or the reinforced soil structures the
contractor5s6 shall furnished the performance warranty bond for a minimum
period of 2 years and a professional indemnity cover for ' years as directed
by the !ngineer 1n 4harge. The defect liabilities period for the reinforce soil
structure shall be " year.
The work shall be done in conformity with 7:0+TAE 0pecifications for road
and bridges work. +e print 22, 0ection= "122. Detail design and drawing
shall be executed in accordance with 7:0+TAE 0pecifications and as per
the provisions of the <0 -22(-1//' R0trengthened*+einforced 0oil and other
fillsS meeting the ultimate and serviceability limit state re#uirement. ;or
external and internal stability analysis under seismic loading ;rench 0tandard
9; /%-2 and &&0ET:*)0 ;ederal Eighways. &dministration 5;EW&6
Design guidelines 5;EW&-9E1-22-2%"6 shall be followed.
Traffic live loads, traffic impact loads on vehicle safely barrier system shall be
taken in accordance with the design re#uirements and earth#uake loads as
per 10 = 1-/"-22.
"12. +!19;:+4193 !8!7!9T
"12.1. The reinforcing element shall be geotextile which shall conform to
clause 9o. ,21 of 7:0+TAE 0pecification, fourth revision.
"12.. 3eogrids
The supply of geogrids shall carry a certification of <10 or 10: /22 for all
works. While the reinforcing element for wall or slope portion shall be with
mono oriented 3eogrid, the reinforcement for the foundation of a reinforced
earth wall or slope shall be with bi-directionally oriented 3eogrid. ;or mono
oriented 3eogrid, the characteristic design tensile strength at a strain not
exceeding 12 percent in 122 years shall be at least %2 k9*m when measured
as per 3+1=33". The strength for bi-directionally oriented 3eogrid in the
longitudinal direction shall be at least %2 k9*m at a maximum elongation of 1'
percent. The 3eogrid shall be inert to all naturally occurring chemicals,
minerals and salts found in soil. The design of +einforcing elements of
polymer 3eogrid shall be carried out in accordance with <0--22(.
"12%. ;&41& 7&T!+1&8
"12%.1. The facing shall comprise of one of following=
5i6 +einforced concrete 5.recast6 slabs in 4.4. 7-%2
5ii6 .lain cement concrete form fill hollow block 5.recast6 in 4.4. 7-%2
The facing shall be sufficiently flexible to withstand any deformation of the fill.
The material re#uired for facia shall conform to 7:0+TAE 0pecification 9o.
1122, 1'22 A 1,22.
"12%.. ;acia unit $oint filler should be durable resistant to the effect of air
pollution and water*saline water.
"12%.". <edding material shall consist of either cement mortar or a durable
gasket seating such as resin bonded cork strip.
"12%.%. 4onnection between the facia and the reinforcing element shall be by
using polyethylene strips*rods, fibre glass dowels or any other material shown
in the drawing. &ny other material used shall be tested to provide 122 per cent
$oint strength as of parent element in continuity.
:verlapping in principal reinforcement or in the $oint shall ensure load transfer
through $oints, perpendicular to the direction of laying.
"112.% 0oil +einforcement .lacement =
&ll reinforcements shall be installed at the proper elevation and orientation as
shown in the wall details on the construction plans or as directed by the
engineer. The reinforcement strips shall be placed normal to the face of the
wall unless otherwise shown on the drawings.
The geogrid reinforcement shall be laid in continues length in principal
strength direction 5perpendicular to the wall face6 no $ointing by overlap,
sewing or mechanical $oints shall be allowed in the principal strength direction.
&d$acent sections of the geogrid reinforcement shall be placed in a manner to
assure at the hori?ontal coverage down on the plans is provided. & minimum
122mm overlap shall be allowed between ad$acent roll widths.
3eogrid reinforcement should be installed under tension. & nominal tension
shall be applied to the reinforcement and maintained by staples, stakes or
hand tensioning until the reinforcement as been covered by at least 22mm of
soil fill.
<roken, chipped, stain or otherwise damaged units shall not be placed in the
wall unless they are repaired and the repair method and the results shall be
sub$ect to approval by the engineer.
"12'.1. The plan area of the reinforced earth structure shall be, excavated to
provide a nominally level base which may be stepped at the back as re#uired
to receive the hori?ontal reinforcing element grid.
The depth of the foundation below the finished ground level at the foot of the
slope or wall shall not be less than 1222 mm.
&dditional strip footing, trough guide made of concrete or anchor key pad shall
be provided at founding level to receive the facia or the bottom most
reinforcement connection. This shall have ade#uate soil cover against erosion
and scour in particular cases.
0/&<#(# Orientation
The reinforcing elements shall be placed at right angles to the face of the wall,
with greater cross-sectional dimension in die hori?ontal plane. The placement
of the elements including their vertical*hori?ontal spacing and length shall be
as in the drawing.
0/&<0# Facin" Batter
1t may be necessary to set facing unit at an additional batter than as provided
in the drawing as there is a tendency for initially positioned units of facia to
lean outward as the fill material is placed and compacted. 4are and caution
shall be taken to rectify this phenomenon.
0/&<#4# 7raina"e
Drainage shall be provided as per drawing given in detail. The retained fill
shall have a suitably designed drainage bay to allow free draining of the
reinforced fill.
0/&<#<# ,ayin" an Compactin"
The reinforcing elements shall be laid free from all kinks, damage and
displacement during deposition, spreading, levelling and compaction of the fill.
The programme of filling shall be such that no construction plant runs directly
on the reinforcement.
&ll construction plant having a mass exceeding 1222 kg shall be kept at least
1.' m away from the fact of slope or wall. 1n this area 5upto 1.'m from the face
of slope or wall6, following compaction plant shall be used
5i6 Dibratory roller having a weight per metre width of roll not exceeding
1"22 kg with total weight not exceeding 12,222 kg.
5ii6 Dibratory plate compactor of maximum weight 1222kg.
5iii6 Dibro tamper having a weight not exceeding ,' kg.
4ompaction by any other method like using do?er or back blade compaction
by do?er or excavator bucket shall be permitted with due approval from the
!ngineer after ascertaining the level of compaction so achieved.
"12(. 7!&0)+!7!9T0 ;:+ .&X7!9T
The measurement for facia elements including reinforcing elements of
3eogrid* geotextile shall in s#uare metre of facia elements.
The measurement for foundation and capping beam shall be measured and
paid separately.
The measurement for compacted earthfill shall be in cubic metres and shall be
measured and paid separately.
"12,. +&T!0
The +ate shall include cost of labour, plant hire, material storage and handling
expenses, for completing the works.
The +ate for providing facia material shall include all material cost of facia
material and reinforcing elements 5.olymer 3eogrid6, all transportation costs
and storage of the same as per special provisions. The rate shall also include
cost of laying of the reinforcing elements including all overlaps, $ointing or
stitching, heat bonding or extension.
The +ate for facia fixing shall include cost of $oints, all necessary temporary
formwork, scaffolding and all lifts and leads, if any, as shown in the drawing,
The +ate shall be for unit of one 0#uare 7etre.
Item No# 00
Construction of (<& mm t;ick compacte coarse "ranu*ar su..ase
A)rae5I crus;e B#T materia*s of <0 mm to D#< mm 1 <& G>D#< mm to
(#02 mm 1 (&G >Be*o+ (#02 mm 1 0& GB .y pro9iin" c*ose "rae
materia* > mi:in" in a mec;anica* mi: p*ant at O6C> carria"e of a mi:
materia* to +ork site> spreain" uniform *ayers +it; mottor "raer on
prepare surface an compactin" +it; 9i.ratory po+er ro**er to ac;i9e
esire ensity > comp*ete c*ause as per 4&/
/#/ Stone =-
The work shall consist of laying and compacting well graded
material on prepared subgrade in accordance with the re#uirements of these
specification. The material shall be laid in three layers as sub-base or lower sub-base
and upper sub-base 5termed as sub-base hereinafter6 as necessary according to
lines, grades and cross-sections shown on the drawings or as directed by the
1. 6ateria*s =-
1..1 The material to be used for the work shall be crushed stone, the
materials should be got approved from the !ngineer-in-charge. The materials
shall be free from organic or other deleterious constituents and conform to one of
the three gradings give in Table %22-1.
While the gradings in table %22-1 are in respect of 4lause graded
granular sub-base materials. :ne each for maximum particle si?e of ,'mm., '"mm
and (.' mm the corresponding gradings for the coarse graded materials for each of
the three maximum particle si?es are given at table %22-. The grading to be adopted
for a pro$ect shall be as specified in the 4ontract.
1.. P;ysica* Re?uirements =-
The materials shall have a 12 percent fine value of '2 H9 or more 5for
sample in soaked condition6 when tested in compliance with <0=-1 5.art 1116. The
water absorption value of the coarse aggregate shall be determined as per 10 = "-(
5.art"6 if this value is greater than percent the soundness test shall be carried
out on the material delivered to as per 10 = "-". ;or grading 11 and 111 materials, the
4<+ shall be determined at the density and moisture content likely to be developed
in e#uilibrium conditions which shall be taken as being the density relating to a
uniform air voids content of ' per cent.
Sie9e 7esi"nation Per cent passin" .y IS sie9e
)rain" I )rain" II )rain" III
,'.2 mm 122 -- --
'".2 mm -2-122 122 --
(.' mm ''-/2 ,2-122 122
/.'2 mm "'-(' '2--2 ('-/'
%.,' mm '-'' %2-(' '2--2
."( mm 2-%2 "2-'2 %2-('
2.%' mm 12-' 1'-' 2-"'
2.2,' mm "-12 "-12 "-12
4<+ Dalue 57inimum6 "2 ' 2
Sie9e 7esi"nation Per cent passin" .y IS sie9e
)rain" I )rain" II )rain" III
,'.2 mm 122 -- --
'".2 mm -- 122 --
(.' mm ''-,' '2--2 122
/.'2 mm -- -- --
%.,' mm 12-"2 1'."' '-%'
."( mm -- -- --
2.%' mm -- -- --
2.2,' mm Q12 Q12 Q12
4<+ Dalue 57inimum6 "2 ' 2
9ote = The material passing %' micron 52.%' mm6 sieve fur all the three grading
when tested according to 10 = ,2 5.art '6 shall have li#uid limit and plasticity
index not more than ' and ( per cent respectively.
1." Stren"t; of Su. Base =-
It shall be ensure prior to actual execution that the material to be used in the
sub base satisfies the re#uirement of 4<+ and other physical re#uirements when
compacted and finished.
When directed by the !ngineer, this shall be verified by performing 4<+
tests in the laboratory as re#uired on specimens remoulded at field dry density and
moisture content and any other tests for the Z#ualityZ of materials, as may be
1.% Construction Operations =-
1.%.1 .reparation of subgrade =-
1mmediately prior to the laying of sub-base, the subgrade already
finished to 4lause "21 or "2' as applicable shall be prepared by removing all
vegetation and other extraneous matter, liehgly sprinkled with water if necessary
and rolled with two passed of -2-122 k9 smooth wheeled roller.
1.%. 0preading and compacting =-
The 0ub <ase material of grading specified in the 4ontract shall be
spread on the prepared sub grade with the help of a motor grade of ade#uate
capacity its blade having hydraulic controls suitable for initial ad$ustment and for
maintaining the re#uired slope and grade during the operation or other means as
approved by the !ngineer.
When the sub-base material consist of combination of materials mentioned
in 4lause %21..1, mixing shall be done mechanically by the mix-in -place
7anual mixing shall be permitted only where the width of laying is not
ade#uate for mechanical operations, as in small-si?ed $obs. The e#uipment used
for mix-in-place construction shall be a rotavator or similar approved e#uipment
capable of mixing the material to the desired degree. 1f so desired by the !ngineer,
trial runs with the e#uipment shall be carried out to establish its siutablity for the
7oisture content of the loose material shall be checked in accordance with 10=
,2 5.art 116 and suitably ad$usted by sprinkling additional water from a truck
mounted or trailer mounted water tank and suitable for applying water uniformly and
at controlled #uantities to variable widths of surface or other means approved by the
!ngineer so that, at the time of compaction, it is from 1 per cent above to per cent
below the optimum moisture content corresponding to 10 = ,2 5.art -6. While
adding water, due allowance shall be made for evaporation losses. &fter water has
been added the material shall be processed by mechanical or other approved
means like disc harrows, rotavators until the layer is uniformly wet.
1mmediately thereafter, rolling shall start. 1f the thickness of the
compacted layer does not exceed 122mm a smooth wheeled roller of -2 to 122 k9
weight may be used. ;or a compacted single layer up to %(2 mm the compaction
shall be done with the help of a vibratory roller of minimum -2 to 122 k9 static weight
with plain drum or pad foot-frump or heavy pneumatic tyred roller of minimum 22
to "22 k9 weight having a minimum tyre pressure of 2., 79*m or e#uivalent
capacity roller capable of achieving the re#uired compaction. +olling shall
commence at the lower edge and proceed towards the upper edge
longituditionally for portions having unidirectional cross fall and super elevation and
shall commence at the edge and process towards the centre for portions having
crossfall on both sides.
!ach pass of the roller shall uniformly overlap not less than one- third
of the track made in the preceding pass. During rolling, the grade and crossfall
5camber6 shall be checked and any high spots of depressions, which become
apparent, corrected by removing or adding fresh material. The speed of the roller
shall be not exceed ' Hm. per hour.
+olling shall be continued till the density achieved is at least /- per
cent of the maximum dry density for the material determined as per 10 = ,2 5.art -6.
The surface of any layer of material on completion of compaction shall be well closed,
free from movement under compaction e#uipment and from compaction e#uipment
and from compaction planes, ridges, cracks or loose material. &ll loose, segerated or
otherwise defective area shall be made goot to the full thickness of layer and re-
1.' 0urface finish and #uality control of work =-
The surface finish of construction shall conform to the re#uirement of
clause /2.
4ontrol of the #uality of materials and works shall be exercise by the
!ngineer in accordance with section /22.
1.( &rrangements of Traffic =-
During the period of construction, arrangement of traffic shall be
maintained in accordance with 4lause 11.
1., 7easurements for payment =-
3ranular sub-base shall be measured as finished work on cross
sectionla measurements and computing the volume in cubic meters.
The protection of edges of granular sub-base extended over the full
formation as shown in the drawing shall be considered incidental to the work of
providing granular sub-base and as such no extra payment shall be made for the
1.- +ates =-
4ontract unit rate for granular sub-base shall be payment in full for
crying out the reuired operations including full compensation for =
5i6 7aking arrangements for traffic clause 11 except for initial
treatment to verges, shoulders and construction of diversions =
5ii6 ;urnishing all materials to be incorporated in the work including all
royalties, fees, rents where necessary and all leads and lifts =
5iii6 &ll labour, tools, e#uipment and incidentals to complete the
work to the specifications =
5iv6 4arrying out the work in part widths of road where directed >and 5v6
4arrying out the re#uired tests for #uality control.
1./ 7ode of 7easurement A .ayment =-
The rate includes cost of collection conveyance to the site with all lead and lift
incl. labour, tools, e#uipment and other incidental expenses like royalties.
The payment shall be made on cubic meter basis without deduction of voids.
Item No# 04
Pro9iin" an *ayin" +et mi: .ase course macaam (<& mm in sin"*e
*ayer usin" mac;ine crus;e c;ips as per re?uire "raation mi:in"
+it; re?uire optimum ?uantity of +ater con9eyin" t;e mi: to site an
spreain" to "rae an cam.er +it; mec;anica* pa9er conso*iation .y
9i.ratory ro**er inc*uin" materia*> *a.our> pa*nt an mac;inary an
e?uipment etc comp*ate#
16 0cope=
This work shall consists of laying and compacting clean, black stone
crushed graded aggregates and granular materials, premixed with water to a dense
mass on a prepared sub-grade * 0ub- base *base or existing payment as to the
case may be in accordance with the re#uirement of these specifications. The
materials shall be laid in two layers as necessary to lines, grades and cross
sections shown on the approved drawing or as directed bythe !ngineer. The
thickness of single compacted wet mix macadam layer shall not be less than 122mm
5compacted6 for shoulders. The work of wet mix macadam shall be carried out in two
layers in side shoulders.
6 7aterials=
.hysical re#uirement = 4oarse aggregates shall be machine crushed black
stone aggregates. The aggregates shall confirm the physical re#uirement as per
Table 9o. 1
The aggregates shall conform to one of grading given in Table 9o. 1 below
T&<8 !- 1
.EX014&8 +!B)1+!7!9T0 :; 4:&+0! &33+!3&T!0 ;:+ TE! W!T 71[
7&4&D&7 ;:+ 0)<-<&0! * <&0! 4:)+0!.
0r. 9o. Test Test 7ethod +e#uirements
\ 8os- &ngles &brasion Dalue
or &ggregate 1mpact value.
10-"-( .art - % %2 percent maximum
\ &ggregate 1mpact value
10-"%( .art - %
1.0. '(%2
"2 percent maximum
4ombined ;lakiness and
!longation 1ndices 5Total6
10-"/( .art -1 "2 percent maximum
\ &ggregate may satisfy re#uirement of either of the two tests.
\\ To determine this combined proportion, the flaky stone from a
representative sample should first be separated out.
;lakiness index is weight of flaky stone metal divided by weight of stone
samples. :nly the elongated particles be separated out from the remaining 5non-
flaky6 stone metal, !longation index is weight of elongated particles divided by
total non-flaky particles. The value of flakiness index A elongation index so found
are added up. 1f the water absorption value of coarse aggregates is greater then
@ the soundness test shall be carried out on the materials delivered to site as per
1.0. "-(- .art - D. .2 3rading re#uirements =
The aggregates re#uirement of aggregates for wet mix macadam.
T&<8! 9o. 3rading re#uirement of aggregates for wet mix macadam.
1.0. 0eive Designation
.ercentage by weight passing the 10
'".22mm 122
%'.22 mm /'-122
(.'2mm ]
.%2mm (2--2
11.2mm %2-(2
%.,'mm '-%2
."(mm 1'-"2
(22 7icron --
,' 7icron 2--
7aterial finer than %' micron shall have plasticity index 5..1.6 not
exceeding (. The final gradation approved within these limit shall be well graded
from coarse to fine and shall not vary from the low limit on one sieve to the high
limit on the ad$acent sieve or vice-versa.
3.0 4:90T+)4T1:9 :.!+&T1:90 =
3.1 .+!&+&T1:9 :; <&0! =
The surface of the sub-grade*sub-base*base to received the wet mix
macadam course shall be prepared to the specified lines and cross fall 54amber6
and made free of dust and other extraneous materials. &ny ruts or soft yielding
places shall be corrected in an approved manner and rolled unit firm surface its
obtain if necessary by sprinkling water. &ny sub-base* base* surface irregularities,
where predominant shall be made good by providing appropriate type of profile
corrective course 5leveling course6 to clause '21 of 7.:.+.T. A E. specifications. &s
far as possible, laying wet mix macadam course over an existing thick, bitumenous
layer may be avoided since it will cause problems of internal drainage of the
pavement at the inter-face of two course. 1t is desirable to completely pick out the
existing thin bitumenos wearing course where wet mix macadam is proposed to
be laid over its. Eowever, in exceptional cases, where the intensity of rain is low and
the interface drainage facility is efficient wet mix macadam can be laid over the
existing thin bitumenous surface by cutting '22mm x '2mm furrows at an angle of %'
degree to the centre line of the pavement at one meter intervals in the existing road.
The direction and depth of furrows shall be such that they provide ade#uate
bondage and also serve to drain water to the existing granular base course beneath
the existing thin bitumenous surface.
2. .+:D101:9 :; 8&T!+&8 4:9;19!7!9T :; &33+!3&T!0 =
<efore starting with wet mix macadam construction, necessary arrangement
should be made for the lateral confinement of wet mix.
This shall be done by laying materials in ad$oining side shoulders in
advance to a thickness corresponding to the compacted layer of the wet mix
macadam course. &fter the verge shoulders are ready, their inside edges
should be trimmed aterial, thereby seating state for spread of the wet mix.
2" .+!.&+&T1:9 :; 71[ =
Wet mix macadam shall be prepared in an approved mixing plant of suitable
capacity having provision for controlled addition of water and firced*positive mixing
arrangement like pug mil or pan type mixer of concrete batching plant. ;or small
#uantity of work !ngineer may permit the mixing to be done in concrete mixers.
:ptimum moisture for mixing shall be determined in accordance with 1.0. ,2
5.art - D111^ after replacing the aggregates fraction retained on .% mm sieve with
material of %.,' mm to .% mm si?e. While adding water due allowance should be
made for evaporation losses. Eowever at the time of compaction, water in wet mix
should not vary from the optimum value by more than agreed limits. The mixed
materials should be uniformally wet and no sergregation should be permitted.
".2% 0.+!&D193 :; 71[ =
1mmediately after mixing, the aggregates shall be spread uniformallly and
evenly upon the prepared sub-grade*sub-base * base in re#uired ##uantities.
1n no case, should these be dumped in heaps directly on the area where
these are to be laid not shall their hauling over a partly completed stretch be
7ortar grader as directed in the !ngineer-in-charge. ;or portions where
mechanical means can not be used, manual means as approved by
!ngineer-in-charge shall be used. The motor grader shall be capable of
spreading the materials uniformly all over the surface. 1ts blade shall have
hydraulic control suitable for initial ad$ustments and maintaining the same so
as to achieve the specified sloper and grade, i6 8oading hoppers A
suitable distribution mechanisum.
ii6 The screed shall have tamping and vibrating arrangements for shall
have tamping and vibrating arrangements for initial compaction to the
layer as it is spread without rutting or otherwise marring the surface
iii6 The paver shall be #uipped necessary control mechanism so as to
ensure that the finished surface is free from surface blemishes.
The surface of the aggregates shall be carefully checked with
templates and all high or low spots remedied by removing or adding
aggregates as may be re#uired. The layer may be tested by blocks
during construction. 9o segregation of longer and fine particles
should be allowed. The &ggregates as spread should be of uniform
with no pockets of fine materials.
".2' 4:7.&4T13=
&fter the mix has been laid to the re#uired thickness, grade and cross fall
5camber6. The same shall be uniformly compacted to the full depth with
Dibratory roller of minimum static weight of -2 to 122 H9 or e#uivalent
capacity roller. The speed of roller shall not be exceeded ' Hm.* Er. !xcept in
super elevant portions, the rolling should be at edges with the roller, running,
forward and backward unit the edges have been firmly compacted. The roller
should then progress gradually towards the center parallel to the central line
of the road
)niformly over lapping each of the preeding track by atlest one third width
until the entire surface has been rolled. :n super-elevated portions of the
road, rolling should commence from the lower edge and progress gradually
towards the upper edge. There after rolling should progress parallel to the
centre line of the road. )niformally overlapping each preceeding track by
atlest one third width until the entire surface has been rolled. +olling should
not be done when the sub-grade is so soft or when it causes a wave like
motion in the sub-base* base course of sub-grade. 1f irregularities develop
during rolling which exceed 1mm. When tested with a "-meter straight edge,
the surface should be loosened and premixed materials added or removed as
re#uired before rolling agins so as to achieve a uniform surface confirming to
the desired grade and crossfall. 1n no case should use of unmixed materials
be permitted to make up the depressions.
+olling should be continued till the density achieved is at least /-@ of the
maximum dry density for the materials as determined by the method
outlines, in 1.0. ,2 5.art -D1116. &fter completion the surface of any
finished layer should be well closed. ;ree from movement under
compaction e#uipments or any compaction planes, ridges, cracks and loose
materials. &ll loose segregated or otherwise defective afreas should be
made good to the full thickness of the layer and recompacted.
".2( 0!TT193 &9D D+X193 ==
&fter final compaction of Wet mix macadam course, the road shall be
allowed to dry for %- hours.
%.2 :.!9193 :; T+&;;14 =
.referably no vehicular traffic of any kind should be allowed on the finished wet
mix macadam surface till it has dried and the wearing course laid. 1n
exceptional case, construction traffic may be allowed with approval of the
!ngineer for short duriations. :ne the course it completely dry provided
vehicles move over the full width avoding any rutting of uneven
'.2 0)+;&4! ;1910E &9D B)&81TX 4:9T+:8 :; W:+H = '.21
0)+;&4! !D!99!00 =
The surface finished of construction shall conform to the
re#uirement of 4lause - /2.
'.2 B)&81TX 4:9T+:8 =
4ontrol on the #uality of materials and works shall be excercised by
the !ngineer-in-charge in accordance with 0ection - /22.
(.2 +!4T1;14&T1:9 :; 0)+;&4! 1++!3)8&+1T1!0 =
Where the surface irregularities of the wet mix macadam course exceeds
the permissible tolerance or where the course is otherwise defective to sub-
grade soil getting mixed with the aggregates, the full thickness of the layer
shall be scarified over the affected area, reshaped with fresh premixed
materials as applicable and recompacted in accordance with clause-%2(." of
7.:.0.T. specification., 111rd +evision. The area treated in the aforesaid
manner shall not be less than ' m. long and m. wide. 1n no case shall
depressions be filled up the unmixed and urgraded amterials or fines.. 1m
,.2 &++&93!7!9T ;:+ T+&;;14 =
During the period of construction, arrangements of traffic shall be done as per
4lause- 11 any damage during traffic shall be repaired by the contractor.
-.2 7!&0)+!7!9T0 :; .&X7!9T =
Wet mix macadam shall be measured as finished work in position in 4ubic
7eter by level measurement as per 4lause 11"." of the book of
specification for road and bridge work. 5111rd +evision - 1//', reprinted in 1//-
The !xecutive !ngineer shall also verified leveling work to the extent of '@
before commencement of work and finali?ation.
/.2 +&T!0=
The contract unit rate for wet mix macadam shall be paid in full for carrying out the
re#uired operations, including full compensions for components listed in 4lause-
%21.- of 7.:.0.T. specifications for +oads and <ridge works. 5111rd +evision, 1//',
+eprinted in Lanuary 1//-.
Item No# 0<
Pro9iin" an app*yin" Prime coat o9er prepare surface of W66 +it;
.itumen Emu*sion at t;e rate of 3#<& k" ' /& s?mt sprayin" t;e emu*sion
+it; spray sat etc comp*ete
1. 0cope=
This work shall consists of the application of a single coat of low
viscosity li#uid bitumenous materials to a porous granular surface
preparatory to the superimposition of bitumenous treatment or mix.
. 7aterials=
The primer shall be bitumen emulsion, complying with 1.0. ---, of a
type and grade as specified in the contract or as directed by the
". Weather A 0easonal 8imitations =
<itumenous primer shall not be applied to a wet surface 5see '2.%.6 or
during a dust strom or when the weather is foggy, rainy or windy or
when the temprature in the shade is less than 12 degree 4. 0urface
which are to receive emulsion primer should be damp, but 9: free or
standing water shall be present.
%. 4onstruction=
%.12 !#uipments=
The primer distributor shall be a self-propelled or towed bitumen
pressure sprayer e#uipped for spraying the materials uniformally at
specified rates and tempratures. Eand spreying of small areas,
inaccessible to the distributor, or in narrow strips shall be spreyed
with a pressure hand sprayer, or as directed by the !ngineer.
%.2 .reparation of road surface =
The surface to be primer shall be prepared in accordance with clause
'21.- and /2 as appropriate. 1mmediately prior to applying the
primer, the surface shall be carefully swept. 4lean of dust and loose
particle. 4are being taken not to disturb the interlocked aggregates.
This is best achieved when the surface layer is slightly moist.
5lightly sprayed with water and the surface allowed to dry6 and the
surface should be kept moist until the primer is applied.
%."2 &pplication of bituminous primer =
The viscosity and rate of application of the primer shall be as
specified in the contract, or as determined by site trials carried out as
directed by the !ngineer. The primer shall be sprayed uniformly in
accordance with clause '21. The method for application of the
primer will depend on the type of e#uipment to be used, si?e of
no??les, pressure at the spray bar and speed of forward movement.
The contractor shall demonstrate at a spraying trail, that the
e#uipment and method to be used is capable of producing a uniform
spray, within the tolerance specified.
%.%2 4uring of primer and opening of traffic =
& primed surface shall be allowed to cure for atleast % hours or
such other period as is found to be necessary to allow all the volaties to
evaporate before any subse#uent surface treatment or mix is laid. &ny
unabsorbed primer shall first be boltted with an application of sand,
using the minimum #uantity possible. & primed surface shall not be
opened to traffic other than that necessary to lay the next course. &
very thin layer or clean sand may be applied to the surface of the
primer to prevent the primer picking up under the wheels of the
paver and the trucks delivering bitumenous materials to the paver.
'.2 Buanltiy control of work =
;or control of the #uality of materials supplied and the works carried
out, the relevent provisions of 0ection - /22 shall apply.
(.2 &rrangement for Traffic =
During the construction operations arrangements for the traffic shall
be made in accordance with the provisions and bridge work 5111rd
revision6 1//'.
7.2 7easurements for payments =
.rime coat shall be meausred in terms of surface area of application
0#uare meters.
-.2 +ates=
The contract unit rate for prime coat with ad$ustments as described in
para -, - shall be payment in full for carrying out the re#uired
operations including full compensation for all components listed in
4lause %21.- 5i6 to 5v6 of the 7inistryGs 0pecification for +oads and
<ridge works 5111rd revision6 1//' and as applicable to the work
specified in thses specifications. .ayment shall be made on the basis
of the provisions of prime coat at an applicable rate of 2.,' Hg. .er
s#uare metre, with ad$ustment, plus or minus, for the variations
between this amount and the actual amount approved by the !ngineer
after the preliminary trials reffered in .ara %.".
Item No# 02
Pro9iin" an *ayin" 3< mm 7B6 usin" crus;e stone a""re"ate BT
c;ips as per re?uire "raation an usin" emu*sion asp;a*t as a tack
coat 1 (#< k" ' /& s?mt an t;e 2&'3& "rae as;p;a*t at 4& k"'6TB.y tota*
+ei";t of mi: ;ot *ai process usin" rum mi: p*ant inc*uin" ;eatin"
an mi:in" asp;a*t C materia*s .y rum mi: process transportin" t;e
mi: an *ayin" .y pa9er finis;er inc*uin" conso*iation +it; 9i.ratory
ro**er inc*uin" cost of materia*> *a.our> mac;inary e?uipment an fue* >
oi* > *u.ricant for p*ant an mac;inary usin" contractorHs o+n p*ant an
mac;inaries etc# comp*ete
<&3#/# Scope
This clause specifies the construction of Dense 3raded <ituminous
7acadam, 5D<76, for use mainly, but not exclusively, in base*binder and
profile corrective courses. D<7 is also intended for use as road base material.
This work shall consist of construction in a single or multiple layers of D<7 on
a previously prepared base or sub-base. The thickness of a single layer shall
be '2mm to 122mm.
<&3#(# 6ateria*s
<&3#(#/# Bitumen8 The bitumen shall be paving bitumen of .enetration
3rade complying with 1ndian 0tandard 0pecifications for R.aving <itumenS 10=
,", and of the penetration indicated in Table '22-12 for dense bitumen
macadam, or this bitumen as modified by one of the methods specified in
4lause '1, or as otherwise specified in the 4ontract. 3uidance on the
selection of an appropriate grade of bitumen is given in The 7anual for
4onstruction and 0upervision of <ituminous Works.
<&3#(#(# Coarse a""re"ates8 The coarse aggregates shall consist of
crushed rock, crushed gravel or other hard material retained on the ."( mm
sieve. They shall be clean, hard, durable, of cubical shape, free from dust and
soft or friable matter, organic or other deleterious substances. Where the
4ontractorFs selected source of aggregates have poor affinity for bitumen, as
a condition for the approval of that source, the bitumen shall be treated- with
an approved anti-stripping agent, as per the manufacturerFs
recommendations, without additional payment. <efore approval of the source,
the aggregates shall be tested for stripping. The aggregates shall satisfy the
physical re#uirements specified in Table '22--, for dense bituminous
Where crushed gravel is proposed for use as aggregate, not less than
/2@ by weight of the crushed material retained on the %.,' mm sieve shall
have at least two fractured faces.
<&3#(#0# Fine a""re"ates8 ;ine aggregates shall consist of crushed or
naturally occurring mineral material, or a combination of the two, passing the
."(mm sieve and retained on the ,' micron sieve. They shall be clean, hard,
durable, dry and free from dust, and soft or friable matter, organic or other
deleterious matter.
The fine aggregate shall have a sand e#uivalent value of not less than
'2 when tested in accordance with the re#uirement of 1-=,2 5.art ",6.
The plasticity index of the fraction passing the 2.%' mm sieve shall not
exceed %. when tested in accordance with 10= ,2 5.art '6
.roperty Test 0pecification
3rain si?e analysis
7ax '@ passing 2.2,'mm
.article shape ;lakiness and !longation 1ndex

7ax "2@
0trength\ 8os &ngeles &brasion Dalue
7ax "'@
&ggregate 1mpact Dalue
7ax ,@
Durability 0oundness=
0odium 0ulphate
7agnesium 0ulphate
7ax 1@
7ax 1-@
Water absorption
7ax @
0tripping 4oaling and 0tripping of <itumen
&ggregate 7ixtures

7inimum retained coating
+etained Tensile 0trength
9otes = 1. 10 = "-( .art 1 '. 10 = "-( .art '
. 10 = "-( .art 1 (. 10 = "-( .art "
5the elongation lest to be done only on non-flaky aggregates in the
". 10= "-( .art %\ ,. 10= (%1
%. 10= "-( .art %\ -. &&0ET:T-"\\
\ &ggregate may satisfy re#uirements of either of these two tests.
\\ The water sensitivity test is only re#uired if the minimum
retained coating in the stripping test is less than /'@.
<&3#(#4# Fi**er 8 ;iller shall consist of finely divided mineral matter such
as rock dust, hydrated lime or cement approved by the !ngineer.
The filler shall be graded within the limits indicated in Table '22-/.
10 0ieve 5mm6 4umulative per cent passing by weight of total
2.( 122
2." /'-122
2.2,' -'-122
The filler shall be free from organic impurities and have a .lasticity
1ndex not greater than %. The .lasticity 1ndex re#uirement shall not apply if
filler is cement or lime. When the coarse aggregate is gravel, per cent by
weight of total aggregate, shall be .ortland cement or hydrated lime and the
percentage of fine aggregate reduced accordingly. 4ement or hydrated lime is
not re#uired when the limestone aggregate is used. Where the aggregates fail
to meet the re#uirements of the water sensitivity test in Table '22--, then
per cent by total weight of aggregate, of hydrated lime shall be added without
additional cost.
<&3#(#<# A""re"ate "rain" an .iner content8 When tested in
accordance with 10="-( .art 1 5wet sieving method6, the combined grading
of the coarse and fine aggregates and added filler for the particular mixture
shall fall within the limits shown in Table '22-12, for dense bituminous
macadam grading 1 or as specified in the 4ontract. The type and #uantity of
bitumen, and appropriate thickness, are also indicated for each mixture type.
3rading 1
9ominal aggregate si?e %2mm 'mm
8ayer Thickness -2-122 mm '2-,' mm
IS Sie9e
AmmB Cumu*ati9e G .y +ei";t of tota* a""re"ate
%' 122
",.' /'-122 122
(.' ("-/" /2-122
1/ -- ,1-/'
1". ''-,' '(--2
/.' -- --
%.,' "--'% "--'%
."( --% --%
1.1- -- --
2.( -- --
2." ,-1 ,-1
2.1' -- --
2.2,' -- --
<itumen content @ by
mass of total mix

7in%.2 7in%.'
<itumen grade 5pen6 (' or /2 (' or /2
9otes= 1. The combined aggregate grading dull not vary from the low limit
on one
sieve to the high limit on the ad$acent sieve.
. Determined by the 7arshall method.
<&30# 6i:ture 7esi"n
<&30#/# Re?uirement for t;e mi:ture8 &part from conformity with the
grading and #uality re#uirements for individual ingredient the mixture shall
meet the re#uirements set out in Table '22-11.
7inimum stability 5k9 at (2_46 /.2
7inimum flow 5mm6
7aximum flow 5mm6 %
4ompaction level 59umber of blows6 ,' blows on each of the two
faces of the specimen
.er cent air voids "-(
.ercent voids in mineral aggregate
0ee Table '22-1 below.
.er cent voids filled with bitumen
The re#uirements for minimum per cent voids in mineral aggregate
5D7&6 are set out in Table '22-1.
9ominal 7aximum
.article 0i?e
7inimum D7&, .er cent
+elated to
Design &ir Doids, .er cent

".2 %.2 '.2

/.' 1%.2 1'.2 1(.2
1' 1".2 1%.2 1'.2
1/.2 1.2 1".2 1%.2
'.2 11.2 1.2 1".2
",.' 12.2 11.2 1.2
9otes= 1. The nominal maximum particle si?e is one si?e larger than the
first sieve to retain more than 12 per cent.
. 1nterpolate minimum voids in the mineral aggregate 5D7&6 for
design air voids values between those listed.
<&3#0#(# Biner content8 The binder content shall be optimised to
achieve the re#uirements of the mixture set out in Table '22-11 and the traffic
volume specified in the 4ontract. The 7arshall method for determining the
optimum binder content shall be adopted as described in The &sphalt 1nstitute
7anual 70-, replacing the aggregates retained on the (.' mm sieve by the
aggregates passing the (.' mm sieve and retained on the .% mm sieve,
where approved by the !ngineer.
Where %2 mm dense bituminous macadam mixture is specified, the
modified 7arshall method described in 70- shall be used. This method
re#uires modified e#uipment and procedures> particularly the minimum
stability values in Table '22-11 shall be multiplied by .', and the minimum
flow shall be " mm.
<&3#0#0# !o. mi: formu*a8 The 4ontractor shall inform the !ngineer in
writing, at least 2 days before the start of the work, of the $ob mix formula
proposed for use in the works, and shall give the following details=
5i6 0ource and location of all materials=
5ii6 .roportions of all materials expressed as follows where each is
5a6 <inder type, and percentage by weight of total mixture>
5b6 4oarse aggregate*;ine aggregate*7ineral filler as
percentage by weight of total aggregate including mineral
5iii6 & single definite percentage passing each sieve for the mixed
5iv6 The individual gradings of the individual aggregate fractions, and
the proportion of each in the combined grading.
5v6 The results of tests enumerated in Table '22-11 as obtained by
the 4ontractor>
5vi6 Where the mixer is a batch mixer, the individual weights of each
type of aggregate, and binder per batch.
5vii6 Test results of physical characteristics of aggregates to be used>
5viii6 7ixing temperature and compacting temperature.
While establishing the $ob mix formula, the 4ontractor shall ensure that
it is based on a correct and truly representative sample of the materials that
will actually be used in the work and that the mixture and its different
ingredients satisfy the physical and strength re#uirements of these
&pproval of the $ob mix formula shall be based on independent testing
by the !ngineer for which samples of all ingredients of the mix shall be
furnished by the 4ontractor as re#uired by the !ngineer.
The approved $ob mix formula shall remain effective unless and until a
revised Lob 7ix ;ormula is approved. 0hould a change in the source of
materials be proposed, a new $ob mix formula shall be forwarded to the
!ngineer for approval before the placing of the material.
<&3#0#4# P*ant tria*s 5 permissi.*e 9ariation in jo. mi: formu*a8
:nce the laboratory $ob mix formula is approved, the 4ontractor shall
carry out plant trials at the mixer to establish that the plant can be set up to
produce a uniform mix conforming to the approved $ob mix formula. The
permissible variations of the individual percentages of the various ingredients
in the actual mix from the $ob mix formula to be used shall be within the limits
as specified in Table '22-1". These variations are intended to apply to
individual specimens taken for #uality control tests in accordance with 0ection

7escription Permissi.*e 9ariation
Base'.iner course Wearin"
&ggregate passing 1/nun sieve or larger T-@ T,@
&ggregate passing 1".mm, /.'mm T,@ T(@
&ggregate passing %.,'mm T(@ T '@
&ggregate passing ."(mm, 1.1-mm,
T'@ T%@
&ggregate passing 2."mm, 2. 1'mm T%@ T"@
&ggregate passing 2.2,'mm T@ T 1.'@
<inder content T2."@ T2."@
7ixing temperature T12_4 T12_4
:nce the plant trials have demonstrated the capability of the plant, and
the trials are approved, the laying operation may commence. :ver the period
of the first month of production for laying on the works, the !ngineer shall
re#uire additional testing of the product to establish the reliability and
consistency of the plant.
<&3#0#<# ,ayin" Tria*s8 :nce the plant trials have been successfully
completed and approved, the 4ontractor shall carry out laying trials, to
demonstrate that the proposed mix can be successfully laid, and compacted
all in accordance with 4lause '21. The laying trial shall be carried out on a
suitable area which is not to form part of the works, unless specifically
approved in writing, by the !ngineer. The area of the laying trials shall be a
minimum of 122 s#.m. of construction similar to that of the pro$ect road, and it
shall be in all respects, particularly compaction, the same as the pro$ect
construction, on which the bituminous material is to be laid.
The 4ontractor shall previously inform the !ngineer of the proposed
method for laying and compacting the material. The plant trials shall then
establish if the proposed laying plant, compaction plant, and methodology is
capable of producing satisfactory results. The density of the finished paving
layer shall be determined by taking cores, no sooner than % hours after
laying, or by other approved method.
:nce the laying trials have been approved, the same plant and
methodology shall be applied to the laying of the material on the pro$ect, and
no variation of either shall be acceptable, unless approved in writing by the
!ngineer, who may at his discretion re#uire further laying trials.
<&3#4# Construction Operations
<&3#4#/8 Weat;er an seasona* *imitations8 The provisions of 4lause
'21.'.1 shall apply.
<&3#4#(# Preparation of .ase8 The base on which Dense 3raded
<ituminous 7aterial is to be laid shall be prepared in accordance with 4lauses
'21 and /2 as appropriate, or as directed by the !ngineer. The surface shall
be thoroughly swept clean by a mechanical broom, and the dust removed by
compressed air. 1n locations where-mechanical broom cannot access, other
approved methods shall be used as directed by the !ngineer.
<&3#4#0# )eosynt;etics8 Where 3eosynthetics are specified in the
4ontract this shall be in accordance with the re#uirements stated in 4lause
<&3#4#4# Stress a.sor.in" *ayer8 Where a stress absorbing layer is
specified in the 4ontract, this shall be applied in accordance with the
re#uirements of 4lause '.
<&3#4#<# Prime coat8 Where the material on which the dense
bituminous macadam is to be laid is other than a bitumen bound layer, a prime
coat shall be applied, as specified, in accordance with the provisions of
4lause '2, or as directed by the !ngineer.
<&3#4#2# Tack coat8 Where the material on which the dense bituminous
macadam is to be placed is a bitumen bound surface, a tack coat shall be
applied as specified, in accordance with the provisions of 4lause '2", or as
directed by the !ngineer.
<&3#4#3# 6i:in" an transportation of t;e mi:ture8 The provisions as
specified in 4lauses '21." and '21.% shall apply.
<&3#4#%# Spreain"8 The provisions of 4lauses '21.'." and '21.' %
shall apply.
<&3#4#D# Ro**in"8 The general provisions of 4lauses 0: 1.( and '21 ,
shall apply, as modified by the approved laying trials. The compaction process
shall be carried out by the same plant, and using the same method, as
approved in the laying trials, which may be varied only with the express
approval of the !ngineer in writing.
<&3#<# Openin" to Traffic
The newly laid surface shall not be open to traffic for at least % hrs
after laying and completion of compaction, without the express approval of the
!ngineer in writing.
<&3#2# Surface Finis; an Iua*ity Contro* of Work
The surface finish of the completed construction shall conform to the
re#uirements of 4lause /2. &ll materials and workmanship shall comply with
the provisions set out in 0ection /22 of this 0pecification.
<&3#3# Arran"ements for Traffic
During the period of construction, arrangements for traffic shall be
made in accordance with the provisions of 4lause 11.
<&3#%# 6easurement for Payment
Dense 3raded <ituminous 7aterials shall be measured as finished
work either in cubic metres, tons or by the s#uare metre at a specified
thickness as detailed on the 4ontract drawings, or documents, or as directed
by the !ngineer.
<&3#D# Rate
The contract unit rate for Dense 3raded <ituminous 7acadam shall be
payment in full for carrying out the all re#uired operations as specified, and
shall include, but not necessarily limited to all components listed in 4lause
'21.-.-. 5i6 to 5xi6. The rate shall include the provision of bitumen, at %.' per
cent by weight of the total mixture.
The variance in actual percentage of bitumen used will be assessed
and the payment ad$usted, up or down, accordingly.
Item No# 03
Pro9iin" an *ayin" 4& mm Bitumen concrete usin" crus;e stone
a""re"ate BT c;ips as per re?uire "raation an usin" emu*sion
asp;a*t as a tack coat 1 (#< k" ' /& s?mt an t;e 2&'3& "rae as;p;a*t at
<< k"'6TB.y tota* +ei";t of mi: ;ot *ai process usin" rum mi: p*ant
inc*uin" ;eatin" an mi:in" asp;a*t C materia*s .y rum mi: process
transportin" t;e mi: an *ayin" .y pa9er finis;er inc*uin"
conso*iation +it; 9i.ratory ro**er inc*uin" cost of materia*> *a.our>
mac;inery e?uipment an fue* > oi* > *u.ricant for p*ant an mac;inary
usin" contractorHs o+n p*ant an mac;ineries etc# comp*ete
<&/#/ SCOPE =-
This clause specifies the construction of 0emi Dense <itumenous 4oncrete,
for use in wearing*binder and profile corrective courses. This work shall consist of
construction in a prepared bitumenous bound surface. & single layer shall be
'mm to /&&mm in thickness.
<&/#( 6ateria*s88
504.2.1 Bitumen == The bitumen shall be paving bitumen of .enetration
3rade 5(2*,26 complying with 1ndian 0tandard specifications for Z.aving
<itumenZ 1.0.," and of the penetration indicated in Table-'22-1', for 0emi Dense
bitumenous concrete or this bitumen as modified by one of the methods specified
in 4lause-'1, or as otherwise specified in the contract. 3uidance on the selection
of an appropriate grade of bitumen in given in The 7anual for 4onstruction and
0upervision of <itumenous work.
504.2.2 Coarse A""re"ates == The coarse aggregates shall be generally as
specified in 4lause '2,.., except that the aggregates shall satisfy the physical
re#uirement of Table '22-1%.
504.2.3 Fine a""re"ates == The fine aggregates shall be all as specified in
4luae '2,.."
508.2.1 Fi**er == ;iller shall be generally as specified in 4lause '2,..%.
Where the aggregates fail to meet the re#uirements of the water sensitivity test in
Table '22-1% then percent by total weight of aggregates, of hydrated lime shall
be added without additional cost.
508.2.2 A""re"ate "rain" an .iner content == When tested in
accordance with 1.0. 1.0. "-( .art-1- 5wet sieving method6 the combined grading of
the coarse and fine aggregates and added filler shall fall within the limits shown in
table '22-1' for grading 1 or specified in the contract.
<&%#0 6i:ture 7esi"n88
<&%#0#/# Re?uirement for t;e mi:ture == &part from confirmity with the grading and
#uality re#uirement for individual
the mixture shall meet the re#uirement set out in
Table '22-1(.
T&<8! '22-1% .EX014&8 +!B)1+!7!9T ;:+ 4:&+0! &33+!3&T!0 ;:+ 0!71
D!90! <1T)7!9:)0 4:94+!T! .&D!7!9T 8&X!+0.
.roperty Test 0pecification
4leanliness 3rain si?e analysis
7ax '@ passing
2.2,'mm sieve
.article shape
;lakiness and !longation
1ndex 54ombined6
7ax "2@
8os &ngles &brasion
&ggregate 1mpact
7ax "'@
7ax ,@
0ulphate 7egnesium
7ax 1@
7ax 1-@
.olished stone value
7in ''@
Water &bsorption Water &bsorption
7ax @
4oating and stripping of
<itumen &ggregate
7aximum retained
coating /'@
Water sensitivity
+etained Tensile 0trength 7in. -2@
Notes ==
1 10="-( .art-1- ( 10="-( .art-'-
2 10="-( .art-1- , 10="-( .art-"-
5the elongation test may bedone only on non-flaky aggregates in the samples6
3 10="-( .art-%- - &&0ET:-T--"
4 10="-( .art-%- , 10="-( .art-"-
5 <0--1-.&rt-11%
&ggregate may satisfy re#uirements of either of the two tests.
The water sensitivity test is only re#uired if the minimum retained
coating in the stripping test is less than /'@
<&%#0#( Biner Content== The binder content shall be optimised to achieve
the re#uirements of the mixture set out in Table '22-1( and the traffic volume
as specified in the content. The 7arshall method for determining the optimum
binder content shall be adopted as described in the &sphalt 1nstitue 7anual
70--, replacing the aggregates retained on the (.'mm sieve and retained on
the .%mm sieve, where approved by the !ngineer-in-charge.
3rading 1 11
9ominal &ggregate si?e 12mm
8ayer thickness 'mm
1.0. sieve
4umulative @ by weight of Total agreegare passing
%' ]
",.' ]
(.' ]
1/.2 ]
1".2 122
/.'2 /2-122
%.,' "'-'1
."( %-"/
1.1- 1'-"2
2.(2 ]
2."2 /-1/
2.1' ]
2.2,' "--
M/N The combined aggregate grading shall not vary from the low limit on one
sieve to the high limit on the ad$acent sieve `a
Determined by 7arshall 7ethod.
7inimum stability 5k9 b (2
7inimum flow 5mm6
7aximum flow 5mm6 %
4ompaction level 59umber of blows6
,' blows on each of the -faces of the
.ercent air voids "-'
.ercent voids in mineral agg.5D7&6 0ee Table '22-1
.ercent voids filled with <itumen 5D;<6 ('-,-
508.3.3 !o. 6i: Formu*a ==The procedue for formulating the $ob mix formula
shall be generally as specified in 4lause '2,."." and the results of tests of
enumerated in Table '22-1( as obtained by the contractor.
508.3.4 P*ant Trai*s5Permissi.*e 9ariation in !o. 6i: Formu*a ==
The re#uirement for plant trails shall be al las specified in 4lause '2,.".% and
permissible limits for variation as shown in Table '22-1".
<&%#0#< ,ayin" Tria*s == The re#uirement for laying trials sha88 <! &88 &0
0.!41;1!D 19 48&)0! '2,.".'
<&%# 4 Construction Operations 85
<&%#4#/#Weat;er an Seasona* ,imitation =-
The .rovisions of 4lause '21.'.1 shall apply.
<&%#4#( Preparation of .ase =-
The surface on which 0.D.<.4. is to be laid shall be prepared in
accordance with 4lause '21 and /2 as appropriate or as directed by the
!ngineer-in-charge. The surface shall be thoroughly swept clean by
mechanical brooms and dust removed by compressed air. 1n locations
where a mechanical brooms cannot access, other approved methods shall
used as directed by the !ngineer-in-charge.
<&%#4#0 )eosyn;etices == Where 3eosynhetices are specified in the contract this
shall be in accordance with the re#uirement stated in 4lause ,2".
508.4.4 Stress a.sor.in" *ayer == Where a stress-absorbing layer is specified in
the contract, thius shall be in accordance with the re#uirement of 4lause
508.4.5 Tack Coat == Where specified in the contract, or otherwise re#uired by the
!ngineer, a Tack 4oat shall be applied in accordance with the re#uirement
of 4lause '22."
508.4.6 6i:in" an Transportin" of t;e 6i:ture == The provisions as specified
in 4lause '22.1." and '22.1.% shall apply.
508.4.7 Spreain" == The 3eneral .rovisions of 4lause '21.'." and '21.1.'.%
shall apply.
<&%#4#% Ro**in" == The 3eneral .rovisions of 4lause '22.1.( and '22.1., shall apply
as modifed by the approved laying trials. The compaction process shall be
carried out by the same plant, and using the same method, as approved in the
laying trials, which may be varied only with the express approval of the !ngineer
in writing.
<&%#< Openin" to Traffic =-
The newly laid surface shall not be open to the traffic for atleast %-hours after
laying and completion of compaction, without the express approval of the
!ngineer in wiriting.
<&%#2 Surfacin" Finis; C Iua*ity Contro* for Work =-
The surface finish of completed construction shall conform to the
re#uirement of 4lause /2. &ll materials and workmanship shall comply with
the provisions set out in 0ection /22 of this specification.
<&%#3 Arran"ement for Traffic =
During the period of construction, arrangement for traffic shall be made in
accordance with the .rovisions of 4lause 11.
<&%#% 6easurement for Payment=
The measurement shall be all measures for finished work on weight base in
7etric Tonne basis.
<&%#D RATE =- The contract unit rate shall be as specified in 4lause '2,./ except that
the rate shall include the provision of bitumen '.22@ 5;ive percent6, by weight of
total mixture. The variations in actual percentage of bitumen used will be
assessed and the payment ad$usted up or down, accordingly.
Item No# 0%
Pro9iin" C Fi:in" -i**a"e name .oars mae out of (mm# A*uminium
s;eet si@e D& : 2& cms rectan"*e per t;e esi"n of IRC 5 23 5 /D33 Pre
treate +it; p;osp;etin" process C aci etc;in" 8 coate +it; one coat of
epo:y primer an t+o coats of .est ?ua*ity epo:y pinte ref*ectorise +it;
retro ref*ecti9e s;eetin" as per *ates 6#O#S#T Specification 8,etters an
numera*s s;oun .e as per IRC50&5/D2%> 0#/ 6 *on" A ( nosB Stan post an
frame fa.ricate from suita.*e si@e iron an"*e of <& : <& : <mm 8 painte
+it; .est ?ua*ity epo:y coatin" in .*ack an +;ite .ens t;e etai*s of
sym.o*e or inscription ' numera*s for eac; .oar s;a** .e as per t;e
instruction for of En"ineer5in5c;ar"e> T;e fi:in" at site s;a** .e in /F(F4 CC
.*ock of si@e 4< : 4< : 2&cms# for eac; *e"# inc*uin" e:ca9ation curin"
etc#comp# uner t;e super9ision of en"ineer in c;ar"e#ABB $i"; intensity
1.2 04:.!=
The wor k shal l consi st of pr ovi di ng and f i xi ng i n 4. 4. 1= = % 5si?e of
block %' x %' x (2 cms.6 the road sign boards as per specification as under as
directed by !ngineer - in - charge.7&T!+1&80 =
The boards shall be made from mm. aluminum sheet. The sheet shall be of good
#uality approved by !ngineer - in - charge. 0tand post and frames should be
made of 7.0. angle of '2 x '2 x 'mm A ,'x,'x(mm si?e. !poxy paint and
epoxy primer shall be approved #uality and shade as approved by !ngineer - in
- charge shall be encapsulated lens type. T;e .oar s;a** .e prepare
recentan"*e ;a9in" si@e (44 x /(( cms#
".2 T+&;;14 0E190 E&D193 +!T+: +!;8!4T1D! 0E!!T193 =
%.2 3!9!+&8 +!B)1+!7!9T0 =
The retro-reflective sheeting used on the sign shall consist of white or coloured
sheeting having a smooth outer surface which has the property of retroflective over its
entire surface. 1t shall be weather resistance and show colour fastness. 1t shall be new
and unused and shall shown no evidence of cracking scaling pitting, blistering, edge
lifting or curling and shall have negligible shrinkage or expansion. & certificate of
having tested the sheeting for these properties in an unprotected outddoor exposure
facing the sun for two years and its having passed these tests shall be obtained form a
reputed laboratory by the manufacture of the sheeting. The reflective sheeting shall be
either or !ngineering 3racde material with enclosed lens or of high intensity grade with
encapsulated lens* micro prismatic type. The type of sheeting to be used would depend
upon the type functional hierchy and importance of the road.
'.2 !ngineering grade sheeting
The sheeting shall be or enclosed lens type consisting of miscroscope lens
elements embedded beneath the surfacde of a smooth transparent, water-proof
plastic resulting in a non exposed lens optical reflecting system. The retro- reflective
surface after cleaning with soap and water and in dry condition shall have the minimu
conefficient of retro reflection 5determined in accordance with &0T7 standard !--126
5&s indicated in Table -22 - 6
Ta.*e %&& 5 (
O.ser9ation an"*e Entrance
W;ite Ee**o+ Oran"e )reen Re B*ue
&#(H 4H 3& <& (#< /.22 1%.' %.22
&#(H 0& 0& (( 3#& 0#< 2#& 1.,
54 0& (< 1".' 4#< 3#< .2
50& /< /0 4#& (#( 0#& 2.-
When totally wet, the sheeting shall not show less than /2@ of the values, of
retro-reflective indicated in Table -22 - at the end of ' years, the sheeting shall
retain at loss '2@ of its original retro-reflective.
7essage 5legends, letters, numerals etc.6 and borders shall either be screend
printed or of cut - outs screen printing shall be processed and finished with
materials and in a manner specified by the sheeting manufacturer. 4ut outs shall be
or materials as specified by the sheeting manufacturer and shall be bounded with the
sheeting in manner specified by the manufacturer.
;or screen printed transparent coloured areas on white sheeting the co
efficient of retro-reflective shall not be less than '2@ 5fifty6 of the value of
corresponding colour in table -22.1 5a6, -22.15b6 and -22. as applicable. 4ut out and
borders, wherever used shall be made out of retro-reflective sheeting 5as per clause
-21.". of -21."." as applicable6 except those in black which shall be of non -
reflective sheeting.
(.2 4:8:)+=
)nless otherwise specified, the general colour scheme shall be as stipulated in 10
' colour or ready mixed paints.
Blue IS Colour No.166 : French Blue
Red IS Colour No.537 : Signl Red
!reen IS Colour No.284 : Indi !reen
"rnge IS Colour No.591 : #ee$ "rnge
The colours shall be durable and uniform in acceptable hue when viewed in day
light or under normal headlights at night.
12.2 &dhesives
The sheeting shall either have a pressure sensitive adhesive of the aggressive tack type
re#uiring no heat, solvent or other preparation for adhesion to a smooth clear surface or a
tack free adhesive activated by heat, applied in a heat vaccum applicator in a manner
recommended by the sheeting manufacture. The sheeting shall be protected by an
easily removable liner5removable by peeling without soking in water or other solvent6
and shall be suitable for the type of materials of the base plate used for the sign. The
adhesive shall form a durable bond to smooth corrosion and weather resistant surface of
the base plate such that it shall not be possible to remove the sheeting form the sign base
in one place by use of sharp instrument. 1n case of pressure sensitive adhesive sheeting
the sheeting shall be applied in accordance with the manufacturerGs specification.
0heeting with adhesive re#uiring use of solvents or other preparations for adhesive
shall be applied strictly in accordance with the manufacturerGs instructions.
11.2 +efurbishment
Where existing signs are specified for refurbishment, the sheeting shall have a
semi-rigd aluminium backing pre-coated with aggressive take type pressure sensitive
adhesive. The adhesive shall be suitable for the type of materials used for the sign and
should thoroughly bond with that material.
&lternatively, the aliminium blank shall be recycled to a finished condition and new
sheetingGs put on in an approved manner.
1.2 ;abrication
0urface to be refectorised shall be effectively prepared to received the retro-reflective
sheeting. The aluminium sheeting shall be degreeased eighter by acid or hot alkaline
etching and all scale* dust removed to obtain a smooth plain surface before the
application of retro-reflective give sheeting. 1f the surface is rough, approved surface
primer may be used. &fter cleaing, metal shall not be handed except by suitable divide
or clean canvas gloves between all cleaning and preparation operation and application of
reflective sheeting primer. There shall no opportunity for metal to come in contact with
grease, oil or other contaminates perior to the application of retro-reflective sheeting.
4omplete sheets or the materials ahll be used on the sign except where it is
unavoidable, at splices, sheeting with pressure sensitive adhesives shall be
overlapped not less than 'mm sheeting with heat activated adhesives may be
spliced with an overlap not less than ' mm or butted with a gap not exceeding
2.,'mm where screen printing with transparent colours is proposed, only butt
$oining shall be used. The materials shall cover the sign surface evenly and shall be
free from twists, cracks and folds. 4ut outs to produce legends and boarders
shall be bonded with the sheeting in the manner specified by the manufacturer
1".2 W&++&9TX &9D D)+&<181TX=
;or each lot of sheetingGs procured the contractor shall obtain from the
manufacturer a , years warranty for satisfactory field performance including
stipulated retro-reflective of the sheeting of high intensity grade and ' years
warranty for the !ngineering 3rade and submit the same to the !ngineer. 1n
addition, a , years and five years warranty for satisfactory in field performance of
the finished sign with retro-reflective sheeting of high intensity grade and
engineering grade respectively, inclusive of the screen printing or cut out
letter*legends and their ponding to the retro-reflective sheeting shall be obtained
form the contractor*supplier and passed on the !ngineer. The contractors*0upplier
shall also furnish a certification that the signs and materials supplied against the
assigned work meeting all the stiuplated re#uirements and carry the stiuplated
warranty. &ll signs shall be dated during fabrication with indelible markings to
indicate the start of warranty. The warranty shall also cover the replacement
obligation by the sheet i ng manuf act ur er as wel l as cont r act or f or
replacement*repair*restoration of the retro-reflective efficiency.
1%.2 1nstallation
0ign posts, their foundations and sign mountings shall be so constructed as to
hold these in a proper and permanent position aginst the normal storm wind loads
or displacement by vandalism. 9rmally signs with an area upto 2./ s#m. 0hall be
mounted on a single post and for greater area two or more supports shall be
provided. 0ign supports may be of mild steel reinforced concrete or galvani?ed
iron 53.1.6 posts end5s6 shall be firmly fised to the ground by means of properly
designed foundation. The work of foundation shall conform to relevant
specifications as specified.
&ll components of signs and supports other than the reflective portion and 3.1.
posts shall be throughly descaled, cleaned, primed, with two coats of epoxy paint.
&ny part of mild steel 57.06 ost below bround shall be painted with three coat of red
lead paint.
The signs shall be fixed to the posts by welding in the case of steel posts and by
bolts and washers of suitable si?e in the case of reinforced concrete or 3.1. posts.
&fter the nuts have been tightened the tails of the bolts shall be furred over with a
hammer to prevent removal.
1/.2 7!&0)+!7!9T ;:+ .&X7!9T
The measurement for standard cautionary, mandatory and information signs shall
be in number of difference types of sign supplied and fixed. Direction and place
identification signs, also shall be measured in numbers of different type of sign
supplied and fixed.
1(.2 The contract unit rate shall be payment in full for the cost making the road sign
including all materials, installing it tat the site and incidentals to complete the
work in accordance with the specifications.
1 Warranty certificate for seven years for respective grades of signs from the
sheeting manufacturer should be attached with the bid.
. & certificate of authori?ation from the sheeting manufacturer shall be
submitted with the bid.
". The responsibility for handling, upkeep and safety of the boards lies with
the contractor until the completion of work and final payment are released.
%. The contract is valid for three months from the date of work order. The
re#uired #uantity has to be supplied and fixed as and when intimated by the
'. The measurement for payment will be done only after fulfilling condition
up to the satisfaction of !xecutive !ngineer. The 122@ #uantity of supply and
fixing will be checked by Deputy !xecutive !ngineer and at least 12@ #uantity
of supply and fixing will be checked by the !xecutive !ngineer to ensure
#uality and workmanship, before passing for payments.
The contractor will have to ensure how he is going to arrange repair or
replacement of defective boards after intimation from the Division.
Item No# 0D
Pro9iin" C Fi:in" si"n .oars mae out of (mm# A*uminium s;eet si@e /
6eter : / 6eter cms as per t;e esi"n "i9en .y en"ineer in c;ar"e> Pre
treate +it; p;osp;etin" process C aci etc;in" 8 coate +it; one coat of
epo:y primer an t+o coats of .est ?ua*ity epo:y pinte ref*ectorise +it;
retro ref*ecti9e s;eetin" as per *ates 6#O#S#T Specification>,eters an
numera*s s;ou* .e as per IRC 50&5/D2%> 0#/ 6 *on" A ( nosB Stan post an
frame fa.ricate from suita.*e si@e iron an"*e of 0< : 0< 0mm C <& : <& :
<mm 3< : 3< : 2mm 8 painte +it; .est ?ua*ity epo:y coatin" in .*ack an
+;ite .ens t;e etai*s of sym.o*e or inscription ' numera*s for eac; .oar
s;a** .e as per t;e instruction for of En"ineer5in5c;ar"e> T;e fi:in" at site
s;a** .e in /F(F4 CC .*ock of si@e 4< : 4< : 2&cms# for eac; *e"# inc*uin"
e:ca9ation curin" etc#comp# uner t;e super9ision of en"ineer in c;ar"e#ABB
$i"; intensity )rae
0pecification of Item No# 0% shall be followed for the
execution of this item except the si?e of sign board made out of mm aluminum
sheet is si?e D& : D& : D& cm rectangle instead of si?e (44 : /(( cms rectangle.

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