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1. What is TCA? Tables?

A) Trading Community Architecture. It is a centralized repository of business entities such as
Partners, Customers, and Organizations etc. It is a new framewor de!eloped in Oracle ""i.
#$%PA&TI'() The #$%PA&TI'( table stores basic information about parties that can be shared
with any relationship that the party might establish with another party. Although a record in the
#$%PA&TI'( table represents a uni*ue party, multiple parties can ha!e the same name. The
parties can be one of four types)
Organization for e+ample, Oracle Corporation
Person for e+ample, ,ane -oe
.roup for e+ample, /orld /ide /eb Consortium
&elationship for e+ample, ,ane -oe at Oracle Corporation.
#$%0OCATIO1() The #$%0OCATIO1( table stores information about a deli!ery or postal
address such as building number, street address, postal code, and directions to a location. This
table pro!ides physical location information about parties 2organizations and people) and
customer accounts.
#$%PA&T3%(IT'() The #$%PA&T3%(IT'( table lins a party 2see #$%PA&TI'() and a location
2see #$%0OCATIO1() and stores location4specific party information. One party can optionally
ha!e one or more party sites. One location can optionally be used by one or more parties. This
party site can then be used for multiple customer accounts within the same party.
#$%C5(T%CO1TACT%POI1T( etc.
2. What are Base Tables or Interface Tables for Customer Conversions, Autolockbo, Auto
A) Customer Conversion:
Interface Tables ) &A%C5(TO6'&(%I1T'&7AC'%A00,
8ase Tables ) &A%C5(TO6'&(, &A%A--&'(('(, &A%(IT'%5('(%A00,
&A%C5(TO6'&%P&O7I0'(%A00, &A%P#O1'( etc
8) Auto Invoice)
Interface Tables ) &A%I1T'&7AC'%0I1'(%A00, &A%I1T'&7AC'%-I(T&I85TIO1(%A00
8ase Tables ) &A%C5(TO6'&%T&:%A00, &A%C5(TO6'&%T&:%0I1'(%A00,
C) Auto!ockBo)
Interface Tables ) A&%PA36'1T(%I1T'&7AC'%A00 2POP50AT'- 83 I6PO&T P&OC'(()
Interim tables ) A&%I1T'&I6%CA(#%&'C'IPT(%A00 2All Populated by (ubmit ;alidation)
) A&%I1T'&I6%CA(#%&CPT%0I1'(%A00,
8ase Tables ) A&%CA(#%&'C'IPT(%A00, A&%&'C'I;A80'%APP0ICATIO1(%A00,
A&%PA36'1T%(C#'-50'(%A00 2 All Populated by post *uic cash)
". What are the tables in #hich Invoices$transactions information is store%?
A) &A%C5(TO6'&%T&:%A00, The &A%C5(TO6'&%T&:%A00 table stores in!oice, debit
memo, commitment, bills recei!able, and credit memo header information. 'ach row in this table
includes general in!oice information such as customer, transaction type, and printing instructions.
&A%C5(TO6'&%T&:%0I1'(%A00, The &A%C5(TO6'&%T&:%0I1'(%A00 table stores
information about in!oice, debit memo, credit memo, bills recei!able, and commitment lines
20I1', 7&'I.#T and TA:).
&A%C5(T%T&:%0I1'%(A0'(&'P(%A00, The &A%C5(T%T&:%0I1'%(A0'(&'P(%A00 table
stores sales credit assignments for in!oice lines. If &ecei!ables bases your in!oice distributions
on sales credits, a mapping e+ists between the sales credit assignments in this table with the
&A%C5(T%T&:%0I1'%.0%-I(T%A00 table.
The &A%C5(T%T&:%0I1'%.0%-I(T%A00 table stores the accounting records for re!enue,
unearned re!enue, and unbilled recei!ables for each in!oice or credit memo line. Oracle
&ecei!ables creates one row for each accounting distribution, and at least one accounting
distribution must e+ist for each in!oice or credit memo line. 'ach row in this table includes the
.eneral 0edger account and the amount of the accounting entry.
The &A%C5(T%T&:%0I1'%(A0'(&'P(%A00 table stores sales credit assignments for in!oice
lines. If &ecei!ables bases your in!oice distributions on sales credits, a mapping e+ists between
the sales credit assignments in this table with the &A%C5(T%T&:%0I1'%.0%-I(T%A00 table.
&. What are the tables In #hich Recei't information is store%?
A&%PA36'1T%(C#'-50'(%A00, The A&%PA36'1T%(C#'-50'(%A00 table stores all
transactions e+cept ad<ustments and miscellaneous cash receipts. Oracle &ecei!ables updates
this table when acti!ity occurs against an in!oice, debit memo, chargebac, credit memo, on4
account credit, or receipt.
Transaction classes determine if a transaction relates to either the &A%C5(TO6'&%T&:%A00
table or the A&%CA(#%&'C'IPT(%A00 table. 5sing the C5(TO6'&%T&:%I- foreign ey
column, the A&%PA36'1T%(C#'-50'(%A00 table <oins to the &A%C5(TO6'&%T&:%A00
table for non4payment transaction entries, such as the creation of credit memos, debit memos,
in!oices, chargebacs, or deposits. 5sing the CA(#%&'C'IPT%I- foreign ey column, the
A&%PA36'1T%(C#'-50'(%A00 table <oins to the A&%CA(#%&'C'IPT(%A00 table for
in!oice4related payment transactions.
A&%CA(#%&'C'IPT(%A00, The A&%CA(#%&'C'IPT(%A00 table stores one record for each
receipt that you enter. Oracle &ecei!ables concurrently creates records in the
A&%CA(#%&'C'IPT%#I(TO&3%A00, A&%PA36'1T%(C#'-50'(%A00, and
A&%&'C'I;A80'%APP0ICATIO1(%A00 tables for in!oice4related receipts. 7or receipts that are
not related to in!oices, such as miscellaneous receipts, &ecei!ables creates records in the
A&%6I(C%CA(#%-I(T&I85TIO1(%A00 table instead of the
A&%&'C'I;A80'%APP0ICATIO1(%A00 table.
A&%&'C'I;A80'%APP0ICATIO1(%A00, The A&%CA(#%&'C'IPT(%A00 table stores one
record for each receipt that you enter. Oracle &ecei!ables concurrently creates records in the
A&%CA(#%&'C'IPT%#I(TO&3%A00, A&%PA36'1T%(C#'-50'(%A00, and
A&%&'C'I;A80'%APP0ICATIO1(%A00 tables for in!oice4related receipts. 7or receipts that are
not related to in!oices, such as miscellaneous receipts, &ecei!ables creates records in the
A&%6I(C%CA(#%-I(T&I85TIO1(%A00 table instead of the
A&%&'C'I;A80'%APP0ICATIO1(%A00 table. Cash receipts proceed through the confirmation,
remittance, and clearance steps. 'ach step creates rows in the A&%CA(#%&'C'IPT%#I(TO&3
(. What are the tables in #hich Accounts information is store%?
). What are the %ifferent statuses for Recei'ts?
A) 5nidentified = 0ac of Customer Information
5napplied = 0ac of Transaction>In!oice specific information 2'+4 In!oice 1umber)
Applied = /hen all the re*uired information is pro!ided.
On4Account, 1on4(ufficient 7unds, (top Payment, and &e!ersed receipt.
*. What Customi+ation that ,ou have %one for Autolockbo?
-. What is Autolockbo?
A) Auto locbo+ is a ser!ice that commercial bans offer corporate customers to enable them to
out source their account recei!able payment processing. Auto locbo+ can also be used to
transfer recei!ables from pre!ious accounting systems into current recei!ables. It eliminates
manual data entry by automatically processing receipts that are sent directly to bans. It in!ol!es
three steps
Import 27ormats data from ban file and populates the Interface Table),
;alidation2;alidates the data and then Populates data into Interim Tables),
Post ?uic Cash2Applies &eceipts and updates 8alances in 8aseTables).
.. What is Transmission /ormat?
A) Transmission 7ormat specifies how data in the locbo+ ban file should be organized such that
it can be successfully imported into recei!ables interface tables. '+ample, -efault, Con!ert,
Cross Currency, $engen are some of the standard formats pro!ided by oracle.
10. What is Auto Invoice?
A) Autoin!oice is a tool used to import and !alidate transaction data from other financial systems
and create in!oices, debit4memos, credit memos, and on account credits in Oracle recei!ables.
5sing Custom 7eeder programs transaction data is imported into the autoin!oice interface tables.
Autoin!oice interface program then selects data from interface tables and creates transactions in
recei!ables 2Populates recei!able base tables) . Transactions with in!alid information are re<ected
by recei!ables and are stored in &A%I1T'&7AC'%'&&O&(%A00 interface table.
11. What are the 1an%ator, Interface Tables in Auto Invoice?
&A%I1T'&7AC'%0I1'(%A00, &A%I1T'&7AC'%-I(T&I85TIO1(%A00
12. What are the 2et u' re3uire% for Custom Conversion, Autolockbo an% Auto Invoice?
A) Autoin!oice program 1eeds AutoAccounting to be defined prior to its e+ecution.
1". What is AutoAccountin4?
A) 8y defining AutoAccounting we specify how the recei!ables should determine the general
ledger accounts for transactions manually entered or imported using Autoin!oice. &ecei!ables
automatically creates default accounts2Accounting 7le+ field !alues) for re!enue, ta+, freight,
financial charge, unbilled recei!able, and unearned re!enue accounts using the AutoAccounting
1&. What are Autocash rules?
A) Autocash rules are used to determine how to apply the receipts to the customers outstanding
debit items. Autocash &ule (ets are used to determine the se*uence of Autocash rules that Post
?uiccash uses to update the customers account balances.
"@. /hat are .rouping &ulesA 25sed by Autoin!oice)
A) .rouping rules specify the attributes that must be identical for lines to appear on the same
transaction. After the grouping rules are defined autoin!oice uses them to group re!enues and
credit transactions into in!oices debit memos, and credit memos.
"B. /hat are 0ine Ordering &ulesA 25sed by Autoin!oice)
A) 0ine ordering rules are used to order transaction lines when grouping the transactions into
in!oices, debit memos and credit memos by autoin!oice program. 7or instance if transactions are
being imported from oracle order management , and an in!oice line ordering rule for sales%order
%line is created then the in!oice lists the lines in the same order of lines in sales order.
"C. In which table you can see the amount due of a customerA
A) A&%PA36'1T%(C#'-50'(%A00
"D. #ow do you tie Credit 6emo to the In!oiceA
At table le!el, In &A%C5(TO6'&%T&:%A00, If you entered a credit memo, the
P&';IO5(%C5(TO6'&%T&:%I- column stores the customer transaction I- of the in!oice that
you credited. In the case of on4account credits, which are not related to any in!oice when the
credits are created, the P&';IO5(%C5(TO6'&%T&:%I- column is null.
"E. /hat are the a!ailable 9ey 7le+ 7ields in Oracle &ecei!ablesA
A) (ales Ta+ 0ocation 7le+ field, ItFs used for sales ta+ calculations.
Territory 7le+ field is used for capturing address information.
GH. /hat are Transaction typesA Types of Transactions in A&A
A) Transaction types are used to define accounting for different transactions such as -ebit 6emo,
Credit 6emo, On4Account Credits, Charge 8acs, Commitments and in!oices.
G". /hat is AutoAssociatingA
GG. /hat are the issues you faced in AutoIn!oice and Autolocbo+A

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